How to allow incoming ping without disabling Windows Firewall. How to reduce ping in games - the most effective ways Problems with ping on Windows 10

Packet Internet Grouper (an acronym for the Ping command) is used to test the connection to a particular server or router. Typically this command is used to identify connection problems. The Ping command allows you to check the connection and draw conclusions about the need for troubleshooting. Then you will have to think about how to lower the ping and improve the “connection”. Checking the connection quality in Windows is not difficult. Now we will make sure of this.

How to use the command

The first thing you need to do is run the command Windows string. It can be found in the Start menu, All Programs tab, Accessories sub-item. Ping Test runs only in command line.

In order not to have to worry about searching for the command line throughout Start, you can select the “Run” item, enter the three letters “cmd” there, and press Enter. The Windows command prompt will immediately open.

The ping check is started with the “ping server name” key (for example, “”). The ping command has a considerable number of additional switches, but this is not so important now. These keys allow you to run the “connection” checker with certain parameters for some extraordinary cases. To view help, enter “ping” in the line and press Enter.

In order to check the ping of a router or modem, you will need to enter the IP address of your router in cmd ping instead of the server name. For example, The router address can be viewed in the network connection properties. If your TCP IP protocol uses automatic setup addresses, then you can safely enter “standard” So, let's consider a situation where you need to check ping using the server as an example. The command “ping” will give us all necessary information. The command line window will look something like this.

The current packet transmission rate is highlighted in red. The optimal transmission time is 32-34 ms. If the time is longer, then there is something wrong with the connection. We need to look for the cause and eliminate it. Cmd ping also allows you to check the quality of the “connection” between your computer and the router. To do this, enter the IP “”. Attention, the router address may differ!

If your screen displays something similar to the screenshot above, then the ping check was completed successfully and no problems were found. If you see anything different from this, then there is something wrong with your connection. Most likely, this is a problem with the router or the computer’s network card. You'll have to look for information on how to lower your ping.

Additional information

To search additional information on this issue, you can contact the consultants of our portal or use an Internet search. There is a lot of information on how to check ping. Instructional videos from can be very helpful.

The video below comprehensively explains how to use cmd ping.

And this video describes in even more detail the process of checking the connection using Windows 7 as an example.

From the tenth Windows version everything is a little different. There is no need to use the command line, since the system includes a powerful PowerShell terminal. With its help, all this can be done even faster and easier.


So now it's clear that ping program is a simple and powerful tool to check the connection. How to use cmd ping was described a little higher. Well, nothing is said here about ways to eliminate the faults found, since that is a completely different story.

Hi all! If you are a regular reader of this blog, then remember that quite recently we covered the topic of creating and setting up local network. But they completely undeservedly kept silent about very important points.

For example, they didn’t cover the topic of what the PING command is in the Windows 10 command line. So, what kind of animal is this and what do you eat it with? In fact, this utility is simply irreplaceable when diagnosing network problems.

So, the essence of PING is to poll a specified node on the network. For example, we need to understand whether a certain computer is responding to requests. To do this, you just need to know its IP address.

In our case it will be as follows: Well, let's ping him. Click right click mouse to “Start” and in the menu that opens, select “Command Prompt (Administrator)”:

After this, the system will ask you to once again confirm the seriousness of your intentions. Select "Yes", then enter the command itself in the command line:

Remember that in our case it will look like this:

Naturally, instead of the IP address indicated above, in each specific case you need to substitute your own. And now we look, if the node responded and packet loss is zero, then everything is fine, the network is working.

And this is what the situation will look like when the right computer for some reason will not respond to requests:

As you can see, the request timed out and the specified node is unavailable. This means that this is a problem, something is wrong with our network, we need to do it again.

It is also important to understand that this method can diagnose not only a PC, but also any devices with a network card. These can be Smart TVs or satellite tuners.

You can also enter an alphabetic one instead of a numeric IP address. Look, now we will test the accessibility of this blog on the Internet:

Phew, thank God everything is fine! For those especially experienced, it should be noted that the PING command has many additional parameters. Here they are:

Let's look at what this might look like in practice. It's actually very simple. For a live example, let's reduce the number of requests sent from 4 to 2. Here we will need the "-n" operator from the list above:

In general, now you can see for yourself, dear readers, that the PING command in the Windows 10 command line is not at all difficult. Therefore, use it to your health and remember the author of the blog with good words.

Let's wrap this up. If you have any questions or unclear points, knock on the comments to the article. By the way, another cool utility will be reviewed, don’t miss it. In the meantime, let's watch an interesting video about your age.

To check the connection on the network, a special system command ping is used, which sends an ICMP protocol request to a resource with a specific address on the network and displays the result received in response from this device.

That is, the ping command helps to identify the period of time required to transfer certain data from one device to another.

The lower the latency, the faster the connection between two nodes.

What is ping

Ping is the length of time during which a packet sent from one network device will be delivered to another device on the network and returned back.

The higher the ping, the longer, for example, the waiting time required to open an Internet page.

There is one more concept in relation to Ping, bordering on the first one. Ping is also the most popular command for determining the access speed of certain network devices. It can be used as the main means of determining the return period of packets along the route of interest.

Ping should be used with any Internet node, including to monitor the quality of the connection to terminal equipment. At the same time, ping allows you to quickly determine the presence or absence of problems with the connection at the physical (break, cable damage, network card failure, etc.) and software (for example, blocking of all network traffic) levels.

Pinging involves sending a number of data packets from one device to another device, both on a local network and on the Internet. Thanks to this exchange of packets, it is possible to obtain information on the quality of the connection.

If there are no responses received from the device being tested, it means there are connection problems. Packets that do not come back are called “losses”. The greater the number of lost packets, the worse it is. If all sent packets are lost, then this means either the absence network connection, or the pinged device is unavailable.

The ping speed is very important: the lower it is, the faster and more reliable the connection between nodes.

Video: checking ping

Verification methods

To check the connection using ping, you can either run the ping command from the operating system console, or use specialized online services.

Via command line

To check ping via cmd you need to do the following sequence of actions:

  • Open the command line in one of three ways:


An alternative option for checking ping to the server online is to use online services. These online services allow you to check availability information resource and user waiting time.

Let's look at the most common of them:

How to check ping to a router

The fastest and easiest way to Windows checks ping to the router is to use the Ping command. To do this, you first need to find out its IP address. It is usually applied to the back of the router body. Most often the router has the following IP address

In the command line, type the command: ping -t.

If the router's IP address is (as is the case with D-Link routers), then the command should be: ping –t.

The -t parameter means that pings will be sent until the user interrupts the process by pressing the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl” + “C”, or closes the console window. A successful ping result is shown in the figure:

This result indicates that the IP address is accessible and responses to ICMP requests are being received. If the router pings, therefore, we can talk about its availability from workstation. In such a situation, you can connect to the router settings through its web interface.

If the router's IP address is unavailable and there is no response from the device, then the result of the ping command is as follows:

Photo: result of executing the ping command

In such a situation, you need to check what IP address is set in the settings network card, try changing the port in the router and, as a last resort, reset the router settings to factory settings.

Usually we talk about ping when the time between operations on a local network or the Internet increases, or when there is no response from the recipient. For example, quite often you need to check your ping in relation to search engines. Comfort during online games often depends on ping.

It is wise to check your ping before playing game server. Of course, the lower the ping, the more comfortable the network experience.

The ping command sends data packets to a specific IP address on the network and then lets you know how long it took for that data to be sent and a response to be received. This is a handy tool that you can use to quickly test various points on your network. Here's how to use it.

How Ping works

Ping comes from a term used in sonar technology, which sends out pulses of sound and then listens for the echo to return. IN computer network The ping tool is built into most operating systems, which work much the same way. You issue the ping command along with a specific URL or IP address. Your computer sends several packets of information to this and then waits for a response. When it receives a response, the ping tool shows you how long each packet took to make that journey, or tells you that there was no response.

It sounds simple, and it is. You can check whether your computer can connect to another device—for example, your router—on your local network or to a device on the Internet. This can help you determine if there is a network problem somewhere on your local network or somewhere else. The time it takes for packets to return can help you identify a slow connection or if you are experiencing packet loss.

And it doesn't matter which one operating system You are using. Pull up a terminal or command prompt window and you can use ping for MacOS, Linux or any version of Windows.

How to use Ping

We're going to use the Windows Command Prompt in our example here. But you can also use the ping command in Windows PowerShell or the Terminal app on macOS or any Linux distribution. Once you get to the actual command, it works the same everywhere.

On Windows, press Windows + R. In the Run window, type "cmd" in the search box and press Enter.

At the command prompt, type "ping" along with the URL or IP address you want to check and press "Enter".

This response shows the URL you are viewing, the IP address associated with that URL, and the size of the packets being sent on the first line. The next four lines show the responses from each individual packet, including the time (in milliseconds) it takes to respond and the packet's time to live (TTL), which is the amount of time that must pass before the packet is discarded.

At the bottom you will see a summary that shows how many packets were sent and received, as well as the minimum, maximum and average response time.

And in the following picture, we are pinging a router on our local network using its IP address. We also get a normal response from him.

When the ping tool does not receive a response from any devices you pinged, it also lets you know about it.

And here's how to use ping at the most basic level. Of course, like most commands, there are a few additional options you can use to make it behave differently. For example, you can make it track a destination until you stop the command, specify how many times you want it to ping, set how often it should ping, and much more. But, if you don't do some specific types troubleshooting, you don't need to worry about these advanced options.

If you're interested, just type "ping /?" On the command line to see a list of options.

What You Can Do with Ping

Now that you know how to use this command, here are some cool things you can do with it:

  • Ping a URL (eg website) or IP address to see if you can reach the internet destination. If you receive a successful response, you know that everything network devices works between you and that recipient, including the network adapter on your computer, your router, and any devices on the Internet between your router and the destination. And if you are interested in exploring these routes further, you can use another network tool named tracert to do this.
  • Ping a URL to see its IP address. If you want to know the IP address for a specific URL, you can submit the URL. The ping tool shows you at the top the IP address it is working with.
  • Ping your router to see if you can reach it. If you cannot successfully ping an Internet address, you can try to ping a connection to your router. A successful response lets you know that your local network is working normally and the problem with accessing the Internet site is somewhere outside of your control.
  • Ping your loopback address ( If you can't successfully ping your router, but your router appears to be up and running, you can try ping a so-called loopback address. This address is always, and testing it successfully allows you to know that the network adapter on your computer (and the network software in your OS) works correctly.

Note: You can't get a ping response from other computers on your local network because the built-in firewalls on those devices prevent them from responding to ping requests. If you want to be able to ping these devices, you will need to disable this setting to allow passage through the firewall.

The list above uses an external approach, where you first send a request to the most distant destination and then work your way to more local devices. Some people like to work the other way around, ping the loopback address first, then the router (or other local device), followed by the Internet address.

And of course, what we talk about in this article mainly relates to using ping to troubleshoot a home or small business network. Additionally, if you are tasked with troubleshooting large networks, you probably already know how to use ping and many other network tools.

Let's start with the fact that it is advisable to first check your Internet connection settings.

This is done as follows:

1 Go to "Computer" and right-click on the drive that contains the most information.

2 In the drop-down menu, select "Properties".

3 The properties window opens. In it, go to the tab "Service" and in the block "Disk Defragmentation" click on the button "Run defragmentation".

4 In the next defragmentation window, simply click again "Disk Defragmentation", having previously selected the desired one in the block under the inscription "Current State".

5 After that, follow the instructions and just wait for the process to finish.

Note: If in the block under the inscription "Current State" next to the selected disk it says “(fragmented: 0%)”, which means that this is not the problem and defragmentation is not necessary at all.

And if that was really the problem, We recommend setting up a defragmentation schedule and, so that the system independently performs this process once in a certain period.

To do this, use the corresponding button in the defragmentation window. Thanks to this, you will never return to this issue.

Driver update

As is known, he is responsible for the operation of the Internet network card. So, it is advisable to update the drivers for it from time to time. This is done like this:

1 In the menu "Start" search for "driver". Among the programs found, run the one called "Updating device drivers".

2 Expand the section « Network adapters» . Find there the device called "Network adapter..."

3 Right-click on it and select from the drop-down menu "Update drivers..."

Tip: Do the same for other devices in the section "Network adapters". Perhaps the problem is in one of them.

Virus check

Therefore, it is best to check your computer for viruses and remove them.

If you have a good antivirus program, for example, from Kaspersky Lab, check with it.

However, even if you are confident in your antivirus, you can do the same. A list of the best such utilities is presented in. Choose any one.

Disabling other programs

Often, all kinds of software also takes over a significant portion of the traffic. Thus, it does not allow you to achieve high ping.

That's why It’s best to disable a number of programs while playing, specifically:

Most programs can be turned off if you simply click on the "Exit" button in context menu tray shortcut.

This means that if a program has an icon on the bottom bar of the desktop, you need to right-click on it.

A menu will appear in which you need to click “Exit”.

This method is particularly suitable for antiviruses.

You can close many other software samples in the same way. If this option does not work, you will have to use the task manager.

This process looks like this:

  • In the same tray, right-click on an empty space and select from the context menu "Start Task Manager". You can also press “Ctrl”, “Alt” and “Delete” on the keyboard.
  • In the manager window, go to the Processes tab.
  • There you can easily recognize all the programs by name. On the one you want to close, just right-click once to highlight it.
  • Click on the button "End process". In the window that appears, click the button with the same name again.

  • Do the same with all software., which requires the Internet to work.

Changing program priority

Besides that various programs can be forced closed to relieve the operating system, other programs can be put first in OS priority.

That is, you can make the system pay most attention to a single process.

Thanks to this, the most OS resources will be spent on it and, accordingly, .

Changing the priority goes like this:

1 Start the online game. Open task manager. How to do this is described in the first step of the previous section.

2 On the tab "Applications" right-click on the game and select from the menu that appears "Go to process". Of course, you can try to find the process you need on your own, but it’s much easier this way.

4 Options will appear on the right for which priority to assign this application. Click "High". In the window that appears, click "Change priority".

5 Close the manager. Wait a while. The priority will not change immediately. But in any case, the ping should decrease, as should the performance. And maybe the graphics will be better.

If all this does not help, you will have to return to the network. But now we will do much more complex operations, than simple and the like.

Network Channel Expansion

This process occurs by performing the following actions:

  • Press the "Win" and "R" buttons on your keyboard at the same time. This will open the program execution window.
  • In it, enter the command “gpedit.msc” and click “OK”.

Clue: If you open the local editor in this way group policy failed (an error appears), go to the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder and manually run the file with that name.

  • Next, on the left panel, successively go to the sections “Computer Configuration” (in Russian, then “Computer Configuration”), “Administration Templates”, “Network” and “QoS Packet Scheduler” (“QoS Packet Scheduler”).
  • A shortcut will appear on the right "Limit reservable bandwidth"(in Russian “Limit the reserved throughput»).
  • A small window will open. In it, check the box next to “Enabled”.
  • In the block below, the inscription “Bandwidth limit (%):” and a field for specifying percentages will become available. Initially it is set to 20%. Instead, the value should be set to 0%, as shown in Figure 10.
  • Click Apply, then OK.

  • Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

This way you can significantly increase the bandwidth of your computer.

Changing TCP/IP settings

In many games, for example, in World of tanks, changing some TCP/IP parameters helps. Without going into details, let's say that it is done like this:

1 In the window "Run"(launched by simultaneously pressing "Win" And "R") enter the command "regedit" and press "OK".

2 Then go sequentially to the sections "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", "SYSTEM", "CurrentControlSet", "Services", "Tcpip", "Parameters"(on the panel on the left). Open section "Interfaces"(double click on this folder).

4 Options for creating a file will appear. Choose there "DWORD value (32 bits)".

5 A new option will appear in the list. Changing his name will become available. If it's not, right-click on it and select the option "Rename". In any case, you need to enter a name "TcpAckFrequency".

6 After successful renaming, right-click on this file and select "Change" in the menu that appears.

7 In the field under the inscription "Meaning" enter "1". Be sure to check that under the inscription "Number system" there was an option "Hexadecimal".

8 Click "OK". Close everything open windows and restart your computer.

You can also use this editor to change MSMQ.

Changing MSMQ Settings

MSMQ or Microsoft Message Queuing is an implementation of a message queue, which is, in particular, for working with the Internet. This setting can also be changed to reduce ping.

To do this, do this:

  • Launch Registry Editor(“regedit” in the program execution window).
  • Go to the sections sequentially"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", "SOFTWARE", "Microsoft", "MSMQ" and expand the "Parameters" folder (on the left).
  • In the empty field on the right, in the same way as before, create "DWORD value (32 bits)".
  • Name it "TCPNoDelay" and open it.
  • Change the value to one. Make sure that the number system is hexadecimal. Click OK, close all windows and restart your computer.

This method works great in Warface.


There is a program called FixPinger. It changes the ping value to the most optimal one. To use it, you need to do this: You can deactivate the program with the same button.

As mentioned above, if all this does not help, you need to call the provider and ask their representative for help.
