noscript extension for chrome. How to protect your browser and computer from viruses - NoScript

In fact, setting up and working with NoScript is no more difficult than setting up any software Firewall (firewall) in learning mode. The main thing is to understand how it works

Maximum Security

We hover over the NS icon in the extensions panel - a menu window with a list of domains and blockings rises - click on


Main -

Checkboxes should be on:

Open extension menu when hovering mouse over icon

Automatically update dependent pages when rules change -

in this position, sometimes you need to click on the extension bar next to the NS icon for the permission changes on the page to take effect. This is required if for some reason the page did not reload itself with the new settings, or when a temporary global permission is given

White list -

List of sites or IP addresses with full permissions. It is better not to add addresses manually, but to use full permission directly on the web resource page. This is done because by giving full permission on the page, NoScript will remember all the active content that was on the page at the time the setting was changed. And this is very useful for the subsequent diagnostics of the site for the appearance of new scripts or objects. If you manually enter the address directly into the white list, then changes will not be tracked, and if a malicious or aggressive code is added tomorrow on a trusted clean site TODAY, you will not know about it or you will find out, but it will be too late. Better List leave only for editing in the sense of deleting already unnecessary addresses

Built-in objects -

Additional restrictions for untrusted sites- checkboxes should be on the following items:

List of bans

Prevent display of Java elements
Prevent display of Macromedia Flash elements
Prevent display of Microsoft Silverlight items
Prevent display of elements of other plugins