What is conversion in sales? Definition, formula and calculation example. Marketing strategy

One of the main indicators of an online store is its conversion. It is to this that special attention must be paid when carrying out business activities.

To do this, you need to understand all the nuances of its calculation and the factors that directly or indirectly influence it. Only in this case will it be possible to influence this indicator, improving profits and developing your business.

What is online store conversion and why is it needed?

Online store conversion is the ratio of the number of orders to the total number. That is, this indicator is calculated as a percentage of purchases made from the number of people who visited the site. In general, the following formula for calculation can be determined:

Number of purchases x 100% / Number of visitors

Often, for convenience, the conversion of an online store is calculated as a percentage, which is why the result is multiplied by 100%.

For medium-sized businesses, the low figure is 1-2%, while for retail outlets it is 3-4%.

This means that if the conversion exceeds these values, the profit is not minimal. At the same time, you need to try to increase this indicator as much as possible, since it directly affects the earnings of the company as a whole.

As an example of calculating conversion, you can take a certain Internet resource, the number of visitors over a period of time was 1000 people, and the number of orders was only 25. This means that the conversion rate in this case is 25 x 100% / 1000 = 2.5% . This value is not critical, but it is not very high, so the site owner should take care of increasing it.

The conversion rate is sufficient important parameter assessing the company's performance. Therefore, it should always be taken into account, since it shows the real parameters of sales. Focusing only on the number of visitors is the wrong strategy.

What determines the conversion of an online store?

There are quite a lot of factors that, one way or another, affect the conversion rate of an online store. At the same time, correcting individual reasons does not lead to a significant increase in the number of sales, which is why work on the increase must be carried out comprehensively and comprehensively.

The most important factors are reviews on its pages, visualization of content, cost of delivery of goods, as well as the number of ways to pay for services.

Site speed

Besides that slow work a web resource or its periodic unavailability interfere with its normal viewing, and these factors also affect the trust of users in it. In some cases, this can lead to a significant decrease in online store conversion.

Therefore, it is very important to choose the right one so that when traffic increases, there are no interruptions in the operation of the web resource. This often happens before the holidays or on the eve of a long weekend. Long loading time can make customers more irritable and provoke them to look for other purchasing methods. In addition to the hosting itself, attention should also be paid to caching and database optimization.


The item regarding reviews is quite important for an online store. They can be directed both towards the company itself and towards individual services or goods it provides.

Recently, an increasing number of people have been paying attention to reviews, since they can provide more detailed information that the company selling the products does not indicate. If there are no reviews on the site, then the visitor will most likely go to another resource to get them, which may entail purchasing a product from competitors. This factor does not affect all categories of online stores, but for some of them it is quite significant.

Reviews about the company itself are always more significant, especially if it is represented in very popular price lists of companies such as Yandex. Market.

The more positive reviews about a site on such resources are, the higher its conversion rate will be.


For stores carrying out sales, it is very important factor is the visualization of your content. This is due to the fact that when giving their money for something, the client wants to get more information about it, as well as see what he can get in the end. Without appropriate good and high-quality products, a site visitor is unlikely to decide to order what he needs.

Delivery cost

This is due to the fact that not all customers agree to pay a large amount for the products they have chosen to be delivered, since there are much better offers alternative ways purchases.

That is why, if goods in a store have different prices, it is worth carrying out a certain gradation of the delivery price so as not to scare away potential customers, thereby reducing conversion. It is worth remembering that site visitors simply need to go to competitors’ resources and order products there if they have a lower delivery cost.

Number of payment methods

Very often, site visitors can make payments in one or two ways. If they are not on the resource, then there is almost a 100% guarantee that they will go to competitors to look for the necessary goods.

The more payment methods there are on a site, the greater the chance that a potential customer will use the most suitable one.

This in turn will affect the increase in store conversion.

Quite often, customers do not trust prepayment of the order, so the possibility of paying by cash on delivery upon receipt of the goods significantly increases the conversion rate. This is related to a large number scammers on the Internet and increased selectivity of people when making purchases.

is a search robot that transfers site indexing parameters to robots search engines.

To quickly get into the Dmoz catalog, you need to undergo a paid registration in the Yandex system catalog. Read what could be the reasons for an application being rejected.

The promotion of a web resource depends on TIC and PR. In ours you will learn how to increase these indicators.

Reasons for refusals

There are quite a lot of reasons for refusals to make a purchase, so it is worth understanding them in order to prevent them from operating an online store. Experience working on these web resources shows that quite often potential customers go to competitors due to lack of information, product prices, bad work manager and poor design of the online store.


The more detailed information is present on the website about a product or service, the more informative the buyer can make a decision. This is important because when you give your money for something,
a person wants to be thoroughly familiar with it so that he can compare all the functions and advantages with its cost. If a visitor to an online store has to go to other resources to find information about a product, there is a high probability that he will make a purchase on another site.

Product price

Market relations imply a certain competition in different areas. The rules of economics say that the client gives preference to a cheaper product that matches its quality. That is why too high a price can lead to a refusal to purchase.

In addition, it is also very annoying for site visitors to indicate incorrect information - the advertisement may say one thing, but in reality it turns out that the payment is slightly higher than expected at the beginning.

Manager's job

Poor and incorrect work of managers or sellers of an online store can jeopardize the entire business. This is due to the fact that customers will simply refuse to make purchases. That is why it is worth thinking about ensuring that the staff is qualified and professional.

Website design

It is very important to think through the design correctly so that it promotes sales and not refusals to make purchases.

It is important to pay attention to the location of important categories, menus, breadcrumbs, color combinations and correct display of all blocks.

How to improve online store conversion

If the site's conversion rate is low enough, you need to take care of raising it. This can be done using several basic methods. In this case, it is best to use all of them at once, and not just one. According to the experience of many online store owners, you can increase conversion by adding buttons, simplifying the design, adding a “step indicator,” the ability to unsubscribe from newsletters, and simplifying ordering.

Buttons “Buy”, “Next”, “Next”, “Continue”, “Back”

In order to make it easier for the client to place an order, you need to highlight the buttons with appropriate colors or size for better navigation around the site. Without this, users may become confused or simply refuse to make a purchase.

Simplify your design

Often, when placing an order for a long time, the client is distracted by many elements of the website design, which is why he may temporarily withdraw from the direct process of making a purchase.

Therefore, it is worth removing all irritating and distracting factors, focusing the visitor’s attention on the order.

Add a “step indicator”

The inability to find out information about how much more time will need to be devoted to completing an order, in some cases leads to the fact that a person refuses it. That is why, to avoid this, you need to install a “step indicator” on the website, showing at what stage of the purchase process the client is.

Possibility to unsubscribe from newsletters

Very often, when registering and ordering, a website client is offered a newsletter by email or phone.

This is very annoying for many people, which is why opting out of this feature may increase your inversion rate.

Many visitors, in order not to receive intrusive advertising later, may even refuse to purchase a product, forcing themselves to look twice as long for an alternative option.

Simplify ordering

Very often, when placing an order is a long procedure, the client may refuse to purchase in the middle, going to. This usually happens due to a large number of items that need to be filled out, a complex registration form, or reset of all entered items when a filling error is made. Therefore, it is best to simplify the ordering procedure as much as possible.

Sales efficiency is one of the components of the well-being of an enterprise. Business owners, company directors and heads of sales departments are interested in increasing revenues and growing the company's profits.

What are these indicators for?

To ensure profit growth, they direct their resources to control sales. It is important not only to create and debug the sales process, but also to constantly monitor how well certain goods and services are sold.

There are various factors behind successful sales;

  • quality of goods/services;
  • pricing policy;
  • point of sale/website design;
  • quality of service;
  • professionalism of contact zone personnel;
  • assortment and usefulness of the offer, as well as other indicators.

All these factors must be taken into account and controlled. You should analyze sales in a campaign based on specific numbers. To obtain these numbers apply various methods measuring sales performance and efficiency.

Conversion is one of the fundamental indicators of sales success

Using sales conversion, you can track the relationship between potential and actual customers. Real buyers are those visitors (of a store or online resource) whose visit resulted in a purchase. Potential customers are all those people who visited a company's website or retail outlet but did not make a purchase. They were all interested and could have purchased the product or service that the company offered, but something prevented them from doing so.

Every visitor who does not make a purchase is a lost sales opportunity (income). Conversion allows you to track the number of missed opportunities and provides digital material for analyzing the reasons.

Conversion calculation is the basis for development and improvements

By focusing on such an indicator as sales conversion, the manager receives a kind of “ feedback» from consumers. If out of a hundred visitors to a retail outlet or online store, only one made a purchase, this may indicate that 99 potential customers were dissatisfied with something. The manager has the opportunity to monitor the indicator, analyze its level and implement changes.

Thanks to conversion, you can evaluate the effectiveness of the company’s marketing policy as a whole and the effectiveness of each sales manager individually (if there are individual sales).

Conversion will allow you to track customer reactions to:

  • marketing promotions;
  • price changes;
  • updating the assortment;
  • increasing the professionalism of employees, etc.

By regularly using such a tool, you can change your sales situation for the better and track these changes even within one working day.

Rules for calculating the indicator

To calculate conversion, you need to keep track of not only completed sales, but also track the number of potential transactions. For Internet resources, the number of site visitors is tracked. The call center takes into account the number of all unique incoming calls (for active telephone sales, the number of unique outgoing calls is also recorded). IN point of sale the number of visitors is recorded by special counters installed at the entrance, or using a questionnaire.

Conversion is determined as a percentage and is calculated using the following formula:

(number of actual buyers/number of potential buyers)* 100You can take almost any period for calculation: 1 day, 1 week, 1 month.

Conversion can be identified not only by overall sales in a company, but also by a specific product, service, promotion or special offer.

Activities to increase conversion

Increasing conversion is turning a company's potential income into real income. Calculating and tracking the indicator is the starting point for increasing sales. The result depends on how sensitively the manager reacts to the dynamics of the indicator and what steps he takes.

Since there are many factors that determine sales effectiveness, measures to increase conversion are also varied. It is important that actions are thoughtful, targeted and systematic.

For example, if a manager assumes that the reason for low conversion is the professionalism of the staff, then a comprehensive analysis should be carried out: are the staff sufficiently motivated, do the employees have the proper level of sales technology, do they have enough special knowledge of the product, is the available number of employees capable of processing the existing flow clients, etc. Based on the analysis, a decision is made to conduct training, revise the motivation system, or expand the staff.

Methods for improving indicators at a point of sale

Methods for increasing conversion in online stores

  1. The main page of the site should contain the basic information that the client needs: the entire range with photographs and prices, payment options, delivery terms, contact information;
  2. The site should be made convenient and intuitive;
  3. The product catalog must contain the entire range and be equipped with various filters so that the client can find the product he is interested in in a matter of seconds;
  4. The ability for the client to quickly and easily make a purchase and complete it in one click without a lengthy procedure for registering in the system and specifying detailed information about myself. How simpler scheme ordering a product or service through the website, the higher the likelihood that the client will make a purchase;
  5. The website must contain information about the competitive advantages of the company (store). This will help motivate the client to place an order;
  6. When viewing the catalog and going to a particular product, the client should always be able to access information about payment and delivery without additional clicks to individual pages about delivery conditions and payment methods;
  7. When placing an order, the client should see a list of the goods he has selected, the cost of each product separately and the total amount of the order;
  8. Communication with company employees should not be difficult. The ideal option is to have all means of communication: telephone, toll free number 8-800, various messengers (whatsapp, telegram, skype), online consultant, ability to order a call back;
  9. Online store employees must be trained in sales technology. It is necessary that they have telephone conversation skills and know all necessary information by range of goods and services.

The concept of “conversion” is quite broad and is used in many fields of science: chemistry, microbiology, psychology, linguistics. Typically, conversion refers to the process of conversion or transformation. Also, the concept of “conversion” is widely used in Internet marketing, so it is important for every IT specialist to have a basic understanding of what it is.

What is conversion?

Conversion is the percentage of visitors to a website who performed some targeted action (placed an order, added an item to the cart, filled out a form, visited a specific page).

Why is conversion needed?

Conversion is an important indicator that helps to understand how we carry out our work, whether we are using the right strategy for the development of a project or website. A high indicator indicates that we are using our resources effectively and working in the right direction. If the indicator is low, we are likely either using our capabilities ineffectively or using the wrong strategy.

Since conversion is a relative indicator, it is extremely important to set the right goals and initial data. Only in this case will it reflect the real performance of a particular department or employee.

How is conversion calculated?

There is no single formula for calculating conversion, since the source data always varies. Conventionally, it can be displayed as follows:
conversion (K) - the ratio of the number of users who performed the target action (P. whole) to the total number of users (P. total).

K = P. whole/P. total*100%

The data for calculating conversion may be different, so it is extremely important to decide:

— with goals (those visitors who performed the target action we are interested in);
— with initial data (the number of visitors that we will take as the basis).

Conversion goals can be very different:

— number of purchases;
— the number of items sent to the cart;
— the number of times the form is filled out with data;
— time spent on the page;
— viewing depth.

The source data may also be different:

— visitors to a certain channel (search, advertising, social media);
— visitors to certain pages;
— visitors with different parameters (age, geography, gender);
— new or returning visitors.

The right combination of goals and inputs will allow us to better determine where we are doing well and where we are doing poorly. Sounds complicated and unclear? Now let's use an example to explain how this works.

How should you calculate conversion?

Let's imagine that:
1. On landing page 1000 visitors came in within a month.
2. Of these, about 500 people added the product to their cart.
3. Of these, 5 people made a purchase.

Thus, the total conversion will be:

K = 5/1000*100% = 0.5%.

Can we say that the percentage is small? I think yes. But is it possible to understand how these results were achieved, to evaluate the contribution of this or that employee based on this one value? It's quite difficult.

To do this, let’s break the purchase process into stages:

1) The user's path from searching to adding a product to the cart.

To do this, let’s calculate the percentage of users who added an item to the cart (P. whole) out of the total number of visitors (P. total):

K = 500/1000*100% = 50%.

We get 50% - a very high conversion percentage.

2) The path for the user from adding an item to the cart to making a purchase.

To do this, let’s calculate the percentage of users who bought the product (P. whole) from the number of people who added the product to the cart (P. total):

We get the value 1%.

What can this data tell us?

We can determine that the people who are driving traffic from search are doing their job correctly, but after adding an item to the cart, problems begin (this may be caused by the inconvenience of filling out the order form or even the fact that we do not answer all calls).

The totality of all stages is analogous to a sales funnel.

What is a sales funnel?

The sales funnel is the principle of distribution potential visitors by stages of the entire process: from the first contact to the completion of the most valuable target action (for example, selling a product or service). If we don’t delve into the nuances of sales, but transfer the funnel to the plane of attracting traffic, we can get the following picture:

For example, 1000 people saw our website, 600 of them clicked on it, 200 added an item to their cart, and only 20 made a purchase. By counting the conversion at each stage, you can understand where everything is going well and where, on the contrary, it is worth putting in more effort.

To collect simple data at each stage, the following is sufficient: standard tools analysts like Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica.

If you have a low conversion rate and you cannot understand at what stage the problems arise -.

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Nikita Prostyakov

100 people came to your site in 24 hours. 1 of them bought what you offer. This means your website conversion rate is 1%. At first glance, everything is simple and clear.

What if I told you that good conversion does not exist in nature? What if I showed that sometimes high conversion is bad? And that the conversion of your site is 80% dependent on one single thing that has nothing to do with the site at all?

Don't believe me? Then read carefully below.

Website conversion is the ratio of the total number of website visitors to the number of those who completed the target action.

A target action is what you want your website visitors to do. This could be placing an order, subscribing to a newsletter, or clicking on an advertising banner.

Let's say your target action is placing an order. During the day you received 3 orders from the site. Yandex Metrica (or another visitor counter) shows that you had 2,347 people on your site that day.

This means we need to divide 3 by 2347, and then multiply the result by 100. In this example, the conversion will be 0.12%.

Is it a lot or a little? Is this a good conversion or a bad one? But this is unknown. The fact is that the concept of “good conversion” does not exist at all.

How much does good website conversion cost?

Often webmasters and internet marketers like to measure their conversions - who has more. I supposedly have an average conversion of 7%. And I have 20%. And for me it never drops below 300%...

So what should a good website conversion actually look like? and at what point is it time for you to “sound the alarm” and completely redo the site?

Let's look at two example sites. The first site gives us a 7% conversion, but the second site only gives us a 1% conversion. Does this mean that the second site is 7 times worse? Look at the table below.

As you can see, the first site brings us 41,300 rubles. per day. While the second one is 87,000 rubles. income per day. This is some fun math. Conversion is 7 times lower, and income is 2 times higher.

If we continue our table, we get the following.

This is how it turns out that a 1% conversion is better than a 7% conversion. And never listen to or believe those who brag about their “conversions.” This is not an indicator at all.

If you want, I’ll now do the reverse trick, and it turns out that 87 rubles. income from 1 site visitor is worse than 41.3 rubles. income from 1 visitor? Then watch carefully.

An indicator that is more important than conversion

Income per site visitor is the first main figure that we need to track using. The second main figure is how much money it costs us to attract one visitor to the site. And from these two indicators we will calculate the most important performance indicator.

This indicator is called ROI(Return On Investment) - “Return on investment”.

ROI shows how much money we earn from our investments. If we invested 1 ruble in advertising and also earned 1 ruble, then the ROI is 100% (we recouped our investment 100%, but did not earn anything on top).

And if we invested 1 ruble and earned 2 rubles, then our ROI will be 200% (we invested a ruble, returned it back, and earned another ruble on top).

Let's look at our two sites again in a table for clarity.

Let's say we attract visitors to the site using . And for each click on our ad (for each site visitor) we pay 10 rubles. on the first site, and 77r. on the second site.

Accordingly, our ROI for the first site is 413%, and for the second site it is only 112%. Therefore, from the second site we have a very low profit per visitor (despite the higher income). For the first site, profit per visitor is 31.3 rubles. And the second site has only 10 rubles. profit from one visitor.

Of course, all this mathematics and analytics is good. But in the end, you still just need to strive for the maximum increase in conversion, right? But that’s not right.

People often come to me for consultations and start the conversation by saying that their website conversion rate is 60% or higher. Considering that the average website never converts above 1-5%, this is truly impressive.

But I tell them that this is bad. Yes, a website conversion rate of 60% is simply terrible. And every time in such a situation I turn out to be right.

Let me do “abracadabra” for the last time, and our profit is 10 rubles. per visitor will be better than a profit of 31.3 rubles. from the visitor.

When high conversion is bad

There is only one reason in this world why your (or any other) site's conversion rate can be 20-30 times higher than others. And this reason is very, very hot and targeted traffic. Let me explain what this means.

Let's say we are engaged in tinting car windows. Moreover, our film is foreign and of high quality. The price is higher than its Russian counterparts, but it lasts 3 times longer and looks better quality.

  • Motorists (generally everyone)
  • Motorists who already want to tint themselves
  • Motorists who want to tint with a foreign film

If we target our advertising to the first group of potential customers (“Motorists in general”), then we will get huge amount visitors to the site. But the conversion will always be very low. Simply because these people didn’t think about any tint a minute before they first saw our advertisement.

Yes, they might be interested, go to our website and look at the price list. But real clients Of these, only the same 1-3% will become.

But if we show advertising only to the third group of potential clients (“they already want to buy tinting and foreign ones”), then the conversion of our website will show a “wonderful” 20-30%. But there will be very few such visitors.

This is very, very hot and targeted traffic. The trouble is that such traffic is always very, very small. And if someone tells me about their mind-blowing conversions, then I always have only one verdict - not enough traffic. And I always turn out to be right.

Let's look again at the plate with our two sites.

So, by attracting only very targeted traffic, and having a huge conversion (which gives us a high profit per visitor), we end up with a very low profit per month. Because there are always very few targeted visitors.

We need to be able to attract very wide masses of cold traffic, and sell to them “cold”. You can read more about warm/cold traffic in the article.

And since we’re talking about what affects conversion, let’s look at other factors.

5 quick ways to increase website conversion

We have already found out above that the quality of traffic has the greatest impact on conversion. That is, this is something that essentially has nothing to do with the site itself. If you want to increase your conversion numbers, clean up your traffic.

But there are others, more simple ways, which in any case will make your conversion higher.

#1 - One-page instead of a website

The first and easiest way to make the conversion rate higher is to remove from the site all elements that distract the visitor’s attention from the target action. That is, we need to remove the entire menu, all links to other sections of the site, and everything that is not related to your offer.

As a result, instead of a website we will get . This is a one-page site, the purpose of which is to “squeeze” out maximum quantity visitors target action. Almost always, the conversion rate of a landing page is higher than that of a regular multi-page website.

#2 - Special offer

Often, visitors to your website fully understand that they need the product or service that you offer them. And they will buy them. But not right now. They will put off making the final decision until later, and eventually they will forget about you and your site.

To prevent this from happening, make them an offer they can’t refuse. In everyday life this is called a “promotion”, and in the world of Internet marketing – an “offer”.

Here are some example offers you can use:

  • Especially favorable price(discount)
  • Gift/bonus when ordering right now;
  • 2 for the price of 1;
  • Special conditions (delivery, guarantees, etc.)

The main thing is that your visitor understands that if he does not order right now, then he loses this particularly advantageous offer.

#3 - Time limit

This technique always goes in conjunction with an offer. If a particularly advantageous offer does not have a time limit, then it is just a regular offer, and not some kind of special one.

To make your time limit offer most effective, set a timer that will count down the time until the end of the promotion.

In addition, be sure to explain why you suddenly became so “generous” and started giving discounts and gifts. Otherwise, the visitor may think that they don’t buy your product at the regular price because it is of poor quality, and therefore you are giving a discount.

Or your entire discount is one complete “fake”. And you first increased the price by 20%, and then made a discount by 15%. You never know what people might think.

Therefore, be sure to explain the reason for the action:

  • National holiday;
  • Company birthday;
  • Liquidation of old stocks;
  • "Black Friday";

Even a bad explanation is better than no explanation.

#4 – Call to Action

A classic technique that will allow you to immediately and greatly increase the conversion to the target action. Just ask your visitors to do what you want them to do.

  • Place your order right now;
  • Click the button below to place your order;
  • Call us on this number to find out more details right now;

People on the Internet have a very scattered attention span, and therefore they need to be given clear instructions about what they need to do and why. Yes, by the way, “why” is also very important. Research shows that people are much more likely to complete a target action (call, click, fill out a form) if you explain to them why they need to do it.

#5 - Correct home screen of the site

Another strong way to immediately increase website conversion is to post all important information on the first screen. That is, there should be an explanation of what you are selling, an offer, a time limit, and a call to action.

That is, we need to ensure that the visitor receives all the necessary information immediately from the first screen, without scrolling down your site. Because most people won’t even get to the second screen.

For more information about this, see the article “Selling landing page structure of 9 blocks.”


This is how it turns out that conversion cannot be bad. And she can be both good and bad at the same time. The main thing is to concentrate not on intermediate indicators, but on the main ones.

And let's summarize everything that was said above so that it is better understood.

  • Website conversion is the ratio of the number of visitors to your website to the number of those who completed the target action;
  • Website conversion is an intermediate indicator. Sometimes a conversion of 1% can bring more money than a 7% conversion rate. It depends on the average check;
  • The most important metric for your website is ROI. It shows how much money you earned over and above your advertising investment;
  • As a rule, too high a website conversion indicates that only very hot and target audience. And there are always very few such people, which means you lose a significant part of your profit due to the fact that you do not work with;
  • 5 quick ways increasing conversion is: 1. Make a landing page instead of a multi-page website; 2. Make an offer; 3. Set a time limit; 4. Provide a call to action; 5. Place all these elements on the first screen of the site.

I hope this instruction was useful to you. Save it to your favorites so as not to lose it, and share it with your friends. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (extract from personal experience in 10 years =)

See you soon!

Yours Dmitry Novoselov

We hear stories about crazy conversion rates and constantly try to apply them to our own business. But we don’t realize that we are trying rumors against reality.

Now let's move on to reality. Experts with a global monolithic opinion believe that sales conversion of 2-3% is very good. Naturally, we are talking about selling a paid product, and not about a subscription page, where 30% will not surprise anyone.

Once we were preparing a selling text for one info-businessman of a narrow niche. The text we prepared had a 7% conversion rate. Much or little, but in a couple of weeks the customer became $14 thousand happier.

If the text reaches a conversion rate of 10-15%, that’s absolutely great. These are the realities now. Customers have a choice, and a serious choice. And every day the market is becoming more saturated.

Yes, you can achieve high conversion rates, but it is important to clearly understand what it depends on. And we are not talking about text conversion, but about the conversion of the entire sentence.

The attractiveness of the product itself

And be prepared for the fact that your opinion about your product may differ from the market opinion. There is no point in arguing here, the market has the money, not you yet...

Product uniqueness

A very complex and very important element. Either your product is similar to others, or it is unique.

By creating a revolutionary product that has no analogues, you are already halfway to success.

Sometimes companies that turn to us for services answer the question about uniqueness “but we don’t know how we differ”...

Then what kind of selling text can we talk about? Will we become the one hundred and eighteenth competitor in a market where everything has already been divided before us?

There will be one-time sales, but a business without uniqueness is doomed to failure.

Audience quality

Very important point, Very.

The conversion rate directly depends on the quality of the sample of readers of the selling text.

On the one hand, we are obsessed with the goal of “providing” selling text with the maximum possible number of potential readers, on the other hand, we are sensitive to the conversion rate.

Let's do this:

  • there is a direct target audience
  • there is an audience close to the target
  • there is an audience that may be the target
  • there is a non-target audience

Let's say you are selling a training product on how to make money online by blogging.

And the conversion rate will be low, because the text will be read by people who are looking for income, and not specific income from a blog. But the indicator will be even lower if someone has a brilliant idea to direct a non-target audience to the text - well, what if it’s interesting?.. No comments

Product price

Yes, what about without the price? There are many offers on the market, so the client is always asking the price.

But you shouldn’t base your positioning policy on the basis of a battle for the lowest price. There will always be a “clever guy” who can offer less than yours. So what next?

If your price is not so attractive, think about what to add to it, use other elements to make the price seem interesting.

Therefore, the price needs to be sold and filled with other elements - yes, ours is a little more expensive, but 3 times faster... The price is higher, but in the aggregate it is more attractive.

Think hard place, not soft place.

Relevance of product and offer

Let's just say - everything has its time. It’s probably stupid to sell a pen and inkwell today when there are a bunch of different pens.

Yes, the pen and inkwell will also have a market. But how capacious?

As we joked when we were students, the first one wins the slippers. The sooner you sensed the trend and addressed the audience with your message, the more cream you captured.

Nowadays, many people love infographics; this is a trend in content marketing. But can everyone do this? Yes, you can curb some kind of free service and work on the template.

Ease of payment

Here we have 2 points:

  • 1.Convenient form of payment
  • 2.Convenient payment procedure

As soon as car loans appeared, car sales increased. This is understandable; customers were offered a convenient form of payment.

The more well thought out the form and types of payment are, the more accessible the product is to a wide audience.

Multiple product versions

And one more thing - the simpler and faster the order/payment process, the higher the conversion.

If you want to increase the number of buyers, offer your product in several versions. Or develop tariff packages.

After all, give customers a choice and they will come to you.

So think about it - are you limiting the client or offering him a choice? Even cashiers in supermarkets are already trained instead “Do you need a bag?” speak “would you like a bag big or small”...

Text decoration

Now imagine if we gave your eyes a visual inquisition...

Remember a simple “grandfather’s” rule: “The easier it is to read a text, the more and more carefully it will be read.” And to make a purchasing decision, you cannot do without careful reading.

Yes, and one more thing - if the text is electronic, do not forget about the design of its medium.


If you had just read "literacy", A "literacy"– the impression of the entire text could be spoiled.

And if, when reading the previous sentence, you had not missed the soft sign in the word “will spoil,” then the negative impression would have increased dramatically.


Yes, text can work wonders. We are already proving this in our agency.

But the situation needs to be approached comprehensively. Text is a tool, not a magic pill. We simply do not have a license from the Ministry of Health to sell any pills.

And, remember, asking copywriters a question in style - what is the conversion rate of your texts - is showing your lack of understanding of the question.

Yes, we have texts with 100% conversion. And if you connect the gray matter, you can come up with a way to get 130% conversion and higher. Word of mouth marketing to help.

Or you can sell airplanes by text with a conversion rate of 0.5% and earn millions of dollars.

The numbers are convincing, but they are also misleading. Approach the issue comprehensively, and do not become victims of manipulation. And we will help you with this.
