Sliders with css effects. A selection of adaptive sliders

This article describes a method for implementing and creating an image or text slider with automatic flipping. The slider functionality allows you to set the switching interval between slides, speed, change effect, and also select a specific slide from the list. In this example, the classic method of changing images was used - the appearance and disappearance of slides.

timeList- slide switching speed

TimeView- show time

RadioBut- buttons under the slide for quick navigation (radio buttons). Default true can take on the meaning false.

Now let's get started! Let's create and open a file index.htm

Heading 1


Heading 2


Heading 3


Heading 4


Attention! In this example, text is used to make the slide work; if you want to use an image, then place each of your pictures in a tag


As we can see, there is nothing complicated in the presented code, slider-wrap determines the overall position of the slider and aligns it to the middle of the screen. Parameter slider positions and sets the height of our slide with the property height. If you use an image slider, then specify the height of the pictures in this property; if the heights of the pictures are different, then specify the maximum.

For best slider visualization and attractiveness, use the same image resolution.

Now we need to style our slider. Forward/backward arrows for switching slides, as well as radio buttons under the slider, are used in the form of pictures and are included with the file. Let's create and open a file style.css and write the markup we need there:

@import url("|Roboto"); html, body ( height: 100%; ) body ( color: #4f4f5a; font-family: "Roboto", sans-serif; font-size: 16px; padding: 0; margin: 0; ) #slider-wrap ( max -width:650px; margin: 100px auto; ) #slider ( position:relative; height: 200px; overflow: hidden; border:#fafafa solid 10px; ) .slide ( width:100%; height: 100%; position: absolute ; top: 0; left: 0; text-align: center; padding-top: 40px; : inline-block; width: 16px; background: url("radioBg.png") center bottom margin: 2px; text-indent: -99999px; ctrl-select:hover ( cursor: pointer; background-position: center center; ) .Radio-But background-position: center top; ) #prewBut, #nextBut( display: block; width: 40px ; height: 100%; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; background: url("arrowBg.png") left center no-repeat; opacity: 0.5; z-index: 3; outline: none !important; ) #prewBut ( left: 10px; ) #nextBut ( right: 10px; background: url("arrowBg.png") right center no-repeat; ) #prewBut:hover, #nextBut:hover ( opacity: 1; )

If the forward/backward arrows interfere with the visibility of your slider, they can be made invisible, and they will appear only when you hover over them. In parameters prepareBut And nextBut, set the property opacity value 0.

Let's create and open our js file, which will contain the slider code. Don't forget to include the jQuery framework, as well as the jquery.ui library - we need this library in order to set the disappearing element and the appearance of the slide. You can replace the specified effect with the property fadeIn And fadeOut.

$(document).ready(function () ( var timeList = 300; var TimeView = 5000; var RadioBut = true; $(".slide").hide().eq(0).show(); var slideNum = 0; var slideTime; slideCount = $("#slider .slide").length; var animSlide = function(arrow)( clearTimeout(slideTime); function slideDirectionHide(slideFloatNum, directTo)( $(".slide").eq( slideFloatNum).fadeOut(timeList); ) function slideDirectionShow(slideFloatNum, directTo, pause)( $(".slide").eq(slideFloatNum).fadeIn(timeList, function() ( if(pause == true) ( ​​rotator( ) )); ) var old_slideNum = slideNum; if(arrow == "next")( slideDirectionHide(slideNum, "left"); if(slideNum == (slideCount-1))(slideNum=0;) else( slideNum++) slideDirectionShow(slideNum, "right", true ) else if(arrow == "prew") ( slideDirectionHide(slideNum, "right"); if(slideNum == 0)(slideNum=slideCount-1;) else (slideNum-=1) slideDirectionShow(slideNum, "left", true )else( if(arrow !== old_slideNum) ( if(arrow > old_slideNum) ( slideDirectionHide(slideNum, "left"); slideNum = arrow; slideDirectionShow(slideNum, "right", true); )else if(arrow< old_slideNum) { slideDirectionHide(slideNum, "right"); slideNum = arrow; slideDirectionShow(slideNum, "left", true); } } } $("").removeClass("active"); $(".ctrl-select").eq(slideNum).addClass("active"); } if(RadioBut){ var linkArrow = $("<>").prependTo("#slider"); $("#nextBut").click(function())( animSlide("next"); return false; )) $("#prewBut").click(function() ( animSlide("prew"); return false; )) ) var addSpan =""; $(".slide").each(function(index) ( addSpan += " " + index + ""; }); $("

").appendTo("#slider-wrap"); $(".ctrl-select:first").addClass("active"); $(".ctrl-select").click(function())( var goToNum = parseFloat($(this).text()); animSlide(goToNum )); var pause = function())( if(!pause)(slideTime = setTimeout(function())(animSlide(" next")), TimeView);) ) $("#slider-wrap").hover(function())(clearTimeout(slideTime); pause = true;), function())(pause = false; rotator(); ) ); var clicking = false; var prevX; $(".slide").mousedown(function(e)( clicking = true; prevX = e.clientX; )); $(".slide").mouseup(function( ) ( clicking = false; )); $(document).mouseup(function())( clicking = false; )); $(".slide").mousemove(function(e)( if(clicking == true) ( if(e.clientX< prevX) { animSlide("next"); clearTimeout(slideTime); } if(e.clientX >prevX) ( animSlide("prew"); clearTimeout(slideTime); ) clicking = false; ) )); $(".slide").hover().css("cursor", "pointer"); rotator(); ));

Function animSlide accepts three types of values: next, prew, and a numeric value. Parameter next switches to next slide, prew previous, and the numerical value is the specifically selected slide through the radio buttons under the slide. Functions slideDirectionHide And slideDirectionShow almost similar and identical, the first is responsible for the disappearance of the slide and the direction of movement of the outgoing slide, the second for the appearance of the slide, its direction of movement when it appears, as well as for the specified display time interval.

When you hover your mouse over the slider, the display pauses.

That's all, if anything is not clear or you have any questions, write and ask.

In the comments to the post, they recently asked whether there are any online services for creating them. In principle, if your project runs on one of the popular CMS (WordPress, Drupal), then there should be appropriate plugins there. But what to do when the site is written in HTML or there are no suitable modules? Today I’ll tell you about some options for solving this problem.

In general, the methods for creating sliders are different. I remember when I used to work with TYPO3, there was a module that automatically converted images into Flash for display on the site. There are also special desktop programs that allow you to make similar flash drives or generate the necessary HTML + CSS code. Nowadays, sliders are mainly implemented using Javascript and corresponding libraries, for example, jQuery. Moreover, there are quite a lot of different scripts. I'll look at a couple of them.

is an excellent service for creating a slider online. You don't need to delve into any scripts; almost all settings are available for interactive editing: sizes, effects, navigation, etc. You simply upload your images, select the options you need and download the ready-made slider code. All this is free. The final HTML contains a link to this service, but theoretically it can be removed; there are no additional watermarks on the images. Respect to the developers!


ComSider is another free online slider generator for a website. The principle of operation is similar, it consists of 3 steps: uploading a picture, selecting a slider template and setting it up, integrating the code with your website. Slider templates allow you to create elements of different designs. At the same time, the service actually has a lot of effect settings and other options to get the desired result. The site says that you can embed the code without downloading the files, or download them and integrate the slider yourself.


Cincopa is a very nice service for creating HTML sliders, but, unfortunately, not completely free. This is one of many similar projects where special tariff plans are available. For the free version, as a rule, various restrictions are added on the number of downloaded images, traffic, and (the worst thing) a watermark is placed. Moreover, everything, of course, is masterfully implemented - a lot of design themes, settings, plugins for popular CMS, technical support. Here you need to look at the tariffs; in some services they can be quite affordable.

The service is one of the few where the free plan does not include watermarks on images. Only the number of possible effects is limited, but this is not critical. Lots of settings, there is a special plugin for WordPress. Overall a good decision.


HTML5Maker is another example of a paid service that operates on a subscription basis. In the Free version you will have to put up with a watermark, but the Starter tariff allows you to get rid of it. At the same time, it has a relatively affordable price ($5/month) and allows you to create up to 3 sliders with all the effects and many templates.


The next type of sites with sliders are projects containing ready-to-use scripts, for example Slippry. There are no convenient forms for uploading photos and specifying settings, but everything is free. You upload the HTML slider code to your hosting and manually integrate it with the site. On developer pages, as a rule, there is documentation on using the script, explanations of the code, and examples of work.


In general, there are different sliders - Glide is a great example of this. The script allows you to create a beautiful slider for the background of the site. Simple, fast, adaptive.


TosRus is another interesting slider, which is somewhat different from the classic implementation and is more like a gallery (nevertheless, it is useful). It displays normally both on a regular computer and on a smartphone. When you click on a picture, it opens in a full window, where there will also be a slider. It supports inserting not only pictures, but also HTML content with videos.

The script perfectly scales images, so its creation is as simple as possible. On the site you will find example code and description. The slider has the ability to navigate through arrows or a “highlighted element” at the very bottom of the picture.

Visually, the website slider looks very stylish. There are navigation elements and a text block. The general background for the element is a blurred image from the slider itself, which creates a very interesting effect.

— adaptive slider on jQuery, suitable for all devices. It can be displayed across the entire width of the screen or in a separate block. The description is quite “primitive”, but you can figure it out. There are not as many settings as in some other options.

This solution is more like a gallery, but I personally liked it. Ease of use, ease of configuration and freeness are the main advantages of DesoSlide. It may be useful for website developers.

The developers are positioning the project as a free gallery on jQuery, although visually it resembles a regular slider. The solution is compatible with all major browsers and has many different effects for changing images. I liked the demo section, where you can apply certain settings in real time to see how the slider works for the site.

— a simple, functional, customizable jQuery slider script in HTML5 and CSS3. The solution is compatible with all browsers and supports responsive design. Developers will love it.

The solution is useful if you need to create a carousel-type slider, when several pictures are displayed and they automatically scroll left/right (for example, for a line of partner logos or displaying works). I recently looked at how to implement this task in WordPress; for regular sites, you can try the jsSimpleSlider script.

The service creates a flash drive from the pictures you upload, which is displayed on the site in the form of a slider. Working with this tool is simple, although it doesn’t look much like a classic slider (at least it lacks controls). All you can set in it are external links and transition effects. I think you are unlikely to use this service; I am simply presenting it as one of the options for implementing the task.


As I said at the beginning, there are programs for creating sliders that are installed on your computer. WOWSlider is an excellent example of such software. There are just a lot of different options, settings, themes, etc. You don't need any HTML knowledge; all slider setup is quick and easy. You can download the program for free, but without purchasing a license, its logo will be displayed on the slider.


The CU3OX program liked the unusual 3D effects for changing images. It is used to create Flash galleries and sliders. Works on Win and Mac. There are many different settings, options for changing pictures, localization into different languages, etc. For personal use, you can choose the free version, although it unfortunately contains a watermark.

If these services, programs and slider scripts are not enough for you, then I advise you to read - there are about 100 different options for their implementation. Everything, in principle, depends on the functionality requirements and your knowledge. The special slider creation services listed at the very beginning work quite well and are free. If you are familiar with web development, you will be able to understand the jQuery scripts presented in the article. For those who are new to development, paid solutions are suitable. Some of them are available online by subscription, others are desktop programs. The latter are more expensive, but there are no limits on the number of elements created or time restrictions.

By the way, if you know any interesting services/scripts for creating sliders for websites, write their names and links to them in the comments.

Time does not stand still and with it progress. This also affected the Internet. You can already see how the appearance of websites is changing; adaptive design is especially popular. And in this regard, quite a few new ones have appeared adaptive jquery sliders, galleries, carousels or similar plugins.
1. Responsive Horizontal Posts Slider

Adaptive horizontal carousel with detailed installation instructions. It is made in a simple style, but you can style it to suit yourself.

2. Slider on Glide.js

This slider is suitable for any website. It uses open source Glide.js. The slider colors can be easily changed.

3. Tilted Content Slideshow

Responsive slider with content. The highlight of this slider is the 3D effect of the images, as well as different animations of random appearance.

4. Slider using HTML5 canvas

A very beautiful and impressive slider with interactive particles. It was made using HTML5 canvas,

5. Image Morphing Slider

Slider with a morphing effect (Smooth transformation from one object to another). In this example, the slider is well suited for the portfolio of a web developer or web studio in the form of a portfolio.

6. Circular slider

Slider in the form of a circle with the effect of flipping the image.

7. Slider with blurred background

Adaptive slider with switching and background blur.

8. Responsive fashion slider

Simple, lightweight and responsive website slider.

9. Slicebox - jQuery 3D image slider(UPDATED)

Updated version of Slicebox slider with fixes and new features.

10.Free Animated Responsive Image Grid

JQuery plugin to create a flexible image grid that will switch shots using different animations and timings. This can look good as a background or decorative element on a website, as we can selectively appear new images and their transitions. The plugin comes in several versions.

11.Flex slider

A universal free plugin for your website. This plugin comes in several slider and carousel options.

12. Photo frame

Fotorama is a universal plugin. It has many settings, everything works quickly and easily, and you can view slides in full screen. The slider can be used both in a fixed size and adaptive, with or without thumbnails, with or without circular scrolling, and much more.

P.S.I installed the slider several times and I think that it is one of the best

13. Free and adaptive 3D slider gallery with thumbnails.

Experimental gallery slider 3DPanelLayout with a grid and interesting animation effects.

14. Slider on css3

The adaptive slider is made using css3 with smooth appearance of content and light animation.

15. WOW Slider

WOW Slider is an image slider with amazing visual effects.

17. Elastic

Elastic slider with full responsiveness and slide thumbnails.

18. Slit

This is a full screen responsive slider using css3 animation. The slider is made in two versions. The animation is done quite unusually and beautifully.

19. Adaptive photo gallery plus

A simple free gallery slider with image loading.

20. Responsive Slider for WordPress

Adaptive free slider for WP.

21. Parallax Content Slider

Slider with parallax effect and control of each element using CSS3.

22. Slider with music link

Slider using JPlayer open source code. This slider resembles a presentation with music.

23. Slider with jmpress.js

The responsive slider is based on jmpress.js and will therefore allow you to add some interesting 3D effects to your slides.

24. Fast Hover Slideshow

Slide show with quick slide switching. Slides switch on hover.

25. Image Accordion with CSS3

Image accordion using css3.

26. A Touch Optimized Gallery Plugin

This is a responsive gallery that is optimized for touch devices.

27. 3D Gallery

3D Wall Gallery- created for the Safari browser, where the 3D effect will be visible. If you look at it on another browser, the functionality will be fine but the 3D effect will not be visible.

28. Slider with pagination

Responsive slider with pagination using JQuery UI slider. The idea is to use a simple navigation concept. It is possible to rewind all images or slide-by-slide switching.

29.Image Montage with jQuery

Automatically arrange images depending on screen width. A very useful thing when developing a portfolio website.

30. 3D Gallery

A simple 3D circular slider using css3 and jQuery.

31. Full screen mode with 3D effect using css3 and jQuery

A slider with the ability to view images full screen with a beautiful transition.

In this article, we will look at how very simply it is possible to create an adaptive slider for a website using CSS Flexbox and CSS transformations.

Slider source codes and demo

A slider project called chiefSlider is located on GitHub. You can go to it using this link.

Slider with one active slide (no looping):

Slider with three active slides (no looping):

An example that shows how you can use a slider to rotate articles:

Advantages of chiefSlider

Let's list the main advantages of this slider:

  • first of all, he does not create clones of elements (item) to organize looping, as implemented, for example, in plugins OwlCarousel And slick;
  • secondly, it does not depend on the library jQuery; this not only removes additional requirements, but also makes it easier;
  • thirdly, he is practically does not make any changes to the DOM of the document; the only thing it does is add or change CSS transformation values ​​for slider elements;
  • fourthly, it only contains minimum set of functions; additional functionality can be added depending on the task;
  • fifthly, it is adaptive, i.e. it can be used on any website; The slider's adaptability is configured using CSS;
  • sixth, the number of active elements is adjusted using CSS; this means that it can be used to create a carousel with either one active slide or any number of them.

Installing the chiefSlider

Installing the slider takes 3 steps:

  • add the chiefSlider CSS to the page or to a CSS file connected to the page;
  • place the HTML code of the slider in the required place on the page;
  • insert JavaScript code into the page or into a js file connected to the page.

It is advisable to minimize the CSS and JavaScript code; this action will ensure faster page loading.

How to develop a simple slider for a website (without looping)

Creating a Slider chiefSlider will consist of creating HTML code, CSS and JavaScript (without jQuery).

Slider HTML code chiefSlider:

As you can see, the slider has a very simple HTML architecture. It starts with the main block, which has a slider class. This block consists of 3 elements.

The first element is .slider__wrapper . It acts as a wrapper for .slider__item elements (slides).

The remaining two elements (.slider__control) visually represent buttons. They will be used to navigate the slide, i.e. move to previous and next elements.

CSS code for the chiefSlider slider:

/* MAIN STYLES */ .slider ( position: relative; overflow: hidden; ) .slider__wrapper ( display: flex; transition: transform 0.6s ease; /* 0.6 slide change duration in seconds */ ) .slider__item ( flex: 0 0 50%; /* defines the number of active slides (in this case 2 */ max-width: 50%; /* defines the number of active slides (in this case 2 */ ) /* STYLES FOR BACK AND FORWARD BUTTONS * / .slider__control ( position: absolute; display: none; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); align-items: center; justify-content: center; text-align: center; width: 40px; /* button width */ height: 50px; /* button height */ opacity: .5; /* transparency */ background: #000; /* background color */ ) .slider__control_show ( display: flex; ) .slider__control:hover, . slider__control:focus ( text-decoration: none; outline: 0; opacity: .9; /* transparency */ ) .slider__control_left ( left: 0; ) .slider__control_right ( right: 0; ) .slider__control::before ( content: " "; display: inline-block; width: 20px; /* width of the icon (arrow) */ height: 20px; /* height of the icon (arrow) */ background: transparent no-repeat center center; background-size: 100% 100%; ) .slider__control_left::before ( background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg xmlns="" fill="%23fff " viewBox="0 0 8 8"%3E%3Cpath d="M5.25 0l-4 4 4 4 1.5-1.5-2.5-2.5 2.5-2.5-1.5-1.5z"/%3E%3C/svg%3E "); ) .slider__control_right::before ( background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg xmlns="" fill= "%23fff" viewBox="0 0 8 8"%3E%3Cpath d="M2.75 0l-1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5-2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 4-4-4-4z"/%3E%3C/svg%3E "); )

As you can see, the CSS code of the slider is also not very complicated. The main definitions with which you can customize the appearance of the slider are provided with comments.

CSS code that defines number of active elements:

/* defines the number of active slides (in this case 2) */ flex: 0 0 50%; max-width: 50%;

This code sets the number of active elements for the slider to 2.

In order for the slider, for example, to have one active element, these definitions need to be changed to the following:

/* defines the number of active slides (in this case 1) */ flex: 0 0 100%; max-width: 100%;

Creation adaptive slider carried out through media queries.

For example, a slider, which on devices with a tiny screen should have one active slide, and on large ones - four:

Slider__item ( flex: 0 0 100%; max-width: 100%; ) @media (min-width: 980px) ( .slider__item ( flex: 0 0 25%; max-width: 25%; ) )

JavaScript code for the chiefSlider slider:

"use strict"; var multiItemSlider = (function () ( return function (selector) ( var _mainElement = document.querySelector(selector), // main block element _sliderWrapper = _mainElement.querySelector(".slider__wrapper"), // wrapper for.slider-item _sliderItems = _mainElement.querySelectorAll(".slider__item"), // elements (.slider-item) _sliderControls = _mainElement.querySelectorAll(".slider__control"), // controls _sliderControlLeft = _mainElement.querySelector(".slider__control_left"), // button "LEFT" _sliderControlRight = _mainElement.querySelector(".slider__control_right"), // button "RIGHT" _wrapperWidth = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(_sliderWrapper).width), // wrapper width _itemWidth = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(_sliderItems).width), // width of one element _positionLeftItem = 0, // position of the left active element _transform = 0, // transformation value.slider_wrapper _step = _itemWidth / _wrapperWidth * 100, // step size (for transformation) _items = ; // array of elements // filling the _items array _sliderItems.forEach(function (item, index) ( _items.push(( item: item, position: index, transform: 0 )); )); var position = ( getMin: 0, getMax: _items.length - 1, ) var _transformItem = function (direction) ( if (direction === "right") ( if ((_positionLeftItem + _wrapperWidth / _itemWidth - 1) >= position .getMax) ( return; ) if (!_sliderControlLeft.classList.contains("slider__control_show")) ( _sliderControlLeft.classList.add("slider__control_show"); ) if (_sliderControlRight.classList.contains("slider__control_show") && (_positionLeftItem + _wrapperWidth / _itemWidth) >= position.getMax) ( _sliderControlRight.classList.remove("slider__control_show"); ) _positionLeftItem++; _transform -= _step; if (direction === "left") ( if (_positionLeftItem<= position.getMin) { return; } if (!_sliderControlRight.classList.contains("slider__control_show")) { _sliderControlRight.classList.add("slider__control_show"); } if (_sliderControlLeft.classList.contains("slider__control_show") && _positionLeftItem - 1 <= position.getMin) { _sliderControlLeft.classList.remove("slider__control_show"); } _positionLeftItem--; _transform += _step; } = "translateX(" + _transform + "%)"; } // обработчик события click для кнопок "назад" и "вперед" var _controlClick = function (e) { if ("slider__control")) { e.preventDefault(); var direction ="slider__control_right") ? "right" : "left"; _transformItem(direction); } }; var _setUpListeners = function () { // добавление к кнопкам "назад" и "вперед" обработчика _controlClick для события click _sliderControls.forEach(function (item) { item.addEventListener("click", _controlClick); }); } // инициализация _setUpListeners(); return { right: function () { // метод right _transformItem("right"); }, left: function () { // метод left _transformItem("left"); } } } }());

The main action in the JavaScript code is performed by the _transformItem function. This function, depending on the direction passed to it, transforms the element.slider__wrapper.

Initializing the slider carried out as follows:

Var slider = multiItemSlider(".slider") Slider demo

How to create a looping slider?

Looping slides can be done by transforming .slider__item elements.

To do this, you need to bind the values ​​of its current position and transformation to each element.slider__item.

These actions can be most optimally performed using the _items array:

Var_items = ; // filling the array with elements.slider__item _sliderItems.forEach(function (item, index) ( _items.push(( item: item, position: index, transform: 0 )); ));

But you can associate data with elements not only using an array, but, for example, using data attributes. But DOM operations are the slowest and most resource-intensive, and they are not recommended when they can be done in some other way.

The next step is to create functions to calculate .slider__item with min and max position.

Var position = ( getItemMin: function () ( var indexItem = 0; _items.forEach(function (item, index) ( if (item.position< _items.position) { indexItem = index;` } }); return indexItem; }, getItemMax: function () { var indexItem = 0; _items.forEach(function (item, index) { if (item.position >_items.position) ( indexItem = index; ) )); return indexItem; ), getMin: function () ( return _items.position; ), getMax: function () ( return _items.position; ) )

Last Basic Step what needs to be done is to finalize the function _transformItem. Namely, add code to it that will change the position of the element .slider__item and carry out its transformation.

Var _transformItem = function (direction) ( var nextItem; if (direction === "right") ( _positionLeftItem++; if ((_positionLeftItem + _wrapperWidth / _itemWidth - 1) > position.getMax()) ( nextItem = position.getItemMin()  ; _items.position = position.getMax() + 1; _items.transform += _items.length * 100;  _step; ) if (direction === "left") ( _positionLeftItem--; if (_positionLeftItem< position.getMin()) {
 nextItem = position.getItemMax();
 _items.position = position.getMin() - 1;
 _items.transform -= _items.length * 100; = "translateX(" + _items.transform + "%)";
 _transform += _step;
 } = "translateX(" + _transform + "%)";

In fact, everything is simple here.

For example, in order to move to the next slide, the items array is first searched for an element with a position greater than that of the current rightmost element.slider__item.

If there is such an element in the array, then the transformation of the element.slider__wrapper is performed (i.e., actions, as in the algorithm without looping).

But if there is no such element, then in addition to transformation.slider__wrapper, a number of other actions are performed. First, the items array is searched for an element with minimum position. After receiving this item, he a position is set whose value will be equal to the value of the current right element + 1. And of course it does its transformation, by such a number of percent that he ends up at the end, i.e. after the last element.

To move to the previous slide, similar actions are performed, but in reverse.

In addition, for a looping slider, you do not need to switch the visibility of the Left and Right buttons. These buttons in this version of the slider will always be displayed.

To do this you need:

  • remove the slider__control_show class from the "Right" control;
  • in the CSS for selector.slider__control change the display property value to flex .
Slider demo

How to create a slider with looping and automatic slide changing?

You can program automatic slide changes at certain intervals using the setInterval function.

Var _cycle = function (direction) ( if (!_config.isCycling) ( return; ) _interval = setInterval(function () ( _transformItem(direction); ), _config.interval); )

The setInterval function in this example will run the _transformItem function at specified intervals equal to the value of the _config.interval variable.

In addition, it is advisable to add a stop to the automatic change of slides when you move the cursor to the slider.

You can implement this functionality as follows:

If (_config.pause && _config.isCycling) ( _mainElement.addEventListener("mouseenter", function () ( clearInterval(_interval); )); _mainElement.addEventListener("mouseleave", function () ( clearInterval(_interval); _cycle( _config.direction);

How to stop automatic slide changing if the element is not visible to the user?

It is advisable to disable automatic slide changing in two cases:

  • when the page (on which this slider is located) is inactive;
  • when the slider is outside the page's visibility area.

The first case can be handled using the visibilitychange event.

Document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", _handleVisibilityChange, false);

Function for the visibilitychange event handler:

// handling the "Document visibility changes" event var _handleVisibilityChange = function () ( if (document.visibilityState === "hidden") ( clearInterval(_interval); ) else ( clearInterval(_interval); _cycle(_config.direction); ) )

Calculating the visibility of an element can be done using the _isElementVisible function:

Function _isElementVisible(element) ( var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(), vWidth = window.innerWidth || doc.documentElement.clientWidth, vHeight = window.innerHeight || doc.documentElement.clientHeight, elemFromPoint = function (x, y) ( return document.elementFromPoint(x, y); if (rect.right);< 0 || rect.bottom < 0 || rect.left >vWidth || > vHeight) ( return false; ) return (element.contains(elemFromPoint(rect.left, || element.contains(elemFromPoint(rect.right, || element.contains (elemFromPoint(rect.right, rect.bottom)) || element.contains(elemFromPoint(rect.left, rect.bottom))); )

You can place the _isElementVisible call, for example, at the beginning of the _transformItem function. This action will cancel the automatic slide transition if the slider is currently outside the viewport.

Var _transformItem = function (direction) ( var nextItem; if (!_isElementVisible(_mainElement)) ( return; ) //...

Slider that responds to browser window resizing

This version of the adaptive slider differs from the previous ones in that it allows change the number of active elements (slides) when resizing the browser window. Users usually don't resize their browser, but it can still happen.

This is implemented using the resize event and the _states array. The array is used for calculations. Its use will allow you to avoid re-initializing the slider when it is not required.

From the author: Despite rumors about the supposed “death” of the part of web pages visible without scrolling, the need for a good slider has not disappeared. Let's be honest for a second - sliders are fun. In addition, nothing else, unlike moving content, causes a “wow” effect in the user. All sliders are a set of several slides that replace each other, and it is extremely important that the slider code is as light as possible. It is in such cases that jQuery will help us.

Take a look at the 20 jQuery sliders from Envato Market and you'll realize that there are sliders that are more than just a block of images that flow smoothly through them.

1. RoyalSlider – Touchscreen image gallery using jQuery

Nowadays, a responsive slider that is also touchscreen-friendly means a lot more than before. RoyalSlider combines both features: responsiveness and touch screen functionality. A good choice since the gallery is written in HTML5 and CSS3.

Several interesting features:

How to create a website yourself?

SEO optimization

Highly customizable

More than 10 starter templates

There is a fallback for CSS3 transitions

In my opinion, the coolest feature is the “modular script architecture”, which allows you to exclude unnecessary things from the main JS file, thereby reducing weight. RoyalSlider, a touchscreen image gallery in JQuery, is a robust JavaScript slider that should add to any developer's toolkit.

2. Slider Revolution responsive jQuery plugin

It's not that easy to do something "revolutionary" with a slider. When it comes to sliders, there are so many features you can add to them. However, Slider Revolution is a really good try. Among jQuery sliders, this instance meets all your possible requirements.

The list of slider features is so large, so I will list only the very best:

Parallax effect and custom animation

Unlimited number of layers and slides with links

ready to use, deeply customizable styles

and much more

The ability to add an image, embedded video player, and social media links makes Slider Revolution one of the most flexible and customizable options on the web.

3. LayerSlider adaptive jQuery slider plugin

The name “LayerSlider adaptive jQuery slider plugin” cannot truly evaluate this slider.
200+ 2D and 3D transitions between slides will turn anyone's head.

A couple of notable features:

13 skins and 3 menu types

Ability to place a fixed image on top of the slider

And jQuery fallback

And much more

As with the previous slider, you can add almost any content, even HTML5 resident multimedia content. LayerSlider brings sliders to life and is very pretty.

4. jQuery Banner Rotator/Slideshow

jQuery Banner Rotator / Slideshow is a fairly simple slider that does not sacrifice the main functionality.


Tooltips, text inserts, etc.

Previews and various options for viewing components

Timer with delay for one slider or all

Multiple transitions for all slides or different transitions for each individually

jQuery Banner Rotator / Slideshow, compared to other JQuery sliders, has only basic capabilities, but you should not forget about it.

5. All In One Slider – Responsive jQuery slider plugin

Any slider that appears on the web has its own unique vision and solves any problems in its field. But not this one. All In One Slider can be called “all inclusive”.

I think most web developers and designers have a proven solution, but they are always looking for something new. And this “something new” includes:

Banner rotator

Banner with preview

Banner with playlist

Content Slider


All slider types support most, if not all, of the functionality that jQuery sliders need. Will All In One Slider be your all-inclusive?

6. UnoSlider – Adaptive touchscreen slider

If your slider is not responsive and doesn't support touch screens, then you have the wrong slider. UnoSlider is correct.

This slider has found its place in the sun between simplicity and a rich set of functions. Functions:

Theme support

12 ready-made themes

40 transitions

IE6+ support

All features with an emphasis on design and style, making UnoSlider an excellent content slider with the ability to add themes.

7. Master Slider - jQuery touchscreen slider

Looking for “one jQuery slider to rule them all”? Try Master Slider – JQuery touchscreen slider for different screen sizes...

When it comes to good design, this example is one of the best:

More than 25 templates

Hardware accelerated transitions

Touch and swipe support

And much more

Interactive transitions, animated layers and hotspots will definitely grab your attention. Master Slider is a work of art.

8. TouchCarousel - jQuery content scroller and slider

TouchCarousel offers free support and updates. However, that's not all the features of this lightweight jQuery carousel slider.

If the word “touch” is in the name, you can guess that the slider is fully adaptive and supports touches. Other features:

SEO optimization

Smart autoplay

CSS3 transitions with hardware acceleration

Customizable UI and 4 skins for Photoshop

TouchCarousel, due to its unique physical slide scrolling, takes mobile experiences to a whole new level.

9. Advanced Slider - jQuery XML slider

jQuery sliders can be used not only on websites. They can also be useful in web applications. Advanced Slider allows you to do this.

With HTML or XML markup, this advanced slider makes a lasting impression:

Animated layers and smart video

100+ transitions and 150+ custom properties

15 slider skins, 7 scrollbar skins and built-in lightbox support

Keyboard navigation, touch support and full customization

And much more

However, the best feature is Advanced Slider - jQuery XML Slider API, making it an ideal slider option for your web application.

10. jQuery Slider Zoom In/Out Effect Fully Responsive

One of those jQuery sliders that will make you watch a demo before you start reading about its features. You just want to understand what this “zoom in/out effect” means.

The zoom effect is quite weak, but it adds a sense of control and real touch to the image while the rest of the slider is static. Special features of the slider:

CSS3 layer transitions

Animation end option for layers

Fixed width, full screen and full width options

Animated text with HTML and CSS formatting

Most sliders try to incorporate as many effects as possible, but jQuery Slider Zoom In/Out Effect Fully Responsive only has the Ken Burns effect, but it is well implemented.

11. jQuery Carousel Evolution

Like the aforementioned Advanced Slider - jQuery XML Slider, jQuery Carousel Evolution has its own API that can be used to enhance the functionality or integrate the slider into another project.

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What technologies and knowledge are needed today to create websites on your own? Find out at the intensive!

With images, HTML markup, YouTube and Vimeo videos you will also receive:

SEO optimization

9 carousel styles

Shadow and reflection effects

Image size can be adjusted, both front and back

jQuery Carousel Evolution is a simple carousel with many use cases.

12. Sexy Slider

Sexy Slider is no longer as sexy as before. However, due to its age, this slider is trustworthy.

The slider doesn't look very impressive at first glance, but if you customize it well, it will fit perfectly into your design. Possibilities:

Autoplay slides

Image Captions

Continuous slide playback

6 transition effects

Sexy Slider is waiting for you to unlock its full power and potential.

13. jQuery Image & Content Scroller w/ Lightbox

With all these mobile-friendly designs and touchscreen support, it's nice to see a jQuery slider that hasn't forgotten about desktop computers.

jQuery Image & Content Scroller w/ Lightbox supports keyboard input and mouse wheel, as well as other features:

Horizontal and vertical orientation

Text captions inside or outside the slider

Ability to set a certain number of slides visible at one time

Inline images, Flash, iframe, Ajax and inline content

The slider also has a built-in lightbox. If you wish, in jQuery Image & Content Scroller w/ Lightbox you can not launch the slider itself, but launch the lightbox separately.

14. Translucent – ​​Adaptive banner rotator/slider

Most jQuery sliders have their own design. You can customize it for yourself, but sometimes you just want everything to be inside the slider. We present to you Translucent.

The slider has a lot of presets. You may just need to set certain settings and that's it. Possibilities:

6 different styles

4 transition effects

2 swipe transitions

Customizable buttons and captions

Like the others, this slider is touch-sensitive, responsive, and hardware accelerated. Translucent is a slider with a minimal design that puts the content itself at the forefront.

15. FSS – Full Screen Sliding Website Plugin

Do you want to make a full-screen website consisting of slides? Then you need FSS.

In fact, using this JQuery slider it is extremely easy to create a full-screen slider website. Possibilities:

AJAX support


Deep linking technology support

2 different transition effects

It is also worth paying attention to the keyboard support and the 11-page guide. However, the real impression is the weight of the FSS, only 5Kb.

16. Zozo Accordion – Adaptive touchscreen slider

Another example of a jQuery slider that focuses on styling and does a good job. Zozo Accordion is a must-have for those looking for a good accordion slider with the ability to change styles.

This CSS3 animation beauty also has quite a wide range of features:

Horizontal and vertical accordion

Semantic HTML5 and SEO optimization

Touch, keyboard and WAI-ARIA support

More than 10 skins and 6 layouts

And much more

Zozo Accordion has free support and constant updates, as well as all the features you want in a jQuery accordion.

17. jQuery Responsive OneByOne Slider Plugin

jQuery Responsive OneByOne Slider Plugin is more like a simple animation than a slider. Instead of displaying one slide at a time, this instance fills the screen with slides one step at a time until there is no more space left in the area before moving on to the next slide.

CSS3 animation runs under Animate.css, it is lightweight, consists of several layers and is mobile friendly. Multiple features:

There is also a drag and drop navigation option. jQuery Responsive OneByOne Slider Plugin is powered by Twitter Bootstrap Carousel.

18. Accordionza - jQuery plugin

There is no jQuery slider easier than this. To operate, you need to download only 3Kb of the slider, which makes Accordionza the most lightweight accordion slider.

If you don't like the three styling options, you can tweak the HTML and CSS yourself. Possibilities:

Keyboard navigation

Easy to customize effects and buttons

Progressive enhancement technique - works without JavaScript

Remember that Accordionza can display many variations of mixed content, making it extremely flexible.

19. mightySlider – Responsive multi-purpose slider

MightySlider is a truly powerful slider. It can be used not only as a simple image slider, but also as a full-screen unidirectional slider with menu item navigation. With its help you can make a wonderful one-page website.

Under the hood you will find many options:

Keyboard, mouse and touch support

CSS3 transitions with hardware acceleration

Clean valid markup and SEO optimization

Unlimited number of slides, layers for captions and effects for them

The API is very powerful and developer friendly, which opens up different ways to use it. MightySlider is an excellent, progressive jQuery slider with clean and well-commented code.

20. Parallax Slider - Responsive jQuery plugin

Parallax Slider works like the jQuery Responsive OneByOne Slider Plugin and allows you to animate each layer separately within a single slide. You can animate all slides or even just one by adding parallax animation.

The set includes 4 sliders of different types, all with parallax effect. Like other jQuery sliders, it has:

Fully customizable

Touch support

Fully responsive, unlimited layers

Autoplay, looping, height and width adjustment, and timer

Animated layers aren't just about text or images. You can also add YouTube, Vimeo and HTML5 videos. Parallax Slider is another good example of how you can simulate Flash effects even better than Flash itself, which are also supported on all devices.


It's interesting to see how jQuery sliders have grown from something that simply replaced one image with another into a huge set of creative tools. Now there are 3D, parallax sliders, full-page sliders, adaptive sliders and those that can be viewed on both desktop computers and smartphones.

If you don't like any of the sliders on this list, you can always take the jQuery Code Tutorial on Envato and design something completely new and unique.

Or check out other sliders on Envato Market - there are plenty to choose from. What is your favorite jQuery slider and why?
