Department of Computers, Systems and Networks. Specialty "Computers, systems and networks" (VMSIS) Computers, systems and networks

, Automation of the fire protection system of technological installations, Lecture 4 - (2.1) Approaches to the concept of information. Number systems, DEVELOPMENT OF A SCHEDULE SYSTEM MODULE coursework.docx, Introduction to the specialty - Radio communication systems.docx.
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Tula State University"
Department of Robotics and Production Automation

collection of guidelines
for laboratory work

by discipline


Direction of preparation: 220400 “Mechatronics and robotics”

Speciality: 220402 “Robots and robotic systems”

Forms of training: full-time

Tula 2012

Guidelines for laboratory work have been compiled Associate Professor, Ph.D. Shmelev V.V. and discussed at the department meeting faculty cybernetics ,

protocol No.___ from "___"____________ 20 1 G.

Methodological instructions for laboratory work were revised and approved at a department meeting robotics and production automation faculty cybernetics ,

Protocol No.___ dated "___"____________ 20___

Head Department________________E.V. Larkin

Laboratory work No. 1. Classification of computers and architecture of computer systems 4

2.1 Computer classification 4

Laboratory work No. 2. Composition and structure of a personal computer 9

2.1 Structure of a personal computer 9

Basic devices PC 16

Laboratory work No. 3. Personal computer storage devices 29

2.1 Storage devices 29

Laboratory work No. 4. External PC devices 59

Laboratory work No. 5. Local computer networks 79

2.1 Local area networks 79

Laboratory work No. 6. Software, information and technical support for networks 91

2.1. Software and information support for networks 92

2.2 Basic principles of building computer networks 93

2.3. Technical support for information and computer networks 105

The object of study is software, information and technical support for networks 123

2. Study software, information and technical support of networks 123

Laboratory work No. 7. Global information network Internet 124

2. Basic theory 124

2.1 Global information network Internet 124

Laboratory work No. 8. Communication system 134

1. Purpose and objectives of the work 134

2. Basic theory 134


Systems for transmitting documented information 147

Laboratory work No. 1. Classification of computers and architecture of computer systems

1. Purpose and objectives of the work.

As a result of completing this work, students should

know classification of computers and architecture of computer systems

2. Basic theory.

2.1 Classification of computers

A computer is a set of technical means designed for automatic information processing in the process of solving various problems.

There are several signs by which VM can be divided. In particular:

  • according to the operating principle,

  • by element base and stages of creation,

  • as intended,

  • in size and computing power,

  • by functionality,

According to the operating principle VM: analog, digital and hybrid.

Analog or continuous VM, work with information presented in continuous (analogue) form, i.e. in the form of a continuous stream of values ​​of any physical quantity (most often electric current voltage)

AVMs are simple and easy to use. The speed of solving problems is regulated by the operator and can be very high, but the accuracy of calculations is very low. Such machines effectively solve differential calculus problems that do not require complex logic.

Digital, or discrete-action VMs, work with information presented in discrete, or rather digital, form.

Hybrid or combined-action VMs combine the ability to work with both digital and analog information. Typically used in the automation of technical and process control tasks.

In economics and everyday activities, digital computers have become widespread, more often called simply computers or computers.

According to the element base and stages of creation, the following are distinguished:

  • 1st generation, 50s of the twentieth century: computers based on electronic vacuum tubes.

  • 2nd generation, 60s: Computers based on semiconductor devices (transistors).

  • 3rd generation, 70s: computers based on semiconductor integrated circuits with a low and medium degree of integration (hundreds to thousands of transistors in one package, on a chip).

  • 4th generation, 80-90s: computers on large and ultra-large ICs, the main one of which is a microprocessor (tens of thousands to millions of active elements on one chip).
If the electronic equipment of a 1st generation computer occupied a room with an area of ​​100-150 square meters. m, then VLSI 1-2 sq. cm and the distance between the elements on it is 0.11-0.15 microns (the thickness of a human hair is several tens of microns)

  • 5th generation, present time: computing systems with several dozen parallel operating microprocessors.

  • 6th and subsequent generations: computers with massive parallelism and optical-electronic base, which implement the principle of associative information processing; so-called neural computers.
Important to know:

Each subsequent generation exceeds system performance and storage capacity by more than an order of magnitude.
By purpose, problem-oriented and specialized.

Universal are designed to solve a wide range of engineering, technical, economic, mathematical and other problems, which are characterized by large volumes of data processing and complexity of algorithms.

Problem-oriented are designed to solve a narrower range of problems related to the management of technological processes (objects), with the registration, accumulation and processing of relatively small amounts of data, and the performance of calculations using relatively simple algorithms. They include limited hardware and software resources.

Specialized are designed to solve specific problems of controlling the operation of technical devices (units). These can be controllers - processors that control the operation of individual nodes of the computer system.
By size and computing power computers can be divided into extra-large (supercomputers, supercomputers), large, small and ultra-small (microcomputers, microcomputers).

Comparative characteristics of computer classes






Performance, MIPS

1 000-1 00 000

100-10 000

10-1 000


RAM capacity, MB

2000-100 000

512-10 000



VSD capacity, GB

500-50 000

100-10 000



Depth, bits





When considering functionality computers are evaluated:

  • processor speed,

  • processor register width,

  • forms of representing numbers,

  • nomenclature, capacity and speed of storage devices,

  • nomenclature and technical characteristics of external devices,

  • ability to perform several programs simultaneously (multitasking),

  • the range of operating systems used,

  • software compatibility – the ability to run programs written for other types of computers,

  • ability to work on a computer network

2.2 Computer system architecture

Part 1. Computers. 3

Lecture 1. Structure of a computer. 3

Lecture 2. The evolution of microcomputers. 21

Lecture 3. Machine organization of the 80286 processor 29

Lecture 4. Operands and operand addressing modes. 42

Lecture 5. General organization of memory. 51

Lecture 6. Interrupting the microprocessor in a computer. 54

Lecture 7. Serial interface RS-232C. 61

Lecture 8. Serial interface COM port. 69

Lecture 9. Programmable communication interface. 77

Lecture 10. Data transfer between computers using modems. Types and characteristics of modems. A set of AT commands. 85

Lecture 11. Programmable peripheral interface. 95

Lecture 12. Parallel interface: LPT port. Ponyukhov E. V. 102

Lecture 13. Programmable timers and event counters. 114

Lecture 14. Universal Serial Bus USB. 121

Lecture 15. USB bus protocol. 133

Lecture 16. IEEE-1394 (FireWire) interface. 148

Lecture 17. Organization of direct memory access. 151

Lecture 18. Computer input devices. Keyboard. 158

Lecture 19. Computer interface with video terminal. Video adapter. Image modes: text and graphic modes. Video memory. Animation of images. 168

Lecture 20. Magnetic disk drive: flexible and hard. Disk structure: tracks, sectors, blocks. Exchange of information between computers and magnetic disks. 176

Lecture 21. Scanner. Reading the image. Types of processed images. Image quality. 181

Lecture 22. Purpose and functions of the operating system. 190

Part 2. Computing systems. 202

Lecture 23. Classification of parallel data processing systems. 202

Lecture 24. Classification of multiprocessor systems according to the method of organizing main memory. 211

Lecture 25. Review of architectures of multiprocessor computing systems. 217

Lecture 27. Principles of constructing telecommunications computing systems. 247

Part 3. Computer networks. 253

Lecture 28. Reference model of open systems interaction. 253

Lecture 29. Local computer networks. 262

Lecture 30. Wireless networks based on GPRS service. 277

Lecture 31. Radio-Ethernet wireless networks. 285

Lecture 32. Wireless local networks based on Wi-Fi technologies. 292

Part 1. Computers.

Lecture 1. Structure of a computer.

1.1 General structure

Personal computer (PC, PC – Personal Computer) is a device for programmable data processing. A PC allows complex sequences of computational operations to be carried out without human intervention.

Typically, personal computers consist of devices:

System unit (to house the main elements of the computer)

Keyboard (for entering characters into the computer)

Monitor (for displaying text and graphic information)

1.2 PC case

We begin our description of the components of a PC with a structural element that is not necessary for the functioning of the computing system, i.e., the case (system unit), but this is the first thing that catches your eye. The PC case is not only a “packing box”, but also a functional element that protects PC components from external influences, and serves as the basis for subsequent expansion of the system.

It is known that you can improve your PC by adding new or replacing old components. Therefore, when choosing a case, it is recommended to be guided not only by aesthetic criteria, but also take into account its functionality.

Although the case looks the least impressive of the computer parts, it contains all the main components of the computer

Electronic circuits that control the operation of a computer (microprocessor, RAM, device controllers, etc.)

A power supply that converts mains power into low-voltage direct current that is supplied to the computer's electronic circuits

Floppy disk drives (or drives) used for reading and writing floppy disks (floppy disks)

A hard magnetic disk drive designed to read and write to a non-removable hard magnetic disk (hard drive)

Through special sockets (connectors), usually located on the back wall of the case, you can connect various devices to the computer.

These devices are connected using special wires (cables). To protect against errors, the connectors for inserting these cables are made different, so that the cable simply will not be plugged into the wrong socket.

The body consists of two U-shaped tin or steel sheets inserted into each other. The motherboard is attached to one of the sheets and the other sheet is the cover.

Typically, the front panel of the case contains several buttons (power button and Reset button to restart the PC) and LED indicators (LED - Light Emiting Diode) to indicate power on and operation of the hard drive. Sometimes there are digital indicators of the processor frequency.

Inside, on the front panel of the case, there is a speaker (PC Speaker), which is a standard means of delivering acoustic signals.

Along with the case you purchase a power supply. The size of the power supply is determined by the design of the case. There are many modifications of power supplies of different types. They all differ in power output.

Case types:

Slimline-(thin) – in its structure it belongs to compact cases. They are indispensable where every centimeter of the desktop is valuable. In such a case, virtually all the internal space is used. And although the design of the case saves space, if it is necessary to replace a component element, you have to disassemble almost the entire system unit.

Desktop-(desk) - until recently the most commonly used case. The biggest drawback is that they take up a lot of space on your desktop. As a rule, the width of such cases is about 45 cm and the height is about 20 cm.

Tower-(tower) – significantly saves space on your desktop. Roughly speaking, this is a Desktop placed on its side. There are several modifications of such cases that differ from each other in height: Mini-Tower (about 40 cm in height), Midi-Tower (about 50 cm), Big-Tower (about 60 cm).

ATX type case - In July 1995, Intel proposed a new specification for the design of the PC case (and motherboard). Currently, this specification is accepted by all leading PC manufacturers. The emergence of the ATX specification is due, on the one hand, to increased requirements for processor speed and, accordingly, thermal conditions inside the case, as well as an increase in the number of chips on the motherboard (the emergence of all-in-one systems, that is, when video and audio are integrated on the motherboard cards, drive controllers, etc.). On the other hand, there were demands for more convenient and simpler access to the internal elements of the PC. If you opened the lid of a PC case and installed new components (expansion cards, hard drive, etc.), you probably encountered a lot of inconveniences: cables of peripheral devices block access to memory modules, the CPU blocks the ability to install full-size cards in expansion slots, etc.

According to the ATX standard, the motherboard is rotated 90°, as a result of which all expansion slots become suitable for using full-size motherboards, and the CPU is located under the power supply, and the power supply fan additionally blows the processor.

Externally, the ATX case is similar to the Desktop and Tower type cases, however:

The ATX case is equipped with a new power supply, which differs from its predecessors in size, design and the presence of a new connector for connecting to the motherboard

All expansion slots support full-size boards

Integrated ports reduce the number of cables and wires inside the case, making it easier to access motherboard components

All I/O ports are located on one side of the motherboard in one row and go to the rear wall of the case (video, audio and game port can also be located here)

The interface connectors for disk drives and hard drives are located next to the seats for 3.5" drives, therefore, shorter cables can be used

Currently, a large number of ATX cases such as Desktop, Mini-Tower, Tower have appeared.

A modern information system of even a small enterprise consists of a variety of devices (desktop computers, servers, mobile devices, network equipment, entry control devices, etc.) that must work in a consistent, stable and secure manner. Information systems of large enterprises require multi-platform integration of cloud servers, remote data processing centers, encryption and access control servers, terminal stations and servers, wired and wireless networks, Internet telephony, user support systems, and a wide variety of application software. A modern system administrator must have fundamental knowledge and the ability for constant self-education. Training in this profile allows you to form the basis for a successful professional career in the design, creation, operation and development of computer complexes, systems and networks of enterprises and organizations.

The purpose of training is to develop the following abilities:

  • Design (using computer-aided design systems), modeling, design and development of computer networks and complexes of organizations and enterprises;
  • Conducting audits and diagnostics of information technology resources of enterprises and organizations;
  • Introduction and development of information security systems and data storage reliability;
  • Administration of local and distributed computer networks;
  • Configuring, testing and maintaining network equipment;
  • Managing multi-platform integration of networks and devices running on different operating systems;
  • Operation of complexes, systems, networks and individual computing devices, including user support, troubleshooting, repair, optimization of computing power;
  • Organizing the uninterrupted functioning of computing devices and networks, including ensuring the operability of the necessary uninterruptible power supply devices, air conditioning, energy supply, backup data storage, and rapid restoration of functionality;
  • Integration of corporate information systems with external cloud services, computer systems with IP telephony systems, physical security systems;
  • Ensuring reliable, stable and safe functioning of application software systems;
  • Configuring, testing, administering and maintaining the operation of various organizational equipment within the framework of effective remote management systems;
  • Introduction of new information technologies, new hardware solutions, new IT services and new methods of managing the hardware of information systems of modern enterprises;
  • Optimization of technical and economic indicators of computer complexes, systems and networks;
  • Project management for optimization of computer networks and systems, implementation of new information and telecommunication technologies;
  • Coordinating the activities of teams of system administrators, network engineers and technical support.

Profile disciplines:

  • Network technologies and system administration;
  • Data storage systems and networks;
  • System and application software;
  • Computing systems, networks and telecommunications;
  • Information protection;
  • Networks and communications;
  • Diagnostics and reliability of automated systems.

Graduates are in demand in almost any organization and any enterprise. Large corporations, banks, insurance companies, government agencies, and municipal authorities have especially high demand for graduates. Intensive professional development awaits graduates in information and telecommunications companies, small innovative enterprises in the IT field, and system integrator companies.

Graduates occupy positions as network administrators, engineers and IT department managers, technical support engineers, network and telecommunications equipment engineers, information security specialists, and IT consultants. Graduates can build their own business and develop as an IT entrepreneur.

A set of technical and software tools intended for information services for people and technical objects is called a general term data processing system. Another umbrella term is information system.

If an information system is used for management in technical systems, it is often called information management system. These are the most common names for systems of this purpose.

VM is one of the classes of information systems. In addition to the VM class, these include VC, VS and networks. Let us consider the main distinguishing features of these classes of information systems.

The VM is designed to solve a wide range of problems by users working in various subject areas (solving mathematical problems, word processing, accounting, games, etc.). The main block of the VM, which converts information and controls the computing process based on the program, is the processor. (The word "processor" is derived from the word "process") The processor initiates and manages the process of program execution.

Computing complex– these are several VMs (or computing systems) informationally interconnected (usually via a serial channel). Moreover, each VM independently manages its own computational processes, and intensive ones (in comparison with the information interaction of processors in multiprocessor systems). VC is especially widely used in information management systems. Control objects in technical systems often have a significant spatial extent and contain a large number of units, technological installations, etc. As the means and technologies of computer networks develop, modern telecommunications tools are used in information and control systems, and the information and control system is implemented in the form of a local computer network, and not a VC.

Computer system call an information system configured to solve problems in a specific area of ​​application, i.e. it has hardware and software specialization to improve performance and reduce cost. Often, a computer contains several processors, between which intensive information exchange occurs during operation, and which have a unified control of computing processes. Such systems are called multiprocessor. Another common type of aircraft is microprocessor systems. They are built using either a microprocessor (MP), a microcontroller, or a specialized digital signal processor. Typically, such systems are specialized for the tasks of local management and control of technological equipment in technical and household systems. The corresponding aircraft are often called built-in aircraft.

A distinctive feature of networks as a class of information systems is the developed functions of information interaction.

The means of transmitting and processing information in the network are focused on the collective use of network-wide resources - hardware, information and software. Subscriber system is a set of VMs, software, peripheral equipment, and means of communication with a telecommunication subsystem (communication subnetwork). Communication subsystem– a set of physical information transmission media, hardware and software that ensure information interaction between subscriber systems.

Twisted pair, cable, optical fiber, and electromagnetic waves are used as a physical medium for transmitting information.

Information systems equipment, including computing and telecommunications devices, is called hardware(hardware).
