Presentation on the topic of innovation in medicine. Presentation "educational and research project "information technologies in medicine""

Medical informatics Information processes are present in all
fields of medicine and healthcare. From them
orderliness depends on the clarity of functioning
industry as a whole and the efficiency of its management.

Classification of medical information systems

The key link in healthcare informatization is
information system.
The classification of medical information systems is based on
hierarchical principle and corresponds to a multi-level structure
healthcare. There are:
1. basic level medical information systems
2. medical information systems at the level of medical institutions.
3. medical information systems at the territorial level.
4. federal level, intended for information
support of the state level of the health care system.

Medical instrumentation and computer systems

Medical instrument and computer systems
An important type of specialized medical
information systems are medical instrument-computer systems (MPCS).
The IPC can be divided into three main components:
medical, hardware and software.
In relation to MPS, medical support includes:
ways to implement the selected range of medical tasks,
solved in accordance with the capabilities of the hardware and
software parts of the system.

Medical diagnostics

Development and implementation of information systems in the field of medical
technology is quite an urgent task. Application Analysis
personal computers in medical institutions shows that computers
mainly used for processing text documentation, storing and
database processing, statistics. Part of the computer is used in conjunction with
various diagnostic and therapeutic devices. In most of these
areas of computer use, standard software is used
provision – text editors, DBMS, etc. Therefore, the creation
information organizational and technical system capable
timely and reliably establish the patient’s diagnosis and choose
effective treatment tactics is an urgent task

Monitoring systems

The task of promptly assessing a patient’s condition arises in a number of ways.
very important practical directions in medicine and, first of all,
queue during continuous monitoring of the patient in the wards
intensive care, operating rooms and post-operative
In this case, it is required on the basis of long and continuous
analysis of a large volume of data characterizing the state
physiological systems of the body provide not only operational
diagnosis of complications during treatment, but also prognosis of the condition
patient, as well as determine the optimal correction of emerging

Treatment process management systems

Management systems for treatment and rehabilitation processes include
automated systems intensive care, biological
feedback, as well as prostheses and artificial organs created
based on microprocessor technology.
One of the main ways to solve a number of medical, social and
economic problems currently present
informatization of the work of medical personnel. To these problems
relate to the search for effective tools that can provide
improving the three most important health care indicators: quality
treatment, level of patient safety, economic
efficiency medical care. Basic link
informatization is the use of modern
clinical information systems equipped with mechanisms
decision support.


Telemedicine is a complex of modern diagnostic and treatment techniques that involve remote
health information management.
The emergence of telemedicine is usually associated with medical
control during space flights. It was originally
measuring vital signs in animals
spacecraft, then astronauts.

Requirements for information systems in medicine

Scientists say that the place of the information system
in an enterprise is the same as that of the nervous system in
human body. Just like health
a person largely depends on
state of his nervous system (it is known that all
diseases - “from nerves”), and vitality
enterprise largely depends on its
information system.

Information support of any enterprise is constant
develops - this is the law.
The system can be represented as a building, the foundation of which
we are laying down the information environment, software
products and logistics,
including PCs, servers, local network, devices. On
this foundation is loaded with information, increasing
number of users and growing
you should pay attention to which database is used in
application and in what development environment it was made.

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Azartsova L.A.

Educational educational institution of secondary vocational education "Lgov Medical College"

Abstract of the report

This report examines some methodological and technical aspects of the use of information technologies in the professional activities of a medical worker. Volume professional knowledge necessary for the successful work of a physician is significant. Now it has increased many times and continues to grow constantly. Therefore, the relevance of strengthening information technologies in the professional activities of medical workers in general is determined not only by the need to improve the quality of medical care provided to the population, but also by the need to optimize the potential of the medical institution used for this.

Medicine has always been at the forefront of progress. Many technical advances were introduced for the first time in medicine. In recent years, computer technology has penetrated almost all areas of human activity, including medicine. In modern society, it is unthinkable to train medical personnel without the use of information technologies that offer tools and techniques for solving assigned medical problems. The world is experiencing a real computer boom. Personal computers are firmly entrenched in our lives and are becoming a necessity. The life of millions of people is unthinkable without a “personal computer,” and medicine at this stage of development can no longer do without an “electronic assistant.” The capabilities that a PC provides will sooner or later become the same as a stethoscope, and they will have to be mastered.

Currently, employees of medical institutions are faced with huge amounts of information. The quality of medical care, the general standard of living of the population, the level of development of the country as a whole and each of its territorial entities in healthcare depend on how effectively this information is used by medical workers; however, the process of their implementation in the field of medicine across Russia is far from uniform. Most Russian regions are rather at the beginning of this path.

Until recently, there was almost no sign of automation in Russian healthcare. Maps, bulletins, procedural reports, accounting of patients, medications - all document flow was carried out on paper. This affected the speed and, consequently, the quality of patient care, made it difficult for doctors and medical personnel, which led to a lot of time spent filling out cards and drawing up reports.

The era of paper-based information media is being replaced by modern information technologies, which will make it possible to bring the work of health care facilities to high quality new level, increase the efficiency of medical specialists and non-medical services, ensure the loyalty of medical personnel and increase patient satisfaction.

Currently, the informatization of society is becoming increasingly widespread. In these conditions, computer science and information technology are playing an increasingly significant role in the professional activity of a medical worker. Information technologies are used in medical education, medical research, and medical practice. Information technology requires the ability to competently work with information and computer technology.

Information technology is based on and depends on technical, software, information, methodological and organizational support.

Medical organizations are actively implementing automated information systems. Such systems make it possible to create an information base and maintain a unified patient database, which includes all information about the diagnosis and treatment being carried out. The labor efficiency of medical personnel increases because many mechanical operations are performed automatically (issuance of certificates, reports, test results, etc.), reducing the labor costs of medical personnel.

Information technologies make it possible to provide comprehensive data analysis and optimization of decisions during medical examination, examination, diagnosis, and prediction of the course of diseases.

So what problems can be solved using a PC?

1. Maintain an electronic database of patients with a complete history of requests and a list of services provided medical services with their detailed content, starting from the date of first access. Fast contextual search of any information in the database.

2. Using ready-made templates: a) save time of medical personnel; b) standardize and algorithmize descriptions of conditions and studies.

3. Manage electronic queues and electronic appointments with specialists.

4. Use electronic automated preparation of appointments, prescriptions, extracts, sick leave certificates and other standardized documents for patients.

5. Create unified information networks, from local (within the clinic) to large-scale global ones.

6. Using the Internet, gain access to the latest medical information, establish professional connections with colleagues, and exchange experiences.

And this is just some part obvious advantages PC.

The development of information technology in medicine is inevitable, and therefore students of medical colleges and universities should understand that a modern specialist must have computer knowledge. A modern medical professional needs to make every effort to master computer technology. The training of medical personnel today is unthinkable without the use of information technologies that offer tools and techniques for solving medical problems.

The main purpose of application information methods in the professional activity of a medical worker is optimization information processes in medicine through the use of computer technologies, ensuring improved quality of public health care. Medicine supplies a complex of tasks - methods, and computer science provides a complex of means - techniques, based on the system task - means - methods - techniques.

The types of information technologies used are classified according to the following tasks:

1. Processing of text medical documents.

2. Mathematical modeling in medicine (number processing technologies).

3. Creation and work with information systems (data processing technologies).

4. Creation of multimedia products (multimedia technologies).

5. Use of Internet services in the practice of a health worker (network technologies).

The above tasks fully reflect the following goals:

To meet modern requirements and increase the effectiveness of training specifically in medical education, it is necessary:

  1. Train medical students in the basics of computer literacy;
  2. Create in medical educational institutions infrastructure that allows students and teachers to have full access to computers and information databases and freely use the Internet;
  3. Encourage the development of modern multimedia teaching aids and courses by students and teachers and, if possible, post them on the Internet.

Thus, the use of information technologies even at the stage of training a medical worker is a necessary component of the formation of the information culture of a future specialist. The strategic guidelines in the formation of the information culture of students of medical colleges and universities are:

  1. increasing professional competence;
  2. ability to work in an information and educational environment;
  3. tolerance, communication skills, ability to cooperate;
  4. readiness for self-education throughout life;
  5. ability to apply acquired knowledge in the field of information culture and practical activities.


1. Gasnikov V.K. Fundamentals of scientific management of informatization in healthcare: textbook. allowance / V.K. Gasnikov; edited by N.V. Savelyeva, V.F. Martynenko. - Izhevsk, 1997

2. Gelman V.Ya. Medical informatics: workshop / V.Ya. Gelman. - St. Petersburg, 2001

3. Kudrina V.G. Medical informatics /V.G. Kudrina. - M., 1999

4. Nazarenko G.I. Medical information systems: theory and practice / G.I. Nazarenko, Ya.I. Guliev, D.E. Ermakov; edited by G.I. Nazarenko, G.S. Osipova. - M., 2005

5. Medvedev O.S. International conference"Modern information technologies in medicine" // Medical visualization. - 1997. - 3. - pp. 59-61

Modern innovative technologies of medicine

Modern medicine is developing dynamically and rapidly. Its rapid perfection places this branch of science at the most advanced positions in world science and its new innovative trends. Undoubtedly, this is directly related to the social aspect of medicine itself. Medical innovations are increasingly influencing the quality of life of the population of planet Earth every day and hour.

Nowadays, many healthcare projects certainly belong only to the category of innovative medical technologies. We have long been accustomed to human organ transplantation, stem cell transplantation, and even heard of cloning processes. Today, modern innovative technologies restore health to tens of thousands of patients every day. In many ways, the state of affairs in the nation’s healthcare depends on the process of investing in the industry; it is worth noting that the supply of pharmaceuticals in Russia is almost six times less than in European countries and the USA; the level of government support is also desirable to improve.

When considering innovation in medicine, it should be understood that these are modern technologies for the creation and use of pharmaceutical and diagnostic products, tools or techniques with the highest standard of competitiveness to existing analogues. Typically, the incentive to start an innovative project is a scientific discovery or achievement.

Based on all this, in the modern world medicine is reaching a completely new trend achievements and as a result we notice an increase in human life expectancy and the very level of development of modern innovative technologies and assistance to the population, setting the main goal of a plan for the rational use of natural resources with the ability to achieve the goal of meeting the required human needs..

The development of medicine, in addition to investment processes, is supported by a huge number of enthusiasts who are driven not by monetary enrichment, but by the desire to see people’s lives joyful, long and easier.
Undoubtedly, we will also include the process of perfection of information technology as an innovative trend.

They came to the healthcare sector somewhat late. However, the massive introduction of IT into medicine gave rise to the emergence of a scientific branch of science - medical informatics. The foreign and Russian IT market is changing rapidly today. Appear modern innovative medicine technologies, capable of providing a breakthrough in the field of improving the health of the population of our planet. In particular, medical information technologies include the latest biochips-implants, medical applications, mobile diagnostic devices, software for electronic patient health records and other innovations inherent in modern science.

The rapid implementation of IT developments in improving the health of the population is due to the following reasons: reducing the cost of medical care in many countries, improving the quality of patient care, increasing the efficiency of medical staff, increasing the profitability of medical institutions.

Based on world experience, we can conclude that global information systems in healthcare are being built based on innovations from health care facilities (health care institutions). Experts identify three main trends in this direction: technological innovations open the way to new approaches to healthcare; joint patient management from the local doctor in the clinic through hospitals to rehabilitation is unthinkable without the growing electronic data exchange; The focus should shift from collecting treatment data to analyzing them. These modern innovative technologies are expected to play an important role in the medicine of the future. Healthcare Technology

To ensure the lives of patients, improve the professionalism of doctors and medical insurance agents, . In its foreign version it was called Healthcare Technology. Its main task is to provide professional medical care to the patient. Great value has the opportunity to interact with each other between doctors from various medical institutions through online symposia and conferences. This allows the attending physician to hear the opinions of more experienced colleagues and decide complex problem without leaving the patient. This feature is very important for small, remote hospitals.

Another interesting area that the use of modern computer technologies in medicine allows is the cooperation of hospitals with pharmacies. If the prescription is not given to the patient in writing, but is sent directly to the pharmacy, from where the patient will buy the medicine, this will allow control over the purchase of the required drug and will reduce queues at pharmacy chains. In reality, Healthcare Technology innovation is developing successfully.

The development of the trend of modern computer technologies in Healthcare is facilitated, among other things, by government regulation in many countries of the world. International IT standards are IHE, HL7, DICOM systems. The technology for working with large volumes of information is considered promising. It is already used in medical program planning, clinical trials and bioinformatics. Mobile diagnostic devices Another evolutionary direction is mobile diagnostic devices. They can balance the number of doctors and the number of patients. This is especially important for regions where medical institutions are experiencing certain difficulties. Also important is the availability of individual medical devices: tonometers, glucometers, scales, cardiographs, insulin injectors, etc. They should help carry out remote monitoring of the patient’s condition by connecting to smartphones and computers through interfaces standardized according to ISO and IEEE. Remote monitoring ensures a reduction in the patient’s time in hospital, tracking the dynamics of vital important parameters after discharge, avoidance of critical conditions and timely provision of advisory assistance.

At the same time, in our country, the massive introduction of telemedicine, mobile and hospital-replacing technologies is hampered by the lack of integrated management systems information bases data and lack of appropriate regulatory framework. And information interaction at all levels could significantly help both doctors and patients, often living in remote rural areas, where this would be especially important. Electronic patient health records.

One of the most popular features of modern computer technologies in medicine are electronic patient records. They ensure the concentration of all required information in a single common database for storing unique electronic data. For Russia, the formation of a full-fledged electronic card Patient health through informatization of clinics, hospitals, laboratories and other medical institutions is a paramount task. But healthcare informatization must occur globally, that is, at all levels. Besides, this system allows to reduce the mortality of patients in active therapy and intensive care units. The development of stream data processing technologies provides rapid development ways to predict conditions that threaten the patient’s health. This is done through real-time analysis of a large number of patient parameters. The use of innovative technologies of modern Healthcare will help optimize the distribution of human resources. Doctors and nurses, especially from smaller ones medical institutions located in deep regions of Russia will be able to immediately receive necessary information about the patient’s condition without wasting tons of paperwork. In addition, this will reduce the volume of paper medical reporting.

Regarding the costs of creation and implementation specialized software for the successful activities of personnel of medical institutions with information in digital format, then they are significantly lower than the costs of the same actions with paper documents. Moreover, in this case, the efficiency of doctors’ work is significantly increased due to instant access to the necessary data. For registration electronic information about patient information use these types software, like EMR, EHR and PUR. All three types describe electronic patient records, electronic health records, and personal health records. The formats outlined are used to avoid confusion between users, healthcare providers, and other technology models. Companies providing medical services must implement a computerized treatment order (prescription order) for ordering medications and an electronic prescription to provide patients with online possible access to medical records. Availability single base data can be of significant help during natural disasters, since doctors will have access to individual information about the health of victims, their blood type, chronic diseases, etc. Microcomputers and wireless internet In this case, they will provide instant communication with a single base center and help maintain an up-to-date list of victims. Many doctors began to use tablet computers to record patient status data. Nexus 7, iPad, Nokia and other tablets of the appropriate format are ideal devices for working with patient electronic medical records. But intensive penetration of this tablet market will be influenced by various factors. The main one is the perfect comfortable ease of use of gadgets: an intuitive interface, simple entry of information, clear visibility of the results on the screen.

Problems of progress in the development of modern computer technologies in medicine.

Medical informatization also has its undesirable side. People who fight to control the storage of confidential patient information fear that hackers could break into existing information databases and gain access to disease descriptions and test results. Not a single company can resist the current actions of hackers. But if the proper level of security measures is followed, the risk of disclosing existing confidential information about the patient is reduced to almost zero.

Nowadays, anyone can receive advice on the Internet around the clock, have the opportunity to order an insurance policy online and receive clarification on insurance programs. Remote consultations will reduce the costs of re-hospitalization of patients with chronic diseases. But in order for the effect of informatization of medical organizations to be quickly felt by all user groups, it is necessary to use corporate clouds, their deep integration both among themselves and with other information systems used to manage the organization by region, country, and with portals public services. Isolated systems, created even at the regional or national level, will not bring serious benefits to the health of the state as a whole. On the other hand, measures such as electronic recording for appointments or viewing doctors’ schedules, can reduce queues at clinics. Another problem regarding IT developments in the field of medicine is the lack of a well-thought-out, effectively working legislative framework. For now, all existing documents are constantly being reorganized and improved. In conclusion, it should be said that currently medical organizations not only realize the need to automate the entry of relevant indicators about the actual state of health of the patient, but also the urgent need for its meaningful use. On Russian market Medical information innovations today are undergoing significant changes, in connection with which he is partly ready to perceive the listed trends. However, it still has to get rid of immaturity, low customer requirements, imperfect regulatory framework and pressure from monopolists in the field of communications. For example, in the USA the number of certified electronic medical records systems amounts to more than five hundred, and in our country the monopolist is the only company - Rostelecom.

Let's hope that the market of information technologies in medicine will soon become competitive and have a progressive impact on the treatment of human pathological processes, including

I would really like to especially note the innovation in the invention of telescopic individual lenses and the undoubted promise of this discovery for humanity.

Or bionic contact lenses, where elastic lenses are scientifically combined with a printed electronic circuit, fantastically allowing the patient to see the world around him with superimposed digital computerized images, as if on top of his natural vision. This invention is a breakthrough in professional use it from drivers and pilots, laying out and visualizing routes for them, laying out information about weather conditions and the vehicle itself.

Another sensational innovative solution from the field of innovative medical technologies came to us from Japan, where scientists developed artificial skeletal muscles with three-dimensional functionality. The muscle frame is capable of fully contracting and the command signals for this are impulses passing through nerve cells invasively introduced into the muscle layer. The muscular system grown under artificial conditions has decent strength and, under the influence of living nerve endings, may be of unique interest in the application of this medical technology in the treatment of damaged human muscle structures or in equipping robots with an artificial muscular frame.

When applying this muscular system to humans, scientists go further and work out the possibilities of interaction between the innervation of the artificial muscle and the central nervous system of the brain.

Another innovative invention that interested the entire scientific world came to us from the walls of Stanford University, where scientists invented the ability to color the organs of both animals and mammals and make them even initially transparent. That is, first, through various manipulations, the organ becomes transparent, and then, by introducing chemical compounds in the form of dyes into them, the cells required by the scientist are “tinted.”

This technique is called CLaRITY - it has already made it possible to make the brain transparent and after tinting the required areas or parts of the brain, scientists can conduct unique research in modern visualization of events.

The possibility of using luminescent antibiotics in the treatment of infectious diseases in the human body has generated great interest in the scientific community. At its core, an antibiotic entering the patient’s body becomes a kind of highlighting marker of a localized infection, easily tracked and visible when examined through special microscopes. The treatment process becomes more predictable and effective

The method of innovative mammography using the Internet and a bra, which so captivated the female reader, was discussed in an article on the site

The topic of medicine's fight against cancer is very topical. In recent days, medicine has been developing not only surgical treatment methods and chemotherapy or the use of destructive rays for cancer cells, but also treatment with micropulses that destroy pathological processes in the body and initiate self-destruction of malignant cells. Innovative science has learned to diagnose many diseases, including oncology, in the early stages of the pathological process and disease development, which directly affected the increase in human life expectancy, which is almost 20 years. Moreover, this indicator is steadily growing and human life is increasing.

A huge role in identifying malignant diseases and early detection of cancer cells was played by the invention of the microscope, which we previously wrote about on the pages of our website -

In our article, we should not ignore the invention of a pharmacological drug used in case of failure of the biological clock. Speaking in simple language Canadian doctors have invented a medicine that can reset our biological clock. This invention makes it possible to relieve people from sleep problems who suffer from insomnia or work at night.

Innovative methods of laser correction in modern cosmetology were popularly described on the site page in the article -.

We discussed plastic surgery and surgical corrections in cosmetology in the article -

We are dedicated to Sci-fi methods for rejuvenating the human body

An innovative remedy for sleep problems will synchronize the leukocyte balance in such a way that a person will begin to count day and night in the opposite direction

Modern developments in cardiology have made it possible to practically invent the new generation artificial human heart Abiokor.

Abiocore is an innovative breakthrough in the modern world of medicine; it is absolutely autonomous and exists independently inside the human body without various additional accompanying devices, tubes or wiring. The only condition is to recharge it regularly battery via connection to an external network.

Robots are rapidly entering modern surgery to assist in surgical interventions and essentially carry out complex surgical procedures on their own. One of these devices is called Da Vinci, which is a four-armed robotic surgeon with a 3D visualized system that displays the surgical field on a monitor. This robotic surgeon is also successful in the treatment and removal of cancer metastases and tumors.

A full review of articles on our website dedicated to the topic of innovative technologies in medicine can be viewed

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Information technology is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods effective organization labor of people involved in processing and storing information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment.

In the diaries of a brilliant Italian Leonardo da Vinci(1452 - 1519), already in our time a number of drawings were discovered that turned out to be a sketch of an adding numeral machine on gear wheels, capable of adding 13-digit decimal numbers.

This was the first digital adder, a kind of embryo of the future electronic adder - the most important element modern computers, still mechanical, very primitive (manually controlled)

In 1641 – 1642 nineteen year old Blaise Pascal(1623 – 1662), then a little-known French scientist, creates a working summing machine “Pascalina”.

Over the next four years, he created more advanced models of the machine. They were six and eight bit, built on the basis of gears, could perform summation and subtraction decimal numbers. Approximately 50 models of machines were created, B. Pascal received royal privilege for their production.

  • Stage 1. Until the end of the 60s: processing large volumes of data in conditions of limited hardware capabilities.
  • Stage 2. Until the end of the 70s: software lagged behind the level of hardware development.
  • Stage 3. Since the beginning of the 80s: the computer has become a tool for the professional user, and the information system has become a means of support decision taken. Problem: maximum satisfaction of user needs and creation of an appropriate interface.
  • Stage 4. Since the 90s: creation modern technologies interorganizational communications and information systems. Problem: developing agreements and establishing standards, protocols; organizing access to strategic information; organization for the protection and security of information.

  • New employees have appeared in British hospitals - robots that can perform not only simple actions, but also perform surgical operations. At St. Mary's Hospital in London, Remote Presence (RP6) Robots will look after patients. Hospital staff named the machines "Nurse Mary" and "Dr. Robbie." With their help, doctors will be able to not only monitor the condition of patients from anywhere in the world, but also conduct video conferences. A doctor located, for example, in another country will control the robot

  • Today in Russia there is a computer in every dental clinic. Most often, he works as an assistant accountant, and does not serve to automate the office work of the entire dental clinic
  • Most widely used in the dental market computer programs– digital radiography systems, often called radio video graphs (Fig. 1). The systems allow you to study in detail various fragments of a tooth and periodontal image, increase or decrease the size and contrast of images, save all information in a database and, if necessary, transfer it to paper using a printer. The most famous programs: Gendex, Trophy. The disadvantage of this group of programs is the lack of information about the patient.

  • Currently in different countries Patient information storage systems using smart cards are widely used. This is possible with the “Dent Card” program, which has proven itself well in European countries and in Russia.
  • This card allows you to quickly, accurately, and unambiguously determine by whom, when and to what extent the patient is insured. All information about it can be divided into visual and information recorded in the memory of the number.

  • Today, more and more attention is paid to the introduction of modern information technologies in hospitals and clinics, as this allows them to take their work to a qualitatively new level. The leading Russian system integrator company Open Technologies guarantees that the use of information technologies in medicine allows:
  • · improve the quality of medical services and patient satisfaction;
  • reduce the non-therapeutic burden on medical specialists;
  • · improve the availability of medical information and the speed of its provision to medical personnel;
  • · increase the efficiency of support services;
  • · reduce the percentage of accidental losses and unreasonable waste of medical materials, equipment and supplies;
  • · improve internal medical records;
  • · optimize the process of mandatory reporting to higher organizations, present the results of the clinic’s work to management in real time;
  • · increase the loyalty of doctors and medical personnel.
  • · Computers play an important role in medical research. They make it possible to establish how air pollution affects the incidence of disease in the population of a given area. In addition, they can be used to study the effect of impacts on various parts of the body, including
  • in particular, the consequences of an impact in a car accident on the human skull and spine.
  • · Medical data banks allow doctors to keep abreast of the latest scientific and practical advances.
  • · Computers are used to create maps showing how quickly epidemics spread.
  • · Computers store patient medical histories in their memory, which frees doctors from time-consuming paperwork and allows them to spend more time with the patients themselves.

Krasnoturinsky branch


EN.02 Information technologies in professional activities

Information technologies in medicine

Boyarinova O.V., teacher

1. Medical informatics

3. Ways to develop medical information systems

1. Medical informatics

Information processes are present in all areas of medicine and healthcare. The clarity of the functioning of the industry as a whole and the efficiency of its management depend on their orderliness. Information processes in medicine are considered by medical informatics.

Medical informatics is a science that studies the processes of receiving, transmitting, processing, storing, distributing, and presenting information using information technology in medicine and healthcare.

  • Subject The study of medical informatics is information processes associated with medical-biological, clinical and preventive problems.
  • Object The study of medical informatics is information technology implemented in healthcare.
  • Basic purpose medical informatics is the optimization of information processes in medicine and healthcare through the use of computer technologies, ensuring improved quality of public health care.

Medical information is any information related to medicine, and in a personalized sense - information related to the health status of a particular person.

Types of Medical Information

(G.I. Nazarenko)

  • Alphanumeric – most of the content of medical information (all printed and handwritten documents);
  • Visual (statistical and dynamic) – statistical – images (x-rays, etc.), dynamic – dynamic images (pupil reaction to light, patient’s facial expressions, etc.);
  • Audible – patient’s speech, flowmetric signals, sounds during Doppler examination, etc.);
  • Combined - any combination of the described groups.

The main problems solved by computerized systems in healthcare

  • Monitoring health status of different population groups, including patients at risk and people with socially significant diseases;
  • Advisory support in clinical medicine (diagnosis, prognosis, treatment) based on computational procedures or modeling of decision-making logic;
  • Go to electronic stories illnesses and outpatient medical records, including calculations for the treatment of insured patients;
  • Automation functional and laboratory diagnostics;
  • Go to complex automation medical institutions (inclusion of doctors’ workstations in information systems);
  • Obtaining information from the automated control system institutions for federal registers on individual social significant species pathology, for regional and city registers - for various populations;
  • Creation of a unified information medical space of clinical data for prompt adoption of adequate treatment and diagnostic decisions;
  • "Transparency" for the attending physician patient data for any period of time, their availability at any time when accessing the database of the global medical network;
  • Possibility of remote dialogue with colleagues.

History of computerization of domestic healthcare

Informatics was introduced into medicine from several relatively independent directions, the main of which were:

  • laboratories and groups involved in medical cybernetics;
  • manufacturers of medical equipment;
  • medical information and computing centers;
  • third-party organizations involved in automation of management activities;
  • heads of medical institutions who independently implemented new technology.

Implementation process computer technology in healthcare institutions of our country has almost half a century of history.

  • In 1959, the first laboratory of medical cybernetics and informatics was organized at the Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery, and in 1961 a computer appeared in this laboratory, the first in medical institutions of the Soviet Union. Medical cybernetics laboratories were also organized in a number of institutes of the Academy of Sciences.
  • In the 60-70s, many leading research institutes already had similar laboratories. Computers have become more compact and cheaper, their total number in the country has exceeded a thousand. Access to them for employees of medical institutions has become easier, and the number of medical problems solved with their help has increased. In addition to statistical data processing, work on advisory diagnostics and predicting the course of diseases is actively developing.
  • In the 70-80s, computers became available not only to research institutes, but also to many large clinics. In addition to the work carried out earlier, the first automated systems for preventive examinations of the population appeared; attempts began to combine medical equipment with computers
  • In the second half of the eighties, personal computers appeared, and the process of computerization of medicine took on an avalanche-like character. A large number of different systems for functional studies have emerged. heads of medical institutions who independently implemented new technology.

  • Since the beginning of the 90s, there has been actual standardization of computer technology in healthcare. The main type of computer was personal computer compatible with IBM PC, and operating system Windows.

With the advent of health insurance, relevant information systems began to be actively implemented. Statistical information systems began to be used to create medical reporting.

Today, computers have become an integral component of equipment in all medical institutions. However, in most cases their capabilities are not fully used.

One of the reasons for this is the insufficient provision of hardware and software, especially communication devices, which does not allow for the organization of data transportation and prompt provision of data to all specialists of the institution.

Another reason, probably more significant, is seen in the lack of knowledge and skills among medical workers necessary to work with modern personal computers.

2. Classification of medical information systems

The key link in healthcare informatization is the information system.

The classification of medical information systems is based on a hierarchical principle and corresponds to the multi-level structure of healthcare.

There are:

  • Basic level MIS;
  • MIS at the level of medical institutions;
  • MIS at the territorial level;
  • MIS at the federal level, intended for information support at the state level of the healthcare system.

Basic level medical information systems.

Basic level MIS – these are information support systems for technological processes.

Purpose of basic level MIS : computer support for the work of a clinician, hygienist, laboratory assistant, etc.

Based on the tasks they solve, medical and technological information systems are divided into groups:

  • consultative and diagnostic systems;
  • instrument and computer systems;
  • automated workplaces for specialists.

Purpose and classification of medical information and reference systems.

Features of systems of this class:

  • they do not process information, but only provide it;
  • provide quick access to the required information.


  • by its nature (primary, secondary, operational, review and analytical);
  • by object (health care facilities, medicines, etc.);
  • by type of search (documentary, factual).

Purpose and classification of medical consultative and diagnostic systems.

Diagnosis of pathological conditions in diseases of various profiles and for different categories of patients, including prognosis and development of recommendations for treatment methods.

According to the method of solving diagnostic problems, they are distinguished:

  • by type of information stored (clinical, scientific, regulatory, etc.);
  • probabilistic (diagnosis is carried out by implementing one of the pattern recognition methods or statistical decision-making methods);
  • expert (the logic of making a diagnostic decision by an experienced doctor is implemented).

Purpose and classification of medical instrument-computer systems.

Information support and automation of the diagnostic and treatment process carried out in direct contact with the patient’s body (for example, during surgical operations using laser installations or ultrasound therapy of periodontal diseases in dentistry).


  • By functionality(specialized, multifunctional, complex);
  • by purpose:
  • systems for conducting functional and morphological studies; monitor systems; treatment management and rehabilitation systems; laboratory diagnostic systems; systems for scientific medical and biological research.
  • systems for conducting functional and morphological studies;
  • monitor systems;
  • treatment management and rehabilitation systems;
  • laboratory diagnostic systems;
  • systems for scientific medical and biological research.

Purpose and classification of automated workplaces of specialists.

Automation of the entire technological process of a doctor of the relevant specialty and providing him with information support when making diagnostic and tactical (therapeutic, organizational, etc.) decisions.

Based on their purpose, automated systems can be divided into three groups:

  • Workplaces of attending physicians (therapist, surgeon, obstetrician-gynecologist, traumatologist, ophthalmologist, etc.), they are subject to requirements corresponding to medical functions;
  • AWSs of medical workers of paramedical services (according to the profiles of diagnostic and treatment units);
  • Workstation for administrative and economic departments.

Automated automated systems are used not only at the basic level of healthcare - clinical, but also to automate workplaces at the management level of healthcare facilities, regions, and territories.

Medical information systems at the level of treatment and preventive institutions.

Systems of this class are designed to provide information support for making both specific medical decisions and organizing the work, monitoring and managing the activities of the entire medical institution. These systems typically require a medical facility to have a local computer network and are suppliers of information for medical information systems at the territorial level.

The following main groups are distinguished:

  • IS advisory centers;
  • information banks of medical institutions and services;
  • personalized registers;
  • screening systems;
  • information systems of medical institutions (IS health care facilities);
  • information systems of research institutes and medical universities.

Purpose and classification of information systems of consultation centers.

Ensuring the functioning of relevant departments and information support for doctors during consultation, diagnosis and decision-making in emergency conditions.


  • medical advisory and diagnostic systems for ambulance and emergency services;
  • systems for remote consultation and diagnosis of emergency conditions in pediatrics and other clinical disciplines.

Information banks of medical institutions and services.

n personalized registers (databases and data banks).

This is a type of information information system containing information about the assigned or observed patient population based on a formalized medical history or outpatient card.

Screening systems.

Screening systems are designed to conduct pre-medical preventive examinations of the population, as well as for medical screening to form risk groups and identify patients in need of specialist help.

IS health care facility

IS health care facilities are information systems based on the integration of all information flows into unified system and providing automation of various types of activities of the institution.

IP for research institutes and universities

They solve three main problems: informatization of the learning process, research work and management activities of research institutes and universities.

MIS at the territorial level is software systems, providing management of specialized and profile medical services, polyclinic (including clinical examination), inpatient and emergency medical care to the population at the territory level (city, region, republic).

Medical information systems at the territorial level

MIS at the federal level are intended for information support at the state level of the Russian healthcare system.

Federal level information systems solve the following problems:

1. Monitoring the health of the Russian population;

2.​ increasing the efficiency of using healthcare resources;

3.​ maintaining state registers of patients for main (priority) diseases;

4. planning, organizing and analyzing the results of research and development work;

5. planning and analysis of the training of medical and teaching staff;

6.​ accounting and analysis of the material and technical base of healthcare.

3. Ways to develop medical information systems

Nowadays, information technologies have penetrated into all spheres of human life, and healthcare is no exception in this regard, as evidenced by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 28, 2011 No. 364 “On approval of the Concept of creating a unified state information system in the field of healthcare” as amended Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 348 of April 12, 2012.

In 2011, Russia approved the Concept for the creation of the Uniform State Health Information System (Unified State Health Information System), the main goals of which are:

  • informatization of the processes of providing medical care to the population;
  • implementation of integrated electronic medical records of patients;
  • transition to online monitoring of key health indicators and improved management of the healthcare industry based on the introduction of ICT technologies.

Positive aspects of the formation of a unified information environment:

  • leads to greater transparency of the diagnostic and treatment process;
  • allows you to create and maintain a data bank associated with various MIS;
  • gives doctors the opportunity to access various expert systems for diagnosis and treatment, obtain complete information about the patient’s health status based on the patient’s electronic card, as well as certain cases reduce the consequences of possible subjectivity in assessing the disease and the necessary treatment;
  • Patients no longer have to worry about lost data or unreadable documentation of test results, prescriptions, treatment records, and prescribed procedures.

The introduction of information technologies in medicine will allow:

  • organize remote patient monitoring, remote consultation with specialists;
  • ensure accessibility and optimal timing for the population to obtain the necessary documents for obtaining a driver’s license, employment, etc.

The introduction of blockchain technologies to create and develop a unified patient EHR database will allow:

  • ensure data security and integrity,
  • increase the level of security of information storage;
  • make the process of making changes to distributed database"transparent", excluding unauthorized access access to patient data and manipulation of information in order to obtain positive medical opinions;
  • reduce corruption risks among medical workers;
  • increase the security of personal data, the quality of medical data and the reliability of statistics.

When using blockchain technology, it becomes impossible to hide the source of information - any changes made to a patient’s record using blockchain are identified and “linked” to the person who made the changes. Previously entered information cannot be deleted, and it is also identified with the person who previously entered this information.

Test yourself!

  • What level of MIS does not exist?
  • base; continental; territorial; federal.
  • base;
  • continental;
  • territorial;
  • federal.
  • The main purpose of the basic level MIS: support for the work of doctors of various specialties; support for the work of clinics; supporting the work of hospitals; support for the operation of dispensaries.
  • support for the work of doctors of various specialties;
  • support for the work of clinics;
  • supporting the work of hospitals;
  • support for the operation of dispensaries.
  • The Medicines Directory belongs to the following type of medical information systems: instrumentation and computer; information and reference; educational; scientific; regional.
  • instrumentation and computer;
  • information and reference;
  • educational;
  • scientific;
  • regional.

1 - b, 2 - a, 3 - b

Test yourself!

  • To search and provide medical information at the user's request, the following are intended:
  • Monitor systems and instrument-computer complexes; Computational diagnostic systems; Clinical laboratory research systems; Information and reference systems; Expert systems based on knowledge bases.
  • Monitor systems and instrument-computer complexes;
  • Computational diagnostic systems;
  • Clinical laboratory research systems;
  • Information and reference systems;
  • Expert systems based on knowledge bases.
  • The cardiac analyzer device belongs to the following class of medical information systems (MIS): Instrumentation and computer systems; Information and reference systems; Automated workplace doctor; MIS at the health care facility level; MIS at the federal level.
  • Instrumentation and computer systems;
  • Information and reference systems;
  • Automated doctor's workstation;
  • MIS at the health care facility level;
  • MIS at the federal level.

4 - d, 5 - a

Assignment for extracurricular work:

  • Prepare a multimedia presentation on the topic “Automated workplace for medical personnel”;
  • Describe what mechanisms for protecting personal medical data about a patient are implemented in the MIS.