YouTube channel statistics: what and how to watch? What conclusions can you draw from your own and other people’s data? Statistics of YouTube channels, ours and others: what, how and where to watch Where view statistics are displayed on YouTube

The analytics and statistics service for YouTube channels SeeZisLab will help you evaluate the growth of views and subscribers of one of the most popular platforms for online promotion and communication! Just a few clicks allow you to determine a number of key indicators for your chosen blog, and it does not matter at all whether this account is yours or belongs to a third party. What opportunities do you get with our service? Can:

  • view statistics of video bloggers;
  • determine the download factor as part of YouTube video analysis;
  • find a YouTuber popular in your niche;
  • analyze the YouTube channel;
  • monitor the growth of subscribers on YouTube;
  • track the reaction rate to the loaded information;
  • assess the pace of development of your YouTube account;
  • analyze ratings of video bloggers;
  • view statistics of someone else's YouTube channel;
  • work with a list of competitors, compare your channel with them, monitor their new releases and how they promote their channel;
  • check and receive recommendations for channel design.

Using objective criteria, planning and adjusting your video blog promotion strategy using our service becomes much more accessible, simpler and more effective.

Service capabilities

SeeZisLab is a modern way to get all the necessary information to develop a full-fledged promotion and analytics strategy. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about creating a new account or working with an existing one. Using a detailed table of data for a given vlog, you can easily check the channel statistics data on YouTube. Checking YouTube subscribers online will allow you to determine the audience’s reaction to the published material, adjust the content plan and publication schedule. Analysis of competing video bloggers will allow you to form a correct understanding of the audience and develop an alternative strategy at a decent level. By the way, knowing the rating of YouTube vlogs online means always being fully prepared. Video statistics in your vlog will help you assess the demand for information content using indicators of the growth dynamics of your YouTube channel.

Who is it suitable for?

Information assessment from SeeZisLab is a convenient service that allows you to find the necessary data to compile a detailed report on any video blog in real time at minimal cost. The functionality of the SeeZisLab online service allows you to view detailed statistics of a YouTube channel, both for beginners and for professionals involved in promoting Internet communications. The intuitive structure of the report page will not cause problems with understanding the content, regardless of how often you deal with such information. An impressive list of criteria for evaluating a YouTuber’s account is a convenient and informative online report that is applicable both to your own video magazine, as well as to the channels of competitors and any other random accounts. SeeZisLab can be used by both channel owners and professional promoters, viewing the blogger’s subscription, his YouTube channel, website, and growth in statistics format.


Developing a development strategy is impossible without using objective statistical indicators. SeeZisLab has identified the most used and relevant ones, combining everything into a compact, meaningful and informative dynamic report. Considering that YouTube is changing every minute and adapting to the growing demands of the audience, our program provides for further improvement and optimization as an indispensable element of the development of your account.

Did you know that most of the information about YouTube channels is hidden from the eyes of ordinary users.

How, then, can you conduct a high-quality audit of your competitors and develop an effective promotion strategy???

There is a solution and this is - special services, providing information about YouTube channels.

This will allow you to get all the necessary data ↓↓↓

Let's find out everything about the competitor's channel: the best ways

There are a number of parameters to consider in a competitive segment, including:

  1. daily number of views
  2. subscriber growth
  3. keywords and opponent's rating
  4. earnings per views

In general, you can collect all this data yourself, but no one will cope with this task better than special services. Their main advantage is that all data is updated much more often than on YouTube...

Let's look at which services you can use to view information about a YouTube channel: ↓↓↓

You independently choose the service that best suits you in terms of usability and appearance.

Ultimately, if you evaluate the project correctly, then you have a chance to:

  • increase the number of views and subscribers on the channel;
  • increase conversion rates;
  • take high positions for relevant queries.

Project analysis from “A” to “Z”

Each service has its advantages and disadvantages, but there are also those that combine the best qualities...... ⇓⇓⇓

1) SsocialBladethe best system for analytics

Despite the fact that the system is entirely in English, the interface is intuitive.

The advantage is that you can get data on almost all social networks.

There are also TOP lists - with which you can filter the best bloggers in recent times.

So, how to get information from YouTube:

  • You need to copy the channel name into the form located in the upper right corner;
  • Click search and wait for processing.

Now the avatar will appear on the screen, as well as basic information about the channel: ↓

  • number of videos;
  • number of subscribers;
  • subject and date of creation;
  • rating;
  • affiliate program;
  • income level and so on.

The convenience is that all data is presented in graph form, so you can visually evaluate some parameters. There is also expanded information on views and subscribers.

2) Vidstatsx –get maximum data

This is also a foreign service, which, despite its simple design, pleases with excellent functionality. Information can be obtained and downloaded to a flash drive without much difficulty.

The main page contains recent data.

If you need to analyze a specific project, you need to enter the channel name in the upper right corner. This system does not provide data on earnings and, nevertheless, much attention is paid to the number of views and so on….

At the very top there is information: ↓↓↓

  • rating by views and subscribers;
  • last update and number of videos;
  • total number of views and subscribers.


This is one of the few services that shows hourly statistics on the growth of subscribers and views.

You can get more detailed data if you click on "Subscribers" or "Videoviews". Here you can filter statistics for a day, 14, 30 and 90 days.

In general, these parameters are quite enough to assess the growth of the channel, its potential, etc.

One of the most important conditions in the career of a successful video blogger is motivation. But, when we talk about promotion on YouTube, there is more than enough motivation……………………………….

Tens of thousands of bloggers have built a career here, and looking at their inspiring incomes makes you want to get started right away. ↓

There is nothing stopping you from starting a career as a successful blogger, becoming famous and...

What does good mean?

For example, the amount in $ Is 100 thousand per day acceptable to you???

All this data is publicly available, and you can become familiar with them if you learn how to use special services for collecting statistics.

So, below we will tell you how to view channel statistics on YouTube, find out the income of bloggers and much more. ↓ ↓ ↓

Reconnaissance in force: why are these numbers needed?

This is a common myth that we will soon debunk.

So, there are special sites on the network where you can view data on all channels, including the number of unsubscribed and subscribed users……..

Why do you need statistics on other people's channels:

  • analyze competitors and their indicators;
  • monitor the dynamics of your channel’s development;
  • motivation and comparison of earnings;
  • to develop a promotion strategy.

Let's look at the most popular services for viewing YouTube channel statistics:

  1.— allows you to view data such as income level, number of subscribers, views, and much more. Despite the fact that the site is in English, the interface is intuitive.
  2. Whatstat.Ru is a Russian-language service that will help you find out detailed information on any channel.
  3. another site for viewing YouTube channel statistics. Multilingual interface, you can check channels by growth rate.

Income level

For many, YouTube is not only a source of fame and popularity, but also a real way to earn money.

You can verify this if you use one of the services suggested above.

This is one of the most relevant indicators.

Let's take a look from the first hundred:

1) Buckle up, because one of the best bloggers PewDiePie earns about $15 million in 90 days. Currently he has about 37 million subscribers.

2) Also showed impressive numbers Max +100500, who has earned more than $500 thousand in the last 90 days.

3) The fact that let's plays can bring in good income was proven by a blogger known under the username eeOneGuy. In just a month, his income can break the $20 thousand mark.

If you still don’t believe it, you can see this with your own eyes if you use the site to view statistics.

Thus, you don’t need to be an actor to earn huge amounts of money - just being the host of a YouTube channel is enough.

Subscribers and views

This is another important parameter that you can find out on sites with YouTube channel statistics.

Thus, clear information is provided by day: ↓

  • total number of subscribers at the moment;
  • number of new subscribers per day/week/month;
  • total number of views;
  • number of views today/7, 30 or more days.

Thus, viewing YouTube channel statistics will be useful for channel owners who want to know the dynamics of the development of their project.

Detailed channel analytics: we carry out stage-by-stage analysis

So, to make it more clear, let's look at an example of how to view the statistics of someone else's YouTube channel.

So, below we will use Naturally, you can use any other service to evaluate the parameters of channels in Russia and the world. ↓

The main advantage of Vspstats is a Russian-language service that provides compressed statistics not only on the attendance and level of earnings of each blogger, but also displays the number of materials, world ranking, date of registration, etc.

→ On the main page you can find out information about the 100 best bloggers in the world.

Just one click is enough to quickly view statistics for each of them.

If you need to analyze another YouTube channel, you need to indicate the link to the channel at the top of the site and click search.

After this, you are provided with the following data: ⇓

  • at the top the avatar, registration date, affiliate program, number of subscribers, views and much more are displayed;
  • at the bottom there is a table that shows information for the last 90 days (subscriber growth, views, income level).

Thus, as you can note, there should be no difficulties with how to find out channel statistics on YouTube.

Just choose the appropriate service that is best suited for you.

Hi all! Today you will learn how to look at the statistics of someone else’s YouTube channel to find out all the information about it, from the number of subscribers to the daily number of views and approximate earnings. There are several such methods, but we will consider only the coolest ones.

Social Blade

Social Blade is probably the best service for viewing statistics and analyzing channels. Most YouTubers and video bloggers use it. In addition, this service is recommended to be used in one of the most famous schools on YouTube on the Russian market. And this already says something.

First, copy the address of someone else's channel. Just go to the author's home page, not the individual video, and copy the contents of the address bar.

First of all, you need to go to the site Socialblade and in a special line enter the name or its full address. After that, click on the magnifying glass icon. Let me test everything on my YouTube channel, but this can be done in the same way with any other.

Basic data

After you enter the address, you will be redirected to a new page where all the statistics will be located. Let's take the top part apart first.

  • Uploads - number of videos uploaded
  • Subscribers — Total number of subscribers
  • Video Views - Total number of views of all videos
  • Country - country
  • User Created — Channel creation date

Now, let's go lower and move on to the second block. In fact, there is little useful information in this block. Basically some kind of internal ratings that do not represent anything interesting. But it’s still worth paying attention to the “VIEWS FOR THE LAST 30 DAYS” and “Subscribers” items, which are responsible for displaying the number of views of your videos over the last 30 days and the number of subscribers who came to you this month. Yeah, not a lot. But I'm not involved in development. Everything is pure organic. Although you will help me a lot if you subscribe to my YouTube channel.

In addition, we can see our approximate monthly and annual monetization income if we connect Adsense to YouTube. In my case, the picture is also not the most rosy.

Detailed statistics by day

Well, now, let's go lower. This is where we can look at the statistics of someone else’s YouTube channel (and our own too) directly by day. That is, I can see how many new subscribers I have per day (it can be either a plus or a minus), the total number of views under the video and even the approximate income per day. But I don’t have monetization enabled (I don’t see any point in cutting off these pennies yet), so this field is meaningless.

But that's not all. We can also look at graphs of subscription and viewing activity throughout the year. You can see how things are going: up, stagnant, or down.

Now, let’s say I want to see the statistics of the BadComedian reviewer channel, which has more than 2.5 million subscribers. As you can see, the result is obvious, taking into account the fact that he makes videos about once 3-4 weeks.


Another cool service for viewing channel statistics. But despite this, it is very different from the same Social Blade, both for the better and for the worse. Therefore, for analytics, I would recommend using both of these great services. Then you will have a complete picture of what is happening.

Go to the site log in to the system. There is no need to register anywhere, you can use your current one. Of course, you can do without authorization, but then an important part of statistics and analytics will not be available to you.

The review tab is a little damp and does not provide a complete analysis. Here at the moment you can see general information, such as creation date, number of subscribers, downloads, etc. In addition, there are average viewing statistics per video, average video duration, etc.

The reaction tab will help us see the total number of likes and dislikes for all our videos. We can also look at their percentage. To be honest, I didn’t even think that I had already accumulated more than 700 likes. Great.

The SEO tab shows us the average of fields that affect promotion, such as description length, number of links, referring channels, etc. Unfortunately, the function is still crude, but we can see the meaning.


Dislikemeter is also a pretty cool YouTuber statistics service.

True, channel checking is useless here. Here, individual videos are usually checked and only likes, dislikes, and views are shown. Many bloggers, thanks to this service, find out whether dislikes are fake or not. This function will also be useful for those who are planning to purchase advertising on other people’s channels. Many unscrupulous YouTubers increase their likes in order to look better in the eyes of potential clients. Today it is not difficult, taking into account the fact that even on the same quarke You can get several thousand likes, views and subscribers for 500 rubles.

For example, we take a separate video of a YouTuber and copy from the address bar only the last part of the link, which is the video identifier.

Now let's go to the site and paste this very part into a special field “Enter Youtube video id”. After that, click on the “Add” button.

And if we see a sharp jump immediately after the publication of the video, and then a lull, then most likely the video was boosted. As a rule, this is done by YouTubers who want to show their channel from the best side, they say they like me.

But this service is filled not only with likes and dislikes. These reactions are just the default. but by clicking on any of the indicators, for example “Views”, a new curve is formed on our graph. You can also view other video metrics.


In general, the Feed Spy service was created to search for “viral” posts on social networks. For those who do not understand, viral ones are not contagious, but those that have received a lot of views, likes and reposts. Personally, I use it to find interesting posts for my Facebook fan page.

The service itself is paid, but there is a free (test) tariff that provides analysis of five channels. And to be honest, it is very cheap, and costs only 200 rubles for a month of unlimited use. And if you take it for a year, it will cost around 700 rubles. But let's start with the free plan.

The best part is, you can even download all the statistics into an excel document by clicking on the appropriate link.

Bottom line

As you can see, there are many different solutions for how to view the statistics of someone else’s youtube channel, but in my opinion, the best of them is SocialBlade. But this does not mean that other services should be thrown into the firebox. As I said above, they work very well together. It is then that the full picture of what is happening is revealed.

Well, that's all for me. I hope today's article was helpful to you. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog, YouTube channel and social networks so you don't miss anything interesting. I'm waiting for you again. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Statistics on YouTube allow you to closely monitor not only the development of your own channel. But it’s also easy to track the dynamics of growth or decline among competing content producers. In addition, this opportunity will allow newcomers to video hosting to track in real time the winning moves of more experienced colleagues and apply them in the development of their channel.

The largest video hosting site YouTube has become a full-fledged video advertising segment. If you plan to engage in such activities, first of all you need to study analytics. In this article you will learn how to view statistical information on YouTube, how to analyze channels and individual videos. And also how to monitor the dynamics of development of competing channels.

YouTube Statistics

Published content on video hosting is evaluated using the built-in YouTube Analytics service. This tool is an integral part of the popular video hosting service. It is he who helps you view statistical data about a specific video and channel.

What YouTube Analytics shows:

  • Profit from views;
  • Information about video views;
  • Dynamics of growth of followers on the channel;
  • Interaction with content;
  • Geography of the audience.

How to view statistics on YouTube

YouTube channel statistics are available only to channel owners. Of course, an empty profile without content has no numbers. It's logical and predictable. To accumulate statistics, you need to start publishing videos on hosting. Wait a certain amount of time, but don't waste it. Effective promotion of your personal account will allow you to overtake other novice competitors.

Use the popular Popsters service to view channel statistics and competitor videos.

To view personal statistics, visit the “Creative Studio” page. To do this, click on the avatar in your profile. Find the YouTube Analytics link and view the information you are interested in as requested.

YouTube Analytics Sections:

  • Review
  • Here you can find basic information on the main parameters.

  • Income reports
  • Real time data
  • Detailed information about the last 5 publications on the hosting (coverage: 48 hours).

  • Viewing data
  • Analysis of the channel and content as a whole over time. This is a useful feature for “audience retention.” In this section you can find out what segment of the video is being watched by subscribers and guests of the channel.

If the view rate of a video drops, it means that viewers are becoming uninterested. Therefore, there is no point in placing important information in a “boring” video fragment. Users won't see it. This is especially impractical if you are advertising within a video.

Analyze the statistics obtained and place emphasis correctly. If your numbers are plummeting, you should change your content delivery and avoid including “unnecessary” content. Many video creators like to “pour water,” but this is not always welcomed by the viewing audience. Perhaps the quality or design of the video is suffering - there can be many reasons. This needs to be assessed sensibly, and also work on mistakes. Don't be afraid to learn. The statistical data in this section will help you understand the tastes of subscribers and guests of the page.

Another important tip: take care of quality traffic for your YouTube channel.

  • Interaction reports

Includes the following sections:

  1. Subscribers;
  2. Audience involvement.

This is where you can view the dynamics of growth and loss of followers on the channel, as well as various indicators of user activity: likes, comments and reposts.

The number of subscribers on a YouTube channel is a very important indicator. Competition in video hosting is off the charts, so channels with a minimum number of followers rarely attract other network users. By ignoring this indicator, you risk losing your gained popularity.

Any audience activity on the channel can help you get to the top. In some cases, this is facilitated even by the negative tone of the audience’s reaction (dislikes and disapproving comments).

Extended statistics about the YouTube channel

Many users make do with standard statistics in video hosting. However, there is another interesting way to get acquainted with important data about the channel. The Google Analytics service was created for this purpose. It's easy to work with. First of all, you need to connect statistics from Google.


  • Register with GA. In the “URL” column, place a link to your YouTube channel. Copy and save your tracking ID. You will receive it after creating an account.
  • Visit Creator Studio on YouTube. Next: => Channel => Additional.
  • Go to the “Tracking ID...” section and place the ID.

An important point: Google Analytics data includes information about user transitions from the home page. Everything else will not be taken into account.

How to view competitor statistics on YouTube

YouTube Analytics is a very useful tool for channel owners. It allows you to analyze your personal account based on the main criteria of popularity. The only drawback of the service is that it allows you to view competitor statistics. For these purposes, you will have to look for other services on the Internet (for example, Popsters).

How does this work?

First, you need to log in to Popsters using your personal YouTube account. The search bar contains the address of the channel of interest. Next, select the desired period for which statistics will be compiled. Last click: “Download”. Now you have access to detailed information about any competitor.

  1. YouTube Analytics – to view personal statistics of a YouTube channel;
  2. Google Analytics – for detailed account analysis;
  3. Popsters – to view statistics of competitors’ channels.