Types of office equipment. Office equipment is office equipment, what does it relate to? What does office equipment belong to, list

Currently, it is difficult to imagine the activities of any organization or government agency without the use of modern electronic equipment. Back in the 80s of the last century, no one could even imagine that in just over 20 years there would no longer be a need to carry out lengthy and tedious calculations on wooden abacuses, but it would be enough to enter the necessary data into an electronic calculator, which is almost will instantly give the correct result. There has also been a widespread dominance of compact telephones, the introduction of faxes, printers, and video equipment, which together constitute office equipment. In other words, office equipment is all the equipment that is used in the activities of the organization. At the same time, its emergence entailed the development of a new sector serving companies and providing various types of services for servicing office equipment, for example, toner refilling.

All electronic devices used in the work of an enterprise can be divided into various categories depending on the functions they perform.

Types of office equipment

The most general category of organizational equipment includes electronic computers - personal computers. They can be either stationary or very compact (in the form of laptops). This category includes tablets, as well as devices that combine the functions of several electronic devices. Personal computers and tablets help to effectively carry out work activities, providing fast and high-quality calculation of numerical indicators, fast and high-quality typing thanks to a comfortable keyboard and installed programs for checking grammatical and punctuation errors.

Another type is communication technical devices. This includes mainly telephones and email. Thanks to them, the organization can negotiate with customers and suppliers.

An indispensable type of office equipment for the office are printing devices and copying machines. This includes copiers, faxes and printers. Currently, there are many varieties of these devices. For example, there are laser, inkjet and other types of printers. For ease of use, many manufacturers have begun producing multifunctional devices that combine the functions of a fax, scanning device, copier, printer and even telephone.

Presentation office equipment includes multimedia projectors, without which it is impossible to conduct a successful presentation and public speaking.

Outside of any category, one can single out a device called a shredder. It received this name from the English word shredder, which literally means “shredder.” The name clearly reflects the main function of the shredder - it is used to destroy unnecessary documents or documentation of a secret nature.

Thus, several main categories of organizational technology were identified according to the scope of their application. It is worth noting once again that without the use of electronic devices, no institution can function fully. Therefore, if any device breaks down, you should contact an organization specializing in

When we hear the word office, most likely we imagine a modern room filled with various complex devices. Although half a century ago, we could only hear this word in Western films. Then the head of an enterprise or another office worker in our country had at his disposal an ordinary telephone, a pack of writing paper, a mechanical typewriter, a bone abacus - an abacus and a wastebasket. Design bureaus were filled with drawing boards - drawing boards.

Text documents were copied using carbon paper, and drawings were reproduced by hand. Large organizations could afford photocopiers that occupied an entire room and were operated by several employees.

By the middle of the 20th century, performance labor in industry has increased approximately 15 times over 100 years. During the same time, the labor productivity of managerial and clerical workers hardly doubled. This situation began to change dramatically with the advent of the first industrial designs of office equipment.

What is office equipment

Organizational equipment (office equipment) is a term used to refer to all modern technological devices and supplies used in modern offices: from small businesses to large corporations and government agencies. Office equipment also includes office supplies, tables, chairs, cabinets, and shelving. Even a kettle, coffee maker and microwave in an office kitchen can be classified as office equipment. In a word, everything that optimizes, facilitates and speeds up the work of an employee in the office belongs to organizational technology. Of course, a modern employee needs knowledge of organizational technology and the ability to use it to work effectively. Office equipment is the key to successful management business.

Let's look at the most important types of office equipment.

The office computer can rightfully be called the king of office equipment. The computer is a central part of every office and plays many roles in the modern business world.

is an electronic device that manages information or data. It has the ability to input, process, store and retrieve information. You may know that you can use your computer for typing, typing documents, sending email, playing games, and browsing the web. You can also use it to edit documents, create presentations, spreadsheets, and even videos.

When we hear the word computer, we think of a personal computer, such as a desktop computer or laptop. However, computers come in different sizes and shapes, and they do many different things. functions in our everyday lives - When you get cash from an ATM, scan purchases at a store, or use a calculator, you are using a computer. Nowadays, computer knowledge has become an essential necessity.

  • Desktop or stationary computers.

Many people use desktop computers at work, school, and at home. Desktop computers are designed to sit on a desktop and typically consist of several different parts, including the computer case, monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, and other peripherals. equipment.

  • Portable computers.

The second type of computer you are familiar with is the portable computer, commonly called a laptop. Laptops are self-powered mobile computers that are carried in a special bag and can be used almost anywhere.

  • Tablet computers.

Tablet computers - or tablets- These are pocket devices that are even more mobile than laptops. Most tablets will fit into a handbag or even a jacket pocket. Instead of a keyboard and mouse, tablets use a touchscreen for input and navigation.

  • Servers.

A server is a powerful computer that stores a huge amount of information and transmits it to other computers on the network. For example, whenever you use the Internet, you look at what stored on the server. Many organizations also use local servers to store and share information within the company.

In any office where even one computer works, a printer is needed to create printed copies of electronic documents. Despite the expectation of paperless offices in the future, this era has not yet arrived. Necessary print all types of business documentation, be it orders, instructions, invoices, letters or other documents. Printers can be used not only to transfer electronic files to paper, but also to create composite documents containing digital information and scanned images.

  • Scanners

Although the fax machine was once considered an essential piece of office equipment, electronic copies almost any document. The scanner processes images of documents, creates electronic copies, and converts them into digital files so that they can be stored on a computer or sent by email. Items that may need to be scanned include photographs, printed pages, cash receipts, drawings, and handwritten documents. Even a letter that was created in a computer program may have been received in printed form, so it must be scanned and placed in an electronic storage system.

It's hard to imagine, but once upon a time, not so long ago, when the only one The way to make a copy of a document was to copy it by hand or by typing it again on a typewriter; offices used the services of special clerks. Although the printing press was introduced in the West in the 15th century by Johannes Gutenberg, such machines were not used in the office. Few companies bought small printing presses; other companies simply transferred printing orders to large publishing houses.

Eventually, xerography technology (“dry writing”) was created, perfected, and led to the creation of the copiers with which modern people are familiar. consumers. The first copiers produced black and white images, and they are still relevant for document reproduction today. Deciding whether you need a color copier depends on the types of documents that are printed regularly. Color printing technology is becoming more accessible, especially with the introduction of combination devices.

Multifunctional devices have become incredibly popular among small businesses and for home users. An MFP can save space, reduce energy costs and increase productivity by integrating traditional office functions such as printing, faxing, scanning and copying into one device. MFPs continue to fall in price while improving their capabilities.

  • Shredders

In a world where theft information flourishes, one of the important pieces of equipment for any office is, ironically, the paper shredder, it destroys all the documents that employees work so hard to produce. A shredder cuts a sheet of paper into so many pieces that it is then impossible to put them back together and restore the lost information. A shredder is necessary in any business where confidentiality is one of the main conditions for successful work. Additionally, any office that has employees stores their personal information, and much of this information is also confidential.


Computer technology includes analog and analog-digital machines for automatic data processing, computing electronic, electromechanical and mechanical complexes and machines, devices designed to automate the processes of storing, retrieving and processing data related to solving various problems.

Office equipment includes duplicating and copying equipment, office automatic telephone exchanges, typewriters, calculators and other equipment.

5) Vehicles, which include: vehicles designed to move people and goods - railway and rolling stock; rolling stock of water transport, road, air, urban transport; floor-mounted production vehicles, as well as other types of vehicles.

At the same time, automobile and tractor trailers, specialized and converted railway cars, the main purpose of which is to perform production or household functions, and not to transport goods and people (mobile power plants, mobile transformer installations, mobile workshops, laboratory cars, mobile diagnostic installations, carriage houses, etc.) are considered mobile enterprises

appropriate purpose, and not vehicles, and are accounted for as building and equipment.

6) Industrial and household inventory, which includes:

Industrial equipment - technical items that are involved in the production process, but cannot be classified as either equipment or structures (liquid storage containers, devices and containers for bulk, piece materials, not related to structures, devices and furniture, serving to facilitate production operations (tables, counters, racks, etc.);

Household equipment - office and household items that are not directly involved in the production process.

7) Working, productive and breeding livestock (except for young animals and cattle for slaughter), which include: horses, oxen, camels, donkeys, cows, sheep, stallions - producers, bulls - producers and other working, productive and breeding livestock.

8) Perennial plantings, which include all types of artificial perennial plantings, regardless of their age, landscaping and decorative plantings on streets, squares, parks, gardens, squares, on the territory of enterprises, in the courtyards of residential buildings; hedges, shelterbelts, plantings intended to strengthen sand and river banks, etc.; artificial plantings of botanical gardens, scientific research institutions and educational institutions for scientific research purposes.

9) Other fixed assets.

Depending on their purpose in production and economic activity, fixed assets are divided into production and non-production.

The main means of production include: machines, machine tools, apparatus, tools, as well as buildings of main and auxiliary workshops, services intended for the production process, warehouse buildings, tanks, vehicles used for moving and storing objects and products of labor. Non-production fixed assets are not directly involved in the production process, but they are used for the cultural and everyday needs of enterprise employees (fixed assets for housing and communal services, clinics, clubs, kindergartens, etc.).

ACCOUNTING FOR FIXED ASSETS "EQUIPMENT" IN US ACCOUNTING- accounting for fixed assets Equipment occurs as follows: the initial cost of the equipment consists of the purchase price minus discounts received for payment on time, and all costs of bringing the equipment into working condition: costs ... Great Accounting Dictionary

“Cold” backup production or office space / COLD SITE- a reserve room in which there are no resources and equipment, with the exception of air conditioning and a raised floor, designed to duplicate the performance of the organization’s main production functions. There are various options for “cold”... ... Explanatory dictionary on the information society and the new economy

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Holdings, Inc. Type ... Wikipedia

The industrial development of Italy began at the end of the 19th century. Fascist policies and the global economic crisis contributed to the restructuring but not the expansion of industry, and by the end of the Second World War almost half of the working population was... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

Italian Republic, state in Southern Europe. In Dr. Rome Italy (Latin Italia) the territory in which the Itals lived (Latin Itali, Russian also Italy, Italics); The ethnonym united all the tribes of the Apennine Peninsula, conquered by Rome in the 5th–3rd centuries. BC uh... Geographical encyclopedia

SHARES OF INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES- INDUSTRIAL STOCKS Preferred and ordinary shares of companies included in the industrial category (manufacturing, trading industries, service industries, mining industries), as opposed to railway shares. d. companies, utilities... ... Encyclopedia of Banking and Finance

Dow Jones Stock Index- (Dow Jones) Definition of the Dow Jones index, history of origin, dynamics of the index Information about the definition of the Dow Jones index, history of origin, dynamics of the index Contents Contents What is the Dow Jones Transportation Index Dow ... ... Investor Encyclopedia

Computer technology is a complex concept that describes the entire range of manufactured computer systems, from a small palmtop to a super-powerful supercomputer. Recently, this concept has often been used to generalize peripheral and office... ... Wikipedia


  • Office equipment
  • Office equipment, S. V. Kiselev, O. N. Nelipovich. The textbook proposes the use of a competency-based approach to the training of computer operators. The purpose and classification of office equipment, tools for document processing,…

Having considered the issue, we came to the following conclusion:
In our opinion, MFPs, printers and all-in-one computers can be classified as computer equipment. The procedure for classifying objects for the purpose of assigning them to one group or another should be fixed in the accounting policies of the institution.

Rationale for the conclusion:
The current legislation does not contain a list of objects that can be classified as office equipment or computer equipment. Consequently, the procedure for classifying objects for the purpose of assigning them to one group or another should be fixed in the accounting policy of the institution. The decision to classify objects as office equipment or computer equipment lies within the competence of the relevant officials of the institution.
In accordance with the All-Russian Classification of Products by Type of Economic Activities (OKPD 2) OK 034-2014 (KPES 2008), adopted and put into effect by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated January 31, 2014 N 14-st, the list of objects in question can be distributed as follows:
- MFPs can be classified under code “Peripheral devices with two or more functions: data printing, copying, scanning, receiving and transmitting fax messages”;
- printers - to code "Printers";
- monoblock - to the corresponding code from the group
All these codes are included in group 26.20.1 “Computers, their parts and accessories” of section 26 “Computer, electronic and optical equipment”.
We believe that MFPs, printers and all-in-one PCs can be classified as computer equipment.

Prepared answer:
Expert of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT
Durnova Tatyana

Response quality control:
Reviewer of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT
Advisor to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, 2nd class Anna Shershneva

The material was prepared on the basis of individual written consultation provided as part of the Legal Consulting service. For detailed information about the service, contact your service manager.
