Open the form of the reference book with selection 1s 8.3. How to set a selection in the lookup list form? Setting the selection in the configurator

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In this article, we will consider how the process of reserving goods in 1C UT 11 is implemented, and how, in general, work is being done to ensure customer requests.

Let's start by enabling some constants in the settings. If we are talking about the need to provide customer requests, then the function of using customer orders should be enabled accordingly, and you will also need to specify the option for their application: Order from a warehouse or on order.

If you have questions on the topic of booking goods in 1C UT 11, ask them in the comments below the article, our experts will try to answer them.

The option only from the warehouse allows you to carry out work on the reservation and control of supply, but at the same time you cannot reserve inventory items that are not yet available. These options are located in the Administration → Master data and sections settings → Sales section. In the settings of the Warehouse and delivery section, enable the Separate provision of orders flag, which will allow you to make requests for delivery for a specific destination.

Next, we proceed to work with customer orders. The possibility of their execution to the greatest extent depends on the state of stocks. The system controls whether the goods are in stock and whether they are scheduled to arrive from the supplier. It will determine and offer an available option for providing an order when the user performs certain actions. Items of the order must be selected using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A and click the button Provision → Fill in the provision, and then specify the desired options for actions with item positions (they will be displayed in a separate window). So the available actions can be represented in the form of three groups:

 Ship and Reserve. This is what ideally needs to be done in order to send the product to the client or book it on stock balances and thereby ensure that the order is completed on time.

 Reserve as you go. If the goods are not in stock and it is not possible to immediately ship and reserve goods in 1C, but it is planned to be received from the supplier (there is a confirmed document in the system), then using this action, the goods that arrive are reserved for this current order.

 If none of the above actions is available, then you need to define Cancel Provisioning, Postpone To Provisioning, or Provide Separately.

In this case, the described groups may not correspond to the number indicated in the filling and shipment window. So you can select only the value of the first group, for example, only Ship. The program will allow you to do this, but it will not check for the presence of product balances. Reservation as it arrives can be omitted, then the incoming goods will be reserved by the most nimble manager. You can simply postpone the execution of the order by simply setting one of the statuses of the third group.

Depending on the selected actions, one or another action will be set in the tabular part of the document. The string is automatically split, depending on the provisioning capability. So, for example, if there is a hair dryer in the warehouse in the amount of 100 pieces, the need for the order is 101 pieces, and you need to ship everything that is in stock, and leave the rest to supply, in this case the line will be divided into two: 100 Ship and 1 To supply .

You can also specify the provisioning method on a separate line by double-clicking a cell in the Action column. The window will display information about what actions are available. The choice is made by transferring the value from the Available column to the Matched column and is performed by pressing the arrow in the line with the desired action.

 Ship - products can be sent to the client by generating sales documents.

 Reserve – the product is reserved and at any time the manager can change its status to Ship and send it to the client in the same way.

 Reserve by date – after the item arrives at the warehouse, the manager can change its status to Ship and send it to the client in the same way;

 Provide separately - the goods can be ordered by specifying a specific purpose: the order under which the products will be received. Or wait for it to arrive at the warehouse and reserve or ship it in the future.

 To supply - the goods are waiting further work to ensure it, i.e. reservation or shipment.

 Do Not Provide - The item will not be counted as requiring shipment or reservation.

Reserving goods in 1C assumes that goods that are reserved or subject to shipment, or ordered separately, can no longer be used for other orders. In order for the reserved items to be used to secure other orders, you will need to perform a collateral adjustment and remove the reserves.

Also, on the command Provision status, it is possible to open the processing Provision status of the order. it workplace is designed to control and adjust the schedule of shipment of orders, by following individual recommendations. Processing can also be used to work with the list of orders by opening it from the Sales section. In this case, you will see a complete picture of positions that are not yet to be shipped and for which work is underway to provide. To simplify the perception of information, it provides the ability to visually display the state of provision, in the lower part of the window there are all the symbols used in this case.

To obtain summary data on the number of reserved and free inventory, use the Remains and Availability of Items report. From it, you can also get a decryption for the value of interest.

Many companies use 1C goods reservation mechanisms. This description suitable for programs "1C: Trade Management, ed. 10.3" and "Manufacturing Enterprise Management".

Indeed, the reservation mechanism is very convenient - you can put a reserve on the goods for the client, ship the reserved goods, remove the reserve if necessary. Unfortunately, our practice of trade automation shows that not all users fully understand the operation of the reservation mechanism.

In this article, we will try to correct the situation, consider the basic principles of redundancy and answer the following questions:

  1. How can I reserve an item?
  2. How can I remove the reserve, in what cases does it happen automatically?
  3. In what reports can I see information about reserves?
The article will be useful to users who are familiar with the program and want to generalize their knowledge of the redundancy mechanism.

Product reservation

There are several ways to reserve a product for a buyer.

Method number 1 - in the buyer's order

At the time of placing the order, the buyer can reserve the goods specified in the order.

Menu: Documents - Sales - Customer Orders

To do this, in the table of goods, you need to specify the warehouse where you want to make a reservation in the column "Placement".

If you do not want to manually select a warehouse, there is a button "Fill and post" in the order. Clicking on this button causes the automatic filling of placements and posting the order. The button is available only when placing an order today.

Method number 2 - in adjusting the buyer's order

To correct a buyer's order, many users create a Buyer Order Correction document, indicating in it the items added and removed from the order.

You can create an adjustment based on an order or manually.

Menu: Documents - sales - Correction of the buyer's order

Adjustments to buyer orders can also set a reserve, as can a buyer order. Specify the warehouse in the "Placement" column or use the "Fill and post" button.

Method number 3 - in the document "Reservation of goods"

You can put a reserve in a separate document "Reservation of goods". It can be created based on a customer order or manually.

In order to place a reserve, you need to specify the order, the item to be reserved and its quantity, as well as fill in the warehouse in the "New placement" column. At the time of the document, a reserve will be established.

Method number 4 - at the time of receipt of goods

This method only works if you place orders with suppliers to secure customer orders. In this case, the order to the supplier indicates for which buyer this product is ordered.

Menu: Documents - Procurement - Receipts of goods and services

To set a reserve in the receipt of goods, the column "Buyer's order" must be filled in.

If the receipt was created on the basis of an order to the supplier, then the buyers' orders will be filled in automatically. Selecting a buyer's order in the receipt of goods, if the goods were ordered to the supplier not for this buyer, but simply for the warehouse, is strongly not recommended.

Method number 5 - in the internal order

An internal order is used to order goods from the warehouse by your own department or warehouse.

Menu: Documents - Stocks (warehouse) - Internal orders

In the internal order, as well as in the buyer's order, there is the "Placement" column and the "Fill and post" button, which allow you to put the item in reserve.

These are the main ways to set up a reserve. The most popular way, of course, is to place a reserve through the Buyer's Order document.

In addition to these methods, there are other options when the program can install a reserve:

  • In an internal order adjustment (similar to a buyer's order adjustment)
  • In the document "Receipt order for goods", if the flag "Without the right to sell" is set (goods are taken for safekeeping)
  • In the document "Return of goods from the buyer" - when returning goods that were sold from the reserve
  • In the document “Expense report”, if the accountant went for goods ordered by the supplier (by analogy with the receipt of goods).

Removal of goods from the reserve in 1C

There are also many ways to withdraw a reserve, consider the main ones.

Method number 1 - in the sale of goods

At the time of shipment of goods in the program, the document "Sales of goods and services" is drawn up.

Menu: Documents - Sales - Sales of goods and services

If goods were reserved at the buyer's order, then at the time of sale the reserve must be removed. In order for the reserve to be removed from the goods, you need to specify the write-off method "From the reserve" in the "Goods" table.

In the case of filling in the sale of goods based on the buyer's order, the program itself determines which goods are in the reserve, and which will be written off from the free balance in the warehouse. Be very careful when filling out the document manually: if you specify the write-off method “From warehouse”, the goods will be written off, but the reserve for it will not be removed and will “hang”.

Method number 2 - in the document« Closing customer orders»

This document is used to close orders for which some goods were not shipped or the client refused to purchase at all.

Menu: Documents - Sales - Closing customer orders

The document specifies customer orders that need to be closed. At the time of posting the document, the program checks whether there are reserves for the specified orders. If there are reserves, they are automatically removed.

After the document is posted, there will be no reserves for all orders included in it.

Method number 3 - in the document« Reservation of goods»

In addition to setting a reserve, this document can also be used to remove a reserve.

Menu: Documents - Sales - Reservation of goods

In order to remove the reserve, you need to specify the order, the product and its quantity, as well as fill in the warehouse in the "Initial placement" column. At the time of the document, the reserve will be removed.

Note: With one document, you can simultaneously remove a reserve from one warehouse and reserve goods at another, if you fill in both the original and the new placement.

Method number 4 - in « Invoice-requirement » or « Movement of goods »

Documents "Request-invoice" and "Movement of goods" are used to write off goods to the costs of the department and move goods from one warehouse to another, respectively.

Menu: Documents - Stocks (warehouse) - Movement of goods

Menu: Documents - Stocks (warehouse) - Requirement-invoice

If documents are issued on the basis of an internal order in which a reserve was set, then at the time of posting the documents, the reserve must be removed. To remove the reserve, the column “Reserve document” must be filled in:

Note: if the movement of goods is made from the reserve for the buyer, then the program not only removes the reserve at the sender's warehouse, but also sets it at the recipient's warehouse.

These methods of withdrawing a reserve are the most popular, but there are other possible situations:

  • In the document "Write-off of goods", if the "Reserve document" is filled in the table "Goods"
  • In the document "Goods issue note", when goods are returned to the counterparty that were previously accepted for safekeeping without the right to sell
  • In the "Adjustment of the buyer's order" and "Adjustment of the internal order" documents, if a negative quantity of goods is indicated and the placement is filled
  • In the document "Closing internal orders" (similar to closing customer orders)

Item Reservation Reports

We made sure that there are a lot of opportunities for reservation and withdrawal of the reserve in the program. Moreover, in most cases, the program puts / removes the reserve automatically, based on the filling of the document, without signaling this to the user.

To control the reserves in the warehouse, you need to use reports, thanks to them you will always know which goods are in the reserve.

Report "Goods in reserve in warehouses"

Menu: Reports - Inventory (warehouse) - Goods in reserve in warehouses

This report is intended solely for obtaining information on reserves. Thanks to it, you can always find out: which goods, for which order and in which warehouse are in reserve.

The report can be customized: set filters, change the composition of groups, etc.

Report "Analysis of the availability of goods in warehouses"

Menu: Reports - Stocks (warehouse) - Analysis of the availability of goods in warehouses

This report shows more detailed information about the rest of the goods in stock. In it you can see the balance of goods in the warehouse, the reserve, the quantity of goods ordered from the supplier, and other information:

Processing removes the problem of stuck reserves, i.e. allows you to automatically remove the reservation of goods for unshipped and unpaid customer orders (COs). At the same time, you can set the minimum limitation period for reserves for withdrawal yourself.

I draw your attention to the fact that reserves are automatically removed only for those SCs for which there has not yet been a shipment and payment from the buyer has not been received (for correct operation it is necessary to keep records of mutual settlements with counterparties in the context of the invoice).

Entering withdrawal settings

When adding processing, you will have two commands:

Now we are interested in the Settings command.

In the settings, you need to select the type of data, where we will indicate the minimum number of days of the reserve for withdrawal, the options are as follows:

  • agreement with the client (standard or individual),
  • user Settings,
  • customer order.

If you have a different reservation period for different OCs, then it makes sense to set it for each OC separately. Otherwise, it makes sense to set the total number of reserve days for a particular manager or agreement with the client.

When the Close order checkbox is set, the document will not only change the supply option to Do not provide, but also the PO lines will be canceled, and the status will be set for it Closed.

It is possible to send a letter to the client (and the contact person selected in the RFP) when the reservation is removed. To do this, you need to set the appropriate flag and fill in the subject and text of the letter. In this case, you can use both arbitrary characters and replaceable parameters from the ZK itself, enclosed in square brackets. Full list parameters can be viewed by clicking the Help button.

You can choose specific account Email From which the email will be sent.

The next step is to set up a schedule for automatic withdrawal of reservations.

Scheduled processing is supported only in client-server versions of 1C. Read below about what to do in file versions.

Now we need to specify in the ZK maximum amount days of reserve (we specified the order as a source in the settings). There are no necessary details in the typical configuration for storing such information, so we create an additional attribute Days of reserve.

In the list that opens, create a new add. props with type Number:

Add. the props must be named exactly Days of reserve, otherwise the processing will not work.

Fill in the value of the attribute in the RFP:

Automatic withdrawal of reserves on order

After the processing is completed according to the schedule, the reserve for the RFQ is removed, the lines are canceled, and the document itself is closed:

The following email is sent to the client:

Removing a reserve also creates a log entry (for reference):

What to do if you have a file base

If you have a file base, then despite the configured schedule, the process will not run on its own.

The easiest way out of the situation is to manually start the withdrawal of reserves (from the processing card). Because this is very inconvenient, I will show an alternative.

Its essence is as follows - in the Windows Task Scheduler (PP) we will create a task that will launch 1C according to the schedule with the necessary parameters and autorun. After the product has worked and removed all the necessary reserves, the 1C service session closes on its own.

Open software:

Let's create a simple task.

Select the frequency of the task execution.

Set up the schedule.

Choose what exactly the task should do:

As a program, select the 1C launch file (if you have several platform releases installed, then choose the latest release).

It is also necessary to specify the launch parameters in the following form:

The following structures are used here:

  • ENTERPRISE- you need to run exactly the enterprise mode (not the configurator),
  • /DisableStartupMessages- disable messages at system startup,
  • after /F the file base directory is specified,
  • after /N and /P the username and password are specified,
  • after /execute path to processing.

The username and database directory can be taken from the program help:

In the next step, click Finish.

During the initial launch of PP tasks in a running 1C session, a security message will appear:

You need to click Yes, in the future the launch will work out completely autonomously.


Removal of the reserve can be carried out in various ways, let's turn to each of them in more detail.

1. Through the sale of goods.

When the shipment of goods is carried out, it becomes possible to create the document "Sales of goods and services". (Documents-Sales-Sales of goods and services).

Items reserved on order must be removed at the time of sale. To remove goods from the reserve, you need to determine the write-off method in the "Goods" - "From the reserve" table.

If the sale of goods is carried out using the buyer's order, thanks to the program, it becomes possible to determine which goods remain in the reserve, and which goods will be written off according to the goods remaining in the warehouse. Filling the item manually must be done very carefully, because the reservation may not be canceled and the item will remain unused.

2. With the help of the document "Closing customer orders".

This document is used to complete orders for which some goods were not delivered or the client canceled the transaction (Documents-Sales-Closing buyer's orders).

This document contains customer orders that are subject to closure. When goods are posted, the program must check whether there are any reserved goods left for these orders. Existing reserves will be disbanded automatically.

After checking the document, you will not find any reserved goods for its orders.

3. With the help of the document "Reservation of goods".

Using this document, you can both set a reserve and remove it (Documents-Sales-Reservation of goods).

To remove the reserve, you need to specify the order, the ordered goods and their quantity, and also fill in the required column - “Initial placement”. When the document is posted, the reserve will be withdrawn automatically.

Please note: with the help of one document, it will be possible to remove the reserve from one warehouse and make a reserve in another if both types of placement are filled: the original and the new one.

4. Using "Invoice Requirements" and/or "Product Movement"

The above documents can be used to write off goods for certain department costs or to move goods between warehouses (Documents-Stocks-Movement of goods /Documents-Stocks-Requirement invoice).

Using the document to place an internal order, where the goods were reserved, allows you to remove the reserve when the goods are processed. However, the "Reserve Document" column must be filled in.

Please note that if an item is moved from a buyer's reserve, the software solution not only removes the reserve from the warehouse, but also transfers it to another warehouse.

There are also other types of withdrawal of the reserve:

  • With the help of the document "Write-off of goods", if the table "Goods" is filled;
  • With the help of the “Goods issue note” document, when the counterparty receives goods that were not subject to sale.
  • With the help of the document "Adjustment of the buyer's order" and "Adjustment of the internal order" in case of a negative quantity of goods and its placement.
  • Using the document "Closing internal orders" (similar to closing a customer's order).

What are the product reservation reports?

According to our conclusion, there are a sufficient number of opportunities to withdraw the reserve using programs. In addition, the software solution performs write-off or statement automatically, thanks to the filling out of the document, however, it does not signal the situation in any way.

To exercise control over the reserves, you need to refer to the reports, but you can always make sure which goods are reserved.

Report "Goods in reserve in warehouses" (Reports-Stocks-Goods in reserve in warehouses). This report is only used to get comprehensive information about the reserved item. Using it, you can get the following information: the name of the product, the order itself, the warehouse where the product is located.

In addition, reports can be customized: set the selection, change the composition of groups, etc.

Report "Analysis of the availability of goods in warehouses" (Reports-Stocks-Analysis of the availability of goods in warehouses).

Using this report, you can get comprehensive information about the balance of goods (balance, reserve, quantity and other information).

In this article, the methodologists of the company "1C" will talk about new opportunity edition 9.2 of the standard configuration "Trade + Warehouse" - removal of the reservation of goods according to previously executed applications.

To remove the reservation of goods for previously executed requests, version 9.2 of the configuration "Trade + Warehouse" includes two documents "Cancellation of buyers' orders" and "Reserve removal".

New documents are issued using the menu "Documents"/"Buyers"/"Cancellation of buyers' orders" ("Reserve withdrawal").

Consider concrete examples execution of these documents.

Example 1

Orders were issued to buyers, goods were reserved for them, however, buyers did not pay for orders within the specified period and refused to purchase goods. Purchase orders must be cancelled. That is, it is necessary to remove the reserve for goods that are issued according to these applications.
In addition, it is necessary that these applications be excluded from the mechanism for automatic distribution of buyers' applications to suppliers' orders.
In this case, it is necessary to issue a document "Cancellation of buyers' orders".
AT this example when filling out a document, it is convenient to use the opportunity automatic filling document specifications by applications selected according to certain criteria.
In the example under consideration, such a criterion will be that the applications must be unpaid, not shipped, and they have an overdue payment deadline.
The criteria for selecting applications for automatic filling in the document specification are set in the dialog that is called when you click on the "Fill" button.
The settings elements of this dialog are completely similar to the settings of the "Application payment" report (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Application payment

The "Only overdue" flag selects those orders whose payment date is less than the date specified in the "Canceling buyer orders" document.
Using the "View" button, you can view the report on the selected orders, and using the "Transfer to Document" button, you can transfer the selected orders to the "Cancellation of buyers orders" document.
After posting the "Cancellation of buyers' orders" document, the buyers' orders specified in the specification will be canceled, and the reserve for all goods and materials specified in the specification of canceled buyers' orders will be removed.

Example 2

The buyer needs to urgently arrange the sale of goods, however, this moment This item is reserved for other buyers. In this case, the shipment of goods according to other applications of buyers can be made a little later. Therefore, it is necessary to withdraw from the reserve a given amount of a specific product, distributing the specified amount of the removed reserve to other orders. However, those bids for which the reserve is removed should not be excluded from the mechanism for automatic distribution of bids to suppliers' orders.
At the time of receipt of a new batch of goods, these goods must be reserved again.
In this case, the document "Reserve withdrawal" is drawn up, which is intended for the removal of the reserve for specific goods and materials specified in its specification.
Removal of the reserve can be made for a specific warehouse or for the company as a whole. The type of operation performed, and accordingly the name of the document, changes when you click on the "Operation" button.
For each product item in the specification of the document, you can specify the buyer and the contract under which the reserve for this item will be removed.
However, in the case under consideration, it is necessary to automatically allocate the withdrawn reserve for those buyers' contracts under which inventory was reserved. To do this, you do not need to specify the buyer and the contract in the document specification.
If the buyer and the contract are not selected, then "auto-selection" will be set in the corresponding columns (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Removal of stock reserve

The quantity of the withdrawn reserve specified in the specification for each item of the nomenclature will be automatically distributed according to the FIFO principle for those orders of buyers for which this position is reserved.

Please note that if, for example, it is necessary to remove the reserve from all goods of a certain group or to remove the reserve for specific goods reserved by a certain buyer, you can use the function of automatically filling out the specification, which is performed by clicking the "Fill" button.

Thus, to remove the reserve, when you click the "Fill" button, an additional dialog box opens.

In this dialog box, you can set various criteria for selecting item items.

Note that the setting elements of this dialog are completely similar to the settings of the "Inventory reserves" report.

Using the "View" button, you can view a report on the selected items of the item, and using the "Transfer to Document" button, transfer the selected items of the item to the "Reserve Removal" document.

After the document "Reserve withdrawal" is carried out, the reserve will be removed from inventory items specified in the specification.

However, it must be remembered that this will not cancel applications for which inventories were reserved.

These bids can further participate in the automatic distribution of bids to supplier orders.
