Me com mail settings. Install iCloud service on any device

Products of the American company Apple, especially after the release of the legendary iPhone smartphone, enjoys well-deserved respect and demand throughout the world. It should be noted that Apple products are famous not only for their design and flawless functioning of devices, but also for the excellent performance of the software installed on their gadgets. One of the modern industry standards brought into our lives by Apple is cloud storage. This will be discussed in our article.

Enable iCloud on Apple devices

To the lucky owners of the entire set Apple technology– branded laptop (MacBook), smartphone (iPhone) and tablet (iPad) – nothing to worry about. All software to install iCloud already included in their devices. You just need to go to the appropriate device settings, turn on iCloud and register your Apple ID and password (you can read about logging into iCloud).

Default in iCloud settings basic system functions are included. However, it would be useful to understand them a little, to note what exactly you want to synchronize on all your gadgets and what not. IN cloud storage iCloud provides 5 GB of free storage right away. At the user's request, this volume can be increased many times over, although a fee will be required for this.

Important! Since the free storage size is limited to 5 GB, be careful - only save really important information there.

The iCloud setup screen looks like this.

What about other devices?!

Everything is clear for users of the full set of Apple products, but what about users of other platforms? Redmond giant Microsoft and Google hastened to introduce alternative storage services (about entering Google Drive read). Frankly, they are larger in terms of free storage volume, but they do not work so harmoniously - for any synchronization you have to give commands, specify where and what to save. And what if you have products from different brands? Apple is concerned about such cases.


The easiest and most understandable way is web access to the iCloud service. To do this, just go to and enter your Apple ID.

Windows OS

For Windows users You can download a special application from the Apple website (, install it, and the synchronization procedure is configured in the same way as on native Apple devices.

You can see more details about using the iCloud service in Windows in the video below.


There is also a recipe for Android smartphone users. By using specialized application- here is the link to it:, you can synchronize contacts from iCloud with your Andoid gadget.

And in conclusion, let’s note about another Apple service – iCloud Drive. By using this service, which, however, is paid, you will receive a cross-platform information storage that works in the same way as regular iCloud, but on any device and any platform.

Be careful when setting up and experimenting, read the manuals carefully - do not mistakenly erase information that is important to you.

Instead of (or together with) an iPhone and iPad, did you start using an Android smartphone or tablet? Had to switch to Gmail? But in Android, the iCloud address can also be used as the main email address.

And now we will tell you how this can be done. So:

How to transfer iCloud mail to Android

You've probably already noticed that in addition to the Gmail application, your Android device also has a separate email program with a simple name like “ Mail«, « Email«, « Messaging service"etc. (I didn’t find one, you can always download a similar one from the Play Store).

In different Android smartphones On tablets, such standard email applications may also look different in appearance, but their functionality is always approximately the same. And it allows you to configure work via IMAP and SMTP, and the algorithm of actions in any case will also be similar.

How to set up iCloud mail on Android
  • go to " Settings ", click " Accounts " and then - " Add account «;
  • in the list that opens, select “ E-mail " or " Personal (IMAP) “, enter your iCloud address and password, the Gmail application will recognize it automatically and import the correct settings;
  • in the application " E-mail» settings must be made manually.

It will look something like this:

And these settings are as follows:

for incoming mail server:

Server :

SSL : Yes

Port : 993

Username : the first part of your icloud address (for example, if the address [email protected] , then it is enough to enter ivan-ivanov);

Password : your password (you can also generate a new one).

for outgoing mail server:

Server :

SSL : Yes

Port : 587

SMTP authentication : Yes

Username : full iCloud address (i.e. you need to enter [email protected])

Password : the same one that you entered in the data for the incoming mail server.

  • Click “Next” (or “Continue”).
  • The operation is completed.

If the system gives an error in the SSL settings in the data for any of the servers, use TSL. It should work.

As you can see, there are minimal difficulties. On the iPhone, of course, it was easier and faster (he basically did everything himself), but we managed, and now the Android iCloud box also exists and works.

Android and iOS operating systems are very reluctant to interact with each other. For this reason, doing basic things like accessing storage facilities or transferring data is usually done using third-party software. This also applies to running a cloud service on Android. You can access the latter through iOS devices, but gadgets on other operating systems remain on the prohibited list.

How to log into iCloud from Android, and whether this can be done in principle - read our article.

There is no specialized software for the “cloud” for Android devices. Therefore, to enter and carry out individual procedures - be it transferring contacts or exchanging with a calendar, you have to find your own method. In theory, the solution to the problem is to use the cloud web interface. You can get to it on both Mac and PC. However, when you try to access the “cloud” resource from an Android gadget, a message appears that the browser is not detected.

Other barriers to access to the cloud

Surprisingly, on Windows you can use not only the web version, but also independent software. It is configured in the same way as on iOS devices. But at the same time, Android is a 100% fenced off area from others, with which other operating systems interact very difficult.

If you search for something similar on Google Play, you can download products that have limited options:

  • Sync for iCloud (data exchange with calendar).
  • Exchange of information units for iCloud Mail (for mailers) and many others.

If you need the “cloud” solely for transferring contacts or exchanging data with a calendar, the functionality of the named software is more than enough. To interact with e-mail, external software is not required at all. You just need to set the mailer settings on Android.

Setting up the “cloud” on an Android device

As a rule, two solutions are installed on gadgets with such an operating system - one for Google and the second for other email clients. To configure the acceptance of messages from iCloud, refer to the built-in software for these purposes. The next steps will be:

  • Let's launch e-mail client. We enter the login and password characters from the “cloud” and select the setting in manual mode.
  • Select the IMAP.iCloud account type on Android.
  • A window with the following settings will pop up, where you need to enter necessary information(email, name, password characters, etc.).

If prompted about authentication, agree. After this, all “cloud” messages will be automatically sent to the Android mailer.

If the operation seems confusing, you can simplify it. Use special software - myMail and others, and log in through them. Here you only need to enter your e-mail and password characters. No further information needs to be provided.

iCloud for Android: other login methods

If you want to log into the “cloud” not only to read e-mail messages, but to gain access to other data, look for other methods of exchanging elements. It’s not easy to establish a relationship between the iOS and Android operating systems, but still a couple effective ways available.

To transfer contacts, use the options of the built-in contacts service from Google. Data can also be transmitted in the form of a vCard element. In the latter case, you will first need to log into the “cloud” from your PC, upload the information to a separate file, and then place it in Google services. The first method is much easier. The algorithm of actions for its implementation is as follows:

  • Open the Google resource on your PC/laptop, log in and open the contacts section.
  • Select the import section, and then the item – import from another service.
  • We enter the address and password characters from the “cloud”.

The only omission of the method is that an independent company receives access to the information. Therefore, many do not take this method into account. They transfer contacts in a file or use software for these purposes.

Synchronizing multimedia elements

Not only contacts, messages, records, etc. are saved in the cloud. But also multimedia files. It’s also not very easy to throw them around, but there will still be more tools here.

If you want to compose music tracks, please refer to Google Play Music. The service has a solution for iOS, so you can easily access tracks stored in the cloud.

Another way is a solution from Amazon. He also has products for different operating systems, which are combined into a single account. As a result, a single music collection is formed.

If you purchased some of the content in the paid sections of YouTube, you can easily access these units from video hosting on both operating systems in question. Online resources are some of the best ways to view content. They function perfectly on any device. There are also no special requirements for iCloud on their part.

Using other storage devices of a similar type is another great way to transfer data from iPhones and iPads to Android gadgets. For example, Dropbox has solutions for iOS and many other operating systems. Therefore, the owner of absolutely any gadget can enjoy his favorite music or movies by gaining access to them from the cloud service. No downloaded element is required. And why load the gadget’s memory? It’s better to go to the “cloud” whenever you want and enjoy listening/watching.

As of today, iCloud for Android is closed. So extracting any units from it into such a device is a difficult task, requiring a lot of time and effort.

Switched from an iPhone to a smartphone with an operating system Android system? Are you satisfied with everything, but almost immediately you realize that you left important materials in the iPhone mail? Unfortunately, users quite often encounter a similar problem and are interested in how to log into iCloud from Android and what is required for this.

iCloud on Android: is it possible?

Apple and Google software constantly conflicts, and there is no official login to iCloud via Android. It will not be possible to install the application for this mail via Google Play, and it is impossible to find it on the Internet.

If you try to transfer iCloud via Bluetooth to your phone and install it that way, the system will definitely give an error. Similarly with the online version: by entering the address into the search engine email, we end up on a gray non-working page with the text “This connection is not supported” or “Your browser is not suitable.”

But don't despair, there is still a way out. Apple Services you can make it work on Android, but we’ll figure out how now.

To do this, you will need regular mail already installed on your Android device. Gmail is absolutely not suitable, but standard application called “Email” is an ideal option. Yahoo and Outlook are also allowed. Have you decided on mail? Great, now open it and begin to perform the following steps strictly according to the instructions:

  1. We enter the first necessary data: full iCloud address and user name (text indicated before the “@” sign);
  2. Necessarily click "Manual setting". If you try to log into iCloud using only your address and password, nothing will work;
  3. Next, enter the password. Please note that it is almost impossible to restore it on Android, so be careful!
  4. In the next column we write "". No commas, spaces or capital letters;
  5. We choose the type of protection, most often it is SSL, according to the certificate;
  6. We indicate the port 993 . Don't bother changing the numbers to suit your operating system. All data must be indicated only from the instructions;
  7. The last line, namely "IMAP Path" skip;
  8. Click “Next” and proceed to the necessary fine-tuning SMTP server;
  9. In the “Address” field we duplicate the one already entered, only instead of « imap» we write « smtp»;
  10. We indicate the same protection, it is also allowed TSL;
  11. In place of the port we enter the numbers 587 .
  12. Ready. All necessary data has been entered. Click “OK”, and if an authentication notification appears, we agree.

Now it is possible to work with messages from iCloud on Android. But photos, videos, documents are still inaccessible because they are located in the Cloud. We will discuss how to solve this problem below.

Other mail login options

You can try other applications, Google Play provides a choice huge amount postal services. If the above method seemed too complicated and convoluted to you, you can simplify the task a little. For this we use postal service myMail. She only requires email address and password, no more network information is required. Unfortunately, this method does not always work.

How to access the iCloud cloud on Android

Directly access the Cloud with Android phone it won't work. The only way out is to select a different method for each type of information. Let's look at an example of the most used materials.

Transferring contacts

To do this, you will also need access to a computer, since Google has a built-in service specifically designed for storing the phone book. After synchronization, contacts from iCloud will be placed there. Let's start:

  1. Open on PC home page Google account, log in with your password and login;
  2. Click "Contacts", Then you can choose from import and export. Accordingly, import suits us. Click on "Other postal service";
  3. Enter your iCloud details. Made.

After a successfully completed procedure, all the necessary numbers will appear on your Google account, from where you can freely use them on your Android device.

It is advisable that before this, contacts are stored directly on the phone, and not on the SD card.

Transferring data from the calendar

Your Apple calendar stored important data such as scheduled meetings, urgent events, birthdays of friends and colleagues, but after switching to Android, you lost access to it? Don’t worry, the situation here can be corrected, everything can be solved in a few clicks using a special application Sync for iCloud.

This application is specially produced for smartphones running Android, so operating system will not conflict with her. The program does not have any special functionality, but it copes with its main task: transferring calendar data from iCloud. It also has useful advantages:

  • Completely free, all options are provided to the user at no additional cost;
  • It is possible to easily work with iCloud on Android. That is, you will not only get access to a previously registered calendar, but in real time you will be able to carry out the necessary operations with it;
  • You can create multiple accounts on one device;
  • Do you want to make the iCloud calendar the main one on your phone, because for some reason the built-in one doesn’t suit you? No problem, just turn on "Default" in the settings.

Transferring music

Here, too, the situation is quite simple, you just need to use a well-known application Google Play Music. This player program, surprisingly, works well with iOS devices. By installing it on your smartphone, you can easily access media files in the Cloud. Don’t forget also about special products from Amazon that allow you to connect several accounts. The perfect solutionAmazon Cloud Player.

Android and iOS are extremely reluctant to make steps towards each other, so such basic things as accessing online storage or transferring data often have to be done using third party applications. This also applies to opening iCloud on an Android device: you can access the service from an iPad, iPhone, Mac, PC, but Android devices remain outside the list of allowed ones.

There is no full standalone iCloud app for Android, so you have to search for every operation, be it transferring contacts, syncing your calendar, or copying files. new way. Theoretically, the solution could be to use the iCloud web interface. It's available on Mac and PC, but if you try to go to from an Android device, you'll see a notification that the browser isn't supported. Interestingly, on Windows you can use not only the web version, but also a separate application, which is configured in the same way as on Apple devices. At the same time, Android remains a completely isolated environment, with which it is very difficult to establish communication from iOS or Mac OS.
If you search for applications that work with iCloud on Google Play, you will find only programs that perform strictly defined functions:

  • Sync for iCloud – for calendar synchronization.
  • Synchronization for iCloud Mail – synchronization of the mail service.
  • Sync for iCloud Contacts – contact synchronization.

If you only need iCloud to transfer contacts or synchronize your calendar, then the functionality of these applications will be quite sufficient. To synchronize email, you can do without third-party software altogether. You just need to configure mail client on Android.

Setting up iCloud mail on Android

Usually two clients are installed on Android - Gmail for Google mail and Email for other email services. To set up receiving emails from mailbox iCloud, use the built-in Email app.

  • Email – repeat the address iCloud mail.
  • The username is part of the email address before
  • Password – repeat the email access code.
  • Server –
  • Security type – SSL or SSL with all certificates accepted.
  • Port – 993.

The IMAP path prefix does not need to be filled in. After entering all the data, click “Next” to begin setting up the SMTP server.

  • Address –
  • The username and password are the same as in the IMAP settings.
  • Security – SSL or TSL.
  • Port 587.

If prompted for authentication, click Yes. After setup, all emails from iCloud will be automatically duplicated into the email client on Android. If the procedure turns out to be too complicated, you can significantly simplify the task of synchronizing data by using special applications– for example, myMail or K-@ Mail. There is no need to separately configure IMAP and SMTP; you just need to specify the iCloud email address and password.

Other ways to access iCloud

If you are looking for how to access iCloud services from Android not only for email messages, but also to gain access to other data, then you will have to look for other ways to synchronize information. Connecting iOS with Android is not so easy, but there are still proven methods.

If you need to transfer contacts, you can use the built-in capabilities of the Google Contacts service or transfer the data as a vCard file. In the second case, you will first have to log into iCloud from your computer, export the data to a separate file, and then import it into Google services. The first method is much more convenient:

The only drawback of this method is that during synchronization, some independent company gets access to the data. Therefore, many users ignore this method, preferring to transfer contacts in a file or use CardDAV applications.
CardDAV allows you not only to transfer contacts, but also enable their synchronization, that is, as soon as the data on iCloud is updated, similar changes will occur in phone book Android. The main thing is to specify the server, Apple ID and enable synchronization only from the server to the phone.

iCloud stores not only contacts, emails and calendar entries, but also multimedia files. With their transfer, everything is also not so rosy, but there is some progress in synchronizing content between iOS and Android. For example, if you want to combine music, use Google app Play Music.
The service has a client for iOS, so you can easily access tracks stored on iCloud. Another way - Amazon app Cloud Player. It also has clients for iOS and Android, which can be combined with one account, resulting in access to a common music collection.

If you purchased content on paid channel on YouTube, you can easily access it from the official video hosting client on Android and iOS. Online services – in general best way viewing content. They work the same on any device, without making any special system requirements.
