Where is history stored in chrome. View, delete and restore history in Yandex browser

Many users are interested in where the history is in the Yandex browser and how to clear it. This Internet browser is characterized, first of all, by a simple interface. There is nothing superfluous here, only the necessary icons. This is why some users get lost and cannot find the log of visited web pages. Let's take a closer look at how to do this.

How to view history in Yandex Browser

In order to find out where the history of Yandex browser is, we first launch the Internet browser. In the upper right corner there is a gear-shaped icon (in the latest versions it looks like three horizontal stripes). Click on it, after which a context menu will appear. Here you should select the History item, after which a new page will open where you can find the information you are interested in about the sites you visited.

There is another way to view the history of the Yandex browser. To do this, click on the Tableau and go to the Recently Closed tab. If you don’t have it or it has disappeared, then you will find a solution to this problem. If you are interested in the whole story, you will see a link below to go to it. You can also use hotkey combinations. For users with Windows OS who are interested in where the history is in the Yandex browser, you need to press Ctrl and H. If you have Mac OS installed on your computer, then click ⌘ and H at the same time.

How to clear history in Yandex.Browser

In the case when you need to clear the Yandex browser history for a certain period, you need to go to Settings and select Advanced. A menu will open in front of you, where you need to click on Clear history. In the window that appears, select the period for which you want to delete information, as well as its type. For example, if you only need to clear your browsing history, then put a highlight next to this inscription and uncheck all other checkboxes. And if you still want, then leave another tick in the “Cache” field.

Keep in mind that there is no way to restore Yandex browser history using standard tools yet, so be careful. If necessary, you can remove only certain pages from your browsing history. To do this, click on and select History. Here you should highlight the information that you want to get rid of. After the checkboxes are next to all the necessary pages, click on the Delete selected elements button and confirm your action.

In order to clear the history, you can use hotkeys. Microsoft OS users can press Ctrl + Shift + Del for this purpose. Those using an Apple product must click ⌘, Shift and Del at the same time.

I would like to say a few words about where the download history is located in the Yandex browser. To get here, click on Settings and go to Downloads. To remove any information here, put a checkmark next to its name and click on the line Remove from list. In addition, you can access your download history through the Tableau. We click on the corresponding item, and a window opens in front of us in which we can see when and what files were downloaded to the computer. You can also delete information about downloads through the Clear history window. To do this, simply check the box next to the download history option.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. Managing the history of pages visited and downloads made is quite simple, like all other settings in the Internet browser from Yandex. However, before you carry out the procedure, make sure that you remove what you will not need. To avoid manually clearing your download history every time, you can use it in Yandex Browser.

As you use it, it accumulates a browsing history, which is formed into a separate log. If necessary, you can access your browsing history at any time to find a site you have visited before or even transfer the log to another computer with the Mozilla Firefox browser.

History is an important browser tool that saves in a separate section of the browser all the sites you have visited with the dates of their visits. If necessary, you always have the opportunity to view the history in the browser.

If you need to view the history in the browser itself, this can be done very simply.

Browser History Location on Windows

All history displayed in the section "Magazine" browser, is stored on the computer as a special file. If you need to find it, then this is also easy to do. You cannot view the history in this file, but it can be used to transfer bookmarks, browsing history and download history to another computer. To do this, you will need to delete or rename the file in the profile folder on another computer with Firefox installed Places.sqlite, and then paste another file there Places.sqlite, copied before.

The found file can be copied to any storage medium, to the cloud or another location.

Browsing History is a useful tool in Mozilla Firefox. Knowing where the history is in this browser will greatly simplify your work with web resources.

One of the most useful features of all modern browsers is the ability to save and display history. The user can not only view the list of completed actions, but also edit it: delete those steps that should not be recorded in the history. But there are also situations when deleted fragments of history can be restored.

History in Yandex Browser

Yandex Browser, like many other browsers, provides quick access to history. In it, it stores information about which links the user followed, in what sequence and at what time. You can access the history through the browser itself:

Partial history clearing

If you want to remove information about one or more transitions from your history, but at the same time keep the rest of your browsing history, then hover your mouse over the icon of unnecessary links (the icon next to the column with the transition time) - it will turn into a switch that you can check. Check the boxes for all the items you want to erase, and then click on the “Delete selected items” button - it appears at the top of the entire list when at least one item is selected.

Select the elements and click “Remove selected elements”

Complete history clearing

If you want to erase information about your transitions for all time or for a certain period (week, month, year), then follow these steps:

Video: deleting history in Yandex Browser

Disabling history

Switching to Incognito mode

The first option is suitable if you need to disable history recording, for example, only to work on one site, or you do not want to adjust the registry so as not to damage it. “Incognito” mode is built into Yandex Browser - you can access it by holding the combination Ctrl + Shift + N on the keyboard. After using it, after a few seconds a separate tab will open with a dark design, indicating that you are now in Incognito mode.

History is not saved in Incognito mode

Editing the Registry

If you need to disable history recording no matter what you do and what sites you go to, you will have to follow these steps:

The default value for this key is 0 (zero), so the history is saved. Changing the setting will cause the browser to stop saving history immediately after it is restarted with the updated value in the registry. If in the future you want to return the browser's permission to handle your Internet browsing, then set the value to 0 again.

Restoring history

If the history was deleted using one of the above methods, then the chances that it can be restored in whole or in part remain, but small. There are several methods, each with a different approach to recovering lost data: system rollback, viewing cookie data, and using third-party programs.

Where is history stored?

Before you try to recover deleted data, you need to know how it is stored. To do this, you can go to the folder allocated to Yandex Browser on the system drive (usually the Yandex folder on partition C), select the UserDate - Default subfolder. The final subfolder will contain many files, but among them you can find elements with the History key. It is in them that all data relating to history is recorded.

The history is stored in the Default folder

View cookies

Cookies are pieces of various data transferred from a website to the browser. They are necessary, for example, so that the user does not have to re-enter the password each time. Since they save the address of the Internet resource itself along with information about the site, by viewing them you can find out where the user has been.

But we must take into account that cookies are not sent and stored from all sites visited, and they are often deleted along with the history.

  1. From the browser menu, select “Settings”.

    Open the “Settings” section

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the settings page and expand all additional options. Find the “Personal Data” block and click on the “Content Settings” button.

    Click on the “Content Settings” button

  3. In the window that opens, click on the “Show cookies and site data” button.

    Click the “Show cookies and site data” button

  4. A list of all saved cookies will appear. Study it, you may be able to find the information you need.

    You can find the sites you need in the list of cookies

Using a third party program

There is a third-party program that, using nested algorithms, searches all the secluded places of the computer for files that can help restore lost history. It's called Hc. Historian. Download it and open the hc file. Historian.Optionshc.install.bat, which is the basis of the application, and then follow these steps:

System rollback

By default, the operating system automatically creates backup copies of itself every time. They are necessary in case Windows encounters errors that it cannot solve, and it has only one option left - to return its files to the state they were in when there was no unsolvable error.

The backup copy stores all files in the form in which they arrived at the time the copy was created. This means that the browser history files are also saved in it, and by performing a system rollback, you can also roll back the history entries. The disadvantage of this method is that all elements will be rolled back, so if something was installed or changed after the copy was created, it will be reset.

Restoring to a backup point is performed using system tools:

  1. Enter the name “Recovery” in the system search bar and open the found section of the control panel.

    We indicate which point to use for rollback

The duration of recovery depends on the performance of the computer and the load on the hard drive, so sometimes it lasts more than an hour, although more often it is completed in 10–15 minutes. After the rollback is complete, you can check whether the history has been restored.

Video: recovering deleted browser history

Yandex Browser saves the links followed by the user. History can be partially or completely cleared. It is restored through cookies, third-party programs and system rollback. History recording can be disabled by editing the registry or activating Incognito mode.

Whether you like it or not, the history in Google Chrome is saved. That's the way he's built. What was requested in the search engine, which sites were opened and when (by date and time) - all this is recorded in the browser by default. But, of course, this entire list of websites is stored only in Google Chrome and in the Google account (if connected). And it is not sent anywhere else on purpose and is not provided to anyone. With the exception, of course, of some “curious” online services that “rummage” through users’ browsers to see what they have recently viewed on the Internet.

And for the Chrome owner personally, the directory of visited pages can be very useful. Here, for example:

1. It can be used to find an interesting article you recently read that you lost track of and forgot to bookmark. Just open the story and search for the topic in the list with the required URL.

2. The visit log helps to exercise parental control. After all, in it you can easily view what your child requested in search engines and what pages he opened.

From this article you will learn how to view your history in Chrome, quickly find the desired link in it, and also how to go to the browser directory where a file with data about visited web resources is stored.

Opening History...

You can get to the journal tab in various ways:

1.Through the menu:

Click the “three dots” button (the “Menu” icon) at the top right of the Chrome window;

in the panel that opens, move the cursor to the “History” item;

in the additional panel that drops down, you can immediately follow the link to the last opened sites or click “History” to go to the log to familiarize yourself with all available information about visits.

2. Using hot keys:

For quick access, press “Ctrl” + “H” together.

3. Type in the address bar - chrome://history/. And then press "Enter".

How to use the magazine?

All saved URLs are displayed in a list. Each site, when loaded, automatically goes into history and is placed according to time and date. For convenience, all days are displayed in separate blocks.

To quickly find the required entry, type a query in the search bar located at the top of the journal. After entering, the search results are loaded immediately.

What file is the history stored in?

To save all open sites, the browser places links in a special file. It is located in the Chrome directory:

Drive C → Users → → AppData → Local → Google → Chrome → User Data → Default

And it's called "History". An additional “container” is also located here - “History-journal”.

How to disable the log?

You cannot deactivate saving your browsing history in Google Chrome through the standard settings. But you can delete it after finishing web surfing (read more about this procedure) or initially switch to “Incognito” mode before the Internet session. After turning it on, complete anonymity of the user on the Internet is maintained and no links are saved in the journal.

If you have deleted your browser history and now want to find a previously visited page, then here you will find a real method for restoring the list of visited pages and find out what pitfalls await you on the Internet.

If you are interested in restoring history that was not saved in advance, we recommend reading:

Recovering from a previously saved history

I offer you an option that I myself tested on each of the browsers described below.

You can restore deleted history in the following order:

  1. Save the history file.
  2. Copy it to a specially created folder, i.e. make a backup.
  3. If you deleted the history and wanted to restore it, return the saved files from the backup to the original folder.

First you need to allow Explorer to show hidden folders on your PC. Therefore, go to Explorer, click “Tools → Folder Options”.

In the window that appears, activate the “View” tab and check the box next to the line “Show hidden…”. Click the "Apply" button.

I show the further procedure using the example of Opera. The technology is the same for other browsers. The only difference is the file name and its location, which I will indicate.

Open the AppData folder. You access it through “Users” →<Имя пользователя>. Do not leave it until the end of the article.


Find the file History. Go to it through the folders: Roaming → Opera Software → Opera Stable.

Copy it to any folder on your hard drive. This will be a backup history file. Now, if you clear the list of visited pages in your browser, it can be restored. To do this, do this:

  1. Close Opera.
  2. Copy the backup file to the source folder, i.e. Opera Stable .
  3. You launch the browser and rejoice at the returned list of web pages.

Make such a backup regularly, and you will not have problems returning the list of visited pages.


Do you need a file places.sqlite. Here again go to Roaming, and then to Mozilla → Firefox → Profiles. If you see a subfolder in Profiles, don’t be alarmed: places.sqlite inside her.

Google Chrome

Here the file is called History. Go to it along this path: Local → Google → Chrome → User Data → Default .

Yandex Browser

The file is named History. The path is as follows: Local → Yandex → ​​YandexBrowser → User Data → Default.

If you were looking on the Internet for how to recover deleted history, you might have come across recommendations from would-be specialists who themselves have not tried on a computer what they advise others to do. Following their methods, you can only kill time and scold yourself for the fact that absolutely nothing is possible. And the reason is not in you, but in the source of information.

I tested the methods described on the Internet myself. I will say that without preliminary measures taken, you will not be able to return the list of visited pages.

The reason is simple - this list is saved in a specific file, which is overwritten when you click the “Clear history” button, but is not deleted.

What should you not spend time on?

I'll show you the pitfalls you can run into

DNS cache is not browser pages

If you decide to save the situation using a DNS cache, then in this way you can see a list of all the sites that the computer accessed, but you cannot restore the browser history.

To make sure of this, write ipconfig /displaydns on the command line and find out who your PC is “talking” to behind your back. But you won't find the pages you need.

System or History Restore?

If some site says that you can use the Windows System Restore utility, then this will help in other cases, but you will not get back the list of visits.
