DataLife Engine v.12.1 Press Release. Details about the *.tpl files of the template Dle their purpose Necessary datalife engine printable version

Hello, today on we present news about a new version of the engine in which the developers have added many new functions. And now in detail about the most significant innovations in 10.3.

1. Added the ability to log in to the site using social networks. This support is enabled in the script settings in the control panel. And setting up social networks directly is carried out in a special new section of the control panel: “Setting up social networks”. In this section, you can configure which social networks you want to support on your website, as well as specify the necessary parameters and keys for the operation of a specific social network. This section also provides detailed help on how to create applications on social networks for authorization. In total, six social networks are currently supported: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Yandex,, Google. Thus, your visitors can quickly log in to your site using their login and password on social networks, without having to go through the registration procedure with entering captchas, confirming E-mail, and so on.

Text, which display the text enclosed in them if support for authorization using the VKontakte social network is enabled. And also a tag (vk_url), which displays a URL link to authorization in this social network. networks.

Text, which display the text enclosed in them if support for authorization using the Odnoklassniki social network is enabled. And also a tag (odnoklassniki_url), which displays a URL link to authorization in this social network. networks.

The text displayed is the text enclosed in them if support for authorization using the social network Facebook is enabled. And also a tag (facebook_url), which displays a URL link to authorization in this social network. networks.

Text, which display the text enclosed in them if support for authorization using the Google social network is enabled. And also a tag (google_url), which displays a URL link to authorization in this social network. networks.

Text, which display the text enclosed in them if support for authorization using the social network is enabled. And also a tag (mailru_url), which displays a URL link to authorization in this social network. networks.

Text, which display the text enclosed in them if support for authorization using the Yandex network is enabled. And also a tag (yandex_url), which displays a URL link to authorization in this network.

3. Added the ability to create, when uploading images to the server, not only small copies, but also medium-sized copies of the uploaded images. Thus, you can now create a small preview image, a medium thumbnail copy and the original image when uploading images.

4. Added the ability to indicate in what form to insert them when inserting pictures uploaded to news. Namely, enlarge them when you click on them to the original image, or insert them simply as images, without any links in them.

5. In the script settings in the script control panel, the time offset setting has been removed. Instead, a more convenient selection of the server time zone in which the script will work has been added. Using time zones is more convenient because... The transition to summer and winter time will be automatically made (for example, if the server is located in Europe and you have set the Moscow time zone, then you do not need to make settings twice a year). The correct time zone of your server will also be broadcast in RSS.

6. Added the ability for each registered user to personally select the time zone in which he is located. This feature allows site visitors to see for themselves the correct time of publication of articles and comments. For example, the server and administration of the site are located in Moscow, and the registered user is located in Krasnoyarsk, then this user can go to the site’s profile settings and select the Krasnoyarsk time zone, and after that he will see the date and time of news and comments in his Krasnoyarsk time, etc.

7. For the user profile editing template (userinfo.tpl), a new tag (timezones) has been added, which displays a list of available time zones in the system and allows you to select your own time zone for your profile on the site.

8. Added the ability for polls added to publications to display them not only when viewing full news, but also when viewing short news. To do this, you can use the (poll) tag in the short news template (shortstory.tpl). The survey itself is also designed in the poll.tpl template

9. For short news output templates (shortstory.tpl), the ability to use banner tags added in managing advertising materials in the admin panel has been added. Thus, you can very flexibly display banners on the pages of your website together with tags (banner_x) and independently determine after which news on the page you want to display advertising.

10. For templates for displaying short and full news (shortstory.tpl and fullstory.tpl), new text tags have been added, which display the text in them as a link to add news to bookmarks on the site, and text tags have been added, which display the text in them in the form of a link, deleting news from bookmarks on the site. These tags will allow you to more flexibly customize the design of your site, for those who want to abandon the general tag (favorites), which displays only one pre-programmed image for these actions.

11. Added new global tags for templates: text, which display the text enclosed in them if the site is viewed using a smartphone, as well as text tags, which display the text enclosed in them if the site is viewed by a visitor not from a smartphone. These tags are global and can be used in all template files. Thus, you can flexibly customize the display of your website content, depending on the device used by the visitor, for example, manage the display of advertising for devices and much more.

12. Added new global tags for templates: text, which display the text enclosed in them if the site is viewed using a tablet, as well as text tags, which display the text enclosed in them if the site is viewed by a visitor not using a tablet. These tags are global and can be used in all template files. Thus, you can flexibly customize the display of your website content, depending on the device used by the visitor, for example, manage the display of advertising for devices and much more.

13. Added new global tags for templates: text, which display the text enclosed in them if the site is viewed using a desktop browser (desktop computers, laptops), as well as text tags, which display the text enclosed in them if the site is viewed by a visitor not using a desktop browser. These tags are global and can be used in all template files. Thus, you can flexibly customize the display of your website content, depending on the device used by the visitor, for example, manage the display of advertising for devices and much more.

14. Added the ability to specify template files for static pages that are located not only in the root folder of the template, but also files located in subfolders of the template.

15. Added the ability in the cross-references module to assign for each keyword how many replacements of a given word should be made on the page.

16. For full-text search on the site, a logical search mode has been added, which can significantly improve the search on the site and the relevance of the information found for the search query. This innovation allows you to show the visitor the most suitable news, comments or static pages that match his request.

17. The algorithm for processing existing links on the page when replacing keywords from the cross-references module has been improved. Now the mandatory absence of HTML tags inside links is no longer required; replacement in them will not be made regardless of this.

18. The algorithm for finding and replacing keywords from the cross-references module has been improved, thanks to which it was possible to significantly increase the speed of the script with a large volume of links.

20. Added the ability to edit the values ​​of additional fields for the user’s profile directly in the script’s admin panel in the user’s own profile settings section.

21. For the template for displaying information about a registered user on the site (login.tpl), the ability to display the values ​​of his additional fields that he filled in during registration or in his profile settings has been added. To display additional profile fields, exactly the same tags are used as in profile templates (userinfo.tpl) and comment templates (comments.tpl).

22. The stationary ICQ field has been removed from the user profile database. This decision was made because this messenger has lost its relevance and the use of this field is insignificant, despite the fact that it takes up space in the database. In this case, if necessary, you can create this field as an additional field for your profile and use it if necessary on the site.

23. Added indication of the page number of the full news being viewed in the title meta tag, if the news was divided into several pages.

24. In the script settings, the ability to assign a separator character has been added for the "speedbar" module (breadcrumbs). This symbol will be used when displaying the navigation of this module, separating sections of the site. Thus, you can specify any custom separator, instead of the previously always used """.

25. In the script settings, the ability to assign a separator character has been added to the list of categories assigned to news. This symbol will be used when displaying a list of categories when displaying news on the site, separating the assigned categories. Thus, you can specify any custom separator, instead of the previously always used """.

26. Added display of information about third-party modules installed in the script control panel in the left side panel for quick module navigation in the admin panel.

27. Keyword management for tag clouds, meta tags and additional values ​​has been redesigned. fields of the cross-reference type. Now you can not only delete them in one click, but also edit them without deleting them; to do this, you need to double-click on the word you need. And also added automatic parsing of inserted words using Ctr-V, without the need to press Enter.

28. In the script control panel, a button has been added to quickly collapse and expand the sidebar. This innovation will be useful for users who have monitors with low screen resolutions to increase the working area.

29. Added automatic reset of the Cache of compressed CSS and JS files when editing these files in the control panel template editor.

31. Added support for apostrophes for additional news fields of the “Use values ​​as hyperlinks” type, and for which safe mode was not enabled. Thus, you can use, for example, words such as O'Brien, d'Artagnan, etc.

32. Added automatic generation of the CNC name for a category when it is created in the admin panel, if it has not been specified by the user. In this case, when creating this name, transliteration from the specified category name is applied.

33. When adding and editing categories in the admin panel of the script, control of reserved names of CNC links for categories has been added so that users do not add names that are reserved in DLE for other needs. For example, you won't be able to add a root category named "catalog" because that name is used to organize directories on the site, but you can use that name for a subcategory where that name is no longer reserved, etc.

34. Added a more convenient selection of categories when creating or editing additional news fields in the script control panel.

35. In the script settings, the ability to specify the number of days during which it is necessary to store script logs has been added for the module “List of all actions performed in the script admin panel”. At the same time, for security purposes, the minimum number of days remains 30 days, so that an attacker cannot delete action logs, and the site administrator, if desired, can increase the required number of days, for example, to three months or a year, etc.

36. The Jquery library has been updated to the latest version v1.11.1

37. TinyMCE visual editor has been updated to the latest version.

38. The HTML5 player has been updated to the latest version, in which some playback errors have been corrected.

39. Fixed a problem where managing script settings in the admin panel did not work when using smartphones and tablets.

40. Fixed a problem in which an incorrect check for the fullness of additional information occurred. fields, if before a field with the "list" type, there was a mandatory field with a different type.

41. Fixed an issue where if a search was repeated and the user was not on the first page of the search results, he could receive a blank page if fewer news items were found in the new results. Now a new search returns the user to the first page of search results.

42. Fixed a problem where the "speedbar" module (breadcrumbs) displayed the user's nested location on a static page, but in fact he was on the main page of the site, if the display of a static page by default for the main page of the site was enabled in the script settings .

43. The problem has been fixed in which if a user edited a news item that was awaiting moderation on the site, he could not manage the pictures uploaded to this news, and if, when editing a news item, he uploaded pictures again, they were not assigned to this news item.

44. Fixed a problem related to the incorrect operation of text tags when used in a custom tag news output (custom ...)

45. Previously discovered and reported minor errors in the script have been corrected.

See all the newest daily in our categories, interesting and read the most.
At http://www..3 DLE Press Release in which the developers have added many new features, all the best we have forums, hacks, modules, templates.

Few people know that in DataLife Engine you can remove standard copyrights (officially) only if you have purchased a license. But bad luck, after activating the engine, the copyrights still remain in place. This raises the question: “ How to remove copyrights in DLE?" Today I will give you a clear answer to it, and as a small bonus I will tell you about some hidden links that are present in this CMS and which you may not even know about.

Removing standard copyrights in DataLife Engine

And so, looking at the source code of your site, you can see the following picture:

We see in head tag generator and at the end of the page a line with copyright.

To remove a tag generator, open the file engine.php in the /engine/ folder and approximately on line 982, completely remove the tag:

To remove copyright at the end of the page, open the file main.php in /engine/modules/ and almost at the very end remove the line:

Echo "\n\r\n";

In addition, if you use an RSS feed to generate a feed on your site (by default, it is located at, then when viewing the source code you may see another copyright type:

DataLife Engine

To remove it, open the file rss.php in the /engine/ folder and in two places remove the tag:

DataLife Engine

Or replace its content, for example, with the name of your site.

We've sorted out the standard copyrights, now let's move on to the links.

Removing links to “inappropriate” sites in DataLife Engine

When we put some kind of template on the site, and it contains the author’s copyrights, this is normal, because the person tried hard and gave us the opportunity to use the template for free.

But when a CMS is literally stuffed with left-handed links that have nothing to do with the engine, this is, frankly, arrogance.

And now we will clean our site from such links. If you downloaded the engine not from the official website, most often the links can be written:

  1. On internal news pages;
  2. On statistical pages;
  3. On the tag cloud page.

If you look at the source code of the full news, you can see that the craftsmen have already managed to add links to their site, which, by the way, we don’t need at all.

To clean out this garbage, do the following.

1. Open the file show.full.php


and replace it all with:

$tpl->set("(full-story)", $row["full_story"]);

Great, half the battle is done, and we got rid of the links in the full news.

Let's now check the statistical pages, and if there are links there, we will remove them as soon as possible.

2. Open the file static.php in the /engine/modules/ folder. In it, find the line containing:


and replace it all with:

$tpl->set("(static)", $template);

3. And finally, let's check our tag cloud. To do this, open the file tagscloud.php in the /engine/modules/ folder. In it, find the line containing:

Else $tpl->set("(tags)",

and replace it all with:

Else $tpl->set("(tags)", $tags);

Well, that's all. We have cleared DLE of standard copyrights and removed links to illegal sites.

If something doesn’t work out, or errors occur when editing files, write in the comments, I’ll be happy to help you.

Free third-party module for creating photo albums in the DataLife Engine system. The system will be adapted to work with a large amount of information and will provide your site with a decent display of a wide variety of photographs. Users of your site will get real pleasure from viewing photo albums, will be able to express their opinion about the photos, vote for their favorite photo, tag friends and acquaintances. And installing the module will be as comfortable and safe for your site as possible.

- Easy installation in 3 minutes
- The functionality of the module expands the standard capabilities of the system
- Widespread use of a minimum number of templates
- Categories and albums with access rights settings
- Admin center, admin panel on the site, panel for moderators
- Tags on photos: users or text
- Request caching
- Bulk adding of photos, adding photos as an archive
- RSS feeds
- Additional fields
- Settings and language packs
- Search by photos
- Tags and rating of photos
- Support for the “HighSlide” library
- Photo effects
- Photo informers
- Different algorithms for creating previews
- SEO support
- Water sign
- Publishing after a certain date, hiding, moderating
- And another thing...

Below is a screenshot of the demo site, in a “dark” style.
Go to the photo album demo site.

Below is a screenshot of a photo album in standard DLE design.
View a demo site in standard DLE design.

"Titan" is one of the most interesting and wonderful versions of the photo album module for DataLife Engine. In this version, we tried to take a big step in separating the user and administrative areas of the module. In early versions, very often, administration errors appeared due to the strong connection of the admin center with the public files of the module. For example, restoring a settings package. When the request was sent to a shared “operational” file with the site, “flash” - “lightning”; Now the request is rotated 180 degrees – to the admin center. The second point that was observed during the development of the module was to support the focus of the module’s work with a large amount of varied information. In this spirit, the algorithm for processing preview photos has been rewritten, the algorithm for updating preview photos has been rewritten - now it is a gradual mode that does not load the processor. Another interesting thing introduced in this version is the easy management of photos and comments in the admin center. Where mass materials management is an integral part.

View of the module admin center:

Now let's take a look at what new things our module has learned.

1. New section “Informers” in the admin center
2. Duplicating the “Albums” section in the admin center
3. New section “Photos” in the admin center
4. Transferring the “Management” section to the admin center
5. New “Comments” section in the admin center
6. Moving the “Optimization” section to the admin center
7. Transferring the “Cache” section to the admin center
8. Moving the “Preview” section to the admin center, the algorithm for updating previews has been rewritten
9. Moving the “Statistics” section to the admin center
10. New section “Watermark” in the admin center
11. New preview processing algorithm
12. New algorithm for fixed cropping of preview photos
13. Ability to display a list of albums only on the main page
14. New features of the “Settings” and “Languages” sections in the admin center
15. New photo preview template tags
16. New SEO gadgets such as photo alt, keywords and photo page description
17. New SEO features for albums, such as keywords and descriptions
18. New field for albums “Rules”
19. New algorithm for counting the number of photos in an album
20. Ability to limit available links for downloading photos of other sizes
21. Display in the user’s profile photos in which he is tagged
22. Custom album date formatting in the “Languages” section of the admin center

Of course, these are not all innovations, the most “delicious” is inside. All found bugs and shortcomings, grammatical errors have been corrected. Including the help of our users and clients. Thank you.
Photo albums for DataLife Engine continue to develop and prosper, we are waiting for your wishes and comments.

Type of use: free, subject to copyright preservation
Cost of removing copyrights, “license”: 840 rubles or $28
The “License” provides the opportunity to hide public copyrights, and also gives the right to change the PHP code for your own purposes.

Supported systems: DLE 9.2 - 10.1 (win-1251+UTF-8).

Free module for creating photo albums in the DataLife Engine system. The system will be adapted to work with a large amount of graphic information and will provide your site with a decent display of a wide variety of images. Users of your site will get real pleasure from viewing photo albums, will be able to express their opinion about the photos, vote for their favorite photo, and tag friends and acquaintances. And installing the module will be as comfortable and safe for your site as possible.

Easy and safe installation.
- New methods for displaying information and photographs, support for formats.
- Maximum number of templates - the best type of photo album.
- Multicategories, with access settings for adding photos and viewing the album.
- Administrator control center for the module, as well as a separate control panel for administrators and moderators directly on the site.
- Marks on photos: just text or user.
- Caching database queries, caching graphics and other dynamic information.
- Adding photos in multi-user mode, adding photos in the archive, as well as bulk uploading.
- Ajax technology.
- Operational files are separated from the system.
- System of access levels for groups and users.
- RSS feeds: unlimited number of feeds of photos, albums, tags.
- Creation of additional fields: from a regular test to a file upload.
- Storing configuration data in a database.
- System of moderators.
- The system can be easily reconfigured into other modules, such as a bulletin board.
- Photo search functions, tags, photo ratings.
- Support for HighSlide and other widgets.
- Photo effects.
- Setting the quality of output photos.
- Rich usability.
- Editing of your photos and your comments by users.

Development was carried out within six months, faster than the previous version. In this version, the developer tried to fulfill the wishes of its customers as accurately as possible. For example, a wonderful feature has been added to compress photos when uploading. Now your photo album has even better control over the volume of graphics. The internal system of the module itself has not changed at all, but significant changes have still occurred. And these changes are in the area of ​​graphics processing and display of photo album pages. Firstly, the cache of some module pages was canceled, but no one canceled the cache of the elements of this page, secondly, the most serious change was that the operating files were moved outside the system, this reduced the load, and thirdly, the number of templates was reduced. The module is increasingly becoming adapted to a large number of photographs, and can be the foundation of such sites as a photographer’s site, a site about children’s pictures and masterpieces of art.

1. Compress photos in any download mode.

Now, in any photo upload mode, you can set photo compression parameters. This allows you to save space on the server and relieve the program from unnecessary load. The number of photos in your photo album can increase dramatically if space on your server is severely limited.

2. Editing your own comments and photos.

With each version, the photo album is getting closer to the average user: the user can now edit his comments, edit his photos. This function can be disabled in the module settings.

3. Display the photo album icon.

Among the most anticipated innovations are album and category icons. For each album, a random icon will be displayed, or the one that is set as the default. The function can be disabled. Now you can easily make your photo album look like VKontakte. In the admin panel, the list of albums now displays their icon, which is set as the default.

4. Updated template editor.

Information about tags has been added to the module template editor.

5. Ability for developers to add new fields to settings and language packages.

Previously, it was not convenient for each developer to add new language or settings parameters; it was long and tedious. In the new version of photo albums, this is all automated, but before adding new parameters you will have to pass a small test that confirms that you understand and understand the program code.

6. Moderation of added photos.

After adding photos, they are sent for moderation. For which groups you can enable photo moderation you can specify in the module settings.

7. Trash or hidden photos.

It became possible to hide photos or “send them to the trash”. After which all hidden photos can be deleted at once in the admin panel, or restored. Photos disappear from photo albums, feeds, and other photo outlets.

8. Publication after a certain date.

When adding photos, you can now specify the date after which the photos will become available for viewing. You can publish future photos from the admin panel, each one individually or all at once.

9. Improved log in the admin center.

Review of the magazine has been revised. Added the ability to delete a log entry about voting, as well as any other entries. And also clearing the log completely.

10. New bulk loader.

The new mass downloader is more pleasant to look at and has more functionality than its predecessor.

11. Added the ability to specify user groups that can add photos to this album.

In addition to the rights to view a photo album, it is now possible to specify a list of user groups that can add to this album.

12. Removed code from templates, added new tags.

In order not to load your server's processor, the code from the photo.tpl, photoid.tpl templates has been removed.

13. Displaying comments from a specific user.

Everything is simple here, now you can see all the comments on photos for a specific user. And accordingly, remove them at once.

14. Displaying the number of comments in the profile.

The user profile now displays the number of comments left on photos, as well as a link to all these comments.

15. When viewing the latest comments, it is indicated which photo the comment was added to.

When viewing recent photos, it became possible to see to which photo a given comment was added. The name of the photo and a link to it are displayed.

16. The number of templates has been reduced.

So that users can easily and quickly edit module templates, some of them have been removed completely. But their functionality was assigned to other templates. For example, the ajax form for adding a comment and the regular form are now one template, just a new tag has been added.

17. Recalculation of statistics.

In the admin panel, among the commands for clearing the cache, updating photo previews, checking the photo album, another command has been added - recalculation of statistics. If the photo album makes an error in the number of photos in the album due to a software error, you can help the module and correct this mistake.

18. Counting the number of photo downloads.

The number of photo uploads is now counted.

19. SEO things for photos and albums.

Added tag (alt) for photos, added filling meta tags for album pages. Description and keywords are generated automatically. Just fill in the description and name of the photo album.

20. Browser caching of photos.

To ensure that the user's browser does not create additional load on the server, photo caching by the browser has been added.

21. Support for specifying photo previews and storing photos remotely has been removed.

These functions have outlived their usefulness and were removed due to loss of popularity among photo album users.

22. Mass transfer of photos.

Turn your attention to bulk photo operations. Click on the check mark next to a photo preview or on many photos at once. A drop-down list with possible action options will become available under all photos: delete, hide all photos, send for moderation, move to another photo album. You can select all submitted preview photos at once.

23. Possibility of specifying a text mark and a user mark.

When creating a mark, you can specify what type of mark this is: user or plain text. If there is text, then the link will be to display all photos with a given text label, if it is a user, then there will be a link to the user’s profile.

24. Some requests have been improved.

25. The tag cloud is displayed on the main page.

The tag cloud is displayed on the photo album pages.

26. Custom photo sorting.

Added custom photo sorting, the most varied, ascending and descending, by rating and by date added, etc. If the user selects sorting, it is saved. And information is displayed that custom sorting is used; among this information there is a link to reset the sorting altogether.

27. Instead of the date the photo was added: today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

The mechanism for replacing the date of addition with the names of days has been improved. The “Apple” has been removed, but with the help of tags, you can easily display the “new photo” picture.

28. Added support for code 404.

30. It is now possible to specify which groups have access to a specific type of photo upload.

For each group, you can now differentiate which type of photo upload the group can use.

DatalifeEngine, known as DLE– this is one of the most multifunctional and “adequate” CMS. This is true for developers, administrators, and users. The initial idea was to organize blogs and media on the Internet. The script has broad basic capabilities that make the CMS convenient for specialists in creating websites. The kernel is designed in such a way that it allows you to work without problems with resources that are visited by many “users”. Big advantage DLE Nulled 13.2- and this is the last version before the release of the new version of DLE 13.3, which will take place this year - is also about convenience and wide customization possibilities. Even a non-specialist can understand how the system works within two to three days. And the new product promises to be ideal for learning and understanding the structure of templates. If 13.1 is an intuitive system with a lot of features, then in version 13.2 we can probably expect even more developments aimed at improving security. However, the release will tell.

When talking about popular engines for various portals, one cannot fail to mention something like DataLife Engine. It was created in Russia specifically for convenient and comfortable management of information resources, blogs, and news portals. Currently, it is in the TOP 5 most popular CMS among all those used in the CIS countries. The latest current edition is 13.2. It is really good and convenient, has a lot of advantages and a minimum of disadvantages, which we will talk about in the full version.

And again the DLE update. Everyone knows that the system is developing very dynamically, but the current functionality will also seem exciting from the point of view of those visiting the web resource and administrators. Let's talk about the main advantages of Datalife Engine of previous and new versions. The new plugin installation system is supported just perfectly. Well, of course, don’t forget that using RSS you can import and export not only news, but also various informers. At the same time, automatic updates are already available on the site. And smartphones are now supported automatically without compromising adaptation. These are all words; read the main innovations in the full news.

DatalifeEngine: about its advantage in the new version over other CMS:

The DatalifeEngine system, known as - is unique. The creators really tried their best to give it amazing capabilities. Since its development, the system has become incredibly popular. Why did this happen? Most CMS are quite complex and incomprehensible to some users. Whereas this one is not only simple, but also extremely convenient, including for those who are quite vaguely familiar with web programming.
Quality of execution is what webmasters like. DLE allows you to create and manage full-fledged information websites without resorting to the use of multi-stage CSS codes. And for bloggers, the system is a godsend. But let's move on to the main advantages in the full news...

The "DataLife Engine" script is a multifunctional system aimed at managing a web resource. A powerful system makes it possible to manage the flow of incoming information, control publications, articles, and analyze indicators. The primary goal in developing the "DataLife Engine" was the organizational process of scaling media resources on the Internet and managing weblogs. The system is equipped with a wide range of standard features that allow DLE to be highly competitive when choosing software for developing a network resource. The thoroughly developed composition of the kernel leads to fairly low base conditions regarding server resources.

Not much time has passed, and we receive another update from Celsoft in the form of DLE version 11.3. This version also pleased us well with new goodies. Namely, the redirect control module was redone (the old one was buggy and really “old”), caching for memcache was redone. The feedback module now has the ability to send screenshots or files. Another big plus was the ability to use only https://. For those who don’t know, Google has been asking for a long time to transfer all sites to a secure protocol. Finally, we added the ability to insert micro markup without problems. Now your site will stand out beautifully in searches, which will definitely bring more visitors to your project. Well, as always, we fixed the bugs that always exist.

Here is the next update of the well-known CMS from Celsoft DataLifeEngine version 11.2. With this update, CelSoft has finally done what webmasters have been asking for and implementing with various hacks for many years. For those who don't know, DLE is a very powerful engine that was first created for news sites. To do this, they equipped him with a personal antivirus, open source, and created a lot of modules for it, so that a powerful and unique portal could be created from the new site. The full number of innovations can be viewed at off. website, we’ll talk about the main ones...

Data Life Engine is a long-established CMS from CelSoft. The history of versions of this engine stretches back to 2000. The engine was first created for news sites. Now it is the main CMS for full-fledged Internet portals. A huge number of hacks and modules makes it even more functional and optimized. DLE is very easy and simple to learn, allowing even a beginner to easily learn the engine. Today, the level of its protection and personal antivirus makes it practically impenetrable to various hackers. And finally it can be discussed and downloaded for 11.1. For this and more, see the full news.

Data Life Engine is an excellent CMS for both news sites and full-fledged Internet portals. The number of modules and hacks allows you to customize DLE just for you. The DLE engine is also easy to learn and is suitable for both beginners and professionals. Multi-level protection and personal antivirus will also work for you. And DLE 11 version of the owners is simply shocking. So we waited for the next update from Celsoft. There are some great innovations waiting for us in this engine update.

The long-awaited release of dle 10.0 has arrived. It is not known why the developers skipped version 9.9 of dle and jumped over it, but Celsofta has its own bugs) The anniversary version added new interesting features, such as a new template for mobile devices, new innovative anti-spam protection, well-improved security and much more.
