1C programming for beginners. Fundamentals of programming in the 1C: Enterprise environment

Hello dear readers.
Today I will share my personal experience in mastering professions, I want you to avoid what I went through and accelerate in your professional growth.

Profession 1C Programmer– attracts people who want to work according to their calling in the field of information technology and automation of enterprise business processes. 1C Programmer is in demand today, I did a short review and thoughts on this matter in the article: Become a 1C Programmer.

To become a 1C Programmer you need:
1. Have a desire
2. Be patient
4. 1C program required
5. Housing and communal services (Yellow-red books) and 1s courses
6. Practice, practice and more practice
Let's look at everything in more detail.

I want to become a 1C programmer

You wanted to become a 1C Programmer, no matter how you came to this, the main thing is the desire and it is unshakable. For example, for a long time I didn’t know what I wanted to do: administration, website development or trading, and I came to 1C as a system administrator.

Start learning 1C

1. We need the 1C program, for starters it will do, you can download it or buy a box along with the LZhK.
2. These courses are no matter what they are and no matter what anyone says, they are needed.
Firstly, it reduces the training time by more than half, and secondly, the courses stimulate.
I studied 1C for two years without any courses, work (worked as a system administrator), home, family, and there was no time left for 1C.

Check out the official 1C courses on the 1C website, 1C Courses - training and preparation for exams

But I would recommend the courses Evgenia Gileva and Farita Nasipov “Professional programming in 1C:Enterprise 8.x”. To get started, go to the website, read the materials and evaluate for yourself how you like this course.

If you decide, sign up for the course. "1C:Programmer - Quick start to the profession", this course is worth it and during its completion you will definitely know whether it’s for you or not.

3. You purchased 1C:Enterprise 8.2. Version for learning programming" and ZhK, signed up for courses, then immediately begin preparing for the certificate.

If you don’t know what programming is at all, then this is the place for you.

To learn programming, we will need 1C 8.3 (at least

If you have 1C version 8.3 installed, use it. If not, download and install the educational version, which 1C produces specifically for educational purposes.

Task Ml. Download and install the educational version of 1C 8.3.

Instructions to follow:

  • 1. Unpack the archive downloaded from the link into a separate folder on your desktop:
  • 1.1. Dropbox download link (Nsl option) https://www.dropbox.eom/s/t69xyrrhsdugfzf/lC_Predprijatie_ 8.3_uchebnaja_versija.zip?dl=l
  • 1.2. download link from Mail.ru (option N°2) https://cloud.mail.ru/public/59a9a532864d/lC_Predprijatie_8.3_ uchebnaja_versija.zip
  • 2. Run the "setup.exe" file.
  • 3. Click Next, Next, Install.
  • 4. Wait for the installation to complete.

After completing Task No. 1, the following shortcut should appear on your desktop (Fig. 1):

Enterprise e (educational version)

Rice. 1. Launch shortcut 1C:Enterprise

First program

This has already become a tradition for programmers - when learning a new language, the first thing they write in it is a program that prints the phrase “Hello, World!” on the screen.

Let's force the computer to display this phrase in Russian "Hello, World!" on the screen.

Task No. 2. Write a program in 1C 8.3 language that, when launched, displays the phrase “Hello, World!” on the screen.

Instructions to follow:

  • 1. Launch the "1C:Enterprise" shortcut on your desktop.
  • 2. A list of 1C databases has opened in front of you (Fig. 2). As you can see, it is empty. Let's create a training base in which we will program. Click the button "Add".
  • 3. Select an item and press the button "Next"(Fig. 3).
  • 9 sch Adding an information base/group X

Rice. 3.

4. Select an item ..." (Fig. 4) and press the button "Next."

Rice. 4.

5. For the database name, enter "Training"(Fig. 5) and press the button "Next."

Rice. 5.

6. Specify any empty folder as the base directory (in this case it is the “Training” folder in my documents (Fig. 6)). Click the "Next" button.

Rice. 6.

7. Specify authentication option "Select automatically" startup mode "Fat client" For version 1 C:Enterprise, do not specify anything, click the “Finish” button (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7.

8. As you can see, the first database that we just created ourselves has finally appeared in the list (Fig. 8)! Let's start writing code. Click the button "Configurator".

Rice. 8.

9. In the window that opens, select from the menu "Configuration" paragraph "Open configuration" (Fig. 9).

Configurator (educational version) - Configurator

Rice. 9. Selecting a menu item "Open configuration"

10. In the panel that opens on the left, right-click on ""Configuration" and select from the list ""Open Managed Application Module"(Fig. 10).


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^ Open Managed Application Module Open Session Module

Rice. 10. Selecting "Open Managed Application Module"

11. A window with an editor has opened (Fig. 11). You can write text here! We will work with him in the future.

Rice. 11. Managed Application Module

12. Copy the following text into this window (Fig. 12):

Report("Hello World!");

13. The code for our first program is ready. Let's run it. Through the menu " Debugging" "Start debugging"(or /’i key) (Fig. 13).

Di Configurator (educational version) - Configuration

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Document logs (..) Retransition

Configurator (educational version)

l The edited configuration is different from the database configuration. Update database configuration?


Rice. 13. Running the program for execution

14. We will answer the question in the affirmative.

15. After a second or two, 1C will start and the message “Hello, World!” will appear in the window below. We achieved what we wanted from the computer; our first program started working (Fig. 14).


Hello World!

Rice. 14. Program results

The common 1C program is used for accounting in various areas. She has extensive capabilities in the field of accounting. A person who is excellent at working with this application can easily find a high-paying job in almost any industry. In this article you will briefly familiarize yourself with this application. For this you will need:

— Personal computer or laptop;

— 1C software (For correct operation, we recommend using only the original and 100% licensed version of 1C, which you can).


  1. First, you need to install the 1C shell on your computer. It is called a shell because for it to work properly you need to enter all the data about your company, such as:
  • Information about employees;
  • Sample contracts;
  • Details and others.

All information in the program can be sorted and arranged at your discretion. It also has various settings for ease of use.

Creating a new element in the “Employees” directory

2. To fill in the details of your company, you need to open the “Service” menu and select the “Organization Information” item (in different versions of the 1C application, the name of this item may be slightly different). Open the “Directory” menu and find the “Employee Directory” section; you need to enter all the information about your employees into it. There are also other directories in the program, for example, information about your partners and suppliers is entered into the “Counterparties” directory. Familiarize yourself with all available reference books so that you can navigate them freely in the future.

3. All money transfers from your organization will be displayed in the “Bank” and “Payment Documents” journals. To keep track of consumables and goods of your enterprise, many different journals have been created, such as:

  • Goods;
  • Invoice;
  • Accounts and others.

The program also has the ability to display many different reports and balances, all of which are based on the available data in the program. It is also possible to display reports for tax and social services.

4. If you are well versed in the basics of accounting, know the basic principles of keeping records of personnel, goods, material assets and other things, then you can easily master this program. Please note that there are a huge number of different manuals on this software on the Internet, many of them are freely available for free. They will help you quickly and effectively learn how to use this program.

Video: 1C trade management. Step-by-step scheme of work in 1C trade management

In this article I will give five working tips for beginning 1C programmers that will help you quickly enter the profession.

It is in the reference information that you can quickly and effectively learn about the methods, properties and events of all 1C objects. There are two types of certificates in the 1C platform. Actually the help itself, the path: Help – Help contents.

And also a syntax helper

The syntax assistant allows you to quickly access the description of a particular object using the “Index” and “Search” tabs. For example, if we enter the word “array” in the “Index” tab, the index will immediately display all possible options where the word “array” can be used in the built-in language.

If we click on one word (for example, Array), then in the case of many objects, properties and methods of the same name, a list will be offered for selection.

By selecting what you need, you will receive all the information about the object of interest. In this case, we received information about a universal collection object - an array.

Please note that in reference information there are often code examples where the described object is used.

Learn more about using help: video tutorial

Many novice 1C programmers neglect this mechanism of the 1C platform. But in vain! It is by working with debugging that you can understand how this or that code works and what values ​​this or that function returns.

In order for debugging to work, just set a breakpoint and start the debugger using the “Start debugging” button (F5 key).

In order for the program to stop at a breakpoint, you need to perform actions in user mode in 1C: Enterprise that will result in the code running where the breakpoint is set. In the figure above, we have set a breakpoint in the ProcessingProcedure procedure of the “Setting Prices” document module. If we run any document “Setting prices” in user mode, the breakpoint will be triggered.

After this, you can either use the Tableau or use “Calculate Expression...” to find out the values ​​of a particular variable.

Get used to working with context clues and templates from the very beginning. Thus, you will significantly speed up your programming and will not waste time thinking about the correctness of writing a particular function (procedure, method, etc.).

You can enable context clues in the parameters (path: Tools – Options), on the “Context Help” subtab of the “Modules” tab.

Using contextual hints, you can find out what parameters a particular procedure or function has.

And also find out what methods and properties a particular object may have

The context tooltip will be called after you enter a period, a bracket, or equals from the keyboard (depending on the parameter settings), as well as after you press the key combination Ctrl + Space (Space)

Also, don’t neglect code templates. You can read more about how to work with them in the article:

It is clear that many programming gurus will start spitting poisonous saliva from this advice, but for many beginning 1C programmers, using standard constructors will help at the initial stage to quickly master certain work algorithms (for example, drawing a document, filling in on the basis, etc.).

There are several types of constructors in the 1C platform.

For documents, you can call up the designer for movements, input on the basis and printing.

And the last, no less important piece of advice for novice 1C programmers is to learn to read other people’s code. Yes, it’s complicated, incomprehensible and difficult, but if you try to understand someone else’s code from the very beginning, then this skill will be very useful to you in the future. Also, reading someone else's code can tell you how to correctly use this or that object, or how to work with any function (procedure).

For example, you want to see how some existing configuration uses the information register method. To do this, you need to perform a global search by configuration

In the global search form you enter the name you are looking for

If the searched word is in the configuration (in particular in modules), then the path to this word will be displayed in the search results

From the search result you can go to the desired module and see how the method (procedure, function) or object you are looking for is applied.

Thus, you can quickly learn how to use some standard methods of working with certain objects.

Sometimes it seems that learning the programming language in 1C is complicated and difficult. In fact, programming in 1C is easy. My books will help you quickly and easily master programming in 1C: and “Basics of development in 1C: Taxi”

This book is suitable for those who have already started programming and are experiencing certain difficulties with this topic and for those who have been programming for a long time, but have never worked with 1C managed forms.

  1. Without complex technical terms;
  2. More than 600 pages of practical material;
  3. Each example is accompanied by a drawing (screenshot);
  4. The book is sent by email in PDF format. Can be opened on any device!

Promo code for a 15% discount - 48PVXHeYu

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In this article I will try to tell you. how to learn 8.3 and 8.2 from scratch in the shortest possible time. And not only to study, but also monetize your knowledge.

The beginning is the most difficult thing in any business. To take the first step. I recommend familiarizing yourself with the subject area - accounting, trade, salary accounting. You should start with an understanding of trade: knowledge of the basic business processes of any company is required: purchasing goods/raw materials, selling goods, etc. The next step is to understand the basics of accounting.

You must have an understanding of general accounting principles. Don’t try to understand everything right away, from scratch—it won’t work. If you are a technical programmer, you are not required to know accounting better than accountants and teach them this art.

To learn the 1C 8.3 program from scratch, in the form of a practical part, I recommend installing the most common standard configurations - “ ” and “ “. Create a test organization in the database, conduct it, do it, etc. Carry out in the 1C program all the actions encountered in the daily life of the enterprise.

Let's start programming in 1C

When you have more or less understood the subject area, why, in general, they use 1C enterprise, you should start. It’s worth starting programming from scratch by developing simple configurations:

Get 267 video lessons on 1C for free:

Create a receipt document and capitalize the goods. Create a sales document - sell. Build one in which you can see the flow of goods. Develop a printed form for the documents. I don’t recommend immediately delving into “complex” standard configurations; the first stage of programming in 1C 8.3 from scratch is understanding the purposes of metadata objects.

Explain to yourself what , . A particularly important point in learning 1C programming is the built-in . Without it, it is impossible to efficiently retrieve data from the system. Perhaps, just for fun, you can find friends who needed their own “unique” program. You can negotiate with them to develop such a program for free or for a small fee. In this case, you will gain not only programming skills using a live example, but also experience communicating with the customer, which is in fact a very important property.

Now more than ever you need self-motivation, the need to work hard and absorb new information like a sponge. Every day you will learn something new and interesting ( I envy you :)). At this stage of learning 1C programming from scratch, from materials I would recommend:

  • Start reading about programming, starting with the simplest ones (like “Simple Development Examples”). Most likely, you will not immediately understand everything, but the information will be stored in your memory, and it can be used in the future.
  • Viewing online is very useful and visual information, especially since you can get most of it for free.
  • To start solving real practical tasks, register on the 1C freelance exchange and start solving tasks from the archive. Thus, you will not only gain real experience, but also understand what types of services are currently in demand on the market.

Monetizing knowledge in 1C

After some time, we become a kind of Middle 1C developer. We already understand the architecture of 1C 8.2, we know how to distinguish debit from credit, we confidently communicate with the client - in general, we are full-fledged specialists who have gone through this path from scratch. The question arises - monetization of knowledge. In fact, the 1C services market is extremely large. And you can earn very decent money from it. Let's look at the main ways to sell your services:

Work at 1C-Franchisee

A huge plus is that they hire 1C specialists from scratch. Working for a 1C franchisee is a path of constant development. You will definitely learn something new and interesting every day. The main advantage of a franchisee, in my opinion, is the unlimited salary level (if you work at an hourly rate). From experience I can say that you can earn very good money as a franchisee - it all depends on your performance. When the salary is tied to production, it is very motivating.

You should always look for creative options to increase your hours' output. For example, create a universal processing that can be sold to all clients. There is usually a huge amount of work in franchise companies. Experienced 1C programmers are able to cover up to 300 hours per month, which in terms of the average salary of a 1C programmer is quite good. My personal record is 400 hours.

Work as a freelancer/own your own business in 1C

Similar to working for a franchisee. We also provide outsourced 1C services. You are motivated to provide quality services: if the client leaves, you will have nothing to eat :). A significant difference is that we need to search for a client and maintain the accounting of the organization (individual entrepreneur or LLC). You can look for clients on the Internet, on special websites for freelancers, just through friends, etc.

Work on an internal project (“fixie”)
