What kind of number 9000 is the message from Sberbank? What issues can be resolved by calling the Sberbank Contact Center

Mobile banking from Sberbank is a special service that allows clients to track all actions performed on their card. Information about changes in card data is sent to the card attached to it. mobile number. In this case, a Sberbank client connected to the SMS service receives a message from number 900, which indicates the name of the operation, last digits cards, amount, time and other data. The information contained in the SMS depends on the operation itself.

However, clients’ mobile numbers may receive a message from number 9000, in which Sberbank asks to evaluate the quality of service or to clarify whether the client is ready to recommend Sberbank to other people. Is it worth answering? Who owns this number? It is not surprising that clients ask such questions, because becoming a victim of scammers in modern world quite simple. We will answer all questions in order.

Number 9000: Sberbank or not?

When you receive a message from number 9000 on your phone, do not be alarmed and think that they are scammers. Sberbank actually uses the 9000 number to receive the information it needs from clients.

You can verify this yourself. To do this, go to home page Sberbank website and at the top of the page click on the contact number (900 or +79455005550). On the page that opens you will see a list of all contact numbers for communication, as well as number 9000.

In what cases does Sberbank send messages from number 9000?

Sberbank sends messages from number 9000 for two main reasons:

  • Checking the quality of service.
  • Confirmation of changes in the client’s personal data.

Let's look at each reason in more detail.

Checking the quality of service by Sberbank from number 9000

Sberbank cares about the quality of the services provided, so it regularly asks for the opinions of its clients about the work of bank employees and branches. Using the 9000 number, Sberbank conducts surveys to find out whether the client is satisfied with the quality of the services provided and whether he is ready to recommend the bank to anyone else. Similar surveys are also conducted after the bank contacts the bank at the branch itself. However, to check the opinion more Sberbank conducts similar surveys of clients via SMS. It has approximately the following content: “Addressing a Sberbank client by name and patronymic,” taking into account your experience of interaction with Sberbank, please rate whether you would recommend the bank to your friends and acquaintances.” After these words, please rate the employees’ work on a ten-point scale and send your rating in a reply SMS. Is it worth answering such a request? Only the Sberbank client himself can answer this question.

Reply to this message from Sberbank will cost the client money. The cost is calculated based on tariff plan the operator whose number the client uses. Please note that you should reply to the message from the number to which it came. Otherwise, your vote will not be counted.

Why does Sberbank need to know the opinions of clients through the 9000 number and will it really affect the work of the bank?

Let's say the cost of a response message does not bother the client. This raises a question. Will the grade you submit actually make a difference? Is it possible that the voice of one person can change something in the work of the department? Maybe next time the bank employees will be more polite to you?

In order to answer this question, let's look at how quality of service is checked.

Specialists measure two main indicators:

  • NPS (index of willingness to recommend the bank);
  • CSI (channel-specific service satisfaction index);

The NPS index at Sberbank is calculated directly from the scores received from clients. As a result, specialists can accurately say what percentage of clients are satisfied with the level of service provided by the work and what percentage are not. Moreover, when measuring this index, experts can clarify some other details. For example, age category or the reason why clients are satisfied with the work of the bank. As a rule, specialists are able to obtain such information through telephone interviews. If we're talking about about messages from number 9000, the percentage of satisfied and dissatisfied customers is calculated here. For example, at the end of 2016 it turned out that 58% of respondents were satisfied with the work of Sberbank. Not only the percentages themselves matter, but also the dynamics.

As we see, the figure is growing every year.

The CSI index helps specialists understand how much a client liked the service in a particular branch.

As we can see, this indicator (like NPS) has only increased over time.

Based on NPS and CSI indicators, specialists evaluate customer loyalty and draw appropriate conclusions, on the basis of which decisions are made to improve the quality of service, optimize any processes, etc.

Thus, the activities of the bank or its branch can be influenced by the assessments of only a certain group of people. If a Sberbank client is faced with a negative attitude towards himself, violations and other problems, it is advisable to submit a corresponding application to a Sberbank branch. You can also do this by calling a toll-free contact number.

Sberbank number 9000. Confirmation of changes in the client’s personal data

When receiving a debit or credit card, Sberbank (like other banks) enters into an agreement with the client, which specifies his personal data. All this information is stored in a special bank database. If any client data changes (registration address, last name, etc.), the bank asks to notify of the change personal information any in an accessible way. For example, when changing your last name, it is recommended to contact a bank branch and write an application to change your personal data. Immediately after this, a change request is received and the data is updated. However, between these two steps there may be another one. We are talking about confirmation of changes in the client’s personal data. To obtain this consent, the number 9000 is used. A message is received on the phone of the Sberbank client asking him to confirm his desire.

Please note that the message must indicate your first and middle name. The message itself arrives only after your application to change the data.

Sberbank number 9000. How to avoid becoming a victim of scammers

Despite this seemingly simple check of service quality, some clients may still become victims of fraud. Both new clients who have only recently started using the services of Sberbank and have not had time to familiarize themselves with all the intricacies of the work of this bank, as well as regular clients, fall into the risk zone. The latter may get used to the checks and not notice the intruders. How to protect yourself from scammers and not become their victim?

  • Pay attention to the number from which the message came. Have some numbers been replaced with letters? Maybe instead of the number “0” the letter “o” is indicated and the number itself looks like “900o”? The number from Sberbank contains only numbers and original number should look exactly like this: “9000”.
  • Pay close attention to the nature of the message. As a rule, scammers report that a card has been blocked or funds have been transferred. The purpose of such messages is to encourage the client to take action (for example, call back and provide some card information). Fraudsters may also pose as a bank employee and ask to send Sberbank client data, asking him to transfer funds to a specified account or e-wallet. Also, attackers, by deception, can ask the client to connect mobile bank to another number, after which money will be debited from the attached card.

Sberbank number 9000. The difference between scammers and Sberbank

  • Messages about surveys are sent from number 900. Sberbank does not use contact numbers 88005555550 and +74955005550 for SMS surveys. These numbers are for incoming calls only.
  • Sberbank does not send forms for filling out data. Do not communicate or send card information under any circumstances. Sberbank already knows all the necessary data on your card and does not ask you to provide its number, secret word or other information about the card.
  • The message from Sberbank contains links only to the official application or to the Sberbank website. Do not under any circumstances follow links to unofficial or other applications and sites. This way, scammers have every chance to get the login and password to enter your Sberbank Online Personal Account or card information.
  • Sberbank addresses clients by their first name and patronymic (the last digits of the card number can also be used). If the message states “Dear Client”, “Client”, etc., check whether Sberbank actually conducts this check. This can be done by calling the hotline. The operator must keep information about such surveys.
  • Messages from Sberbank cannot contain requests to transfer money to a particular account or wallet. Only scammers act this way.

Sberbank number 9000. What to do if you become a victim of scammers?

  • If you realize that you have transferred funds to scammers, call the contact center and ask to immediately block your debit or credit card. Inform the operator that the data was provided to scammers. You can also apply to block your card at the branch.
  • If you know to which operator the funds were transferred, call the contact number of this operator and report the violation.
  • A fraud report can also be filed at the police station. To do this, you need to provide employees with data confirming the fact of fraud (screenshots of correspondence, recordings of telephone conversations, etc.).

Number 9000 is assigned to Sberbank. If you receive a message from him, do not be surprised. So bank specialists want to know your opinion about the work of the employees of the branch or the entire bank. However, before responding to such a message, make sure that the message came from him. To do this, carefully check the contents of the message and the number from which it came. If you become a victim of fraud, report the incident to Sberbank employees or the police. If you transferred funds to a scammer number, inform the operator about it mobile communications.

Many clients quite often received or began to receive various kinds of SMS messages from the number 9000, supposedly from Sberbank. Usually this is a survey or other unimportant questions. There are rumors circulating online that scammers are operating under this guise. Is this so, we will find out in this article! Moreover, such a number is not in the official contacts of this bank.

Fraud exists and has always existed. Crooks are constantly looking for vulnerabilities and ways to penetrate a person’s wallet. It would seem that boarding has protected each of us from physical communication with unwanted individuals, but this is not so. Everything just got worse - electronic devices where there is money that exchanges information with outside world, are subject to vulnerabilities. The same, phone, tablet, bank card, your personal Internet banking and so on.

At the same time, scammers have always been divided into several subclasses - evil geniuses (now hackers) who come up with cunning plans and so on, and ordinary little thieves who persuade the victim to make a transfer.

So, it is precisely the last category of criminals these days that actively use SMS mailings, hiding behind the names of well-known brands and so on, thereby luring money out of gullible citizens. By the way, prisoners most often do this directly from prison. What might this look like?

FOR EXAMPLE! You receive an SMS on your phone with the text “Your card will be blocked in 2 days, please contact your operator.” Signature – Sberbank. Or “you have won a prize, call **** to receive it. Yours – Sberbank.”

Looks reliable on the outside, it looks like you should really call the indicated telephone numbers. But don't rush to do this. The easiest way to make sure that they are scammers is to go into your contacts and see what number the SMS came from. If this is an 11-digit dialing, it means they are scammers. What if there are four characters?

Here you already need to know the specific data that Sberbank uses. Here we come to the most important thing!

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Help on the Sberbank form

Does Sberbank use number 9000

Yes, indeed, Sber quite often conducts mass surveys of clients, informs them of their opinion important information by sending SMS messages, and he does this from a number of short numbers.

9000 on their list, like others - 9001, 6470, 8632 or simply SBERBANK.

All of them are designed to conduct opinion polls about the quality of work of the technical support service and the financial institution as a whole.

Having received an SMS message with a request to evaluate the quality and volume of services provided by the bank, the client decides whether he will respond to it or not. Remember that it is honest and objective answers that allow Sberbank to improve the level of service and take into account consumer requests.

IMPORTANT! There is nothing wrong with surveys as such. But sending a reply message to you will cost money, the amount of which depends on your tariff plan.

If you don’t like all this nonsense, and regularly arriving SMS only annoy you, you can block their reception by blacklisting the corresponding numbers. But don’t try to do this with the number 900. It’s really important - it’s official contact phone number jar.

But what if a message, either from 900 or 9000, came to a subscriber who has nothing to do with Sberbank (see screenshot)? This is 100% scam!

In this case, you should carefully study the number format. Scammers can modify it, imitating the similarity with the official bank account - for example, change the number “0” to the letter “o”, which are usually similar, but differ only in size. Another sign is the lack of personal appeal in SMS. When sending a request to a client, the bank indicates at least his name, and sometimes also his patronymic or the last four digits of the card.

Surveys and notifications sent out by Sberbank cannot contain the following requirements:

  • send the client’s personal data (registration address, passport series, etc.) to a specific number
  • provide PIN code from bank card or personal password to log into the Sberbank Online system
  • update or confirm personal data, follow the link contained in the message or call the specified number