Hamachi accounts. Unable to sign up for Hamachi

Application for creating virtual networks

Hamachi from LogMeIn is a convenient and easy-to-learn tool for creating private virtual networks. With its help, you can not only organize a kind of local network, but also get a completely legal "white" IP address. And if in the first case everything is quite clear - on the local network you can safely share files, play multiplayer games or open access to your devices, then we will have to decipher the second point a little. To date, many providers use only a few dozen "white" IP addresses in their network in order not to strain network equipment and not pay extra money for renting address space. For most users, they issue the so-called "gray" (internal) network addresses.

At this point, the problems begin: how to "get through" to the right user in such a network, how to go to him on the "ball" or how to connect to his game server? This is where the Hamachi program comes to the rescue, or rather, one of its capabilities is to provide the computer on which it is installed with a "white" IP address and, using its servers, broadcast it to the World Wide Web.

Well, we have dealt with the theory. Let's get down to practice and look at how to use Hamachi. According to the already established tradition, let's start with the process of installing the application.

1. Installing the program

The Hamachi installation package can be obtained in several ways: from our website, taken from third-party resources, or obtained from the official website of the program after registering. Naturally, we strongly advise you to use software only from trusted "suppliers", i.e. download it from our portal.

In any case, regardless of your choice, we would recommend registering on the page of the developer company. This will literally take a few minutes of your precious time, but will add many useful tools to your arsenal. We go to the page of the application developer and fill in the required fields:

Once you enter your personal information, you will be taken to the LogMeIn software download page:

And cunning developers will show you step by step how and what to do:

After that, you will see the summary page of the registered account, which displays the main features and characteristics of those installed using the LogMeIn software. connections: who established these connections, who connected, when it happened and for what purpose. Agree, it is convenient to always have such information at hand!

But back to the Hamachi program. So, you have downloaded the installation package from our website. What's next? Feel free to run it and follow the prompts of the installer:

Installing the application is more than banal, we will not stop at all its stages. We only emphasize that if you are not a fan of additional software, then at the point

do something like this, i.e. uncheck the agreements for installing obscure and incomprehensible applications))

Congratulations! Installation completed successfully!

It's time to start setting up the application.

2. Program setting

We launch the installed program using the shortcut that appears on the desktop and see that the Hamachi interface is completely Russified. For this, mentally add one more point to the developer's piggy bank))

As the main application window advises us, click the "Enable" button in the upper left corner:

We are asked to enter the name of the computer on which the program is installed. Enter. For example, "Laptop":

In the next step, Hamachi assigns us an external address, which is displayed to the right of the "Enable" button. Now we can start creating a new virtual network with a pure soul. Click "Create a new network"

and fill in the required fields of the network settings dialog:

After you finish entering the data and press the "Create" button, the icon of the created network and its network status will appear in the main application window - "online":

You can check the network settings of a new connection and its parameters through the standard "Network Connections" snap-in of the operating system. For example, if you are the owner of the "seven" (Windows 7), then do the following: go to the "Control Panel", go to the "Network and Sharing Center" tab and on the left click the link "Change adapter settings":

You should see something like this:

A new connection has appeared with the name "Hamachi" and the status "Connected".

This completes the configuration of the program in the mode of allocating a direct IP address. Now your friends and acquaintances can easily find your network resources or a game server on the Internet.

The same steps should be repeated for other computers that you plan to connect to a private virtual network or use for a joint multiplayer game.

Despite the efforts of the Hamachi developers to make this program as “friendly” and simple as possible, many users still have difficulty setting it up. By following the instructions below, you can easily set up Hamachi for play or work.

General Hamachi setup on Windows
In this article, we will look at how to set up Hamachi - the most up to date. The example demonstrates the setting Hamachi for Windows 7, since this OS is the most common today.

In general, Hamachi does not require any additional configuration, all you need is to install the program, run it, click on the “power on” button (Fig. 1).

After that, you need to connect to the network of interest by clicking "connect to an existing network" (Fig. 2) or "network" -> "connect to an existing network" (Fig. 3).

A network details window will appear in front of you, where you will need to enter the network ID and password (Fig. 4).

If there are enough free slots in the network, you will connect and see a window with a list of participants (Fig. 5).

Hamachi asks for registration, what should I do?
If Hamachi is launched on your PC for the first time, or information about previous launches is corrupted, the program will display an authorization error message (Fig. 6).

In this case, you need to either register for free in the LogMenIn system (Fig. 7), or log in if you already have a LogMenIn account.

What to do if Hamachi won't connect?
First, you should check if everything is in order with the network you are interested in. To do this, enter “hamachi test network” into the search engine and try to connect using any details that appear in the search results.

If Hamachi does not connect to any network, click "system" -> "options" (Fig. 9).

Select the lowest item on the left panel - "Parameters", find "Encryption" there and set the type to "Any" (Fig. 10).

Then click the “Additional settings” item located at the bottom of the window (Fig. 11).

If you are not using a proxy server, set the corresponding attribute with the "no" flag (Fig. 12).

Please note that when using a proxy, connection problems may be caused by it.

Then resolve names using the mDNS protocol (Fig. 13).

Disable traffic filtering by selecting the "allow all" flag in the corresponding field (Fig. 14).

Enable the presence in the Hamachi virtual network (Fig. 15).

Confirm the changes made (fig.16).

Close the program and enter it again.

If the above does not help, try temporarily disabling your antivirus.
Also sometimes Hamachi won't connect due to the firewall blocking it.
To turn it off, click " Start» -> Control Panel -> Firewall-> Enabling and disabling the Firewall
(Fig. 17) (Fig. 18) (Fig. 19) (Fig. 20)

Setting up Hamachi through a router
Sometimes the source of the problem is not an incorrect Hamachi setting or an overly “vigilant” Antivirus, but the port through which your router broadcasts.

Open two arbitrary free ports in the settings of your router (each specific router model has its own specifics for opening ports - see the instructions). Then configure Hamachi to use them by setting the local TCP address and local UDP address attributes in the already familiar "advanced settings" window (Fig. 21).

After that, restart the router and restart Hamachi. An important point - when "forwarding" ports, do not mix up the addresses for TCP and UDP protocols!

Special cases of setting up Hamachi
It is worth noting that gamers often use this program to build gaming networks, as well as various organizations to create corporate file sharing systems. In such cases, you should strictly follow the instructions of the gaming community or your company. However, at the same time, you must understand that by deciding to download and install a third-party unofficial distribution of Hamachi, you endanger the security of your PC - unless absolutely necessary, refrain from connecting to such networks.

How to set the language in Hamachi?
Unfortunately, there is no option to choose a language in the program. In order not to run after the dictionary, it is enough that you have the Russian version of Hamachi. If for some reason you need a different language - reinstall the program, after downloading the localization of "hamsters" corresponding to the language you are interested in.

notice, that Hamachi official website provides an opportunity to download only the English version of Hamachi. We can.

In order to be able to establish a direct network connection with another subscriber, Hamachi provides each user with a unique permanent external ip-address, which will later be used as the main means of connection.

Hamachi interface

Despite the apparent external complexity, setting up and using the Hamachi utility is quite easy, because this program has a terribly simplified, well-thought-out and intuitive interface.

Registering an account with Hamachi

After downloading and installing / installing the program on a computer, for starters, it needs register. Create a username/password for yourself, register and enter the program. Now, all you have to do is add some networks to Hamachi to find other users. After that, you can chat with them about the game, file transfer, etc.

Creating your own network in Hamachi

In Hamachi, you can easily create your own network in order, for example, to let only certain people go there, as well as fully manage it (delimit the statuses and access rights of users) and control all subscribers. To do this, click on the option "Create a new network" in the central window of the program or on the control panel in the column "Net". Give it a name (network ID) and a password (more than three characters are required!). After that, you must provide this data to all users that you want to see in it. Use icq, skype, e-mail or just post a message on the forum or in the comments on some site. There are actually quite a few options on how to notify the right people! As soon as they receive the login / password from your network, they will immediately be able to join it. To contact them, both group and personal chat will be available. In addition, you will see the external ip-address of each of them, which you will later use to establish a connection.

Connecting to Third Party Networks in Hamachi

Today, there are many different Hamachi networks on the Internet dedicated to different games and the like. They are easy to find on all kinds of gaming sites and portals. All you need to connect to any of them is your login (network ID) and password! Find a site, look at the network you like, launch Hamachi, click in the central window of the program or in the "Network" column on the option "Connect to an existing network", correctly enter (or better copy and paste!) login / password to it and, go ahead! The local public must have been waiting for you! In a third-party network, you will have access to almost the same functions (personal and group chat, file transfer, viewing data about other subscribers), with the exception of those that its admin and moderators have, as well as certain restrictions set by them (if any).

How to play with Hamachi

So, you did everything right and the program is installed, configured, networks created / added, players are waiting ... A natural question arises: "But how to play through Hamachi ?!"

Everything is extremely simple. To begin with, through the chat, agree on a game with one of the opponents. Then, without turning off Hamachi, both players start the game on their computers, enter the network mode (in each game it can be called differently: "multiplayer", "team game", "network game", "online game", etc.) and select the game option "local network" (it can also be called differently in different games). Further (by agreement in advance), one player creates a server, and the second gamer connects to it, driving in the required fields the login and ip-address of the opponent, which are in Hamachi. As you can see, it couldn't be easier! However, do not forget to take into account that both players must have installed the same version of the game(taking into account the options and modifications of repacks, patches and additions), otherwise there may be problems with the connection and the game!

Some problems with Hamachi

Like any network program, Hamachi may experience certain problems when working. Try to fix them by doing the following.

1) Connection failures often occur if users have different versions of the program. Try updating to one version or installing the latest.

2) Disable while playing antiviruses and firewalls(including the firewall on the router / router) or add Hamachi to them in "Exceptions".

3) Disable Firewall in Windows(successively press Start --> Control Panel --> system and safety --> Windows Firewall) or disable Hamachi restrictions in it.

4) In Windows 7 and Vista you need make Hamachi network "Home network"(open Control Panel --> Network and Internet--> " and look at the Hamachi network icon, it should show a house that says "Home network", if it's not, select the home network option).

5) To troubleshoot connection issues, you need to increase hamachi network priority(open sequentially Control Panel --> Network and Internet --> Network and Sharing Center --> Change adapter settings --> Network connections--> click alt, to call function menu --> Additionally --> Extra options--> mouse click on Hamachi and click the green arrow on the right to move Hamachi to the top).

Registration in Hamachi occurs using two methods. For this, the program or the direct official website of the manufacturer Logmein can be used.

The first way to register in Hamachi

The Hamachi program will need to be downloaded, and then installed and launched. Try to try to establish a connection to any network. On the screen, the program will issue a warning about logging into your account or registering, because without this the system will not let you into the network.

You will need to click the "Register" button, and then enter a valid email address in the window that opens. This is necessary in order to confirm the information and create a secure password.

After you click on the "Create an account" item, you will need to open your mail and follow the link to confirm that you are not a bot. You can consider that everything is ready!

The second way to register in Hamachi

You can register with Logmein Hamachi through the official website.

A window will open in front of you, in which you should enter your own mail, subject, come up with a password and click on the "Create an account" item.

Now you can safely move on to further actions, because everything is ready!

You may be interested in:

  • How to increase slots in Hamachi
  • Error: "Unable to verify digital signature of Hamachi drivers"
  • We solve problems with creating a network adapter in Hamachi

Instructions and settings. Arcanum: network game on the Internet.

Instructions for Hamachi (Hamachi): installation and configuration. Hamachi: how to use?

What is Hamachi?

(Hamachi) is a program that allows you to create a virtual local area network over the Internet. In this case, you can use all (almost) LAN features (Shared documents, games over the network [including those with a “non-official” CD-key or an installed crack], etc.). I note that the speed of the network will not exceed the speed of your Internet.

Download Hamachi

Hamachi (Hamachi): What is it for?

In order to allocate you an external IP address (if you don’t have one, for some reason).

Let's take a closer look at the program. Hamachi. I hope you have already downloaded, installed and launched it. (To view a screenshot, click on the preview, picture on the right.)

Hamachi (Hamachi): How to use?

First, let's decide who will connect to whom. Important: Hamachi must be installed on both players. Any player can create a network by agreement (as you wish). For example, you decide to create a network, then:

Select the button create a network, select the item Create a new network.

Enter the name of the network (any name) and enter the password (more than three characters). Click the Create button (screenshot on the right).

The network will be created, its name will appear in the network window (picture on the left).

Nothing else is required of you, you just tell your opponent network name and password(which you came up with / entered into Hamachi).

The opponent enters this data and connects to your network. Its IP address and name will be shown below your network name (as a list).

The connection process was successful, now if you want to be a server (i.e. you create a game, and an opponent connects to you), then he enters your "virtual" IP address in fife. Probably there is no need to explain that your “virtual” IP address is displayed by the opponent as a connected user.

Accordingly, if the opponent tells you to connect to him and gives you his settings, then you must do the following:

Select the button Create a network, select the item Sign in to an existing network(picture on the left).

Enter the name of the network that the opponent will say, as well as the password. Click the Login button (picture on the right).

You appear in the Hamachi list as a connected user.

P.s. Any player can be a server! The main thing is that you know the hamachi ip address!

Hamachi setup successfully completed!

Enjoy the game!

To get the address and password of the subnet of the Arcanum Club, you need to register on the Forum and leave a request in the "Official" network of the Arcanum Club. In the same Forum topic, you can ask questions about setting up and installing Hamachi, get acquainted with updates, additions and other information on the network game
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura (however, in our network there are "network battles" of different games, not only Arcanum).

FAQ on setting up Hamachi for those who do not see the host and are invisible themselves

It is obligatory for reading and execution (because it is in your own interests).

1. After installing and creating your own network, first of all, you need to cut off the firewall or allow Hamachi in it. You need to disable this muck through the "control panel / administration / services" find the firewall there, open the properties and put "disabled" in the "startup type" menu.

2. Then open the "Network Connections" folder through the same control panel, and in it, through the "advanced" menu, the "advanced options" window. There will be a list of connections on the top left. in this list, you need to raise it to the very top using the arrow button.

3. In the "Network Connections" folder, open the hamachi connection properties. In the "components used by this connection" list, select "TCP / IP Internet Protocol" and click "Properties". On the first tab, click the “Advanced” button, in the window that appears there is a list of “main gateways”, click on the “add” button below it and enter “”, uncheck the “automatic metric assignment” and write the metric “1500” (in the on the official hamachi forum it is written that it will work with the automatic value, but I did it and everything works).

Everything, click ok, save the changes, reboot, check.

Naturally, you need to configure the firewall. If it's weak, turn it off.

Setting up tunnels

The Super Moderator of the Arkankm-Club Forum is Saruman. Addition.

Practice and tests of Arcanum on the network show that:

  • there are cases of individual incompatibility between peers in the hamachi network;
  • Encryption and data compression affect the speed and buggy of the network game in a negative way.

To fix these problems and improve the quality of the game, you need to do the following:

1. Open the Hamachi settings window by left-clicking on the gear button.

2. In the Window window, check the Show “Advanced…” peer menu item checkbox.

3. Open the Tunnel Configuration menu by right-clicking and selecting Anvanced on any peer.

4. Set the parameters Encryption and Compression to "off" and confirm by pressing "OK" all the settings.

5. Make this setting for each peer (player) of the network.
