Optimization of html code for better indexing. Choosing the best online CSS compression service

During the initial development of a website, their owners pay the greatest attention to its external perception and quick start. Immediately or a few months after the launch, the question arises of how to attract more customers. After some time, the layout designer and programmer receive technical specifications for internal site optimization, where it turns out that part of the written code needs to be rewritten. Therefore, in this post we will talk about html optimization, css and js code of the site during its initial development, which will allow the client to save money and the developers nerves.

js and css optimization

First, let's look at css and js. Why do you need css and js optimization?

About 50% of users leave a site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load, and for every additional second, site conversion drops by 7%. Also, site loading speed is one of the ranking factors.

The first thing you need to start with is to listen to Google's recommendations. Css and js code should not be contained in html code site, it needs to be placed in separate files. The exception is small inline styles with 1-2 values. The number of included files should be reduced as much as possible, ideally leaving one included css and js file each. The inclusion of js files should be moved to the end of the page (before displaying the page, the browser must parse it and if it detects an external script, it must load it, and this is an extra cycle of operations that slows down the display of the page.

Also, to speed up the loading of js, css files and images, it is advisable to use caching and compression in the GZIP format.

SEO website layout: optimization of html code or how to layout it so as not to have to redo it later

For proper future optimization of html code, let’s consider all the tags and how they affect SEO.


- indicates the name of the page, which is placed in the browser tab and in search engines. The most important tag in terms of influence on site ranking.

- allows you to set the page description that appears in search results under the name. Has a much smaller impact on rankings, but helps increase the CTR (click-to-impression ratio) of a page. If the description meta tag is filled out, this does not guarantee that the search results will show exactly what is written there, since search engines can take the description from the content. But it’s still better to set up tag generation and not think about what part of the PS text will be taken for description.

- indicates search engines, for what queries the page is relevant. After the appearance of this tag, it was given a great influence on the ranking of pages. Optimizers could easily promote a page with any product from an online store, for example, on the request “download an essay on history” or on other topics that brought visitors to the site, but not customers. Now the influence of this tag on promotion is not exactly known and many people simply ignore it, including so as not to harm the page.

(take one of the values, index or noindex, follow or nofollow) - a ban on indexing the page (noindex) and a ban on indexing outgoing links on the page (nofollow) by search engines. The index and follow values ​​are used in conjunction with the disallow indexing values, since by default indexing of pages and links is allowed. This tag should be used carefully so as not to see zero traffic from search engines after a while.

- allows you to link several identical pages in content, but with different URLs, to one page to improve its ranking. In most cases, it is used for dynamic pages that contain the same content, for example, sorting pages in a product catalog or when working with a blog, where one article can be located in different sections and have different URLs.

and - tags allow you to indicate the previous and next pages on pagination pages for search engines if the material is divided into several parts and is located at different URLs.


- - headers on the page. The tag should be used once, as it indicates the main content of the page, but has less impact on ranking in search results. As a rule, for online stores, the tag indicates the names of these categories and products on the category and product pages; for information pages, the name that will interest the reader plus, if possible, keywords.

Tags must follow a logical structure. The header contains headers, in which headers, etc. It is advisable to use them only in the text content of the page (for example, to break up the main content on the page, but not for blocks that are displayed on all pages of the site). If we take into account that the tag helps to increase the importance of words in ranking, enclose all the text on the site in it and correct it with the help of styles so that it can be read, then this will not give any advantage, but will only harm such a page.

, , - are intended to focus attention on certain phrases and words in the description of a page, article, news, etc. (including increasing the importance of these words in ranking). They should not be used for the layout of those page elements that are repeated, for example, on all products. It's better to use css for this. Although it is not known for sure whether a word or phrase repeated on all pages of a site, inside, for example, a tag, has an impact, it is better to use tags for their intended purpose. I think PS will appreciate this.

- also intended primarily for placement in the text content of the page. It allows you to make the text more interesting to read, which increases the credibility of the entire page from search engines (lists, pictures, videos have the same effect).


Side block with additional information. ...

What else needs to be taken into account when SEO-layout of a website

Looking at the pages of search engines, you can see a number of errors related to the layout of the site, including validation errors. But here it should be understood that they set themselves completely different goals. SEO optimized layout is required for sites, one of the main sources of traffic of which is search engines, and no matter how cool links link to the site, without good code optimization you can’t dream of first positions.

Greetings friends, from this article you will learn how to clean HTML code, how to optimize images, how to properly design and optimize meta tags, how to make a website faster, you will learn why you need to optimize the scripts on the site.

One of the important activities for internal website optimization is page code optimization. Due to this, you can improve the overall quality of the resource, increase the speed of loading pages, and increase the efficiency of interactive functions.

HTML Validation and Standardization

Fundamentally important for search engine promotion and ensuring a positive user experience so that the site can work equally well in any browser, on different operating systems, on mobile and desktop computers.

To achieve overall unification, all sites are developed based on standard versions of HTML. The most current versions today are HTML 4.1 and HTML5. The latter, although still under development, has already been published online huge amount such sites.

All the most popular browsers - Opera Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox in their latest versions use support for the new HTML5 hyperlanguage. The importance of using HTML5 for creating websites is also that mobile computers operating room based Android systems do not support Flash technology and users will not be able to view videos in SWF format.

HTML5 based sites are able to play videos without the need to download and Adobe installations Flash Player. The trend towards abandoning Flash is expanding, so for the normal operation of sites it is useful to gradually abandon the use of Flash videos and animated banners in this format.

You can check the validity of the site's HTML code for free on the official website of the Consortium World Wide Web, for example this one


Good website builders and content management systems have built-in validators.

HTML Cleanup

In the process of creating and subsequently editing web pages, the programmer hastily leaves technical notes and comments on the pages, and forgets to remove unnecessary tags. All this not only slows down the site, but also reduces functionality. Due to easy removal HTML garbage can speed up the loading of website pages by literally 35%.

Malicious junk also includes broken links that don't lead anywhere because the recipient has been deleted. Search engines really don't like such links. The presence of broken links can negatively affect the search performance of the resource.

Since broken links tend to appear on their own from time to time, it is necessary to regularly search for and remove them. This applies to both external and internal links. If the content management system does not have an option to search for broken links, you can use free online services.



Optimizing graphic content

It is important to pay attention to graphics optimization, since all images must be properly processed in order to be published on website pages.

  • When publishing photographs, it is advisable to use the JPEG format, since this file type provides the best quality with minimal weight.
  • To save pictures for which quality is not very important, you can choose the PNG format with a file weight of no more than 100 or 200 KB.
  • All graphic files According to modern standards, it should be saved in compressed form and in a separate directory on the server, but not embedded in web pages.

After editing a page containing images, you need to check the loading speed. The page should appear in the browser within five seconds. Otherwise, the bounce rate increases sharply.

All pictures and photos have meta tags that need to be optimized by adding keywords and this will improve their search on the Internet. The main requirement for optimizing image meta tags is uniqueness. All images should have different titles, tooltips and alternative texts.

Web page meta tags

Meta tags for different pages sites must be unique. When duplicate tags are detected, the search engine glues them together and some pages will thus not be indexed. Experiments have shown that unique site meta tags improve rankings and increase traffic by approximately 18%.

Particular attention should be paid to optimizing the Title and Description tags
  • The page title should consist of no more than the number of characters allowed by the search engine and contain the main keyword.
  • The optimal number of words for a title is six.
  • The page description is designed as a kind of selling text for the landing page and is usually made up of two short sentences. The first sentence contains the main keyword, and the second contains the additional keyword.
  • Meta Keywords tags are not very important, but should be there just in case.
  • For example, I completely removed from the engine itself part of the code that is responsible for meta tags.

    Optimization of program elements - scripts

    The principles for optimizing scripts are the same as for graphics - do not place them on the page, save them in compressed form in a special directory.

    Your page should be clean, a robot visiting your site should see only a clean page, which will only contain an article and the necessary meta tags. Therefore, all scripts, counters, etc. are needed. place it in a separate file.

    Text Content Optimization

    Greetings, dear friends, to the blog site. Most users perceive websites only externally, evaluating the design and structure, but behind the attractive external components there are many internal laws and rules that are determined by W3C standards. Internal components include html code and CSS styles (without separate functionality). Often webmasters are more concerned only with the external presentation of the site. However, the internal content of pages in the form of html code also requires attention, especially when we're talking about about attracting search traffic.

    Successful online promotion requires good internal website optimization. Of course, optimization for search engines before starting promotion is important point. Promoting a website using links without optimization will not be effective and may even cause harm by reducing its traffic. At the same time, it is necessary to identify all current problems and shortcomings, which at any stage can negate all achievements. The website's html code may be such a weak link.

    Site code analysis can be carried out using various validators. For self-assessment, you must disable files with styles and scripts. This is how search robots see them. If the site loads slowly, displays incorrectly, and search engines cannot understand the logic of the pages, there will definitely be problems with it. The resource code needs to be improved.

    Website code optimization is considered a purely technical process, which is based on reducing the amount of website code. It is necessary, first of all, for resources for which search engines are the main source of traffic. The main rule is simplicity. All styles and scripts must be placed in external files. The code should be as light as possible and extremely understandable.

    Search robots must quickly evaluate page structure. Therefore, it is better not to use frames and flushes. These elements add weight to the code, making it more complex. Also put all design elements into css style files and format them into sprites. The level of relevance of the site and the speed of page indexing depend on the simplicity of the code. For large resources with high traffic, code optimization is a mandatory procedure. At the same time, it is necessary to optimize even pages whose size is no more than 1 MB.

    Main stages of site code optimization
    • Highlighting headings h1-h6 - search robots in general, so do not forget about the correct formatting of the text.
    • Reducing code size – the less code, the easier and faster the page loads. Recently, page loading speed has become important factor ranking in Google search results, which was officially announced.
    • Removal malicious code– many hosting sites have an antivirus section that scans site files and indicates the path to solving them. The absence of malicious code makes the site more preferable to search engines.
    • Internal website optimization is the creation of unique text that supports the required keyword density.
    • – evenly distributes the weight of pages and increases traffic across low frequency queries, especially when adding new content.
    • Adding meta tags – title, keywords and description are used by works and displayed on search engine results pages. Correctly composed meta tags increase the relevance of pages and attract users.
    • Optimization of images - each image must be selected in the optimal format (GIF, JPEG, PNG and PNG-24), and alt and title must be specified.
    Validity of the site code

    Validity is the compliance of the code with generally accepted global W3C standards. An invalid website code containing many errors can become an obstacle to the promotion of a certain resource. If not all paired tags are closed, there may be problems with displaying design elements. But in reality, even the websites of the largest search engines are not 100% valid. What is the reason for this discrepancy?

    • A high degree of labor intensity when standardizing a site and the need for exceptional professionalism of the developer when validating a large dynamic site.
    • 100% validity of the html code does not guarantee cross-browser compatibility, and also does not protect against errors when using older browsers.

    However, for smaller resources, the validity of the html code is an excellent bonus for ranking for the most competitive queries, and it will also show the seriousness of the resource.

    Optimizing Cascading Style Sheets

    Like optimizing html code, optimizing styles (CSS) is an equally important activity that is overlooked by many webmasters. Optimization css code It also speeds up the loading of website pages and saves traffic. Since a css file weighs up to 100 KB, many webmasters don't see the need to optimize it, but when you think about how much traffic file optimization saves per year, you'll realize how underestimated it is.

    You can optimize CSS manually or using special services. Each option has a drawback. When manually optimizing a site's code, you can lose sight of a lot and waste a lot of time. However, machine optimization may remove lines without which the design may not display correctly.

    Setting the encoding

    Another point that influences website promotion is encoding. Russian text will be displayed correctly only if correct settings encodings, for example Windows-1251 or utf-8. If content is encoded incorrectly, characters and symbols will be distorted, which will lead to loss of visitors and slow indexing.

    Problems with encodings are typical for older resources, where pages were created in tools like Notepad, and the code was saved in many different formats. Some modern browsers unable to recognize such encodings.

    Internal website optimization

    In most cases competent internal optimization resource can bring a site to the best search engine positions without significant effort and work with link exchanges. Every little detail that influences his position is important. Try to create a structure that will be understandable to both users and search engines. Multi-page portals should contain systematized sections in which all pages are no further than 3-4 clicks away. It is advisable to use breadcrumb trails and human-readable web addresses. Unfortunately, not all CMS scripts have this functionality.


    The technical aspect of successful website promotion is solved through optimized html code. Search engines evaluate site pages differently than users, so clean, valid code can push your resource up in search results, where just a few positions sometimes turn out to be decisive.

    I hope the material will be useful to my dear readers. Subscribe to blog updates. I would be grateful for pressing the buttons and reposting this material. See you in the next articles. Good luck everyone.

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