What is Facebook: why is it needed and how to use it. "Facebook": what is it, features of use and interesting facts What is Facebook and what is it for

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Social networks have taken over the world. This phrase has not seemed like a metaphor for about five years. A modern person communicates, makes a name for himself, expresses himself, works, and gets the latest news with the help of huge online communities such as Facebook. Communication with colleagues, family and close friends is the root cause of their appearance, but now social media also used to conduct business. Modern advertising is gradually changing its appearance. It no longer imposes a product, but is of a recommendatory nature. Social media is well suited to attract customers in the context of such changes.

Facebook is needed to communicate and find new contacts. It’s not for nothing that everyone says that all people in the world are connected to each other through six handshakes. The social network demonstrates this perfectly. It is easy to find the right people there for both friendly and business communication. All registered users are segmented according to socio-demographic characteristics and interests. Based on them, interesting people, materials, and advertisements are recommended to the user.

For example, you often read publications about healthy eating. Facebook takes this into account and further shows news relevant to your interests. In this way, information is filtered and the system’s algorithms recommend what to subscribe to on Facebook. The essence of these algorithms is to ensure that each registered user sees only what is valuable to him.

What is Facebook

Facebook is a social network created for communication. How to use it is up to everyone to decide for themselves. On a social network, you can be virtually friends with people you know personally, build professional contacts, and simply expand your horizons by subscribing to complete strangers, but very interesting users.

There are thematic communities on the network where the user can find like-minded people and friends with similar interests.

Facebook has opened up new business opportunities. Any registered user can expand their professional contacts, search for colleagues and clients. Since during registration we indicate certain information that characterizes us, it is very easy to establish connections based on it.

What to do on Facebook

First of all, communicate with each other. This is the first purpose of a social network. Thanks to this, companies have excellent ground for promoting their products and services. Another feature is the ability to receive operational feedback from our clients and partners.

Reviews play an important role in the promotion process. A person most trusts the opinion of another person who has already used a service or purchased a product. This work is one of the most difficult and responsible, so the process of promotion on Facebook does not end with the launch of advertising campaigns, but only begins with it.

On Facebook you can:

  • Attract clients and partners.
  • Advertise your products/services/special offers.
  • Communicate directly with your audience.
  • Post information about your company and its activities.
  • Receive instant feedback on the information you publish.
  • Test demand for new products/services.

On a social network you can create personal pages, business pages, communities (groups) and applications. With their help, groups of people are formed, united by interests, positions, membership in one or another socio-demographic group, etc. On the pages, users publish interesting, relevant information for one or another group, thereby increasing their value and fueling the user’s interest. In this way, companies represented on the social network expand their consumer audience, increase brand loyalty and their sales.

Business on Facebook

The Facebook audience is growing every day. This opens up unlimited business opportunities. To achieve this, the developers of the social network have come up with a diverse set of functions. They are aimed at working with the target audience.

It can be segmented by gender, age, country/city and even street of residence, interests. This allows you to target advertising very narrowly and analyze the audience that is most effective for your business.

Facebook for advertising

Provides flexible budgeting. You can monitor the money spent and the results obtained around the clock, promptly responding to any changes. Statistics allow you to deeply analyze all the actions of the users you attract. Based on this data, you can draw informed conclusions and make adjustments to advertising campaigns and the entire marketing strategy.

Facebook allows you to conduct your business within the social network, as well as attract potential customers to the site. During the promotion process, it is best to use both options and evaluate which platform gives you the best results. To do this, it is enough to set up advertising campaigns that will lead the user to a website or landing page. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about web analytics, which will add objectivity to your assessment of the quality of promotion.

To use Facebook effectively, you need:

  • specific goals;
  • knowing your audience or hypothesis;
  • clear plan;
  • promotion strategy, which involves maintaining pages and advertising campaigns;
  • clear positioning of the company;
  • clear KPIs – performance indicators.

In order to use everything that Facebook gives and effectively present your company on the social network, it is important to always remember that everyone knows, hears and discusses each other. Therefore, openness and friendliness are the basis on which you need to build your promotion. To these should be added the value of the information offered to the user, regular communication and constant search for an audience to whom you can be useful.

What is FaceBook?

The FaceBook social network was developed in early 2004. In the same year, it was implemented by Mark Zuckerberg. At first, the site was called “TheFacebook” and was accessible only to students at Harvard University. Later, the social network spread to all universities in the United States. And two years later, anyone over the age of thirteen could get an account on this social network.

All that was required to register was a valid email address. After the audience of the social network was significantly expanded, it changed its name to “Facebook”. It is under this name that it exists today. It is the largest social network on the Internet. Number of registered participants from different countries the world has already exceeded six hundred million. The Russian-language version of the social network appeared just 4 years after its creation.

Despite huge amount members of a social network, they can be divided into two categories. The first group includes adherents of this social network, and the second group includes users who are not satisfied with the functionality of the resource.

Registration on FaceBook

To get an account on the FaceBook social network, you will have to go through the registration procedure on the official website. Here you will be asked to fill out a standard registration form. It will ask you to indicate your first and last name, email address and password, as well as date of birth and gender. After registration, you can hide your date of birth so that it is not available for viewing by other users of the social network.

After all fields of the registration form have been filled out, you must click on the “Registration” button. The system will automatically send a letter to your email in which your registration on the FaceBook social network will be confirmed. To fully use all the features of the social network, you need to complete a few more steps.

1. Search for friends: after completing the registration procedure, FaceBook will offer you to search the network for your friends and acquaintances with whom you communicated via Skype or email.
2. Profile information: in addition to basic information about yourself, you can also add your place of work or study.
3. Photograph: you can upload a ready-made photo from your computer, or take a photo using a webcam.

FaceBook is a classic social network. Here, if you wish, you can provide personal information about yourself, for example, the country and city in which you live, education, age, etc. You can also upload your videos and photos, create a list of preferences (music and films, clubs and restaurants, athletes and favorite groups). You can correspond with friends, post and use built-in programs and applications of the social network (surveys, games and other entertainment). The service can be used not only as a simple social network. FaceBook can be used to promote your own business and attract new clients.

Relationship between users

Adding other users as "friends"

To ensure the security of your account, the developers have provided restrictions when adding new friends in the form of a limit of 5 thousand users. Also, if you and your potential friend don't have general information, for example, a school or higher education institution, then when you add a person as a friend, you will be asked if you know him. If the answer is no, you will earn a warning. Due to the large number of warnings, the administration of the social network may block the account.

After adding a new user as a friend, you can subscribe to his page. To do this, click special button in the profile. Until a potential friend confirms that you know him, you will be automatically subscribed to his updates. You can later easily unsubscribe from them, and the user will remain on your friends list. By default, all friends are divided into groups, according to the information you provided. So, for example, in your friends list you can find categories such as loved ones, relatives, university friends, school friends, etc. If you feel comfortable, you can create your own groups.

Using the Wink feature in FaceBook

For many, the purpose of this function still remains a mystery. This is simply a kind of greeting to another user. “Winking” no longer carries any functional load. Moreover, you can wink at other users countless times.

All messages on the social network FaceBook can be divided into only two types: incoming and other. The second group includes messages that you receive from users who are not on your friends list. This separation of messages is used to reduce the amount of spam on the social network.

For correspondence on the social network “FaceBook”, a special e-mail. What is she like? Your personal email address looks like this: “your social network name”@facebook.com. To view the archive of correspondence, simply go to the “Messages” tab. This will open a window displaying a list of interlocutors. The site also has the option quick exchange chat-like messages. In this case, each of your correspondence will be displayed in a small window located at the bottom of the browser window. This is very convenient because you can chat with friends and explore your news feed at the same time.

Your own website and FaceBook

Today, almost every entrepreneur has a community on a social network. Many people use the social network to create a page with their business. You can even create a whole group to promote your business. If you already have your own website and a page on the social network FaceBook, then in order to attract new clients and spread information about your business, you need to make sure that these two Internet resources overlap with each other.

For this purpose, it is possible to place a widget for your FaceBook group on the website. A group widget is a small block that contains important information about your page on the social network FaceBook. This could be information about the last post posted or the number of subscribers. Using the widget, any visitor to your website can join the community on a social network and receive the latest news about your business.

To add a FaceBook widget to your website, you need to insert the html code into the website page. You can get it from the developer section on the FaceBook website. There you need to click on Live Box and create your own widget. To do this you need to fill in the following fields:

— FaceBook Page URL – the address of your group on the FaceBook social network;
— Height – widget height;
— Width – widget width;
— Show Friends’ faces – when you check the box next to this item, the faces of your subscribers will be displayed on the widget;
— Show Posts – when you check the box next to this item, the widget will display the latest posts posted in the group.

After all fields are filled in, click on the “Get code” button. That's it! All that remains is to copy the result to the page of your website.

FaceBook: mobile version

Today, a huge number of Internet resources exist in two different options: regular and mobile. FaceBook is no exception to of this rule. The mobile version has a somewhat simplified interface. There are no unnecessary videos and pictures, which allows you to significantly speed up the page processing process. Usage mobile version FaceBook shouldn't be too difficult. Just like in the regular version, here you can view user pages, exchange messages, comment and change status. About 30% of all social network users have already switched to the mobile version.

It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without popular instant messengers and social networks, such as Telegram, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc. In the USA and other foreign countries, for example, they use Facebook. Today we’ll tell you how to use Facebook for dummies and why it’s needed in general.

A social network that was created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. Initially, it served for communication between employees of Harvard University, but when its popularity began to grow exponentially, it was decided to involve the whole world. And Pavel Durov adopted the idea and presented the opportunity for communication and exchange of videos, photos and text files in its Vkontakte networks. Many users who are not yet familiar with this network often ask why Facebook is needed.

Many of us gravitate not only to live communication with loved ones, friends, and relatives, but also want to develop our horizons. The application is also adapted for Russian consumers; it allows you to communicate in Russian. The service allows you to expand professional list making acquaintances, exchanging knowledge, discussing various topics. For business, this is, first of all, the search for potential clients, the opportunity to contact a person, no matter where he is. The main thing is the presence of the Internet. Creating groups and pages helps to actively promote a product on the international market; accordingly, companies are primarily interested in active communication, feedback and regularly stimulate the audience in different ways, for example, promotions and competitions.

Registration on Facebook

If you don't understand anything on the Internet, don't despair. The article will cover all aspects of the issue and give step-by-step recommendations, how to use Facebook for dummies. To get started, you need to register. It's completely free and won't take much time. Have your phone number ready and you will receive a confirmation code for activation. Go to home page, fill in the fields provided, because if you lose access, the organizers may request additional data. On mailbox You will receive a confirmation email, follow the link from it.

The page profile is activated. For completeness, you must fill out information about yourself, family, acquaintances, place of work or study. The name can be specified in two languages, Russian and English. Then you can be easily found in search. Now you can post, news, comment and like.

Extensive Facebook Features

  1. actively attracting new people to the business community;
  2. extended list of options for work;
  3. all kinds of discounts and promotions;
  4. searching and establishing the necessary contacts in the online process;
  5. setting up targeted advertising;
  6. Facebook features allow you to receive direct feedback from customers and respond to it;
  7. video clips, music, films, jokes;
  8. scrolling through the news feed, “Like” icons;
  9. broadcasting liked posts to other community members;
  10. discussions on interesting topics;
  11. expressing your opinion, defending your position;
  12. open communication with the audience;
  13. lightning-fast reaction to any event;
  14. availability different versions for PC and mobile devices running modern platforms;
  15. free message boards;
  16. active discussion of published topics;
  17. independent promotion of a page or group at first without purchasing advertising from famous bloggers;
  18. the opportunity to get feedback about a new product, just post information and users will give feedback.

Important! Many have heard, and perhaps experienced, the fundamental aspects of collaboration with Facebook. Developers block users for various reasons.


To avoid an unpleasant situation, read and follow the requirements below:

  • Speak to each other in a respectful manner. Do not give reasons for insult and behave as correctly as possible. Negative and derogatory communication towards participants will entail fines in the form of permanent blocking of the page or profile.
  • Do not send prohibited or immoral information. Propaganda for the sale of drugs, distribution of pornography and incitement of ethnic hatred are serious reasons for a final and lifelong ban.
  • No mass sending of letters. It is prohibited to send unauthorized advertising, regular and numerous requests to be added to "Friends" will lead to limited opportunities when working with the social network.

If you want to enjoy communicating on Facebook, follow the above requirements, and you don’t have to think about losing your page due to rash actions. After all, ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility.

That's all. Now you know what ample opportunities for development the service provides and how to use Facebook. There are currently several million registered users, so the search is carried out using the information provided on the page. In fact, people are selected based on similar data provided. Don’t be lazy to upload a photo for your avatar, so you can stand out from the variety. If the purpose of registering online is to find a partner or friends with similar interests, for example, tourism, then it is enough to appear as an interesting and mysterious person.

To do this, tell about yourself, indicate your favorite quotes, filmography, books, only what really catches you. With the page activated, you can begin to understand the interface. In your profile, pay attention to the sections that can be edited:

If the question is: “What is Facebook?” Whenever a day haunts you, it’s time to have a little educational program.

So, what is Facebook today and why is it so popular? Facebook is a website that is one of the largest networks in the world today. The number of Facebook users exceeds 400 millions of people from different parts of the world. Users can use the site in both Russian and English languages. It is precisely because of the huge user audience that it is one of the most promising areas for promoting websites and any other Internet projects.

More about the Facebook network
The birthday of the super popular network is considered to be February 4, 2004. Anyone over the age of thirteen has the right to register on the site, provided they have an electronic mailbox.

How Facebook works
In social Facebook networks Each registered user in his profile can communicate with friends from all over the world, exchanging instant messages, upload photos and view pictures of other users, as well as create all kinds of interest groups.

The site provides a fairly large set of functions thanks to which users can contact each other. Virtual winking is extremely popular, as is the so-called “wall” on which friends of the profile owner can unfollow. And, of course, Facebook users spend most of their time looking at friends’ photo albums and commenting on interesting photos.

Each user himself opens access to the information contained in the profile to certain people, thereby controlling the situation and preventing “intrusion” into the profile of unwanted people.

Interesting facts about Facebook
In 2007, the site owners announced to users the possibility of third-party programmers creating programs for a certain list of services, allowing them to make money on it. Thanks to this promotion, the functions of the site were expanded with new tools, which influenced the increase in the number of new users.
In 2009, each user was given the opportunity to choose the address for their page independently. Users appreciated the innovation, gaining even greater trust and respect for the site.

In the same year, users were able to independently choose the site language in their profile.

One of the negative aspects of the Facebook tangent is that, or rather, against the “like” button, since its use violates the policy information security countries.

So, now you know what Facebook is and, for sure, you are ready to join the ranks of users of one of the most popular networks in the world.

And also:
Nowadays, many people use social networks to somehow influence officials. If you want your area to have high-quality urban lighting, then you can create a group on a social network and look for like-minded people from your area. Through such informal associations, people can be mobilized to achieve good goals.

For several hours - it has become an integral part of the life of a modern person. However, when looking through your news feed, sometimes you just want to unfriend certain people who, through their actions or publications, can cause an uncontrollable wave of irritation. Therefore, we have compiled a list of 10 actions that are best never repeated in .


Don't tag people in photos with cats, landscapes, or other images that only you find cute. Let's agree once and for all - the tendency to put a mark on a photo where there is neither the face nor the torso of your friend has long gone into oblivion. Now such antics, even if it’s a heartfelt congratulation on Angel’s Day, incredibly irritate people.

The only way to anger your friends and good acquaintances is by publishing photographs in which they are captured in a very compromising form. Let's leave jokes in the style of schoolchildren about a drunken friend falling asleep and a girlfriend dancing on the table exclusively in our own company. After all, Facebook can be used by the boss of that same friend who works in a bank, and by the conservative fiancé of a mischievous friend who danced dashingly on a high surface.

Still playing games and using various applications on Facebook? Well, okay, it's your own business. This is completely uninteresting for other friends to whom you send requests for recommended games to know. Whether after this a person will go to collect pirate treasures or choose an evening outfit for a princess is very unlikely. But he will feel a surge of irritation one hundred percent.

Posting dozens of identical photos is almost a mortal sin on social networks. Agree, no one is interested in viewing photographs of a person against a rock from several angles. Just like admiring the first blooming magnolia is better in two or three photos than in a hundred. Try not to post monotonous photos on social networks so as not to bore your friends.

If you manage to combine business and business, that’s great. However, try not to become that annoying person who constantly says “listen, subscribe to my group and like the latest post.” And a week later, instead of sending a “hello” message, send everyone invitations to another new group.

Facebook has a wonderful opportunity to follow the most interesting events in your city and invite friends to them. But some, most often the people from the previous paragraph, brazenly abuse this. Just stop inviting your classmates to a seminar on promoting online stores if they work as teachers in educational institutions.

Boasting on Facebook is not appreciated; it causes indignation and the same familiar irritation. Therefore, you need to feel the fine line between “look, I finally went on vacation, stopping by Cannes. Isn’t it really beautiful here?” and “hello, poor people! This is me in a mansion overlooking the Cote d'Azur, enjoying a luxurious life. what do you have there?

Becoming an Internet expert on geopolitics on Facebook is also not worth it. Daily comments on any political or economic events in the country from you will look at least inappropriate. Unless, of course, you are a political scientist or journalist. Nobody is against displaying a civic position, but your friends don’t want to see it in their feed every three hours.

A person constantly puts other people's photos on his avatar - this is what sooner or later friends get tired of seeing. They want to correspond with their friend, introducing him through a photo, but instead they see an Asian model or a dazzling smile. Not bad, but sometimes confusing.
