How to enable content updates on iPhone. iOS app settings to check every month

How to disable automatic update applications on Android, if constantly installing new data consumes a large amount of traffic and RAM on the phone?

You can disable the function using the built-in functions of your gadget.

How does software update work?Android

Releasing software, developers cannot make it perfectly adapted for all devices. That is why the program may often not work correctly on certain smartphone models. Noticing such inaccuracies, programmers correct the flaws, test the resulting product and release new components. By installing them, the user will receive a more advanced version of their favorite game or other type of software.

Each update has its own digital designation - version number. It is written in 1.0, 2.0, 2.1 and so on. When you first install something on your gadget from Play Store, you get the most latest version update. Over time, more and more improvements to the program will appear.

To prevent the user from uninstalling and installing it again, the store provides an update function - you simply press the appropriate key and get the latest version in a few seconds. All user data and files will be saved. In the Google Store window, you can see what's new and what features have been added to your favorite application.

Rice. 2 – view information about new components in Google Play

Often, in the Android store, the function of automatically updating the software installed on the phone is already activated. This feature will allow you not to monitor the constant releases of components, because developers create them almost every week. If the background installation interferes with your work with the device or consumes a lot of Internet, you should disable the function.

Disable automatic updates usingPlay Market

If you do not want to install additional utilities that are designed to work with updates in Android system, use standard Play Market. With its help, you can also configure the operation of updates. Follow the instructions to disable automatic download and installation of new components:

  • Open the application store;
  • will appear home page store. Open the menu by flicking to the right or clicking on the corresponding icon;

Rice. 3 – home screen in Play Market

  • At the bottom of the menu list, select “Settings” and go to the window for changing the program configuration;

Fig. 4 – main menu of the store

  • In category general settings You should click on the “Auto-update programs” option. A window for selecting an update method will open. Select "Never" and close the window.

Rice. 5 – disabling the update

Disabling the update in the phone settings

By installing any game or program, you accept the user agreement that the software may have access to built-in system functions and other programs. Even if you have disabled updates in the store, the installation of a new version may not be carried out by the Market, but by the application itself. This happens if the automatic software update function is activated in the smartphone settings.

To disable the feature, follow these steps:

  • Go to the gadget settings;
  • Click on the “About device” icon;
  • Select the "Software Update" option;

Fig.6 – “About device” window in Android OS

  • In the new window, deactivate the checkbox next to the “Auto-update” item.

Manually updating programs

By downloading the latest news and versions of your favorite programs manually, you can reduce traffic consumption and simply speed up the operation of your smartphone, because the background processes will not constantly be downloading data. Manual work with updates is suitable for those users whose phones have too many applications installed, and the phone’s resources do not allow them to perform many background operations.

Also, constantly enabled updates quickly reduce the battery charge and make the gadget work slowly. After disabling the installation of new data, you should periodically carry out updates yourself. You can do this as follows:

  • Go to Google Play;
  • Click on the menu icon in the upper left corner of the application;
  • In the list that opens, select “My applications and games”;
  • Go to the “Installed” tab;

Fig.8 – viewing and updating installed applications manually

  • An “Update” button will appear next to the software for which an update is available. You can start the process of downloading a new version of the utility for one application or for all at once. Just click "Update All" at the top right open tab store.

After clicking on the “Update all” button, the process of downloading and installing the latest program data from the store server will begin. This may take a long time, depending on how much software is on your gadget.

For each program, the process of installing new components through the Google Play Market will begin:

Fig.9 – installation of new components

The advantage of this method of working with applications is that you choose the installation time of the components and they will not start downloading at the wrong time, when there is little traffic on the phone or low speed connections to the network.

Another update method is tracking system messages in the window running application. When a developer releases important security or functionality updates, and the user ignores them, immediately after launching the software, a window will appear notifying them of the need to install a new version of the game/utility. In this case, just agree to the installation, check your Internet connection and download the developer data package so that the program works stably.

Even if you have turned off automatic updates, the Play Market will periodically notify you about the availability of new versions of games and utilities. One or more messages will appear in the notification center with information about new features of the program and a button for installation.

Fig. 10 - notification center in Android

Please note that there is no update button in the Google Play window specific programs or all installed data, you should install new components for the store itself:

  • Go to the device settings;
  • Open the “Applications” - “All” - “Play Store” window;
  • Start the update process and also delete the cache to prevent errors.

Fig.11 – Play update Market

How to remove a program update?

If the update has already been installed, but after it there were difficulties in using the application: freezes, errors, bugs, or you just didn’t like it new design. On Android you can always return to the previous version of the software. To do this, disable automatic updates and in the settings do the following:

  • Open the list of all programs;
  • Select the desired application;
  • In the window that opens, click on “Uninstall updates”.

Fig. 12 – deleting the update

Thematic videos:

How to disable auto-update of Android applications on Google Play

Not everyone knows that Google Play may have an option to automatically update applications. This may result in unexpected costs if you have tariff package with payment for Internet traffic. This screencast shows you how to disable automatic app updates.

How to disable automatic app updates on Android

How to disable automatic app updates on Android

The automatic app update feature was first introduced in iOS 7. As soon as it comes out new version any program, the system downloads and installs it without asking the user's permission. On the one hand, automatic updating is very convenient, since you do not need to constantly perform the same procedure.

On the other hand, some iPhone and iPad owners may not like the lack of a sense of control over what is downloaded to the device. If desired, the user can disable the automatic update feature. This is quite easy to do.

How to enable/disable auto update feature in iOS

1 . Open the application " Settings».

2 . Go to section iTunes Store And App Store .

3 . Scroll to the subsection " Automatic downloads" and, depending on the need, activate or deactivate the items " Programs" And " Updates».

There is also a solution for those who want to use the automatic update feature, but do not want to waste mobile data. The developers have provided the ability to automatically update only when there is an active connection to the Wi-Fi network.

Note: Applications are automatically updated when iPhone connection or iPad to the charger.

You can set up automatic updating via Wi-Fi as follows: below in the same section you need to disable the toggle switch " Cellular data" Now when you connect your smartphone to Wi-Fi applications will be automatically updated, and once again think about safety mobile traffic you won't have to.

Unfortunately, the developers did not provide the possibility of selective automatic updating, so configure this function It won't work for some specific applications.

In general, automatic updating is quite a useful thing, but sometimes it complicates the user’s life. As a rule, in new versions, application creators eliminate the shortcomings of previous releases, but sometimes updates still contain errors that can worsen iPhone work or iPad.

April 24, 2010 at 9:22 pm

Content Update iPhone applications

  • iOS development

Many mobile applications show the user content from the server, and this content can be shown online and offline. Working online is trivial - upon a certain UI event, the application reads data from the network and shows it to the user. Working offline can be much more interesting - the ability to work with documents in the metro, etc. But working offline also brings problems: now it is necessary to synchronize data and this process should not block the user interface.

Elements in source code

- access to network resources
- xml processing
- access to file system
- working with streams

Application requirements

The application should show text files from the server in offline mode. Synchronization occurs at each start. In this case, the update process should not block the user’s work with the interface. The update process itself consists of two steps:
1. Reading a list of files from the server

Code design

To manage the entire process, we will create an UpdateManager class that will manage the “Updaters” objects. On at the moment we need two “Updaters”: one for reading the list of files and the second for working with files. We will define a single facade for them, which will allow us to expand the system in the future. This facade will have at least one method - start - which will be called by UpdateManager" om for each Updater in turn.

We know in advance that we will use an asynchronous connection to access the network. This forces us to explicitly continue the UpdateManager after each Updater has finished running.
Let's declare two protocols:

@protocol UpdaterProtocol -(void)startUpdate:(id) manager;

UpdateManagerProtocol declares one method that is called by each Updater upon completion of work.

Our classes look like this:

All Updaters work the same:

XMLListUpdater follows the steps:
1. Reads xml file from server to buffer
2. Parses xml
3. Adds each file to the queue

FileUpdater follows the steps:
1. Gets the next file from the queue
2. Checks if the file already exists on disk
3. Downloads the file
4. Repeats the process if the queue is not empty

Source code

First, let's write the code without mentioning threads.

UpdateManager.h declares one static method to start the whole process. In the instance constructor (init), all Updaters are created, added to the queue and called one after another.

Since each Updater reads data from the network, the general code can be placed in a separate class - NetworkClient. It implements UpdaterProtocol along with a method to run asynchronous connection(startNetworkCall).

The first Updater is XMLFileUpdater. At startup, it reads xml into memory from a previously known address. Upon completion, XMLListUpdater creates an xml parser to process the data. Each file from the list is added to the queue for processing by the next Updater.

The second step of the FilesUpdater content update is to read the queue and download each missing file.

Now we can start the UpdateManager process when the main view is loaded - and the application synchronizes the content.

View contains only one button, without any actions. When updating content, the interface will be blocked and pressing the button will reveal this. Later we will get rid of the blocking by adding a new thread.

Adding a separate thread

Since we already have all the code for working with the data, we just have to launch a separate thread and perform the update in it.
Let's add new method in UpdateManager - startInThread. With simple steps:
1. Create NSAutoReleasePool
2. Start the update process
3. Launch RunLoop
4. Release the pool

NSAutoRelease must be created in each new thread to automatic control memory. Otherwise you will get a lot of errors in the console.

RunLoop is a more interesting thing. If you comment out RunLoop and run the application, you will see a message about the start network connection, but other events - such as receiving data from the network, ending the connection - will not happen. The problem is the early termination of the thread - which ends when the "startInThread" method exits. Therefore, we run RunLoop to keep the thread active.

Now the UpdateManager initialization can be moved to main.m.

Notes on the source code

UpdateManager.h contains compilation directives - WORK_IN_SEPARATE_THREAD. If it is set to zero, then a new thread will not be created and the UI will block. When set to one, the update will occur in a separate thread

Source text of the project.

Apple programmers have prepared dozens of new features that should make use of mobile devices even more convenient. One of the most interesting changes in iOS 7 is background app updates. Unfortunately, not everyone understands how it works and hopes to try real multitasking in Apple's mobile operating system. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, applications still fall asleep in the background and do not remain constantly running. But Cupertino came up with a way to provide users with relevant content immediately after launch, without waiting for updates.

Multitasking responsibilities now include tracking application usage and scheduling updates. In other words, if you wake up at 8 a.m. every day and read Twitter first thing, the updated feed will be loaded before the user launches the application.

Of course, background loading consumes a little more battery power than if the smartphone or tablet were at rest. But Apple tried to minimize the impact over time battery life- iOS updates only during periods of low power consumption. For example, when the device is connected to a Wi-Fi network.

The introduction of background loading in iOS 7 does not mean that every installed application will keep itself up to date. Developers must implement this feature and only then will hidden updates occur.

There are currently very few apps in the App Store that support background updates. For example, on my iPad, only three out of thirty installed applications can interact with the improved multitasking of iOS 7. You can find this out in the “Content Update” of the main settings section. Please note that this feature is enabled by default, which means smartphones and tablets consume slightly more power.

We don't need any optimizers, tweaks or utilities. Eat first way, verified. And there is a long one, we continue today.

1. Disable background content updating

Even the most new iPhone or the iPad will start to slow down if background applications are constantly downloading something from the network, updating data or sending statistics.

  • go to Settings – General – Content Update;
  • see which applications want to run in the background;
  • disable those that you rarely use and those that have no reason to go online for updates;
  • You can radically turn off all background activity with one switch.

You should only leave background activity for applications that are truly important. For example, if you need to constantly have the latest weather forecast or be aware of all changes in a certain messenger or social network. For such applications, you should leave the option to download data while in the background.

Feel free to turn off all games, and most programs that work fine off-line.

2. Cleaning “heavy” applications

There is often not enough memory on an iPhone or iPad, especially if it is not like this. When there is insufficient memory, the device inevitably starts to slow down. Simple messenger or client cloud services can occupy several tens of megabytes, and the content stored in it fills hundreds or thousands of megabytes on the device.

  • open Settings – General – Storage and iCloud;
  • compare the size of the program and the size of the documents and data stored in it;
  • remove unnecessary content in the application;
  • You can delete the program and download it again from the App Store.

3. Remove unnecessary animation

  • go to Settings - General - Accessibility;
  • look for the option Reduce movement and turn it on.

You will get rid of shaking, floating wallpaper, smooth opening and closing of programs.

4. Disable automatic content downloading

To prevent programs, games and content downloaded on other devices from automatically ending up on your iPhone, disable this iOS feature.

  • open Settings - iTunes and App Store;
  • turn off downloading content to your device.

You will solve 4 problems in one fell swoop: you will reduce background activity, save network traffic, avoid taking up space on your device and extend its battery life.

5. Disable unnecessary applications in Spotlight

Do you know how iOS search slows down when opening? Remove unnecessary programs from the results being checked.

  • go to Settings – General – Spotlight Search;
  • remove from the list programs in which you are not looking for data via Spotlight.

6. Clear the cache in Safari

If the browser slows down while working, the simplest solution is to remove the garbage that has accumulated in the application.

  • open Settings - Safari;
  • activate the parameter Clear history and website data.

7. Clear RAM

Sometimes it's good to cleanse RAM from background processes and applications. Of course, iOS can do everything itself, but some extra help can come in handy.

  • hold down the button Power until the shutdown menu appears;
  • press the button Home and hold it for 15 seconds;
  • you'll get to home screen, All background applications will be completed.

8. Reboot the device

Apple taught us that Mac, iPhone, iPad and other gadgets can work without rebooting for a very long time. Of course, it’s good that you don’t have to turn your smartphones and tablets off and on every day, but sometimes it’s worth rebooting.

  • turn off the device;
  • turn on the device)

P.S.: the easiest way to speed up an iPhone... well, you understand .
