The user service is preventing login. User Profile Service Failure

When downloading Windows 7 and trying to go to your account, a person may encounter a message stating that the Windows 7 profile service is preventing the user from logging into the system. This is usually due to corruption of user profile files in the OS, which can be caused by a variety of reasons. In this article, I will explain the essence of the profile service dysfunction that has arisen, and will also explain how to resolve the profile service error in Windows 7 on your PC.

The occurrence of the “User Profile Service is preventing you from logging in” dysfunction is usually associated with a violation of the integrity of the user profile files, access to them being blocked at the moment, or their previous deletion.

In particular, this may be caused by the following reasons:

  • A virus or antivirus blocks access to user profile files;
  • The Windows registry is damaged (accidental or intentional user actions, virus programs, problem sectors on the hard drive);
  • Disc shedding and other relevant reasons.

To get rid of the “User Profile Service is preventing you from logging in” error in Windows 7, you need to perform a number of steps, which I will list below:

Method number 1. Reboot your PC

Before describing more complex techniques to fix the profile service error in Windows 7, I recommend simply restarting your PC. In particular, this error occurs in a situation when, during Windows boot, the antivirus starts scanning the system and blocks access to the user profile. Just reboot your machine, it may help.

Method No. 2. Perform a system rollback when login is prevented by the profile service

Another way to fix the profile service error in Windows 7 is to use . To do this, start your computer, when it starts, click on F8 to go to the Windows 7 boot menu.

  1. Select Safe mode in it to boot Windows OS.
  2. After turning on the system, click on the “Start” button, type rstrui in the search bar and press enter.
  3. Specify an earlier restore point when there were no problems with the profile service, and roll back the system to the selected stable state.

Method number 3. Changing the registry value

This method is effective in a situation where you can log into the system under an administrator account. Do the following:

  • Click on the “Start” button, type regedit in the search bar and press enter;
  • In the registry window, go to:

We expand “ProfileList” and see several branches.

Registry branches

Of all the branches here, two have the same name, with one branch ending in .bak. This is the incorrectly functioning account, and the other does not have the mentioned ending. We are only interested in working with these two branches.

You can see how it all looks visually in this (albeit English-language) video:

Method number 4. Creating a new account and copying data

You should use this method in a situation where you do not have access to an administrative account on your PC. To resolve the "User Profile Service is preventing you from signing in" issue in Windows 7, follow these steps:

  • Boot the system in safe mode (as described just above), click on the “Start” button, enter cmd in the search bar, but then do not press enter. The found matches will be displayed at the top, move the cursor over the analogue of “cmd” found at the top, right-click, select run as administrator;
  • In the command line that opens, type:

And press enter. The system should respond with a message indicating that the command was completed successfully.


To fix the error that prevents you from logging in to the profile service in Windows 7, you need to use the tips I listed above. The method of editing the system registry showed the greatest effectiveness, so I recommend using the specified solution algorithm to correct the dysfunction of the profile service on your PC.

User account corruption is a common Windows problem. The problem occurs when you enter a password or PIN on the lock screen and when you press enter you get the error "User Profile Service failed to sign in. The user profile could not be loaded" in Windows 10 or User Profile Service is preventing you from signing in in Windows 7. .

Solving the "User Profile Service could not log on" problem using Registry Editor

Option 1: Correct the user account profile

Sometimes your account may be damaged and this prevents you from accessing files in Windows 10. Let's go to the registry editor in several ways, through safe mode:

Step 1. Press the keyboard shortcut " windows + R" to call the command "run" and enter the command regedit to enter the registry.

Step 2. In the window that opens, follow the path:

Step 3. You will have several keys in the parameter s-1-5. You will need to select the longest key with a long array of numbers and your account that has the "User Profile Service failed to login" error. Make sure that the path is correct, click on the long key and there should be a name in the right column, if you haven’t found it, then scroll through all the long keys until you come across in the right column your broken profile, in my case an account .

Step 4. If you incorrectly renamed the user profile folder C:\User\site of the affected account, then open Explorer along the path C:\User\site and right-click on the broken profile, select rename and manually enter the correct profile name (site). After renaming, go back to the folder in the registry and make sure that the name is written as in the picture (step 3) C:\User\site.

See two options, step 6 and step 7, depending on who you are

Step 5. Now we will make two options, if we have one long key S-1-5-21-19949....-1001. bak(extension .bak at the end) and with the second without .bak those. just S-1-5-21-19949....-1001. Depending on who has two or one profile lined up.

Step 6. There is only one key at the end of s.bak (S-1-5-21-19949....-1001.bak).

  • A) If you only have one key at the end with .bak(S-1-5-21-19949....-1001.bak), right-click on it and click rename. (see picture below).

  • B) Delete the word itself with a dot .bak so that you get just numbers. Continue with step 8. (see picture below)

Step 7. If you have two identical keys, one without .bak, the second with .bak. (S-1-5-21-19949....-1001 and S-1-5-21-19949....-1001.bak) .

  • A) In the left pane of the registry, right-click on the key without .bak and add a period, two letters .bk(see picture below).

  • B) Now right-click on the key with .bak, select rename and delete .bak with a dot. (see picture below).

  • B) Now go back and rename the first key with .bk V .bak. Press enter and continue with step 8.

Step 8. Select the key that you renamed without .bak and from the right in the column, double-click to open the parameter settings, and assign the value 0. If you do not have such a parameter, then right-click on the empty field with the right mouse button and create a DWORD (32-bit) parameter, rename it RefCount and set the value to 0.

Step 9. In the right field, select the key without .bak and in the parameter State set the value to 0. If there is no such parameter, then click on the empty field to the right and click create DWORD (32-bit), rename it to State and set the value to 0.

Step 10. Restart your computer and the “User Profile Service failed to log in” and “Unable to load user profile” errors in Windows 10 should disappear.

Option 2: Delete and create a new user profile for the account

This option will delete your user profile, causing you to lose all of your account settings and personalization.

Step 1. If there is another administrator account that does not have an error, log out of the current account (eg: site) and log into the administrator account.

If you don't have another admin account to sign in to, you can do one of the following options below to enable the built-in admin account to sign in to and proceed to step 2 below.

  • A). Boot into Safe Mode, enable the built-in Administrator, log out and log into Administrator.
  • B). Open a command prompt window at boot, enable the built-in administrator, restart your computer, and log in to Administrator.

Step 2. Back up anything you don't want to lose in the C:\Users\(username) profile folder (eg: website) of the corresponding user account to another location. When done, delete the C:\Users\(username) folder.

Step 3. Press the windows + R buttons to open the Run dialog box, type regedit and click OK.

Step 4. In Registry Editor, navigate to the location below.

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

Step 5. In the left panel in the ProfileList, click on the long key that has an account error. The profile is visible on the right.

Step 6. Delete error profiles with.bak and without.bak. For example ( S-1-5-21-19949....-1001 and S-1-5-21-19949....-1001.bak)-delete.

Step 7. Close Registry Editor and restart your computer, after which it will automatically recreate the new user.

Let's solve the problem "Unable to load user profile" in a simple way

Method 1. This method does not work for everyone, but it has helped many. Try to copy your documents in the folder (C:\Users\) to another location to create a backup just in case. Typically the problem occurs due to corruption of the "NTUSER.DAT" file located in the "C:\Users\Default" folder. To solve this problem you need to replace the "NTUSER.DAT" file with another profile. .

  1. Log in to the system in safe mode with a profile account that works.
  2. Find the file (C:\Users\Default) "NTUSER.DAT" and rename the .DAT extension to .OLD. It should be (NTUSER.OLD).
  3. Find the file "NTUSER.DAT" in the work profile such as "Guest", "General". Example (C:\Users\Guest\NTUSER.DAT).
  4. Copy it and paste it into the default folder C:\Users\Default.
  5. Restart your computer.

You can copy this file from another computer with the same version of windows and paste it to your home along the path C:\Users\Default.

Method 2. You can try replacing the entire “C:\Users\” folder from another computer.

  • Take a flash drive in FAT32 format and write the C:\Users\ folder onto it from another computer and transfer it to your computer.

If anyone knows how else to fix the error, “The User Profile Service prevents you from logging in” using another method, then write in the “report an error” form.

Sometimes it may fail that after a new account has been created in the OS, the PC user cannot log into the system from it. This directly depends on the fact that Windows has a user profile service, due to an error in which nothing works. Read on - the suggested options will help you fix the problem.

What's the first thing you can do if the User Profile Service is preventing you from logging into Windows 7? Restart your PC and before loading Windows itself, click F8 to go to the menu BIOS. Afterwards, select to start the OS in Safe Mode , then let the download take place.

Now open the menu Start (checkbox) and in the search bar below type User Accounts – select the appropriate line as below:

Accordingly, let's move on to Manage another account . After clicking in a new window, find the line by Create a new account – create and specify account parameters:

The next step you will need to go to is Local disk with OS Windows - I have this "WITH", and for almost all users too. Enter the folder Users (may be called Users). You now need to define a couple of folders: the folder of the user who does not want to boot, and the folder of the user who has just been created. Go to the folder of the non-booting user and copy all the data to the newly created one.

Restart your PC and log in to the user account where you copied all the data. If the account starts, great - now you have a new account. an entry with a new name (if you want, you can delete the old one later).

If this solution did not help you, the following should definitely help you.

Similarly, we go to Safe Mode from the administrative account. records. We start in the same way with Start , but in the search line we indicate regedit:

We launch the registry editing program and now we have a very long way to go! Be careful! We start with a folder called HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE- and from there we will go through the branches of folders.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE– start with it – see the screenshot:

After that SOFTWARE , Now Microsoft , V Windows NT , from her to CurrentVersion and now we already find ProfileList .

Inside ProfileList in addition to the rest there will be two almost identical folders, only at the end of the other one will be added .bak- this is the account that does not let you through.

First, let's deal with the folder without .bak- just rename it, giving it some name so that ProfileList it was not repeated with any other. And the folder with .bak at the end we just delete this extension - in the end it will acquire the name of the folder with which you dealt with first - only numbers will remain.

If you followed the description, after rebooting the PC everything should work fine. Please let me know if you were able to resolve the issue where the User Profile Service prevents you from logging in. What can't I do in the OS? What was difficult? Leave it in the comments below - we will help you if you have any difficulties! Thank you!

Sometimes it happens that the system displays a message on the screen stating that it is not possible to log in because User Profile Service prevents Windows 7 login. A similar message looks something like this.

Error window

In this case, the PC user immediately has anxious thoughts about losing all the data on the computer or about a virus attack on the system. But there is no need to panic, since this problem can be solved and you will not have to take your computer to a service center.

Cause of Profile Service Error

The most common cause is incorrect system registry settings. Another reason may be that the antivirus scan of your computer coincides with your login. In any case, the problem can be fixed.

Error resolution methods

So, you see a message on the screen that The User Profile Service is preventing you from logging in. What to do when I encounter such a message and how to solve this problem? There is a simple but reliable way. But first, try restarting your computer normally, the error may go away on its own.

If rebooting does not help, you should log in as an administrator. To do this, you will have to restart your computer and log in. Next, you should launch the Registry Editor. To start you need to click on the menu “ Start" to the program " Execute", which is located in the "Standard" section or launch it by pressing the keys Win+R. On the command line you should write " regedit" without quotes and click OK.

Command to enter the system registry editor

The registry editor will open, in which you need to go through the folders in the left column in this order:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

  • Select a folder with a long name that ends in ".bak".
  • Find a file called " ProfileImagePath" - on the right, the name of your account and the path in it in the Users folder must be correctly indicated.
  • If the name is correct, then go to another folder with a long name and look for the same file. Most likely, it will be written here “ C:\Users\TEMP"or there will be a set of random characters.
  • We change the names of folders with long names. The one that ended in “.bak” is left without this ending, and the one that did not have this ending is renamed to “.bak” at the end. That is, we swap the ending “.bak” for the folders.
  • Now in the folder without ".bak" at the end, find the file " RefCount", then right-click on it and select the command " Change" And then enter the value “ 0 ».
  • Do the same in the file " State" Also enter a null value.

Renaming profile values ​​in the registry

All that remains is to restart your computer, and the problem should be resolved if you did everything correctly. The profile service should no longer prevent you from logging in.

If the method described above did not help, then by booting into, you can create a new profile and log into windows under it.

Also, do not forget about system recovery, which can be launched through the same safe mode and roll back the system to a date when the “User Profile Service is preventing you from logging in” error did not exist.

It happens that when the user boots the computer, he sees a message: the User Profile or Account Service is preventing login.

And as can be seen from the error message itself, it is impossible to load the user profile in Windows 7, 8 or 10. Thus, work on the PC is suspended. It is for this reason that it is necessary to quickly resolve this error to restore the user profile in Windows.

What is the error and why does it occur?

As soon as a user sees something like this on his computer, he immediately thinks about viruses or that all data on the computer will be lost after it is eliminated. Similar thoughts arise, since the average user solves most problems on a PC by reinstalling Windows.

But this error occurs because incorrect profile settings in the registry or by matching the PC scan of the anti-virus program in time with logging into the OS. Simply put, when a user tries to log in to the system, it in turn authenticates him. And as a result of the failure, the operating system thinks that the login is performed through a temporary profile, although this is not the case. This error indicates a malfunction in the OS.

These are the most common causes of its occurrence. To eliminate them, just take a few simple steps. What is noteworthy is that all methods for eliminating the error are similar for any version OS.

For those who do not know what a user profile is, let us explain. It stores all data, settings and information about the user.

First steps in case of error

First of all, if you find such an error on your PC, you need to do a simple reboot the system. This is a quick way to resolve it, since the error may resolve itself upon shutdown.

But don't just press the "Restart" button. Needed completely shut down the OS and after some time start it again.

There is no need to panic if the problem was not solved in such an easy way. It doesn't always work, but it should still be used first. If rebooting the system does not work, then the files in the account are damaged.

Creating a copy of your account

To do this you need to do the following:

  • Restart PC;
  • While the OS has not started, press the button F8;
  • A black screen appears, click " Login through safe mode»;
  • Through “Start” go to Control Panel or Settings (depending on the version of Windows);
  • Select the icon " Accounts»;
  • Choose " Family and safety»;
  • Choose " Adding a new account»;
  • Create a new profile(it is important that the account is created with administrator rights).

Thus, a new entry is created. You need to create two such accounts. It turns out that there will be three entries in the OS (two created and one problematic). Now you need to copy the files from the old one. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Log in to the system with one of your work accounts;
  • Click " Start»;
  • Choose " Documents»;
  • Go to the top panel of the folder in the “View” fold and check the box on the line “ Show hidden elements» (or Tools - Folder Options in older versions);
  • Go to the disk on which the OS is installed and select a folder Users(on the path c:\Users);
  • Select the folder with the name of the problematic entry;
  • Copy all files from this folder, except Ntuser.dat, Ntuser.dat.log, Ntuser.ini;
  • Return to folder " Users» and open a folder with a new entry different from the one you logged in with;
  • Paste the copied items into a folder with the name of the new entry;
  • Restart PC and go through the created copy, check for the presence of all the necessary files.

Using System Restore

Perhaps the error occurred due to recent changes in the system made by the user or program. And if this is the case, then these actions can be undone by restoring the OS.

Windows 10 System Restore

In the top ten, you should adhere to the following sequence of actions:

Windows 8 System Restore

In the eight, the procedure is not much different from the above:

Windows 7 System Restore

To use the desired function in the seven you need to:

Registry editor to fix the error

You can also use the registry editor to fix the error. This can be done like this:

After all the steps described above, you need to restart your PC and check if the error is fixed. After this, the partition without the .bak extension can be deleted.

Deleting a profile through the registry

You can completely delete a profile through the registry:

  • Enter safe mode;
  • Press the key combination Win+R;
  • Out the window execute» enter the command regedit and press Enter;
  • Go to section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software \Microsoft \Windows NT \CurrentVersion \ProfileList\;
  • Open the ProfileList folder and find the subsection that starts with S-1-5 (there should be two of them). Typically, the names of these subsections contain many numbers. One of the subsections must end with .bak;
  • Click on one of them and see the assigned value in the right part of the window. If it points to the OS user profile then that's what you need;
  • Click on this subsection RMB and delete it;
  • Now, when you log in, the OS will create a new profile without the error.

This is how you can fix the problem with logging into the OS. It is recommended to strictly adhere to the entire sequence, otherwise the system may be damaged.
