Article formatting requirements. Methodological recommendations for the publication of open data by state bodies and local governments and technical requirements for the publication of open data Which of the tables meets the requirements for public

6. Order of publication of open data sets

General rules for publishing in the form of open data, applicable to a state body or local self-government body:

a) a state or local government body converts the data set into a machine-readable format in which this open data set is to be published;

b) the state body or local government publishes the data set, adds necessary information to the page of the section (portal) of open data and provides a link to the page of the corresponding set (file representation of the set) of open data. The page of the open data set should include a link to download the selected version of the open data or to a programmatic representation interface (API);

c) the state body or local self-government body checks the availability of the published set of open data for users of the official website on the Internet;

d) the state body or local self-government body transmits, in the form of a file in a machine-readable format, a record of the published set of open data, unloaded from the register of data sets opened by the state body or local self-government body, to the authorized body of state power;

e) the authorized state authority updates the consolidated register of open data, as well as other information about published sets of open government data, which they maintain on the page on the Internet for publishing summary information about data open government bodies or local government in machine-readable formats, thereby keeping the consolidated registry of open data sets up to date.

The scheme of interaction in the publication of open data (Figure 1) reflects the role-based approach to the process under consideration, representing a description of the functional and technological components. Thus, functional roles are indicated by pictograms (one employee can have several roles).

Figure 1 - Scheme of interaction when publishing a set

open data (not given)

a) an industry subdivision of a state body or local government prepares material for submission in the form of open data. This preparation is carried out by the "Information Provider" role (the role responsible for the content of the material);

b) after the preparation of the material, the "Information Provider" transfers the material to the "Technical Specialist" of his department for its conversion into machine-readable data. Upon receipt of the material, the "Technical Specialist" checks the material for errors and the possibility of correct representation in machine-readable data;

c) after translating the data into a machine-readable representation, the "Technician" passes the data to the "Content Manager" (the role responsible for publishing open data sets in one of the mandatory ways, and alternative ways publications) or uses automated tools to self-publish a set of open data;

· Igor Zhuravlev

Igor Zhuravlev, Andrey Kurosh, Alexey Chumachenko, Polina Vafina

Igor Zhuravlev, Polina Vafina

You received email, where there are several recipients in the copy. What happens when you click the Reply All button?

A letter will be created, where in the "To" field the address from which you received the original letter will be indicated

· A letter will be created, where in the "To" and "Cc" fields, respectively, all the recipients listed in the original letter will be indicated

An email will be created with an empty "To" field

A letter will be created, where in the "Copy" field the recipients listed in the original letter will be indicated

You received an email from a specific address. There are several more addresses in the "Copy" field. You want to reply only to the person from whose address the letter came. Which button should be pressed?

· Reply

· Reply All

· Create a message


What is the Go To button used for?

· To set a calendar reminder

To prepare a response on behalf of the manager

· To always mark the email as unread

To forward a letter to a subordinate

Which term is defined below?

· open data

Open Data Passport

666. The definition of what concept is given below:

Open data

Open government data

· Open Data Passport

In what format is data not prepared for the open data set for the purpose of their publication on the Open Data Portal of the Russian Federation?

· XML format

· DOC format

CSV format

Which of the icons will allow you to launch software application to create an open dataset in CSV format?

Table 1

table 2

· Table 1

· Table 2

Which table meets the requirements for publishing an open dataset?

Table 1

table 2

· Table 1

· table 2

In order to ensure access of citizens and organizations to publicly available information on the activities of the Federal Tax Service in the form of open data, in pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 07.05.2012 No. 601 "On the main directions for improving the system of public administration", the implementation of the provisions of the Federal Law of 09.02.2009 No. 8-FZ “On ensuring access to information on the activities of state bodies and local governments”, Federal Law No. 149 of July 27, 2006 “On information, information technologies and information protection”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2013 No. 583 "On ensuring access to publicly available information on the activities of state bodies and local governments in the information and telecommunication network" Internet "in the form of open data", Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2013 No. 1187-r, minutes of the meeting of the Government Commission for the coordination of activities of the open government dated 29.05.2014 No. 4, I order:

1. Approve the Regulations for the preparation and disclosure of publicly available information in the format of open data in accordance with the principles of openness in accordance with this order.

2. Recognize invalid the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 23, 2015 No. ММВ-7-6/ [email protected]“On publicly available information of the Federal Tax Service of Russia posted on the Internet in the form of open data”.

3. The heads (acting heads) of the structural subdivisions of the central office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia shall ensure control over the timely submission of publicly available information to the structural subdivision of the central office of the Federal Tax Service, coordinating work on the formation of open data, and to the structural subdivision of the central office of the Federal Tax Service, coordinating organization issues providing access to open data and public information of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

4. To impose control over the execution of this order on the Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service, who coordinates the methodological and organizational support for the activities of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in implementing the Open Government project.

Regulations for the preparation and disclosure of publicly available information in the format of open data in accordance with the principles of openness

I. General provisions

1. This Regulation on the preparation and disclosure of publicly available information in the format of open data in accordance with the principles of openness (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) determines the procedure for the preparation and disclosure of priority socially significant sets of open data on the official website of the Federal Tax Service (https://www.nalog. ru) in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter - the Internet site).

2. The following basic concepts, terms and abbreviations are used in these Regulations:

a) Open data - publicly available information in the format of open data, as well as information containing information about the activities of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and posted on the Internet in accordance with Federal Law No. state bodies and local self-government bodies" in a format that allows automated processing without prior human modification (machine-readable format), for the purpose of repeated, free and free use;

b) Schedule - the schedule for the disclosure of priority socially significant data sets by the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the implementation of measures in the field of open data for 2017-2018 approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated July 13, 2017 No. ММВ-7-17 / [email protected]"On the organization of work on the implementation of activities in the field of open data in 2017 - 2018";

c) Set of open data - a set of homogeneous elements of machine-readable data and meta-information describing them;

d) Passport of an open data set - a set of information about an open data set published on the Internet. The format of the open data set passport is given in the Guidelines for the publication of open data by state bodies and local governments, as well as the technical requirements for the publication of open data, approved by the minutes of the meeting of the Government Commission for the Coordination of Open Government Activities dated May 29, 2014 No. 4 (hereinafter - Guidelines). The requirements for filling out the Open Data Set Passport are given in this Regulation;

e) The structure of the data set - a description of the fields of the data set, as well as the type of information that is indicated in these fields;

f) External consumers - individuals, legal entities, foreign organizations, foreign structures without education legal entity, state non-budgetary funds, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, state bodies, local authorities, foreign tax administrations, as defined in the Policy of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the field of quality of public services and implementation state functions for 2015-2018, approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated August 31, 2015 No. ММВ-7-17/ [email protected]

3. The participants in the interaction in the preparation and placement of publicly available information in the open data format are:

a) employees of structural subdivisions of the central office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Central Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia) responsible for providing publicly available information (hereinafter referred to as the Information Provider);

b) employees of the structural unit of the CA of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, coordinating the work on the formation of open data (hereinafter referred to as the Coordinator);

c) employees of the structural unit that organizes the provision of access to open data (hereinafter referred to as the Content Manager);

d) the executor of the State contract (hereinafter referred to as the Technical Specialist).

II. Preparation and publication of publicly available information in open data format

4. The preparation of publicly available information in the open data format is carried out according to the Schedule.

5. The information provider prepares the material for submission in the form of open data and sends the Open Data Set Passport and the Data Set Structure to the Coordinator and the Content Manager for approval.

6. The Coordinator and the Content Manager check the Data Set Structure for errors and the possibility of correct conversion of the material into machine-readable Open Data Sets.

7. In case of incorrect preparation of the material, the Content Manager sends a memo to the Information Provider with recommendations for improvement within seven working days.

8. After agreeing on the Structure of the data set, the Information Provider sends the materials to the Technical Specialist for conversion into machine-readable data.

9. After converting the material into machine-readable data, the Technical Specialist passes it to the Content Manager or uses automated tools to self-publish the Open Data Set.

11. In the case of transferring the material to the Content Manager for publication, the Content Manager checks the submitted materials for correct input and within seven working days ensures publication on the Internet site in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations.

12. In the case of using automated tools for self-publishing of the Open Data Set, the Technical Specialist controls the implementation of such publication.

13. The information provider monitors the relevance of the Open Data Set of the Russian Federation ( published on the Internet site, on the Portal (hereinafter referred to as the Open Data Portal) in the direction of its activities in accordance with the frequency determined by the Schedule for this Open Data Set.

14. If the Coordinator finds an outdated Open Data Set posted on the Internet site or the Open Data Portal, sends a memo to the Information Provider about the need to update the Open Data Set. At the same time, the Information Provider is obliged to update the Open Data Set within two days from the date of receipt of the memo.

III. Peculiarities of Public Information Publication in Open Data Format and Formation of New Open Data Sets

15. Open data sets should be published on the Internet site, taking into account the requirements of the Open Data Portal for further automatic export.

16. Technical requirements for the submission of Open Data Sets in electronic form are approved by the Guidelines.

18. The frequency of updating Open Data Sets should not be less than once a year.

19. When generating new Open Data Sets, the Information Provider must provide for the function of automatically uploading publicly available information in open data formats to information systems Federal Tax Service of Russia, as well as take into account this function when expanding functionality information systems of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in accordance with the Temporary recommendations for the formation, direction and consideration of requirements for software AIS "Nalog-3", approved on December 1, 2016 by the Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia A.S. Petrushin, mandatory for use from 01/01/2017 (sent by letter of the Office information technologies dated 02.12.2016 No. 6-8-04/ [email protected]).

20. Requests and proposals for the formation of new Open Data Sets are sent by external consumers to the Coordinator in any way that allows to identify the sender of the request and contains the contact details of the external consumer for feedback purposes.

21. Upon receipt of requests and proposals from external consumers on the formation of new Open Data Sets, the Coordinator redirects requests and proposals to the Information Provider in the area of ​​activity to provide a conclusion on the possibility of forming these Open Data Sets.

22. The Information Provider, within a week from the date of receipt of the request or proposal from the Coordinator, sends an opinion to the Coordinator and the Content Manager on the request submitted by the Coordinator, and if such Open Data Sets are ready to be formed, the Information Provider initiates amendments to the Schedule and is guided by these Regulations. Next, the actions described in the Regulations are performed.

to the preparation and disclosure
public information in the format
open data in accordance with
principles of openness
approved by the Federal Tax Service of Russia
dated March 6, 2018 No. ММВ-7-17/ [email protected]

Open Dataset Passport

Characteristic Characteristic value
1 An identification number The identification number is indicated in the format provided for by the Methodological Recommendations
2 Data set name The name of the data set is indicated in the form in which the set is to be published, allowing you to determine the type of data contained in the set
3 Description of the dataset Specified a brief description of data set, which should not repeat the name of the data set. The description of the data set should be simple, understandable and as informative as possible about the content of the information in the data set.
4 Dataset owner Federal Tax Service of Russia
5 Responsible person Full name, position of the person responsible for sending an application for placing a data set on the Internet site
6 Responsible person's phone Specified contact number(in full) the responsible person indicated in the Passport
7 Address Email responsible person [email protected] address mailbox in Outlook, or another mail program, provided for use by employees of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the exchange of external data.
8 Hyperlink (URL) to the set
9 Data format The data format is specified (csv, xml, etc.)
10 Description of the dataset structure For example,
11 Date the dataset was first published
12 Last modified date The date is specified in the format DD.MM.YYYY
13 Content last change All changes that were made to the data set during a scheduled or unscheduled data update, related or not related to changing the structure of the data set, are indicated
14 Relevance date The date is specified in the format DD.MM.YYYY
15 Keywords, corresponding to the content of the data set Several keywords are indicated that can help search the dataset on the Internet, as well as on the Internet site.
16 Hyperlinks (URL) to previous releases of the dataset
17 Hyperlinks (URLs) to previous versions of the dataset structure
18 Guideline version The version of the methodological recommendations is indicated in the X.0 format, where X is a serial number indicated in Arabic numerals

Document overview

The procedure for preparing and disclosing publicly available information on the activities of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the open data format has been improved.

Open data refers to publicly available information and information about the activities of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, posted on the official website of the Service ( in a format that allows automated processing without prior human changes (machine-readable format), for repeated, free and free use.

The features of the publication of publicly available information in the format of open data and the formation of new sets of open data are determined. The frequency of updating open data sets is at least once a year.

on the publication of open data by state bodies and local governments and technical requirements to the publication of open data

(version 2.2)

I. General provisions

II. Defining lists of open data sets and prioritizing their publication

III. Technological infrastructure

IV. Technical requirements for publishing datasets

V. Terms of Use of Open Data

VI. Dataset Publishing Order

Annex 1. Description of the characteristics that should be included in the data set passport

Appendix 2. An example of a description of the structure of a data set

Annex 3. Requirements for the submission of dataset passports using the RDFa format

I. General provisions

1. This document has been prepared in pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 No. 601 "On the main directions for improving the public administration system". In accordance with subparagraph d) of paragraph 2 of the Decree, the Government of the Russian Federation was instructed until July 15, 2013 to provide access on the Internet to open data contained in the information systems of state bodies and local governments of the Russian Federation.

II.Defining lists of open data sets and prioritizing their publication

4. Publication in the form of open data is subject to information containing information on the activities of state bodies and local governments, posted on the Internet in accordance with the Federal Law of 01.01.01 "On providing access to information on the activities of state bodies and bodies local self-government”, as well as information containing information collected, stored, processed or published by state bodies or local self-government bodies in the exercise of their powers.

a) the demand for the relevant sets of open data by potential consumers of information, assessed in accordance with the methodological recommendations for determining the demand for and priority of disclosed data;

b) the degree of readiness, characterized by the availability of the necessary data in structured formats in in electronic format, as well as the readiness of organizational, technical, technological and other means necessary for the publication of open data sets;

c) publication costs (financial, time, labor) required to publish open data sets and keep them up to date.

Information that is in high demand and the degree of readiness, requiring at the same time minimal cost, should be published in the form of open data by state bodies and municipal authorities as a matter of priority.

In order to increase the degree of readiness of information for publication in the form of open data, state bodies and municipal governments are recommended when carrying out work on the design, creation or development automated systems establish appropriate requirements for such work, providing for the use of machine-readable open formats when collecting, processing, storing and publishing information.

When forming the register and sets of open data, it should be taken into account that:

b) for each data set, a person responsible for the content of a particular data set, its correctness, completeness and relevance should be identified;

c) for each data set, the frequency of updating should be established, taking into account the needs of users of information;

The formed register of open data is approved by the state body or local government and is subject to publication on the official website of the body on the Internet.

III. Technological infrastructure

5. Public data sets to be published or links to these data sets must be placed on the official websites of state bodies or local governments that own these data sets. To do this, websites must be prepared as follows:

a) a specialized page should be created on the website for publishing open data in machine-readable formats (hereinafter referred to as the open data page);

b) on home page The website must contain a visually recognizable hyperlink to an open data page labeled "Open Data";

c) the open data page must contain a registry of open data;

e) in order to make open data pages available to search robots, a link to the metadata catalog should be placed - permission in robots. txt, an indication in the sitemap. xml.

IV. Technical requirements for publishing datasets

Requirements for the name and identification number of the data set

6. The name of the data set used in the registers, passports and the open data page is selected as follows:

a) the name of the data set should reflect its content;

b) the name of the data set should not repeat the information contained in the identification number (code) of the data set (see below).

7. formed as follows:

a) identification number format:<код организации>.<порядковый номер набора данных>.<номер версии набора данных>

b) the organization code is a taxpayer identification number (TIN) corresponding to the state body, local government body or organization that published the data set.

c) the serial number of the set is unique and is assigned by the state body, local government or organization that published it, in accordance with the numbering in the open data registry, starting from 1;

d) the version number of the set is assigned by the state body, local government or organization that published it, starting from 1. The version of the set is considered new if the data in the set has changed, or the characteristics of the data set (passport) have changed.

Open data page requirements

8. The address of the open data page on the Internet (URL) must be formed according to the following template: "<адрес веб-сайта>/opendata/" or "<адрес веб-сайта>/opendata/”, if addresses in Cyrillic are used for addressing within the website.

The Open Data page should have the title "Open Data" and provide website users with:

2) statistical information about data sets opened by a state body or local government (their number, formats, etc.).

3) feedback (screen forms for feedback or links to screen forms for feedback), allowing website users to leave suggestions and feedback on the opening of government data, including errors found in data sets and their passports;

4) means of searching for data opened by a state body or local self-government body. If no more than 20 datasets are opened by a government agency or local government, such search tools are not required;

5) descriptions of the conditions for using data opened by a state body or local government (if such a description is not provided on the pages of data sets);

6) file representation of a list (register) of data sets opened by a state body or local government.

Requirements for publishing a registry of open data sets

9. The register of open data sets should be presented in HTML format or RDFa (Resource Description Framework in attributes metadata description model in accordance with W3C recommendations ( When visually presenting in HTML format, a file representation must be provided in the format - CSV (text format for the presentation of tabular data comma-separated values, in accordance with the specification, hereinafter the format CSV) or XML (Extensible Markup Language, in accordance with the W3C specification (, hereinafter XML format)

1) Representation of the registry of data sets in RDFa or HTML format on the page<адрес веб-сайта>/opendata/ for each dataset should include:

Sequence number of the data set;

2) When using the file representation of the registry in the format csv file should be located at<адрес веб-сайта>/opendata/opendatalist. csv" or "<адрес веб-сайта>/opendata/opendata registry. csv". The registry must contain an up-to-date list of all open data sets (names and links to the pages of these sets). Records for each of the data sets must be separated by a line feed. The data inside a data set record must be separated by the symbol ";" (semicolon). Inside each data field, the characters ";" (semicolon) and "newline" are not allowed.

3) When using the file representation of the registry in XML format, the XML format file must be located at "<адрес веб-сайта>/opendata/opendatalist. xml" or "<адрес веб-сайта>/opendata/opendata registry. xml".

Requirements for the open dataset page and open dataset passport

10. The title of the dataset page must match the name of the dataset. The dataset page should provide website users with:

1) information about the data set necessary and sufficient for its use (data set passport) - in the visual interface and in the form of a file for download;

2) a description of the conditions for using the data set (if such a description is not provided on the open data page);

3) the ability to immediately download data from the published set without the requirements for additional authorization, entering the Captcha code and other restrictions;;

4) feedback (screen forms for feedback in the form of comments, or links to screen forms for feedback), allowing website users to leave suggestions and feedback on the opening of government data, including on errors identified in data sets and their passports. Feedback, implemented on the dataset page, must ensure that the information entered by the user is bound to the corresponding dataset.

The page address of the open data set should be formed according to the following pattern: "<адрес веб-сайта>/opendata/<код организации>.<порядковый номер набора данных>.<номер версии набора данных>" or "<адрес веб-сайта>/opendata/<код организации>.<порядковый номер набора данных>.<номер версии набора данных>", if addresses in Cyrillic are used for addressing within the website.

Each version of the data set has its own separate page.

The open dataset page should contain information describing the open data in the form of a dataset passport.

The open data set passport must include the data listed in Annex 1.

The dataset passport must be represented in HTML or RDFa format.

When visually presented in HTML format, a file representation in CSV or XML format must be provided. The name and location of the file representation of the passport must match one of the following patterns:

1) <адрес страницы набора данных>/opendatameta. xml

2) <адрес страницы набора данных>/opendatameta. csv

The open data set passport displayed in the visual interface is recommended to be submitted using the RDFa format in accordance with the requirements given in Appendix 3.

Requirements for the presentation of open data sets

11. Requirements for published open data sets:

a) Open data should be published in CSV or XML formats. In the CSV format, it is recommended to publish data in a flat tabular form, while the content of the record does not allow the use of a newline character. Complex hierarchical data is recommended to be published in XML formats;

b) in case of significant volumes, frequent updates or the need to form specific samples, open data can be provided through a programming interface having a published specification; the software interface should provide the possibility of fully automatic (without human intervention) access to all the information in the data set;

c) the file of each version of the data set must have a permanent hyperlink generated according to the template: "<адрес веб-сайта>/opendata/<код организации>.<порядковый номер набора данных>.<номер версии набора данных>/<код организации>.<порядковый номер набора данных>.<номер версии набора данных>.csv" or "<адрес веб-сайта>/opendata/<код организации>.<порядковый номер набора данных>.<номер версии набора данных>/<код организации>.<порядковый номер набора данных>.<номер версии набора данных>.xml";

d) the number of stored versions of the data set is determined on the basis of resource capabilities for storage, taking into account the needs of users of the data set;

e) if the size of the data set exceeds 10 megabytes, it is recommended to archive it using an archiving algorithm that has an open standard specification;

f) along with the data published in the XML format, files of the structural description of the format in the form XSD Schemas(language for describing the XML structure of an XML Schema document, in accordance with the W3C recommendations http://www., hereinafter referred to as the XSD schema);

g) in case of providing access to the data set through the software interface, the page of the data set should contain Full description a software interface (specifications of protocols, data formats, primary parameters for accessing a service, etc.) sufficient to implement fully automatic access to a data set for a specialist with a programmer qualification;

h) to represent open data sets containing information from various subject areas, existing type data markup formats (, YMapsML, XAL, etc.) with a published specification should be used;

i) it is necessary to avoid changing the format of presentation of open data, as this complicates automatic data processing. In the event of a change in format, it is necessary to notify users, for example, by setting the value of the parameter "Content of last change" to "Data structure change" in the dataset passport.

V. Terms of Use of Open Data

12. When publishing open data sets on the page of the list of sets, there must be a description of the conditions for using the data or a link to it.

13. The terms of use should not require users to enter into an agreement with a government or local authority.

14. The terms of use should not restrict data users from using them for non-commercial and commercial purposes.

15. The terms of use must include the free provision of open data.

16. The terms of use must contain a requirement for a mandatory reference to a data set in projects using data from this data set.

18. The terms of use should not require registration and authorization on the site to be able to use open data.

VI. Dataset Publishing Order

19. Revealed data should be published in the following order:

a) a government or local government agency converts the dataset into a format in which the dataset is to be published;

b) the state body or local self-government body publishes a data set, adds the necessary information to the open data page of its website (including the register of open data sets published by the state body) and the page of the corresponding data set;

c) a state body or local government body checks the availability of the published data set for website users;

d) the state body or local government body sends a record of the published data set, unloaded from the register of data sets opened by the state body or local government body, as a file in CSV format, to the federal-level working group that maintains a unified register of open data;

e) working group federal level updates the unified register of open data, as well as other information about published sets of state data, which it maintains on a web page on the Internet to publish summary information about data opened by state bodies or local governments in machine-readable formats.

Attachment 1.
Description of the characteristics that should be included in the dataset passport.



Description Example

Identification number (code) of the data set

Code that uniquely identifies a data set, including its version

Data set name

Short name of the data set

List of MFCs

Description of the dataset

Extended description of the data set, reflecting its content and features that may be important to potential users

List of multifunctional centers for the provision of public services with address information and a list of services provided

Dataset owner

The organization that owns the dataset, publishes it, is responsible for maintaining it

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

Responsible person

Official in charge of opening this set(The surname, first name and reporting are indicated sequentially through a space; the position of the person is indicated through a comma),

deputy head of department

Responsible person's phone

Responsible person's phone

His email address

Hyperlink (URL) to a set

Data set address on the Internet

http://www. *****/opendata/.1.1/.1.1.xml

Data format

Description of the dataset structure

Description of each information field of the data set structure. For datasets represented in XML format-- XSD Schema XML file. For datasets in CSV format − text file containing the name and description of each field.

At the same time, the description of the structure of the data set must also contain a description (including in the form of links) of all directories and classifiers used to form the data set.

In the case of providing access to the data set through a software interface, a hyperlink to a page containing a description of such an interface is indicated.

http://www. *****/opendata/.1.1/.1.1.xsd

Date of first publication of the open dataset (in DD.MM.YYYY format)

The date the dataset was last modified (in the format DD.MM.YYYY)

Information about what exactly has changed in the dataset compared to its previous version. Selected from a limited list of values:

Changing the data structure

Elimination of the detected error

Dataset update

Making changes to the set passport.

Changing the data structure

The frequency with which the data set needs to be updated in order to keep it up to date. Selection from a limited list of values:

Periodic update (annually,

quarterly, monthly, daily)

By calendar date;

As changes are made (indicating the event and the date of data entry).


Keywords reflecting the content and features of the data set, by which users can find it on the site and in the registry

multifunctional center, address, contact person, working hours

An example of describing the structure of an open data set

Table name




Field type




Quantity decimal places

Link to another table
(table name and link field)

MFC addresses

MFC name

The official name of the MFC


150 characters

The address of the MFC point according to the given format

Formatted text field

300 characters

Phone number according to the given format

Formatted numeric field

10 characters

List of MFC services

MFC name

The official name of the MFC


150 characters

MFC Addresses / MFC Name

List of services provided

List of all services provided in this MFC

List of text strings

30 lines of 40 characters

Requirements for the submission of dataset passports
using RDF format

General information

RDFa (Resource Description Framework in attributes) - developed by a consortium world wide web (world wide Web Consortium - W3C) model for representing data, especially metadata through attributes software environments HTML, XHTML and XML.

These dataset passport submission requirements are based on the following standards:

b) RFC2413 - Recognized Internet Standard "Encoding Dublin Core Metadata in HTML";

c) GOST R 7.0.10-2010 - Russian standard "Set of metadata elements "Dublin core".

The following RDFa dictionaries are used to represent Open Data Passports:

a) foaf (Friend of a Friend) - "http:///foaf/0.1/" - to provide an object class;

b) dc (Dublin Core) - "" - to provide object properties (the "Qualified Dublin Core" edition is used, as it contains an extended list of properties).


Each open data set passport (in the visual interface) must be represented by an RDFa object with the obligatory indication of the class and type of the object and properties, each of which strictly corresponds to a specific value from the open data passport.

The object representing the passport of the open data set must have the class "Document" from the dictionary "foaf" (used as the "typeof" attribute, denotes the entity of the object that this object is a document) and the property "dc: type" with the value "OpendataMeta" - a special value identifying the document as an open data passport.

Correspondence of data from the passport of the open data set and properties from the Dublin Core dictionary is shown in the table:

Data from dataset passport

Dictionary properties "Dublin Core»

Identification number (code) of the data set

Data set name

Description of the dataset

Dataset owner

Responsible person

Responsible person's phone

Responsible person's email address

Data format

Description of the data structure

Date the dataset was first published

Last modified date

Frequency of data set updating

Keywords corresponding to the content of the dataset

The HTML markup of the Open Data Passport page must meet the following requirements:

a) the open data passport must have the HTML class "opendata-meta";

b) each information must include a serial number, name and value and must be marked with the class "opendata-meta-field";

c) the serial number of each information must be marked with the class "opendata-meta-field-id";

d) the title of each information must be marked with the class "opendata-meta-field-title";

e) the value of each information must be marked with the class "opendata-meta-field-value".
