Why is my cell phone not charging? The battery is not charging: we’ll figure out the reasons and fix the problem

Have a nice time!

This happens: you look at the smartphone screen and see that there is 50% charge left (in your thoughts: oh well, I’ll charge it later). And now you are about to make a call, and your smartphone notifies you that there is 5% left, and you urgently need to connect the charger.

You connect it, but... nothing happens, the phone does not charge. The law of meanness is that it is at this moment that you need to make an important call (and more than one) ...

What I mean by all this is that if you pay attention in advance to various “signs” in our lives, you can prevent many problems (including those with your phone).

In general, in this article I want to consider several of the most popular reasons why you may encounter such a misfortune. In any case, before taking your phone to a service center, it would be a good idea to conduct your own mini-diagnostics (in some cases it is possible to save a certain amount of money $) ...


Why might my phone not charge...

Reason #1: the micro USB connector began to loosen over time

This is perhaps one of the most popular causes of this problem! The fact is that the micro USB connector on the phone is under serious load: something is regularly connected/disconnected to it. After six months or a year, even with fairly careful use of the phone, this connector may begin to play (i.e., not provide a tight contact).

Try carefully removing the cable from the micro USB and connecting it again: if charging appears for a moment and disappears again, there is a high probability that it is time to replace the connector.

Addition! Also, dust, grains of sand, and various debris often get into the connector. Try blowing out the connector with compressed air (for example, you can use special cans of compressed air) and carefully clean it with a soft toothbrush (moistened with alcohol). Carry out the operation with the device turned off!

Many people get out of the situation in a rather interesting way: they connect the charger and put some book or notepad on the plug.

But all these are temporary measures, and over time the connector will become even more loose (or become unusable altogether) (and at the most inopportune moment)).

Therefore, it is highly advisable to replace it. If you don’t have independent soldering experience, it’s better to contact the service.

Reason #2: cable/charger integrity violation

Also, from frequent wear and bending, the cable (and the charger itself) often fails. It is very advisable to double-check them, for example, by connecting them to another phone.

I note that the cable may look intact on the outside, but the copper strands inside may be broken. Many novice users are deceived by this.

By the way, as an option, instead of a charger, you can connect your phone to the USB port of your computer/laptop and see if it will charge.

Reason #3: battery wear (swelling)

Pay attention to your phone battery as well. If you have been using the device for several years, the battery may simply be worn out (just estimate the charging/discharging time).

If the phone is collapsible: look at the appearance of the battery. It is not uncommon to notice small bulges (swelling, see example below) on batteries. And this is not good...


If your battery is swollen, starts to heat up, etc., I highly recommend replacing it. Don't forget about safety precautions (do not heat it, pierce it, knock it, etc.), because A battery in a phone is quite a dangerous thing if you violate the operating technique (and do not take timely measures when the first symptoms appear).

Reason #4: taped contacts (if the device is new)

If you bought a new phone, unpacked it, turned it on... and nothing happens, then pay attention to the battery contacts. For safety reasons, they are often sealed with a barely noticeable piece of tape during transportation. (or what is it called correctly?) . For an example, see the photo below.

Reason #5: temperature violation

Most phones are designed to operate in temperatures between +1°C and +35°C (+45°C). Depends mainly on the type of battery installed in the device.

So, when using a phone, for example, in the cold winter (when it’s -20°C outside), the device often runs out of charge in the blink of an eye. Many also try to charge it in rooms with such low temperatures (which is not good).

All this can lead to device failure. By the way, I already had an article on low temperatures on my blog, I recommend it...


In the cold, your phone drains quickly. What to do, how to increase its operating time in the cold -

Many users, when charging a mobile device, continue to use it very actively: games, Wi-Fi, videos, etc. As a result of this, the battery may easily not charge, because all energy is spent on current tasks.

The solution is simple: leave the phone alone while charging. Moreover, modern phones charge quite quickly.


By the way, by connecting the phone to the “native” charger, it will charge faster than from the computer’s USB port.

Reason #7: Software glitches

In some cases, if the software malfunctions, the phone may stop responding to connecting the charger (some devices have special battery protection).

Be that as it may, if all of the above does not help, try rebooting your device first (and if this doesn’t help, then reset your phone / so-called Hard Reset).

To reboot the phone: just hold down the power button for 3-5 seconds. Next, select "Restart" or "Reboot" from the menu (see examples below).

Restart (English menu in smartphone)

As for resetting: this topic is quite extensive. I recommend that you first read the article, the link to which is given below. (Important! When resetting, all data will be deleted from the phone, make a backup in advance)


How to reset Android settings to factory settings (i.e. delete all data from your phone, tablet) -

Additions are welcome...

All the best!

You put your phone on charge, but it doesn’t charge. The device is either completely silent or displays error messages. Why isn't my phone charging? And most importantly - what to do about it? Throw it away and buy a new cell phone? Should I dig around myself or take it straight to repair? Let's consider the main reasons for such vagaries of mobile devices.

Where is the source of the problem hidden?

You encounter such troubles quite often. Before you can fix a problem, you need to find its cause. And there are many of them. From natural wear and tear of the charger to damage to the connector (this is the connector into which the “charger” is inserted). To check what exactly is preventing the phone from charging, you need to use only original spare parts. So where is the problem?

1) In the charger.

This is the first person accused in this situation. Problems:

Electronics flew off(frequent breakdown of Chinese, cheap chargers); there is no point in repairing; it’s easier, faster and, sometimes, cheaper to buy a new one;

The connecting cord is damaged(due to frequent use, improper storage; the break may be visible, or may be hidden behind the insulating layer); replace the faulty cord or solder the damaged area.

2) In the charging connector.

The charging connector fails due to age or user error. What can happen to the connector?

The connector is loose and moved away from the board along with the contact pads. This is the result of careless operation. In many models, the same connector is used to connect the headset and for charging. We can throw the phone in the bag with the headphones on. It is enough to insert or remove the cable sharply, using force (tear it out). Repeating such actions day after day will damage the connector.

There is debris in the connector. Dirt has accumulated and oxides have formed. Again, the reason is the wrong attitude towards cell phones. We carry it without a case, throw it in a bag, in a pocket, where there are a lot of crumbs, dust and other debris. We take the phone with us to the pool or bathhouse (so that moisture gets inside, it is not at all necessary to bathe the mobile phone, just keep it in a damp room).

Lost contact, and cracks formed. Purely mechanical deformation. Constantly turning the wire on/off can lead to missing connections.

What to do if the connector is damaged? In the first situation, change the part. In the second case - clean. And in the third - solder the contact pads.

3) In the battery.


Deep discharge. To prevent critically low discharge and degradation of the battery cell, the battery electronics disconnects it from the external terminals. This doesn't happen with all phones, but it does happen. You can connect the battery to a direct current source (no more than four volts) for a short time. When the battery is recharged a little, the electronics will “relax”.

Battery life depletion. Each thing has its own service life. Including mobile batteries. What to do if the phone does not turn on? Replace the battery.

The built-in electronics are broken. Often this phenomenon is accompanied by swelling of the battery. The causes of failure are mechanical damage, moisture, short circuit due to some internal factors. A way out of the situation may be to replace the battery. Although... If you understand electronics, you can delve into it yourself.

4) In the power controller or charge controller.

In case of such a breakdown, the phone display shows charging. But when you turn it on, the mobile phone is immediately switched off. Sometimes the phone turns off even while charging.

Why is this happening? There is a short circuit in the controller circuit. And this happened due to a bad battery, poor-quality “charging”, water ingress, connector failure, and so on. Repair consists of replacing the faulty element.

Check the "charging" first. If there is any other equipment in the house that it fits, connect it. Or try using a different “charger”. Everything is fine? Check the battery. This way you will get to the true cause of the malfunction.

One of the most common "defects" you may encounter when using your phone is when the battery won't charge.

In this case, it is very important to correctly determine the cause of this phenomenon. The first steps you should take when seeing that your phone or tablet battery is not charging is to check the outlet.

Next, make sure that the charger is fully functional. It should fit your device (people have multiple gadgets these days and they may unintentionally use a charger that is not suitable for the phone).

Also check the operation of the cable and plug. Inspect the connector on the phone. There may be several circumstances when the battery does not charge.

You can decide what to do about it only if you know the exact reason. The reasons may be different.

The charger may not be working. This happens often when using Chinese-made equipment; in this case, it will need to be replaced.

It is still common to have poor contact between the plug and the input, and sometimes with dirty contacts in the connector.

The phone battery is not charging - perhaps it has already served its purpose - each one is designed for a certain number of charges. The solution is to install a new battery.

There may be damage to the built-in electronics: mechanical damage or moisture. This phenomenon is often accompanied by swelling of the battery. The solution is to replace it with a new one.

It happens that the controller in your phone or tablet is damaged. It is responsible for the battery charging process.

There may be an option when the charger sees the charger, but does not charge. In order to carry out repairs, you need to disassemble the phone and replace the controller. This process can only be achieved if you have the necessary skills.

Why won't my new battery charge?

It is possible that you purchased a battery with a manufacturing defect. What to do? Go to the place of purchase and change it.

It is also possible that the battery has become deeply discharged, especially if it is a tablet. The fact is that when the discharge is below the threshold, the phone sees it, but does not charge it.

Then you need to connect the charger, bypassing the controller and with a slightly higher voltage than in the original one.

ATTENTION: in a new battery, the contacts may be covered with an almost invisible transparent film, and for some reason sellers do not warn buyers

Why is the phone's battery connected but not charging?

If the battery is connected, but is not charging, it may have run out and the traditional method will not charge it, although the phone itself will see the charger.

You can solve the problem with a toad (if the battery is removable). Throw up to 6 volts on it - on the outer contacts - plus to plus minus to minus.

Keep it this way for about five minutes, then insert the battery and connect the charger - if it doesn’t help, then it may be that the battery itself is faulty.

Why is my phone's battery not fully charged - 100%?

The battery may be fully charged, but the charge level on the phone itself may not be displayed correctly, or the battery has reached its 20% capacity.

Also, if the battery is not fully charged, 100%, then the defect may be in the charger - low output voltage and, of course, a defect in the battery itself.

To check on Android, you can dial the code in the dialer - ##634#. Then the diagnostic utility will launch. Look at the charging current when charging is connected.

ATTENTION: ideal charging is up to 80%, and discharging is up to 20-40%. Be sure to take this into account, then your battery will live much longer.

Problems with charging the battery in a Samsung or Lenovo phone

Samsung or Lenovo does not charge when connected to a wall outlet? Such messages appear when the original charger is missing

The problem could also be a damaged USB charging cable or something inside the device.

If these solutions do not help, then there may be a bug in the software. In this case, back up your data and .

If we rule out mechanical damage to the mini-USB port or charger, then there are several other reasons.

Disconnect the device from the charger, and then remove the battery. Within a minute, press the on/off button on the phone.

After that, put the battery back and try to charge the phone for at least 20 minutes.

If this does not help, the reason is either the battery (exchange) or the hardware. I also recommend watching the video. Good luck.

Problems with charging a smartphone can be called one of the most unpleasant. If the Android phone does not charge, the power goes on, but the charge does not increase, the owner has many questions, and often such situations lead to inconvenience of use and the final discharge of the device. What to do in such cases, as well as the reasons for such problems, are discussed in our article.

The simplest and often correct solution is to check the battery. The service life of most batteries is up to three years, after which the device begins to discharge frequently, and a full charge is not enough even for a day. In smartphones and tablets with removable batteries, a similar problem is solved by replacing it. It may be difficult to purchase a new one, because the device is essentially already considered obsolete (even a year after purchase), so it is better to contact the service center of the device manufacturer. Non-removable batteries are also replaceable, but choosing the right element is much more difficult.

Another common problem is the charging socket becoming loose. This factor is influenced by careless operation, the habit of charging the smartphone on the go, as well as factory defects of the device. Replacing the connector will not take much time, but it is better to perform this procedure at a service center.

Android phone does not charge to 100 percent

Why is my phone not charging, although it shows that Android is charging? In such situations, it is necessary to calibrate the battery. This is done in order to increase its resource and service life. A similar algorithm is effective for new devices, but an already used gadget will also help to “cheer up” a little.

What you need to do for this:

  • Completely discharge the device until the charge becomes critical.
  • Connect your smartphone to a wall charger. Charge the battery to the maximum level.
  • During the day, discharge the device to the minimum again.
  • Carry out a full charge.
  • Repeat the discharge-charge cycle several times (usually three to five) in a row.

If you have questions about the controller, namely: the incorrect battery charge is indicated, the smartphone must be charged for an extra hour to an hour and a half so that the level exactly matches the maximum value. If charging failures occur regularly, it is advisable to take your recently purchased device to a service center.

Why won't my Android phone battery charge?

If your Android phone is not charging, what to do if it shows that charging is in progress, but in fact it is not, it is important to correctly diagnose the problem. The problem may be not only in the battery, but also in the controller. To determine such a problem, you need to give the phone for diagnostics. The technician will measure the input voltage, check the power circuits and communication with the battery. At home, system errors can be eliminated by resetting the settings to factory settings, as well as flashing the device. You can check the type of errors in safe mode. If the device responds normally and takes a charge, then the methods described above will help.

If the electronics malfunction or the electrical circuits have poor contact, the device will also operate in safe mode with errors. In this case, only professional repairs can help, replacing faulty parts if necessary.

Charging is in progress, but the phone is not charging Android: solution

To summarize, there are several ways to solve the problem with charging the device. If the above methods do not work, the best option would be to contact a service center for professional help.

How to solve charging problems:

  • After purchase, calibrate the battery according to the proposed algorithm.
  • Replace the failed battery with a new one.
  • Check the power cord and replace it with a suitable one if necessary.
  • Check the power socket and replace if necessary.
  • Do not use a USB cable from another model or as a charger.
  • Avoid continuously discharging the device to less than 10%.

What to do if the phone does not charge and Android does not turn on; the main reasons and methods for eliminating such malfunctions are discussed in our article. A similar situation can be encountered if the smartphone is already quite old, or the battery was not sufficiently calibrated at the beginning of use. The problem may be in the power cord, as well as a loose charging socket. The information in our article will help you figure out a possible problem and solve it at home.

If battery is not charging, which is already more than 5-7 years old, then the answer to the question is: - " Why"most likely lies on the surface. After all, any battery has its own service life and over time loses some of its basic performance characteristics. But what if it lasted no more than 2 or 3 years, or even less? Where to look then? reasons Why doesn't the battery want to charge? Moreover, this situation occurs not only when recharging from a generator in a car, but even when it is replenished from a charger. Answers must be sought depending on the situation by completing series of checks with subsequent procedures aimed at eliminating the problem.

Most often, you can expect 5 main reasons that manifest themselves in eight different situations:

Situation What to do
Oxidized terminals Clean and lubricate with special lubricant
Broken/loose alternator belt Stretch or change
The diode bridge has failed Change one or all diodes
Voltage regulator faulty Replace graphite brushes and the regulator itself
Deep discharge Increase the charging voltage or reverse polarity
Incorrect electrolyte density Check and adjust to the required value
Sulfation of plates Perform a polarity reversal, and then several cycles of full charge/discharge with low current
One of the cans is closed Actions to restore a battery with such a defect are ineffective

The main reasons why the battery may not charge

To understand in detail all the possible malfunctions due to which the car battery does not charge, first of all clearly define the situation:

In general, when the battery refuses to charge, the following options are allowed:

  • plate sulfation;
  • destruction of plates;
  • terminal oxidation;
  • decrease in electrolyte density;
  • short circuit

But you shouldn’t worry so much right away, everything is not always so bad, especially if such a problem arose while driving (indicated by a red battery light). It is necessary to consider special cases in which the car battery does not take charge only from the generator or from the charger as well.

Please note that sometimes the battery, although fully charged, runs out very quickly. Then the reason may be hidden not only in its failure, but primarily due to current leakage! This could happen through: left-on headlights, interior lighting or other consumers, and poor contact at the terminals.

The charging system of a car battery contains a number of external devices, on which the performance of the battery itself and the charging process can also greatly depend. To check all external devices, you will need a multimeter (tester); it will allow you to measure the voltage at the battery terminals under different engine operating modes. You will also have to check the generator. But this is only true when the battery does not want to be charged from the generator. If the battery does not take a charge from the charger, then it is advisable to also have a hydrometer to check the density of the electrolyte.

How do you know if the battery is not charging?

The battery does not charge from the generator. The first signal that the battery is not charging is a lit red battery light! And to make sure of this, you can check the battery voltage. There should be 12.5... 12.7 V at the battery terminals. When the engine is started, the voltage will rise to 13.5... 14.5 V. With consumers turned on and the engine running, the voltmeter readings, as a rule, jump from 13.8 to 14.3V. Lack of changes on the voltmeter display or when the indicator goes beyond 14.6V is spoken of.

When the generator runs but does not charge the battery, the cause may lie in the battery itself. Apparently it was completely discharged, which is called “zero”, then the voltage is less than 11V. A zero charge may occur due to sulfation of the plates. If the sulfation is insignificant, you can try to eliminate it. And try charging using a jump charger.

How to understand what The battery does not charge from the charger? When a battery is connected to a charger, evidence that it is fully charging is a constantly changing voltage at the terminals and jumping voltage or current readings on the device dial. If there is no charge, there will be no change. When the battery is not being charged from an Orion type charger (which has only indicators), you can very often observe a buzzing and rare blinking of the “current” light.

The car battery is not charged from the generator. Why?

Frequent reasons when the battery does not charge from the generator are:

  1. Oxidation of battery terminals;
  2. Stretched or broken generator belt;
  3. Oxidation of wires on the generator or vehicle ground;
  4. Failure of diodes, voltage regulator or brushes;
  5. Sulfation of plates.

Why the battery may not be charged from the charger

There may also be 5 main reasons why a car battery does not want to be charged not only from the generator but also from the charger:

  1. Deep battery discharge;
  2. Short circuit of one of the cans;
  3. Battery hypothermia;
  4. Very high or low electrolyte density;
  5. Foreign impurities in the electrolyte.

What can you do when your car battery is not charging?

The first step is to find out the cause, and only then take action to eliminate it. To do this, you need to measure the voltage at the battery terminals, check the level, density of the electrolyte and its color. Also, of course, a visual inspection of the surface of the battery, car wiring is necessary, and also mandatory.

Let us consider in detail the possible consequences of each of the reasons for poor battery performance, and also determine what needs to be done in a given situation:

Oxidation of contact terminals both prevents good contact and contributes to current leakage. As a result, we get a quick discharge or unstable/absent charging from the generator. There is only one way out - check not only the condition of the battery terminals, but also the condition of the generator and the ground of the car. Heavily oxidized terminals can be eliminated by cleaning and.

Generator malfunction(belt, regulator, diodes).

Belt break you would probably notice, but the fact is that even a slight loosening of the tension can contribute to slippage on the pulley (as well as oil ingress). Therefore, when powerful consumers are turned on, the light on the panel may light up and the battery will discharge, and on a cold engine a squeaking sound can often be heard from under the hood. This problem can be eliminated either by tensioning or replacement.

Diodes in normal condition they should pass current only in one direction; checking with a multimeter will make it possible to identify the faulty one, although often they simply change the entire diode bridge. Improperly functioning diodes can cause both undercharging and overcharging of the battery.

When the diodes are normal, but they get very hot during operation, it means the battery is being overcharged. Responsible for voltage regulator. It is better to change it immediately. In a situation where the battery is not fully charged, you need to pay attention to the generator brushes (after all, they wear out over time).

During deep discharge, as well as with a slight shedding of the active mass, when the battery does not want to be charged not only in the car from the generator, but even the charger does not see it, you can reverse the polarity or give a high voltage so that it grabs the charge.

This procedure is often carried out with AVG batteries when there is less than 10 volts at its terminals. Reversing the polarity allows you to start a completely discharged battery. But this will only help if the poles on the battery have actually changed, otherwise it can only cause harm.

Changing battery poles(both lead-acid and calcium) occurs in the case of a complete discharge, when the voltage of some battery jars, which have a lower capacity than the others connected in series, decreases much faster than others. And having reached zero, as the discharge continues, the current for the lagging elements becomes charging, but it charges them in the opposite direction and then the positive pole becomes minus, and the negative pole becomes positive. Therefore, by briefly changing the charger terminals, such a battery can be brought back to life.

But remember that if the polarity change on the battery does not occur, then if there is no protection on the charger from such a situation, the battery can be permanently damaged.

Polarity reversal should be carried out only in cases of the formation of a white coating on the surface of the plates.

This process will not work if:

  • the plates crumbled and the electrolyte became cloudy;
  • one of the cans is closed;
  • There is no required electrolyte density in the battery.

The polarity reversal method works well for desulfation, but only no more than 80-90% of the capacity can be restored. The success of this procedure lies in the thick plates; the thin ones are completely destroyed.
