Invitation code for parent. Personal account learn ru

By registering and logging into Uchi Ru’s personal account, teachers, parents and students receive quick access to educational materials and Olympiad assignments.

Uchi.RU is All-Russian Internet portal, which is focused on improving the quality of education of students in various subjects using interactive program. All materials necessary for training are available on the Uchi Ru website in your personal account.

Features of the UCHI RU personal account for a student or child:

  • Access to the program secondary school, as well as an advanced level program.
  • Online assignments for school and olympiads.
  • A system for automatically adjusting the program depending on the student’s progress. for parents:

  • The ability to monitor the dynamics of a child’s learning.
  • Up-to-date information about classes and achievements. for teachers and educators:

  • Access to the preschool education and school readiness program.
  • Sending invitations to colleagues to register in the project.
  • Registration of students in the project.
  • Operational monitoring of student progress and class statistics.
  • Access to materials from the school and competition programs for previous years.

Personal account UchiRu is also available for devices on Android based or iOS. Just install mobile application, in which you will have access to all the functions of the portal anywhere.

Registration in your Uchi Ru personal account

The scheme of working with the portal is structured as follows: the teacher, after registering in the project, the teacher invites students and parents to it, sending or distributing special invitation codes to them. To register, the teacher must indicate his e-mail and password twice. Using this data, you will be able to log into your teacher’s personal account on Uchi Ru in the future.

To get started, you need to confirm your e-mail.

When registering in the personal account of Uchi Ru parents, first indicate the necessary student data for selection necessary program training, and then e-mail and password to log in.

Access to enter the personal account of a UchiRu student is provided to the child by the teacher or parents. If necessary, adults can recover a lost login or password.

Login to Uchi Ru's personal account

To get started, you can log in directly from the main page of the site - in the upper right part there is a form where you need to enter your login and password. To enter Uchi Ru’s mobile personal account, you just need to enter the PIN code, which is set up when you first log in.

"" - educational portal, aimed at improving the quality of students' knowledge in mathematics and other subjects through an interactive learning program. All educational materials are available through the Uchiru personal account, in which a teacher or parent initially registers, after which he sends an invitation to the student. Classes for students are completely free when working from a school computer, from home - on weekdays until 16:00 with the opportunity to solve 20 problems before the end of the day. If you want to study on without time limits and on weekends, you are encouraged to purchase an extended account.

Personal account features

Depending on the type of user participating in the educational process, the Uchiru personal account provides various functionality.

For schoolchildren:

  • Secondary school program.
  • Advanced level program.
  • School and Olympiad assignments online.
  • A training program automatically adjusted by the system according to the student’s progress.

For parents:

  • Tracking the dynamics of a child's learning.
  • Frequency and achievement data.

For educators:

  • Access to the school preparation program for preschool teachers.

For educators and teachers:

  • Registration of students in the project.
  • Sending invitations to colleagues to register in the project.
  • Monitoring student progress and class statistics.
  • Access to program materials and Olympiad assignments for previous years.

You can also use your Uchi ru personal account from a mobile device running on Android or iOS by installing the application on it. The application retains all the functions of the training service version of the site.

Registration and login to your personal account

You can log in to the system when working from the site directly from the main page - on the right side there is a block for entering your login and password. To log into your Uchiru personal account from the mobile application, you just need to enter a digital PIN code, which can be configured during the first standard authorization.

Work with the site is structured according to the following scheme: the teacher registers in the project and gets the opportunity to invite students and their parents to it by distributing invitation codes. When registering, the teacher enters his email twice and selects a password - using this data, he will subsequently log into his personal account. An account is created in the system after confirming the address email.

If the school is not participating in the project, the student’s parents can register through the official Uchi ru website to tutor their child independently. First of all, when registering, they indicate information about the student to select a suitable training program: what class he is in, first name, last name and gender. After this, the parent creates an account in his name, setting a login (email address) and password for working in the system.

Instructions for parents

Congratulations! You have received a personal invitation code for participation in the project “”, which looks like this:


Ivan Ivanovich

Start getting acquainted with the educational network with this short instruction.

Registration in the Diary

    After entering the invitation code, you will be taken to the registration page, where you will need to enter your full name, date of birth, gender, as well as parameters for access to the “Diary” (or check your personal data if they have already been entered by the administrator).

    check your personal information (full name and date of birth) in the registration form.

    If the date of birth is not specified, enter it in the format: ""

    Enter the parameters for further access to the Diary: email addressE- mail And password.

Activation of personal page (account)

    An email will be sent to the email address specified in the registration form, which will contain a special link to confirm this address.

    You will also receive selected types of alerts and project news to this address; You will be able to request a notification to recover your password if you lose it.

Re-entering the Diary

    After completing the registration stage, access to the Diary is carried out from the main page of the site using E-mail addresses and password through the “Login” block.

    Enter address E- mail And password in the appropriate fields under the heading "Entrance", click the button "Log in."

The "remember me" feature will save your information in the browser so you don't have to enter your password every time you log in.

Attention: Do not enable the “remember me” function if other users use the same browser (computer)!

Questions and answers

    When you enter a code, a notification appears indicating that the code has already been used.

    1. Make sure you do not enter the code again.

      If the situation is not resolved, send a letter indicating the name of the educational institution and your personal data to the following address: team@ dnevnik. ru. Technical support representatives will help you resolve this issue.

    What to do if your personal data contains an incorrect last name (first name, patronymic) or date of birth?

    1. The project administrator at the educational institution is responsible for entering personal data of participants. You can point out the mistake to him in writing.

      You can find out who the administrator is by clicking the link "Children" on the main menu panel, then the link with the name of the educational institution. A list of administrators will be presented in the lower right corner of the page that opens.

    You forgot your password, how can you gain access to the Diary again?

    1. On home page http:// dnevnik. ru under the heading "Password" there is a link “Forgot?”. Clicking on it will take you to the page "Password recovery".

      After specifying your email address, the necessary instructions for changing your password will be sent to you by email.

    You forgotE- mail, which you indicated during registration, where to go?

    1. Contact the project administrator at your school or service technical support project.

    How to changeE- mailto login or change password?

    1. To change your email address or password, click the link "Settings" on the main menu panel.

      In the tab that opens « E- mailand password" make the necessary changes.

      If you were unable to register or log in, recover your password orE- mail, first contact the project administrator at your school for help.

Technical support

Do you have any questions or suggestions?

Contact the project technical support service.

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 20:00 on weekdays.


Phone: 8 800 100 0607

Email: team@ dnevnik. ru

Group “Let's make the Diary better”:

http:// groups. dnevnik. ru/ group. aspx? group=50

Login to your personal account

The official website is a portal where students from any region of the Russian Federation study school subjects in an entertaining way. You can log into the online account of a teacher, parent or student using a login and password.

To enter the personal account, the child should find out the login and password from the teachers or ask their parents. Then:

  • visit the platform, enter the received data;
  • press the “Login” button;
  • use the site at your own discretion.

Login to for teachers is carried out using the email address and password specified during registration. After logging into the personal account, the teacher can create lists of students. To do this, enter your full name in the appropriate fields. each student and his gender. The site will automatically create logins and passwords for students. Next, press the “Done” button.

How to register in your personal account

You can create a personal account on the official website in different ways: as a teacher, parent, educator. Features and functions directly depend on the type of account.

Teacher registration

On the main page of the website, click on the “Registration” button.

Select the desired account type (Teacher) and press the “Register” button. In the window that appears, enter the following information: email address and password.

  • mobile phone number;
  • school number and official name;
  • full class name.

After filling in all fields, press the “Done” button. Now you can use the platform's capabilities.

Create a student account

An office for a student can be created by a teacher or parent. If registration is carried out by a teacher, he enters the student’s personal data, and the system automatically generates a login and password.

The teacher should then pass the data to the student. After this, the child must confirm account. On personal page In addition to the student, you can also register a parent.

If the teacher is not involved in class registration, then the parent can independently register the child. To do this you should:

The student's login and password are generated in the personal account. You can visit your child’s office through the parent account, but it is recommended to write down this information.

Parent registration

Parents have the opportunity to register in the system in several ways. To obtain login information, you can contact your teacher. He will go through the procedure and give you an invitation code, as well as a student username and password. With this information, the parent can easily confirm registration. This requires:

Register a teacher page

On the website, click on the “Registration” button. Select the account type “Teacher” and press the “Register” button. In the window that opens, enter the following information: email address and password.

Then you will need to fill out your account with the following information:

  • mobile phone number;
  • country, region, city of residence;
  • number kindergarten and its official name;
  • full name of the group.

Registration will be completed when the entered data is confirmed.

Overview of online account functions

Depending on the type of account, the capabilities of the account vary. Teachers can study assignments in Russian and English languages, mathematics, the world around us. Students can complete these tasks.

For the teacher

To control and study independent work students, teachers can visit the “Statistics” section. The benefits of using LC also include:

  1. Nomination of students to online competitions on the site;
  2. Preparing students using an archive of past competitions.

Using the “My Classes” tab, a teacher can:

  • change class list;
  • provide all students with logins and passwords;
  • By clicking the button at the bottom of the page, add new classes.

In the “Portfolio” section you can see the awards of students and teachers. And there is also the opportunity to participate in webinars. You can get them additional information on working with the site.

For the student

Students can complete assignments on the website for free only on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Next, a limit is set: no more than 20 tasks in 24 hours. Tasks are generated taking into account the child's age. The student can choose the discipline:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • English language;
  • the surrounding world.

If a student wants to receive more assignments, they must pay for a premium subscription. In addition to the main tasks, the student can participate in current Olympiads, as well as view the tasks of past ones. There is an opportunity to participate in interactive games to develop logic.

Mobile application

The training platform is available not only for desktop PCs, but also for mobile devices. The application is available for Android and iOS. With its help, students can view assignments and parents can monitor their children's progress. You can download the mobile application from Google Play And App Store.

Interactive platforms are increasingly being used to educate schoolchildren. In order for children to keep up with the times, computer science penetrates almost every subject. Games are always interesting not only for children, but also for adults. However, learning in a playful way can interest a student much more than regular textbooks.

Personal accounts

The portal offers the use of an interactive learning system for schoolchildren in preparatory education, grades 1-3, as well as the fifth. The student does not need to register on the portal independently. A teacher registered in the system can add and remove students by creating logins and passwords for them, which are issued personally or to parents.

Using a username and password to log in, the student can come home after school and, using a tablet or computer with Internet access, complete assignments. It should be noted that only teachers and parents can register in the system. Accordingly, everyone will have their own personal account with different capabilities.

Personal account

Teacher's personal account

IN address bar browser, you must enter the website address In the header of the portal we will see the desired button"Teacher Registration" Click and start registration. You must enter the following data:

  • email and its confirmation;
  • come up with a password.

Teacher registration

Then click “Register”. If everything is done correctly, a welcome window will appear asking you to continue registration. Click “Continue”. In the window that appears, enter your last name, first name, patronymic, and phone number.

Teacher's personal information

The next step is to select the city and school, and also click “Next”. The next step is to select the program the teacher will use, as well as the number and letter of the class.

Adding a class

If there is no letter or number, click on the corresponding column and enter the data manually.

Next, the system offers to add students to participate in the training program. You must enter the student's last name, first name, and gender. The system will automatically select your login and password. After finishing filling out the fields, click “Add”, as shown in the picture below.

Adding students

You can add a large number of students. Passwords and logins for your personal account can be given to students by printing them out and cutting them along the indicated lines. Parent registration is required for a student to participate in the program. He can only do this using the code that the teacher gives to the student. For example, the system generated the following document for printing:

Document on the website

The red oval contains an invitation code for an adult.

After adding students, just click the “Done” button. To subsequently edit this section and add or remove students, you need to go to the “My Classes” section and click “Edit Class Composition”.

Correct class composition

On the main page you will see the progress of students, you can monitor their progress and success. Thus, the student will complete tasks, and the teacher will be able to monitor learning.

Parent's personal account

After the child receives the necessary piece of paper with a login, password and code for the parent, the latter goes to the website and selects “Registration” on the main page. Below we see a form in which you need to enter an invitation code.

Entering the code

If an adult wants to use the resource independently, without the participation of teachers, he has this opportunity. You should use the clickable offer below the code entry form.

After the code has been entered, you must fill out a form with personal data and also come up with a password to enter the site. The current email is used as the login.

Registration is completed. Now the user can monitor the progress of his child, add his other children who also join the program.

After successful registration to the specified email address an automatic notification comes from the author of the project, which contains short instructions on using your personal account and tells about its functions. An adult can use them as a guide. personal account allows a parent to closely monitor the progress of their child. He can see his child’s login and password, log in on his behalf, if necessary, or prompt forgotten password to a careless schoolboy. An adult, if he notices a mistake in the child’s first and last name, can change them using special button“Change” located next to the child’s name and class.

Opposite the child’s full name in the personal account, the parent will see a large blue button “Go to student account.” This can be done with one click, without entering a login and password. However, in order to later return to your personal account, you will need to exit your child’s account and log in again using your username and password.

Below in the personal account, the user sees the child’s check-in schedule, the date and time of his last visit, as well as progress on three available topics:

  • numbers and counting;
  • addition and subtraction;
  • geometry.

The parent also sees the lessons in the personal account that the child is currently doing. This is very convenient for control, since children tend to “hang” on third-party resources instead of completing tasks.

Student's personal account

Getting into the personal account from the parent’s personal account, or by entering his own login and password, the student immediately gets to a colorful website with a clear and unsaturated design.

Student's office

Before the payment is made to the account in the personal account, the teenager’s parent is offered only 20 tasks per day, which he can complete for free. To expand the “powers”, it is necessary for the parent to activate a premium account from his account.

Among the proposed sections, the site currently offers only three. A teenager just needs to click on the required topic and complete the tasks.

All puzzles are designed brightly and colorfully. For those children who are still not good at reading long sentences, there is an opportunity to listen to the task. This can be done by pressing the blue speaker button. The key works every time, so listening is possible multiple times.

Advantages of the portal is a multifunctional learning portal. It allows teacher, student and parents to work in tandem to improve the child's learning experience. Interesting game tasks also develop not only mathematical abilities, but also attentiveness, ingenuity and logic. The presented tasks can be performed not only to teach mathematics and the basics of geometry, but also to learn how to use a computer, which will be useful to the child in the future. has its own personal account for everyone, however, they are connected to each other, instantly displaying the student’s statistics and progress in the parent’s and teacher’s offices.

To register, the teacher does not need to enter any additional information. Also, the system does not request any passport or other personal data from any user. This policy allows you to make the system transparent and easy, and make use convenient and safe. Navigating our instructions will not be difficult for either the child, the teacher, or the parents. personal account:
