A girl goes down the mountain behind her and a bear. How a bear chased a snowboarder

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Walking around the internet huge amount fake news and all kinds of stuff. For what? It all comes down to money, friends. And the bolder and more believable these fakes are, the more people watch them, the more they say them, and the more actively they share them with each other.

Today we want to tell you about a video that has gained wild popularity, as a result of which, at the time of writing, it was viewed more than 2.1 million times! This video was filmed by a girl snowboarder named Kelly Murphy while descending at Hakuba Park. The girl was allegedly chased by a bear, which she fortunately did not notice because of the headphones she was wearing. Kelly claims she only noticed the bear while watching the video.

While all the world's online publications began to broadcast about this video, the majority of users clearly gave a verdict this video- fake. However, despite the fact that it really looks like a fat fake, few people were able to provide at least a couple of solid evidence. But that’s what Umkra is for! Let's watch this video and finally find out if it's true or fake.

Here is the same video that was published by Kelly Murphy on her YouTube channel

"OMG! After watching my snowboarding video, I saw a bear chasing me!!! I almost got eaten!!! This was filmed yesterday at the Hakuba 47 park in Japan. Be careful, people!!!" reads the description for the video

Now let's look at the plausibility of this video:

1. Accidentally recorded or staged video

From the very beginning of the video, the girl deliberately makes it clear to the audience that she is not just wearing headphones, but music is playing through them, for which purpose she furiously hums a Rihanna song called “Work” throughout the entire video. “Kelly” does not know the words of the song, except for its title, which is also its chorus; the girl replaces the rest of the text with the classic “na-na-na-na,” which suggests that the girl sings not for pleasure, but for to indicate enthusiastic listening to music

Many viewers might not notice the headphones on the girl’s head, while others might not understand that these headphones are not for keeping their ears from freezing, but for listening to music, but the author of the video completely cuts off these two options from the very beginning

From a directing point of view, at the moment looks quite thoughtful, which suggests that the whole scene was staged

2. Who is this girl?

Kelly Murphy's profile was created on April 5, 2016, i.e. 5 days before she posted her sensational video

Having only 3 videos on the channel, one of which is wildly popular, is quite strange, isn’t it?

Since we are used to writing about such sensations and have experience working in social networks, we can say with confidence that such profiles are created specifically for news stories.

The girl’s channel does not have a photo, which is quite strange, since in 99% of cases, after the attention of world news publications and gaining wild popularity, people, as a rule, publish their photographs and screenshots with the headings of articles about themselves on Instagram and Facebook, so that on this wave to get even more attention. By the way, where are the girl’s other pages on social networks? They simply don't exist

Not only is there not a single other photograph of the girl, but also in the video itself her face is as closed as possible, which makes establishing her identity almost impossible

3. Was there a bear?

Not only does the bear look superimposed on the video, but it also keeps running somewhere in the wrong direction. If the bear was just jogging, then nothing strange, but when heading towards the victim, does the bear never take his eyes off it? There is only one moment in the video when the bear runs exactly towards the girl while looking exactly at the camera, but after a second disappearing behind “Kelly’s” hat, he looks again and runs somewhere in the wrong direction

Many users also recognized the bear's roar as the sounds made by a similar animal in the game "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim." We can't say for sure, but the sounds are really similar. You can listen to the sound of the bear's roar from the game

4. And finally the most ironclad proof

The video shows none other than our beloved brown bear running after the girl. But the trouble is, not far from Hakuba, the place where the girl allegedly rode, there are only small black bears, and the brown bear shown in the video is found in Japan only on the island of Hokkaido. The bear’s hatred for this girl must really know no bounds, because his habitat is located almost 1.5 thousand km from Hakuba. In addition, to get off the island and climb Hakuba, the bear would have to take a ferry

Thus, this is an ordinary fat fake!

Photos from open sources

American snowboarder Kelly Murphy was apparently born wearing a shirt. While vacationing a few days ago at the famous ski resort “Hakuba 47” in Japan, the athlete almost became a victim of the largest and most ferocious bear. (website)

The most interesting thing is that the snowboarder did not notice the bear chasing her. Only once she was at the hotel, she watched the videos received that day and was indescribably horrified.

The video below shows snowboarder Murphy getting on her snowboard and starting to record herself with the camera from the front. The American woman has headphones on her head and is humming something, so it is obvious that the girl is listening to music. Suddenly, a large grizzly bear appears in the background and follows the athlete's trail as she begins to slide down. The animal growls ferociously and rushes at full speed, periodically getting into the frame. The spectacle is, to put it mildly, truly creepy.

IN certain moment the predator almost overtakes its potential prey, but Kelly manages to break away on the next steep slope, and the grizzly falls hopelessly behind. Satisfied and happy with her descent, the snowboarder slides down, not having the slightest idea that she had just managed to walk unharmed on a razor's edge. If Murphy had not filmed herself with a GoPro action camera, she, and at the same time many Internet users, would never have known about this amazing incident.

But the bear could easily catch up with the snowboarder

Returning to a warm and safe hotel, the American woman watched the video she had shot in the evening and was shocked that she had participated in a chase from a bear. According to the snowboarder, this discovery was so frightening that she is now unsure whether she will ever be able to engage in this sport again. At least, from now on she definitely won’t listen to music during such descents. True, how this can save you from a ferocious grizzly bear is not clear...

Some regulars World Wide Web It is believed that the video was edited. According to such commentators, the bear's growl in the recording is too loud, while the sounds of the wind are heard suspiciously quietly. Of course, it is possible to “draw” a bear on a video in our age of advanced technology, however, if we are really talking about a fake, why did the American need to deceive millions of Internet users? Is it really for the sake of such dubious and undeserved fame?

By the way, the resort management, as it became known, did not receive any information from Murphy. But this is not yet a reason to doubt the girl’s sincerity.
