What is a gyroscope in a smartphone and why? A gyroscope in a phone - what it is and how the device works, in which smartphone models it is installed

#Phone_sensors #Tablet_sensors
Availability of many sensors in modern mobile devices, this is a known fact, but how many there are and what these sensors are used for is a mystery. Many manufacturers indicate only the main well-known sensors in phones, like accelerometer, gyroscope And proximity sensor. But the vast majority of manufacturers write little at all about the sensors used and other electronics that their device is stuffed with.
We decided to clarify the situation with smartphone and tablet sensors. The purpose of the article is to tell what types of sensors there are, what they serve, in what devices they can be found and how.

They are called sensors various devices, reading additional information. These solutions make working with a phone, tablet or other gadget more convenient and add functionality to the device.

The presence of many sensors in modern mobile devices is a known fact, but how many there are and what these sensors are used for is a mystery. Many manufacturers list only the basic well-known sensors, such as the accelerometer, gyroscope and proximity sensor. But the vast majority of manufacturers write little at all about the sensors used and other electronics that their device is stuffed with.

We decided to clarify the situation with smartphone and tablet sensors. The purpose of the article is to tell what types of sensors there are, what they serve, in what devices they can be found and how.

Basic sensors in smartphones and tablets


(accelerometer, orientation sensor, acceleration sensor)– the simplest sensor that can be found in any smartphone or tablet. It is mainly used to register the rotation of the smartphone from portrait to landscape orientation. Often, the accelerometer is called G-Sensor. In general, the accelerometer records the difference between the acceleration of an object and gravitational acceleration along three axes. The electronics then calculate the difference, draw conclusions and send a signal software- when and in which direction to turn the screen. It follows from this main drawback accelerometer - if there is no acceleration or it is not great, then the accelerometer stops registering the device’s position in space or does so with a large error. This negatively affects the accuracy of device control, for example, in games or when controlling a quadcopter. This is where the next sensor comes to the rescue.


(gyroscope)– also serves to record the position of the device in space, but, unlike the accelerometer, it can record the angle of inclination along three axes of even a stationary device. Using a gyroscope in games increases accuracy, since developers will have access to information about the deviation of the device in degrees with an error of only 1-2 degrees. Many people believe that even inexpensive smartphones and tablets are equipped with a gyroscope. However, our experiment showed that inexpensive smartphones and tablets cannot boast of having a gyroscope - only an accelerometer. Here are a few smartphones and tablets where the gyroscope could not be detected:

We also did not find a gyroscope in

And here is where the notorious sensor is:

We also discovered a gyroscope in,. And there is no doubt that a gyroscope and a solid set of other sensors are contained in TOP solutions like, and other best modern smartphones.

Surprisingly, in the LG G4S and Asus FonePad 8 (which we already wrote about -) the gyroscope is not visible in the list of sensors, but there are plenty of auxiliary sensors:

In fairness, it should be noted that the auxiliary sensors, which we discussed at the very end of the article, can offset the absence of a gyroscopic sensor, but, we believe, not completely.

Geomagnetic sensor

(geomagnetic field sensor, magnetometer)– a sensor that responds to magnetic fields land. With its help you can determine the cardinal directions, which is why it is often called an electronic compass. In particular, the presence of such a sensor will greatly help devices without GPS module determine the location (not without WiFi assistance and towers cellular communication, of course). The magnetometer is one of the key sensors, which, together with the accelerometer and gyroscope, allows developers to use the device to its full potential. Sometimes, to further improve accuracy, additional hardware sensors with similar but simplified functionality are added, such as the Geomagnetic Rotation vector sensor. Naturally, the magnetometer can be used for its intended purpose: as a metal detector, to search for wiring in walls, as a compass - look for what you need in app stores.

Some smartphone apps that use a geomagnetic sensor

Proximity sensor

(proximity sensor)– the sensor allows you to determine the object in front of you and the distance to it. It is an infrared emitter and receiver. When no radiation arrives at the receiver, there is no object, and when it does, the object from which the beam is reflected exists. This sensor makes it possible to turn off the display when you bring your ear close to the smartphone to make a call. Advanced versions of the sensor are used as a gesture sensor - the smartphone can recognize certain hand gestures and perform a given action. In some cases, a proximity sensor can be used to turn off the display when using a case (a cheap alternative to a Hall sensor).

Light sensor

(light sensor, light sensor)– allows you to calculate the level of external illumination. A smartphone or tablet with a light sensor can independently increase or decrease the brightness level of the screen backlight, which is very convenient, since adjusting the brightness several times a day is not the most pleasant experience. In TOP smartphones and tablets, an advanced version of the light sensor can be used - an RGB sensor, which is capable of capturing the intensity of primary colors (red, green and blue) for further customization pictures on the display or to adjust the balance for photography. Such a sensor can be found in Galaxy Note 3, for example. And in Galaxy Note 4, the functionality of the light sensor has expanded to measure not only in the visible range, but also in ultraviolet. This ultraviolet sensor can measure the level of radiation and determine the time of day suitable for tanning.

Conclusion on the main sensors

So, if a smartphone or tablet has only an accelerometer, it means that this device is in the lowest price range and can only “rotate the screen.” This is the lot of cheap smartphones and tablets. Of course, there is a possibility that the manufacturer did not provide sane information about the types of sensors used - in this case, you need to start reading reviews in which the hardware of the device is studied in detail using System applications Info for Android, for example.

The presence of an accelerometer, geomagnetic sensor, proximity and light sensor on a smartphone indicates that it is sufficiently equipped, but it is still not very good for controlling a quadcopter or games where tilt/rotate control is assigned to the user moving the smartphone. A gyroscope solves this problem - devices with a gyroscope accurately track the slightest deviations.

The presence of all of the above sensors, a large set of auxiliary sensors (discussed at the end of the article) and most of the sensors listed below indicate that this is an advanced device, the use of which will be a pleasure, and its capabilities will exceed all your expectations - this is best tablets and smartphones.

Sensors in expensive smartphones and tablets

Hall sensor

(Hall sensor)– picks up a magnetic field, like a magnetometer, but has a simple principle of operation, that is, it reacts only to field enhancements, and does not record tension along the axes. Used for using Smart Cover type covers - allows you to turn off the screen when the magnet built into the cover approaches it. This sensor is rarely indicated by manufacturers, so pay attention to the available accessories for a smartphone or tablet - if there is a “smart case” among them, then a Hall sensor is present.


(pressure sensor)– a sensor that measures atmospheric pressure. It can be used both for its intended purpose and as an assistant to GPS/GLONASS modules to speed up the determination of the device’s location and altitude above sea level (altimeter).


(ambient temperature sensor)– ambient temperature sensor. It first appeared on the Galaxy S4 to improve the performance of the S-Health application, but is now used in many other expensive smartphones.

Humidity sensor

(hygrometer)– also first appeared in the Galaxy S4 as an extension of the S-Health functionality.


(pedometer, step detector)– the self-explanatory name of the sensor hints that it determines whether a person has stepped or not. This is truly a separate sensor that allows you to more accurately detect steps and reduce the load on the accelerometer, which is the pedometer in most smartphones without a dedicated sensor. To help the pedometer, a Step Counter sensor and even a pedestrian activity motion sensor are sometimes added - a step counter and a pedestrian activity sensor (probably estimates the pace of walking). Such a sensor is found, for example, in the LG Nexus 5 and Galaxy Note 3.

Fingerprint scanner

(fingerprint sensor, Touch ID)– a sensor that reads a unique fingerprint pattern. It’s strange to see a fingerprint scanner in an article about sensors - it would be better to include it in the section of an article about ensuring device security. However, this sensor can rightfully be considered one of the most important sensors in a modern smartphone. With its help, you can not only secure your smartphone, but also use it to open certain applications or confirm a payment.

Retinal scanner

(retina scanner)– a unique retina reader, this is the first place on the security pedestal. Such a sensor has been around for a long time, but it practical implementation So far, it has not been noticed in smartphones or tablets.

Heart rate sensor

(pulse meter, heart rate monitor)– first appeared in the Galaxy S5 so that the smartphone finally became a full-fledged personal trainer. The S-Health application began to receive more data about a person before, during and after training and was able to provide more accurate personal recommendations.

is a completely unique sensor that brings the smartphone into the league of medical equipment. Appeared in the Galaxy Note 4 and is combined with a heart rate sensor. Again, tailored to S-Health app, but may work with other applications if they become available.


- determines the dose of ionizing radiation or its power. In other words, the radioactive background can be measured. We have not seen a device with a built-in dosimeter in real life, but they say that in Japan there is a Pantone 5 smartphone equipped with this sensor. We're not surprised.

Auxiliary sensors that can be found in many smartphones and tablets

Sometimes, to further improve accuracy, additional hardware sensors with similar but simplified functionality are added (you may have seen them in the screenshots above).

  • Orientation sensor - auxiliary orientation sensor;
  • Gravity sensor - indicates the direction and magnitude of gravity;
  • Linear acceleration sensor - indicates acceleration along each of the three axes, not taking into account the magnitude of gravity;
  • Rotation vector sensor - indicates the angle at which the device deviated when rotating around one of the three axes;
  • Game rotation vector sensor - the same as Rotation vector, but without taking into account the geomagnetic field;
  • Motion detector sensor - a motion sensor that detects some specified movements, such as shaking;
  • Gestures sensor - auxiliary gesture detection sensor;
  • Facing sensor - auxiliary face tracking sensor;
  • Double-Tap sensor - only tracks double clicks on the screen. It is used, among other things, in LG smartphones to unlock the device using the screen;
  • Screen orientation sensor - monitors only the rotation of the screen, not the entire device.

There are probably other sensors, but only developers know the secrets of their use. operating systems and other software.

The gyroscope in the phone first appeared with iPhone release 4. Thus, in mobile devices again introduced additional hardware. Now smartphones can not only determine their geographic location, orientation in space and automatically expand photos for easy viewing. Thanks to another innovation, the devices have also learned to detect rotation (for example, if the user is on an office chair that can rotate in different directions). As a result functionality smartphones have expanded even more.

What is a gyroscope?

An accelerometer can measure linear acceleration relative to a coordinate system. This is used to determine the orientation of the phone. As a result of this innovation, many new ones appeared in due time. useful functions. Depending on the orientation of the phone user interface(UI) can automatically rotate in portrait or landscape mode. Thanks to this, new opportunities for creating mobile games have emerged.

Nowadays, it's hard to imagine a racing game for a smartphone that doesn't support an accelerometer. Each time the car needed to be turned, a specific button on the touch screen had to be pressed. Accelerometer calibration failed gameplay on new level, because now we can make turns by tilting the mobile device. Thanks to this innovation, many popular games were created.

But why does a phone need a gyroscope if it already has an accelerometer? In fact, the accelerometer only measures the linear acceleration of the device, while the gyroscope determines its orientation. In fact, it can record its movement in space, including vertical and horizontal rotation.

Those who are interested in what a gyroscope is in a smartphone will be interested in learning about it. practical application. To understand the principle of operation of this device, you need to imagine the game Counter-Strike, which was transferred to mobile platform. In these games we have to move in all directions. Without gyroscope support, we would need to swipe touch screen to be able to move in the right direction. As a result, after some time the user would come to the conclusion that the game control was implemented unsuccessfully.

With the introduction of the gyroscope, the gameplay became more enjoyable. Now the user can simply move the phone in space to control the game. The gyroscope will detect your movement and the smart system will understand what you want to do. Now the player does not need to use his fingers to control walking and aiming. Instead, you can focus on shooting by tapping the touch screen.

To control such games, you can use the accelerometer and built-in compass, but in this case, accuracy and smoothness suffer greatly. Thanks to the gyroscope, it is possible to make game control as close as possible to game consoles and PCs. As far as hardware is concerned, mobile phones devices based on MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) are used. Below we will consider as examples popular phones with gyroscope.

Apple first introduced the new invention with its introduction in the iPhone 4. When the company installed an accelerometer on its first generation phone, it immediately gained worldwide fame. As a result, it was installed new trend, and every smartphone manufacturer was eager to implement this innovation on their devices. Then history repeated itself, because the gyroscope also became an object of envy among competitors. Mobile device users were delighted when Steve Jobs demonstrated the capabilities of the iPhone 4. As a result, many interesting games with a gyroscope appeared in the app store.


Mobile phones are becoming more complex every year. To count the number of all sensors built into modern smartphones, the fingers of both hands may not be enough. Gyroscope in a phone - what kind of sensor is it, how does it work, what is its application, is it possible to turn off this device? These questions will be discussed for those who want to have a good understanding of their smartphone.

What is a gyroscope

Yula, aka the top, is a famous toy. When rotating rapidly, it remains stable at one point of support. This simple device is the simplest example of a gyroscope - a device that responds to changes in the orientation angles of the body on which it is installed in three planes. The term was first used by the French physicist and mathematician Jean Foucault.

Gyroscopes are classified by the number of degrees of freedom and by the principle of operation (mechanical and optical). Vibration gyro sensors, a subtype of mechanical ones, are widely used in mobile devices. The use of GPS navigation has overshadowed the original function of gyroscopes - to help with orientation, but this technology is still indispensable in modern models phones.

Difference from accelerometer

Modern mobile gadgets often have both of these devices installed. The key difference between a gyroscope and an accelerometer and other sensors lies in the very principle of operation of these devices. The first determines its own angle of inclination relative to the ground, and the second is capable of measuring linear acceleration. The advantage of an accelerometer is that knowing the acceleration allows you to accurately calculate the distance the device has been moved.

In practice, both devices can both replace and complement each other. In fact, both of them only record their position relative to the earth's surface. Like a gyroscope, an accelerometer can transmit acceleration information to the smartphone on which it is installed. Both sensors are often used; they interact well. The table contains key features devices.

Operating principle

In simple words, a gyroscope is a top that quickly rotates around a vertical axis, mounted on a frame that can rotate around a horizontal axis, and mounted on another frame that rotates around a third axis. No matter how we turn the top, it always has the opportunity to still be in a vertical position. The sensors record the signal of how the top is oriented relative to the frames, and the processor receives information and reads with high accuracy how the frames in this case should be positioned relative to gravity.

What is a gyroscope in a smartphone?

Modern mobile devices are mostly equipped with gyroscopes. They are also called gyro sensors. This element of the smartphone works on a permanent basis, autonomously, and does not require calibration. This device does not need to be turned on, but some phones have a shutdown feature to save energy. It is made in the form of a microelectromechanical circuit located under the smartphone body.

What is it for?

The introduction of gyro sensor technology into mobile devices has significantly expanded their functionality and added new way device management. For example, simply shaking the phone will allow you to answer incoming call. Changing the screen orientation by tilting the smartphone is also implemented thanks to gyro sensors; This device provides camera stabilization. In the Calculator app, simply rotating the screen 90 degrees opens additional features programs.

The gyro sensor has greatly simplified the use of maps built into smartphones. If a person turns his device “facing” towards, say, a specific street, then this will be displayed on the map with high accuracy. Good smartphone with gyroscope provides pairing interesting opportunities for mobile gaming. Driving a virtual car becomes incredibly realistic when you use your smartphone's turns to drive the car. In technology virtual reality head turns are tracked using gyro sensors.

How does a gyroscopic sensor work?

In a gyro sensor there are two masses moving in opposite directions. When angular velocity appears, the mass is acted upon by a Coriolis force directed perpendicular to their motion. There is a displacement of the masses by an amount proportional to the applied speed. The distance between the moving and stationary electrodes changes, which leads to a change in the capacitance of the capacitor and the voltage on its plates, and this is an electrical signal. Such electronic signals are recognized by the gyro sensor.

How to find out if your smartphone has a gyroscope

An easy way is to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the device on the manufacturer’s official website. If there is a gyro sensor, this will definitely be indicated. Some manufacturers are silent about whether the phone has a gyroscope, not wanting to waste space on it. They can be understood - everyone is now trying to make the phone lighter and thinner. In such cases they will help third party applications.

YouTube has a whole section of videos that can be rotated 360 degrees. If you can control such video by turning your smartphone, then the gyroscope is working. You can also install the AnTuTu Benchmark application, which performs a full diagnostic of your device. There you will find a line about the presence or absence of a gyroscope.

Which phones have a gyroscope?

The first smartphone to have a gyro sensor was the iPhone 4. Buyers reacted positively to this innovation and since then, phones with a gyroscope have begun to fill the market. All subsequent versions Apple smartphones were equipped with gyro sensors. In this regard, it is a little more difficult for owners of Android devices, fortunately, you can ask a consultant about the presence of a sensor before purchasing, or check it yourself. The gyroscope on your phone is an important bonus.


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A gyroscope is a device that is capable of responding to changes in the orientation angles of the body on which it is installed relative to the inertial reference system. The simplest example gyroscope - spinning top toy.

The gyroscope is believed to have been created by German astronomer and mathematician John Bonenberger in 1817, although there are other accounts that list Bonenberger as the creator of the device as early as 1813.

Gyroscopes are used in shipping, astronautics, aviation, household appliances, toys, etc. Of course, the gyroscope is also used in mobile devices.

There is an opinion that a gyroscope is the same as a gyroscope, but this is not at all true. If the latter measures the projection of apparent acceleration, then the gyroscope records the position of the object in space relative to three planes. However, these two devices perform similar functions: the gyroscope is responsible for small movements in any plane, while the accelerometer is responsible for rotating the display. Be that as it may, if both of these devices are installed in your device, it reacts much better and faster to various movements.

What is a gyroscope for?

The gyroscope is used for various purposes. For example, many devices have the ability to use various functions by shaking. For example, by shaking you can answer a call or change the song in the player.

Of course, the gyroscope is also used in games. And although the accelerometer plays most of the role, together with the gyroscope the game becomes much more interesting due to the realistic picture when entering a turn at virtual machine similar to driving a real car.
