How to check that the computer is being used. How to determine whether a person is currently working on tarot? Damage to the processor socket

Wands, otherwise called Staves, Scepters, Maces, promise the greatest glory. In predictions, this suit is usually associated with business or financial affairs. But unlike Coins, Wands describe potential, aspirations and personal efforts leading to success; action means we can safely say that a person works. Often this is both intellectual and physical labor.
a person works if he falls out -
Ace of Wands
- career advancement,
- transition to new job,
- opening a new business.


Cups, Bowls, Disks - the suit of love and happiness, the manifestation of all kinds of feelings, personify love in all its forms. These cards also show the presence of genuine care and concern for others.
They also symbolize philanthropists, charities, humanitarian aid groups and similar institutions, provided that they act in the sincere hope of helping others and not for the purpose of making profit for themselves. In general, the suit of Cups symbolizes selfless service to people, service to an ideal.
Let us note such professions as teacher, librarian, office worker in the social sphere, creative artists, writers, journalists, that is, professions that bring true satisfaction.
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Swords are the most powerful, but also the most dangerous of all suits. It represents secular power, which is often misused and used for evil, for one’s own benefit. Swords warn of enemies, dangers, show powerful political figures, organized crime.
On a personal level, Swords represent false friends, ready to betray, business partners. In any case, this suit describes people who always do not what is fair, but what is good for themselves, rarely caring about those who are accidentally harmed.
Often Swords show those in power, your boss (king of swords).
But Swords do not always agree to a question about work.


Pentacles, Coins, Discs, symbolizes material wealth, entrepreneurship, business and commerce, worldly prestige.
Pentacles initially represent trade. Representatives of this class were engaged in the production of goods. They contributed to the creation of banks and systems accounting, as well as the introduction of trade legislation.
If this suit appears in the layout, then these are cashiers, bankers, that is, those through whom large sums of money pass.
Naturally, we give a positive answer to the question about work.

And here are the interesting combinations of winning cards in the task “Does a person work...” posted in the Tarot School of our website:
(I don’t write decks in view of the fact that almost everyone has close to the classics - RU)

Woman working as a legal assistant

Tarot RU. Justice.

Works. This woman may be a lawyer, a judge, or anyone else involved in the legal system. She may also be a person who helps resolve a dispute, keep the peace, or advance a case. (Likena)

8 swords, 10 cups, knight of pentacles

does it work - yes, it works. (boldogs)

Downsized (not working)

4 Cups

No, it doesn't work. (Joy)

Hierophant, 2 Cups, King of Cups

hardly works, recently got married, husband provides for
tarot Univ/kl(CloudO)

page pentak

she studies, doesn’t work, will make choices (Olesya)

Woman on maternity leave (not working)

ace of cups, 2 of cups, 10 of cups

probably a housewife or on maternity leave, the answer is no, it doesn’t work, it creates home comfort :)(boldogs)

Empress.Tower.Two Cube.

She is a young mother who does not work; she recently gave birth to a baby. (Maruska)

8 rods+2 rods+7 pent

does not work, but is waiting for employment, lives on her husband’s money (on or man)

why ace pent+2sword(p)+ace cube doesn't work

and according to the first cards, she recently had a baby. (Linochka)

magician 9 wands 6 coins

no it doesn't work (Vilena)

The man doesn't work anywhere

4 of Pentacles, King of Pentacles, Queen of Wands. Bottom Page of Wands.

It works, but is in economy mode. As far as I feel, there is a small child in the family, i.e. wife can be on maternity leave (Sayuri)

5 of swords, king of pentacles, 6 of pentacles.

I think he is not working now. Maybe he is trying and cannot find a job (Cesha)

seven of cups, queen of swords, 7 of pentacles

I think that in at the moment it doesn't work (Denis)

Tower, 6 of Wands, Queen of Cups. Bottom SA Court

In my opinion, this person is not working now (Maya)

knight's cube ace of wands pp, swords2

no, he's thinking now new project or in search.

King of Wands, Ace of Cups, King of Cups (Bottom of 7 of Pentacles)

this is a set... the cards are not exactly working...

Retired and receives a profit or pension. (Sayuri)

Retired but working


I think it works, the answer is final.(Marja)

ace of wands-judgment-3pent=priestess

There's still a lot of gunpowder in the flasks.
so I’ll answer that it works.

Now let's look at the Major Arcana.

This is the combination -
Tarot of the Dwarves (10 of cups, king of cups, Hermit)

No! It looks like he’s not working, or he’s on vacation, but he’s more likely unemployed, and he really needs a job!(zirochka)

SA Tower, 6 of Wands, Queen of Cups. Bottom of SA Court.

I don't think this person is working right now.(Maya)

SA Moderation, SA Lovers, SA Court, bottom - 4 wands:

I think this person has been working for a long time (Greg99)

Justice, Peace, Strength. present - Emperor(translation), future - Lovers(translation), Tower

No, the person is not working at the moment (Ta_samaya0518)

7 swords+ Moderation+10 pentacles

I don’t think it’s working, he’s looking, looking closely, thinking about possible options,(LauraSobbir)

Exhaustion (9 of Wands), Innocence ( Sun), Jester

I think that they work for the public, that is, where there is an audience(Adelaide)

The fact that a person is working is indicated by the following SA:

High Priest

CAs that indicate a non-working person:

Wheel of Fortune

And, of course, we take into account straight cards or inverted ones. In our case, we consider straight ones.
Card combinations are also important (see examples).

Now for the Minor Arcana:
I conclude that a set of cards containing Cups, although adjacent to Wands, basically indicates that there is no work.
Pentacles almost 100% indicate that work is present.
Having a lot of Swords rather than not doesn’t work.
Some Wands in the layout - there is work, some Cups - no, Pentacles - there, some Swords - no.

A video card is one of the most important components of any PC or laptop. It processes the graphic signal and displays the finished image on the screen. Sometimes, when we turn on the computer, we see a black screen with the message “no signal” or there are interruptions (the screen jerks, the image suddenly disappears, colors are distorted). In such cases, suspicion first falls on the monitor, but in addition to this, the problem may be in the monitor itself or with the components.

And in this article we will talk about how to check whether the video card is working, and if it turns out that it is completely working and the reason lies not in it, then how to identify and fix the problem. Let's look at several ways.

Before starting the test, you need to make sure that the remaining components are operational.


The first thing you should do is check your monitor. Take it and connect it to another PC or laptop. If the image appears on the screen, it means it is working.

If not, inspect the connection cable; it may be damaged. Connect your monitor to your PC using a new cable. If this doesn't help, then it's not the problem.

Starting the computer

Make sure that the computer starts when you turn it on. This can be done by ear; to do this, you need to remove the side cover of the PC and make sure that all the fans are spinning. However, if this does not happen and the fans do not spin, then we move on.

power unit

There are times when the power supply fails or it simply does not have enough power. To check this, take new block power supply with higher power and carefully connect it to the motherboard. If the problem is solved, then the cause has been found.

If not, do the following.

Video card

Carefully remove the video card from one PC and connect it to the other PC. If it works, then it is working properly. It would also not hurt to do something additional to rule out problems in general. But if there is still no image, then most likely the capacitors on it are swollen.

Inspect them carefully and make sure they are in good condition. If you find at least one swollen capacitor, most likely that is the problem. In this case, it is recommended to take the card for repair.

Damage to the processor socket

If you carried out maintenance on your PC yourself and removed the processor from it, perhaps when you installed the processor back, you damaged the socket, namely, you bent the protruding legs.

Motherboard failure

It is quite possible that the video card does not work due to a malfunction of the motherboard, namely the north or south bridge is damaged, or perhaps the capacitors are swollen. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to check the functionality of the bridges yourself, but you can always inspect the capacitors.

How to do it:

Even if you find a problem, motherboard still subject only professional repair at the service center.

Additional diagnostic tools

If your computer or laptop is fully functioning, find out if it works discrete video card, will not be difficult.

First way:

This way we will know whether the board works or not.

Second way:

To check if the video card is working, you need download and run the GPU-Z utility. It's completely free. The program will show us all the information about our card.

Let's look at the process in more detail:

So, we have analyzed 8 methods that will help you find out whether the video card is working on a laptop or computer, and also troubleshoot problems. I hope the information was useful.

Finish your work and look again: is there something that you forgot, something important, without which you cannot imagine a true friend? 3 Remember your friends. Do they have the qualities described? All or just one? You will be surprised to discover that not everyone corresponds not only to the ideal portrait of a true friend, but does not even live up to his likeness.

But don’t rush to get upset, because this is not the end. 4 Listen to what your soul tells you: only one feeling allows you to recognize a true friend - reckless trust. With this list, you made yourself artificially disappointed in your friends, but probably not in all of them.

The feeling for real friends is stronger than any piece of paper. And if among those you are checking, there is at least one whose attitude towards you has not changed in any way, this is a true friend.

How to find out where a person works?


Most often, the Internet is used to implement ideas. How to find out where a person works? For example, by last name or other personal data? Unless you “break through” it.

There are specialized services and websites for this. It’s safe to say that by “punching” people using certain data, it is proposed to find out the following information:
  • presence of debts;
  • Citizen's TIN;
  • whether the person is wanted;
  • the presence of legal proceedings in court;
  • about bankruptcy;
  • are there any court decisions with the participation of a citizen;
  • whether the person is engaged in entrepreneurial activity;
  • find out about the validity of the passport;
  • find out the citizen's education.

All this can be found out with 100% probability using a variety of Internet services.

How to find out whether a person is officially employed or not?

There you will also be able to undergo training or retraining and advanced training courses if it turns out that you do not have enough theoretical knowledge for the job you like. Also, Employment Centers, together with enterprises, periodically organize Career Days, at which representatives of factories, stores, and so on tell everyone interested about the specifics of work.


If you have determined for yourself at least an area of ​​future work, for example, you have decided that you want to work with children, try this work in practice. As a rule, in many institutions there is an opportunity to get acquainted with production during a special Open Day.

You can also offer your services as an assistant, student or volunteer. Even if you don’t get paid for the work, you will gain invaluable experience and decide whether you need such a job.

How to check the “break through” of a person (individual) on the Internet online

After you write, analyze your notes, this will help you make a choice required work. 2 Take a career guidance test. As a rule, schoolchildren are given the Klimov test, in which they need to answer questions like “I enjoy communicating with kids” or “I like to read about new technologies.”

As a result, when calculating the points, it will become clear what type of activity you should turn to in your future work. There are five of these types: “man-man”, “man-nature” and so on.

As a rule, after the test there is a list of professions that are suitable for each type of activity. You can find the test on any specialized Internet site about career guidance and employment.
3 Contact the Employment Center. As a rule. They operate career guidance services, in which specialists help with filling out tests and finding a suitable job.

Find out the place of work by tax identification number


It happens that a person urgently needs to find certain people to inform important information or just to have something to do. To implement your plans, you need to find out where everyone is, and this is not always easy.
Instruction 1 To find out where someone is, sometimes it’s enough to ask mutual friends. For example, the people you are looking for went fishing out of town. Find out where they (those you are looking for) usually fish and what kind of transport they use to get there. Get on a car (train, ship, plane) and go in a given direction, then find out whether they are in the specified territory.

How can I find out whether I am officially employed or not?

Disclosure of information about employees to outsiders is regulated by the internal charter of organizations. In this regard, contacting various government agencies (FMS, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Federal Tax Service and others) will be ineffective: you will most likely be refused, citing a ban on disclosing personal data. You can find out a person’s place of work if you have connections in these organizations, for example, your relatives or friends work there. However, by transmitting personal information, these people risk their official position, so this method of obtaining information should not be abused. If you know of several places, one of which most likely employs a person, try calling them all. Ask if the person you need works for the organization. It is important to state a compelling reason for receiving confidential information.

How to find out where a person works? No legislation or laws regarding this issue in Russia no. Instead, you may encounter the following situations and resolve them using the following methods:

  1. Official employment.

    In this case, you can submit a request to the Pension Fund for contributions for the citizen. In addition, information about the place of work must be stored in the tax service at the employee’s place of registration.

  2. Unofficial employment.

    It is proposed to request a certificate of income from the person. It should also be noted that in such circumstances it is usually not possible to find out where the citizen works.

Many say that requests to the Pension Fund and the Federal Tax Service are, in principle, illegal.

Find out whether a person is officially working through the nolog

Therefore, before you find where a person works, using them, think: is this information worth becoming a lawbreaker? So, here are other places where information about people's places of work can be stored, but a legal request to these organizations individual can only be done for himself by presenting a passport:

It is these services that we suggest working with first. Data about the citizen is entered into the search, after which his profile is studied. Typically, employment information is displayed in the “Career” or “Place of Work” column.
Information technology is developing rapidly, and today it is not at all difficult to make inquiries about the person you are interested in. However, even now there is information that may be much more difficult to find out than it seems.

For example, how do you find out where a person works? Today we’ll talk about how you can find out about someone’s place of work. Official ways to find out the place of work No organization has the right to disclose information about a person to outsiders without his consent.

You can try contacting the address and reference service of the Federal Migration Service. True, information about work is not often included in reference information, since it relates to personal data, and disclosing it, as mentioned above, is prohibited. Informal ways to find out where you work Unofficial ways There are many more searches for information, but they are usually not legal.

Employment is an important element in the life of almost all adult citizens. In Russia, you can have one main job, as well as part-time jobs. Employers and ordinary people People often wonder how to find out where a person works. This information can be extremely useful in some cases. Next, we will tell you everything about how you can obtain information about a citizen’s place of employment. Is it even possible to use such a technique? How effective in practice are the secrets and recommendations that the population gives to each other?

Real chances

Understanding all this is not as easy as it seems. Is there any way to find out where a person works?

As practice shows, there are real chances to bring the idea to life. And they are not that small. Although, according to citizens, a lot depends on the characteristics of employment.

Today, there are several theories according to which it is possible to obtain information about everyone’s place of work. Isn't this a hoax? What will help bring the task to life?

We ask the employee

The first advice that citizens give each other is to simply ask the appropriate question to the person. This is the most effective and common scenario.

How can you find out where a person works? Just ask him about his career. Usually people are happy to tell you where they work. Only this method does not provide a 100% guarantee that the information received will be reliable. That's why some people prefer to "punch" each other in different ways. Which ones exactly?

About "punching" people

Today, with the help of some tips and recommendations, you can obtain quite a lot of data about a citizen. “Punching” people is a good, although not always effective, method of solving a previously posed problem.

Most often, the Internet is used to implement ideas. How to find out where a person works? For example, by last name or other personal data? Unless you “break through” it. There are specialized services and websites for this.

It is safe to say that by “punching” people using certain data, it is proposed to find out the following information:

  • presence of debts;
  • Citizen's TIN;
  • whether the person is wanted;
  • the presence of legal proceedings in court;
  • about bankruptcy;
  • are there any court decisions with the participation of a citizen;
  • whether the person is engaged in entrepreneurial activity;
  • find out about the validity of the passport;
  • find out the citizen's education.

All this can be found out with 100% probability using a variety of Internet services. For example, through the website of the bailiffs of the Russian Federation or using the Gosuslugi portal, as well as the page of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

How can you find out where a person works? For this purpose, as a rule, there are a number of third party services. With the help of certain websites, using personal information (full name, for example), it is proposed to “break through” a citizen and obtain as much data as possible about him. Including the place of employment.

In practice, such sites turn out to be fraudulent. They either do not provide the promised data or simply scam people out of money. Therefore, you should not trust pages that promise to determine 100% where a citizen is employed.

Social media

But this does not mean at all that the idea cannot be brought to life. How to find out where a person works by last name, first name and patronymic? A modern, although not 100%, way is to study user profiles in social networks.

The thing is that the Internet has become an integral part of the life of the population. There are a lot of profiles stored on social networks useful information about citizens. There you can find information about education, personal life, family, and career.

The following social networks are most often used in Russia:

It is these services that we suggest working with first. Data about the citizen is entered into the search, after which his profile is studied. Typically, employment information is displayed in the “Career” or “Place of Work” column.

Search engines

How to find out where a person works? The next method for solving this problem is to use various types of search engines. You can often find information in them that is not available on social networks.

It is recommended to open a search site, then write information about the citizen who is being targeted in the search bar. After that, study the results produced by the system. It is likely that somewhere on the Internet there is data about a person’s place of work. Only, as shown, it is far from the most successful technique. Often it does not bring any results.

Requests to authorities

You can go a different way. A variety of employers usually agree to it. After all, according to the law, a citizen can have only one main place of work. Everything else is a part-time job that has its own characteristics.

How to find out where a person works? There are no legislative acts or laws regarding this issue in Russia. Instead, you may encounter the following situations and resolve them using the following methods:

  1. Official employment. In this case, you can submit a request to the Pension Fund for contributions for the citizen. In addition, information about the place of work must be stored in the tax service at the employee’s place of registration.
  2. Unofficial employment. It is proposed to request a certificate of income from the person. It should also be noted that in such circumstances it is usually not possible to find out where the citizen works.

Many say that requests to the Pension Fund and the Federal Tax Service are, in principle, illegal. In order for the relevant authorities to release this or that information about a citizen, the applicant must have grounds for carrying out the process.

It often happens that you go to a website and it doesn’t work. And you begin to wonder whether the site is not working at all, or something is wrong with the Internet, computer, browser, or something else. It happens that in some countries or regions some pages are blocked (for example, sites with torrents). There are many reasons.

To figure out what's going on, the easiest way to start is to check whether the site is working. You can do this in several ways:

Checking the performance of the site in online services

I recommend using special services that will give you full information whether the site is currently accessible to other users. If the site is not available, you will be shown detailed information about why the site is not working.

The first service I would like to recommend is To check the status of a site, simply enter its address into the top window, which looks like a search box with a magnifying glass. Next, press ENTER and wait for the results.

An example of a correctly working website

When everything is fine with the site and it is working, the result looks like this, as shown in the screenshot below:

Let's decipher what it all means. The top block on a green background is a good sign.

  • "Server Status - UP"- indicates that the server on which the site is located is working.
  • - country where the site is located
  • "Response Time - 178.5 ms"- page response time.
  • "Http Code - 200"- indicates that the server serves the requested page without any problems, the page being checked exists on the site.

In the block "site Status Today" The dynamics of the availability of the address being checked is displayed hourly during the current day. If all columns are displayed in green, then the site was operating normally during the time displayed.

Example of a problematic site

We will show a demonstration of a problematic website using the example of, a well-known software for VKontakte that helped automate many actions. Unfortunately, recently both the software and the official support site have stopped working.

Below you can see what the picture looks like when checking a broken site. The difference is striking. The top block on a pink background indicates that there are problems.

  • "Server Status - DOWN"- the server does not respond.
  • "Country - Russian Federation"- country where the site is located
  • "Response Time - 0 ms" And "Http Code - 0"- they don’t talk about anything. This is a consequence of the server not responding. This most likely indicates that the domain was recently disconnected from the server it was linked to, but has not yet been linked to a new server.

Also, to be on the safe side, you can use other similar services, for example, But, in my opinion, it is less informative, although it will also diagnose performance.

Another option to check if the site is working

This is to make it online screenshot, for example, using the service Similarly, you need to enter the address of the page whose screenshot you want to receive. Screenshots are not always taken correctly this service, because the appearance of some pages depends on the operation of scripts, and this service, apparently, does not take into account the work of scripts when creating a screenshot. But nevertheless, if you managed to take at least some screenshot, then most likely everything is more or less in order with the page you are checking. If the error “The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found” or some other error appears, this means that the service cannot cope with the task, most likely due to the non-working state of the site.
