Repair of a Panasonic handset in case of loss of contacts of individual keys. Radiotelephone - buttons do not work and other malfunctions, do-it-yourself repair, photo Repair of radiotelephones, no handset indication

The digital cordless telephone handset may require repair. Complaints: When dialing a number, you have to use more force than usual when pressing the keys. If you do not pay attention to this inconvenience and continue to train your fingers and the stability of your nervous system, then over time some keys will generally stop responding to pressing with any force. And then we come to a conclusion - the telephone receiver is broken. You need to take it in for repairs or buy a new one. Such a “diagnosis” for a handset does not always require paying for the work of a technician in a workshop or buying a new handset. Here's how I dealt with this problem myself at home, spending only about thirty minutes. Such actions can be done by any person who can hold a screwdriver in his hands.

So, let's begin!

Panasonic digital cordless telephone answering machine. Manufacturer: Kyushu Matsushita Electric. But the handset can be of any manufacturer. All such handsets have a similar device. And the cause of the malfunction in this case may be the same for everyone - there is no contact between the rubber contacts of the keys and the contacts on the phone board.

Unscrew the mounting screws on the body back cover. In this model, they are located under the compartment lid covering the AA batteries.

Remove the compartment cover and take out the batteries. (see photo)

Unscrew the fastening screws with a screwdriver.

And in the upper part of the case we pull a little with a screwdriver to remove the plastic part of the case from the latch.

When removing half of the plastic case, the following part may fall out. (see photo)

We can easily return it to its place. (look at the photo)

Then unscrew the screws securing the board.

And in these places (look at the photo, the screwdriver indicates) there are latches for securing the board. Pry it slightly with a screwdriver and remove the board.

Now we get to the contacts that just need to be cleaned, which is what we are doing.

We assemble the tube in reverse order. And the dial buttons work like new again! I’ll also give you some advice on using batteries. Place the handset on the charging base only when the low battery alarm sounds. This will extend the battery life.

One of the reasons for refusal home phone It could be a simple non-payment. You can find out if you have a debt or report payment by contacting service telephones indicated on the accounts, as well as in personal account on the website telephone operator. Please note that if the phone is disconnected for non-payment, reconnection after depositing funds may take about a day.

To avoid similar situation pay your telephone bills no later than within 20 days from the date of receipt. Keep in mind that if the payment was made after the 28th of the month, it will only be credited to your account on the next day. Don’t forget that you can pay for your phone before receiving a receipt, after the 7th day of the month at any Sberbank branch. To do this, you just need to give your phone number.

Device malfunction

Perhaps the breakdown occurred directly in your . To check this, try reconnecting it, for example, at a neighbors place, or connecting another device to the existing wires.

If you have a cordless telephone, it is also possible that the handset is broken and needs to be replaced with a new one. The smaller the tube holds the “charge” out base station, the less power left.

Understanding the wires

The telephone cable (usually white) extends from the common electrical panel into the apartment, where it is connected to a small telephone socket, and from it a separate wire leads to the telephone. Also, most modern phones are connected to the network. Check all connections: 220V socket, telephone socket. Perhaps the cable simply fell out of its “socket” at one of the connection points. If everything is in order, it is worth checking the wire all the way from the telephone socket to - perhaps it is torn or pinched. This happens quite often, especially if the cable is laid under the thresholds of the entrance to the rooms, there are children and pets in the apartment.

In the event of a break, this breakdown can be completely corrected on your own: the wires will need to be cleaned a little and twisted together again in pairs, and then secured with electrical tape. It won’t give you an electric shock, and besides, telephone wires have no polarity, which means you don’t have to worry about connecting them incorrectly.

Other possible faults

Here are some more common customer complaints and how to solve them:

Crackling, rustling, interference. These are “symptoms” of a faulty telephone line. In this case, it is also worth checking all the wires, and if they are intact, contact the telephone company.

It's hard to hear. Most likely, the problem arose in the dynamics of the device. If the phone is old, then the speaker is made of carbon, and sometimes it’s enough just to knock on the receiver. If the phone is modern and the volume is set to “maximum”, but you still can’t hear anything, you will have to contact a technician or replace the device with a new one.

The phone does not respond to button presses. Perhaps they just got dirty. Try removing the cover and wiping the button mechanism with alcohol as carefully as possible.

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. This article was produced by 14 people, including anonymously, to edit and improve it.

If your landline phone doesn't work, then you need to diagnose the problem as soon as possible. You need to figure out if one or more phones are not working and look at any device connected to the phone line, from an answering machine to a fax machine, to see where the problem really lies. See Step 1 below to get started.


    Understand the specifics of your situation:

    • Is this just one of several phones that don't work? If so, change your two phones. If the problem is fixed by the telephone, then the telephone or its cord is faulty. If the problem remains with a specific outlet, the problem is with that outlet or the wires leading to it.
    • To fix any problem, you must first determine what difficult situation you are in. Do all phones work? None of the phones are working? What do you hear when you call your number from another phone?
  1. Now that you have an idea of ​​the nature of the problem, try section trouble. There are many places where you can logically separate areas of your telephone service. Consider each of these places and ask yourself which side is most likely to be in trouble.

  2. Let's look at everything related to your phone line. Often the problem is a device that you may not think about, as these devices may be out of sight (out of mind). If all your phones are dead, unplug all of those devices as your first troubleshooting step:

    • Answering machine
    • Fax
    • Computer modem (modem for computer)
    • Satellite receiver or cable box ( Satellite receiver or cable sleeve - these devices sometimes have telephone connections for authorization and pay-per-view purposes).
    • Keep in mind that the problem may not be with the phone itself—it could instead be an issue with the phone jack or wiring. If moisture gets into ANY telephone jack anywhere in the house, it can cause the connections to corrode and eventually short circuit, which may cause some or all phones to stop working. Poor joints, especially if exposed to moisture, can also cause your phone to stop working.
    • Line lockout(Line Block) can confuse you when troubleshooting the problem. When the phone remains off-hook for more than a couple of minutes, the telephone company's central office automatically switches your line position to "lockout." This prevents the line from consuming resources that could result in a denial of service to other clients. Many deficiencies in your telephone wiring or equipment will cause the equipment central office act like this as if your phone is actually turned off. When this happens, your line goes into "lockout". Troubleshooting means your line may not become available for a few seconds After that how you find and fix the cause of the problem.
    • Network Interface Device (NID)- device network interface, also known as Subscriber/Network Interface (SNI)- subscriber/Network interface or Point of Demarcation(Demarc Point) is the box, often gray and outside the home, where the phone company's wires begin, the lightning rod is installed, and your phone's wiring ends. An important feature of the NID is the test jack with a short telephone cord. Disconnecting this cord disconnects all of your internal wiring from the phone company's network, allowing you to connect a "known good" phone to the NID to test whether the service works with your home or business. If so, your "service" is good, but your wiring or device inside is the source of the problem (see line blocking below).
    • If the phone will not dial numbers, check that the tone/sound switch is not set to the wrong position (such as halfway between two positions). Note that pulse dialing will not work if you use some VoIP services, and tone dialing will not work on some phone lines (although this is no longer uncommon in the United States).
    • If your phone stops working after a thunderstorm, it is possible that lightning struck the phone line and caused a power surge that damaged the phone. The actual hit could have occurred several thousand meters away and traveled down the line to your phone.
    • If you suspect your phone is faulty, try it at a friend's or neighbor's house where you know phones work. Also, if possible, try replacing the line and handset cords with known good cords from another working phone. The vast majority of phone problems can be traced back to bad cords and/or bad or rusty modular connectors.
    • Home and business telephone wiring is typically installed using one of these topologies:
      • Star or Home Run - Each connector has a wire that "returns" back to the NID.
      • Daisy Chain - the wires from the NID go from one outlet to another to another. This may also be called a "ring" topology, except that it is not a real ring since the last socket is not looped around and then returned to the NID.
      • A combination of the 2 - you may find a ledge leaning from a point along the chain, or some outputs "return" back to the NID while others are part of the Daisy Chain.
    • Telephone companies often offer a "wire service" plan. This plan covers repairs to wiring that meets their standards but has become faulty. More importantly, this plan prevents you from having to pay "non-productive dispatch" costs if the technician thinks the problem is in your home. Or, to be more precise, if the technician doesn't find any problems outside of your home (i.e. dial tone - good for your network interface) It's essentially extorting money, but it's better to pay than not to pay: you're paying the phone company to keep quiet, be nice, and help you when you have problems. Your reward is not search. the culprits.
    • If the phone does not ring, check that the ringer volume or on/off switch is not at its lowest setting or “off.” Additionally, some very old telephones may have frequency-tuned "harmonic" ringers designed for use on party lines and will not work properly on today's private telephone lines due to the difference in ringing frequency.


    • The working slang term for call tension is "jingle juice". You only need to touch the wires or internal parts of the ringing phone once to understand it. You can receive a very annoying, although usually not fatal, electric shock while working on telephone wiring, especially if the telephone rings or dials (in the case of a rotary dial/pulse telephone) when touching the wire. The shock will be greater if you stand on an uninsulated or wet surface, if you touch both wires at the same time, or if any other part of your body touches a grounded metal object such as a pipe, conduit, freezer, etc.
    • Working on a telephone line during a thunderstorm can be fatal. Telephone wires go out onto the street. Whether they are above ground or underground, they are still at risk of being struck by lightning. The phone company adds lightning protection devices to the outside, but the main purpose of these devices is to protect their network from indirect lightning strikes (where lightning strikes are nearby but don't actually hit the lines. A direct hit can start fires, turn your phone or outlet black, and so will you yourself may die if you hold the phone or work on wires. If you need to talk on the phone during a thunderstorm, you should use. cordless phone or loudspeaker - corded phones can carry lightning from outside all the way to your ear.

This article will discuss the most common problems that can lead to failure of radiotelephones, which today are used almost everywhere - in apartments, offices, hotels, etc. If there are constant malfunctions in the operation of the device, without such a procedure as radiotelephone repair, it’s unlikely to get by. By contacting a radiotelephone repair service center, you can be sure that the device will serve you faithfully for many years. If the damage is not significant, you can try to repair the phone yourself, but this will not guarantee that its functionality will be fully restored. If the device stops responding to pressing the “Talk” button on the handset, and the lights do not squeak or blink, most likely the phone’s batteries are discharged. To check this, you need to take normal batteries and change them. If the radiotelephone does not work with new batteries, there may be no power in the electrical network. If the phone started working again, then it was all about the batteries. When, when you connect the handset, it beeps, the lights blink, the device malfunctions frequently, or it does not turn on at all, first you should find out whether there is power in the electrical network. To do this, you need to place the handset on the base; if the battery charge indicator lights up, then there is nothing to worry about. After this, you can try to turn on the phone, it is likely that it will work again. If not, you will have to perform the following manipulations. Disconnect the device from the power supply by unplugging the power supply from the socket and disconnecting the batteries from the handset. If the handset has a power switch, you need to remove the cover, disconnecting the power wires, which should be sketched, since if you subsequently mix them up, you are guaranteed to have to contact a service center where radiotelephones are repaired. After everything is turned off, you need to let the phone “rest” for about ten minutes, then connect the power supply to the phone, and then, but in no case vice versa, connect the power supply to an electrical outlet.

After this, you should connect the batteries to the handset and place it on the base. The battery charge indicator should light up, and if the device is functional in principle, after the operations performed, it should probably start working. An equally common problem is when the bell rings and you can talk, but the number cannot be dialed. The cause of such a failure may be accidentally switching the phone to tone mode dialing. After studying the instructions, you can switch your phone to pulse mode yourself. If, after placing the handset on the base, the battery charge light does not light up, the power supply is most likely to blame. It may be poorly connected to the base or fell out of the socket. You can move the connector that connects to the base, but if this doesn’t help, you’ll have to look for a new power supply. If the device turns on and there is a connection between the base and the handset, but the station does not respond, that is, a continuous beep is not heard in the handset, the line may be faulty. Otherwise, it's worth checking the line cord, namely the wire running from the line to the base. If all else fails, there is only one conclusion - things are bad, and most likely, you will have to prepare money for repairs, which will be carried out by specialists service center, for this they have all the necessary equipment and tools. The radiotelephone is working, but a variety of interference and noise can be heard in the handset; perhaps you bought a low-quality phone, perhaps it does not operate on the required frequency, perhaps the user is far from the base, or, unfortunately, the phone is faulty. When choosing a radiotelephone, you should give preference to models from well-known manufacturers that guarantee the quality and reliability of the devices.

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Radiotelephone repair - We will talk about those malfunctions that can be eliminated even by a non-specialist, having detailed instructions. And you will find them here.

Hello, dear visitors. In this post, I will try to talk in detail about what can be done at home to bring such a “toy” as a radiotelephone back to life. Everything will be based on the example of the Panasonic radiotelephone, but other brands will be similar in many ways.

Of course, when it comes to the breakdown of an electronic part, this is the lot of specialists, but most often what fails is something that many people can do on their own; we read and see below about how and what to do.

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Radiotelephone - buttons do not work

One of the common malfunctions of radiotelephones after long-term use is that some buttons, when pressed, stop working at all or require a lot of force.

Usually this happens with those buttons that are pressed most often; they can be easily identified by their wear. This malfunction is similar to the same problem as in remote controls. remote control. And therefore it is eliminated in the same way.

But don’t think that it’s enough to clean, rinse and that’s it. This method is very widely described, but believe my many years of experience in the field of repairing remote controls, this does not help for long, in 90% of cases for a week. For quality repairs You will need to purchase something in advance, but more on that below.

Any repair begins with disassembly.

When disassembling an unfamiliar device, there is no need to rush, be careful, try to remember and, if necessary, write down/photograph/mark some nuances, for example, even the fastening bolts may be of different lengths in different places and they must not be mixed up. Attentiveness will help you put everything back into place accurately and you won’t have any unnecessary parts left.

But in this case, everything has already been described and photographed. Let's begin!

We disassemble a Panasonic radiotelephone

The owner of the phone complains that it has stopped turning on, the reason is trivial, the buttons do not work. The photo clearly shows that the power and reset buttons are very worn.

After removing the batteries, find the fastening screws in the case and unscrew them.

Using a short and preferably not very sharp knife, you can also use an unnecessary plastic card or something similar, open the phone, applying a little force downwards and to the side to loosen the latches, trying not to break them.

Pay attention to the wires, you don’t need to solder them, but you don’t need to tear them off either.

The next step is to find all the screws securing the board and unscrew them.

And here are the nuances, pay attention to how these metal terminals are installed.

Well, here we are, it’s not difficult at all.

Separate the rubber mat with buttons from the board.

We carefully wipe the board itself, the part that was under the elastic band, with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol (you’ll have to take it to the pharmacy 🙂) to remove grease and other contaminants. Without fanaticism, there is no need to try to erase these black graphite conductors in the form of stars and other figures. There were cases where sandpaper was used. We take the gum itself under the tap and with a cotton swab in warm water and soap, or better yet, carefully wash and dry it with an old toothbrush.

When everything is ready, the gum is washed and dried, we begin the repair. And here, for high-quality repairs, we need a repair kit for remote controls; you can purchase it in stores specializing in radio engineering. The cost is usually no more than 100 rubles. I’ll tell you about alternative methods a little later.

This is what the repair kit looks like.

The material on the repair of the radiotelephone was filmed some time ago and now I can’t understand where the footage of the restoration of these buttons went. Therefore, I will show you this whole simple process using an elastic band from the remote control. The essence is absolutely the same..... We apply glue to the buttons that need to be restored.

When everything was glued this way necessary buttons, we can start assembling. After 20-30 minutes you can safely use it, and you can check it right away. As you can see, the phone turned on, the buttons work easily.

Other ways to restore buttons

If it is not possible to purchase a repair kit for remote controls, then you can do the following.

1) Find some foil, but only the paper-based kind used in cigarette packs. Cut out small pieces with scissors so that you can stick them on the button without going beyond its dimensions; if anything, just press down a piece of foil placed on the glue so that it presses down with its edges. Use either silicone glue, or one that is capable of gluing rubber, such as moment, rubber, etc.

  • Never use super glues in this case (the ones in small tubes harden quickly and wonderfully glue your fingers together). As they harden, they become fragile, and when you press the button, it bends and this glue begins to crumble, as a result, everything can fall off.
  • Never use foil without a paper backing, it will also fall off.

2) Perhaps there is some old faulty remote control or calculator left. The same buttons are also used there; you need to carefully, thinly, cut off the desired layer with a blade in order to glue it where it is most needed.

These are standard options that can be used, but it is better to find a repair kit.

Time to replace the battery

And for dessert! Cordless phones are usually powered by batteries that are charged from a base connected via an adapter to the network.

This chain, Battery - Base - Adapter, is another weak link.

Therefore, if your radiotelephone has stopped charging, pay attention to it. The contacts on the base, as well as on the handset and in the battery compartment must be clean and not oxidized.

Make sure that the power adapter is working properly, you need to measure the voltage at its output, it must correspond to the parameters of the adapter. For this you will need a multimeter. Often the wire in the adapters breaks and this is not noticeable; the break is hidden under the outer insulation. You can find out the parameters and select a power adapter.

By measuring the voltage at the contacts of the base, those to which the handset is connected when it is standing in it, we can verify whether the power circuit in the base itself is working; the battery is charged through these contacts. If the adapter is working properly and there is no voltage on these contacts, then the fault may be in it, in the base.

If voltage comes out of the base unit, it should be equal to the total voltage of the batteries or slightly more. But the batteries do not charge, then the reason is in the batteries themselves. There is also a small percentage of electronics failure on the phone board; there may be a charge controller there, but this is for specialists.

You can check the batteries by, for example, replacing them with regular batteries in the handset. This is only true if the phone uses batteries of similar size. Some models may use a block of several batteries assembled in one package.

In this case, you will need to purchase a new battery of this type or an analogue.

That's probably all. Thank you for your interest in this project.
