Can I see my comment on YouTube? Setting up YouTube comments

For many people, Youtube has become part of everyday life, they can’t imagine a day without watching their favorite channels.

There are hundreds and even thousands of comments on one video. You need to know how to find your comments on YouTube in order to see who wrote what.

Editing comments from an account

Perhaps the user changed his mind, he became less interested, or the circumstances and comments that he sent to various Youtube videos in the past, they have become irrelevant and need to be edited or deleted. This can be easily done in a few steps:

  1. Open the YouTube website in your web browser.
  2. Log in to your YouTube comments account to view everything you've done with that account. If you have added multiple accounts, click on your user profile image and select the one you want to work with.
  3. On the left side, click "History" before finding your YouTube comments and then "Video Comments."
  4. You can scroll down to see all the comments made on different YouTube videos.
  5. You can click vertically to find options to edit and delete these comments. When YouTube comments are deleted, all replies made to that comment are also deleted.

After that, you can think about how to leave a comment on YouTube.

Search user comments

Enter your username and click Search Comments. This is the only YouTube feature that allows you to directly search a username to find comments. However, it only searches the most recent comments within a few hours.

Use this method on the day the comment is posted, otherwise it will exceed the saved search limit:

  1. Use the Favorites section to find comments on videos that the user has marked as favorites.
  2. Sign in using the Sign In link at the top and scroll down to your username at the top of the page until you find your YouTube comments.
  3. Then click "Favorites" in the drop-down menu. This section links to the user's "liked" videos, but the user must then click on each video and search through the comments to find their own.

This section does not display the user's entire browsing history. However, it may contain many of the comments found since it lists favorite videos.

Editing comments in history

This Youtube feature comes in very handy when a user leaves a comment and later regrets it. You can use the "History" section for a more thorough search. One way to leave a comment on YouTube:

  1. Login using the "Login" link above.
  2. Click "History" at the top, or scroll down to your username and click "Account." The Account section contains full list functions.
  3. Click "History" and look through each video to find comments. Use the Video Comments feature in the Account section to find private comments that have received a reply.
  4. Click on the list of answers and the video link in each answer.
  5. Find comments for username.
  6. Click "Edit" or "Delete".

How to find your comments on YouTube from other users?

YouTube allows you to delete your own comments on other people's channels or videos. Deleting comments is relatively easy as long as the user knows where to find the Delete icon. If a user doesn't like one of the comments or is found to be upsetting to other people, you can quickly delete it. The channel owner can also delete someone else's comment at any time if they deem it inappropriate. Removal procedure:

  1. Go to YouTube, log in to your account and go to the channel where you posted the comment.
  2. You can quickly find channels in the Subscriptions field on the left.
  3. Go to the Video Browse tab under the channel name, and then click the Comments link to view all comments for the channel.
  4. Find the link to the YouTube comment. A small “X” icon appears in the upper right corner of Find.
  5. Click the "X" icon to permanently delete the comment from the channel.

It's obvious that YouTube service made sure that everyone has full control over their comments that appear on the video page and are broadcast. If for some reason a user decides to delete comments, including those left by other users on his page, he can do this with a few clicks. Similarly, you can delete comments that he left on other videos, using the same order.

Hi all! I know that many people like to look through their old posts on various sites. But why hide it, I sometimes indulge in this myself. But while this is not difficult to do on regular resources, you simply won’t find this function on the most popular video hosting site. Therefore, today I will tell you how to view your comments under your or other people’s videos on YouTube. Let's go!

Comments on your channel

If you want to see what people have commented on your videos or find a specific commentator, you don't necessarily need to watch every video you make. To do this, just do a few simple actions:

  1. Click on your channel icon and select "Creative Studio".
  2. Now click on “Community” in the left menu and select “Comments”

As you can see, you now have all the messages you and other people have published under your videos, starting with the most recent ones. You definitely won’t miss your interesting comments, since your name is highlighted. But for more quick search your messages, press CTRL+F and start typing the name of your channel. Then the system will mark you the places where you can find this combination of letters. I wrote more about this here.

Your comments under other people's videos

Well, now let's move on to the most important thing. This is where most people who like to comment on videos get completely stupefied. But don’t worry, now I’ll explain to you exactly how to view your comments on YouTube under other people’s videos.

To get started, go to the main page of YouTube, just make sure that you are on your channel. Now in the “Library” block you need to click on the “History” button.

Well, now just select to display comments and enjoy reading. Go down to the very bottom and see what you left earlier. I think you'll like it. I don’t know for what specific period everything will be displayed, since my channel is only 2 years old. But I can say with confidence that he showed me all the messages over these two years. In general, they say that you can look at older messages before YouTube integrated with Google Plus, but I don’t presume to say that. By the way, I didn't even think I left so many messages.

Click to enlarge

Unfortunately, I couldn't find how to view my comments on YouTube from my phone. The point is that if you apply this method in an application, i.e. If you go to the “Library”, you will find only the history of your views. And if you go to mobile version site from your phone, then in addition to the videos you watched, there will also be a search history, but there is no question of any comments. It doesn’t even work if you try to activate the version on a PC, as it downloads automatically Youtube app.

In general, you wouldn’t bother about this. If you need to find your old angry message, then I don’t think it will be a problem for you to do it from your computer.

Why do people search for their comments?

Of course, as I described above, many people do this out of a nostalgic impulse to see what kind of nonsense they wrote. But a very large part of users do this for other reasons. It’s trite that people want to delete their old comments, because sometimes in a fit of passion you can write everything you think about a person or a video that caught your attention.

But unfortunately, sometimes the rules change, and what works now may not work in the future. For example, when I looked at articles on this same topic, I discovered that almost all of them presented outdated information that is not relevant today. Therefore, today in my article I have published only working ways to view your comments on YouTube in 2017, but I think that this will also be relevant for 2018. I hope the developers won't bother too much with this feature.

Well, I guess I’ll end here. I hope that now everything is clear to you and no questions will arise about this. I am very glad that you visited my blog. Don’t forget to subscribe to it, and also share the article materials in social networks. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

Hello friends! Today we will discuss the features of comments on YouTube, their useful features, as well as those features that have appeared recently.

Below you can watch my video on this topic:

Let's start with innovations in the comments

1. Now you can attach a comment at the top. How to use it? For example, you want to pay attention to some important information or in the comments you are often asked a repeating question. Answer this question with a separate comment and attach it to the top of the list. You can pin a single comment, not a reply to someone else's. This way, when viewing comments, the one you attached will always be seen first.

To pin, click on the three dots icon next to the comment and select “Pin” from the list that appears. Only the channel owner can attach a comment.

2. You can mark your favorite comment with a heart. This mark is available only to the channel owner; regular likes and dislikes also remain - they are available to both you and viewers.

This option looks like this: under each comment there is a gray heart, if you click on it, it will turn red and your avatar (channel icon) will appear next to it.

These are the newbies that appeared in the comments on YouTube recently.

About other settings in the comments

There are other comment settings that may be useful to the channel owner. I'll tell you about them too.

Offensive, inappropriate and spam comments can be deleted both from the page for viewing the video to which they were left, and through the Creative Studio of your channel.

In the first case, again, click on the icon in the form of three dots next to the comment and select the desired action.

If you choose action "Block user", then he goes into a separate list and all new comments from this person will be automatically hidden. This list is located in the “Creative Studio” - section “Community” - “Community Settings”. By the way, it is possible to unban users from this list.

In the same section you can appoint moderators(indicating the link to the user's channel). This person will be able to delete comments under your videos. At the same time, the comments he deleted are saved in the “Under Review” tab (Section “Community” - “Comments”), from where you can delete them permanently or restore them if the comment was deleted accidentally.

There is a block under the list of blocked users "Black List". In it you can specify a list of “undesirable” words and phrases, comments with which will be sent for verification before becoming visible to all viewers. You can also add comments with links to the list by adding the word “*links*” or “*links*” to it.

Below are displayed "Default Settings", which can also be changed.

Filter comments, answer them, etc., you can from the “Comments” subsection in the “Community” section. There are three tabs here:

Report – the comment is marked as spam or a message with inappropriate content. This is a signal to YouTube to take action against a specific user.

Block (the person ends up on a separate list, this was discussed above).

Post this user's comments without verification (this person will also be included in a separate "Approved Users" list in "Community Settings" and their comments will be displayed immediately).

And appoint him as a moderator (I’ve already talked about this too).

2. Under consideration– viewers’ comments come here if you have specified “Send comments for review” before publishing in the settings, as well as comments with words from the blacklist. Here they can be approved, hidden, etc.

3. "Spam"– here are comments that were marked as spam, or YouTube automatically identified them as spam. This happens when there are links in a comment, the same comment is duplicated several times, this user leaves many comments of the same type on different channels, short comments - “thanks to the author”, etc. From the Spam folder, comments can be approved, deleted, complained about, or the user can be blocked.

When publishing or editing an individual video, you can also set some comment settings. To do this, switch to the “Advanced Settings” tab.

Here you can disable comments under videos, simply by unchecking the box next to “Allow comments”. Set up display of comments for viewers - all or only approved ones. And also arrange the display - popular or new first. When you make changes to your video settings, don't forget to save them!

And there is also a possibility configure the Discussion tab to home page channel. It displays comments left on your channel. To enable it, you need to click on the gear next to the “Subscribe” button.

In the window that appears opposite the “Discussion” tab, move the slider to the right so that it turns blue. And configure the display of comments - immediately or send them for approval first. Click "Save".

And for dessert...

Highlighting comments

For example:

To make text bold, put the following symbols before and after it: * your text*

For italics, use underscore: _ your text _

Use hyphens to strikethrough: -your text-

These basic formatting options are available for now. By the way, they also work in Google Plus.

Friends, in the article I looked at the basic comment settings that will be useful to the owner of a YouTube channel. Use them as intended. If you have questions, I will be glad to answer them.

Thank you for your attention!

Best regards, Victoria Karpova

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

YouTube functionality allows you not only to view and post videos, but also to comment on the video creations of other users. If you post content and allow discussions on your channel, you can view comments on your video, respond to them, conduct audience polls, and so on. Today we'll look at how to perform basic comments-related actions.

How to leave a comment on YouTube

If the video is open to all users, you can participate in the discussion after watching it. To do this, click the “Leave a comment” button, which is located under the viewed video content. Type your text and select Send.

If access is restricted, unfortunately you will not be able to leave your comment. This option is available only for publicly available materials and content accessible via special hyperlinks.

We've looked at how to write a comment on YouTube. If you don't want to be limited standard font, it can be formatted using several combinations: "*bold text*" makes the text bold, "_italicized text_" adds italics, and "-strikethrough text" strikes out the typed word, phrase, or sentence (strikethrough). You can also use tags or mentions. For example, specify another user using @(name) or +(name). After entering, you can select the desired option from the list of users that opens.

How to write comments on YouTube in response

This is very easy to do. Under the desired comment, click “Reply.” Next, enter the text and send it.

How to view your comments on YouTube

The commenter's messages are displayed under the window with the video being played. To view them, scroll down the page. IN this section You can not only comment on the video, but also respond to messages previously left by other users. All replies are compiled into a single thread and displayed to users.

If you're looking for a specific comment but can't find it, it's likely been deleted. Deletion can be performed by the user or the owner of the channel, as well as by the service administration if violations are identified in the text.

If you are viewing video material from a computer, you have the ability to sort comments. Below the message entry field there is a list with available sorting options, for example, “by popularity,” “by publication date,” and so on.

If you are interested in the question of how to find your comment on YouTube, go to “Viewed”. Here at the top of the page there is a “History” tab. You will see a list of all the comments you previously left on the video hosting site. Click on the one you want and the system will automatically redirect you to the page with the video under which it is posted. If the video has been deleted, your review of it will not be on this list.

How to delete a comment on YouTube

First, we open the video hosting; you can do this from any gadget by going to the official website or using the official application. Next, you need to log in and enter your profile. Next, through “Library” or “Watched”, open the video under which you previously left a message. If you commented on your own video, click the “My Channel” button and then select the desired material.

Find the review you want and click the three dots sign next to it. You'll probably have to scroll down the page to do this. In the menu that opens, select the desired action, “Delete”. If you want to clear your channel of unflattering reactions, select Remove.

Now refresh the page or close and then reopen the browser you are using.

What to do if you can’t leave a comment

  1. First, check if you have used account Google systems for login. If you are on YouTube via a browser, your avatar should be in the upper right corner from Google system+. If you are using the official application for mobile devices, this icon will be displayed in the left corner.
  2. See if the comment option for the desired video is enabled. If the author has disabled it, the message “Comments for this video are disabled” is displayed under the video.
  3. Please enable cookies. If you have previously enabled blocking file transfers through your browser, the comment option may be blocked. Open the settings of the Internet browser you are using and make sure that the privacy settings are set correctly.
  4. Perhaps the browser itself is not working correctly, try performing the action through another resource, from Safari/Firefox/Opera and so on.

How to write a correct comment

According to the current principles and rules of the video hosting community, you cannot leave messages if they contain:

  1. Spam. This means advertising goods and services, your own website/channel, and so on.
  2. Hatred. You should not leave reviews that may offend a person/group of people.
  3. Threats. If you are not satisfied with the video you watched, you should not threaten its author with violence.
    If you think that a particular posted material does not comply with YouTube rules/censorship, etc., click the “Complain” button.

Before writing, read through the messages already left and check whether you are repeating an idea that has already been expressed. It's better to rate or add to a previous answer than to duplicate a comment.
Observe the rules of etiquette, even though you communicate on the Internet (where, it would seem, they have completely forgotten about the standards of decency a long time ago). Comments like “I just wasted half an hour”, “Not worth my attention” and so on are absolutely absurd. Why waste even more time writing this?

Don't stray from the discussion general theme. If the video is about dancing, you don’t need to start writing about construction, your business channel, a book you recently read, and so on.

If you want to use comments as a tool for posting your own advertising, do it subtly and unobtrusively: select a thematic video, post a link as a recommendation.

And lastly: do not overdo it with the amount of text in the comments. Write concisely and to the point. As a rule, a bloated set of letters is not read to the end.

So, we have looked at the main issues of working with comments on video hosting. We hope the article was useful and you can apply these recommendations today.

Did you like the new video on YouTube or, on the contrary, shocked you? Can't cope with your emotions or want to give advice on how you can improve your video? Leave a comment on YouTube the author of the video. In order to express your point of view on the creativity that you saw, it is important to be registered on YouTube. Only those users who have their own channel can leave comments.

It can be assumed that YouTube adheres to this policy in order to preserve the culture of communication, as well as to minimize the amount of spam. This allows other users who , watch what they write. As soon as you have created your channel on the hosting and entered it, you can easily write your opinion about any of the clips, if, of course, the author considered it necessary to leave the comments field open. To leave a note:

  1. After watching the clip, scroll to the bottom of the page.
  2. You will see a line where you can write what you think about the clip.
  3. Once you're done, tap the send button. Your comment will immediately appear first in the list.

If you forgot to add something, or decided to get rid of a comment altogether, in the corner on the right, tap the vertical icon with three dots. Choose the action that you consider acceptable. You can also leave a comment for another user who is participating in the conversation. The icon will also help you with this. To do this, select the comment that caught your attention and click on the reply button. The user who left his entry will receive a notification about this.

How to leave a comment on YouTube from your phone

Are you used to watching videos only from your gadget? Unfortunately, leave a comment on YouTube from your phone, it won't work the way it's done on a PC. However, you can add a video that caught your attention to your playlist and comment on it later, while on your PC. To add videos to playlists, exit the mode full screen viewing. Once you pause the video, you will notice a gray plus icon at the bottom. By touching it, you will see a list of playlists that you have created in the past. Choose the one you need. The video will be in it.

If you think that the video does not belong on the hosting, it violates your rights, or it shows unacceptable moments, tap the flag icon. YouTube will review your application and find out what’s wrong with the video. You shouldn’t just click on this sign, because if your complaint is not justified, you may simply be banned.

How many comments can you leave on YouTube?

You can post it on YouTube countless comments, however, at the same time, always remember the culture of communication. If you write the same thing, or bother other users, then the hosting has the right to block your channel, no matter how famous it is. Therefore, write constructive criticism.
