The fastest and most effective ways to find out who your Internet provider is. The fastest and most effective ways to find out who your Internet provider is. In what cases is a provider created?

It was just being designed, few people had heard the term “provider”. And now this word is constantly heard. It can be translated from English as “supplying” (that is, “provider”). This legal entity is a company that provides services related to connecting to the Internet. However, let's, as usual, understand the essence of the phenomenon in order.

Brief classification

In addition to providing a connection, such pleasant add-ons as hosting services, a licensed antivirus for Windows OS, a DNS server, and an electronic mailbox are possible. Of course, if the company is reputable and cares about increasing the number of clients.

However, the concept of “hosting provider” is not very popular. More often they simply say “hosting”, meaning the services of providing space for a website and generally storing something on a server.

The first level is backbone providers. They manage, respectively, the main channels, providing Internet connection to entire countries or even continents, pumping unimaginable amounts of data at fantastic speeds. Typically via fiber optic cables and satellite communications.

The second level is firms that:

  1. connect to the main lines and pay them for traffic;
  2. resell traffic to the population.

There may be a third level - offices that resell traffic again. This is true far from large cities, in the wilderness. In any case, the one who provides the connection directly to the user is called the “last mile provider”.

Last mile

The above consumer connection can be delivered: 1) via cables, most often - via wires telephone network; 2) via radio broadcast.

A typical case of servicing an average apartment is connecting a router with a Wi-Fi adapter to the telephone line. Local home network It turns out to be terrestrial, but the connection with the provider is wired.

Sometimes you can still find inexpensive GPRS/EDGE modems. They are suitable if high speed no data exchange required. However, more on practicality later.

How to live with it

Let's assume that you, as a home user, have done the following: 1) entered into an agreement with the provider; 2) purchased a laptop for work. Taciturn people came to you, placed a router somewhere on a shelf next to a landline telephone, screwed in the wires, glanced at whether the Wi-Fi network was working, and left.

Now, as soon as connection interruptions begin, you will have to call and be indignant. Or suffer in silence if the phone line doesn't work either.

During the daytime, you can go with your laptop somewhere in the city center where there is open networks Wi-Fi, scouted by you in advance. What to do if there is no connection in the office? You can’t send your entire office to work in a cafe or supermarket. Means:

  1. plug a 3G modem into one of the computers;
  2. we turn this machine into a local server capable of distributing the connection received through mobile communications.

That is, a computer with a cellular modem can serve as an Internet access point. This feature is implemented in any self-respecting operating system.

True, all social networks will have to be blocked, because mobile traffic, as a rule, is not unlimited.


Ordinary users have virtually no influence on the activities of backbone providers; they have no business with them (with rare exceptions). But they can improve the quality of service on the last mile. In what way exactly? Boycott companies that do hack work. And tell about them to friends, acquaintances, at work, on blogs and forums. The market with its self-regulation will do the rest.

And, of course, when choosing a provider, wired or mobile (its modem), you should focus not on colorful advertising, but on existing reviews from ordinary people.

Previous publications:

From Chinese manufacturers they allow you to connect wireless modems for third generation 3G networks and are equipped with an Ethernet connector.

But for a beginner who bought a computer yesterday and doesn’t know what a provider is, connecting to the Internet poses a whole problem. This is quite normal, there is a first time for everything, and even an arrogant computer scientist once timidly wrote down the necessary terms and actions on a piece of paper. The difficulty is that it is not always obvious where to go and what to do to connect to Internet services. In technical and grocery supermarkets you won’t find a product called “Internet” on the shelves. But thanks to the developed media system, everyone has heard the word “provider” at least once. This is exactly what you need! What is a provider? It's actually quite simple. A provider is a company that provides a number of services related to the Internet for a fee.

However, you can’t look at everything one-sidedly, because there are specifics, and the question of what a provider is requires several answers. Depending on the specifics of the services provided, these companies are divided into areas:

Hosting the customer’s network resources on their sites.

Large companies, which own the main communication channels with the global network, as a rule, sell part of their free network traffic to smaller associations, and they, in turn, distribute it to end consumers. This is the hierarchy. Therefore, it is impossible to know for sure what a provider is. Everything is determined by specificity.

In cities, there is a constant struggle among providers for subscribers: either tariffs are reduced, or free access To local server is provided, then various promotions are held. In such conditions ordinary users the network can only decide

Several companies usually offer their services at once. To make a wise choice, you should first of all familiarize yourself with the tariff plans of each provider and choose the one that suits you best. Some people need unlimited access, while others connect to the Internet only to check email and he will be satisfied with per-megabyte payment. After choosing, you need to find out reviews from people who use the services of this provider. You need to ask both in the real world and on forums. If it turns out that the disadvantages exceed the advantages, then we choose another service provider.

If the connection is made through wire lines, and the conditions are approximately equal, then preference should be given to companies with optical communication channels rather than the usual copper wires.

Many providers provide time for free Internet use, which allows you to evaluate quality, speed and reliability. You should not ignore such a proposal: after all, it’s better to see it once.

Large providers are more preferable than small offices and, especially, private individuals (there are such people). The reason is obvious: in case of the slightest problems with communication, the subscriber is provided with prompt support for all issues that arise. In addition, you don’t have to worry that in a month or two the fly-by-night provider will disappear without a trace.

Everything is much more complicated when connected to wireless internet. Not distributed through Wi-Fi equipment, but working through stations of GSM and CDMA mobile operators. Expect top theoretical speeds and inexpensive unlimited tariff plans shouldn't - these are privileges wired networks. The main thing about them is the coverage area, the wider it is, the better.

And other Internet-related services.

Services provided by your ISP may include:

  • Internet access via dial-up and dedicated channels;
  • allocation of disk space for storing and ensuring the operation of sites (hosting);
  • work support mailboxes or virtual mail server;
  • placement of the client’s equipment on the provider’s site (colocation);
  • rental of dedicated and virtual servers;
  • data backup;
  • and others.

Internet providers can be divided into types according to the services they provide:

  • access providers;
  • hosting providers;
  • main lines (English) backbone) providers;
  • channel providers;
  • last mile providers;
  • and others.

Among the access providers we can highlight primary (main) - having trunk communication channels in their ownership - and secondary (urban) - renting communication channels from primary ones. Primary providers usually sell traffic only in large volumes and provide services to other providers, not individual users, although there are exceptions.

From a legal point of view, an Internet provider is a telecom operator that has a license for one of the following types of services:

  • Communication services for the provision of communication channels.
  • Communication services in the data network, with the exception of voice information transmission.
  • Communication services for the transmission of voice information in a data network.
  • Telematic communication services.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Provider” is in other dictionaries:

    Noun, number of synonyms: 4 Internet provider (1) supplier (15) host provider ... Dictionary of synonyms

    - [English] provider supplier, supplier] an organization that provides information or communication services (for example, connecting to the Internet (INTERNET)). Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. provider company that... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    provider- Organizations providing information services. [GOST R 52872 2007] provider An organization that provides access services to a telecommunications network. Topics information technology in general EN provider ... Technical Translator's Guide

    English provider company that organizes and provides access to computer network Internet. Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Dictionary of business terms

    PROVIDER- operator providing the client with connection to (see) ... Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia

    provider- 3.19 provider: An entity that has or has received the right to create a designated file in the card. Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    - [de], a; m. [English] provider] An organization that provides access to electronic means communications. P. mobile communications. Select an Internet provider. Provider services. * * * PROVIDER PROVIDER (English provider, from provide to supply, supply),… … Encyclopedic Dictionary

    See Art. Internet. Encyclopedia "Technology". M.: Rosman. 2006… Encyclopedia of technology

    provider- Prov Aider, and... Russian spelling dictionary

    provider- neol. (from the English provider) an organization that provides access to any service... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky


  • Economics and management: problems, solutions No. 11/2015, Absent. The magazine contributes to the accumulation of scientific, theoretical and practical creative potential of universities, entrepreneurs and enterprise management for the study of economic, financial and… e-book
  • .. Or death? Yard Catechism of the Russian Man, Andrey Nikolaevich Kochergin. This book is about how to build the future of Russia, based on its glorious past, taking into account the mistakes of the present. Author - Kochergin Andrey Nikolaevich, born in 1964, Russian, Orthodox,…

IN modern world a lot of interesting, polyphonic words. XX century - century information technology brought us many additional terms and definitions - Internet, browser, provider.

About modern technologies

It is difficult for us to imagine that there were times when there was no Internet... There was no opportunity to download new products from the world of cinema and music. It was impossible to “go out” to the INTERNET.

And now, it’s time to figure out where he came from. So, we all have a computer, laptop, tablet. But this is only half the success. To access the Internet you need a PROVIDER.

The concept of "provider"

And there are a million such advertisements - in every city. Translated from English, the word –provider– literally means supplier. Numerous companies provide the services of Internet providers to access the Internet. The service delivery scheme is as follows:

  1. You submit a request to receive the information you are interested in.
  2. The server (another new word) processes this request and connects you with a specific virtual page from global system INTERNET.
  3. The remote provider's server connects your computer to the global network.

Interesting. Where do providers get Internet from? There are about a dozen large providers in the world, they are sometimes called backbone providers. Accordingly, they distribute the Internet to large areas.


Everything seems simple. However, it is important to remember. Internet providers charge users for their services. Different providers may set their own rates.

Choosing a provider is not always easy, so use the advice of friends or acquaintances when choosing a good and high-quality provider.

Good luck to everyone on the site! Everyone who decided to connect, and even more so change the Internet, was faced with such a problem as choosing a provider to connect access to the network. In this article, we will tell you what providers there are and how to connect to them.

What are Internet providers and what types are they?

So, an Internet Service Provider is a company or organization that provides Internet access to everyone, as well as all additional options. This is both the Internet itself and disk space on the server, etc. Now this list for almost everyone includes access to Internet television and telephony.

Internet providers can be divided into two groups - primary providers and secondary providers. The first ones are main ones, i.e. have their own Internet lines, or backbones. That's why they are called that. The latter rent channels from providers of the first group and already distribute them to clients. Naturally, connecting the services of providers of the first group is much more profitable.

In addition, there are also the following groups of providers:

  • Broadband Internet access provider - ISP. It connects clients to high-speed Internet via Ethernet technologies, aDSL, FTTB;
  • Dial-up provider. Here Internet access is provided using dial-up technology;
  • Provider wireless access. Connects network access via Wi-Fi technologies and WiMAX;
  • Provider satellite internet or cable;
  • Hosting provider - ISP. Provides domain name registration and hosting services.

Despite this variety of types of service providers, their total number is not that large. Only the most popular ones number about 115. There are many more users, not tens, but thousands of times. One provider accounts for from several thousand to several million users.

For example, this one major provider like Rostelecom there are almost 12.5 million users. It goes without saying that all throughput The Internet provider's communication channel is divided differently among all users. The more a person pays, the faster his Internet access is. Access without restrictions is called unlimited and is the most expensive.

Examples of Internet providers

Of all the Internet providers, I would like to note several of the largest. The first one, which is well known to many and the majority of the country's population uses its services, is Rostelecom. The company was founded in 1993 and registered since 2006 in St. Petersburg. A little later, in June 2006, Rostelecom acquired the IP telephony operator Zebra Telecom from Starford Investment, a company registered in Cyprus.

Currently, the total length of the Rostelecom network is more than 200 thousand km. We can say that this is the largest “network” in Russia.

The provider provides not only Internet services, but also television, as well as home phone. However, most providers offer just such a range of services.

Another popular company is ER-Telecom Holding JSC. It was founded as ER-Telecom CJSC in 2001 in Perm. In March 2015, the name of the company changed from CJSC to JSC ER-Telecom Holding.

This company is better known for its telecommunications services, which are provided under the following terms: trademarks, like “”, “ Business”, “Enforta”, “Electronic City”. The company operates in 567 cities of Russia.

Services provided by the company:

  • Analog and digital cable television TV;
  • Movix (this is a multi-platform Internet service “ Movix” for Smart TV, PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones which contains all the TV channels and an online cinema with a paid video library);
  • Internet and Wi-Fi;
  • Cellular communications and MegaFon (In 2016, JSC ER-Telecom Holding (“”) and PJSC MegaFon created a joint project, the meaning of which is that subscribers using the services of both companies receive a discount for communication services);

Common popular providers are well-known cellular network operators: MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Tele 2 and Yota. Each of them is significant in its own way and provides its own range of services.

Beeline is a VimpelCom group of companies that offers mobile and fixed telephony services, international and long-distance communications, data transmission, Internet access based on wireless and wired solutions and WiFi. According to the international organization Interbrand Group/BusinessWeek, Beeline is a leader in the ranking of the most valuable Russian brands.

Regarding PJSC " Mobile TeleSystems"or MTS for short is the largest mobile operator in Russia and the CIS countries. Serves more than 200 million subscribers from 82 regions of Russia. In addition, MTS is present in Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

Third popular mobile operator Megafon was founded in May 2002. The provider covers almost the entire territory of Russia and serves more than 140 million people. In 2016, together with ER-Telecom Holding JSC, it provides services cellular communication subscribers of ER-Telecom Holding (

How to find out your provider and how to contact him?

There are plenty of situations when you don’t know the provider you either use, or used once, but forgot. Naturally, the question arises of how to recognize this same provider.

The most obvious thing is to try to find documents for concluding an agreement. If the agreement cannot be found, you can use another method. But for this you need the Internet. Go to a special website to check your Internet speed, Speedtest. We run the check and get information about both Internet speed and provider, as well as much more.

Similarly, you can find out more detailed information and not only about the provider on

These are the main ways to find out a provider. After you have identified your provider, find either on the Internet or in any directory an address with telephone numbers where you can contact the provider. Well, now you also know which provider to choose. Good luck!
