Change mobile number in Odnoklassniki. How to change the Odnoklassniki password, login and phone number How to change the Odnoklassniki phone number

To find out how to recover your password in Odnoklassniki if your phone number has changed, read the contents of this article, because many users of this social network face such a problem. Recovery in this case can be quite difficult, but if you do everything according to the instructions, you can save a lot of time. In this case, you are deprived of the easiest way to enter the page, so if you change your phone number, we recommend that you immediately change the information about this in your personal account.

Login to the site without entering your mobile phone

How to recover a password in Odnoklassniki without a phone number using E-mail? This is a very simple and popular way to enter a page when the key has been lost, but to use it, the condition must be met that you have attached your email address. You must also have access to your email; if you cannot access your email, then this method will not work for you. But don't despair, because , Can in various ways, you just need to find one that is comfortable for you.

  • First of all, you need to log in home page website, select the “Forgot your password?” and follow the link;
  • after the transition, you will find yourself in the corresponding menu, which will offer you to choose one of the recovery methods;
  • in our case, we can select the “Mail” item, which is located in the center, click on this link;
  • you will be prompted with a field in which you need to enter your address email, if you remember it, then it won’t be difficult;
  • After filling out, click “Search” and select your box.
  • An email with a code will be sent to your email address;
  • Next you need to go to your mailbox and enter the code from the letter from the OK administration in a special field;
  • Next, you will be asked to come up with and enter New Password;
  • if you don’t remember which E-mail is attached to your account, or have forgotten its name, then you need to follow the link “Personal data”, enter information about yourself in a special field, and then select your page from the list of those suggested by the computer;
  • Thus, when you find yourself, you will need to confirm the sending of the letter to the address that you entered when registering your account, then log into your mailbox and follow the instructions contained in the letter.

This is one of the most simple ways to solve this problem.

What to do if the number is lost, how to resolve the issue with the help of support?

Many users are interested in the question of how to log into Odnoklassniki if they have forgotten their password and phone number? After all, this is the simplest and fastest method. But if the number has changed, the situation may become more complicated. To the question: “What should I do if I forgot my password in “OK” without a phone number?”, you can answer: “Log in via email,” but not every user attaches the address of their mailbox to their account on a social network, especially for those who recently registered.

Owners of pages on social networks often ask the question: “I forgot my password on Odnoklassniki, how can I recover it without a phone number?” And so, you can only use the support service; to do this, select the appropriate menu item on the page. To get started, select the “Help” section at the bottom of the page.
or when the data changes again and write down the information in a notepad. Since the support service may refuse your request. The user, if he has changed his phone, must immediately make the appropriate changes on his page on the social network. You can find out more about how to recover your Odnoklassniki password if your phone number is lost in other articles on this topic.

How to recover your password if your phone number has changed?

Today, almost all Internet users have accounts in various social networks. We spend quite a lot of free time on these sites - communicating with friends, colleagues, viewing and commenting on photos, and conducting business.

This article will focus on security. You will learn how to change your password in Odnoklassniki and learn how to do the same operation with your phone number and login.

As you know, quite often pages on social networks are hacked by hackers. Of course, this may not affect the average user, because, as a rule, attackers are interested in the accounts of famous personalities. However, if produced massive attack, then your page may be at risk.

How to change the password in Odnoklassniki?

To specify a new login password for your Odnoklassniki account, you will need to complete several very simple actions. It is worth noting that it is recommended to change the password at least once a month. However, do not use an easy combination of numbers or letters. Remember that a complex password also includes special characters.

So, here is an algorithm of actions that will help you change the password for your Odnoklassniki page:

    on the page that opens you need the “Password” item, hover over it and click “Change”;

    enter your current password in the appropriate field, enter a new one and confirm it;

Now you know how to change your password in Odnoklassniki, so by setting a complex combination of characters, you can significantly increase the security of your account.

How to change login to “OK”?

Changing your login on Odnoklassniki is as easy as changing your password. However, your actions here will be slightly different. The login can be any word or phrase, but most often people indicate their E-mail address or mobile number.

So, go back to the “Change Settings” section. In this case, you need to move the mouse pointer to the “Login” item and click “Change”. Now you need to request a special code, which you will receive via SMS. Enter it in the appropriate box, after which you will be asked to provide your current password and new login. The final stage is saving the changes.

By the way, if your browser is set to automatically remember passwords, you will need to log out of your account and log in again, specifying a new password and login.

How to change your phone number?

Of course, “linking” an account to a mobile number has its positive aspects. Firstly, in the event of an unauthorized attempt to enter your page, you will be notified about this, and secondly, you will be able to set up notifications that you will receive on your mobile phone.

You already know how to change your login and password in Odnoklassniki, so you can easily do the same operation with a phone number, you just need to remember the sequence of actions:

    open the “Change settings” section;

    refer to the item “Phone number”;

    indicate your mobile number and enter a 6-digit code;

    confirm your actions by clicking the appropriate button.

That's it! The phone number has been successfully changed. As you can see, this procedure will not take much of your time.


So, now, knowing how to change the password in Odnoklassniki, as well as your mobile number and login, you can significantly increase the security of your account on this social network.

For an account on the Odnoklassniki social network, the user is forced to enter his own number mobile phone. The individual page linked to it will receive additional protection from the illegal use of stored information, but creating a second (other) page in OK or purchasing a SIM card from another operator forces you to change telephone number.

How to change a phone number in OK to another one

The developers of the Odnoklassniki social network allow the user to change one number to which account, to the other. For this purpose, after preliminary authorization on the Odnoklassniki social network, you need to open the “My Settings” item.

Rice. 1. Click on the “My Settings” button under your avatar (photo)

Then in the settings, select the “Basic” tab (1 in Fig. 2):

Rice. 2. Settings – General – change phone number

There, the mouse cursor arrow is hovered over the “Phone number” line, then the displayed “Change” button is pressed (2 in Fig. 2).

After correctly performing the operations discussed above, a window appears where you need to click the “Change number” line and in the field of the next window type the digital combination of the new phone number.

Rice. 3. Enter a new phone number and click on the “Submit” button

On specified number mobile phone will receive an SMS containing a six-digit numeric code. After specifying it in the required field, click the “Verify code” button (Fig. 4):

Rice. 4. Indicate the code sent to your phone via SMS message and click “Confirm code”

After the code is confirmed, a window will appear indicating that the new number was successfully saved.

Rice. 5. The window informs about the successful change of the number in OK

Now an individual page on Odnoklassniki has received a new mobile phone number, which can be used as a login and additional protection against unauthorized access to stored content.

If the user cannot remember the previous password and wants to change his mobile phone number, he needs to resume access to his profile through the “Forgot your password?” function.

If you have a new SIM card, you need to contact Odnoklassniki and follow the operator’s instructions.

Any new account on Odnoklassniki is attached to a phone number, which is indicated and confirmed when. There are situations when it is necessary detailed instructions about how to change your phone number in Odnoklassniki.

Changing your phone number via computer

Let's consider the procedure for changing through full version Odnoklassniki website.

  • Under your main photo, click “My Settings.”

  • A page with basic profile settings will open, where you can change your personal information, password, phone number, email address, language and profile link. You can also find out your ID and change the protection level.
  • Click on the word “change” under the incomplete number.

  • A message should appear stating that the phone is hidden for security reasons.
  • Under the message, click “Change number.”

  • The country code has already been defined before. If new phone belongs mobile operator another country, you must click “Change country” (1) and change the code. After entering the number, click “Submit” (2);

  • A message with a confirmation code should be sent to the new number. Enter the code in the special field and confirm the action.

Execution step by step instructions will allow you to unlink the number from the page and pin a new one. The information must be up-to-date, because if you forgot your password, recovery occurs precisely through mobile number.

IMPORTANT! If you are trying to create a new profile on Odnoklassniki with a phone that was recently attached to deleted account, then nothing will work. A message will appear that the number has already been registered. To resolve the problem, contact support. Otherwise you will have to wait about 3-4 months. After this time, you will be able to attach the number to your profile.

INTERESTING! There is no way to attach one phone number to several Odnoklassniki pages. It must be individual for each account.

Change number via mobile application

If you use the site in mobile version via a smartphone or tablet, the procedure will be as follows:

  • in the menu, find and click “Settings”;

  • on the page that opens, click the “Profile Settings” command;

  • then click “Personal data settings”;

  • click on the line where your partially encrypted phone number is indicated and then click “Change number”;

  • enter a new number (1) and click “Submit” / “Next” (2);

  • change the country code if necessary;
  • After receiving an SMS message with a code, enter it in a separate window.

Congratulations! Now you have deleted the previous number and successfully saved the new one. Now he is pinned on Odnoklassniki.

Changing the number is quite simple, there should not be any difficulties. Now you can safely use it to log into the site, recover your password and use it to purchase internal currency.
