Running the program without administrator rights and suppressing the UAC prompt. Running the program without administrator rights and suppressing the UAC prompt No rights to run the required

1C version 8.3 is becoming more and more popular. In this regard, more and more users of this platform are faced with a problem when opening it. So adding a new user and then trying to log in under him very often results in the error "No rights to run the required type of client." This happens due to the fact that this user there is no minimum set of rights to run the program. solved this problem assigning the necessary rights to the problem user through the configurator. You will learn exactly how to do this in this article.

How to fix the error "No rights to launch the required type of client 1s 8.3"?

If there is not a single user in the list that opens, then you need to create it by setting a name, password and checking the "Full rights" checkbox.

If users are displayed and among them there is a problem one, then opening it double click you need to assign the required roles to it. Be sure to check "Start a thick client", "Start a thin client" and "Start an external connection".

Selecting the required role for the user

Required user roles

If the list of available roles does not include "Launch a thick client", "Launch a thin client" and "Launch an external connection", you need to open the role assigned to the user in the configurator, for example, "Basic rights" and set the types of clients "Thick" in the window for editing it. ”, “Slim”, “Web”.

Selecting a role assigned to a user in the configurator

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Method one

We launch information base 1C 8.3 under a user with full rights, for example, an administrator.

Section Administration - Application settings - User and rights settings:

In the user and rights settings, click on the "Users" hyperlink:

Open the card of our new user and click on the Permissions button:

The Access Rights window of our user will open and we will see that none of the following access group profiles is assigned to this user:

In the configurator 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0, in the list of users we will see this user with a special icon:

For example, let's set up an accountant profile and write:

Let's try to run the 1C 8.3 infobase again under a new user:

Now we see that we managed to fix the error and start the 1C 8.3 database under a new user.

Method two

Consider a different situation - the user has rights assigned, but when starting 1C 8.3, it still gives the error "There are no rights to launch the required type of client."

Let's launch the 1C Accounting 3.0 infobase in the configurator mode under the administrator.

Menu Administration - Users:

In the list of users, select the "problem" user:

Open the user card and go to the Other tab:

Here we will see that the user is not allowed to start the client. Check the Start thin client box and click the OK button:

Let's try to run the 1C 8.3 database again under a new user:

Now we see that we managed to fix the error.

Correction of the error if the configuration of 1C 8.3 is its own

Consider the example of a demo configuration Managed application. The configuration developed by the programmer. For example, run under the user "Seller":

An error:

Let's launch the 1C 8.3 infobase in the configurator. Go to the menu Administration - Users:

Open the card of this user and go to the Other tab:

We see that the role "Seller" is assigned to this user. What is the problem then? What to do?

Let's look at the role of "Salesperson". In the metadata tree General - Roles, through context menu select All roles:

We will see that for the "Seller" role, none of the checkboxes from the applications is checked. Check the boxes and update the 1C 8.3 database configuration:

Now let's run 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 under our user:

Now the error has been fixed and the infobase is launched under the given user.

Ours will help you learn how to work in 1C 8.3 Accounting and keep records correctly. For more information about the course, see the following video:

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When a new user enters the infobase, an error appears: "There is no right to launch the required type of client."

For correct operation program and in order to avoid unnecessary errors, it becomes necessary to add new users. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated.

Step 1. Enter the program using the configurator.

Step 2. In the "Administration" menu, select the "Users" item

Step 3. In the window that opens, add a new user and fill in all the data.

Step 4. After all the data is filled in, you need to go to the "Other" tab and check the rights of the new user here. The absence or presence of certain rights for the user expands or limits his ability to work in the program.

At first glance, the issue is resolved. But in practice, very often a problem arises when a new user enters the infobase, an error appears: “there is no right to launch the required type of client”.

To solve this problem, you need:

Step 1. Enter the program using the configurator.

Step 2. On the control panel, open the configuration window.

Step 3. In the window that opens, select the "General" function.


Step4. In the window that opens, check the boxes "Thick client", "Web client" and " Thin client”, save the configuration and enter the program under the username.


Issue resolved. Successful work.

Many programs require elevation at startup (the shield icon next to the icon), but in fact, they do not require administrator rights for their normal operation (for example, you manually granted the necessary rights to users on the program directory in ProgramFiles and the registry branches that are used by the program). Accordingly, when you run such a program from under a simple user, if User Account Control is enabled on the computer, a UAC prompt will appear and the user will be required to enter the administrator password. To get around this mechanism, many simply disable UAC or give the user administrative rights on the computer by adding him to the local Administrators group. Naturally, both of these methods are unsafe.

Why would a normal app need admin rights

Administrator rights may be required for the program to modify some files (logs, configurations, etc.) in its own folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\SomeApp). By default, users do not have rights to edit this directory, respectively, for the normal operation of such a program, administrator rights are needed. To solve this problem, under the administrator at the NTFS level, you must manually assign the change / write right for the user (or the Users group) to the folder with the program.

Note. In fact, the practice of storing changing application data in its own directory in C:\Program Files is not correct. It is more correct to store application data in the user profile. But this is a question about the laziness and incompetence of developers.

Running a program that requires administrator rights from a standard user

We have previously described how you can use the RunAsInvoker parameter. However, this method is not flexible enough. You can also use /SAVECRED with saving the admin password (also insecure). Let's consider an easier way to force the launch of any program without administrator rights (and without entering the admin password) with UAC enabled (level 4,3 or 2).

For example, let's take the registry editing utility - regedit.exe(it is located in the C:\windows\system32 directory). When you run regedit.exe, a UAC window appears and if you do not confirm the privilege elevation, the registry editor does not start.

Create a file on the desktop run-as-non-admin.bat with the following text:

cmd /min /C "set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER && start "" %1"

Now, to force the application to run without administrator rights and suppress the UAC prompt, just drag the desired exe file onto this bat file on the desktop.

After that, the registry editor should start without a UAC prompt. Opening the process manager, and add a column Elevated(With higher permissions), you will see that the system has a non-elevated regedit.exe process (running with user rights).

Try editing any setting in the HKLM branch. As you can see, access to edit the registry in this branch is denied (this user does not have write permissions to the system registry branches). But you can add and edit keys in the user's own registry branch - HKCU.

Similarly, you can run a specific application through a bat file, just specify the path to the executable file.


Set ApplicationPath="C:\Program Files\MyApp\testapp.exe"
cmd /min /C "set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER && start "" %ApplicationPath%"

You can also add a context menu that adds the ability for all applications to run without elevation. To do this, create the following reg file and import it into the registry.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="cmd /min /C \"set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER && start \"\" \"%1\"\""

After that, to launch any application without admin rights, just select the "" item in the context menu.

__COMPAT_LAYER environment variable and RunAsInvoker parameter

The __COMPAT_LAYER environment variable allows you to set different compatibility levels for applications (tab Compatibility in properties exe file). With this variable, you can specify the compatibility settings with which you want to run the program. For example, to run an application in Windows 7 compatibility mode at a resolution of 640x480, set:

set __COMPAT_LAYER=Win7RTM 640x480

Of the options of the __COMPAT_LAYER variable that are interesting to us, we select the following parameters:

  • RunAsInvoker- launch application with parent process privileges without UAC prompt.
  • RunAsHighest- launch the application with the maximum rights available to the user (the UAC prompt appears if the user has administrator rights).
  • RunAsAdmin- run the application with administrator rights (the AUC request always appears).

Those. the RunAsInvoker parameter does not grant administrator rights, but only blocks the appearance of the UAC window.
