Changes to Disqus: Ads can no longer be disabled for free. Disqus - WordPress Comment Plugin Official Disqus Plugin

01/28/2012 Romchik

Good day. And we continue to set up our blog on the CMS WordPress. We have already installed WordPress. We got acquainted with the administrative part. Made initial settings for WordPress. And today we'll talk about comments in WordPress. Comments are an integral part of any blog. Comments are feedback from the reader. That's why comments in WordPress should be given special attention. Yes, and I would also like to note that search engines like blogs to be commented on more often.
There are a huge number of plugins for comments in WordPress. But I settled on the Disqus plugin. Below I will talk about its advantages (why I like it) and some of its disadvantages. We’ll also take a look at its settings. And so, let's go...

First let's talk about the pros.
Firstly, the built-in comment system is not very convenient for commenting; you must constantly enter your e-mail, name and the comment itself (sometimes also a link to the resource). And if I entered into a discussion with someone, with each answer I need to fill out these fields. No thanks - I'm lazy and waste time on such nonsense. The comment system for WordPress Disqus in this regard makes life easier for readers - just register once and that’s it. Now, where the Disqus comment system is located, you can safely comment without entering all this data, just confirm your account in this system.
Secondly, Disqus is a global commenting system. This leads to a good fight against spam. This WordPress commenting system also uses the Akismet anti-spam plugin. Which I talked about in the article “Akismet - anti-spam plugin”.
Thirdly, all comments are stored outside of your blog, and this saves disk space. For some this is significant.

Now let's look at the cons.

Like any product, along with its pros, it also has its cons. I will be objective, so I will talk about the disadvantages.
The first one is the most significant. If the Disqus service goes down, your blog will lose its commenting system. And this is a tragedy for a live blog.
The second minus is not so significant, but also very important. Search engines do not index this comment system well. A search engine may follow links from Disqus. But you can fight this, although it’s not as easy as with the built-in commenting system.
After weighing all the pros and cons, I finally decided to install Disqus. You can download this commenting system for CMS WordPress from the official website. Installation takes place in a standard way without any “dancing with a tambourine”.
After we have installed and activated this plugin, we move on to setting it up. Click on “settings”.

Go to the “Advanced options” window and click on “Install”

Go to the “Install Disqus Comments” window. Since we do not yet have an account on the Disqus service, we follow the link “don’t have a Disqus Profile yet?” for registration. And we get to a page where we are asked to log in using “Twitter”, “Facebook”, “Google” or simply by entering an e-mail.

I chose to register via e-mail. But my email is on Google, so the following window popped up, where I clicked “Allow”

In the next window I was asked to enter my email, login and password. After entering the data, click “Create profile”

We created a great profile on the Disqus service. Now we can go to the settings of our plugin. Let's go to the settings of our plugin. And we see that we still need to add our website. (This is where the problem arises for those who install Disqus on a local server and nothing can be done about it). Follow the link “create a site”.

And we find ourselves in the site registration window. In this window you need to enter information about your site: URL, site name and short name for the site. Then click “Continue”

And we find ourselves in the “Quick Setup” window, in which we configure Disqus. In the “Language” field, select the language we need. In the same window we specify that our comment system for WordPress use Aksimet (you must enter the API key for Aksimet). After installing all the necessary options, click “Continue”.

Good day, dear readers. Many of you have asked me to blog about the process of installing Disqus. They asked in the comments, they asked in letters, they asked questions through the Ask a question form. So we need to tell you.

By the way, I will say that when I installed Discus on my blog, they had a different interface and the installation process itself was implemented differently. Therefore, today, just like you, I will do this for the first time. I hope there won't be any problems.

So let's get started.

How to install Disqus on a blog

We go to the website and click the big green button.

Let's move on to the first installation step. We indicate the address and name of the blog, as well as a short address of the blog, which will be the address of your profile on Disqus.

Below we provide the information for registering on Disqus.

In the Username field, you must indicate the name in Latin, as this will be the address of your profile as a commentator. Unlike the address in the previous picture, which will be the moderator’s profile address. They may be the same, or they may be different.

After filling out the fields, click on the Continue button at the bottom and proceed to the second step of installing Disqus.

I broke this step down into several small steps from top to bottom.

The first point is the choice of language. Select Russian:

The next step is to indicate your Twitter account. This is an optional field, at your discretion. Just indicate your Twitter nickname.

Personally, I don’t consider the following settings to be mandatory, so I didn’t focus my attention on them.

Next, we can indicate whether there will be a Like button in the comments or not; if there is one, we don’t put a checkmark. And the next point is the ability to insert pictures and, probably, other media files into comments (I haven’t experimented).

I consider the next stage very important. This is where we define which services users can connect to to leave a comment on your blog.

In my opinion, it's better to give your readers a lot of choice. Therefore, I think even the very minimum should be like this:

With these settings, everyone will also have the opportunity to leave comments by simply entering a nickname and email address or through a profile in Disqus itself.

Having specified all the settings, click the Continue button and move on to the last step. Platform selection:

There is nothing easier than simply choosing the platform on which your blog is located. If someone wants to integrate Discus into a self-written website engine or into a static website, there is a Universal code item below for this.

And we will return to Blogger, because... questions from readers came specifically about installing Disqus in Blogger/Blogspot. Therefore, we select our icon and get to a page with all sorts of information. On this page we need point 3, which contains a special button for installation:

Click on this button and you will be taken to the widget page in Blogger:

Here we pay attention to whether the blog is chosen correctly. This is relevant if you have several blogs. Click “Add Widget” and we are on the Page Elements page in our Blogger admin panel. That's it, the Disqus installation is complete.

One has only to add that among the gadgets there will be an empty discus widget:

We remove the title of this widget, move it to the bottom of the template and forget about its existence. Let's go to the blog, look, rejoice.

By the way, I want to say that earlier, in order to install discus in Blogger, you had to save your blog template to your computer, then copy the entire template into a special window on the installation page, and then get a new template and paste it into your blog. And if it didn’t work, then you had to insert all the code manually. Can you imagine how easy it is to install Disqus now?

How to Import Old Comments from Blogger

There, in the admin panel, go to the Tools tab, in the menu, Import/Export. You will see the platform icons, we need Blogger, select it.

A page with two settings opens. The first point is to import old comments from Blogger into Discus.

The second point is the synchronization of new comments in the discussion with Blogger. So, first click the Import button in the first paragraph. We are redirected to a Google page

We agree to provide access, again we find ourselves in the Disqus admin panel:

Select the desired blog if you have several of them. Click the Import button. After this, the line above will appear:

For me, this process went very quickly, since the experiment was carried out on a new test blog, which had no comments. It may take you from a few minutes to several hours. In theory, there should be no problems with this.

When the import process is completely completed, you will see all old comments in the Moderate tab. If the import fails, try again. If nothing happens at all, you will have to contact the developers. They used to have Russian support, but now I can’t say whether they have it or not.

After importing, set up synchronization, select Blogger again, select the second item:

As at the import point, agree to connect to the blog, select the desired blog, and receive a message that comments will be synchronized.

Disqus Basic Settings

Be sure to visit the Settings tab. The General item contains all the primary settings that were present during installation, and which can be configured at any time. There is data about your site, connection of services, and commenting settings. Pay attention to the Who Can Comment? - who can leave comments.

It's best to choose Anyone, i.e. any.

In the Moderation menu item, pay attention to the following items:

  • Pre-Moderation. No - comments will be published immediately. Yes - you publish comments after you look at them.
  • Automatic Closing – automatically close commenting on articles after a number of days.
  • Links in Comments – I advise you to select this item. In this case, all comments containing links will not be published immediately, but will be subject to moderation, and you will publish them after checking for spam.
  • Restricted Words – you can add obscene words. If a comment contains any words from your list, it will be sent to you for moderation.
  • Blacklist and Whitelist – I hope there should be no questions here. You can manually configure the black and white list of commentators.

Everyone must deal with the Appearance item on their own. At this point you can customize the appearance of the comment form.

I see no point in dwelling on the rest. Firstly, the remaining settings are not as significant as those already voiced, and secondly, we all must be able to think.

I think it’s worth paying attention when you are registered in the discussion as a commentator, but want to connect your blog. After logging in, there will be a Your Sites item on your main page. just click on the Add button or register a site link. You will be taken to the very first step where the installation of Disqus begins.

Now I will address some of the questions that readers ask me once the discus is installed.

How to Russify discus?

Go to the admin panel

Settings tab. Scroll down to Language. Select Russian.

But in this way you only Russify the comment form on the blog. The admin panel of the discus itself will remain in English. Personally, for such cases I use the Google Chrome browser, which automatically translates pages even those that require authorization. It’s just that many browser bars can do translations, but not all can translate profile pages.

How to install the Top Commenters widget from Disqus

Go to the Tools tab, menu item Code – Select widget - Top Commenters

I won’t describe it point by point; even without knowledge of English you can guess what each point means. Here, for example, is a screenshot with automatic browser translation:

It’s not difficult to guess that the first point means how many commentators to show in the top, the second is whether to highlight those who are moderators (here, I think, this means moderators inside your blog, if you have appointed one). Everything is clear with avatars.

At the bottom of the settings there will be a code, copy it, go to the admin panel of your blog Design – Page Elements – Add Gadget – HTML/JavaScript, paste the code into this gadget, save it, move it to the place where you should have top commenters.

In the same way, you can install widgets on your blog:

  • Latest comments
  • Popular articles (based on number of comments left)
  • Combination – to be honest, I haven’t tried it. If anyone has tried it, please share in the comments what it is.

In general, I think the mission has been completed, if you have any questions, I will answer in the comments or add to the article.

Good day, dear readers. I know that a lot of people who are new to blogging, but also to the internet in general, read me. And it is precisely for this reason that I decided to pay attention to the most common things that relate directly to blogging, but raise questions and misunderstanding among some users. As you understand from the title, we will talk about how to comment on blogs through Disqus. First, a little plan:

  • What is Disqus?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of Disqus.
  • How to leave a comment on a blog with Disqus.

I'll start in order.

What is Disqus

Disqus is a blog commenting system that easily integrates into many well-known blogging platforms and CMSs.

All blogs, as we know, have the opportunity to leave comments on articles. And there is even such a side of blogging as, the content of the article is not so important. All blogging services and CMS provide commenting. But the reality is that many developers pay little attention to developing a convenient, flexible commenting system with great functionality. And third-party developments are emerging that are easily integrated into various blog services and blog engines and have greater capabilities than built-in comments.

Disqus is probably one of the most advanced commenting systems out there, especially when compared to Blogger comments.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Disqus

I won’t be able to list all the advantages of this system, there are a lot of them, and it doesn’t make sense, because... It’s better to try it once in person than to hear it 100 times. I’ve been using discus for several months now, since May 5, and even wrote an article (though there was a period when I was forced to temporarily give it up, but I don’t want to remember it anymore). But what attracts me most about Discus, as an ordinary user, is the tree-like comments, when you can see who is responding to whose comment. Indeed, in most inline comments this is not the case. You look at the comments to the article, and it’s not clear where everything is written. And in discus everything is structured and very convenient.

Another big advantage for me is that you can set up spam filters. Blogger, even with the latest innovations, does not have this. Discus allows you to set up white and black lists and set censorship. For example, add obscene words to the list and prohibit the publication of comments that contain these words.

In general, I have only one filter for comments - this is mandatory moderation of comments containing links. Such comments end up in the spam folder and are not published until I look at them. Often you have to edit such comments, because... Personally, I don’t want my blog to turn into a link dump. It was experimentally found that Disqus comments are indexed by the Yandex blog search robot, and all links are taken into account by Yandex as links from blogs. And as many may know, links from blogs affect the position of blogs in the rankings. So I decided to check all the links in the comments.

And here’s another advantage of Disqus: comments can be edited. Yes, I can open and edit any comment left on my blog. I try not to take advantage of this, but as I said above, sometimes I have to.

Well, the last advantage that I appreciate is blocking unwanted commentators. I had to use it once. I don't like impudence and rudeness. After all, I treat my readers kindly, why should I tolerate comments on my blog from people who have no idea about politeness.

Well, what are the disadvantages of Disqus? I don't know. This does not mean that they do not exist and, perhaps, that more advanced users with programming skills are aware of the shortcomings of Dicus, but I, as an ordinary user, do not see any shortcomings.

How to leave a comment on a blog with Disqus

Using discus is very easy, and I will now prove it to you.
So, you went to the blog and saw unusual comments, let’s figure out how to use Discus.

1. If you often come across Discus comments, read blogs in which this system is installed, then you should think about the most convenient way to register in this system and create your profile. To do this, simply click on the Disqus icon.

Click on the button "Register" and you can immediately leave your comment on the blog as a registered Disqus user.

As you can see, everything is very simple. And then it will be even easier. In fact, you don't have to register; you can comment on blogs without creating a Disqus account. I have several different ways to connect to discus installed on my blog. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

2. You can leave your comment by logging into the discussion via your Twitter account. If you are currently logged in, then you will only need to agree to connect to Twitter; if you are not authorized, then you will need to log in using your Twitter details.

Unfortunately, some of my readers write that logging in via OpenID does not work for me. I double-checked all the settings, but I don't know what's wrong. I also tried logging in via OpenID myself. I declare that some sites connect without problems, and some do not want to connect at all, especially Blogger.
So I connected via OpenID to the LiveJournal blog literally today when I was writing an article.

I will look for a solution to this problem, but in fact there is a simple solution.

4. You can leave a comment without registration and any other additional actions. To do this, simply enter your comment and click on the button "Send on behalf of...". A window will appear in which you indicate your nickname and email. Next, if you want your nickname to be a link to your site, click on the link "Optional: Link to your website", an additional field will open for entering the address of your blog. Don't forget to check the box "Receive all comments by e-mail", otherwise you won't know that I replied to your comment.

How to leave a comment without registering

This is such a convenient and simple commenting system on Disqus blogs. Even a child can cope with it, but some adults give in to it, probably mainly because it has not been fully translated into Russian, and simply because they think it is difficult. And there is nothing complicated at all.

I recently installed a comment form from Disqus on my blog, and I couldn’t be happier. This is a very functional and beautiful form, and you don’t need any special knowledge to install it! Everything is very simple, because there is a plugin from the Disqus site for WordPress.

There is only one small nuance, the form’s website is in English, so I decided to write a detailed article on the installation and intricacies of setting up this comment form with screenshots to make everything clear. You may say that the Internet is full of such articles, but when I installed discus on my blog, I only found guides for some outdated versions, and everything is a little different there.

The first thing we need to do is register in the service

I won’t tell you in detail how to register, I just want to draw your attention to the fact that there are alternative registrations using popular social networks, which greatly simplifies the registration process.

After registration, proceed to the next step:

Click on the “Add Disqus to your site” button

We fill out all the points:

  • Site name – This Name will be displayed in the comment form;
  • Choose a unique name for your site in the Disqus service;
  • Select a category - I chose Other because I didn’t find one that corresponded to my blog;
  • We are completing registration.

  • And we see instructions on how to find and install a plugin in WordPress, then everything will be only about WordPress. Go to the console of your site in the “Plugins” section

    Click “Add new”

  • Enter “Disqus” in the search field
  • Click “Search for plugins”
  • Install
  • Activate
  • After that, go to the comments section of your console

    Enter your username and password for your profile and proceed to the next step.

    We are offered to export comments from your site, if any, to the Disqus service, I suggest skipping this step and going to the plugin settings and then manually exporting comments. This will make processing faster and eliminate the possibility of freezes during export. It happens that when you export comments, for some unknown reason the export does not go 100% and some comments are not transferred, but manually everything is fine!

    In the console and in the upper right corner, click “Plugin Settings”

    Here I will tell you about the settings options so that you can choose the ones you need:

    • Disqus comments are currently enabled. (Disable) – Comments from Disqus (Disabled) your standard ones are displayed, until we turn them on, we’ll turn them on after exporting comments.
    • General – Skip
    • Appearance – Leave as is
    • Sync – Synchronize comments

    Comment Sync – Disable automated comment importing – Whether to synchronize comments left in Disqus with your local database, I recommend disabling this setting to save the database from unnecessary requests and save space on the hosting provider’s server.
    Server-Side Rendering – Disable server-side rendering of comments – Here, on the contrary, I recommend checking the box, this setting blocks your comments from being indexed by search engines.

    • Patches
    • Template Conflicts – Output JavaScript in footer – To be honest, I never figured out this setting, I left it unchanged.
    • Advanced – We also skip this section and leave it unchanged; in my opinion, it is completely unnecessary on the blog.

    With all the settings in place, click the button and proceed to exporting comments and subsequent settings in the Disqus control panel on the site.

    Let's move on to exporting comments to Disqus

    We do everything as in the screenshot and get a file with our comments. We go to the control panel on the Disqus website, and step by step, as in the screenshot below, we do everything point by point.

    After everything is done, we will see this message:

    Now the comments have been exported, but processing will take time, it says 24 hours, depending on the number of comments, I had 100 comments processed in an hour and an email about successful completion was sent to the email specified during registration.

    Until we receive this magical letter, we will do some more short settings right there in the control panel.

    Go to the Settings section:

    You can do everything as in the screenshot or you can do it your own way, be sure to fill out points 2, 3, 4, because it is written in English by default.
    You can experiment with the rest of the settings.

    After receiving a letter about the completion of importing comments, go to the console already on WordPress and go to the Disqus settings, and click enable comments from discus

    Let's check what we got, now instead of regular comments, a beautiful comment form is displayed with a lot of possibilities about which we can write another article, but I think this will be too much. I hope I have told you everything about how to install Disqus on WordPress, if you have questions, ask in the comments, I will definitely answer everyone and try to help.

    Thank you for your attention! Sincerely, Dmitry! By the way, I almost forgot! Don't forget to subscribe to my blog updates!

    Hello everyone my friends! Today there will be a large and quite interesting article on the topic of how to add and configure Disqus. I will look at two configuration options with and without a plugin.

    A little later I will record a video tutorial where, together with you, I will file these comments on a test blog.

    Well, let's start learning new material for me and for you.

    Disqus can be pronounced and translated from English as “Discuss” or “Discussion” as you like and is currently the most popular third-party, embedded solution on many sites, including blogs on the WordPress platform. If you have been surfing the Internet for a long time, you can probably notice this service on many highly visited sites.

    For example, such a comment system is used by sites such as CNN, The Next Web, Bloomberg, CNBC, The Atlantic, among Russian-speaking ones we can note Vovkin’s Blog - Here's what it looks like for him:

    Let's discuss the reasons why you should switch to disqus comments.

    Why did we choose Disqus?

    You will probably be tormented by the question, what is so cool about them and why not just as well use the built-in commenting system from WordPress? We don’t argue that when the site is small and there are few comments, the option that is available on WordPress is not suitable. As the number of responses to articles on one of the sites grew, the Disqus system helped solve several problems at once:

    SPAM comments

    For those who have started blogging, they have already encountered the problem of the massive arrival of various garbage in their comments. There is a solution that will help get rid of the same problem, but again, not all of them are reliable.

    There is an example when even this anti-spam tool stopped working for a couple of minutes and on one of the foreign sites over 30,000 comments arrived in the queue! Can you imagine the load this creates on the server? When using Disqus, all comments undergo SPAM filtering and this makes it easier. That's a plus!

    Scalability and performance on the site

    Whatever one may say, comments create a certain burden. If you have a lot of them, it will take some time to load.

    The advantage of Disqus is that you cut off this load and give it to a third-party server.

    Even if an attacker wants to harm your site in some way, sending comments, he must still go through the Discus system first of all.

    Redundancy and Synchronization

    Unlike Facebook or VKontakte comments, Disqus will not block you. You can always return the previous comment system even if you are not satisfied with something, since it is synchronized with the WordPress database.

    If you are working with a fairly large site that has several servers, then using a third-party comment server makes the task of redundancy easier for you. You don't have to worry about synchronizing comments because they are not linked to the database. Disqus comments are associated with the URL of the post or page.

    Best options for subscribing to comments

    Users will be able to better and more easily subscribe to comment updates, as well as unsubscribe without any problems.

    Convenient moderation interface

    When you have a lot of comments, moderating them yourself becomes a very difficult task. You can involve active members of your blog community as moderators and entrust them with this task. And unload yourself at the same time

    Adding Disqus Comments on WordPress

    This process is actually very simple and easy. The first thing you should do is visit the official Disqus website page and create an account there. Once you have registered and logged into your profile, you need to click on the For Website link. It is located next to the logo.

    On the next screen, you need to go to the Add Disqus to your Website link. It is located in the upper right corner of the screen.

    This will take you to a registration form where you must provide information about your site. Provide a name for your project and then select a unique name (URL) in this system. By this action she will define you in herself.

    This unique URL will be a kind of key to all your comments after installation. Then select a category. Afterwards, click on the Finish Registration button.

    After registering, you will be asked to select a platform for your website. Choose WordPress. After this there will be instructions on how to install everything correctly. You probably won't understand it, so don't be upset. We will show and guide you through all the steps.

    So now you have registered in this Disqus system. It's time to connect it with WordPress. Next, we proceed according to the thumbnail diagram. Go to Plugins – Add New and select the Disqus Comment System plugin in the search. Here is its link -

    After activation, go to Comments - Settings and log into your Disqus account using the data that we entered above.

    Once you are logged in, you will be shown the sites registered in it. Select the desired site and click Next

    How to export old WordPress comments to Disqus?

    So the system takes over the display of all WordPress comments on the pages of your site. This means that some of the comments in your blog stash will not be available to users. To fix this we need to export them to the Disqus system. In your WordPress admin, go to Comments – Disqus and go to the plugin settings tab in the top right corner of the screen.

    On this settings page, scroll down to the Import and Export section and click on the Export Comments button. This will import all your old VI comments into the new system.

    Disqus comment moderation

    You can do this easily by going to Comments – Disqus. There you will find a link to administer comments. Among them you will also find tabs with Approved comments, Pending, SPAM, Deleted.

    Solving the problem with displaying the Disqus system on the site

    On some WordPress themes, the Disqus comment area may appear wider than other content areas. To fix this you need to find out the width of the content block and then add a bit of CSS styling to your theme.

    For example, my content width is 610px, add this code to style.css

    #disqus_thread ( margin: 0 auto; max-width: 604px; )

    #disqus_thread (

    margin: 0 auto;

    max - width : 604px ;

    This code sets the maximum width of the block to 604px and centers the block, preventing it from overflowing. Your themes may have different widths, so adjust this value yourself, either up or down.

    How to add Disqus comments manually

    Above we looked at an example of how to configure using a plugin, now we will show the option of manually adding the Disqus commenting system to a WordPress blog.

    Here's a hint from the developers of this system themselves. We'll tell you everything step by step.

    Step 1

    Go inside the admin panel to the section Appearance - Editor

    We are looking for the template of the comments.php file for your theme, it is located on the right side. Copy the existing code of this file and paste it into a text file. Just in case, so that you can rollback and restore your previous comments.

    After that, copy the code below in the frame and paste it into our comments.php template. This is a generic code that checks to see if comments are included on a page.

    /* * * CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: EDIT BEFORE PASTING INTO YOUR WEBPAGE * * */ var disqus_shortname = ""; // Required - Replace example with your forum shortname /* * * DON"T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE * * */ (function() ( var dsq = document.createElement("script"); dsq.type = "text/javascript "; dsq.async = true; dsq.src = "//" + disqus_shortname + ""; (document.getElementsByTagName("head") || document.getElementsByTagName("body")) .appendChild(dsq); )(); Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. blog comments powered by Disqus

    < div id = "disqus_thread" > < / div >


    var disqus_shortname = "" ; // Required - Replace example with your forum shortname

    /* * * DON"T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE * * */

    (function() (

    var dsq = document. createElement("script"); dsq. type = "text/javascript" ; dsq. async = true ;

    dsq. src = "//" + disqus_shortname + "" ;

    (document . getElementsByTagName ( "head" ) [ 0 ] || document . getElementsByTagName ( "body" ) [ 0 ] ) . appendChild(dsq);
