Electricity calculation 3rd price category. Electricity price calculator

In this article we will look at each price category and what it consists of. Read about how to choose the most favorable price category.

What are electricity price categories? - These are options for the electricity tariff of the guaranteeing supplier. The price category is chosen by the consumer himself; the final price of electricity for the consumer largely depends on the correctly chosen price category.

Our company’s specialists are ready to check for free the optimality of the selected price category for a specific consumer, for this you need.

Price categories are tariff options for the consumer; previously there were two of them (single-rate and two-rate), but now there are six. You can read in detail what the price of electricity consists of. The price category determines how the price of electricity and power purchased by the supplier is included in the final price and what is included in the price, as well as whether the consumer will need to plan hourly consumption a day in advance (price categories 5 and 6), this is clearly seen in.

There are some restrictions when choosing price categories, for example for consumers with maximum power for power receiving devices of more than 670 kW, it is prohibited to choose the first and second price categories, and for consumers who are powered directly from generators, only the fourth and sixth are generally available, as well as for consumers connected to the networks of FGC UES. Check out.

It is also important for the consumer to remember that they need to choose a price category within 30 days from the date of publication of electricity transmission tariffs, usually this happens at the end of December.

Let's take a closer look at each of the price categories to understand how they differ:

First price category

The purchase price of power on the Wholesale Electricity Market is already taken into account in the price of electricity, so the consumer pays for the entire volume consumed per month at one price, one line on the electricity bill. Electricity transmission is included in the price at a single rate tariff. This price category available only to small consumers, with a maximum power of energy receiving devices less than 670 kW.

Second price category

Power is also included in the price of electricity as in the first category, however, the bill will have two or three prices, depending on which option of the second price category was chosen by the consumer, it can be two-zone (day/night) and three-zone (peak/half-peak/night ). Transmission is also taken into account at a single rate tariff; the price category is also not available for consumers over 670 kW.

Third and fifth price categories

In all price categories except the first and second, electricity is paid hourly; the electricity bill has two lines - electricity and power. Read more about what power is. Electricity is charged at different prices every hour, so hourly electricity metering is required to operate at these price points. The transmission tariff is taken into account at a single rate, as in the first and second price categories. In the fifth price category, the consumer is required to plan his hourly consumption a day in advance and pay for deviations; they are included in the price of electricity.

Fourth and sixth price categories

Electricity is paid for by the hour; a separate fee for power is charged, as in the third and fifth price categories. However, transmission is already included in the price at a two-rate tariff, that is, the rate for the maintenance of networks and the rate for losses in the networks are paid separately, while the rate for losses is usually included by the supplier in the price of electricity. Therefore, the invoice usually has three lines: electricity, power purchase and power transmission. “Power transmission” is the payment of a rate for the content of a two-part transmission tariff; read more about how it is calculated. In the sixth price category, just like in the fifth, obligations arise for planning hourly consumption and paying for deviations. These price categories are available to all legal entities - consumers of electricity - without exception.

Price category comparison table

Price category

Pricing Differences

Purchase Broadcast
Electricity Power Network losses Contents of networks
I Electricity includes the price of power and is calculated as a whole for the billing period at one price the single-rate transmission tariff, the loss rate and the maintenance rate are reduced to one value charged per kWh.
II Electricity includes the price of power and is calculated separately for each zone of the day (Day/Night or Night/Half-Peak/Peak)
III The price of electricity is calculated at intervals (different for each hour of the month) Power is paid for as a separate product, the volume of power is determined depending on the consumer load during peak hours
IV The rate for losses is multiplied by the amount of electricity consumed per month The transmission content rate is multiplied by the amount of network capacity
V Similar to I, II and III price categories
VI Same as price category IV

The table reflects only those price components that depend on the price category, about all components of the price of electricity.

Availability table of price categories

Requirements and restrictions

The consumer's responsibility to plan consumption

Accounting requirements


Integral (overall for the billing period)

Only for consumers with a maximum power of energy receiving devices less than 670 kW, except for GN* and FSK**

zone or hourly


except GN* and FSK**

Everyone, without exception.

The consumer is required to plan consumption a day in advance; the accuracy of planning affects the price of electricity.

except GN* and FSK**

Everyone, without exception

*GN - consumers connected directly to the generator;

**FSK - consumers connected to the networks of FGC UES.

The article was written a year ago, but has not lost its relevance and can be useful at the beginning of the year:

According to the provisions of the current legislation, within 1 month from the date of publication of tariffs:

  • consumers of an energy sales organization have the right to choose a tariff option for electricity transmission services (one-rate or two-rate);
  • consumers of the supplier of last resort with a maximum power of more than 670 kW choose one of 3-6 price categories ();
  • consumers of the supplier of last resort with a maximum power of less than 670 kW choose one of 1-6 price categories ().

Since tariffs are approved by regional energy commissions for the regulatory period (calendar year), the beginning of a new year is the right time to analyze the adopted tariff decisions and select the most cost-effective option from those provided for by law.

What should you do to make an informed choice?

You need to find approved tariffs for the year.

Tariff decisions are published on the official websites of RECs, network organizations and/or guaranteeing suppliers. Depending on your region, they may be easier to find on one of the sites above. For example, let’s find tariffs for 2018 for consumers in the Chelyabinsk region.

We are looking for a ruling or solution on the establishment of uniform (boiler) tariffs... on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region. I found it on the REK website (Resolution No. 71/6 of December 28, 2017).

Once the desired solution has been found, the first thing we pay attention to is the date of its adoption. In our case, this is December 28th. In addition, the REC website states that it was published on December 29. This means that consumers in the Chelyabinsk region can choose a tariff option (price category) until January 29, 2018. In this case, the selected option will be applied from January 1, 2018. The date of publication of decisions is more difficult to find than the decision itself. Therefore, I advise you to focus on the date of its adoption, since most often the date of the decision and its publication coincide or differ by 1-2 days.

It is rare, but it does happen, when a decision is made retroactively. For example, the REC makes a decision with a date of December 29, and publishes it on January 25. In this case, consumers simply will not have time to choose a tariff option until January 29. Therefore, the law specifies the date of publication.

If there is still time to make a decision, I advise you to make a calculation based on last year’s volumes and current year’s tariffs. AND It is advisable to make calculations for the entire year, and not for one or several months.

Calculation for ESP consumers, GP consumers with a maximum power of more than 670 kW

Since for GP consumers the maximum power is more than 670 kW. it is advisable to choose from 3 or 4 price categories, which differ only in the tariff option for transmission services (you can read why 5 and 6 Central Committees are a priori less profitable), the calculation for them will be identical to the calculation for consumers of energy sales organizations:

For calculation you will need:

  • actual volume of consumption and for the previous year with monthly detail;
  • approved tariffs for the current year.

As an example, the calculation is given for the consumer of the state enterprise Chelyabenergosbyt, the maximum power of which is from 670 kW to 10 MW, the HV voltage level.

We provide calculations of actual consumption volumes, network and purchased power, and tariffs for electricity transmission services.

As can be seen from the calculation, it is more profitable for the consumer to choose a single-rate tariff for electricity transmission services if he supplies electricity from an energy sales organization / price category 3 if from a supplier of last resort (342 thousand rubles in 2018 tariffs and 2017 volumes).

Calculation for GP consumers with a maximum power of less than 670 kW.

For such consumers, it is advisable to choose from price categories 1, 3, 4 ().

For calculation you will need:

  • actual consumption volume and network volume and purchased capacity for the past year with monthly detail;
  • approved tariffs for the current year;
  • maximum levels of unregulated prices of the guaranteeing supplier.

As an example, the calculation is given for the consumer of the Chelyabenergosbyt state enterprise, the maximum power of which is from 150 to 670 kW, the HV voltage level.

We provide calculations of actual consumption volumes and tariffs for electricity transmission services.

In addition, you need to find on the website of the guaranteeing supplier the maximum levels of unregulated prices published by the SOE on a monthly basis (usually located in the section “for legal entities"). On the Chelyabenergosbyt website:

We substitute the values ​​into the calculation.

As can be seen from the calculation, it is more profitable for the consumer to choose 1 price category in settlements with the supplier of last resort (saving 610 thousand rubles in 2018 tariffs and 2017 volumes).

The above information is required to be disclosed by the guaranteeing supplier on the official website. So there shouldn’t be much difficulty in finding it.

Tips for choosing a tariff option/price category:

  • If, as in the examples discussed, one sales category is profitable every month for the entire year, naturally you need to choose it.
  • If the annual savings from choosing a tariff option are approximately zero, then, according to the resulting data, choosing any of the options under consideration is equally profitable. What should the consumer do in this case:
    • If plans for the current year are more optimistic than the reality of last year (more output, positive dynamics in the markets for raw materials, finished products), it is better to choose a two-part tariff / 4 price category.
    • If, on the contrary, there are fears that another crisis will break out this year, it is better to choose a single-rate tariff / 3rd price category.
  • If they are profitable in half a year different options tariff (for example, in the first half of the year it is one-rate, in the second two-rate, or vice versa) - you cannot choose a tariff option by half-year in accordance with the law. You need to determine the most profitable option for yourself in terms of annual savings.

Select a guaranteeing supplier JSC "Altaienergosbyt" (Republic of Altai) JSC "Barnaul Gorelektroset" OJSC "Altaikrayenergo" LLC "Zarinskaya Gorelektroset" PJSC "TNS Energo Kuban" (Krasnodar Territory) JSC "NESK" (Krasnodar) PJSC "Krasnoyarskenergosbyt" PJSC " Stavropolenergosbyt State Unitary Enterprise SK Stavropolkommunelectro OJSC Pyatigorsk Electric Networks OJSC GORELEKTROSET (Kislovodsk) OJSC Budennovskenergosbyt PJSC Astrakhan Energy Sales Company LLC Rusenergosbyt (Yaroslavl region) OJSC Belgorodenergosbyt OJSC Vladimir skies utility systems" PJSC "Volgogradenergosbyt" LLC "SSK" (until 01/01/2019 "IDGC "North-West") PJSC "TNS energo Voronezh" MUP "BESO" Borisoglebsk urban district of the Voronezh region LLC "Ivanovoenergosbyt" JSC "Vitimenergosbyt" LLC "Irkutskenergosbyt" OJSC "Kaluga Sales Company" OJSC "Kuzbassenergosbyt" LLC "Metallenergofinance" OJSC "EnergosbyT Plus" (Kirov region) PJSC "Kostroma Sales Company" OJSC "EK "Vostok" (Tyumen region) LLC "REK" OJSC "LESK" (Lipetsk ) LLC "GESK" (Lipetsk) LLC "Arctic-Energo" OJSC "Novosibirskenergosbyt" JSC "Petersburg Sales Company" (Omsk Region) OJSC "EnergosbyT Plus" (Orenburg Region) CJSC "Orenburgselenergosbyt" OJSC "Pskovenergosbyt" PJSC "TNS" energy Rostov-on-Don" PJSC "RESK" (Ryazan) LLC "RGMEK" PJSC "Samaraenergo" LLC "TES" (Tolyatti) CJSC "SamGES" (Samara) OJSC "TEK" (Tolyatti ) PJSC "Saratovenergo" LLC "SPGES" OJSC "EnergosbyT Plus" ( Sverdlovsk region) IDGC of the Urals (until 01.08.18 LLC "NUESK" (Novouralsk)) JSC "UENS" (Ekaterinburg) JSC "IDGC of the Urals" (until 01.04.18 JSC "Roskommunenergo") JSC "AtomEnergoSbyt" (Smolensk region) PJSC "Tambov Energy Sales Company" JSC "TOSK" PJSC "Tomskenergosbyt" LLC "NESK" (Novomoskovsk) LLC "Aleksinenergosbyt" JSC "TNS energo Tula" LLC "ESK Garant" JSC "Gazprom Energosbyt Tyumen" (until 01.01.19 JSC "TESK") OJSC "Ulyanovskenergo" IDGC of the Urals (until 07/01/18 PJSC "Chelyabenergosbyt") LLC "MEK" (Magnitogorsk) PJSC "TNS energo Yaroslavl" JSC "Altaienergosbyt" ( Altai region) LLC "ESKB" JSC "Kalmenergosbyt" LLC "Energocomfort". Karelia" PJSC "TNS energo Mari El" PJSC "Mordovian Energy Sales Company" LLC "Watt-Electrosbyt" OJSC "Energosbyt Plus" (Udmurt Republic) PJSC "IDGC of Siberia" - "Khakasenergo" (until 04/01/18 OJSC "Khakasenergosbyt") LLC "Abakanenergosbyt" JSC "Chuvash Energy Sales Company" LLC "RKS-Energo" JSC "Petersburg Sales Company" (St. Petersburg) PJSC "Mosenergosbyt" (Moscow) CJSC "BELS" (Balashikha) OJSC "Electroset" (city .Mytishchi) MUP "Ivanteevskie Electric Grids" MUP "Association Istra Electric Grids" JSC "IES" (Krasnogorsk) PJSC "TNS energo NN" JSC "Volgaenergosbyt" JSC "Providing RFNC-VNIIEF" PJSC "Permenergosbyt" JSC "Chitaenergosbyt" (Zabaikalsky region) LLC "Energosbytholding" LLC "NSKO" (Nizhnevartovsk) MP "HPP" (Khanty-Mansiysk) OJSC "Tatenergosbyt" JSC "Petersburg Sales Company" (Leningrad Region) PJSC "Mosenergosbyt" (Moscow Region) LLC " Gazprom Energosbyt Bryansk (until 01.01.19 TEK-Energo LLC) AtomEnergoSbyt JSC (Kursk region) AtomEnergoSbyt JSC (Murmansk region) EK Vostok OJSC (Kurgan region) Rusenergosbyt LLC (Saratov region) LLC "Rusenergosbyt" (Orenburg region) LLC "Rusenergosbyt" ( Nizhny Novgorod region) LLC "Rusenergosbyt" (Murmansk region) LLC "Rusenergosbyt" (Moscow region) LLC "Rusenergosbyt" (Leningrad region) LLC "Rusenergosbyt" (Kostroma region) LLC "Rusenergosbyt" (Kirov region) LLC "Rusenergosbyt" (Irkutsk region) LLC "Rusenergosbyt" (Volgograd region) LLC "Rusenergosbyt" (Vladimir region) LLC "Rusenergosbyt" (Astrakhan region) LLC "Rusenergosbyt" (Republic of Khakassia) LLC "Rusenergosbyt" (Republic of Mordovia) LLC "Rusenergosbyt" (Republic of Karelia) LLC "Rusenergosbyt" " (St. Petersburg) OJSC "Chitaenergosbyt" (Republic of Buryatia) LLC "TNS energo Penza" LLC "TNS energo Veliky Novgorod" LLC "INTER RAO - Oryol Energy Sales" PJSC IDGC of Center - "Tverenergo" JSC "AtomEnergoSbyt" (Tver region) JSC "Gorelektroset" Nevinnomyssk JSC "UTEK" PJSC "Sevkavkazenergo" PJSC "Dagestan Energy Sales Company" PJSC "Kabbalkenergo" PJSC "IDGC of the South" (Kalmykia) JSC "TNS energo Karelia" PJSC "IDGC of the North Caucasus" - Ingushenergo JSC "Karachaevo-Cherkesskenergo" JSC "Tyvaenergosbyt" JSC "Chechenenergo" State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Krymenergo" LLC "SEVENERGOSBYT" LLC "ESV" (until 04/01/18 PJSC "IDGC of Center and Volga Region") JSC "SALEKHARDENERGO"

A consumer with a maximum power of more than 670 kW. can choose one of four price categories (3 CC - 6 CC).

Price categories 5-6 differ from 3-4 only in the need for daily planning of hourly consumption. At the same time, for 3-4 price categories, when calculating the final cost of electricity supply, the deviations of the guaranteeing supplier, which are attributable to the volume of consumption of the enterprise, are used.
A consumer with an annual consumption of 10,000-15,000 MWh per year rarely plans with deviations of less than 10%. The percentage of deviations of the guaranteeing supplier rarely exceeds 5%. Why? Because the useful supply of the supplier of last resort, as a rule, amounts to several billion kWh per year, which is tens of times more than the consumption of one enterprise - a GP client. And planning large volumes is much easier. Accordingly, the deviations are smaller.
Thus, by choosing 5-6 price categories, the consumer “dooms” himself to daily planning of his consumption, while, in the vast majority of cases, paying the guarantee supplier a higher cost of electricity supply than when calculating according to 3-4 price categories. Which makes no sense to consumers.

Thus, to minimize the cost of power supply when working with GP for consumers with a maximum power of more than 670 kW. comes down to choosing between price categories 3 and 4, which differ in the choice of tariff option for electricity transmission services.
The smoother the operating schedule of an enterprise within a day, the more likely it is that such a consumer benefits from a two-rate transmission tariff (and, accordingly, the 4th price category). There is no universal recipe here. The same consumer with the same consumption schedule, depending on tariff decisions, may benefit from both a single-rate and a two-rate transmission tariff.
So I advise you to determine each time after the publication of new REC tariffs which transmission tariff will be more profitable and, if necessary, change the price category. Moreover, according to the law, the consumer has 1 month from the date of publication of the REC tariffs.

The only difference between the fourth price category and the third is that, as mentioned above, in the third price category the price of electricity includes the component of transporting electricity to the consumer (the price of delivering electricity, so to speak), but the price of power does not. In the fourth price category, everything is a little different.

A consumer who has chosen the 4th price category is required to pay the following components:

  • Electricity for each hour, while its price includes payment for transport only partially (the component for payment of electricity of the two-rate tariff for the provision of services for the transmission of electricity by electrical networks. What is a two-part tariff for the provision of electricity transmission services is discussed above);
  • Power paid for on the wholesale market. Its price does not include payment for electricity transportation;
  • Transmitted power. Its price is the rate for the capacity of the two-rate tariff for the provision of services for the transmission of electricity through electrical networks.

Consumption in total for the month amounted to 1000 kWh, incl. per hour
Prices for electricity for each hour:
1st from 00-00 to 01-00 - RUB 1.30 per kWh without VAT;
from 1-00 to 2-00 - RUB 1.31. per kWh without VAT;
30th from 22-00 to 23-00 - 1.38 rub. per kWh without VAT;
From 23-00 to 24-00 - 1.36 rub. per kWh without VAT;

The capacity paid to the wholesale market and determined according to the procedure indicated below amounted to 1.5 kW.

The power paid to the wholesale market is calculated very simply: on working days of the month, electricity consumption at the reporting hour is taken (these hours are published on the website of ATS OJSC and the website of the State Enterprise), then this consumption is summed up and the resulting amount is divided by the number of working days in the month (average arithmetic).

example, the reporting hour of the 1st is 20:00, the 2nd is 21:00, the 3rd is 20:00, etc.). Consumption during these hours is added up and the resulting amount is divided by the number of working days in the month. The result is the amount of power paid to the wholesale electricity market.

The power price paid on the wholesale market was 250 rub. per kW.

The network power determined according to the procedure indicated below was 1.6 kW.

Network capacity in the fourth price category is calculated a little differently: on the same working days of the month, but in a certain range of hours, which is approved by the system operator (these hours are called “planned peak hours” and are approved for the whole year and can be viewed in the section of the website " Regulatory documents"), the maximum hourly electricity consumption is selected, then this maximum consumption is summed up and the resulting amount is divided by the number of working days in the month (arithmetic average). For example, the system operator has set a range of hours from 8 to 11 and from 16 to 22 daily, the maximum hourly electricity consumption in this range is on the 1st at 10 o’clock, on the 2nd at 18 o’clock, on the 3rd at 21 o’clock, etc.) . Consumption during these hours is added up and the resulting amount is divided by the number of working days in the month. The result is the amount of power paid to the wholesale electricity market.

The price for network capacity (which is equal to the capacity rate of the two-part tariff for the provision of electricity transmission services) is equal to 800 rub. per kW.

Electricity cost with the fourth price category is determined for each hour:
1st day from 00-00 to 01-00: 1*1.30 = 1.3 rub. without VAT;
from 1-00 to 2-00: 1*1.31 = RUB 1.31. without VAT;
30th from 22-00 to 23-00: 1*1.38 = 1.38 RUR. without VAT;
From 23-00 to 24-00: 1*1.36 = 1.36 rub. without VAT;
The cost of electricity is thus determined for each hour separately, then summed up for all hours.
As a result, in a month the cost of electricity is 1300 rubles. without VAT.
Cost of power paid to the wholesale market = 1.5 * 250 = 375 RUR. without VAT.
Network power cost = 1280 rub. without VAT
Cost of consumption of everything= cost of electricity + cost of power paid to the wholesale market + cost of transmitted power = 1300+375+1280 = 2955 rub. without VAT.

So, the main difference between the fourth price category and the third, this is that for the third price category the cost of electricity transportation is included completely in the cost of electricity (the price of power does not contain this transport component), and for the fourth price category the cost of electricity transport is included in both the cost of electricity and the cost of power, by adding into calculations of transmitted power. In other words, the price of electricity for the fourth price category is significantly lower than for the third price category, but the price of power for the fourth price category will be higher than for the third.

How to choose a price category for electricity?

Energy intensity - what is it in production? Stone for gabions: minimum investment, maximum benefit!

If in the first and second price categories the calculations were made only for electrical energy(which automatically included the cost of power consumption), then calculations for price categories 3,4,5,6 are carried out for both electrical energy and power. However, the price of electricity can be significantly lower than in the first or second price category.

In order to understand the difference between 3.5 and 4 and 6 price categories, it is necessary to clarify that the tariff for the service of transmitting electricity through electric networks is about 50% of the total final price of electricity for any price category. It is approved local authority executive power in the field of state regulation of tariffs and can be divided into the following types:

1. One-piece;
2. Two-part.

As is clear from the name of the tariff type, a single-rate tariff is set for each kWh. transmitted energy and includes all costs of transporting electricity. The two-rate tariff is divided into a rate for electricity and a rate for capacity and in total also includes all costs for transporting electricity.

When choosing a particular tariff for the provision of electricity transmission services, the consumer chooses the possible price categories applicable to him. If he has chosen a single-rate tariff for the provision of electricity transmission services, he can then choose 1, 2, 3 or 5 price categories. If it is a two-part one, then only the 4th or 6th price category (more details about the procedure for choosing a price category are discussed in the corresponding section of the site).

But let’s return to the order of calculations in the third to sixth price categories: calculations for electricity in these price categories are made for each hour separately, and calculations for power are made for the value as a whole for the month.

The question arises of how the volume of electricity consumed for each hour of the month is determined and how to determine the amount of power for the month as a whole.
Regarding electricity, everything is very simple - there are multi-tariff meters that store in their memory the hourly electricity consumption for several months. You only need to transfer its readings to the computer via the infrared port or using a flash drive and all the data will be on hand.

It is worth noting that in accordance with the amendments made by the Government of the Russian Federation of May 4, 2012 No. 442, the procedure for calculating power and its cost for the 3rd and 5th price categories differs from the procedure for the fourth and sixth price categories:

Power consumption at a certain hour is the electricity consumption for that same hour. For example, from 19-00 to 20-00 your electricity meter showed consumption of 5 kWh, which means your power consumption at that hour was 5 kW.

For the third and fifth price categories, power is calculated very simply: on working days of the month, electricity consumption at the reporting hour is taken (these hours are published on the website of ATS OJSC and the website of the State Enterprise - automatic telephone exchange peak hours loads), then this consumption is summed up and the resulting amount is divided by the number of working days in a month (arithmetic average). This power is offered at the purchase price from the wholesale electricity market increased by a percentage of the sales premium. For convenience, we will call it capacity paid to the wholesale market.

And for the fourth and sixth price categories, two capacities are calculated: power paid for on the wholesale market and transmitted power. In this case, the power paid to the wholesale market is calculated according to the above principle, and the transmitted power is calculated as follows: on working days of the month in a certain range of hours (for example, from 9 to 11 and from 15 to 20), established by order of the System Operator, the maximum electricity consumption is selected - planned peak load hours for 2014 (or another period), then this consumption is summed up and the resulting amount is divided by the number of working days in the month (arithmetic average). Thus, the transmitted power will always be no lower than the power paid to the wholesale market.
In the examples below it is proposed to consider the calculation procedure for 3 - 6 price categories.
