Ask: is it possible to find out who is writing to you? How to find out who writes anonymously in ask How to find out who writes to you.

How to find out who asked a question in f3 is a problem that users of this social network often encounter. This is an application specifically created for anonymous surveys. Such an opportunity is encouraging until a provocative or shocking request is received. There is a desire to find the author. The article explains whether it is possible to find out the sender.

It's worth considering what kind of chat this is. This is a unique utility designed for communication. The user needs to go to the official portal to download the product. The website and app store depend on the OS the phone is running on.

The program is downloaded to the gadget. You are registering your own account. An avatar and personal data are entered. Then the texts are written. They can be open and anonymous. The second option is considered preferable.

You can send messages or post text in stories, make interesting content. You can visualize or decorate it in different ways. You are allowed to use emoticons, videos and images. The latter are taken from the gallery on a smartphone or by removing and instant sending to the interlocutor.

Such a desire is contrary to the purpose of the program. Official solutions this issue does not exist. The developers do everything to ensure that information is not disclosed. You cannot ask for information about the authors of texts even on a paid basis.

Information in the application is recorded. Stored in the depths of the Internet. But the most advanced hackers will not be able to get it. The developers themselves can show what the user writes, but only upon request:

  • Government agencies;
  • Tax organization;
  • Law enforcement agencies.

Knowing this impossibility, the scammers are activated. The network offers to go to special portals, pay, download and watch secret information who wrote. This is a scam.

By contacting such people, you can lose money and compromise your profile. Lose your reputation and personal information. Fraudsters ask for a password and login.

How to find out who asked an anonymous question in f3?

How to find out who wrote f3 anonymous questions? There are several ways. Guaranteed result they won't give it. But you can be sure that the methods will not harm the user and the PC. Here are the most basic of them:

  1. An attempt to expose the user through cunning. You can ask guiding questions. Weak and inattentive people quickly split when writing an answer.
  2. Placing a trap link on the Instagram, VK or OK application profile.

Summing up

The application is useful. You can ask questions and answer immediately. It is legally impossible to identify the author of anonymous questions. Workarounds are used. But this loses the essence of the portal. Anonymity of the application is the main purpose. A person may realize that his identity will be accidentally revealed. He won't want to send any more requests. Will not express an opinion to a friend. If this information is disseminated, the portal risks losing users. Therefore, great attention is paid to confidentiality.

Section “Opinions” on VKontakte.

Most frequently asked question associated with this section - how to find out who left an anonymous opinion on VKontakte? There are several ways to find out the author of an opinion:

Tricky way:

  1. Turn off the "Offers" section
  2. We write a message to the author of the desired opinion with a link.
  3. Next to the link we write a message encouraging people to click on it: “Did you see it?”, “Check out the joke,” etc.

The second way to find out an anonymous opinion on VKontakte.

The method works well against users who either praise you (apparently sucking up) or criticize you. So:

  1. Next to the opinion whose author we want to know, click “Add to the black list.”
  2. The inscription will change to "in whitelist"- we look at what other opinions have changed from the “black” to the “white list” - this means that all these anonymous opinions from one user
  3. We try to find a positive one from these opinions and write a message to its author with the text something like this: “Who praised me so much?” etc. The goal is to make the user want to respond to you.
  4. When a person answers, it will mean that all other opinions “on the black list” are also his. The user can reply to your message because... thinks that other opinions are anonymous and you will only know that he wrote a good opinion.

A radical way to find out who left an opinion in a contact.

We go to the “Friends” section and begin to remove all friends from the contact in order, in this case you need every time try to send a response to an anonymous opinion on VKontakte. If, after yet another removal of a friend from your contact, you cannot send an opinion - bingo, you have found the author of an anonymous opinion!

Why is the “Opinions” section needed?
Correct answer:
“Opinions” is a section where you can leave an anonymous opinion or recognition to a person, as well as various wishes.

How do I enable or disable the Opinions section?
Correct answer:
To do this, you need to go to the “My Settings” section, and then remove or check the box next to “Opinions”.

Who can see the opinions I leave?
Correct answer:
These opinions are seen by the person to whom you addressed these opinions, you yourself, as well as those who still left opinions about this person.

Who exactly can leave an opinion about me?
Correct answer:
Any friend of yours can do this, and the “Opinions” service may be disabled for him.

What should I do if I receive insults/threats/unpleasant wishes?
Correct answer:
Any message in the “Opinions” section has 2 actions: it can be deleted and sent “to the Black List”. The first serves to ensure that the message disappears completely, and the second - so that the person can no longer leave opinions about you, that is, add him to the black list. However, it can be restored to the white list at any time.

I didn’t like the opinion about myself, so I blacklisted it and then deleted it. Is there an option where I can return this opinion to the whitelist?
Correct answer:
Alas, such an option does not exist.

How can I delete an opinion I wrote?
Correct answer:
There is no way you can do this.

Why can’t I delete the opinion I wrote myself?
Correct answer:
The “Opinions” section works like mail, where a message is sent from you and received by a friend. After you have sent the letter, it is already in someone else's mailbox and does not belong to you. All those who wrote opinions about your friend can see this opinion. Only your friend who received this “letter” can delete this opinion.

How can I find out the opinions that have been left about my friend?
Correct answer:
In order to see the opinions that other users leave, you need to write one opinion about your friend yourself. Then click on “view” on his page and you will see all the opinions that interest you.

Is it possible to send a reply to the one that was sent to me?
Correct answer:
It can be done. To do this, you need to click on the “reply” inscription, which is located next to the opinion sent to you. However, keep in mind that the answer will not be anonymous. It will arrive to your friend as a regular message sent from you.

How can I make it so that I alone can read opinions about myself?
Correct answer:
No, such a function does not exist. However, not every user sees opinions about you, but only those who have already written some kind of opinion about you.

Are there any restrictions on the length of posts in the Opinions section?
Correct answer:
Yes, I have. The maximum you can type a message from is 2500 to 4096 characters, but this number depends on spaces and punctuation marks.

I don't like this function. Is there any way to refuse it?
Correct answer:
This function can be disabled by unchecking the box next to the “Opinions” section in the “My Settings” tab.

Do you want to change the design of your contact? Read the article and transform your page!

This network was created in Latvia and serves to allow people to ask and answer. Ask has support for 10 languages. You can also like it if you particularly liked something. People use the service to communicate with someone from another country, make acquaintances, and maybe even make friends. Having entered the site, the user registers by filling out a form, and then can ask a question or suggest an answer.

How to find your abusers on Ask fm

The interesting thing is that You can find your offenders and people on Ask fm anonymously. Of course, there will be “well-wishers” everywhere who really want to say nasty things about you. In real life, this is much more difficult to do. But on the Internet - please. After all, you can log into as an anonymous person. There are such “individuals” on this resource as well. Reading messages, not all of which are positive, the user involuntarily asks the question - how to find out who writes to Ask fm (

If a person wrote to you on his own behalf, then this will not be difficult. But if a petty scoundrel wrote as anonymous, then what should you do? The developers took care of this too. The instructions for using the site are simple, you just need to go to the anonymastik website. fm. However, this service can only be used by those who already have a registration on If there is none, then you need to go through it by filling out all the required fields. You will need the page address. When you enter it on anonymastik. fm., then you will need to confirm it. You have now joined a program that makes it easy to track anonymous people. This way, those who leave unflattering comments anonymously will become known.

Anti-anonymous program

The service is based on data about IP addresses, so it can accurately say how to find out who writes to ask fm (, what kind of people they really are in real life. You can find out all the information you need about this anonymous person. There are no hacks, there is absolutely nothing to fear from a ban. But if you use the script, the Ax rules will be violated, and you may get a temporary or even permanent ban. Moreover online service will do everything itself, as soon as the user indicates the number of his page on Ask.

No avatar will anymore help an impudent person or a “troll” hide by asking vulgar questions, answering mockingly, or commenting using phrases that degrade human dignity. The service will only spend some time to identify these “spiteful critics”.

As soon as the person asked the question, he left his IP address in the system. Using it, you can clarify how to find out who writes to ask fm. All links of this user to social networks are also calculated (a photo of the script is presented below).

View anonymous accounts

Why recognize anonymous people on

Most often, the user wants to find out the anonymous person in order to wean unnecessary people from writing dirty tricks. Unfortunately, on the Internet, as in life, not all people behave adequately. And for some reason many people think that the Internet gives more security, and you can do whatever comes into your head, because “you won’t get caught.” But they are wrong. When information about a person becomes known, he, of course, experiences fear that he will be discovered. Therefore, the anonymous person quiets down for a while, trying to understand - have they figured him out or not? Parents also resort to the above service to find out who wrote various bad things about their child.

However, it also happens that you liked the question. The man asked an interesting, thoughtful question that gave food for thought. Or he answered in such detail that it immediately becomes clear that this anonymous person has a clear understanding of what he is writing about. That is, he understands the subject (repairman, system administrator, an employee with experience in this field). Then you want to find out more about such a person in order to talk to him and seek advice if a similar problem arises. After all, it is far from a fact that this anonymous person will come to the service tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Maybe he will abandon Ask altogether - well, he doesn’t have time. And I don’t want to lose touch with a person who can help and explain in a language that a “dummie” can understand.

And it’s not very interesting to talk to a stranger - what kind of dark horse is this? What kind of person is this, who is the anonymous person - a girl or a guy? An adult, or maybe a child? School student or university student? Maybe it's your English teacher or your chemistry department professor? Such a turn is not excluded - the guy communicates with an anonymous person, sees a commonality of thoughts and interests. Of course, she will want to get to know each other better and may decide that this is a girl, and this is an old grandfather. And so on.

By the way, interesting fact- some people are shocked when they recognize the anonymous people who were rude or rude as their friends or loved ones.

We identify an anonymous person on VKontakte

There is another way to identify an anonymous person on, but for this you will need a VKontakte account. Next, you need to log into this social network and find a specific application. It’s called “PoiskVS: Ratings, PR, Guests and Likes Analysis.” With its help, while on VKontakte, you can receive ratings on the wall, as well as catch visitors who wish to remain anonymous, i.e. anonymous We need a “How to catch guests” button. When you click on it, a link will be visible that you need to copy and enter the link in your Ask profile. We get a new link and put it, for example, on a wall.

Well, or, if you don’t want everyone to see it, add it to your personal details. A link will appear on the VKontakte wall, redirecting to the Ask server. As soon as this happens, the application “identifies” the service, and thus it will be possible to see who it was that came to Ask and asked a question anonymously.

There is a problem: someone wrote a post on your blog, how do you find out who this person is? Very simple - using its IP.

IP address (IP address, short for Internet Protocol Address) is a unique identifier (address) of a device (usually a computer) connected to local network or the Internet.

Traveling across the network, we leave our unique trace in the logs of the servers we visit. All we have to do is determine the well-wisher’s IP and use it to calculate the places he visits. Using these clues (login, nickname, email, mobile, address), you can create an approximate composite photo. Most often it is possible to access your personal page “In Contacts”. Email, the “Contacts” page can be broken, but we will limit ourselves to legal methods - namely, a targeted search for information on the Internet.

So let's start with IP. If you have a blog like I do, you probably have a free counter on it. Except useful property count the number of visits, the counter, as a rule, collects other information about visitors - their IP, time of visit, basic information about his computer (OS, browser version, etc.).

How does this happen? When visiting your page, the user's browser downloads its skeleton from the server on which it is located. After that, the browser loads all the pictures and additions from the main site, as well as other sites on which they are posted. There is a trick here - in order to display the counter image on its own, the client’s browser must send a request to the server that provides the counting service - and it does this. At this time, the server easily determines and records who asked for the drawing (IP), the time it was and other information that the client provides.

Here's what the counter field looks like on my blog:

Seemingly simple drawings, but everything is not so simple:

If you look inside the page, this block contains the following code.

I underlined the addresses to which your browser is sent every time you load my page. At these addresses there is a processor that collects information about you.

There is no need to be scared - almost all sites contain counters and there is no escape from this. Moreover, some sites regularly post (consciously or not) statistics on visits to their site, which means search spiders (google, yandex) have a copy of these pages. It turns out that everyone knows everything about everyone - all you have to do is use your brain a little.

A site that organizes visit counting provides the blogger with interesting statistical information about his blog, but in addition to beautiful graphs and numbers, the site contains a banal log

I changed all the IPs for the secrecy of my readers, but, as you can see, I see them in pure form.

It is worth starting an investigation from the time when the comment was left. Next, we should look in the counter log for the entry made +/- at this time. Using the counter, calculate the IP address. Using the IP address (if you're lucky, of course) you can find other traces left from the author's computer. There is a non-zero probability that in those traces there will be other clues (email, mobile phone, asya, nickname on the forum) - then we can say success.

I did this twice. The work is not easy and it is not certain that it will lead to a result (or the right result). In any case, be prepared that this will take several hours of your time. In addition, the IP address can change (be dynamic). But even here there are opportunities to get out, and since they are unique for each unique case, I did not describe them here. In the future, if the opportunity arises to find someone again, I will definitely describe the process...


Ask.fmsocial network to communicate using questions and answers. Created in Latvia and is a competitor Formspring). Using this site, users can answer questions and also ask other users. The main function of such a service is the ability to set anonymous question. Actually, this is the reason for this question.

Probably, many site users have received the same question, after which you want to find the person who wrote it. Often these are questions of an offensive or piquant nature. Let's try to solve this issue.

How to calculate an anonymous person

Of course, there are ways to expose an anonymous person. But you shouldn’t trust such “magic” sites that can find an anonymous person just by the page number. Fraudsters write so believably that even the most advanced user can believe that it works of this service. There are a large number of such sites on the Internet. Their task is to defraud you of money or infect your computer. malware, which can steal your personal data (for example, data from an electronic wallet). An example of such a site:

Attention! Don't trust sites that ask you to send a message from your phone. Sites that require phone verification automatically send you a message with a code that you need to enter.

Now let’s look at some really working methods that won’t steal your money or harm your computer.

Method 1: Psychology

Every person can be brought to clean water. But for this you need to find the right approach. This can be done in several ways:

  • Try to talk to an anonymous person, ask him a couple of leading questions. Perhaps the person will miss something and let it slip, and you will be able to guess who is hiding their identity.
  • Use the method that is popularly called “to show off.” In this case, you need to confidently and directly tell your interlocutor that you know everything about his tricks and ask why he did it. In most cases, the user who wrote an anonymous question will be scared. After this, he can begin to make excuses and reduce everything to a joke, and in the meantime you will be able to figure out the person’s personality based on some characteristics. If the anonymous person does not admit his guilt in any way and you think that he is telling the truth, then ask him to log in and, if necessary, tell the truth.

Method 2: Link Trap

To calculate an anonymous user, you can use the link to catch guests. For use this method, must be placed in the column "Website", link to profile in "VKontakte" or "Classmates". To catch an anonymous person, we will use the application "My Guests". To do this, you need to do the following:

After this, the construction of the trap will be completed. All users who follow the link will be displayed in the section "Guests". All you have to do is wait and periodically log into the application. This is where the methods of exposing an anonymous person end.
