What people are willing to pay a lot of money for. Where does money come from online and who pays it? What kind of information do they pay money for?

What do people pay and will pay money for on the Internet?

Date: 2010-09-18

What can you sell online?

This is probably one of the most exciting questions that all Internet Entrepreneurs and those who are just planning to start a business on the Internet ask themselves.

On my email come often different options this question. Mostly, visitors to my site and readers of the newsletter ask not out of idle curiosity - people are afraid to start their own business without knowing what to sell. Many are tormented by doubts: “What if I don’t succeed? What should I sell? What will they pay money for?” etc. etc.

Well, let's look at this issue. Let me make a reservation right away: in this article I express my point of view, based on my own experience and mistakes (maybe you think differently).

Several years ago I asked myself this same question. Having sifted through a bunch of information on the Internet: articles, reports, reports, etc. I studied (and am still studying and following) the activities successful businessmen Runet. And finally, I made an important conclusion for myself.

On the Internet, people mainly pay for several categories of digital goods. Yes, digital ones, because everything that can be downloaded via the Internet is digital goods. We are not talking now about online stores that send physical goods. To “raise” this niche, you need to invest a lot of money, starting from the goods themselves to delivery and distribution services. It's about about the opportunity to start your own online business from scratch, in the shortest possible time and for almost anyone with minimal investment.

So, what do people pay for online? What digital goods are being bought and will be bought, which means they will always pay.

1. High-quality information that helps solve problems.

3. Access to porn sites.

Of course, this is not all that brings good income, but these are the main categories of digital goods.

Now let's look at each of these three points in detail, starting from the end.

I immediately excluded porn sites from the list of things I would do. Firstly, I think it’s immoral, and secondly, I’m simply not interested in it.

Software is high-quality and popular programs, or as they say software. Today is the age of computers and it is difficult to find a house where there is not at least one computer. This means that this niche will always be in demand. If you are a good programmer, then success is guaranteed for you here. But I also rejected this niche for myself, I’m not that cool of a programmer.

But high-quality and relevant information- this is a very wide field of activity and Almost anyone can turn around here, from a schoolchild to a pensioner. Let's take a closer look here.

It is in this niche that most Internet Businessmen work. Moreover, these people became Internet Businessmen selling information and your personal experience . Moreover, if a few years ago they mainly sold information on the topic (or variations of this topic): “How to make money on the Internet?”, Today it is successfully sells information on absolutely any topic.

We all have our own individual life experiences and knowledge. It is this knowledge and experience that you can successfully sell. It is very much appreciated practical information, errors and pitfalls that may occur in a particular field of activity.

It is enough to formalize this knowledge in an appropriate way, for example in the form e-book in either format, or in the form of educational video lessons. Put it on the Internet, having made it yourself (there is no need for a cool portal here), it is enough to have a website of 1-2 pages with a description of your product (such sites are called selling ones) and that’s it, consider that you are already an Internet Businessman.

For example, you are a wonderful housewife and know how to cook or sew well. Write a book about delicious and healthy food, give your signature recipes for exotic dishes. And it doesn’t matter that such books are already on the Internet. The main thing here is your personal experience. Or collect your collection of sewing patterns and make a collection of “Clothes for babies” or “Clothes for expectant mothers”, etc.

Or maybe you are a home craftsman, a person with golden hands? Then you are guaranteed success. Collect and systematize your knowledge, and you will come up with, for example, a collection of “Practical tips for do-it-yourself electrical repairs” or “100 tips for a home handyman” or “Do-it-yourself home appliance repair.” The list could take a very long time.

Of course, these are just a few examples.

And there is no need to write abstrusely here, present complex formulas and calculations. Remember at school and institute, when we studied the theoretical part of the exact sciences... For example, I wanted to sleep... But I really loved practical experiences and experiments, and all my friends only loved practice.

Likewise on the Internet, people will pay for practice and your experience, presented in simple human language, and not for boring theory. And everyone has experience and practice, I’m sure of that. And the older a person is, the more and richer the knowledge, which means the greater the opportunity to create many information products.

The main thing in quality information is your personal experience. These are the mistakes that you made and which the buyer should not make. After all, he pays for this, for all your trials and errors in finding the most profitable and simple way to solve a certain problem.

All in all, digital, information goods are everything that will help solve our everyday problems or avoid them altogether. If you know something like this, then you can already earn money!

I hope I answered the question: “What people pay and will pay for on the Internet.”

And finally, I want to say that you shouldn’t be afraid to start doing business on the Internet, thinking that you need a lot of knowledge, 2-3 diplomas, plus more huge amount money to start. This is all nonsense. The main thing is not to sit and dream, but to actually do something!

Anyone can do business online, even without a higher education. There is no need for acquaintances or connections here. Here everything depends only on you personally. You can learn everything here much faster. In just 2-3 months you can already understand many concepts normally and know what and how. And experience will come to you on its own, take my word for it. Therefore, put aside doubts, start and you will succeed!

I'm trying everyone I meet on the net services where you can make money without initial investment. I linger on some, and leave others behind. Some I like, others I find inconvenient. Some pay consistently, while on others the administration behaves incomprehensibly. To save you from thorny path trial and error , I will publish on this page services I've tried , but only those Where to me managed to make a profit . To make it easier for you to navigate, I will add each link brief description of the service provided.

The material is arranged in this order:

service banner;

service description;

To go to the service, click on the banner.

Seosprint One of best services active advertising. The essence of earning money: follow the suggested links - click, “read” advertising letters, perform simple tasks (for example, go to a specific site, open 3 different pages site) or tests. Read more.

PofitCenter Also a representative of ATS services – active advertising systems. You need to click on the links provided, open paid emails, and complete tasks. Read more.

WMmail Typical SAR: clicks, letters, tasks. Popular and has a good reputation. Read more.

SEO fast An active advertising system with a developed structure of referrals and refbacks. Type of earnings: paid views of advertisers' materials. Read more.

WMZona The site provides several options for earning money: paid clicks, writing articles, mining - providing computer system resources to a third party. Read more.

eBesuher German active advertising system with Russian language support. The job consists of browsing websites and emails. (autosurfing) Read more.

Rubserf.ru Work for this service- a great way to add a few hundred rubles to your pocket. Withdrawal of funds from 10 kopecks.

Money is a medium of exchange between people, a kind of flow of energy. By transferring this means of payment to each other, people share different energies with each other. What a person is willing to pay a lot of money for can be understood by observing, for example, his friends.

First of all, people don’t hesitate to give their money to solve their own problems. Although, in fact, most of them do not exist, a person is simply accustomed to calling a problem what he does not like, for example, any development of events prepared for him by fate. So it turns out that people part with a lot of money for far-fetched problems.

Money often buys the experience of specialists and the services they provide to save personal time. People invest enormous amounts of money into a roof over their heads, real estate with all the amenities, and buying furniture.

They are often busy moving and spending their money on it.

Money flows into a business like water; it requires a lot of funds for promotion.

For transporting the body from point - A to point - B. The means of this transportation can be an airplane, a car, cargo transportation, again, all this is paid for and purchased to save your personal time.

Can everything be bought?

People are willing to pay for entertainment and emotions. But, the strangest thing is that entertainment is paid for along with alcohol, which ruins a person’s health. After this, huge sums are invested in its restoration.

This could be treatment, psychological help, prevention, vitamins, a gym, proper nutrition.

Also people pay for their education which is a necessity nowadays. To obtain any specialty and profession, there are many institutions such as schools, institutes, universities, training courses, and all this has been opened to improve the quality of life.

The need to give your hard-earned money arises from the desire to make life convenient and comfortable. For this purpose, people purchase equipment and electronics.

Very often, some men and women pay for aesthetic pleasure, such as art. They buy paintings, visit theaters and cinemas, listen to or write music.

What about beauty? After all, a woman seems to strive for this all her life! Visiting beauty salons, fitness clubs, yoga, shopping and decorating the body with expensive metal and stones.

Today people pay for one thing - for the opportunity to achieve the desired state of affairs! Do not forget that happiness does not lie in wealth, because money cannot buy either time or love.

Any normal person looking for a job online quickly understands what money is paid for on the Internet:

  • for honest and conscientious work,
  • exclusive skills,
  • knowledge,
  • usefulness of the services provided.

Where do you pay money online?

There is a huge demand for a variety of services online. Remuneration depends on the complexity and quality of the activity. Prices also depend on the employer’s solvency and his budget.

The range of payments for various services is quite wide. Even within the same activity, prices vary significantly. Performers who write articles can receive 10 rubles for one text or $10 thousand. The last amount is not the limit. There are copywriters whose services are valued much higher.

Texts for which people pay money on the Internet

The essence of copywriting is to solve the problems of the employer, whose role is the customer (client), using text. In fact, real copywriters are paid not for writing, but for solving problems:

  • attract subscribers, buyers,
  • sell a product,
  • increase conversion,
  • bring the page to the TOP,
  • increase attendance.

The more significant the problem that the copywriter has to solve using text, the higher his fee.

Copywriting is a creative profession, but it has nothing to do with writing and artistic composition of texts. A copywriter is an analyst with developed thinking and logic that suggests right choice information used as the basis for a future article.

Why a copywriter is paid money on the Internet - a small example

1. You have to write a review of 500 characters. Describe your own perception of a certain product in your own words. For example, evaluate a vacuum cleaner model. Some authors do not bother to read the characteristics of the model. They know everything about vacuum cleaners. In 10 minutes, a review is ready about how well the device copes with cleaning the apartment. Such work costs 20 rubles. Spent 10 minutes, earn 20. It’s not bad if the customer is satisfied with the text.

2. A copywriter received an offer to write texts for a glossy magazine. As test task you need to write a short note of 500 characters worth $2 thousand. One attempt is given, there will not be a second. Its publication must recoup the fee, placement costs, and make a profit. An accompanying condition: if the text does not cover the costs, the hapless author must cover them from his own pocket. It is clear that the refund amount will exceed the fee received.

Question: How long will it take a copywriter to write the required 500 characters, avoid failure, and be accepted into the ranks of the magazine’s authors?

It’s clear that it won’t work: jot down the first thoughts that come to mind, re-read it, make sure there are no mistakes, and hand it over to the customer. The second example is much more complicated. The author will carefully select every word, rearrange sentences millions of times, endlessly cross out and replace fragments. It's difficult to predict how long it will take. A few minutes will not do; hours and days will be spent if there are no strict restrictions on delivery time.

Logical conclusion

Now it’s clear where copywriters are paid money on the Internet, for what, in what amounts? It is absolutely clear why the huge army of performers on content exchanges prefers to write for pennies. It’s much easier to draft a text for 15-20 rubles. If the customer has any complaints, there is a compelling argument: “What is the payment, so is the text.”

Many clients are satisfied with the price they charge. It’s easy to modify the finished text yourself. It is profitable for performers to work at low prices: claims are rarely made against them, usually only for blatant and. If it turns out tolerable, both sides are happy. The cooperation suits me.

Performers do not have to strain; it is enough to depict something intelligible and readable in the texts. Therefore they are not interested in . Everything is fine, why complicate life, study, if you can make good money anyway.

Texts for which good money is paid on the Internet imply:

  1. The effectiveness and responsibility of the copywriter for the final result.
  2. The ability to correctly understand and competently solve assigned tasks: a copywriter must find a systematic approach to each task.
  3. The author has analytical thinking and the ability to select high-quality information.
  4. Possession of persuasion, sales, and psychological techniques for influencing consumers.

Any person who has these


An entrepreneur views the Internet as a huge platform on which there are future or current clients companies, and website Examples: corporate website, blog, online store, media, information portal, thematic portal, services, forum, social network or a website page - like an office, where you can use them communicate Examples: inform about the assortment, new arrivals of goods, discounts, sales, tariffs, details, convince of the quality of the product, discredit competitors. And it is he who someone who wants to sell something Examples: store of electrical equipment, furniture, clothing, shoes, household chemicals..., manufacturer sporting goods, heating equipment, aviation equipment, medicines, baby food..., travel agency, restaurant, plant or animal nursery, circus, theater or musical group, taxi, law office, owner of a used car, computer, sofa..., primarily invests money and the Internet.

Domain Administrator
Domain name registrarPer use domain Examples: yandex.ru, google.com, vk.com, website
(domain name reseller)
For re-registering a domain in your name
Site owner
Hosting companyFor hosting site files on the server (so that the site is present on the Internet)
To the designerFor design user interface and its artistic design (to make the site look beautiful)
To the layout designerFor creating the page layout (so that the site is displayed in a browser window; code used: HTML, CSS)
To the programmerFor developing programs (so that you can interact with the site; code used: Assembly, BASIC, C, Java, JavaScript, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby)
HackerFor reporting a vulnerability in the program (so that the site cannot be hacked)
UsabilistFor recommendations that will lead to improvement of the user interface: it should become intuitive and persuade a person to take the desired action, for example, make an order (so that the site is convenient and brings more profit)
CopywriterFor an article, translation, advertising text, fabricated review of a product/service/company, a comment that unobtrusively offers a product or support for a particular political course (so that there is something to see on the site)
SEO optimizer search engines Examples: Yandex, Google
SMO and SMM optimizerFor increasing the number of visitors from social networks Examples: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, forums, blogs
To the specialized service and program ownerFor tools that solve SEO or marketing problems Examples: mass controlled automatic email distribution, analysis of call statistics,
OtherFor creation quality presentations, videos, photos, banners, etc.
Tenant or buyer of the site
To the site ownerFor renting a website/section of a website
For a ready-made website, which may already have regular visitors
Information siteFor posting an article
For placement and one or two offers
For placement
For placement
For adding a commercial to the video
To an intermediary participating in the affiliate program (including arbitrageur)For attracting a buyer
Service intermediary between buyer and seller Examples: Yandex.Market, Telderi, Avito, HeadHunter, Mamba, gambling sites For attracting the final buyer, for organizing comfortable conditions, for guaranteeing a fair transaction, for highlighting an ad, for increasing its position


Since banks began to have personal online accounts, there have been more buyers, as it has become easier to transfer money online.

Buyer of goods/services
Online store, private personFor product Examples: clothing, shoes, children's toys, household appliances , incl. made or grown by hand Examples: dolls, embroidered tablecloths, caricatures from photographs, cakes, puppies, aquarium fish
Organizations, individualsFor services Examples: filling out a tax return, developing an architectural project, utility and communication services, often ordering and paying for train, plane, concert, theater and circus tickets
To the owner of the programFor program Examples: graphic editors(the most famous of which is Photoshop), video editors, antivirus programs, games, paid applications, programs that allow you to build product sales forecasts (for logisticians)
For advanced program features Examples: only the paid option allows you to take a screenshot of the entire page (including scrolling); a tank in “World of Tanks” can be purchased for real money, and not the experience accumulated by the player
To the owner of the information productFor e-book, film, clip, audio recording
Online payment service Examples: Yandex.Money, WebMoney, Sberbank, Alfa-Bank For conducting cashless online transactions
Web projectFor access to information Examples: to the resume database; to the base of regulatory legal acts; to the telephone database of residential property owners in Sochi who rent out real estate
To the consultantFor paid recommendations Examples: consultations with a lawyer, accountant, psychotherapist, blogger, training, online trainings

Other (high risks)

Not many web projects can boast multiple sources of funding. HeadHunter is one of these. You definitely need to take a look at his ideas: for employers, for those wishing to find a job, for advertisers. It collects money from everyone, offers additional paid tools, but at the same time does not look cheap and has a huge audience. Bravo!

Working on the Internet: how can you make real money?

So, there is both money and work on the Internet! But here everything is just like offline. There are large players, such as Svyaznoy, Eldorado, M-Video, who own the majority of the pie, and small ones who get the crumbs. There are both hired workers and individual entrepreneurs. There are both superiors and subordinates. There are highly qualified specialists who receive decent wages, and people who do monkey work, for example, surfing (viewing advertiser sites). Unfortunately, there are also swindlers, deceivers, and criminals.

In general, the following areas are highlighted where you can really make money from scratch, without having any special knowledge, skills or funds:

  1. get a job at a company that services websites, where work experience is not necessary,
  2. look for orders yourself on freelancer and copywriter exchanges, you can start with various simple tasks on Advego,

    Author's note: Personally, I did one thing at one time to understand that this is not mine, that I lack the incentive to create high-quality materials for third-party resources for a long period of time, that I can take on part-time work for a fee only from time to time.

  3. become the owner of a website (including a blog) or a website page (including social network VKontakte or YouTube). Not suitable for those who want to make quick money.

The advantages of working on the Internet

When talking about how a beginner can make money on the Internet, one cannot help but talk about the advantages of this type of activity. But there are no physical and age restrictions. You can work

  1. remotely, both sitting at home and traveling,
  2. according to any schedule and with any load,
  3. combining with studies or main business.

But it is required high level self-discipline, self-learning, perseverance and patience.
