How to remove deep scratches on alloy wheels. How to get rid of chips and scratches on car rims on your own: visual instructions

Keeping wheel rims new for several seasons is a very difficult matter, because these elements are the first to encounter all the adverse external influences on the car’s path. In this regard, they require regular updating, and most often repairs are necessary to eliminate scratches and chips on the disks. This will be discussed further.

If it is necessary to repair car wheels by repainting them in a garage, liquid enamels and varnishes are more convenient. The powder method of applying paint material is impossible without a polymerization chamber. However, such paint high quality and following the painting technology, it lays quite firmly on the surface of the part.

The quality of painting wheels on a car is determined by the thoroughness of preparation for repair, which includes removing the old paintwork, degreasing and priming the surface. Let's take a closer look at how you can return your rims great view and remove scratches and chips in garage conditions.

What do you need for work?

Before you start updating disks and removing scratches, you need to prepare the room. The garage needs to be cleaned, clearing it of dust and debris, after which, if possible, it is necessary to treat the walls and floor with water to remove the remaining dust. This way it will not press on the surface of the car part being painted.

Now you can prepare what you need to complete the job:

  • water, detergent and a brush to remove dirt from the discs;
  • sandpaper of various grits to remove minor scratches and grinding;
  • white spirit for degreasing disks;
  • finishing putty to seal cracks in parts;
  • acrylic primer and paint in cans (or in cans if you plan to use a spray gun);
  • clear varnish;
  • gloves, respirator and safety glasses.

To update car rims to remove scratches, it is recommended to use paint and primer from the same manufacturer. Also, if you have a mini-wash available, the discs can be cleaned with it.

From sanding to priming

All stages of repairing scratches and chips on disks are as follows:

  • cleansing;
  • padding;
  • direct painting;
  • applying varnish.

The first step is to free the car wheel rims from rubber and thoroughly clean and wash them. It is also recommended to check them for unevenness and, if necessary, straighten them; it is better to entrust this work to specialists.

After cleaning, the surface grinding stage begins. Sanding is done using sandpaper, which helps remove old paint from the disc. At this stage, you can also use a drill with a special attachment.

While sanding, use water to remove any old paint that has come away from the surface. Sanding should be carried out with a decrease in the abrasiveness of the paper, completing the processing with the finest sandpaper.

If the details have deep scratches, cracks or chips, they are repaired by covering them with finishing putty, which, after drying, is sanded with zero-grade sandpaper (M 40).

The surface has been prepared, and now you can proceed to the next stage of repair - applying primer, which helps subsequent layers of paint to adhere better to the discs and also provides some anti-corrosion protection.

Important! Before priming, parts must be degreased using white spirit.

Then the primer is applied in two or three layers, each of which must be allowed to dry. Before applying primer to the surface of the disc, carefully read the instructions. Shake the can periodically during priming.

Painting and varnishing

It is better the next day after applying primer to them. Painting is done in almost the same way as priming, that is, in 2-3 thin layers with drying of each of them.

The repair stage of coating the discs with varnish is carried out in two layers, and in order to completely dry after this, the discs must be left alone for 3-4 days. After this, the parts can be treated with a special polish and begin to be used.

There is another option

Carry out repairs rims car and you can remove small chips and scratches by using epoxy paste instead of putty and primer. This product consists of two components - the paste itself and the hardener. After washing, cleaning, sanding and degreasing, they need to be mixed and applied to damaged areas with scratches and chips, then remove excess and allow to dry (see the time on the packaging of the specific paste).

It is better to use white paste so that it does not show through the paint that will be applied on top of it.

You can dry the epoxy material under ultraviolet lamps, which will allow the paste to dry faster and set well. If you repair the discs without removing the rubber, then it must be sealed with masking tape.

After the epoxy has set, it needs to be sanded with fine-grit sandpaper, eliminating any unevenness. Then the discs are also painted with acrylic paint and varnished. After the repair, it will not be superfluous to treat the rims with car polish.

Modern wheel rims come in several types, each of which differs from the other in its characteristics. Sometimes these differences are really strong. For example, stamped steel wheels can easily withstand even significant damage, and all small defects can always be hidden under a cover. Another thing is light alloy wheels, on which every defect is visible.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work to eliminate defects on rims, you need to prepare materials and tools. You will definitely need automotive sandpaper of different grits (180, 240, 400, 800 and 2000), G3 polishing paste, a sanding attachment for a drill with Velcro, polymer masking tape, and a two-component water-based aerosol varnish. You also need to find round sponges for a velcro attachment for polish and a screwdriver.

To clean the metal from dust and dirt, you will in turn need water, rags and detergent. You should also think about protecting yourself. Get gloves, safety glasses and a respirator.

The work will consist of several steps, but first you must completely dismantle the wheel. If the tire interferes with restoration work, the wheel should be disassembled. The work area must be cleared of dust and dirt in advance.

Important: all work should be performed in a room with good ventilation!


We clean the wheel rim from dust and dirt, and then use masking tape to seal the edge of the tire tread. This is necessary in order not to damage it during operation. When everything is ready, we begin to polish the scratches. As always, we first grind with a disc with the coarsest grit - 180. Gradually change, choosing increasingly finer grains. It is recommended to moisten the sanding cloth in water before work.

Important: During grinding work, do not press too hard so as not to provoke the appearance of dents on the wheel rim.

Advice: If the chips and scratches are too deep, then sanding alone will not do. In this case, it is recommended to use epoxy paste and car putty.

At the final stage we use Farecla G3 paste and a polishing sponge. Having removed traces of polish and abrasive from the disc, we proceed to varnishing. Before doing this, you should protect the branding and nipple with masking tape. The wheel can be closed by making a “collar” from the deck playing cards. Apply aerosol varnish from a distance of about 1 meter in 2 layers with an interval of 24 hours.

With roads like those in our country, brand new rims
your car can become damaged in just one season.
Restoring chips at a tire shop costs a lot of money, so I want you
tell me how you can return it yourself car rims their former appearance.
For this you will not need anything special, and the cost of materials will be simply meager.
Reading detailed instructions further.

What we need:
1) chips on the disks
2) 2-component epoxy paste, its color is not so important.
But keep in mind that if the paste is red/green/gray, through the paint quickly
everything will enlighten you, you will need a primer (aka primer).
I have white epoxy, I did it without primer.
3) sandpaper with a grain index of 300-400. And it wouldn’t hurt to have a smaller one with an index of 600.
4) masking tape, this is provided that we do not remove the rubber from the disk.
5) actual spray paint and varnish. Einszett Silber spray, the color is very close to the factory one.
You can also use silver spray from Wurth. In this case, I have a varnish from Wurth.
But if there are any difficulties in choosing a color, then it is better to contact a colorist - they will select it.

Use sandpaper (300-400) to clean the scratches and remove the bumps.

Cover the rubber with tape

Take epoxy paste, mix A and B in equal proportions, apply to uneven areas,
Carefully remove excess paste.

We leave to dry (the longer the better) I put the wheels under the lamps for several hours.
Firstly, the epoxy will dry faster this way, and secondly, it will set better.

I was carried away by the work and missed the next stage in photography =)
In general, we sand the dried epoxy with fine sandpaper, level it, everything should be smooth,
including to the touch, without flaws.
Next we paint. I already have some experience with spray painting. I used to do car modeling.
Shake the can well, paint from a distance of 20-30 cm, in thin soft layers so that there is no overflow
and transitions are noticeable. 2-3 layers are enough. Dry for about 30 minutes between each layer. Before painting, it is advisable
humidify the room so that dust does not fall on the freshly painted surface.

Once the paint dries, we varnish it. 2 layers of varnish are enough, drying for half an hour.
After this, you can also put the wheels under the lamps for a couple of hours.
After all layers have completely dried, take the finest sandpaper with water and gently go over it
in places that were varnished to smooth the surface.
You can also polish the disc so that everything is intact and beautiful :)
That's it.

Modern rims for car wheels come in several types. And if stamped steel wheels can withstand damage, even dents, and are covered with caps, then cast light-alloy wheels with a paint coating after seasonal changes in weather and road surfaces have all their flaws visible. And the most common defect is numerous scratches and chips.

Recovery appearance Such discs are not cheap in auto repair shops, and these procedures can take a lot of time. In fact, it is possible to bring the wheels into proper condition, close to the factory one, even in a garage. Today we will look at one of the simple technologies for such “home” restorations.

Preparatory work

First, we need to completely dismantle the wheel by lifting the car on a jack and unscrewing the mounting nuts. It is not necessary to disassemble the wheel unless there is a doubt that the tire tread will interfere with our work. In our case, the tire will remain in place throughout the entire restoration process.
Because we're talking about When finishing with paint and varnish coatings, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the workshop or area of ​​these works from dust, which can spoil the entire result. Ventilation is also important, otherwise all the chemicals in a closed room will settle in your lungs.

Technology and material base

The entire restoration procedure consists of several stages:
  • Primary cleaning.
  • Elimination of defects.
  • Polishing with G3 paste.
  • Varnishing.
For these works we will need:
  • Automotive waterproof sandpaper of different grains with Velcro (180, 240, 400, 800, 2000).
  • Sandpaper attachment for drill with Velcro.
  • Two-component water-based aerosol varnish.
  • Polishing paste G3.
  • Round sponges with a Velcro attachment for polish.
  • Polymer masking tape.
You will also need water, detergent to clean the metal from dirt and dust, and rags for dry and wet cleaning. It would also be a good idea to take care of protective equipment – ​​goggles, gloves, a respirator. For sanding we use a screwdriver.

The process of restoring alloy wheels step by step

The damage zone of the wheel rim is mainly external, and less affects the side parts of their slotted shape. Having cleaned and washed the rim of the disc from dirt, we proceed to sanding the scratches. But before that, we glue the edge of the rubber tire tread adjacent to the metal with masking tape so as not to rub it with an emery wheel.

We start sanding with the coarsest abrasive disc, grit size 180. A screwdriver is quite suitable for a velcro attachment. This should be done without much pressure to avoid making dents and sanding. On soft metal such as aluminum or magnesium alloy, this sandpaper will easily remove most chips and scratches.

Sometimes surface damage can be so deep that sanding is not enough. In this case, automotive putties or epoxy pastes designed specifically for such work are used.
Monitoring the results, we gradually change the discs to a higher abrasive grit rating. Up to No. 1000, the treatment is done dry, and only the final number is washed with ordinary water. Before processing, craftsmen advise moistening the sandpaper itself by placing it in a container of water.

Upon completion of grinding, the effect becomes visually noticeable. Now it's the turn of the polishing sponge and Farecla G3 paste. Its professionals know it as a universal polishing paste that eliminates minor defects and is applied to surfaces such as metal, industrial varnishes, plastics, acrylic and even.
We apply it to a sponge and go through the surface using a screwdriver with an attachment. Having cleaned the surface of the disc from traces of polish and abrasive, we prepare it for varnishing.

We remove the removable branding, seal the nipple with masking tape, and protect the protector. For this, for example, a regular deck of cards laid out around the entire circumference of the wheel is suitable.

If the rims of your car have chips and scratches and they are causing you a lot of stress, then you can restore them on your own! And very budget-friendly!

What we need:
1) chips on the disks
2) two-component epoxy paste, its color is not so important.
But keep in mind that if the paste is red/green/gray and will most likely show through the paint, you will need a primer (aka primer).
I have white epoxy, I did it without primer.
3) sandpaper with a grain index of 300-400. And it wouldn’t hurt to have a smaller one with an index of 600.
4) masking tape, this is provided that we do not remove the rubber from the disk.
5) actual spray paint and varnish. Einszett Silber spray, the color is very close to the factory one.
You can also use silver spray from Wurth. In this case, I have a varnish from Wurth. But if there are any difficulties in choosing a color, then it is better to contact a colorist - they will select it.

Use sandpaper (300-400) to clean the scratches and remove the bumps.

Cover the rubber with tape

Take epoxy paste, mix A and B in equal proportions, apply to uneven areas, carefully remove excess paste.

We leave to dry (the longer the better) I put the wheels under the lamps for several hours. Firstly, the epoxy will dry faster this way, and secondly, it will set better.

I was carried away by the work and missed the next stage in photographing =) In general, we sand the dried epoxy with fine sandpaper, level it, everything should be smooth, including to the touch, without flaws.
Next we paint. I already have some experience with spray painting. I was once involved in car modeling. Shake the can well, paint from a distance of 20-30 cm, in thin soft layers so that there is no overflow and transitions are noticeable. 2-3 layers are enough. Dry for about 30 minutes between each layer. Before painting, it is advisable to humidify the room so that dust does not fall on the freshly painted surface.
