Instructions for registering on the public services portal. Step-by-step instructions for registering on the unified portal of public services

To take advantage of the abundance of opportunities provided by the Unified State Portal, you must first find out how to register for “State Services”. Unfortunately, you won’t get away with a simple confirmation via email - the registration procedure for State Services is quite lengthy and consists of many stages.

It is important for the site user to know: there are several levels of accounts - simplified, standard and confirmed. It is better to complete the registration procedure, because a simplified account allows you to use a minimum set of services.

Getting ready for registration

A citizen who is going to register for State Services should have at hand:

  • Russian passport - you will have to rewrite the details.
  • SNILS is a green laminated document issued by the Pension Fund.
  • Phone - notifications will be sent to the number. In addition, the number will be useful if the user forgets the password.
  • An email address is also needed for notifications.

Step-by-step instructions on how to register on the State Services website will consist of 3 steps.

Step #1. Simplified registration

Let's start registration this way.

Click on the “Register” button in the right block of the main page:

We fill out a simple form: indicate your last name, first name, cell phone number, email address.

Click “Register” and wait for an SMS message with a code to arrive on your phone. When the code arrives, enter it in the field and click “Continue” again.

Enter the same password twice and click “Done.”

You can rejoice! Simplified registration on the State Services portal has been completed. Some of the services are now available to you, e.g. make an appointment with a doctor online. To fully use the portal, you need to know how to register on “State Services” with an account increased (standard) level.

Step #2. Standard registration

After successful simplified registration, the system transfers the user to a page with a form for filling out personal data.

At this stage, SNILS and passport details will be useful.

Advice: Complete your personal data with your TIN number, details of your compulsory medical insurance policy, driver’s license, birth certificate, military ID. In case you lose one of the listed documents, the data can be easily found in the Personal Account of the State Services.

After filling in all fields, click “Continue”. The system will begin checking the entered data - according to the information provided on the website, the duration of the check ranges from 5 minutes to 5 days. There is no need to wait for the verification to be completed in front of a computer screen. Close the site and do other things - You will be notified of a successful State Services check via SMS.

After receiving the treasured message, you become the owner standard account.

Step 3: Identity Verification

To enjoy all the privileges on the State Services website, you need to obtain a personal code. Log in to your Personal Account and click on the “Proceed to Identity Confirmation” button.

You will see that the system offers three identification methods:

Personal application to the service center: a multifunctional center in your city or a Russian post office - you need to go there, taking your passport with you. You can see where the nearest service centers are located using Yandex.Maps on the State Services website.

Enter the address into the search engine, select the desired service and preferred opening hours of the center and click “Find”. The results are displayed not only on the map, but also in the form of a list of addresses.

The list will also display the approximate distance from your place of residence to the service center.

This identification method is usually used by those citizens who need to receive a service urgently. Employees of the service center verify the passport data, give the applicant an envelope containing a confirmation code inside, and tell the individual how to register on the State Services website completely.

Registered letter by mail. This method is the most convenient, because to order a letter with a code through Russian Post you don’t even need to get up from the couch. You will have to wait about 2 weeks. Previously, there was no need to visit the post office (the postman brought the letter directly to the apartment), but now it is necessary, and the site focuses the user’s attention on this. The letter is issued when the customer presents a passport.

After receiving the letter, proceed as follows:

  • Find the code in the letter and log into your Personal Account at Gosuslugi.
  • Follow the path “My data” to “General data” and click “Go to editing”.

  • Enter the code from the letter and click “Check”.

A day after ordering a letter, the tracking service becomes available - with its help you can find out at what stage of delivery the letter is. A link to the route appears in the code confirmation block.

Please note: If you used the code from the letter to confirm your identity, you will not receive access to the taxpayer’s Personal Account on the official website of the Federal Tax Service Therefore, the State Services website recommends applying for identification in person.

Confirmation using an electronic signature or UEC. Although this confirmation method is the fastest, it is not popular. You can obtain an electronic signature at one of the accredited centers, the current list of which is published on the portal of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

The UEC card was discontinued on January 1, 2017, but if the card has not expired, it can still be used to authorize and confirm your account. Additionally, you will need to install a reader and a special Web browser plugin.

This method is often used by legal entities that use electronic signatures regularly.

Upon completion of registration, the system will send you a congratulatory message. After this, log back into your Personal Account - you will find that all services on the portal have become available to you.

Today, an account on the State Services portal is not a mandatory requirement for citizens of the Russian Federation, but having an account simplifies working with many government organizations. The advantage of this site is the ability to submit an application via the Internet, but in some cases this will require proof of identity.

A profile on State Services contains a lot of important information about the user, starting with his contacts and ending with the data of all official documents. Thanks to the availability of such information, applications from the user are accepted for consideration via the Internet. But employees of government agencies need confidence that a real person is asking for documents, so registration on the portal has several forms of confirmation.

There are 3 stages of registration, at each of which the citizen must enter certain data and confirm it:

  • Initial registration with email and phone number;
  • Profile confirmation by specifying passport data;
  • Final proof of identity.

Only after you have confirmed your identity accordingly will you gain access to all functions of the portal. Some of them are available during initial registration. For example, viewing information on fines. But only a confirmed user can replace the passport. There are a lot of functions that require identity verification; they take up most of the site’s capabilities.

Identity verification through User Service Centers

The most popular method of identity verification for State Services is visiting the User Service Center. Despite the name, these are not separate institutions. Branches of banks, the Pension Fund, as well as other authorized organizations can act as CSCs. You can find out their addresses and work schedule on the State Services portal itself.

  • Then click on the “Service Center” button;

On the map that opens, you can find a suitable center where you can confirm your identity for the State Services website.

If the user previously had a profile on the portal, but access to it is lost and a new account is created, it is recommended to confirm the identity through the Pension Fund of Russia branches.

At the time of the visit, the citizen must have a passport and SNILS with him, the details of which are indicated in the profile. You will need to fill out an application on site and present documents. Over the course of some time, the account status will be confirmed and the user will be able to work with his personal account as he requires.

If necessary, you can create a personal account directly when visiting the Customer Service Center. Even if a “pre-registration” has not been created. In this case, a verified account will be created immediately.

Through MFC - My Documents

You can confirm your identity at the MFC. Any multifunctional center will do, as they operate without being tied to a specific place of residence. However, unlike User Service Centers, it is impossible to initially create a personal account here. To confirm the identity, the user will need initial registration with State Services, a passport and SNILS.

MFC employees will first require the login and password for the account to verify its existence. After which the data from the documents provided by the citizen will be verified with those indicated in the profile. If the information matches, no more than 30 minutes later an SMS will be sent to the user’s mobile phone notifying them of successful identity confirmation.

Identity confirmation with electronic signature

The fastest way to start working on State Services in full format is to confirm your identity using an enhanced qualified electronic signature. The portal even has a special form for logging in via electronic signature. In order to use it in the future, as well as gain access to the portal’s capabilities, at the registration stage after creating a standard account, you must select electronic signature confirmation.

Next, a special window will open, where the need to connect a removable storage device with an electronic signature to the computer will be indicated. Please note that the remaining connected devices should be removed. After the computer recognizes the flash drive with data, just click “Finish”. In some cases, it is impossible to log into your account using an electronic signature, so you must check this box in the settings in advance.

You will find detailed information on how to obtain an electronic signature in this article.

Russian Post

Just as in the case of an electronic signature, you must select “Confirmation by registered mail” at the time of registration. Next, a field will open to indicate the user’s home address. A registered letter with a confirmation code will be sent to this address. It must be entered into the appropriate field in the profile settings.

This method works, since only the addressee can receive a registered letter after presenting a passport. The postal employee is obliged to check the details of the envelope and the visitor and obtain his signature. This method is the slowest, as you will need to wait for the letter. You can track at what stage the registered letter is in the user’s personal account on State Services.

Checking the status of a registered letter is possible only after it has been sent. Sending letters to confirm an account on State Services is carried out one day after the user indicates his address on the website.

Each method of identity verification has its own advantages and disadvantages. If any difficulties arise in the procedure, you must call the State Services hotline to clarify further actions.

Register for government services and create your personal account for access to all services of the official website. Access to the portal is open to individuals and legal entities.

Instructions: registration on the website

To register your personal individual profile on the portal, you need to follow three simple steps, which consist of filling out all the important details and verifying your identity.

  • Stage 1 - Register on the portal. Go to the official website of government services, to the data filling page - and enter your last name, first name, mobile phone number (in the format +7 123 4567890) and email address.

    After entering the information, click on the submit button. Immediately after this, you will receive a confirmation code on your mobile phone - enter it in the appropriate window and click on the “Continue” button.

Finally, you need to come up with a password that you need to remember or write down. Try to come up with the most complex password possible so that no one but you can access your personal account.

Don't forget to confirm your email address. You should receive an email with a link that you need to follow to confirm.

  • Step 2 - Enter data. An important part of the process of creating a personal account is entering passport and SNILS information. All this is needed to provide you with basic types of government services through the official website of the State Services.

    Enter the basic information, exactly as indicated in the passport: last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, series and number of the passport, who issued it, date of issue and department code. Don't forget to enter the insurance number of your individual personal account - SNILS.

  • Step 3 - Confirm your identity. In order for your profile on the government services website to be considered confirmed, you must contact the MFC, the Pension Fund of Russia or any other institution to confirm your identity. You must have your passport and SNILS with you. Another convenient way to confirm your identity on the State Services website is verification through Internet Banking.

After completing all the stages of filling out the information and confirming your account, you will be able to log in to your State Services personal account and use the portal without any restrictions, ordering all available services for citizens.

Video about registering an individual on the website

Personal account for a legal entity - registration

On the State Services portal you have the opportunity to register a legal entity account - this can be done by the owner or official representative of the organization who has the right to conduct any activity on its behalf.

However, creating an account for an institution is possible only after verifying the profile of the above-mentioned individual.

How do I get my account verified?

  • First option– this is the creation of a personal profile for a manager or other representative of the company who has authority. To do this, click on the “Registration” link and fill in the fields with the following information: full name, mobile number and e-mail. A verification code will be sent to the specified details, which must be entered in the appropriate line.

    In the next step, you will have to come up with a password for subsequent access to your personal account and begin creating a “Standard” profile. Here you need to fill in the fields with SNILS and passport data. After successful verification, you will be asked to confirm your account.

    To complete the process, you need to select one of the competent organizations listed on the website and appear with your passport and SNILS to receive verification.

  • There is a second, simpler option. You will be able to confirm your identity using the electronic signature of a legal entity. But this will only become possible if the certificate contains information identifying your identity, including: SNILS and passport.

    In addition, to use an electronic signature, you must have the appropriate software installed on your device.

Registration via mobile application

Register for State Services you can use a mobile application, which is available for download from official sources. There are versions for Windows Mobile, Android and iOS.

Registration through a mobile application on the government services portal is practically no different from the above methods. Open the program on your phone or tablet, click on the “Register” button and start entering all the necessary data required to create a personal account.

If you can't register

I can’t register for government services, the system says that such a user already exists.

Reasons: Perhaps you have already registered an account on the government services portal and forgot about it. A situation could also arise when, during a visit to the MFC or the Pension Fund, they could also offer to register an account for you. But you didn’t attach any importance to this.

Solution: In any case, the situation is fixable. If the system does not allow you to register because a user with the same SNILS or phone number already exists, you can use the password recovery procedure. Enter SNILS in the appropriate field, request password recovery and, after completing the procedure, you will be able to enter your personal account.

The State Services portal provides individuals and legal entities with convenient access to state and municipal services in electronic form. On the unified website of government services, many useful services are available that anyone can use, provided they have an account. Many people have no idea how to register on the State Services portal and confirm their identity, however, this procedure does not involve any difficulties. To successfully register on the government services portal, you will need a few minutes of free time and this step-by-step guide.

To gain access to all the capabilities of the State Services portal, it is not enough to simply register. You must also confirm your account using one of the available methods. As we will also tell you in this review. It is worth adding that you can register for government services not only from a computer or laptop. You can install the “State Services” application on your phone and log in to the portal through it. You can also find instructions on this page.

  • Important
  • To register on the State Services portal you will need a Passport, SNILS, phone number and email.

What is required to register with government services?

Before registering on the government services portal, you should prepare everything you need for this procedure, so as not to be distracted later. Don’t worry, you don’t need anything special to create an account on the unified government services website. Every modern person has everything that is needed for registration. If previously, after registering, the user had to go to the nearest service center or wait two weeks for a letter with an account confirmation code, but now everything can be done without leaving home.

To register on the State Services portal you will need:

  • Computer, laptop, tablet or phone with Internet access;
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS;
  • Phone number;
  • E-mail.

In principle, you can register on the public service portal without passport data and SNILS number, but then limited functionality of the resource will be available to you. For example, you will not be able to pay taxes, restore lost documents, register/deregister a car, etc. Therefore, we recommend confirming your identity and fully using the government services portal. Besides, it will not take a lot of time. You don’t have to worry about the safety of your personal data; the Gosuslugi portal has a fairly high level of security.

Types of account on the public services portal

Before telling you how to register on the State Services portal, you should pay special attention to the types of accounts. The fact is that the government services website provides three types of accounts. As noted earlier, in order to gain access to all functions of the portal, you must confirm your identity accordingly and obtain the latest account type. However, if you do not intend to use the State Services portal fully, then a different type of account is suitable for you.

The following account types are available for government services:

  • "Simplified". Assigned immediately after registration. It is enough to indicate your full name and phone number. Suitable only for reviewing information about services;
  • "Standard". To obtain this type of account, you need to provide your real passport details and SNILS number. Access to many services is provided, but not to all;
  • "Confirmed." The last type of account that gives access to all the features of the State Services portal. To obtain this type of account, you need to confirm your identity using one of the proposed options (read more below).

Everyone chooses for themselves which type of account is suitable for them. Perhaps a “Simplified” or “Standard” account is enough for you now, but it is highly likely that sooner or later you will need to use a service that requires a “Verified” account. The State Services portal is actively developing and new useful services appear regularly, so we recommend that you immediately confirm your identity.

Instructions for registering on the State Services portal

Many people do not know how to register on the State Services portal and consider this procedure too complicated for them. In fact, everything is much simpler than it might seem. It doesn’t matter whether you are an advanced network user or far from Internet technologies, registering on the government services website will not cause you any difficulties if you follow the guide below. So, as noted earlier, you will need Internet access, a Russian Federation citizen’s passport, SNILS, telephone number and email. If you don't already have an email address, create one. Instructions can be found on the Internet.

To register on the State Services portal, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the link to enter the official website of the State Services;
  2. Find the “Register” button on the page and click on it;
  3. Enter your last name, first name, mobile phone, email in the appropriate fields and click on the “Register” button;
  4. Confirm your phone number by entering the code received via SMS in the appropriate field and click “Continue”;
  5. Create a password that will be used to enter your personal State Services account and click “Done.”

Now you know how to register on the State Services portal. All you have to do is confirm your account and all the functionality of the resource will be available to you. Before you can verify your identity, you need to get a “Standard” account. We mentioned above that to receive it in your personal government services account, it is enough to indicate your passport details and SNILS number. After this, you can begin the identity verification procedure. A step-by-step guide is provided below.

  • Important
  • Phone number and email cannot be used twice when registering for government services.

Account confirmation for government services

We found out how to register on the government services portal, but this is not enough to fully use the functionality of this resource. You also need to confirm your account. Previously, this required personally visiting a service center or ordering a letter with a confirmation code by mail. Now there is a more convenient way. Please note that before confirming your account in your personal account on the government services portal, you must provide your passport details and SNILS number. If you have already done this, then all you have to do is choose a method that is convenient for you to confirm your account.

You can confirm your identity on the State Services portal in the following ways:

  • Through Internet banking (Sberbank, Tinkoff and Post Bank);
  • By personally contacting the service center (MFC, Rostelecom office, pension fund and other organizations);
  • By ordering to receive an identity verification code through Russian Post;
  • Using an enhanced qualified digital signature or UEC card.

The first option is of greatest interest. First of all, it is interesting because it does not require leaving your own home. You can register on the government services portal and immediately confirm your account via Internet banking, and everything will take you no more than half an hour. We talked about it in a separate article, so we won’t return to this issue now. One has only to say that this procedure takes no more than 5 minutes. If you do not use the Internet banking system, you will have to visit the nearest service center or order a letter with a confirmation code by mail. You can also find out more about these methods in a separate article on our website.

Authorization on the State Services portal

After you register on the government services portal, you will have a personal account, to enter which you use a login and password. You created the password during the registration process, and your phone number will be used as your login. If necessary, you can. To use a particular service on the State Services portal, you must first log in. In principle, there should be no problems with this, but just in case, we have prepared a step-by-step guide.

  1. Follow the link;
  2. Click on the “Login” button;
  3. Enter the phone number and password used during registration and click “Login”.

Please note that you can also log in to the State Services portal using your SNILS number or email address. If unauthorized persons do not have access to your computer, you can enable the password remembering function in your browser and no longer enter your login and password the next time you log into the government services website.

  • Important
  • Do not, under any pretext, give anyone your login information for your personal State Services account.

Registration through the State Services application

Especially for the convenience of users, the “State Services” application was developed, which has functionality similar to the web version of the portal. Many will be interested in how to register on the government services portal through the application. This option will be optimal for those who need to quickly create an account in government services, but only have a smartphone at hand. Of course, you first need to download this application. You can download it from Play Market and App Store.

To register for government services through the application, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the “Government Services” application;
  2. Launch the application and click on the “Register” button;

The first step when working with the portal is user registration and logging into your Personal Account. Without this, the functionality of the site will not be available. All a portal visitor can do is view information about various services, but he will not be able to receive any of them. At the same time, registering an individual in the Personal Account of the State Services website takes very little time. The procedure for creating a new account has its own nuances, which will be discussed in this article.

How to register on the site?

If a person has registered at least once on Internet portals, then he probably already has an idea of ​​how an individual registers on the State Services portal. By going to the official website, on the main page the user can see a block with two large buttons – Login and Register. If you don’t yet have an account on, you need to click on the second button.

Important: anyone can register on the website and gain access to the Unified Identification and Authentication System (Unified System of Identification and Authentication), the service is provided free of charge.

Next, you will see a form that is standard for the registration procedure on most sites, in which you must enter your valid (real) first name, last name and contact information (email address or telephone number) in the correct format.

Attention: when registering, you will need access to the specified phone number and email address.

After clicking on the blue Register button, an individual will be sent a letter to the specified email or SMS with a combination of numbers to confirm registration on the State Services website.

Important: if you use a mobile phone for registration, it is better to keep it handy, since the code sent to the specified number will be valid for only 300 seconds, after which it will no longer be possible to enter it into the account confirmation column.

After activating your account in one of the following ways (using an SMS code or a link in a letter sent by email), you will need to create a password to log into the site.

Your profile on State Services will contain personal data, in particular information from your passport and SNILS, so it is important to protect your account with a strong password. For a password to have a high degree of security, it must be composed taking into account the following points:

  • minimum password length – 8 characters;
  • it must contain Latin capital letters;
  • the password must contain numbers;
  • identical signs should not be located next to each other;
  • The password must use punctuation marks, for example, !?;)
  • The special characters * and # should not be present in the password.

A hint will be visible under the password entry field indicating its strength. A password that meets all of the above criteria will have a very high degree of reliability, which means that personal data will be protected from unauthorized persons.

User account

After completing these simple steps, the user will see a message about the successful completion of registration and will be automatically redirected to the site after 3 seconds.

Simplified notation

At this stage, the person is the owner of the simplified account. It provides the opportunity to view information about services, contact the portal’s support service, pay traffic fines, find out legal debt and pay it off online. But all other services will be unavailable, so next you need to “upgrade” your account from simplified to standard.

Standard recording

As you can see, simply registering on the portal is not enough if you want to use all the functionality of the official website. It will be possible to receive government services only after entering personal data into your profile and confirming your identity. To convert the record to a standard one, it is enough to indicate your passport data and .

Note: foreign citizens living in the Russian Federation also have the right to create a standard type account. But the condition for this is to receive SNILS from the Pension Fund at the place of registration.

Owners of a standard account have access to a wider range of services, in particular, it becomes possible to issue an extract from a pension fund and register a vehicle. After entering the passport data and indicating the SNILS number, the information received will be verified and reconciled with the database in the Pension Fund and the Federal Migration Service. This procedure may require approximately 15 minutes of waiting time.

Verified Entry

After receiving a standard type account, registration on State Services cannot yet be called 100% complete. To get full access you need to have a verified account. After all the data has been entered in your Personal Account, you need to confirm your identity using one of the methods provided for this:

  • by visiting the MFC in person (you need to have your passport with you);
  • using ;
  • using the access code received by registered mail.

Attention! Registration on the single portal with a confirmed account allows you to use all the functionality of the site without restrictions. It will be possible to draw up documents (foreign passport, driver’s license, etc.), enroll children in kindergarten, register at the place of residence, and much more.

If you choose the option of confirming your identity by letter by mail, you need to keep in mind that the services provided by the Tax Service will not be available. In addition, to receive a letter you will have to visit the post office, so this method is considered the most inconvenient.

Since only some users have an electronic signature, the most popular way to confirm an account is to contact the customer service center in person. During registration, the government services portal State Services will offer to find the nearest MFC branches on the map.

Before registering on the State Services website, it is useful to read the step-by-step instructions presented in this article, and then you will not have any difficulties completing this procedure. You need to enter data into your Personal Account and get the status of a verified account. This will save much more time and effort on paperwork and receiving various government services in the future.
