Why is there no modem mode on the iPad? Why iPhone doesn't work in modem mode

Hello everyone, dear readers. Today I will tell you how to enable the so-called “Modem Mode” on your iPhone mobile device (any model: 4, 5, 6, etc.). First of all, let's clarify what modem mode is and for what purposes we can use it.

Modem mode is a special mode in which your iPhone distributes cellular Internet (Internet from mobile operators) to other devices via a Wi-Fi wireless network.

You can connect any device to such a network, such as a tablet computer, iPad, laptop or other mobile phone. It is very convenient when a Wi-Fi network is urgently needed, but there is nothing suitable nearby.

So, now let's move on to specific steps to activate and configure this mode.


In order to successfully activate modem mode, perform the following sequential steps:

Operator data

Below I will list some data from cellular operators to activate modem mode. All this data must be entered in the “Cellular Data Network” settings on your iPhone.

Important: for the Internet and modem mode to work correctly, you must have a recommended cellular tariff connected to your phone number that allows you to work with the Internet.


To configure, provide the following information: APN – internet.mts.ru, then the password and username are the same – mts.


The data is as follows: APN – tele2.ru, you do not need to fill out the login and password fields.


If you have this operator, then enter the following data: APN – internet, password and login are the same – gdata.


If you have operator data connected to your phone, then enter the following data: APN – internet.beeline.ru, login and password, as in previous cases, are the same – beeline.

I hope you were able to enable the required mode. That's all for me, if you still have any questions regarding the topic under discussion, you can ask them in the comments to this post.

For many mobile device users, an important function is the so-called “modem mode” (in English it sounds like Personal Hotspot - “personal network access point.” This is an option that allows the smartphone to distribute the Internet using Wi-Fi, which, in turn, queue, delivered through the mobile network by the telecom operator.

In addition, the ability to create a Wi-Fi network allows you to connect two iPhone devices with each other for the purpose of transferring files (although this can be done in other ways); and also to enjoy games together that support multiplayer mode.

In this article we will talk about how to work with this function on the newest iPhone released - the sixth generation model.

How to activate tethering mode on iPhone 6?

Let's start with general information - it's very simple to make your smartphone start distributing the Internet. Just go to “Settings”, where the corresponding item will be available. It's called "Modem Mode". On, as well as on other Apple devices running iOS 8, this option is activated with one click.

After that, if you go to the options tab, you can see which will indicate how to connect to your network. We'll tell you how to fill them out a little further.

Problem with iOS 8

Many users who have updated the firmware on their device running on the 8th generation operating system may have a problem - it is unknown where the modem mode has disappeared. This happens on the iPhone 6 too - and often a person who needs to create a network with Internet distribution does not know what he needs to do to activate his modem. Some might suggest that this is a system failure. At the very least, reviews from iPhone users on forums indicate people do not understand where the option disappeared.

And indeed, from the outside, this may look like a problem - the menu item that was previously available, responsible for working as a modem, disappears from the settings. But we assure you, there is nothing to worry about. We will tell you how to enable tethering mode on iPhone 6 in this article.


So, after updating the firmware, the item really disappears from the settings - this is a fact. This happens because the configuration of the mobile access point to your operator’s network is lost. Information on this matter can be found there - in “Settings”, in the “Cellular Communications” section. After that, to set up modem mode on the iPhone 6, you need to go to the “Cellular Data Network” section, where you will see exactly what the problem was.

Below there is a window called “Modem Mode”. It contains APN, “Username” and “Password” columns. Remember: you filled out the same information in order to connect to the Internet in another settings window. That is, the iOS 8 developers simply separated the Internet configuration for the phone as a whole and for modem mode. This was done, obviously, in order to prevent unauthorized write-off of traffic.

Here is the answer to the question: “Where is the modem mode on the iPhone 6?” It hasn’t disappeared anywhere - you just need to fill out the settings again after the update.

Data to fill

In order for readers who use the services of a particular operator to know what information needs to be entered to start working with modem mode, we are publishing a general summary of data on the most popular operators.

  • If you have MTS, indicate internet.mts.ru in the APN, and mts in the other two fields.
  • If Megafon - in the APN - internet, and in the “username” and “password” fields - gdata.
  • For those who have Beeline, you need to write in the APN - internet.beeline.ru, in the remaining fields - beeline.
  • Finally, for Tele2 we write internet.tele2.ru in the APN, while leaving the other fields empty.

If you fill everything out correctly, the tethering mode on the iPhone 6 you are using will appear immediately. Thus, you can distribute mobile Internet to your friends nearby.

Wi-Fi Settings

Don't forget to also configure the Wi-Fi network that your device will create. The main things for us remain the name of the network and the access key to it (password). By default, the name sounds like “Your name” (which was specified when you first started the phone) with the iPhone prefix. According to it, those who connect to the network will see that you are distributing it.

The second option that needs to be filled in is the network key. In other words, this is the password that anyone who wants to connect to you will have to enter. A mandatory requirement is a minimum of 8 characters.

Data transfer

Since in the instructions on how to enable modem mode on the iPhone 6, we explain how to let other users use your Internet, we would also like to add a warning - some telecom operators disable the ability to distribute Internet on unlimited plans. This was done to prevent excessive load on the network. True, this does not concern the largest players in the communications market, such as MTS, Beeline, and Megafon.

There is another important point here - watch what exactly those to whom you distribute the Internet are doing online. If, say, you have a few megabytes left in your account and you have entered modem mode, and your friend is watching videos, most likely these megabytes will soon run out, after which the traffic will be charged according to a completely different principle. Therefore, you risk not only spending extra money if you do not control traffic consumption on your network in a timely manner.

Selecting a tariff plan

Finally, if you have a constant need to create a Wi-Fi network using your phone, you may need to take care of a suitable tariff plan. In order to support the operation of several devices on the Internet, obviously, you need a tariff with a large volume of Internet traffic, or better yet, even “unlimited”. Fortunately, today operators allow you to choose a tariff plan depending on what services you would like to connect. And many providers even have separate traffic packages; you can order them “on top” of the services that you receive in the first place (minutes and SMS).

In the article we answered whether there is a modem mode on the iPhone 6. It should be emphasized that these instructions are also relevant for other Apple devices running iOS 8. In particular, the iPad of any generation has a similar difficulty in that the mode settings constantly disappear after the update modem There is nothing wrong with this; you already know how to act to distribute the Internet again.


We are used to the fact that we always have the opportunity to access the network from any device, but sometimes things don’t go the way we want. How to enable modem mode on an iPhone - you have to think about this if, for example, your home Internet has disappeared, and some work is left unfinished on your laptop. We will tell you about this option: what it is, how it is connected and configured.

What is it and how does it connect?

iPhone can not only consume Internet traffic, but also send it. Simply put, by pressing a few buttons you can turn this phone into a wi-fi router. Sometimes this function can be very useful: for example, if you need to access the network from a device that is currently or generally not able to connect to the Internet on its own. Fortunately, Tele2 tariffs allow you to do this without causing much damage to the budget.

Briefly on the topic

To activate, you need to go to the phone settings in the “Cellular” section in the “Modem Mode” subsection. Move the slider to the right for the feature to work.

Connecting modem mode on iPhone is not difficult. To do this you need:

  • Open settings (icon on desktop).
  • Select “Cellular Communications”.

  • Opposite the “Cellular Data” inscription, move the slider to the right.
  • Click on “Modem mode”, in the window that opens, opposite the same inscription, move the slider to the right.

The channel you create is secure, and in order to use it, you will need to enter a password on other devices. The required combination of letters and numbers is in the middle of the screen where you will find yourself after finishing the settings.

Please note: Internet distribution is available from iPhone via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and USB. Instructions on how to connect to each of them are located at the bottom of the “Modem Mode” tab.

If “Modem Mode” disappears on iPhone on Tele2:

  • Open settings, then “Cellular”.

  • Click on “Data Options”, then “Cellular Data Network”.
  • In the “modem mode” section opposite the APN there should be internet.tele2.ru. If not, then there was some kind of failure in the apn of the Tele2 iPhone during its update. Just enter this address manually.

  • Reboot your phone.

Please note: mobile Internet parameters for distribution from other operators are also set automatically. All the necessary instructions in case of problems are on the website of each of them. They are searched for the query “Setting up mobile Internet”.

An iPhone can be used as a modem that distributes mobile Internet to other devices. Using Modem Mode, an iPhone can distribute the Internet to a computer, smartphone or tablet, which is sometimes very convenient. Distribution to a computer can occur via a USB cable or wireless Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. It is not possible to distribute the Internet to other phones via cable, only wirelessly.

Today's issue:

If you decide to use Modem Mode and connect a computer or other devices to your iPhone to transfer the Internet to them, then first you need to:

  • Have an iPhone 3G or higher (not)
  • It is desirable that the speed be good

If the Internet is connected and your Safari browser accesses Internet pages, then proceed to setting up and enabling Modem Mode.

Modem mode is in the iPhone settings, launch the Settings application and look. If there is a Modem Mode section in the main menu or in the settings of the Cellular section, it means that the modem mode was enabled when setting up the Internet on the iPhone.

How to set up tethering mode on iPhone

Why is there no Modem Mode in Settings or in the Cellular section? Because it needs to be configured, and it will appear, provided that your cellular operator supports this feature.

We will configure the modem mode using the example of the Tele2 operator. Launch the standard Settings application - Cellular - turn on Cellular Data and go to Data Settings

Select Cellular Data Network and scroll to the very bottom, where the Modem Mode settings are located and enter the APN – internet.tele2.ru (Modem Mode setting for Tele2, I tried writing just internet, it also works).

Each operator and each country has its own settings; you can find them on the website or by contacting the support service of your cellular operator. Sometimes discussions of your region’s settings profile can be found using Internet search engines, enter “ Modem APN mode and the name of your operator and country».

After entering the APN settings for Modem Mode, go to and exit the Cellular section several times (located in the main menu of the settings application), if Modem Mode does not appear, then .

How to distribute Internet from iPhone to computer

The first thing we will learn is how to connect the Internet to a computer via an iPhone using a USB cable using Modem Mode. Before we begin, make sure you have Cellular Data turned on on your phone (found in Settings - Cellular).

Connect the iPhone to the computer using a USB cable. It is advisable to use a native USB cable, as there may be problems with low-quality replicas. Go to Settings – Modem mode – turn on the Modem mode toggle switch and click – USB only.

That's it, the iPhone distributes its mobile Internet to the computer via USB. Fast and convenient. Open a browser on your computer and try to access any page on the Internet. Tested on Windows 7 and Mac OS X El Capitan. If for some reason the Internet does not appear on the computer, then (preferably) or a separate file AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi (contains drivers for iPhone). Sometimes it helps to disable the firewall or antivirus on your computer, which can block traffic.

Distributing Internet from iPhone via Wi-Fi to other devices

In this case, we use the iPhone as a wireless modem that distributes the Internet via Wi-Fi. The advantage of this method is that neither a USB cable nor iTunes is needed. The only requirement is the presence of a Wi-Fi module in the device that will receive the Internet from the iPhone (be it a tablet, phone or computer).

The process of enabling mobile hotspot on iPhone is simple. Let's go. As in the previous example, make sure that Cellular Data is turned on on your iPhone (2).

To enable the access point, select in Settings – Modem mode (3) – Enable Modem mode (4). In principle, at the 4th point the access point in the iPhone will be turned on, but if the phone is connected to the computer at this time, you will need to additionally click – Turn on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth (5).

Modem mode on iPhone - what is the password?

The iPhone is ready to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, using Modem Mode, the phone has become an access point. All that remains is to connect devices that need the Internet, for this you also need to turn on Wi-Fi, find your iPhone in the list of devices and connect to it using a password, the password for the iPhone hotspot can be found here: Settings - Modem mode - Wi-Fi password. In the same section, you can change your iPhone hotspot password. Just don’t set a password like in our example in the picture, otherwise it can be easily guessed and used by strangers.

We connect a computer with Windows 7, 8 to an iPhone Wi-Fi access point

Having turned on the modem mode in the iPhone, and having figured out the access point password, we will distribute the Internet to a computer running Windows via a Wi-Fi network. The network will be organized between the iPhone and the computer. Turn on Modem Mode on your iPhone and select – Turn on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. On a computer with Windows 7 or 8, at the bottom, near the clock, click the Wi-Fi icon (1), select iPhone (2), click Connect (3), enter (4) and click OK (5). Mobile Internet from the iPhone via Wi-Fi went to the PC, now you can access the network from it.

If, after entering the password, the PC cannot connect to the iPhone, despite entering the correct password, then in Windows 7, by clicking on the Wi-Fi icon, select Network and Sharing Center - Manage wireless networks - and remove iPhone from the list (right-click – Delete network), then try to establish a connection again. In Windows 8, in this case, in the list of Wi-Fi networks, right-click on the iPhone - Forget this network.

We connect a computer with Mac OS to Wi-Fi via iPhone

iPhone modem mode is enabled. To connect a Mac OS computer to an iPhone wireless access point and use its Internet, you need to in Mac OS, in the upper right corner, click on the Wi-Fi icon (1) – Enable Wi-Fi (2) – Select the iPhone with the icon from the list modem mode (two rings) – lead – press Connect (5). We use the Internet.

Modem mode is a rather convenient function that allows iPhones and iPads with a cellular communication module to “distribute” mobile Internet via Wi-Fi. Usually, this feature works without any problems, but in iOS 7 it sometimes crashes. This bug will probably be fixed soon, but what if the Personal Hotspot connection doesn’t work and you need it now? We offer an effective solution to this problem.

First, enable modem mode on the device from which you want to “distribute” the Internet. In iOS it is called “Modem Mode” and is hidden in the settings), as you usually do.

You need to perform all other manipulations on the device from which you want to connect to the personal access point.

If you are connecting from an iOS device:

  • Connect to the distributed access point as usual
  • Click on the icon (i) with information about the access point to which you are connected. Information about IP, DNS and other access point settings will open.
  • In the IP Address section, open the Static tab. and in all fields (IP Address, Subnet Mask, etc.) enter

Congratulations, you have set up manual DHCP settings and can now enjoy your Wi-Fi connection.

If you are connecting from a Mac:

  • Connect to the distributed access point
  • Open System Preferences from the  Apple menu, go to the “Network” section, select the Wi-Fi connection and open the “Advanced” option
  • Select the TCP/IP tab, scroll to “IPv4 Setup”, open the “DHCP with Manual Address” submenu
  • Fill in the IP address, subnet mask, router and DNS fields as on iOS (

If you are connecting from Windows:

  • Go to Control Panel, select “Network and Sharing Center”, open “view connection properties”
  • Right-click on the distributed access point and open its properties, go to the “Network” tab, select “Internet Protocol Version 4 TCP / IP IPv4”, click “Properties”
  • Select "Use the following IP address, fill in all fields as in Mac and iOS

So, by manually setting up DHCP on iOS/Mac and Windows, you can easily solve the problem with connecting to an access point distributed from an iOS device. We hope that this instruction will help you solve the problem :)
