How to get additional mts traffic. Review of additional Internet packages on MTS

There are tariff plans that provide mobile Internet, but not all users have enough Internet traffic to use the Internet.

In this case, the user can always use an additional option to extend the use of the service for a certain period.

To do this, you just need to order one of the packages provided by the operator

To extend your Internet traffic, just use the option turbo button on MTS. There are several possible MB packages that will be available to the user for use, among them the following can be noted: 100 MB, 500 MB, 2 GB and 5 GB.

All of them can be used on your mobile device. The cost of each will differ in different regions of the country. This point must be clarified either on the company’s official website or by calling the operator’s number.

Connect the MTS turbo button

Every day the Internet is becoming more and more firmly integrated into our lives. Without the World Wide Web, it is difficult to imagine the existence of you and me, since the Internet has even made its way into our mobile phones.

Operators vying with each other to praise and offer various services for use by subscribers, but their only drawback is the traffic limit (number of megabytes).

It’s not very pleasant that it tends to end at a time when there is still life to live until the Internet fee is written off. At this moment, a super option from MTS called “Turbo button” comes to the rescue.

This service allows the subscriber to increase the validity period of the package by a certain traffic quota. Be careful: all these services that exist in the system line are also limited in time period.

In this article we will talk about the main ways to connect to the service. It is worth noting that each tariff plan has its own characteristics regarding connecting the Turbo button.

Turbo button 100 MB

One of a series of simple options that can be connected to the Bit and Smart-Bit Internet services after the traffic has been exceeded is the service turbo button 100 MB.

Already in the name it is clear that the user will receive only 100 MB of data. The service is valid for one day only.

To activate the service, you need to send a USSD request to the operator, in which you must enter the combination *111*05*1# .

In response, you will receive a notification that the connection was successful. For those who do not like to send commands, we recommend using text messages. Just send an SMS to a unique number 5340 with digits 05.

Turbo button 500 MB

One of the most popular buttons in the series. If you run out of traffic a few days before your subscription fee is charged, use this option.

The action of such a button is limited to 30 days. In this case, the same rule works as in the previous case: either the traffic runs out or 30 days expire.

To do this, you need to go to your personal account

The service can be connected to services “SuperBit”, “Smart SuperBit”, “MTS Tablet” and others. A 500 MB button can be connected if the quota for MTS Ultra and Smart services has expired.

Turbo button for 2 and 5 GB

If you use an expensive package with Internet services that provides a lot of traffic, then after it ends you can use the 2 GB button.

And if you are just an Internet shark, connect the most voluminous button. The connection process is similar to the previous ones. There are alternative ways to order Internet traffic on your, and if you do not use it yet, then you should register your MTS personal account.

After which you can connect services through the user self-service system. All this will take less than 5 minutes of your time. However, you must have a sufficient amount of funds on your balance to withdraw the subscription fee.

If you use the mobile Internet, then the MTS “Turbo Button” service will come in handy, and you won’t have to worry that the allowable amount of traffic has run out. The company provides additional Internet traffic of 100 MB, 500 MB, 2 GB or 5 GB, depending on the service package selected by the user on MTS. There are several options for connecting a turbo button that allows you to extend the Internet for an MTS subscriber:

  1. You can activate the “Turbo button” option for different volumes of traffic by using a set of certain combinations on your mobile phone.
    - For additional traffic of 100 MB per day, dial *111*05*1#; payment will be 30 rubles;
    - for 500 MB within 30 days dial *167#; payment 95 rubles;
    - for 1 GB # within 30 days dial *467# ; payment 175 rubles;
    - for 2 GB within 30 days dial *168#; payment 300 rubles;
    - for 5 GB within 30 days dial *169#; payment 450 rubles;
    - for 20 GB within 30 days dial *469#, payment 900 rubles.
    You will receive an SMS notification about your connection on your phone.
  2. The second option for connecting the turbo button will be the MTS Personal Account. Once logged in, follow the link In the lower left corner there will be a “Turbo button”. Having selected the required amount of traffic, click Connect.
  3. You can enable the “Turbo button” option through the application on your phone My MTS. On the page that opens, find the “Services” section, then select ALL, then click sequentially “Internet” and “Extend access”. The display will display a list of packages, from which select the one you need and click Connect. The cost of the package depends on the amount of traffic you want to take additionally.

What tariffs does it work with?

The service is available to users of the following mobile tariffs: Bit, SuperBit, Bit Smart, SuperBit Smart, Ultra. The Bit package is valid within Moscow and the Moscow region and provides the subscriber with 75 MB every 24 hours, and SuperBit is available throughout Russia and includes 100 MB/day. Payment for both options is made once a month. A similar territorial division applies to the tariff plans Bit Smart (75Mb/day), SuperBit Smart (100Mb/day). However, when connecting to these packages, money will be withdrawn from the account daily. The Ultra tariff provides the user with 20GB of traffic and is distributed throughout Russia.

The cost of a turbo button varies depending on the traffic provided, ranging from 30 to 900 rubles. According to the recommendation of MTS, this information must be clarified with the operator in order to avoid an unpleasant situation. You can connect to the service using a USSD request, SMS message or in your personal account.

Pros and cons of the service

The Turbo Button service provides the subscriber with a lot of positive advantages, the main one of which is the ability to remain online under any circumstances. If there is a need to urgently increase the speed to transfer a large file or download an impressive amount of information, the turbo button will come to the rescue and will operate for two hours, after which it will turn off on its own. The advantages also include the variety of options for the connected service according to the required traffic: 100 MB, 500 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, 5 GB and 20 GB, and, accordingly, the prices for the option. It is worth paying attention to the ease of connection - the request is satisfied within seconds.

The service is clear, comfortable and inexpensive. MTS provides the opportunity to use the service for free. This option is available thanks to the points payment system. They are awarded for SMS, Internet, outgoing calls, purchasing goods from MTS, and using MTS Money cards. This offer is especially relevant for active users of a mobile operator.

There is only one negative side of the button: each traffic package is limited in time: from 24 hours to 30 days.

How to disable?

You can disable the service only during the first 15 minutes of its use and only in your personal account. Having accessed their page, the subscriber should click the Disable button in the corresponding menu field. After which a form will open prompting the user to clarify the reason for deactivating the service.
This information is very important for MTS specialists, as it allows them to improve the quality of services provided in accordance with the requirements and wishes of customers. Within the next 15 minutes after receiving the deactivation request, the amount for the option will be returned in full to the subscriber's account. After disconnecting the service, you can use it again only after 10 days.

If you use one of the tariff offers that are indicated in the title of the material, then you have the opportunity to take advantage of the offer of the MTS company and connect an additional Internet package at the specified tariffs.

This will allow you to save money that you will spend on access to the global network at a standard rate. More detailed information will be provided below

For those who like to use the mobile Internet, you don’t have to think about the number of available MB of traffic that is provided in the standard service package, since it can now always be extended by ordering an additional MTS Internet package. This offer is valid only for Smart, Hype and Ultra tariff plans.

Other tariff plans are not included in this promotion. But users of these packages will be automatically connected to an additional traffic package, which they will use until they are credited with the main Internet package.

Please note that an additional traffic package is activated only when the subscriber has exhausted the entire main traffic package. Otherwise, the additional package will not be connected.

Additional Internet in Smart, Ultra and Hype tariffs

As for additional Internet, for each tariff plan a certain amount of Internet traffic is allocated, which will depend on the tariff plan in which the subscriber is located. So here they are:

  1. In the MTS Hype, Ultra, Smart Zabugorishche, Smart +, Smart Top, Smart Unlimited tariffs, the user is provided with 1 GB of additional Internet traffic
  2. All other tariff plans will provide only 500 MB

As for the coverage area, these packages work both in the home region and throughout Russia. But in the Smart Mini tariff it is available only in the home region, but if you need access throughout the country, then you can activate the additional service “Smart Everywhere at Home”.

Additional packages will be activated automatically one by one until the main package according to the tariff is charged.

Cost of additional internet packages

And one of the most interesting questions is how much does an additional MTS Internet package cost?? The issue of price also depends on what tariff plan the subscriber is served in.

If you have a Smart Unlimited, Smart Top, Smart nonstop, Smart Zaugorishche, Smart + tariff, then the cost of such a package will be 150 rubles.

If the subscriber is on the Hype or Smart Mini tariff plans, then the cost of such a package will be 95 rubles. But in all other tariff plans, the cost of this Internet package will be 75 rubles.

As for the consumption and balance of additional traffic, you should pay attention to the fact that all unused traffic is not carried over to the next month and is not combined with the main package. It will simply be reset to zero as soon as the main traffic is credited.

How to connect additional Internet

As for the connection, so here it is connect additional Internet MTS possible in several ways. There is a simpler one - use a USSD request. To do this, the subscriber should dial the combination on the phone *111*936# and press the call button.

The connection is also available through the user’s personal account. But there are also times when the subscriber cannot connect on his own; to do this, you should check your tariff - you can read about that in another material.

After that, you should compare your plan with those that may be participating in the promotion.

The mobile operator MTS has created a diverse range of services for its subscribers. The company's favorable tariffs include large packages of minutes, SMS messages and Internet traffic. Users choose the tariffs and additional options that best suit their criteria. However, there are situations when the Internet suddenly ends as a result of the limit being completely exhausted, but access to it is urgently needed. What to do in such a situation? The company also took care of such cases, creating the opportunity for customers to extend traffic. In this article we will provide detailed information on how you can extend traffic on MTS and what the cost of this service is.

Service "Turbo button" MTS

MTS offers its users the “Turbo Button” service, which allows you to add additional traffic regardless of the type of tariff plan the subscriber uses. As part of this service, six types of traffic sizes have been developed for different customer requests: 100 MB, 500 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, 5 GB, 20 GB.

Moreover, there is another type of additional Internet called “Turbo night”. Below we describe in detail how to connect a specific package and what its cost is.

How to extend traffic by 100 MB

100 MB is the minimum size that a user can connect. This volume is not at all large, but in order to visit social networks, check email or look up information in search engines, 100 MB is quite enough. If you need additional Internet specifically for these purposes, then you can install 100 MB.

* 111 * 05 * 1 # - connection command “Turbo buttons for 100 MB”. Soon after sending the combination, you will be credited with the corresponding amount. It will be active for 24 hours from the moment of installation. After this time, it will turn off automatically. Accordingly, you do not need to take any action to disable the package.

You can connect in another way: send an SMS message with the number “5” to 5340.

For installing 100 MB, 30 rubles will be debited from the subscriber’s account. There are no speed restrictions.

How to extend traffic by 500 MB

* 167 # - connection command “Turbo buttons for 500 MB”. Immediately after sending the combination, you will be credited with the corresponding Internet amount, which will automatically turn off after this time.

Second activation method: send an SMS with the text “167” to number 5340.

The cost of a 500 MB package is 95 rubles. There are no speed restrictions.

How to extend traffic by 1 GB

A similar volume appeared not so long ago. The cost of the service is low, and you can use the Internet not only for social networks, but also for watching short videos without speed restrictions.

* 467 # - connection command “Turbo buttons for 1 GB”. Immediately after sending the combination, you will be credited with the appropriate amount of Internet for a period of 30 days, which will automatically turn off after this time.

Second activation method: send an SMS message with the numbers “467” to number 5340.

The cost of a 1 GB package is 175 rubles.

How to extend traffic by 2 GB

Such a volume will allow you not only to watch full-length videos, but also to listen to music. 2 GB is allocated for 30 days.

* 168 # - connection command “Turbo buttons for 2 GB”.

Second activation method: send an SMS message with the text “168” to the short number 5340. After the expiration date, the option will be automatically disabled.

The cost of a 2 GB package is 300 rubles.

How to extend traffic by 5 GB

This option is suitable for the most active users of the Global Network. With it you will feel completely comfortable and not worry that the Internet will quickly end. This volume is provided for a period of 30 days. After the expiration date, the option will be automatically disabled.

* 169 # - connection command “Turbo buttons for 5 GB”.

Second way to connect: send an SMS with the numbers “169” to the short number 5340.

The cost of a 5 GB package is 450 rubles.

How to extend traffic by 20 GB

If you use your smartphone mostly not for making calls, but for accessing the Internet, then this volume is ideal for you. This is the largest package size with which you can use the resources of the Global Network as soon as you wish. You don't have to worry about access being restricted again soon. The service is active for 30 days from the date of installation.

* 469 # - connection command “Turbo buttons for 20 GB”.

Second activation method: send an SMS message with the numbers “469” to number 5340. After the expiration date, the option will automatically turn off.
The cost of the 20 GB option is 900 rubles.

Important: You can install several options at once, all of them will be activated, but small packages will begin to be consumed first, then large ones.

"Turbo night" service from MTS

Some subscribers are accustomed to actively using all the Internet capabilities at night. A “Turbo night” button has been developed for such subscribers. The features of this development include: night unlimited (from 01:00 to 07:00), no speed restrictions, and the button is valid for a month.

The cost of the “Turbo night” button is 200 rubles.

Important: Today, the “Turbo Night” service has been suspended by the operator and moved to archived offers, so it is impossible to connect to it.

If you often activate the same Internet option, then it is better to save it in your phone book contacts, since if the limit is exhausted, you will not be able to view the installation combination.

“Turbo button”: types and description in the table

VolumePrice, rublesActivation commandValidity period
100 MB30 *111*05*1# day
500 MB95 *167# month
1 GB175 *467# month
2 GB300 *168# month
5 GB450 *169# month
20 GB900 *469# month

Attention: After the option expires, the remaining traffic is canceled. If there are insufficient funds in the account, then it is impossible to activate additional Internet. The option can be installed not only on the phone, but also on the modem.

Question, how to connect additional Internet to MTS, relevant for those who have used up the megabytes included in the monthly Smart tariff plan. After automatic connection, the user still has access to Internet services until the main package is updated.

The offer applies to a fairly large number of tariff plans.

The amount of additional Internet provided varies depending on the tariff set on the phone:

  • SmartNonstop, Smart+, SmartTop – 1 GB. The price of the service is 150 rubles;
  • other packages – 500 MB. The connection price is 75 rubles.

The Smart mini tariff provides access to the Network within your home region. If the “Smart at home everywhere” option is enabled, then the Internet is available throughout the Russian Federation. With other packages, the Network is available anywhere in Russia.

Specifics of connecting and disconnecting this service

How to connect or disable additional internet package for MTS? Additional Internet service
smart is available automatically after switching to one of the Smart tariffs.

To independently connect an additional MTS smart Internet package, you can use one of the following options:

  • dial the following combination *111*936# +call;
  • go to your personal account. After registration, you can go to your personal page, where you can get additional megabytes using the online assistant;
  • After refusing additional traffic and exhausting the paid package, you can use the “Turbo buttons”.

Besides, how to connect additional internet to MTS smart, it is important to know the conditions under which it is provided:

  • if the main amount of traffic is not used, then the service is not provided;
  • The additional package is activated after all the main megabytes have been used. The Internet is connected until the main tariff is renewed. Each additional Internet package is paid for immediately during activation;
  • if the main package is updated, but there are additional megabytes remaining, the latter will not be added up or transferred;
  • The additional package can be activated no more than 15 times each month. In the future, it is possible to use “Turbo buttons”;
  • Most tariff plans provide for automatic activation of the function immediately after the monthly daily package is exhausted;
  • In some packages, an additional package of megabytes is a mandatory condition of the tariff plan.

There's nothing complicated about how to connect additional Internet traffic to MTS. To disable the service, just dial *111*936#C and press number 2.
