Connecting an amplifier without linear outputs. How to turn a computer's line input into a speaker output? Linear output on the standard radio: features

If you don’t come across radio tape recorders, amplifiers and other sound-reproducing equipment every day, then you may well have a question - what is this “linear output” on the radio tape recorder, why is it needed and what is the importance of their number.

The line level output is intended for connecting external audio amplifiers. These can be acoustic amplifiers, or an active subwoofer - a linear output is used to transmit sound from the source (car radio) to the amplifier.

The term “line output” refers to an unbalanced type of audio signal transmission that uses one signal conductor and ground; in automotive electronics, RCA connectors (the so-called “bells”) are used. It also assumes that the signal level corresponds to the standard. In car radios this level is usually up to 2V; some devices (high class) have a signal level up to 4.5-5V. The signal level at the linear output in automotive electronics is of serious importance, because the car is the source huge amount interference and the higher the level of the useful signal transmitted through the intercomponent cables, the less interference induced from electronic systems car.

The higher the signal level at the linear output, the better, it’s not for nothing that all high-end car radios have a linear output with a high level, and this is especially emphasized in technical specifications.

How many linear outputs should a car radio have?

Indeed, if you choose a car radio, then in the technical specifications you can read about the number of linear outputs, which can be different, for example one pair, two pairs, three pairs. The more expensive the radio, the more linear outputs it usually has “on board”. How many should there be?

  1. One pair. Usually found in all even the most inexpensive radios. Most often used to connect a subwoofer. It’s good when a radio with one pair of linear outputs can control the level of this output (to adjust the subwoofer); if there is a built-in filter for the subwoofer (LPF), then this is generally excellent.
  2. Two pairs. Usually these are front and rear outputs for building a system with “front+sub” or “front+rear” amplification. Usually these are mid-price recorders, they already have the necessary settings for the subwoofer (see above), in general it’s great when you can turn on a filter on the front outputs low frequencies(HPF).
  3. Three pairs are best option to create a full-fledged system with an amplifier on all channels (front + rear + sub) or even complex options with channel amplification, if the radio has a built-in crossover or even a processor.

The more pairs of linear outputs a car radio has, the more sophisticated an audio system can be created. When purchasing, decide how much you need.

So when buying a car radio, decide which amplifiers you will connect to it in the future. If amplifiers are not planned, then having at least one line output in stock for connecting a subwoofer is still a good idea. What if you still want to install a sub?

What to do if the radio does not have a line output?

If your car radio does not have a line output, then most likely it is either very cheap or it is a factory radio. If there is no way out but you really need it, then there are two options - one is correct and the other is simple.

The correct option is to “unsolder” the linear outputs, i.e. disassemble the radio and output the signal from it after the pre-amplifier and before the power amplifier chip. Not everyone can do this; here you need to have an understanding of the circuit design of the radio and at least be able to hold a soldering iron in your hands. You can also contact a specialist.

A simple option is to use a converter high level signal to line. This solution is quite suitable if you need to connect, for example, an active subwoofer to a standard radio, without any special complaints about the quality, because this is not an uncompromising solution in terms of sound quality.

What to do if the radio does not have enough linear outputs?

It happens that your car radio only has one pair of line outputs and you need more. For example, you already have an amplifier connected to the front speakers, but you also want to install a subwoofer with an amplifier, but there is no desire to change the radio. There are two options here:

  1. Removing an additional pair of linear outputs from the radio (see above) requires an understanding of what you are doing, or better yet, contact a specialist.
  2. Take the so-called Y-splitter. This is a simple splitter wire, there are two types and they look something like this:

Y-splitter (1 female - 2 male)

Y-splitter (1″male - 2″female)

The first option (1 mother and two fathers) is more often used when you install a four-channel amplifier. You take one interconnect wire (“line wire”, “interconnect wire”, “line”, “bells”) and connect it to the radio and pull it into the trunk. In the trunk you take this Y-splitter and thus you have two pairs of line outputs instead of one.

The second option (1 male and two females) is used more often when you need to connect two separate components, for example an amplifier and an active subwoofer. Then you connect the Y-splitter to the radio and take two intercomponent wires and stretch them where you need them. The fact that you will have two wires will allow you to place the components in the trunk as convenient for you - one in one corner and the other in the opposite, for example. IN this option The downside is that you have to buy two RCA cables instead of one.

We must not forget that when using Y-splitters, you will receive the signal from one output, so there will be no front-rear or front-subwoofer settings from the radio!

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Often, owners of modern cars want to improve the music in their car without changing the standard radio. The matter is not always limited to replacing the speakers; for a better effect, install an amplifier on the acoustics and an active or passive subwoofer with an amplifier. This raises the question - how to connect the amplifier to the standard radio if it does not have linear outputs? We have the answer!

If you decide to improve the sound in your car without changing the standard head unit, then you will definitely encounter the problem that the standard radio does not provide a linear output for connecting an external amplifier. Line output- these are the so-called “bells” or “tulips”, which are usually seen on any simple car radio, like these:

So - they won’t be on the standard radio, since the automaker did not imply that the user would independently expand the audio system.

Amplifier manufacturers have thought about this, and in a fairly large number of amplifiers, in addition to the standard linear amplifier, there is a so-called high-level input, which allows you to take the signal from the outputs to the speakers. These inputs look something like this:

When connecting to such inputs, regular speaker wires are used (without a shield). The most important thing is not to confuse the polarity (plus and minus) and the left channel with the right, of course.

What to do if your amplifier or active subwoofer does not have such an input? There is a solution - these are (signal level converters), for example or. You connect such a converter to the speaker output from the radio, and from the adapter you get a linear output to the amplifier.

Some adapters have the ability to adjust the signal level, this is necessary if the signal to the acoustics is too high (for example, you connect an amplifier to a car that already has a standard amplifier), you can adjust the signal level so that there is no distortion.

Another problem that may arise when connecting an amplifier to a standard “head” is the lack of a control signal from the radio to turn on the amplifier.

Let's consider a common example - Skoda A5 or VW Golf. You will not find the "ACC" signal to turn on the radio, since the radio is turned on via the CAN bus. There is also no output to turn on the amplifier (as well as a linear output). What to do? (I have seen options when people got out of the situation by setting the switch (!) to control the amplifier - turned on the radio, then the switch - the subwoofer started working. Turned off the radio - turned off the subwoofer. A matter of habit :))

In fact, there is a simple and elegant solution to two problems at once - the linear output and the signal to turn on the amplifier. These are active adapters that generate voltage to turn on the amplifier when a high-level signal appears at the input. For example . It also allows you to adjust the signal level at the linear output and has two pairs of outputs (parallel). Here is its connection diagram:

We hope that the large selection of adapters that you can purchase from us will allow you to solve the most different tasks when connecting an audio system.

The presence of a radio in a car depends on its assembly. But, as practice shows, many drivers, when purchasing vehicles, prefer options with an already built-in audio system. She good quality and provides clear sounding music.

Progress does not stand still, and new device models appear regularly. They are equipped additional functions, improve acoustics. This system makes it possible to listen to music without distortion with a huge dynamic range. As a result, musical compositions sound bright, natural and authentic.

Linear output on the standard radio: features

In practice, it has been proven that an external power amplifier is the main additional device to the radio, which helps to reveal and improve the quality of sound diversity. This procedure can be carried out in several ways. The simplest and most inexpensive option is installing a subwoofer. It improves the sound quality of low-frequency musical compositions.

Another way is to replace the acoustics and install an amplifier. You can also carry out more radical manipulations. They involve installing a new crossover, surround sound processor, and more. But this is not the entire list. There are quite a few ways to help improve the musical picture in the car.

What all these methods have in common is that they are used external devices. But you can also use a linear output for this purpose, which many radios have. In this case, the signal quality will be much higher and will be reproduced throughout the entire audio system.

How to make a linear output on a standard radio?

If the radio is not equipped with linear outputs, then you should not be upset. After all, the situation can be easily corrected. For this you can use in different ways. For example, unsolder the linear output on the device itself or use special attachments that will help achieve the required signals. If in the first case you use an additional preamplifier, the sound will improve significantly.

Speaking about these methods, they are divided into two main groups. The first category includes those devices with which no additional actions are performed. But the second one provides for them. But do not forget that any interference with the integrity of the head equipment leads to the loss of the opportunity to use the guarantees that are provided for the radio. Therefore, it is better to give preference to the first method.

Line output on the standard Toyota radio

Desoldering linear outputs from a standard radio is not a complicated process, but it requires care and a responsible approach. Especially if you do it yourself. The first thing you need to start with is selecting a microcircuit. Its appearance is shown in the photo. Moreover, it is connected to the radiator.

Once the circuit has been determined, markings must be installed. Next, you can start searching for the datasheet. This will allow us to determine which wiring is already on the circuit, and which one can be used in our case. This information is extremely important, since the signal is received from the input.

Recently, set-top boxes that reduce the signal level have become especially popular. This design is quite simple and has no special features. Therefore, everyone can handle its preparation and configuration. It is enough to use the appropriate scheme.

Desoldering a linear output from a radio using a preamplifier is very similar to the previous one. The course of action is no different. Therefore it works the same way.

Wiring of linear outputs on the standard radio

Wiring of linear outputs involves carrying out several activities. First you need to remove the frame that is around the device. This must be done carefully, as it is easy to damage. Next, all the screws that are visible are unscrewed and removed. This will allow you to remove the face of the radio and disassemble it into two parts.

Having disassembled the device, you can see the processor and amplifier inside. Then everything becomes simpler. So, near the amplifier there is a sawing. She is responsible for the connection. Then you need to find the four legs that are at the input of the amplifier. Soldering is carried out to them, and rulers are drawn out.

You can use another method. It consists of using tracks on the board that go from the input to the amplifier. One is sent first to the resistor, then to the capacitor and amplifier. This configuration does not allow transmitting all the acoustics. But the situation can be improved. To do this you will need to solder a capacitor and resistor. This will allow you to get a much cleaner and more natural sound.

Output wiring on a Chevrolet: instructions

Another method of obtaining linear outputs requires the following actions:

  • Removing the radio frame;
  • Unscrewing screws;
  • Removing the device. To do this, you need to disconnect the connectors and antenna;
  • Disassembling the radio. To complete this step, you need to unscrew the screws, remove the cover located on top, and unscrew the screws that secure the CD drive. In this case, the device is lifted and the cable is disconnected from the board;
  • Preparing RCA connectors;
  • Soldering connectors and contacts. These elements are very small. To get the job done, you need to use a soldering iron that is equipped with a thin tip;
  • Attaching the drive to the board.

The resulting line outputs allow you to get left and right channels that are located in front. In this case, the supplied signals are regulated by the volume and equalizer of the device. To get the rear channels, you need to use other resistor points.

With such simple actions - desoldering the linear outputs from the standard radio - you can make spending time in the car much more comfortable and enjoyable. In addition, the wonderful sound of the radio can improve your mood and charge you with positivity. After all, a modern person spends quite a lot of time in his car, and it is extremely important to make it comfortable.

Good and loud music in the car - this is what many car enthusiasts want, especially young people. But there is a problem: not every car is already equipped with a high-quality audio system. Therefore, in this article we will try to fully and clearly explain how you can independently connect a subwoofer to a standard radio, to the one you already have, installed by the manufacturer.

I really want to make a reservation right away. What if you decide to do all the work yourself and connect an active subwoofer, then the responsibility will be yours personally. But there is no need to experience unnecessary fears, if your hands can hold a screwdriver and pliers, then connecting the amplifier to the standard radio will be within your power.

How to connect a subwoofer to a standard radio, without line outputs

There is a desire to listen to your favorite performers while driving, there is a car radio, but, unfortunately, it does not give the desired effect, the music plays, but I would like something more powerful. This is why you need a subwoofer, but connecting a subwoofer is still accompanied by some difficulties. Like any other amplifier, you need to supply power to it, and also connect the cable through which the audio signal will be transmitted.

And here, if you are not an advanced radio amateur, you can reach a dead end, because in the car radio you do not find a single hole where you could connect the desired amplifier. A logical question arises: is it possible at all, and if possible, how to connect amplifier for standard radio?

1) Purchasing a new radio

The first method is good for those who are poorly versed in the radio business, but do not have any special restrictions in cash. You just need to go to a car store and buy a new, more modern radio, and it is quite possible that all the issues will be resolved by themselves. This method is really not bad, but it requires some formalities. For example, your car must support the purchased standard head unit. Also, the radio must have a support function so that the connected subwoofer works and gives excellent sound. Well, the last important point is the cost of head units; with the current crisis, their price has jumped to the price of spaceships. But, as already written above, if money is not a problem, then everything is solved immediately, otherwise read on.

2) Contact radio amateurs

So, if you are not a millionaire, and also do not understand wires very well, then your best option would be to seek help from experienced radio amateurs.

You can find them in small workshops. Some specialists literally in a matter of minutes, right before your eyes, will disassemble your radio, solder additional wires and bring them out to RCA connectors. The scheme is simple, but 100% working. You can then connect an amplifier or subwoofer to the output contacts. If the master is good, he will provide you not only with excellent sound, but also complete safety inside the car.

3) Install linear converter

The next option is suitable for those people who themselves are poorly versed in the intricacies of radio engineering, but do not want to turn to others. In this situation, the best solution is to purchase a level converter. It is through it that it will be possible to connect two devices to each other, a head unit without the outputs we need and a subwoofer or amplifier. You can buy this converter at any car audio store. This device itself is simple, and therefore we will not delve into its inner world, but on the outside it has two tulips on one side (the so-called audio connectors - RCA), and on the other there are four wires.

Even a schoolchild can cope with connecting the converter, the main thing is not to confuse the contacts; plus and minus are connected to the right speaker, the remaining two wires are connected to the left speaker. That's it, your high-level frequencies turn into low-level frequencies and you enjoy the music to the fullest extent possible. And one more important point is that due to such a connection, all your electronics will be completely safe.

4) Choose an amplifier or subwoofer with a low-level input

The last option is perhaps the simplest, but again it all comes down to money. That is, having a certain amount on hand, you again go to the electronics store and buy a so-called active subwoofer or amplifier with a low-level input. Also, without delving into the principle of its operation, we note that this device already has a linear converter built-in. You connect it to the speakers according to the instructions and enjoy the music.

Line output is an analog output of an acoustic signal that does not require additional processing. This connector in a personal computer is intended for connecting additional acoustic equipment, such as headphones, active speakers, sound amplifiers, etc.


Line output is a standard interface designed to transmit analog signals to various audio devices. Most often, this connector duplicates the signal supplied to the input. Line output allows you to simultaneously connect not only speakers, but also other audio devices to the sound source. This connector is used to connect devices that have the following: That is, the input signal level is proportional to the output level of the device with which the connection occurs.

Connector designs

The linear output is represented by a green jack (female) connector. This socket is located in the back personal computer. On modern PCs, duplicate line-out and microphone connectors are often output to the front or, which is very convenient for connecting headphones. These jacks connect directly to the sound processor or computer. But most laptops do not have line-in and line-out connectors, but do have jacks for connecting a microphone and headphones. The headphone output level corresponds to the linear output level. These sockets are usually located on the front or left side panel of the laptop. Also, line output and microphone input connectors of a personal computer can be found on a multimedia keyboard. These sockets are located on the side panel.

Linear output of the radio

In car and home players, line-out connectors are structurally different from PC connectors. That is, the acoustic level analog signal the same, but the type of connectors used is different. To organize a linear output in such audio devices, “tulip” type sockets (RCA standard) are used. If the radio produces a stereo signal, then two “tulips” of different colors (red and white) are installed on its body (on the rear panel), corresponding to the left and right channels. And if the audio device is designed to produce quad audio, then install four tulip-type sockets. The linear RCA output of radio tape recorders is not the only one; in such devices it is customary to install a jack connector for headphone output on the front panel. If a connector is inserted into such a socket, the acoustic signal to the RCA-type output is blocked, and the speakers will not reproduce sound.


To summarize, we note that the system of connectors corresponding to the linear input and output allows you to create a whole network of different acoustic devices that will work together. They can complement each other and enhance acoustic signals.
