Interesting questions for a social survey. Cool poll for friends

Sometimes it is interesting to know what other people think about something. To find out the opinion of the majority, sociological surveys were invented. Inquisitive sociologists ask people about everything: politics, economics, nutrition, health, and even intimate life.

We have chosen for you 10 most interesting sociological surveys of 2012 from those published on the portals VTsIOM and Whether or not to agree with the opinion of the majority is a personal matter for everyone, but being aware of public opinion never hurts.

10. End of the World

The Top 10 sociological studies open with a question that has already set teeth on edge: “ Do you believe in the End of the World predicted for December 21, 2012?».

  • Yes, it will be so - 2%
  • This is very likely - 7%
  • This is unlikely – 33%
  • This is incredible – 55%
  • Undecided – 4%

9. Housing and communal services tariffs

According to VTsIOM, about 72% of Russians consider the increase in tariffs for housing and communal services to be a heavy blow to the family budget. So our next question is: “ How to save on utility bills?»

  • Use energy-saving lamps, economical appliances (energy consumption class A) – 43%
  • Install water meters, electric meters “day/night” - 42%
  • Insulate the home – 36%
  • Refuse some services (radio point, TV antenna) – 14%
  • Use benefits for certain categories of citizens – 14%
  • Provide the HOA with a certificate of long-term absence for recalculation – 8%
  • Doing nothing is still useless – 15%

8. Office romances

Office romance is a classic of the genre. Sociological survey on the topic: “ How do you feel about flirting at work?" gave the following results:

  • Positive, flirting adds positivity – 65%
  • Negative, flirting interferes with work – 20%
  • Don't know – 15%

7. Annoying Ads

  • Outdoor advertising (on posters, building facades) 6%
  • Radio advertising – 6%
  • TV advertising – 35%
  • Promotions (distribution of leaflets in public places) – 6%
  • Internet advertising (banner, spam) – 26%
  • Indirect advertising (mention of the product in articles, interviews, films) – 11%
  • None, I’m calm about advertising – 9%

6. Treatment methods

The state of medicine and the degree of trust in doctors is a burning issue. Here is how the opinions of VTsIOM respondents were distributed as a result of a survey on the topic: “ What do you do if you get sick?»

  • I go to a free clinic - 55%
  • I am treating myself – 33%
  • I go to a paid clinic - 6%
  • I turn to alternative medicine - 1%
  • I don’t do anything, I let everything take its course - 4%
  • Difficult to answer – 1%

5. About pensions

A decent pension is everyone’s desire. Here's how the online community answers the question " How do you plan to provide for your old age?»:

  • I count on the state pension – 38%
  • I am going to enter into an agreement with a private pension fund – 4%
  • I will save money – 16%
  • I plan to invest money in developing my own business – 22%
  • I count on the support of children - 20%

4. Intimate life

Intimate life is an intriguing topic, attractive precisely because of its intimacy. That's why 2,857 people readily answered the question: “ How often do you have sex?»

  • Every day – 12%
  • Several times a week – 34%
  • Several times a month – 23%
  • Several times a year or less – 13%
  • I haven’t had sex yet – 18%

3. Seasons

In winter we often think about summer and vice versa. Here is how the answers to the question “ What's your favorite time of year?»

  • Spring – 18%
  • Summer – 34%
  • Autumn – 21%
  • Winter – 19%
  • Any off-season – 3%
  • No favorite time of year – 4%

2. About politics

A good half of modern surveys are devoted to issues of power. One of the most interesting is “ Who was the most worthy leader of our country over the past 100 years?»

  • Nicholas II – 16%
  • V.I. Lenin – 7%
  • I.V. Stalin – 33%
  • N.S. Khrushchev – 4%
  • L.I. Brezhnev – 6%
  • Yu.V. Andropov – 8%
  • M.S. Gorbachev – 4%
  • B.N. Yeltsin – 7%
  • V.V. Putin - 14%
  • YES. Medvedev – 2%

1. Dream job

  • Gazprom – 44%
  • Rosneft – 29%
  • Sberbank – 25%
  • Lukoil – 16%
  • Russian Railways - 13%
  • Energy companies (FSK UES, RusHydro) – 12%
  • Norilsk Nickel – 10%
  • Aeroflot – 9%
  • VTB – 6%

How can you attract the attention of friends to your VKontakte page? Interesting photographs have already been abandoned, beautiful statuses cover the wall, and friends still don’t want to be active. There is a way out, you need to create the most unusual or fun survey for your friends!

What is it?

Everyone probably knows what a survey is. They were created in order to know the mood in a particular team or group of people. But this hardly applies to VKontakte questionnaires. They were created, most likely, in order to amuse others, as well as to attract the attention of visitors to their page.


The survey for VKontakte friends will consist of only one question; no more is required. To begin with, you can try to decide who is your friend. An interesting question would be: “Who are you?” - to which the following answers may follow: “man”, “woman”, “cyborg”, “alien”, “your own version”. By the way, the most interesting will be the last point, where a person can reveal his “I” and surprise him with the answer.

When creating a survey for friends, you can also try to find out how they like to “freeze”. So, an interesting question would be: “What is your favorite excuse?” - where the answers will follow: “Of course, I’ll do everything tomorrow,” “What? I can’t hear”, “I’m already leaving (checking out)”, “I’m busy”, etc.

Working days

You can also find out what your friends love to do at school (institute, at work). To the question “what do you do at school (institute, at work)” the following answers may follow: “I study”, “I spin around”, “I sleep with my eyes open”, “I send teachers away”.


A survey for friends that will reveal what irritates most people about transport so much can also be fun. The answers may be as follows: “grandmothers with wheelbarrows”, “conductors”, “eternal hustle and bustle”, “fare payment”, as well as “your own option”, which will probably be the most interesting.

About fairy tales

Cool polls for friends can consist of questions about fairy tales. Thus, the question “who is Kolobok” will seem funny, to which one can answer: “naughty food”, “cut off head”, “hawk”, “soccer ball”, “freak (disabled)”, etc.


You can also ask your friends to rate themselves by asking the following question: “How much are you worth?” Suggested answers: “too expensive”, “I’m not for sale”, “I can provide my price list”, “take it this way”.

About meetings

You can also ask your friends what they might say when meeting aliens. So, the answers: “fireworks, green!”, “that’s a glitch!”, “grow up,” “never mind,” “I’ll stop drinking tomorrow.”


Polls for VKontakte for friends may consist of the following question: “Which animal is considered the smartest?” Answers: “cat”, “dog”, “elephant”, “man”, “woman”, “me”.

About proverbs

You can ask your friends the following question: “What do you think God gives to those who get up early?” The answers may be the following: “money”, “work”, “long day”, “lack of sleep”, “long journey to work (study)”.


An interesting survey for friends will be in which you can find out a lot of interesting things about yourself. So, you can ask them to answer the following question: “What do you associate me with?” There may be several answers: “with a boy (girl)”, “with a reasonable person”, but the most interesting here will be the point “your own option”, which will be very entertaining to read.

You can ask your friends to talk about what they would like at the moment. Suggested answers: “eat”, “sleep”, “home”, “money”, “at sea”, and “your own option”.

Polls for VK 2.0 - allow you to conduct voting and collect opinions in a new format: adding a unique background, indicating the time of the survey, allowing you to select one or more answer options. There is also the option to make the survey public or anonymous.

We'll figure out how to create a VKontakte poll in a group or conversation, make a design - choose a background or add a picture, set up anonymity, add several answer options. We'll tell you if it's possible to make a survey in History.

How to conduct a survey in a VK group

To create a new survey, go to your page or group on behalf of the person you want to create a survey for. And let’s move on to creating a new post, where we select “Poll”.

Add a colored background or picture

To attract more attention to your survey in the feed, choose a bright background. You can use one of the standard colors as a background or upload your own picture.

To upload a picture, you need to click the plus at the very end of the carousel and select the image from the community album, or upload from your computer. You can use images of at least 510x200 pixels in JPG, GIF or PNG format.

Anonymous or public

Below the background settings, there are polling settings. Here you can choose whether the survey will be anonymous or public.

In an anonymous survey, you will only see the poll result, and will not be able to see who voted for which option.

In public, on the contrary, you and other users can see who chose which option in the survey.

Multiple choice

If you enable this option, users will be able to select multiple options as an answer. Including everything that is in the survey.

Here, you can set a limited time for the survey, configure notifications about the progress of voting or the time of its completion. You can also set up delayed publication or embed a voting widget on your website.

How to make a poll in a conversation or chat

The algorithm of actions is exactly the same as when creating a survey on your wall. Create a conversation or enter an existing dialogue.

Click on the paperclip icon next to the text entry field. Select attach survey.

Then create and design your survey as described above.

Is it possible to make a poll in VK History?

As such, the poll function for VKontakte Stories does not yet exist. But there are two possible alternatives:

Survey results

To view the results of a poll on VK, find the post with it and click on the poll itself. A window will open with detailed information about the survey.

At the bottom there are additional fields with which you can filter the results. For example, you can find out how many girls over 18 took part in the survey. This allows you to get rid of statistical errors in the survey and get more objective results for the desired audience. You can also filter the results by country or city.

From this article you will learn:

  • How to add and edit VKontakte polls with a large number of answers on your wall;
  • how to “wind up” VK polls;
  • How to re-vote or cancel a vote in VK.

VKontakte polls with a large number of participants on your wall

There is a way to add a poll with a large number of voters to your VKontakte wall. It looks like this as if they voted from the user’s wall. Why is this? Everyone has their own reasons. As an option for greater accuracy and sampling.

This is done like this:

First go to “My News”. If you do not have such an item, then it is included in “My Settings”.

A list of polls appears. You can try other parameters until we find a suitable survey.

When you have already found it, click Get code and copy it. Paste it into the service (this is an excellent online HTML editor). Below we immediately see our survey.

Cheating VK surveys is a convenient way

If you need to boost any VK (or Ok) survey, you can use the online boosting service Proven service, low cost. Better see it in person.

You will learn about the features and advantages of such a part-time job. In addition, it provides several tips that will be useful not only for those new to this field, but also for experienced freelancers. All you have to do is study in more detail the conditions of the proposed online platforms and choose one or more suitable options.

Benefits of making money by taking surveys

Surely, you already know that this is a kind of research in the field of marketing. Their customers are various companies known to a wide range of consumers. And special online platforms conduct such testing. They collect the opinions of a large audience about a particular product.

Thus, one of the main advantages of such activities is the opportunity to express one’s own opinion, share impressions and experiences, while counting on a small monetary reward. Your job as a respondent is to answer the questions asked, without missing any questions and being completely honest.

Today on the World Wide Web there are many reliable questionnaires that offer profitable and interesting terms of cooperation and have certain advantages. So, to main advantages Such projects include the following:

  • no need for experience, higher education, or any specialized knowledge or skills (the activity is suitable for both students and high school students, adults and even retirees);
  • availability of tests for everyone who has reached the age of 18 (in some cases, participants over 14 years of age are allowed) and lives in Russia or other countries;
  • the ability to work at any convenient time and anywhere where there is an Internet connection;
  • low time investment (on average, filling out the test takes people about 20-25 minutes).

Another undeniable advantage of such employment is that you will be one of the first to be informed about a variety of new products on the modern market. Therefore, you will be able to keep abreast of all events, and your opinion will matter.

List of the best Internet questionnaires

The list of such sites is quite wide. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with successful and reliable projects that are trusted and that meet the expectations of users from all over the world. So, I bring to your attention the TOP questionnaires:

After familiarizing yourself with popular resources, you can choose the most optimal option for cooperation. However, before doing so, I recommend that you read some useful tips:

  1. To expect higher profits, create profiles on multiple sites. You can go through the registration procedure on all well-known questionnaires, tested not only by me, but also by many other users. Thus, within a month you will be able to pass not 2-5 tests, but much more. If the income from one site is 200-300 rubles per month, then, accordingly, from 10 such resources you will receive 2000-3000.
  2. The number of invitations you will receive from a particular project directly depends on your conscientiousness and filling out your profile. The more detailed you fill it out, the better.

Your credibility will also increase when you undergo testing honestly and responsibly. Therefore, immediately after activating your account, fill out the form in as much detail as possible, and when taking surveys, be as careful and honest as possible.

  1. Try to respond to invitations sent to your email as quickly as possible. Remember that almost all survey sites set certain restrictions on questionnaires. Thus, a survey can be available for several hours or be open until the required number of respondents answer the questions.

Therefore, it is advisable to regularly check your inbox and immediately follow the links. Your income level directly depends on this.

  1. If a particular project offers a referral program, feel free to participate in it. This is a great option to receive passive income for attracting other participants to the system. The more users register using your link and are active, the more profit you can count on.

I hope that you learned a lot from this article. After reviewing the list of reliable survey sites that have proven themselves well and won the trust of people from all over the world, you can quickly select options that are comfortable for you. Study the conditions they offer, register on all the survey sites you like and earn money! I wish you success and stable income!
