Connect Adobe Flash Player in Yandex browser. How to activate the required Adobe Flash Player in the Yandex browser

Outdated software is one of the most common causes of failures in individual programs and the entire Windows system. Modern browsers also experience crashes more often than other applications, especially when using specific plugins. Often malfunctions relate to Flash content processed in the Yandex browser, and one of the first ways to solve the problem is to update the Flash Player. If the plugin is outdated, it makes sense to download an upgrade and update the add-on; this is usually the easiest and most effective way to solve problems.

The most common reason for updating a module is to improve the comfort of using a number of sites due to the ability to view Flash content on the page. The Flash Player addon for the Yandex web browser is responsible for processing various animations: videos, games, banners, animated screensavers, etc. Today, most sites are switching to HTML5 players, but the flash player has not yet lost its relevance.

What will happen if you do not update Adobe Flash Player in Yandex browser:

  • The animation will begin to slow down, slow down or lag;
  • A vulnerability appears in the system. Most updates are released to close security holes. With the old security system, Windows may get viruses or spyware;
  • The amount of resources spent will increase. Technologies are constantly becoming more complex and new ways of processing content are being released to reduce resource costs. Using an outdated Adobe player, processing simple videos will require 20-50% more processor resources and RAM;
  • Some sites will stop opening, work with old players, and will constantly ask you to update Flash in the Yandex browser. To keep up with the demands of modern people, web resource developers use advanced player functions. Old versions simply do not have the necessary functionality, so programmers abandon them;
  • Compatibility conflicts appear. Some software can cause Flash Player to crash in the Yandex browser, so the developers themselves recommend updating the plugin to restore all functions.

There is often an opinion that updating Flash Player in the Yandex browser is useless, because visual changes are not visible. Innovations are still present: increased productivity (5-20% is not easy to notice), added features, elimination of vulnerabilities, etc. Considering that we can update Flash Player in the Yandex browser absolutely free, without registration, there are practically no compelling reasons to refrain from this procedure.

Important! Flash plugin for Android for Yandex browser does not work starting from version 4.1. It is not possible to install, update and perform other manipulations with the Flash plugin in the Yandex browser for Android. On smartphones with a modern mobile platform, the technology was abandoned due to its potential vulnerability.

Is it worth downloading the latest version of the plugin all the time?

There is a second extreme as opposed to users who refuse updates altogether - downloading all the latest upgrades. The newly released Adobe Flash Player plugin for Yandex browser is not always better than the previous one, at least in the beta version. New versions are more likely to experience crashes immediately after updates are released.

The best solution is to download only stable versions of updates that have passed alpha and beta testing. They were tested not only by the company’s testers, but also by users who downloaded the new version immediately after the application was released. Based on reports from the add-on, appropriate adjustments were made.

How to update Shockwave Flash in Yandex browser

Not long ago, Yandex browser completely switched to working with the integrated Flash Player plugin. It is installed on the system independently of the main Adobe platform. When installed in Windows, Flash Player exists separately from the plugin embedded in the browser from Yandex. Any changes, updates and additions to the platform will not bring changes to the browser; here you should follow a different path.

We can update Flash Player for free in the Yandex browser in three ways, but each is associated with pros and cons:

  1. An easy way is to update the entire browser at the same time; advantages: fast, simple and effective.
  2. An alternative is to try to manually replace the files, but this is risky, but it won't require you to update your browser.
  3. The last option is to install an older web browser that allows you to manage plugins, install the Adobe platform, and enable an external module instead of the built-in one.

Updating Adobe Flash Player with Yandex browser

The extension is built into the browser, so all player updates come along with browser upgrades. If you update the Yandex browser, the Flash Player upgrade will be downloaded additionally and absolutely free of charge.

How to download a new version of the Flash Player extension with the Yandex browser:

If your system has a high firewall security level, you may need to confirm the upgrade.

How to manually update the Adobe Flash Player plugin in the Yandex browser

The method is somewhat more complicated and does not always lead to the desired result, but it often helps. Its essence is to replace outdated files with new ones. We recommend this method to those users who do not want to update their browser.

How to update the Adobe Flash Player extension in Yandex browser:

  1. Open Explorer and follow the path C:\Windows\SysWOW64 and add the file FlashPlayerApp.exe (download here).
  2. Go to the Macromed directory.
  3. We look for the Flash folder, if it exists, we replace the files with new ones or create a directory of the same name. We can find suitable files here.
  4. Open the registry editor in Windows.
  5. Register the main dll file. Let's go along the way Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\Store. Add a value with a name C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerApp.exe by right-clicking, hovering over New, and selecting Binary Parameter. We copy the value from nearby rows and paste it here (see picture).
  6. Adding a section as a handler Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPepper. If there is no section, create it. In it we create a parameter of string type (RMB->Create->String parameter). The name is PlayerPath and the value is the path to the file ( C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\pepflashplayer32_30_0_0_154.dll).
  7. In the Macromedia directory in the FlashPlayerActiveX section (if not, create it) create a parameter of the stock type PlayerPath with the value C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\Flash.ocx.

Important! The browser must be closed at the time of performing the manipulations. It is also worth checking the “Task Manager”, which opens by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del, for the presence of Yandex.exe processes. If they exist, we terminate the processes.

Connecting an external Flash Player extension to the old Yandex browser

How to update Flash Player if Yandex browser requires a new version:

Before updating Flash Player from Adobe in the Yandex browser, we recommend checking which version is current today. The easiest way to find out the version is to go to the page official website, and on another page we can set the basic settings and permissions for the installed plugin.

From this article you can learn how to update Flash Player in Yandex Browser, how to enable or disable it in this browser. In addition, we will try to figure out the problem when Flash Player does not work. We will sort all this out piece by piece in our instructions.

Before we begin, I would like to say a few explanatory words about the Flash plugin, explain what it is and why it is needed in the browser. And so, this is an extremely necessary component, which is special software for the normal operation of videos, flash games and a bunch of applications on the Internet. That is, without it, these functions cannot be performed. Therefore, you will not be able to watch videos or play online games.

Update Flash Player for Yandex Browser

In general, unlike Mozilla or Opera, the Yandex browser automatically installs this plugin when installing the browser program itself. Consequently, the update is carried out automatically with each new update of the Yandex browser itself. However, there are cases when you need to disable the stock plugin and install it externally. Now we will try to figure this out.

Option 1. Updating the browser itself.

In this case, all that is needed to update Flash Player in Yandex Browser is to update the program itself. It's done like this:

Option 2. Manual update of external plugin.

This method is intended for manually updating external Adobe Flash Player software. That is, if the built-in plugin fails and does not work, you can use an external one to work in Yandex Browser. Let's see how to update it if the version is outdated.

First of all, you need to remove the old version.

By the way, all browsers must be turned off in order to reinstall Adobe Flash Player properly.

Now you can install the latest version.

That's it, the plugin is updated.

Adobe Flash Player does not work in Ya Browser

In such a situation, you need to figure out what caused the malfunction. We have several options to resolve the problem.

Conflict between built-in and external plugin. In this case, you need to disable one of the Flash plugins in your browser. To do this, type the command in the address bar.

After that, click on the link “ More details” on the right. After this, extensive settings for all plugins will open. Find the item “ Adobe Flash Player (2 files)” and disable 1 of the plugins by clicking on the link “ Disable" We advise you to turn off the built-in one, because it fails most often.

After that, restart your browser and check if videos or flash files are launched on any site.

Outdated version. Also a common problem. The solution is very simple - just update to the latest version. We wrote about this above.

Nothing helped? Go here - there we have described in detail many options for solving this error, if you can call it that. We can also recommend reading the article - perhaps you can find a solution there.

Yandex.Browser is a browser that was created by Yandex. The Internet browser is built on the Blink engine, which in turn is used in the open-source Chromium web browser. It is the second most popular browser in RuNet at the time of writing.

Like Yandex.Browser, it has a built-in Adobe Flash Player, so if this platform is not installed on your computer, videos or banners running on Flash technology will still be shown in the browser. Another thing is when a crash occurs or someone using your computer intentionally turned off this plugin - you can enable it yourself. How to do this?

Open Yandex Browser and write the phrase browser://plugins (without quotes) directly in the browser line. Press Enter.

After the page with plugins opens, launch the flash player by clicking on the “Enable” button.

If you cannot open the page with plugins using this method, there is another solution.

Open Yandex.Browser and click on the button in view of the three bars that are located at the top of the window. A menu appears, select “Settings” in it.

We look for the “Personal Data Protection” subsection and click on the “Content Settings” button.

Here we find the “Plugins” subsection and click on the “Manage individual plugins” item.

The page with plugins will open. In order to launch Flash Player, you need to click on the “Enable” button under this plugin.

If you see two plugins from Adobe Flash Player and both are enabled, one of them needs to be disabled because they conflict with each other.

If the flash player still does not work, try turning off and re-enabling the plugin using the above method.

Software developers provide programs with a basic set of preset parameters that are not always beneficial to the user. The same applies to Adobe Flash Player in the Yandex browser; the basic settings of the plugin are not suitable for everyone, so you often have to change the settings yourself. There are a lot of parameters that allow you to change the behavior of Flash Player: turn it on/off, make a list of exceptions, set permissions, etc.

How to change Flash Player launch settings in Yandex browser

The most important and requested setting concerns the launch of the plugin. There are 3 ways to operate Flash Player in the Yandex browser:

  • Runs on all sites;
  • Works on sites added to the “white list” and not on the “black list”;
  • Doesn't launch anywhere.

It’s easy to configure turning Flash Player on and off in the Yandex browser:

For more demanding Adobe Flash Player users, the Yandex browser provides an exceptions function. Here we can configure which sites the plugin will not work on and where it will run.

Adding and excluding sites from lists:

Local configuration of Flash Player in Yandex browser

In addition to changing the module launch parameters, we can make changes to the very way Flash Player works in the Yandex browser. All settings are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Local. They operate on one website and can be reconfigured here;
  2. Global. Allows you to change the behavior on all resources that use the player.

The easiest way to replace local settings is to right-click on any flash element on the site and select “Options”. This way you can configure:

  • “Display” is a tab that allows you to enable hardware acceleration. It helps to process large amounts of data without freezing. We recommend keeping it turned on. Sometimes you have to turn off acceleration (if the player works poorly and slows down);
  • "Confidentiality". The tab provides an important setting for Flash Player for the Yandex browser - access to external devices for sound perception and video capture. We may block or allow camera and microphone access to this site;
  • Local storage. Most flash data requires storing the information on a computer in order to work. We can block the storage of information, but this will lead to incorrect operation of a number of sites. How applications use local storage:
    • To store the movie cache. The browser downloads the video a few minutes in advance, saving it to the computer. Mostly the data is stored in the cache, but some parameters are also added to the player;
    • To calculate and save user data in flash games. The storage contains certain achievements, constant values ​​that make no sense to load regularly, numbers for calculating positions, damage, etc.;
    • For user authentication. A session identifier is recorded in local storage, allowing us to be identified even after moving to another page on the site or after a short absence from the resource.
  • Microphone. On the tab we can select which microphone is used as the main sound source, and also configure echo suppression and sound volume directly in the Yandex browser via Adobe Flash Player. By default, the volume is set to 50%;
  • Camera. Here we can set which camera the module will use.

Global settings for Adobe Flash Player in Yandex browser

On the official Macromedia website there is a page for setting general settings. If you add a change here, it will apply to all sites. The page will help us set things up correctly. We can also go to the desired location by right-clicking on the flash banner and selecting “Global settings”.

Some settings overlap with the previous paragraph, but there are also additional parameters.

What we can configure here:

  • « Global Privacy Settings" Implies permission to access the user's camera and microphone. There are 2 options: “Always ask...” and “Always prohibit”;
  • « Global Storage Options" Here we can set the amount of memory allocated for storing information by applications. By moving the slider, we can easily both disable the function and make the storage volume unlimited. Additionally, there is a setting to allow or block the addition of Flash content to the PC. In the “Save common Flash components...” column, it is better to check the box, this will help reduce the time it takes to load data;
  • « Global Security Settings" Sometimes for the player to work on a website, it is necessary to download data from another resource. Mostly the action does not lead to a security breach, but certain vulnerabilities are present. To ensure maximum security, it is better to disable the function;
  • « Playing protected content" Some materials are protected from distribution by copyright. By default, Adobe players store licenses on the computer and use them while processing protected data. If there is a failure with license processing, we can “Reset” the storage data, and their collection will begin again;
  • « Website privacy settings" We can prohibit or allow individual sites to use a microphone or camera. On the tab, select the site and set permissions;
  • « Website Storage Options" The setting is similar to global, but allows you to configure access to local storage for each resource individually. Additionally, on the page we can study the amount of space used by each site;
  • « Peer-to-peer network settings" A number of sites use the P2P protocol to download content, that is, data is downloaded from the computers of other participants in the system. The protocol helps reduce the load on resource servers. We can prohibit or allow the opportunity for individual sites.

Important! If the settings panel is not displayed in place of the flash content, you need to launch the plugin. We should right click on the problem area and select “Run this module”.

In general, there are quite a lot of settings; everyone can personalize the module and make it as effective as possible. For example, in addition to the listed parameters, we can configure Flash Player in the Yandex browser to work on old, low-power computers by setting the image quality. Having made RMB on the flash player, hover the cursor over “Quality” and select “Low”, “Medium” or “High”.

Flash Player is designed to run videos, files and other multimedia content. Violation of the application may lead to a decrease in the functionality of the Yandex browser. The problem is solved by installing or enabling this plugin. There are several ways to enable Adobe Flash Player in the Yandex browser. To do this, they usually reinstall extensions or simply change settings.

Inclusion on the site

The easiest way to install Flash Player on the Yandex browser is only available if the extension has stopped working temporarily. You can find out about this by the presence of an inscription about a hidden video or game.

The “Show contents” button will help you resume work.

The plugin is launched with one click.

A white window instead of a video or flash game indicates that the problem with the extension is more serious. To solve it you will have to use other methods.

Standard settings

The extension, which allows you to watch videos and run games, is built into the Chromium-based browser by default. You can verify this by going to browser://plugins, typed in the address bar. There is also information about the extension version.

On the page you can select “Always run” by checking the box. Now the plugin will start automatically, but to do this you will first have to enable it.

Enabling the plugin without installation

It is not possible to completely remove the extension. Therefore, in most cases, to restore its functionality, it is enough to know how to enable Adobe Flash Player in the Yandex browser. To do this, the PC user will have to perform the following steps:

  • go to the “Browser settings” section;
  • find and select “Advanced site settings”;
  • in the “Flash” section, enable the extension by selecting the option that allows its use.

Setup for individual sites

There is also a way to configure Flash Player in the Yandex browser.

  1. To do this, perform the same steps as when turning it on, but select “Site Settings”.
  2. In the form that opens on the screen, you can configure the ability to launch the extension for individual web pages. In the list you can see the resources on which the plugin works.

Installing the plugin

To install the latest version of the plugin, go to the Flash Player website and download the latest update.

When choosing, you should indicate the operating system and browser type (Chromium), refusing to install a free antivirus program.

To begin the installation, the installation file downloaded to the computer disk is launched. After the process is completed, you should restart the browser.
