Pedagogical University September 1 personal account. Refresher courses

All-Russian project School of the Digital Age Slide 1/11 Ostrovsky Sergey Lvovich Publishing house “First of September” executive director

All-Russian project School of the Digital Age Slide 2/11 Project goal: Comprehensive provision of educational institutions with subject and methodological materials in all academic disciplines and areas of school life with targeted delivery on modern media

All-Russian project School of the Digital Age Slide 3/11 For the academic year: Registered 3,790 schools teachers received activation codes Already more than 70% continue to participate

All-Russian project School of the Digital Age Slide 4/11 Materials provided within the framework of the project Subject-based publications Subject-based publications. 23 electronic subject-methodological magazines, a magazine for parents. All issues of the magazines come with electronic applications for practical use (presentations, handouts, educational videos). Illustrated magazines, monthly, volume 64 pages. Distance educational resources Distance educational resources: distance 36-hour advanced training courses, as well as modular distance courses from the cycles “Professional and Personal Effectiveness Skills” and “Inclusive Approach in Education”.

All-Russian project School of the Digital Age Slide 5/11 Materials provided within the framework of the MAOU Secondary School 1 project. Zabaikalsk Periodicals of the Publishing House “First of September” (electronic version) All publications, 2014 (Aug., Sep., Oct., Nov., Dec.); All publications, 2015 (Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May., June.) Periodicals of the publishing house “First of September” (electronic version) School for parents, 2014 (Aug., Sep., Oct., Nov. ., Dec.); School for parents, 2015 (Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June.) Modular courses of the Pedagogical University “First of September” for the period from to hourly distance courses of the Pedagogical University “First of September” for the period from to Methodological literature ( electronic version) for the period from to

All-Russian project School of the Digital Age Slide 7/11 Login to the teacher’s personal account Home page

All-Russian project School of the Digital Age Slide 9/11 Login to the teacher’s personal account Home page

All-Russian project School of the Digital Age Slide 10/11 Professional publications

All-Russian project School of the Digital Age Slide 14/11 Distance courses Suitable for all teachers, regardless of place of residence. Training can be completed in the first stream (from September to May) or in the second stream (from January to September). Each student receives educational materials (lectures and test assignments). Those who complete distance learning courses receive a standard certificate. Two training programs are available: 108 and 72 hours. Applications for the 1st stream of the 2014/2015 academic year are no longer accepted. Applications for the II stream of the 2014/2015 academic year will be accepted from November 1, 2014 Pedagogical University "First of September"

All-Russian project School of the Digital Age Slide 15/11 Pedagogical University “First of September” Tuition fees From November 1, 2014 to January 15, 2015, enrollment is underway for the second stream of the 2014/2015 academic year. Classes begin on February 1, 2015. Tuition fee excluding discounts: for a program with a standard completion period of 108 hours, RUB 3,990. according to the program with a standard period of development of 72 hours 3190 rubles. Members of the Pedagogical Club “First of September” and participants in educational projects of the previous academic year are given a 10% discount.

All-Russian project School of the Digital Age Slide 18/11 List of 36-hour advanced training courses for the academic year 1. A modern view of the didactics of a comprehensive school in the context of the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards 2. Psychological and pedagogical techniques for forming a team and optimizing interpersonal relationships in class 3. Creating presentations in PowerPoint 4. Using spreadsheets (Excel) in the practical work of a teacher 5. Development of professional competence of teachers implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard 6. Psychological factors of school success 7. Assessment in the context of the introduction of the requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standard 8. Using the Word 9 text editor. Chemical experiment in primary school

All-Russian project School of the Digital Age Slide 19/11 Modular courses 6 hours - one course For the academic year the following is offered: Cycle “Inclusive approach in education” - 6 courses - volume 36 hours; Cycle “Skills for professional and personal effectiveness” - 17 courses – volume 102 hours
All-Russian project School of the Digital Age Slide 21/11 Open lesson “First of September”

All-Russian project School of the Digital Age Slide 23/11 Festival of student research and creative work “Student’s Portfolio”

All-Russian project School of the Digital Age Slide 24/11 Professional portfolio of a teacher september.rf/

In a market where there are many different literature publishers, it has a separate niche.

It specializes in publishing various magazines for teaching people, the educational program of which is written on different topics: English, literature, chemistry, mathematics and others. The publishing house "1 September" publishes magazines in three versions: paper, electronic and there is a version on the Internet.

On the website you can arrange delivery of the paper edition.

The electronic version is released on compact discs and is a complete analogue of paper publications. After you place an order, it will come to you by mail.

The Internet version is analogous to the electronic version of magazines published in paper form; you can view them after registering in your Personal Account.

You can view prices for publications by going to the publication’s website The paper version of the publication is the most expensive to purchase, because its production requires the highest costs. The publisher's materials will help your child in learning. If you are a teacher, you can prepare a plan for interesting learning. The material is constantly updated and contains very complete information. You can find the answer to every question, written in accessible and interesting language to learn. Therefore, even the laziest students study the material with great interest.

We have already mentioned the online version of the publishing house "1 September", you can go to your Personal Account. Why is it needed, you ask? The personal account is a new word in the provision of services remotely.

  • for the lowest price you can get access to materials from the publishing house "1 September";
  • information will be available to you instantly, since you do not have to wait for materials to be delivered to your home;
  • the electronic version of the publication will not take up space in your closet or on your computer. With your Personal Account you will save a lot of space;
  • You can always use old editions.

You can register in minutes. You just need to indicate your first and last name, your email and contact phone number. The data is necessary in order to send you an SMS with a code to confirm it. If you want, you will receive news from us by email on topics that interest you. This service allows you to always be aware of when the latest materials from our publishing house "1 September" are published.

Login to your Personal Account on September 1

Official website: login
Personal account “September 1” login: login
“September 1” - Distance courses: login
Festival of Pedagogical Ideas “September 1”: login

The School of the Digital Age “September 1” is a large publishing center that produces a huge amount of professional and scientific materials:

  • courses in all school disciplines;
  • courses for advanced training of teachers and lecturers;
  • more than 150 webinars and video lectures;
  • more than 100 electronic textbooks in various disciplines, prepared by the best publishing houses;
  • subject-methodological publications;
  • methodological brochures.

Unlike the online school "Znanika", the publishing house "1 September" is aimed only at teachers, educators, lecturers and other specialists in the field of education. You can undergo training on selected scientific materials by registering in your personal account and paying for them.

Registration in the ShTsV personal account “September 1”

To register you need:

  1. follow the link;
  2. fill out all the required fields of the form (full name, gender, email address and telephone number if desired);
  3. agree to the terms of data processing;
  4. Click the “register” button to confirm;
  5. activate your account using the link in the letter sent to your specified mailbox.

At this point, the registration stage is complete, you can proceed to authorization, selection of courses, payment and training.

Login to your personal account

To enter the personal account of the “September 1” school, you need to go to the authorization page through the main page or simply by clicking on the link “”. Enter your ID (you will receive it in an email upon registration) and password.

Personal account features

The September 1 Internet portal is a service where every teacher can find useful information on all subjects and areas of school life. Here are collected the most famous projects that help improve the level of education of the teaching staff. Thanks to registration, every methodologist will be able to create a personal account on September 1 and participate in forums, conferences and other competitions. You can find out how to do this correctly below.

Registration in your personal account

To begin, the methodologist needs to open the service and select the personal account button on September 1. The next steps are quite simple:

  1. Click on “Register a new user” and fill out the form that appears.
  2. It is necessary to indicate your last name, first name and patronymic. You will also need to enter data such as gender, date of birth and contact numbers, email address so that prompt communication is possible.
  3. After entering the data, you must check the box next to the word register, thereby confirming that you accept the terms of the user agreement. Click the similar “register” button.

After these fairly simple steps, your account will be registered in your personal account on September 1st.


Authorization in your personal account on September 1

After the application for registration from the methodologist is sent, a letter is sent to the user's specified email address. By clicking on the link contained in the letter, the authenticity of the email address is confirmed. A few minutes later, a letter arrives in the mail containing a personal identification code, as well as a password that allows you to log in and finally activate your account in your personal account “September 1”.

If desired, the code and password itself can be changed. To do this, you will need to go to the appropriate settings section. In the “Profile” section, you must enter contact information that was not specified during registration, upload a photo, and also fill out a user form.

Login to the office

The methodologist’s questionnaire will indicate the user’s field of activity, region, as well as areas of interest. In the methodist profile, you can specify the newsletters that you want to be sent to your email address, as well as connect integration of access to the Showcase of electronic textbooks for Moscow Region and login through the School Portal of Moscow Region.

Password recovery

If the password for entering your personal account “September 1” is forgotten or lost, you will need to use the “password recovery” service. To do this, select and click the appropriate button. In the window that appears, you should indicate your email address, where the system can send a letter to restore data. After a few minutes, you will receive an email indicating your identification code and current password for your personal account. The September 1 system recommends changing the password to one that will not be forgotten in the future, in order to eliminate such situations.

Password recovery

Personal account features

The September 1 Internet portal allows teachers to regularly improve their level of knowledge. On the website, using your personal account “September 1”, you can always:

  • gain access to various books and newspapers that will help improve the level of a teacher;
  • submit an application for one of the competitions currently taking place;
  • take part in webinars. After all, the “September 1” website is an opportunity to gain experience from other specialists or share your own;
  • download electronic textbooks that can help in the pedagogical process or a specific subject;
  • remotely subscribe to professional publications chosen by the teacher. To do this, you just need to press a few buttons and the system will issue an application.

Receiving publications

In the “Pedagogical University” section there is always the opportunity to take distance courses, regardless of place of residence. This incredibly convenient feature allows you to constantly improve your teaching skills and knowledge. There are also part-time and correspondence courses for residents of Moscow and the region.

If desired, a teacher can create and post a professional portfolio on a specialized website, which will allow him to actively build a career and develop.

If you have any questions regarding the September 1 site and ongoing competitions, you can get all the answers thanks to feedback. Simply select the recipient and compose your message. Managers will send a comprehensive response within a few days.

Help Desk

Thanks to the September 1 personal account, there is no need to wait for newspapers or magazines. You can now receive useful information and read textbooks without leaving your computer. How to participate in professional competitions, forums and conferences.

Also, to work, the methodologist will need an Internet connection, which can be offered by the NetByNet website; for this you need to go to.

September 1 is a publishing house specializing in the production of periodicals and literature for teachers and holding various literary and pedagogical events (festivals, readings, competitions). Exists since 1992. The most famous project is the general pedagogical newspaper “First of September”.

Various online projects are being implemented on the official website of the publishing house 1septyabrya.rf: webinars, marathons, open lessons, festivals, etc. To participate in them, you need to gain access to the personal section of the web resource - your personal account.

Open the portal login page on September 1 and click on the “New user registration” link.

You will need to enter the following user data in the registration form:

  • date of birth;
  • contact phone number and e-mail.

After confirmation of registration, an email will be sent to the specified email address with a link to activate your personal account. Follow it to receive by e-mail a digital identifier in the format XXX-XXX-XXX and a password for authorization in the system.

To log into your personal account, enter the user ID (login) and password received during registration. When you first log in, the system will ask you to select your region of residence.

  1. Subscribe via the Internet to September 1 publications (paper and electronic).
  2. View and download digital versions of the First of September newspaper and other periodicals, including previously received issues.
  3. Place orders for previously published publications.
  4. Participate in educational events: improve your skills, buy and watch webinars, etc. Through your personal account, you can send scans of documents for enrollment in distance courses of additional professional education.
  5. Buy textbooks from the electronic storefront.
  6. Submit applications for participation in competitions and festivals, including the Open Lesson festival.
  7. Take part in the “Digital Age School” project to gain access to teaching materials.
  8. Receive invitations to participate in various events for teachers, etc.
  9. Create and maintain a teaching portfolio.
  10. Edit personal data.
  11. Ask questions to the specialists of the portal on September 1 through the feedback form and online chat.