Rent a virtual server on Windows. Cheap VPS for Windows

As a rule, you can save on renting a virtual dedicated server in several ways. The most common of them is choosing the “no administration” tariff, when the purchased cheap VPS for Windows will be serviced only by you, but for this you will have to independently study the settings of the virtual server parameters.

description of selected options

Windows- the most recognizable operating system today. Its popularity is due not only to its high prevalence on ordinary computers, but also on servers. True, in the second case, Windows is inferior in percentage terms Linux And FreeBSD taken together. The popularity of Windows on servers and VPS is primarily due to the interface that is familiar to most users. The classic explorer, start and other controls have long become familiar to everyone who is familiar with a computer. If you have always used only Windows, then to solve your WEB problems you should order VPS exactly with this OS.

Operating system security level Windows Server can be called low: a large number of identified errors and security patches plus thousands of malware such as viruses and spyware are not a bit of a comfort. But everything is relative - proper configuration of all security policies will save you from 90% of the risks, because neither FreeBSD nor Linux have a significant advantage over Windows in terms of security: much depends on the skills of the VPS owner.

The possibilities of Windows on servers are almost limitless. This OS is capable of solving any task: creating a print server, DNS, files, email, FTP, and so on. Windows will perfectly cope with the implementation of any WEB projects. The main advantage of Windows is the Active Directory directory service. It is thanks to this function that the Microsoft operating system is in demand on servers. With its help, you can add, delete, and move a wide variety of resources, manage your network, and perform many other tasks.

We present to your attention a line of virtual server tariffs for the Windows operating system. Windows Virtual Server is an excellent combination of performance and scalability.

Features of Windows Virtual Server

Virtualization ensures high reliability of such a server and allows system changes to be made with minimal downtime. These servers use modern network storage, which allows you to expand the required amount of memory and resize the hard drive in one click. Virtual servers support various versions of Windows Server operating systems, including Windows 7. In turn, we provide a license rental service from Microsoft with a monthly payment.

This service allows small and medium-sized businesses to use their budget as efficiently as possible and pay only for those resources that are needed. Qualified system administrators always monitor the status of servers and are ready to help in difficult situations, restore the service or advise on issues related to our services. As part of commercial technical support, our specialists are ready to help with setting up software and databases.

By renting a Windows virtual server from Optibit, you are making the right choice for yourself and your business. We are always ready to help with choosing the necessary configuration for your needs; for this you can contact technical support at any time by phone or through the ticket system.

You have probably noticed that recently it has become popular to transfer company servers to a virtual environment, and in this video I propose to consider such virtualization options as VPS and VDS virtual server.

In fact, VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server) and VPS (Virtual Private Server) are the same concept and mean virtual dedicated server.

The principle of creating a virtual server is as follows.

The physical server runs an operating system that helps create these virtual servers, called a hypervisor. It allows you to completely isolate virtual servers from each other. Thus, the operation of one VPS cannot affect the operation of other servers; they cannot access files or network packets and the contents of each other’s RAM. As a result, you can create any number of virtual servers on one physical machine, as far as the hardware allows. Each such server will have its own operating system and settings. This way, it will appear that you are working on a physical server, but connecting to it remotely.

You can implement this virtualization system either on your physical server or using a cloud service.

Advantages of moving to the cloud:

Cost optimization. There is no need to spend money on purchasing and installing expensive equipment. Since renting a VPS allows you to avoid large one-time costs.

Saving on resources. According to statistics, resources of own equipment are rarely used by more than 50%. At the same time, a virtual server can be created with exactly the parameters that are needed today. You can customize the number of cores, disk capacity and RAM, so as not to pay for redundant configuration.

Operational organization of work. You will spend from a week to a month to buy and install your server. Selecting equipment, payment, delivery, connection, configuration - all this takes a lot of time. When creating a virtual server, you only need 5 minutes and the VPS, with the required configuration, is ready to go.

Easy scaling of resources - you can increase or decrease VPS parameters in just a couple of minutes. You pay only for those resources that you need here and now.

Reliable storage of information. Since the data is stored in a mirrored Raid array, the information is duplicated on two independent media and if one of them fails, your data will not be lost.

ROOT access. You are provided with full admin to manage your VPS. You can install any software, operating systems and change any settings.


The need for a constant stable Internet connection, since if the Internet is disconnected, all work will be paralyzed.

Subscription fee – every month you will have to pay a subscription fee to rent the equipment. But, here it’s up to you to decide whether this is more of an advantage or a disadvantage, since the configurations may be different, and therefore the cost of subscription service.

In this video we will create a virtual server through a cloud service

As you can see, on the main page of the service you immediately have the opportunity to specify the server characteristics you need through the configurator. Thanks to this, you can immediately see how much it will cost to rent this server per month or per day.

You can also test the operation of a virtual server for free; to do this, just leave a request to connect a test virtual server. As you can see, the test period is quite short, for individuals 1 day, for legal entities 3 days. However, the developers accommodated me and are ready to provide 5 days of free testing for my subscribers. To do this, you just need to inform the manager, who will call you back after sending the application, that you are a subscriber to the “IT Training Center”

Well, now let's see how it all works.

We log in to the site using our registration data. At the top of the site you can see how much money you have in your account. If you are working in test mode, then you will be provided with a server with certain settings, but I will not consider a test one, but the operation of the service in full mode.

Virtual dedicated server configurationVPS (VDS).

In your personal account, go to the section Virtual servers\Create new\Server name\FTP server.

Templates - I'm interested in Windows Server 2016 R2. Next, we select the desired hardware configuration; it is worth noting that for different configurations, the rental cost will change, so choose the best option for yourself, taking into account performance and rental cost.

The number of cores, the amount of RAM, HDD space and hardware, everything is clear with this.

General (not guaranteed) 100 Mb/s – a maximum Internet channel speed of 100 Mb/s is provided here, but it will be distributed among several servers, so if the Internet channel is loaded, it is not guaranteed that you will receive a speed of 100 Mb/s.

Dedicated 10, 50, 100 Mbps guarantees that you will receive this Internet connection speed, since a dedicated Internet channel will be created for you.

Backup– daily backup of server data

Additional IP – if you want to connect an additional network card with an external IP address.

Private LAN – allows you to organize a network between servers without access to the Internet, using internal IP addresses. At the same time, the traffic is completely isolated from other users.

Extended SLA – Extended warranty. NeoServer not only promises 99.99% virtual server availability, but also pays downtime 10 times.

In any case, during the work process, we will be able to change these settings if the need arises.

Next, click the “Purchase” button. Despite the fact that I have less money in my account than the cost of the server I assembled, I can still buy it, since this cost is per month. In the process of working with a virtual server, the cost of its rental will be charged not once a month, but every day, i.e. the total cost of the server divided by 30, this will be the rental price for each day of use. And since I have enough money to pay for one day of server rental, I can buy it J

The process of creating a virtual dedicated server has begun.

After creating the VPS, we have options for connecting to the server, via the web console or via RDP remote desktop.

It should be noted that the presence of a web console is a very important factor when choosing a VPS. It will allow you to connect to the server through your personal account, even if the OS has frozen or if the VPS has become unavailable due to incorrect network settings.

There is also a snapshot function. It is recommended to create a snapshot before making any significant changes to the server. So that in case of negative consequences, you can return to the moment the photo was taken.

We connect to the virtual server and see that it is no different from a real physical machine, with the same characteristics that we specified at the stage of creating the virtual server.

I’m not very happy with the server slowdown, so I’ll add another gigabyte of RAM to more comfortably demonstrate the practical part of setting up the server (Turn off the VPS server \ RAM 2 GB \ Save \ Enable VPS).

Now let's set up our server as an FTP server to see how we can use a virtual server in a real world situation.

I will not go into details of the FTP technology itself, since I plan to make a separate video on this topic, so I will configure everything as quickly as possible (Server Manager\Management\Add roles and components\Next\Installing roles and components\Select our server\Next\ Web server IIS\Next\Next\FTP server\Next\Install\Close).

Let's create a user to access the FTP server ( Tools \ Computer Management \ Local Users \ Users \ RMB \ New User \User12345)

Let's create a folder for FTP access (C:\inetpub\ftproot\TestFTP)

Setting up FTP access ( Server Manager\Tools\Service ManagerIIS\Sites\AddFTP site\Name\Path\NoSSL\Next\Authentication\Normal\Specified Users\User12345\Reading\Done)

Let's connect ( Explorer\ftp://address server \ Enter login and password)

Platform advantages

flexible scaling and excellent performance

If necessary, you can increase productivity and other resources. Add power for the time you need, and then go back. Thus, you will not pay for performance and unnecessary technical parameters that you do not use.
The platform is built on the basis of multi-core Intel Xeon processors 7300 series. As a data storage platform, you can choose a system based on shared storage network (SAN FC), which will provide you with excellent data access speed and extraordinary reliability, or a cheaper, but very reliable system based on high-performance Adaptec Raid controllers (HDD RAID).



failover cluster

Services are provided on the basis of failover clusters, the Microsoft Hyper-V Server virtualization platform and our company’s technological solutions.
The clusters are built on Supermicro server platforms with Intel Xeon 7320 processors and use high-performance shared network storage (FC).
The network infrastructure is built on H3C equipment (3Com, HP) and provides high throughput.
All systems use N+1 redundancy.



You can choose a custom server configuration

The ability to change any system and application parameters (if necessary, you can be provided with different OS);
a personal copy of the operating system with administrator rights and its own IP addresses;
constant access to the server (anytime, anywhere) - thanks to the virtual office;
reliable protection of your data: virtual servers are located in the protected area of ​​the company’s data centers;
professional technical support;
the ability to use cloud technologies, which allow you to increase the capacity of a rented server (cloud server) at any time, whose parameters are selected and configured by the client himself;
ITCSR specialists are fully responsible for placement, reservation, and support.

Windows VPS/VDS- as you can guess from the name, this is a regular VPS server, but with the windows server operating system installed. This service, due to its specificity and narrow focus, is not as in demand as regular VPS hosting with Linux OS, so the number of hosters selling such VPS is small. These are mainly companies from Russia and Ukraine. Although, by and large, there is nothing complicated in providing this type of service. In this category you will find an overview of all hostings with Windows servers. And the rating we compiled will allow you to choose the best service provider.

How much does windows VPS cost?

They cost significantly more than regular VPS, since you need to pay additionally for a Windows license. The license costs about $20 per month, plus the server itself is about $10 - 20 per month. The total monthly payment will be $30 - 40, depending on the server configuration. You also need to take into account that the standard license is designed for one user; if several users need to work in parallel, you also need to buy a terminal license for each user. But nothing can be done about it; no one will put a pirated copy on the server. In most cases, there is no testing mode for such VDS; this happens because Microsoft does not provide a test period for its products; accordingly, the hosting provider pays money for the activation of each operating system. Of course, you can look for a hosting that provides test VDS with Windows installed, but you are unlikely to find it. It’s better to use our rating to find a company. You should also understand that this is Windows and a large number of viruses have been written for it. And for good reason, you need to spend extra money on a normal antivirus, because after infecting the server with a virus, you won’t have any problems.

Why do you need a windows server?

Typically, such VPS hosting is used not for hosting websites (although there are cms running under ASP and Net Framawork, but this is rare), but for installing/developing or testing applications that require this operating system. Very often, companies need a remote 1C server, and the 1C accounting program, as you know, only works under Windows. Companies buy a VDS, install 1C on it, and simply give their accountants access. When you have several accountants working remotely, this is very convenient. Also, such a server can be used to work with Forex or simply as a remote computer.

Difficulty in work

The difficulty when working with Windows VDS hosting is the administration of such a server. In most cases, hosters do not have specialists in working with Windows servers, that is, even for money, the hoster will not help you. This happens because there are not enough clients to justify the maintenance of such specialists. However, I think anyone can find a remote administrator who will do everything for a fee. Our website offers you a rating and review of companies providing this service. Especially for you, we tried to select the best hosters from Russia, Ukraine and other countries near and far abroad.