Leviathan is an incredible threat in the new fan mode. Leviathan Invasion in World Of Tanks When will Leviathan end in tanks?

How to complete the leviathan mode from Yusha from ProTanki:

When Halloween comes, the line between the world of the living and the world of the fallen becomes thinner. And there is no peace on the other side of it. The immortal ruler of the world of tanks fallen in battle, the gloomy Leviathan, slowly circles around his possessions, crushing the burnt skeletons with his mighty caterpillars. Countless machines, destroyed in battle, but burned with righteous anger, are fighting for the opportunity to get to a better place, but the soulless Leviathan has other plans.

Being the guardian of the world of tanks killed in battle and the judge of those who find themselves in this world is not enough for Leviathan. Wanting to collect a real harvest of souls, he forms an army of minions and prepares to capture new territories. The lingering groan of worn metal is heard through the thinning line between the worlds, and giant caterpillars, meter by meter, reduce the distance to the Gate, separating the terrifying army from its cherished goal. Leviathan's minions are growing in number, preparing for a battle that will cost the lives of many. The villains attack the Gate when it is most vulnerable - on Halloween night.

Join the ranks of the Gate's defenders during a special in-game event this month. Hold back the onslaught of an army of evil henchmen and do not let Leviathan bring his terrible plans to life!

The stakes are high and the battle will be fierce. If you're up for the challenge, read on detailed information this week.

Event rewards:

Event medals:

What is LMB?

Translated from English, this abbreviation means Left Mouse Button. That is, the left mouse button. In other words, to shoot from the second gun, you need to click the mouse twice instead of once. Provided that both weapons are aimed at one target.

If the guns are facing in different directions, then with a small caliber you can shoot through the Q button (Y in the Russian layout).

Selection of technology

Leviathan's attack can be held back by his longtime opponents Frankie and Stein. Both tanks, despite the monstrous appearance, quite mobile. But each has its own characteristics that are worth paying attention to.

Detailed performance characteristics of Frankie in World of Tanks

- It is more convenient to use a multi-turret, since both guns face straight.
- The main weapon has more one-time damage and armor penetration, as well as better accuracy.

Detailed performance characteristics of Stein in World of Tanks

- Greater safety margin.
- Drum auxiliary weapon. Therefore, you should rely more on the rate of fire than on one-time damage.

Equipment on Frankie and Stein

The equipment available for installation, of course, cannot guarantee a decisive advantage in the battle with Leviathan, but still you should not neglect it.

Coated optics / Stereo tube
Despite the fact that the battle takes place in the city, there are open areas on the map for long-range shootings. The ability to notice the enemy first gives the right to the first shot and, as a rule, a decisive advantage in a shootout with the blind henchmen of the main villain.

Leviathan and his assistants do not shoot at the caterpillars very often, but sometimes it still happens. In this case, it would be useful to speed up the repair. Moreover, the equipment can then be removed for free.

Reinforced aiming drives
Frankie and Stein's guns converge pretty quickly. But why not strengthen this indicator if there is such an opportunity?

The repair kit is not as useful as in a standard battle, since repair kits can be picked up in place of the destroyed Leviathan assistants. They restore strength points and repair disabled modules.
A First Aid Kit prudently taken with you will help out if you are stunned by a Leviathan mortar.
No one is insured against arson, so there is no point in abandoning the Fire Extinguisher.

Shells for both tanks are free, and equipment can be purchased for credits or gold. Don't forget to keep an eye on your budget.

Tactics in battle in the "Leviathan invasion" mode dedicated to the celebration of Halloween 2017 in World of Tanks

1. Carefully and study the strengths and weaknesses Leviathan in World of Tanks.
2. Remember that your tank has multiple turrets. Try to take a position so that you can shoot from all weapons. At the same time, you shouldn’t get carried away: sometimes it’s better to fire only from the main caliber, but stay in a safer position.
3. In the first half of the battle, while Leviathan is not yet visible, try to reduce the number of enemy guns. Otherwise, enemy minions may strike from the rear at the most inopportune moment.
4. When the main villain appears in sight, you should immediately turn fire on him. He has a lot of strength points. The sooner you start reducing them, the better.
5. Do not rush to pick up repair kits. First, pay attention to the health of your allies. Remember that the Repair Kit heals not only your tank, but also the vehicles of all your comrades.
6. Leviathan follows one of the possible routes to the Gate. Watch his movements and do not let yourself be pinned in an unfavorable position.
7. It is best to attack the villain together from different directions. The enemy has high firepower, but he only has one main caliber. Under no circumstances should you drive out under fire if you see that Leviathan has pointed its main weapon at you.

8. Try to shoot not just at the Leviathan’s silhouette, but to target its vulnerable spots, marked by fiery cracks.

9. Don't get too carried away with shooting in sniper mode: remember the Leviathan mortars.

New fan mode in World of Tanks for Halloween 2017!

World of Tanks has been attacked! Leviathan, ruler of the world of destroyed technology, is planning an assault on the Gate to the world of the living, and only you can stop his army! The battle will begin on October 27, Halloween, when the army of the villain's minions advances to the Gate. Answer the call, don’t let Leviathan destroy everything and everyone! Our salvation is in unity.

There is only one day left before the battle begins. Let's not waste time! Our task is to study the enemy before the battle begins.


Driven by an insatiable thirst for power, Leviathan and his minions will soon begin a desperate assault on the Great Gate. Many guardians of the portal between worlds have fallen, but still protect the last line of defense. While their ranks are thinning, Leviathan's army is growing stronger.

Your task is to stop Leviathan's attack and throw his army back into the abyss. With every fight the villain develops new plan. You will not know where his army will come from next, since each attack on the Gate will begin from a new direction.


— Time: from October 27, 9:00 (Moscow time) to November 9, 9:00 (Moscow time). Halloween 2017 in WoT
— Modes: “Invasion” (battle against AI) and “Eternal Battle” (battles with other players).
— Vehicles: two exclusive multi-turret vehicles: Franky and Stein.
— Map: “Inferno.”
— Tasks:
“Eternal Battle”: capture the enemy’s base or destroy all of its equipment.
"Invasion": hold back the onslaught of Leviathan by destroying him.

Two fallen warriors, Frankie and Stein, are called from the shadow world to hold off the attack of their greatest enemy. This couple doesn't need additional equipment for combat: each vehicle has two turrets (hard times require non-standard solutions) and is not inferior to the enemy in terms of armament (if you skillfully take advantage of these weapons). Multi-turreted tanks with ghost crews who have nothing to lose and nothing to hope for - a desperate combination. And only it gives hope for success in the battle with Leviathan.

The tank and the ghostly crew are inseparable entities; they cannot exist without each other. The cars are not suitable for ordinary crews, and the ghosts will not be able to move any equipment except Frankie and Stein. At the end of the game event, the tanks will disappear into oblivion along with their crew.

You should pay attention to Franky if you want to fire from a distance. The high damage of this tank can be combined with the rate of fire while hiding in cover. Find a safe position and blow your opponent apart! And if it gets hot, great tools will help you get out of a sticky situation.

If you want to get closer to Leviathan and deal with him personally, Stein is more suitable for you. It holds a blow perfectly, has two turrets and is quite mobile. It has a better weight-to-power ratio than Franky, and a large reserve of durability allows it to fight effectively in close combat.

This is a machine for cautious players who prefer to destroy the enemy from afar. Both of her weapons perform best at long range. Their frontal location allows you to quickly get used to new game mechanics. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities or prefer to understand something new in detail, start getting acquainted with multi-turret technology with Frankie.

Do you like to fight face to face with your opponent? Then Stein is your choice. The combination of good armor, fast-firing guns and impressive maneuverability will give you the advantage in short-range battles. Stein can deal damage to an enemy with lightning speed and just as quickly escape from enemy fire. The tank has one peculiarity: its rear gun is directed backwards. Therefore, in order to fight, you will have to turn the car so that two guns can fire at the opponent simultaneously. This may seem unusual at first, but once you get the hang of it, you'll wreak havoc on the battlefield.

During the Halloween 2017 event in World of Tanks, these two vehicles will appear in your Hangar. Choose one of them, and then the mode: against the Leviathan army or against other players in 15 vs 15 battles you want to fight.

NOTE: Two teams using two-turret vehicles, 15 x 15 players, enter the battle. Since damage to allies can be a serious problem, it is disabled so you can focus on the main target in combat. Have fun playing as Franky or Stein without the fear of accidentally hurting (or destroying) your allies!

In order not to distract you from the battle, we have disabled crew training for free experience for vehicles used in the game event. It makes no sense, since the tankers will return to their world after November 9 along with Frankie and Stein.

Study the enemy...

Now for the bad stuff: Leviathan. No longer wanting to remain just the ruler of a world of destroyed technology, he craves power. Therefore, he gathered an army to attack the Great Gate - a portal between worlds. Wanting to get everything, Leviathan will bring about the end of the world in the world of the living... If he is not stopped.

Before the battle, the enemy should be studied, and you can learn something about him right in the Hangar. Hover your cursor over the dark shadow in the background to find out who you'll be facing.

In addition to its powerful cannon, the Leviathan has additional weapons located on the sides of its huge hull. And he will definitely use it! Unlike mere mortals, this villain is fearless and merciless. Leviathan's fury is so great that simply colliding with him will send you straight to the Hangar (and very quickly). In addition, you should beware of the mines that he scatters around: running into them will stun you and leave you defenseless for seven seconds.

It will be a difficult battle, but can it be abandoned? After all, there is only one choice: take the fight or watch the world of the living fall.

However, Leviathan also has weak points. Look closely and you will see cracks in his armor. Only thanks to them can you crack this tough nut.

...and his army

Leviathan is accompanied by 14 warriors who fell in battle and turned to the dark side. They continuously storm the Great Gate, but even this can be turned to their advantage. By destroying the villain's henchman, you will receive a Repair Kit, which will restore the strength of you and your allies.

How to defeat Leviathan's minions

1. Act smart and fast. Your enemy's army is headless puppets controlled by Leviathan. They need time to choose any tactics, which gives you a serious advantage.
2. Use your car's strengths and weaknesses wisely. Leviathan's minions are similar to Franky and Stein, but are less effective. Take advantage of this! However, do not think that they are whipping boys.
3. Think of Leviathan's minions as a strategic resource. Don't destroy them in the first minutes of the battle - prolong the pleasure. Repair kits can be useful in battle.

Tasks and rewards

Fight for an idea or for fun! And if you want to get the most out of the game, pay attention to special combat missions. Each of them, completed in the “Invasion” or “Eternal Battle” modes, will provide you with a sarcophagus container with valuable game resources. If you want to earn credits, pay attention to the “Leviathan Invasion” task, available throughout the entire game event in each mode.


Selection of technology

Leviathan's attack can be held back by his longtime opponents Frankie and Stein. Both tanks, despite their monstrous appearance, are quite mobile. But each has its own characteristics that are worth paying attention to.


  • It is more convenient to use a multi-turret, since both guns face straight.
  • The main weapon has more one-time damage and armor penetration, as well as better accuracy.


  • Greater safety margin.
  • Drum auxiliary implement. Therefore, you should rely more on the rate of fire than on one-time damage.


The equipment available for installation, of course, cannot guarantee a decisive advantage in the battle with Leviathan, but still you should not neglect it.

Coated optics / Stereo tube

Despite the fact that the battle takes place in the city, there are open areas on the map for long-range shootings. The ability to notice the enemy first gives the right to the first shot and, as a rule, a decisive advantage in a shootout with the blind henchmen of the main villain.


Leviathan and his assistants do not shoot at the caterpillars very often, but sometimes it still happens. In this case, it would be useful to speed up the repair. Moreover, the equipment can then be removed for free.

Reinforced aiming drives

Frankie and Stein's guns converge pretty quickly. But why not strengthen this indicator if there is such an opportunity?


Repair kit not as useful as in a standard battle, since Repair Kits can be picked up in place of the destroyed Leviathan assistants. They restore strength points and repair disabled modules.

Prudently taken with you First aid kit will help out if you are stunned by a Leviathan mortar.

No one is insured against arson, so refuse Fire extinguisher not worth it.

Shells for both tanks are free, and equipment can be purchased for credits or gold. Don't forget to keep an eye on your budget.

Tactics in battle

And finally, even more tips in video format. Watch, share your experience in the comments and win!

Fan mode with new mechanics: Leviathan Invasion

Only for Halloween: Leviathan Invasion, tomorrow! Official announcement [Fan mode with new mechanics]

World of Tanks has been attacked! Leviathan, ruler of the world of destroyed technology, is planning an assault on the Gate to the world of the living, and only you can stop his army! The battle will begin on October 27, when the army of the villain’s minions advances to the Gate. Answer the call, don’t let Leviathan destroy everything and everyone! Our salvation is in unity.


Driven by an insatiable thirst for power, Leviathan and his minions will soon begin a desperate assault on the Great Gate. Many guardians of the portal between worlds have fallen, but still protect the last line of defense. While their ranks are thinning, Leviathan's army is growing stronger.

Your task is to stop Leviathan's attack and throw his army back into the abyss. With each fight, the villain develops a new plan. You will not know where his army will come from next, since each attack on the Gate will begin from a new direction.


  • Time: from October 27, 9:00 (Moscow time) to November 9, 9:00 (Moscow time).
  • Modes: “Invasion” (battle against AI) and “Eternal Battle” (battle with other players).
  • Vehicles: two exclusive multi-turret vehicles: Franky and Stein.
  • Map: "Inferno".


  • “Eternal Battle”: capture the enemy’s base or destroy all of its equipment.
  • "Invasion": hold back the onslaught of Leviathan by destroying him.

Unique cars.

Two fallen warriors, Frankie and Stein, are called from the shadow world to hold off the attack of their greatest enemy. This pair does not need additional equipment for combat: each vehicle has two turrets (hard times require non-standard solutions) and is not inferior to the enemy in terms of armament (if you skillfully take advantage of these weapons). Multi-turreted tanks with ghost crews who have nothing to lose and nothing to hope for - a desperate combination. And only it gives hope for success in the battle with Leviathan.

* The tank and the ghost crew are inseparable entities; they cannot exist without each other. The cars are not suitable for ordinary crews, and the ghosts will not be able to move any equipment except Frankie and Stein. At the end of the game event, the tanks will disappear into oblivion along with their crew.

You should pay attention to Franky if you want to fire from a distance. The high damage of this tank can be combined with the rate of fire while hiding in cover. Find a safe position and blow your opponent apart! And if it gets hot, great tools will help you get out of a sticky situation.

If you want to get closer to Leviathan and deal with him personally, Stein is more suitable for you. It holds a blow perfectly, has two turrets and is quite mobile. It has a better weight-to-power ratio than Franky, and a large reserve of durability allows it to fight effectively in close combat.

This is a machine for cautious players who prefer to destroy the enemy from afar. Both of her weapons perform best at long range. Their frontal location allows you to quickly get used to new game mechanics. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities or prefer to understand something new in detail, start getting acquainted with multi-turret equipment with

During the event, these two vehicles will appear in your Hangar. Choose one of them, and then the mode: against the Leviathan army or against other players in 15 vs 15 battles you want to fight.

NOTE: Two teams using two-turret vehicles, 15 x 15 players, enter the battle. Since damage to allies can be a serious problem, it is disabled so you can focus on the main target in combat. Have fun playing as Franky or Stein without the fear of accidentally hurting (or destroying) your allies!
In order not to distract you from the battle, we have disabled crew training for free experience for vehicles used in the game event. It makes no sense, since the tankers will return to their world after November 9 along with Frankie and Stein

Study the enemy...

In addition to its powerful cannon, the Leviathan has additional weapons located on the sides of its huge hull. And he will definitely use it! Unlike mere mortals, this villain is fearless and merciless. Leviathan's fury is so great that simply colliding with him will send you straight to the Hangar (and very quickly). In addition, you should beware of the mines that he scatters around: running into them will stun you and leave you defenseless for seven seconds.

It will be a difficult battle, but can it be abandoned? After all, there is only one choice: take the fight or watch the world of the living fall.

However, Leviathan also has weaknesses. Look closely and you'll see cracks in his armor. Only thanks to them can one crack this tough nut... and his army

Leviathan is accompanied by 14 warriors who fell in battle and turned to the dark side. They continuously storm the Great Gate, but even this can be turned to their advantage. By destroying the villain's henchman, you will receive a Repair Kit, which will restore the strength of you and your allies.

Challenges and rewards.

Fight for an idea or for fun! And if you want to get the most out of the game, pay attention to special combat missions. Each of them, completed in the “Invasion” or “Eternal Battle” modes, will provide you with a sarcophagus container with valuable game resources. If you want to earn credits, pay attention to the “Leviathan Invasion” task, available throughout the entire game event in each mode.
