Federal program for the comprehensive development of single-industry towns. Summary plan of the priority program




On measures of the Government of the Russian Federation
on the implementation of the priority program
"Comprehensive development of single-industry towns"

Having heard information from the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation on the measures of the Government of the Russian Federation to implement the priority program “Integrated development of single-industry towns”, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation notes the following.

Ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of single-industry towns of the Russian Federation is one of the most important tasks of the state, a necessary condition for a decent life for citizens living in these settlements.

The priorities outlined in the messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and the tasks set in the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012, determined the development of the priority program “Integrated development of single-industry towns”, the passport of which was approved by the presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and priority projects.

The list of single-industry municipalities of the Russian Federation (single-industry towns), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 2014 No. 1398-r, includes 319 municipalities in 61 constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which
13.5 million people (about 10 percent of the country's population). The economically active population is
7.3 million people. The average unemployment rate in single-industry towns exceeds the Russian average by more than 1.5 times.

The issue of restructuring and development of single-industry municipalities, the economy of which is completely dependent on one city-forming enterprise, is currently quite acute due to undeveloped infrastructure, outdated technologies and deterioration of fixed assets of city-forming enterprises, low level of cooperation between industry enterprises and other factors. At the same time, the program for the integrated development of single-industry towns is based on such basic advantages as a high level of general education of the population, the presence of scientific and engineering schools in a number of promising areas of industry, a favorable geographical location and an extensive domestic market.

Along with the strong dependence of the economy of single-industry towns on changing market conditions, the main problems of their development include risks when releasing employees of city-forming enterprises, the outflow of qualified personnel, infrastructure restrictions for creating new businesses, low investment attractiveness of single-industry towns, low quality of the urban environment, and also, in some cases, high level of environmental pollution.

In the current situation, it is the diversification of the economy of single-industry municipalities, including the creation of non-core industries with new jobs, as well as improving the quality of the urban environment in single-industry towns that can have a positive effect.

Currently, the non-profit organization “Fund for the Development of Single-Industry Towns” has been created and operates. To implement its main tasks, it is planned to allocate budgetary allocations from the federal budget in the amount of 6.5 billion rubles in 2017, 4.7 billion rubles in 2018, 4.7 billion rubles in 2019.

In order to stimulate internal entrepreneurial resources and increase the attractiveness of single-industry towns for external investors, such a mechanism is used
support as an opportunity to create territories of advanced socio-economic development in the territories of single-industry towns. Residents of territories of rapid socio-economic development in single-industry towns are provided with benefits on corporate income tax, corporate property tax and land tax. Reduced rates of insurance contributions to state extra-budgetary funds are established. To date, territories of rapid socio-economic development have been created in 14 single-industry towns, in the territories of which 20 residents are registered, which should help create more than 5,100 jobs and attract
1.5 billion rubles by 2026.

The implementation of these measures, as well as other activities of the priority program “Comprehensive Development of Single-Industry Towns” will help create conditions for the launch of new alternative industries that will contribute to the diversification of the economy of single-industry towns and, as a result, reducing the number of municipalities classified as single-industry ones.

Considering the above, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Take into account the information of the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation on the measures of the Government of the Russian Federation to implement the priority program “Integrated development of single-industry towns”.

continue the implementation of measures for the comprehensive development of single-industry towns, providing for support for investment projects in order to diversify the economy of single-industry municipalities and relieve tension in the labor market, including using the tools of the non-profit organization “Single-Industry Town Development Fund”;

synchronize the activities provided for by the priority program “Comprehensive development of single-industry towns” with other priority programs and projects, as well as with state programs of the Russian Federation, the federal targeted investment program, state programs of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, programs of subjects of natural monopolies in relation to single-industry municipalities;

to promote, in order to attract investment, the creation of territories of advanced socio-economic development in the territories of single-industry towns;

accelerate the introduction of amendments to the Rules for the creation of territories of rapid socio-economic development in the territories of single-industry municipalities of the Russian Federation (single-industry towns), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 22, 2015 No. 614, in terms of extending these Rules to all categories of single-industry towns;

implement, together with government authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a set of measures aimed at improving the quality of medical services provided in single-industry towns, including attracting highly qualified medical workers to work in medical organizations of single-industry towns, equipping these organizations with modern medical equipment and ambulances help;

implement, together with state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the heads of single-industry municipalities, measures to create a comfortable urban environment, as well as to reduce the number of emergency areas on the road networks of single-industry towns and bring them to a standard transport and operational condition;

develop programs for advanced training of specialists in order to increase labor productivity, as well as professional retraining of released personnel;

ensure the availability of credit resources for small and medium-sized businesses operating in the territories of single-industry towns, including the provision of state and bank guarantees;

consider the possibility of establishing responsibility for senior officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (heads of the highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation), heads of single-industry municipalities for failure to achieve the indicators of the priority program “Integrated development of single-industry towns”;

increase the level of environmental control of city-forming enterprises, tighten requirements for compliance with environmental legislation, and also provide measures to encourage city-forming enterprises to implement technical modernization programs;

additionally work out measures to attract extra-budgetary sources of financing for the development of single-industry towns;

strengthen control over the efficiency of spending federal budget funds allocated for the comprehensive development of single-industry towns.

develop additional measures aimed at increasing the own economic capabilities of single-industry municipalities, including by stimulating local governments of single-industry municipalities to increase their own economic potential;

conduct an analysis of the implementation of state programs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to develop measures to increase their effectiveness, as well as to include measures aimed at supporting and developing single-industry municipalities;

provide for the implementation of measures in the field of development of small and medium-sized businesses in single-industry towns at least 10 percent of the total funds allocated under the program to support small and medium-sized businesses;

develop a set of measures aimed at improving the quality of medical and educational services provided in single-industry towns, as well as improving the quality of the urban environment.

4. Invite the Government of the Russian Federation to inform the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation during the spring session of 2018 about the progress in implementing the proposals contained in this resolution.

5. The Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy should inform the chamber about the implementation of this resolution during the autumn session of 2018.

6. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy.

7. This resolution comes into force from the date of its adoption.

Federation Council
Federal Assembly
Russian Federation V.I. MATVIENKO

“Blagoveshchensk – production potential”: representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus spoke at the forum

On August 29, 2019, the forum “Blagoveshchensk - Production Potential” was held in Blagoveshchensk, moderated by the President of the Association of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Bashkortostan Rustem Fatkhullin. The event was held with the participation of Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus Tatyana Shtol, head of the administration of the Blagoveshchensky district Oleg Golov, heads of the ANO "Agency of the Republic of Belarus for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises", JSC "Regional Leasing Company of the Republic of Bashkortostan", ANO "Microcredit Company of Small Business of the Republic of Bashkortostan", OOO Ufa PJSC Promsvyazbank.

Tatyana Shtol made a report on the territories of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus.

The Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus announced tax benefits and preferences for residents of PSEDA, spoke in detail about the requirements for residents of such territories, and also explained the procedure for concluding agreements on the implementation of activities in PSEDA.

She also noted that active interaction with the federal development institute NGO “Fund for the Development of Single-Industry Towns” continues, and announced measures to support the Fund. In particular, this organization provides preferential loans at an interest rate of 0 to 5% and provides co-financing for the construction of infrastructure facilities necessary for the implementation of investment projects (up to 95% of the cost of infrastructure facilities). Next, Tatyana Shtol outlined the conditions for providing support measures.

At the end of the report, the Deputy Minister spoke about the provision of comprehensive assistance in preparing the necessary documents by potential investors, and also called on the business community to actively use the support tools provided by the state.

Let us remind you that the register of TASED residents, formed by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, currently includes 26 investors from the republic (12 - Belebey, 12 - Kumertau, 2 - Neftekamsk).

Three new residents are registered at the Belebey TASED

On August 27, 2019, registered in the Register of Residents of TASED three new residents at the Belebey TASED.

Company LLC "Bashpenosteklo" plans to build a plant for the production of foam glass. The total cost of the project will be 270 million rubles. The social effect is expressed in the creation 32 new jobs.

The plant's products include paving blocks, glass blocks, slabs and other pressed or molded glass products used in construction. In addition, production of glass for stained glass and multi-cellular glass is provided.

Enterprise LLC "Stroyinvest" plans to organize the production of metal structures. The implementation of the project will attract order 7.7 million rubles and create 82 jobs.

Third resident - LLC "Our Bread". The company specializes in the production of bread, flour confectionery, cakes and non-perishable pastries. The volume of investment will be 5.2 million rubles. Number of new jobs – 82 units.

For reference:

As of August 28, 2019, the register of TASED residents formed by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia included 26 investors from the republic (12 - Belebey, 12 - Kumertau, 2 - Neftekamsk).

A seminar was held with the municipalities of the north-east of the republic on the implementation of the private private partnership mechanism in the implementation of investment projects

Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the village. In Maloyaz, Salavat district, on August 21, 2019, a consultative and practical seminar was held on the topic “Application of public-private partnership mechanisms in the field of housing and communal services.”

The event was organized with the support of the Salavat district administration. The main speakers on topical issues were representatives of republican departments, such as the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Belarus, the State Committee of the Republic of Belarus on Tariffs, as well as JSC "Republican Utility Company" and JSC "Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan" .

Deputy heads of municipal administrations of the north-eastern regions of the Republic of Bashkortostan, in charge of economic development and housing and communal services, representatives of municipal property management committees, directors of resource supply organizations, entrepreneurs and deputies of village councils were invited to participate in the seminar.

The main report on the topic of introducing the PPP mechanism in the implementation of investment projects was made by the head of the Department of State Programs of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus, Svetlana Malinskaya. She noted that the advantage of such cooperation between the investor and the state is the equal distribution of resources and risks when solving socially significant problems for the region.

During her speech, Svetlana Malinskaya also outlined the main legislative norms applied within the framework of PPP (PPP), voiced how work is structured at the regional level and focused on the events that need to be organized in each municipality. “Among the best practices in building this work, we recommend considering the experience of the Birsky, Buraevsky, Ishimbaysky, Karmaskalinsky districts,” noted the head of the structural unit of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus.

Continuing the seminar, colleagues from sectoral republican authorities and structural organizations spoke in more detail, from a practical point of view, about the mechanism for preparing and concluding concession agreements, mistakes made by municipalities, what special attention should be paid to when preparing documentation. We considered issues of state regulation of tariffs when concluding concession agreements in the field of housing and communal services and the procedure for transferring property and land plots into concession.

Representatives of credit institutions spoke about the features of financing the concessionaire's costs as part of the implementation of agreements in the housing and communal services sector.

It should be noted that the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus plans to continue a series of on-site seminars on PPP and concessions. A schedule of such events will be formed in the near future. In this regard, in order to determine the dates and venues, we are waiting for proposals from the administrations of the municipalities of the republic on the preferred dates for organizing the seminar in their territories and current issues that arise during the work for discussion within the framework of the program. Please send the information officially and duplicate it to the following email address: [email protected].

For reference: Let us recall that according to the results of 2018, the Republic of Bashkortostan took 4th place in the Rating of regions in terms of the level of PPP development, having risen by 1 position compared to 2017. Experts gave a high assessment of the active work of the republic in relation to ongoing projects and the volume of investments. The top three cities included Moscow, St. Petersburg, and the Moscow region.

The issue of the functioning of PSEDA in the republic was considered

On August 2, 2019, a working meeting was held at the Government House of the Republic of Belarus on the effectiveness of the functioning of territories of priority socio-economic development (PSED) under the chairmanship of the acting Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan - Chief of Staff of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan Ilshat Tazhitdinov. The event, organized by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus, was held with the participation of Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Sheldyaev, Acting Minister of Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus Liliya Mazitova, representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus, as well as heads and deputy heads of municipalities in a video conference format.

It should be noted that today residents are registered in the TASED “Belebey”, “Kumertau” and “Neftekamsk”. There are a total of 23 residents, of which 9 are in Belebey, 12 in Kumertau and 2 in Neftekamsk. They invested about 2 billion rubles and created over 1,000 jobs.

Ilshat Tazhitdinov noted in his opening remarks that in order to attract residents implementing investment projects in the territories of single-industry towns, there are support tools at the federal level provided by the development institute “Single-Industry Town Development Fund”, which municipalities need to actively develop. This organization provides preferential loans at an interest rate of 0 to 5% and co-finances the construction of engineering infrastructure necessary for the implementation of the project.

Representatives of municipalities reported on the achievement of target performance indicators for the functioning of PSEDAs and the application of support measures for the Single-Industry Towns Development Fund.

The Acting Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Belarus - Chief of Staff of the Government of the Republic of Belarus noted the need for the administrations of single-industry towns to carry out systematic and constant work in this direction, including comprehensively informing potential investors about the current tools for supporting the Single-Industry Towns Development Fund.

At the end of the event, in order to fulfill the KPI indicators of the effectiveness of the functioning of the TASED, Ilshat Tazhitdinov instructed the heads of administrations of single-industry towns to intensify work to attract residents (investors) and apply support measures for the Single-Industry Towns Development Fund, as well as to ensure high-quality support for investment projects. In addition, it was instructed to develop action plans to achieve PSEDA target performance indicators for their functioning for each municipality separately.

Representatives of federal and regional authorities, development and business institutions highly appreciated the results of the implementation of the priority program “Integrated development of single-industry towns” in 2017. Its discussion took place on February 15 at the session “Single-Industry Towns - Designing the Future,” organized by the Single-Industry Towns Development Fund as part of the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi. New directions for the implementation of the program in 2018-2025 were also outlined.

“According to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, over the 2 years of implementation of the program, 244.5 thousand jobs were created in single-industry towns, of which 144.4 thousand are permanent, the rest are temporary,” said the Deputy Chairman of Vnesheconombank, head of the priority program “Comprehensive Development of Single-Industry Towns” Irina Makieva.

She also said that by January 1, 2018, 285 single-industry towns had renovated the central streets recommended by residents, implemented the activities of the priority program “5 steps for improving everyday life” in 170 cities - they put parks, squares, playgrounds, and embankments in order. We renovated entrance and waiting areas in clinics in 266 cities. Last year, new ambulances of various classes were sent to all 319 monosettlements in Russia, in total over 400 vehicles.

“One of the most important events of 2017 was the completion of a two-year training program for teams managing single-industry town development projects. During the training, 1,546 specialists were certified under the professional retraining program. Teams from all cities have been formed, trained and are already working. Now we need to accumulate successful experience for its further replication,” noted I. Makieva.

Governors and mayors of cities confirmed the high effectiveness of the training program. “We began to approach solving tasks and problems in a completely different way. Of course, a single team should work in the city, uniting the regional municipal and city-forming levels. And it is very important that we involve the population in dialogue. Because the heads of single-industry towns should hear, listen and do what people want, and not what they thought up themselves, without leaving their offices,” said Alexander Ustinov, mayor of the city of Krasnoturinsk in the Sverdlovsk region.

General Director of the Single-Industry Towns Development Fund Ilya Krivogov spoke about supporting investment projects in the territory of single-industry settlements.

“Over the past 3 years, the state has provided the Fund with over 18 billion rubles in the form of agreements with single-industry towns, of which we have already transferred 12 million to the regions - these are 29 co-financing agreements, another 8 investment projects are financed on a repayable basis. Together with governors and regional heads, we are creating a new economy, we are working quite hard, but fairly, because it is budget money,” noted I. Krivogov. - The investment of 12 billion made it possible to attract about 40 billion rubles of investment from enterprises that are being created in single-industry towns. Over 8 thousand new jobs have appeared, here we are talking primarily about medium and large businesses, since there are other support tools for small businesses.”

In 2017, the Single-Industry Town Development Fund actively lobbied for government support for small businesses through the Ministry of Economic Development. Some of the projects were transferred to the SME Corporation, and they have already been financed. Cooperation is underway with the grant fund and with presidential grants, thanks to which many mayors of single-industry towns were able to “reach out” to federal development institutions. This work will continue.

“In 2018, the state provided another 14 billion rubles to the Mongorod Development Fund for the further development of support programs,” said I. Krivogov. - A pool of projects is now being formed. The partners will be the SME Corporation, the Industrial Development Fund, Sberbank, VTB, Rosselkhozbank, UniCredit Bank. We have learned to structure joint transactions with leading institutions, and now we are quite actively entering the territories of single-industry towns.”

As for non-financial support, line managers of the project office of the Urban Development Fund are assigned to all cities. With their participation, by the end of 2017, development programs for each of the 319 monosettlements were formed, and the first results of their implementation are already available. At the same time, along with economic development, emphasis is placed on improving and improving the quality of life of the population.

Many session participants noted the urgent need to work with the younger generation. An important step here was the launch of a social project by the CSKA football club, within the framework of which more than 1,000 children from single-industry towns will take part in away football master classes. The best will go to study at the CSKA Academy. The first master class was held on February 13, 2018 in the city of Kotovsk, Tambov region. According to the Governor of the Tambov Region, Alexander Nikitin, such an initiative should be extended to other sports, in particular hockey.

Another new project, presented at the session by Strelka KB partner Alexey Muratov, will help curb the outflow of young people from single-industry towns.

“Now almost 2 million schoolchildren and students are forced to gather in parking lots, playgrounds and entryways. A network of youth centers created on the basis of inefficiently used buildings, for example, abandoned industrial sites or cultural centers, will help change the situation. It is important to create a truly interesting and useful space with educational programs and thoughtful design. Similar centers have already appeared in Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Novotroitsk,” noted A. Muratov.

Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Savva Shipov emphasized that it is necessary to improve the approach to the creation of territories of priority socio-economic development (PSED). Also, in his opinion, the Spatial Development Strategy, which will be launched in 2018, will allow single-industry towns to receive support and develop in the right direction. The introduction of new technologies also plays an important role.

“You can build effective local teams, but if you don't give them the opportunity to use new technologies, it will be more difficult to achieve significant results. The Ministry of Economic Development has prepared a proposal to include a new block to improve state and municipal management in the Digital Economy program. We are waiting for recommendations from the teams of single-industry towns; all of them will be considered, and the most successful ones will form the basis for changes,” said S. Shipov.

At the end of the discussion, Irina Makieva presented plans for further work on a comprehensive program for the development of single-industry towns in 2018 - 2025.

“It was decided that the best 10 single-industry towns based on the results of 2017 and 2018 will take part in a new training program for leaders, which will be specially developed together with educational institutions, expert and business councils,” said I. Makieva.

It is planned to create territorial development centers that will aggregate all regional support measures. Regions will be recommended to introduce quotas for funds (10%) to support single-industry towns in all regional programs - following the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

An initiative will be put forward to extend the “Zemsky Doctor” and “Zemsky Paramedic” programs to all single-industry towns. There are also plans to develop the material and technical base of children's clinics and medical organizations using funds from the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Projects and activities to promote a healthy lifestyle among the population will be further developed.

City-forming enterprises, having their own social responsibility programs, will be more actively involved in the development of territories and, together with the city mayor, select areas for priority implementation.

When working with children, emphasis will be placed not only on sports, but also on patriotic education. Also among the priority areas is the development of inbound and domestic tourism in single-industry towns, the activation of the volunteer movement and other socially significant initiatives.

The non-profit organization “Monotown Development Fund” was established by Vnesheconombank in October 2014. The Fund’s work is aimed at creating conditions for creating new jobs not related to the city-forming enterprise, and attracting investment in single-industry towns through the implementation of infrastructure and investment projects. The Fund co-finances the expenses of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities during the construction or reconstruction of infrastructure facilities necessary for new investment projects, participates in the financing of investment projects, performs the functions of a project office for the development of single-industry towns, forms teams that manage development projects for single-industry towns to stabilize their socio-demographic and economic status. The activities of the Fund are regulated by the rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2014 No. 1186.

1. About the program (brief information)

The program for the development of single-industry towns for 2012-2020 is aimed at the sustainable socio-economic development of single-industry towns in the medium and long term. The program has 4 main directions (see paragraph 2, paragraphs 2.1 - 2.4):

· Optimization of single-industry towns depending on the production capacity of stably operating enterprises;

· Diversification of the economy and development of small and medium-sized businesses to ensure an optimal employment structure for the population of single-industry towns;

· Increasing the mobility of labor resources in single-industry towns, stimulating voluntary relocation to settlements with high potential for socio-economic development and centers of economic growth;

· Development of social and engineering infrastructure of single-industry towns based on the optimal population size.

Authorized body of the program:

· Ministry of Regional Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body);

Local program coordinators:

· executive bodies financed from the local budget and responsible for the implementation of the Program locally. Program coordinators at the local level are determined by regional akims;

Program financial agent:

· JSC "Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu" (hereinafter - JSC "EDF "Damu"), which carries out the same functions within the program as within the framework of the "Business Road Map 2020" program.

2. Main directions of the Single-Industry Towns Development Program for 2012-2020:

2.1. Direction 1 -“Optimization of single-industry towns depending on the production capacity of stably operating enterprises.”

Direction 1 includes:

· Identification of the economic potential and new promising specializations of single-industry towns;

· Development of comprehensive plans for the development of single-industry towns;

· Adjustment of master plans for single-industry towns.

2.2. Direction 2 -“Diversification of the economy and development of small and medium-sized businesses to ensure an optimal employment structure for the population of single-industry towns.” 2.2.1. Direction 2 includes the following measures:

· Implementation of “anchor” investment projects for long-term diversification of the economy of single-industry towns;

· Placement of auxiliary and service production and orders by national holdings in single-industry towns, taking into account their specifics;

· Placement of auxiliary and service production and orders by city-forming enterprises in single-industry towns, taking into account their specifics;

· Restoring the previous specialization in single-industry towns.

2.2.2. Ways to implement the measures provided for in Direction 2:

· attracting a strategic investor to modernize the existing specialization using the example of the experience of Eurochem JSC in the cities of Karatau and Zhanatas;

· identification of promising mineral deposits located near single-industry towns, with the determination of measures for their additional exploration with the participation of NC Kazgeology JSC or private investors interested in expanding the raw material base of enterprises;

· solving the problems of “deadlock” and developing the transit potential of single-industry towns.

· development of small and medium-sized businesses in single-industry towns.

2.2.3. Programs for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in single-industry towns

Direction 2 includes a number of programs aimed at enhancing the development of small and medium-sized businesses in single-industry towns, namely:

· “Subsidizing interest rates on loans”;

· “Development of production (industrial) infrastructure”;

· “Providing grants for the creation of new industries”;

· “Implementation of partnership programs”;

· “Creation of business incubators with microcredit organizations”;

· “Creation of entrepreneurship support centers”;

· “Promoting the development of entrepreneurship for the self-employed, unemployed and low-income population”;

Potential participants in these subprograms are small and medium-sized businesses operating in single-industry towns with low and medium potential, as well as people with entrepreneurial initiative. For a detailed description of the subprograms and conditions for participation in them, see clause 3.

2.3. Direction 3 - “Increasing the mobility of labor resources in single-industry towns, stimulating voluntary relocation to settlements with high potential for socio-economic development and centers of economic growth”

2.3.1. Direction 3 includes:

· Training and assistance in employment of residents of single-industry towns;

· Creation of conditions for training youth of single-industry towns in educational institutions of technical and vocational education in the regions;

· Stimulating voluntary relocation to settlements with high potential for socio-economic development and centers of economic growth.

2.3.2. Residents of single-industry towns who receive government support for voluntary relocation must:

· live in a single-industry town with low potential for socio-economic development for the last three years.

2.3.3 . State support for Program participants includes:

· provision of subsidies for relocation, including reimbursement of relocation expenses;

· training in vocational training, retraining and advanced training courses, as well as assistance in finding employment at a new place of residence;

· provision of official housing to citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the manner prescribed by law;

· psychological adaptation.

Relocation-related subsidies.

2.4. Direction 4 - “Development of social and engineering infrastructure of single-industry towns based on the optimal population size”

Direction 4 includes financing the costs of maintaining the city, such as:

Lighting and landscaping of streets;

Preservation of residential buildings and waste removal;

Elimination of unauthorized landfills, demolition of abandoned objects, arrangement of solid household waste landfills and cattle burial grounds; repair of the heating system, water pipes, sewerage;

Installation of courtyard children's playgrounds, repair of intra-city roads and social facilities; improvement of squares, squares, streets, repair of the irrigation ditch network.

Financing is carried out within the funds provided in the republican and local budgets.

2.4.1. Features of financing depending on the level of economic potential of single-industry towns:

· Single-industry towns with high and medium potential, for which the MVK has made a decision on further development - investment projects are financed in the manner approved by budget legislation. The most pressing issues of the city's life support are resolved as a matter of priority:

Reconstruction and (or) construction of social infrastructure facilities, bringing them to approved standards.

Reconstruction and (or) construction of life support infrastructure for the optimal population size (water, heat, electricity, gas supply, sewerage and telecommunications, roads, ecology).

· In single-industry towns with low economic potential, the state of social and engineering infrastructure will be maintained at the national average level. They will implement repair and restoration measures, and in some cities - the demolition of emergency and dilapidated housing.

3. Brief description of programs aimed at supporting entrepreneurship, implemented within the framework of the second direction of the Single-Industry Towns Development Program 2012-2020:

3.1. “Subsidizing interest rates on loans”

As part of the program, you can receive subsidies of 10% of the interest rate on the loan you received to refinance leasing loan agreements. For example, if it is 13%, you will have to pay only 3%, the rest is subsidized by the state. Payment of remuneration rates for leasing operations is subsidized under the same conditions. (see GIVE A LINK TO THE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION ON THE PORTAL)

3.2. “Development of production (industrial) infrastructure”

As part of the program, you can receive assistance in developing the production (industrial) infrastructure of an enterprise.

The provision of the missing infrastructure is expected for projects aimed at modernizing and expanding production. The program involves providing infrastructure both for individual projects and for organizing industrial sites, that is, to support several projects. (see GIVE A LINK TO THE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION ON THE PORTAL)

3.3. “Providing grants for the creation of new industries”

As part of the program, you can receive free and irrevocable grant assistance for the creation of new production facilities.

You can use the grant funds for the following purposes:

1) acquisition of fixed assets and materials;

2) acquisition of intangible assets;

3) acquisition of technology;

4) acquisition of rights to a franchise.

You cannot use grant funds to purchase real estate, land, or as rent.

The maximum grant amount under the Program for one entrepreneur cannot exceed 3.0 million tenge; minimum amount - from 1.5 million tenge.

A prerequisite is that you co-finance the costs of the project in the amount of at least 20% of the amount of the grant provided.

3.4. "Implementation of affiliate programs"

Participation in the program will allow you to establish business relationships with city-forming enterprises as part of the implementation of government partnership programs.

You can receive government assistance in the form of:

1) subsidizing interest rates on loans;

2) guaranteeing loans;

3) provision of infrastructure;

4) support for beginning entrepreneurs;

5) service support for projects on accounting issues, tax reporting, IT services, legal issues, customs procedures, implementation of a quality management system;

6) provision of quotas within the framework of the “Business Connections” project.

As part of the program, large companies will provide entrepreneurs with long-term orders, provide quotas for raw materials for the development of “next stages,” and also support projects for the development of alternative activities.

3.5. “Creation of business incubators with microcredit organizations”

Participation in the program will allow aspiring entrepreneurs to receive assistance from business incubators in the form of premises provided for rent. Entrepreneurs can also receive comprehensive support, including consulting, developing a business plan, providing microloans, providing services, creating connections with a network of professionals and potential consumers.

3.6. “Creation of entrepreneurship support centers”

Participation in the program will give you the opportunity to receive information and consulting assistance.

The range of services provided by the centers will include:

1) consulting on opening and running a business;

2) information about entrepreneurship support programs;

3) clarification of the conditions for working with financial institutions and advice on collecting documents to receive support;

4) consulting on legal issues.

Entrepreneurship support centers will be located in the premises of public service centers to ensure convenient access for people to services that will be provided by local executive bodies.

The services of consultants at business support centers, which will be provided by the operator, will be paid for from the republican budget.

3.7. “Promotion of entrepreneurship development for self-employed, unemployed and low-income people”

Participation in the program will give you the opportunity to receive government support:

Information and consulting assistance;

Free training in the basics of entrepreneurship, with the provision of financial assistance for training;


Development of the missing engineering and communication infrastructure.

Providing microloans to individuals is an active measure to promote employment aimed at promoting the development of entrepreneurship.

4. List of single-industry towns on whose territory this program is being implemented:

5. Partner banks, program participants: table with a list of participants and statistics:
