SES Swao phone numbers and addresses.

informational non-official site about the department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare for the city of Moscow

Territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor of Moscow Southern Administrative District

Territorial department of the Rospotrebnadzor Office for the city of Moscow in the SOUTH AO of the city of Moscow (department index 24)

Shtifanova Victoria Viktorovna, phone: -78-49, ext. 4-12

Moscow, Orekhovy Boulevard, 26, cor. 2.

Free legal advice:


Position held

Last name, first name, patronymic

Phone (code)

Free legal advice:

Head of the territorial department, Chief State Sanitary Doctor for the Southern Administrative District of Moscow

Free legal advice:

Shtifanova Victoria Viktorovna

Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor for the Southern Administrative District of Moscow

Mikheykina Irina Anatolyevna

Free legal advice:

Deputy Head of Territorial Department

Sudakov Dmitry Evgenievich

Parfenova Anzhelika Alekseevna

Free legal advice:

Legal support

Deputy Head of Territorial Department

Arslanova Inara Igorevna

ext.2-43, 2-49

Epidemiological surveillance

Free legal advice:

Gordovskaya Irina Vladimirovna

ext.2-20, ext.2-29


Nikashina Liliya Konstatinovna

Free legal advice:

Registration and licensing

Supervision of consumer protection

Deputy Head of Territorial Department

Arslanova Inara Igorevna

Free legal advice:

ext.3-41, ext.3-47, ext.2-57,

Supervision of public utility facilities

Deputy Head of Territorial Department

Ermakova Irina Alekseevna

Free legal advice:

ext.2-40, ext.2-17, ext.2-38

Supervision of health care institutions

Deputy Head of the Territorial Department for the Southern Autonomous District of Moscow

Pimenova Tatyana Alexandrovna

Free legal advice:

ext.2-31 ext.2-32 ext.2-34

Supervision of working conditions, supervision of non-ionizing radiation, supervision of the environment

Deputy head of the territorial department, deputy chief state doctor for the Southern Autonomous District of Moscow

Mikheykina Irina Anatolyevna

ext.2-48, ext.2-54, ext.2-52, ext.2-46, ext.2-50

Free legal advice:

Radiation hygiene supervision

Levitina Inna Sergeevna

Supervision of population nutrition

Deputy Head of Territorial Department

Free legal advice:

Rospotrebnadzor Moscow - Official website of the territorial branch

The Moscow Office of Rospotrebnadzor is a federal branch. The main function is to carry out supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being. The branch is a legal entity and operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The Moscow administration itself is divided into district territorial departments. The chief physician is Alexander Valentinovich Ivanenko.

If you need help from a consumer protection lawyer, please leave your request in the form below. Lawyers do not advise on the operating hours of Rospotrebnadzor institutions.

Below are the contacts and addresses of the Federal Branch and its departments.

Address, hotline phone number and official website

Address: Moscow, Grafsky Lane, 4, bldg. 2, 3, 4. Telephone (24 hours): . Reception time for citizens' requests:

  • Monday - Thursday: from 9:00 to 17:30;
  • Friday: from 9:00 to 16:30;
  • lunch: from 13:00 to 13:45.

Contacts of territorial branches of Rospotrebnadzor Moscow

For ease of navigation, select your county and the page will scroll to the desired position.

Free legal advice:

Central Administrative District

Address: Moscow, Kuznetsky Most street, 1/8. Telephone hotline: Registration of citizens' appeals: Full information on the structure of the unit: website

Northern Administrative District

Address: Moscow, Admiral Makarova street, 10, building 1. Full information on the structure of the unit: website

Eastern administrative district

Address: Moscow, 2nd Vladimirskaya, 46, bldg. 2. Hotline phone number: Full information on the structure of the unit: website

Southern Administrative District

Address: Moscow, Orekhovy Boulevard, 26, bldg. 2. Hotline number: ext. 248 or 244 Complete information on the division structure: website

Western administrative district

Address: Moscow, Bolshaya Filevskaya, 33. Full information on the structure of the division: website

Free legal advice:

Northwestern Administrative District

Address: Moscow, st. Akademika Kurchatova, 17. Full information on the structure of the division: website

North-Eastern Administrative District

Address: Moscow, st. Bazhova, 8. Hotline telephone number: Full information on the structure of the unit: website

South-Eastern Administrative District

Address: Moscow, Volgogradsky prospect, 113, bldg. 5. Hotline phone number: Full information on the structure of the unit: website

Southwestern Administrative District

Address: Moscow, st. Butlerova, 7a. Full information on the division structure: website

Zelenograd administrative district

Address: Moscow, Zelenograd, Kashtanovaya alley, possession 6, building 1. Full information on the structure of the division: website

Free legal advice:

Municipal district Vnukovo, Vnukovo Airport

Address: Moscow, st. Central, no. 2.

Innovation Center "Skolkovo"

Address: Moscow, st. Central, building 2, Moscow, territory of the Skolkovo innovation center, st. Lugovaya, house 4, building 5 Telephone: Full information on the structure of the division: website

Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts

Includes settlements: Vnukovskoye, Voronovskoye, Voskresenskoye, Desenovskoye, Kievsky, Klenovskoye, Kokoshkino, Krasnopakhorskoye, Marushkinskoye, Mikhailovo, Yartsevskoye, Moskovsky, Mosrentgen, Novofedorovskoye, Pervomaiskoye, Rogovskoye, Ryazanovskoye, Sosenskoye, Troitsk, Filimonkovskoye, Shchapovskoye, Shcherbinka Address : , Moscow, st. Bolshaya Cheryomushkinskaya, 24, building 1. Full information on the structure of the division: website

Description of services of the official website

Let us describe some of the capabilities of the official website of the Rospotrebnadzor department.

  • About management - you can read here full information on the history of the creation of the federal branch, the structure of the department indicating officials. Also on the website is a plan for conducting inspection activities (inspection schedule) in the city of Moscow.
  • Documents - legal documents, decisions, acts and regulations are posted. This information can be used to track changes in business regulations and operations.
  • Questions and answers - this section, as the name suggests, contains detailed answers to popular questions from users of the official website.
  • Civil service personnel - contains a list of open vacancies and information about current department heads.

A short video on the topic: the latest results of Rospotrebnadzor inspections in Moscow.

Free legal advice:

Rospotrebnadzor UAD Moscow official website

Department of the Rospotrebnadzor Office for the Southern Administrative District of Moscow Chief sanitary doctor: Victoria Viktorovna Shtifanova Address: Moscow, Orekhovy Boulevard, building 26 building 2 Telephones: chief physician registration and licensing supervision of public utility facilities department of supervision in the field of consumer rights protection

Public Reception: Consumer Protection Specialist for Services postal service on sanitary and epidemiological welfare

Reception hours for citizens' requests Monday to Thursday 9:30 Friday 9:30 Break 13:45

Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of the SES in the Southern Administrative District Address: Moscow, Orekhovy Boulevard, building 26, building 2 SES telephone numbers: chief physician, department of hygienic training and certification, microbiological laboratory, registration of a medical record

Free legal advice:

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9:00

Reception for registration of medical records Monday to Friday 9:00 Break 12:15 Reception of organizations 13:00

Review of the largest enterprises in Moscow

Every resident of the country or a foreigner probably knows that Moscow is one of the largest cities on the planet, along with New York, London, and Tokyo, but not everyone can name the exact date of foundation of the city or the area, given that the size of the city is growing every year.

And the issue of expanding the borders of Moscow has been worrying the capital’s government for the last few years. What exactly they produce in Moscow can probably be said by its residents, or perhaps even by those who work in factories in Moscow, of which, as it turns out, there are not so few in the capital.

Free legal advice:

Population - 11.629 million inhabitants (according to Rosstat as of January 1, 2012) The area of ​​Moscow is one square kilometer, and this is probably not the final figure. The year of foundation of Moscow is 1147. Territorial division is 10 administrative districts. The budget for 2012 is more than 50 billion dollars. The largest district in terms of population and area is the Eastern or Eastern Administrative District.

The basis of Moscow's budget is made up of taxes paid to the city budget by large enterprises that are registered here. More than half of all Russian banks are registered in Moscow. The headquarters of many trading companies are located in Moscow, and the supply of equipment and goods is carried out from the capital to other regions of the country. This is due not only to transport delivery from the center to other regions, but also historically - from the moment of its founding, the city was primarily a merchant and trade center of the state. This fact is still valid, which helps the capital remain a leader in terms of living standards and wages in the country.

What is produced and sold in Moscow

More than 20 large supermarket chains are represented in Moscow. The most widespread and probably known to any resident of the capital is the Seventh Continent, which has over 100 supermarkets. There are also regional networks such as Citystore, Auchan, Metro Cash and Carry, OK. Grocery supermarkets of these retail chains can be found in other large and medium-sized cities of Russia.

In addition to the financial and trade sectors, factories play a significant role in the economy and life of the city. It is a mistaken opinion that Moscow is a city of businessmen and sellers. There are large factories and enterprises here, but as a rule, production facilities are located outside the Moscow Ring Road.

Factories and industrial enterprises in Moscow are of great importance not so much in terms of paying taxes to the budget, but in providing jobs for a large number of residents of the capital. It is at Moscow factories that a large part of the city’s population works.

The very first factories in Moscow were built at the beginning of the 16th century. These were factories producing paper, glass, and food. The food industry plays a significant role in the city's economy. The products of the Ostankino Brewery and the Crystal Distillery are known not only in Moscow, but throughout the country. Large enterprises of the Moscow food industry include the Cheryomushki bakery plant, the Ostankino meat processing plant, an oil and fat plant and a mill plant.

Famous Moscow factories

The MIG military aircraft, known not only in Russia but also abroad, are produced at the Moscow plant of the Russian Aircraft Corporation MIG. Despite the fact that MIG fighters can be seen in aviation museums, they are actively produced and used for military purposes not only in Russia. Transport, military and civilian MI helicopters are assembled at the Moscow Helicopter Plant named after. Mile.

Here is also one of the largest enterprises in the Russian aerospace industry - the Tushinsky Machine-Building Plant, which also produces buses, trolleybuses, and trams.

Famous Sukhoi SuperJet passenger aircraft that have recently become recognizable Russian brands in the aircraft industry, are produced by the Moscow holding company OJSC Sukhoi, which in 2013 merged with the Novosibirsk Chkalov Plant.

The famous ZIL trucks have been produced at the Likhachev automobile plant since 1916. Up to 10 thousand of various ZIL vehicles are produced annually.
