Why can't I add a place on Instagram? How to create and add a new location on Instagram

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Can't add location to Instagram posts. The problem is noticed if, when publishing a photo, the geotag is not added or is indicated inaccurately. There are several reasons for this:

1. GPS is turned off, the LBS method is used to determine the location. If your phone is not equipped GPS module or it is turned off, Foursquare will take location data from the Location-based service. In this case, location information is determined via the Internet, Wi-Fi, GSM, UMTS. The radius for determining coordinates can range from 50 meters to 100 kilometers. Solution - turn on GPS. If not, activate WCDMA or LTE. If all else fails, select the location manually.

2. Account blocked on Foursquare. A very rare error that appears if your profile is in social network Foursquare is blocked due to violations of service rules. This can happen if you publish photos with inappropriate content. The solution is to register on Foursquare using a different email.

3. Check your internet connection. Perhaps the connection speed does not allow you to upload a geotagged photo or the Internet is not active at all. Solution - turn on network access, change the access point, or try logging into Instagram later.

Undoubtedly, you have already come across users on Instagram who constantly post photos from locations with strange names “My den”, “Shelter”, “My favorite place”? You just have to be happy for your friends, because they have a good imagination. Maybe it's time for you to rename your apartment something more exotic. You will learn later in this article how to add a place on Instagram.

Why add geolocation?

In fact, the ability to add a geolocation is not only a way to somehow original name your home apartment and demonstrate to everyone your wonderful sense of humor. What if you just opened a coffee shop or beauty salon?

“If you are not on the Internet, then you do not exist,” says a wise thought of the 21st century. Imagine, your future customers will want to take a photo and post online a delicious lavender latte from your coffee shop or show off their new manicure as quickly as possible. And there is nowhere to check in - this location does not exist on Instagram. You can say goodbye to organic advertising and new customers. That’s why it’s worth reading about how to add a place on Instagram.

A little trick: we go around using Facebook

Previously, there were no difficulties with how to add a new location on Instagram: the location could be “invented” immediately when posting a photo. However, then this function was removed from Instagram for some reason. But she remained on Facebook.

First of all, make sure that your Instagram account is linked to your Facebook account. If not, now is the time to do it. After all, we will create the location there.

Next, you need to make sure that location services are turned on on your phone. Otherwise, you won’t be able to add a place on Instagram or create a new one on Facebook: your smartphone simply won’t be able to determine where you are.

How to add a location on Facebook: detailed instructions

So, you have enabled geolocation and downloaded the Facebook application to your phone:

  1. Log in and open the feed.
  2. Facebook will immediately ask you, “What are you thinking about right now?” But you should not be interested in the post itself, but in the question located just below: “Where are you?”
  3. Feel free to click and start writing the name of the location - Facebook will offer you to choose from those already available. Ignore its prompts and continue to enter the name of a non-existent location: if no matches are found, the list will be reduced to just one item - “Add a new location”.
  4. After pressing the appropriate button, the system will ask what kind of place it is and will offer you to select one category out of forty available - starting from the “Home” option and ending with “Environmental Service”.
  5. Then it will be the turn of the question to clarify the location. You will need to indicate the city or click the option: “I’m here right now,” if this is actually the case.
  6. And finally, you will see a page on which you will need to make a final decision: you will once again have the opportunity to edit the name of the location (you can even add a photo to it), change the category, clarify the address and zip code, and check the location on the map.
  7. If you are happy with everything, click the “Create” button in the upper right corner.

Let's return to where we started: how to add a place to Instagram

Have you forgotten why we took so long to create a new location on Facebook? Now you can open Instagram and see if our newly created geopoint is displayed there. If you did everything correctly, it should appear in the drop-down list. Now you can mark this location in photos.

Please note that your new location will be visible not only to your friends and subscribers, but also to all Instagram users in general. This is quite good for business, but not very confidential, for example, for home. But if you are ready to put your home address on display for everyone to see, then it’s okay.

You know how to add a place on Instagram, which means that if you get tired of it or cease to be relevant, you can change the display settings and make it available only to you.

About the influx of subscribers after marking a location

Be prepared for the fact that a mark in a certain location often acts like a red rag for small business owners. It is guaranteed that after each mark you make on the map, you will receive several likes from unknown sources and several new subscribers, either wanting to get you as a client, or subscribing to everyone.

To be honest, it’s rare that someone really interesting signs up for you this way. This situation looks especially comical: you travel, take a photo in a foreign city or even in a foreign country, mark it on the map - and one of the local entrepreneurs immediately subscribes to you offering their services, without even understanding where you are from.

If you are the owner of a local business, first of all, take care not only of how to add a new place to Instagram, but also the quality of your offline services - and then you won’t need to track people by location on Instagram, because word of mouth will work.

Instagram on at the moment is enough popular social. network. Millions of people post new photos every day, receive likes, etc. Most users want to become popular, but not everyone knows how to achieve fame. Many people use only one method: insert a hashtag under the photo. This way, your photos will be seen by everyone who types this hashtag. However, there is a lesser known method. For example, insert your location.

By entering your location, your photo can be easily found. Some people prefer not to indicate their location, but this will not make your popularity worse.

C vet location.

Geolocation is optional on Instagram, so most phones don't automatically enable it. However, not every user knows what needs to be done so that anyone can find out where the photo was taken. The Instagram application is easy to use, but beginners often have a hard time.

Instagram location comes in two colors: blue and grey. Unknowing users begin to wonder what the difference is between these colors.

The location is marked in blue if it is set automatically. If the photo was taken in a restaurant, library, etc. Gray marks the point created by the user himself. The user can name the place in which he is located in his own way. Such a point is registered by the user, so it cannot be marked in blue.

Not all users care what color the geolocation is marked with. However, the question remains: how to specify a location on Instagram?

Instagram location.

The photo is filtered, the description is ready, etc. All that remains is to send the photo. But first you need to decide on the location. If you want to set a geolocation, you need to add a photo to the “photo card”.

If you indicate your geolocation for the first time, the application will automatically warn you that the location of the photo will be visible to all users. You need to click the checkbox to confirm your consent. Next, you will be asked to name the location you are in.

After this, you will see a window in which you need to select a suitable name for the place. To perform this action, you just need to decide which name you want to choose. Next, you need to click on the appropriate name and send a photo.

But it happens that the location is not found or you want to give your name to the place. To do this, select the field: “Create your own location.” After that, enter the name you like in the field. The specified location will immediately appear in the list.

A suitable geolocation has been selected. What to do next?

Once the location is determined, the app will automatically redirect you to the previous page with a photo and caption attached. There will be only one change: you will see the attached location.

If the photo, signature and everything else suits you, then the photo can be sent to the network.

Deleting a photo from a photo card.

As soon as you delete a photo from the “photo card”, the location automatically disappears. In a photo map, the location is saved using GPS, but when deleted, the information is erased. If you want to return the geolocation, you will have to re-upload the publication.

By using a hashtag and location, your photos can be easily found by anyone. These features allow you to make your account popular. Also, anyone can see the places you visit.

Post photos, share posts with friends. Delight your subscribers with your impeccable photos!

Sometimes, to promote your business or to understand certain points, you need to point to a point on the map. This point will be called a coordinate, and information about its location will be called geodata. Geolocation is the point on the map where a particular object is located, or where the photo was taken. Geodata includes any information related to the location of something. This could be your cat who got lost, your car in a traffic jam, or the place where you will go, or most likely not, on vacation this year. Let's look at how to create geolocation on Instagram.

Who needs these geolocations?

Geolocation on Instagram, in principle, is needed by all advanced users. With their help, you can mark your “cave”, place of work, favorite establishment, and so on. This feature will also help you promote your business through. In the comments to the posts, questions constantly pop up about where this or that photo was taken, as if they want to go there too. This is exactly what the owners of public places use: visitors take a photo on the spot, and then, as if recommending the establishment, they publish the post. But potential buyers If they can’t guess what place is in the photo, they either need to ask, or the account owner needs to indicate a geotag to the description. But this is extremely inconvenient, since, firstly, you need to find out the address of the establishment, and secondly, write it constantly for each entry.

In order not to constantly enter a point on the map, not to respond to the same type of comments like: “Where were you in the photo?”, they came up with geolocation on Instagram. Each user can create their own point and attach it to a post. Having visited some interesting place, attach a photo of him to the description with his geodata, and any Instagram user will see it! Moreover, he will be able to open it on a map in his smartphone and get there using Explorer. This is definitely convenient for authors who are interested in writing about certain places, as well as for owners of commercial enterprises, because by taking a photo with them, the author can indirectly advertise it.

Who needs to create a location on Instagram?

As mentioned above, for those interested in promoting their business, this will not only allow visitors to advertise the establishment, but also find it in the “Where Are You” list. With the help of a geotag, the establishment will become more recognizable, and active Instagram users who live nearby will learn about the place.

How to add a place on Instagram?

Adding a point on the map to a post is not that difficult, but to do this you need to have straight arms, well, at least not crooked claws. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, Facebook once bought Instagram for $1 billion (not bad for a gallery) and now all the main Instagram nodes are indirectly or directly connected to Facebook. So location is also connected. To add a new geolocation on Instagram, you must first create it on Facebook. If this point has already been created by someone, then a face book is not needed to attach it. The application for Android and IOS is freely available through the company's application store, and it is from there that we download it. This is how you can use a computer or mobile browser, but using a mobile phone is probably the easiest way to do a geolocation. Let's get started.

Adding a new point on the map via the Facebook application

After downloading the application, register a new account or log in to an existing one. It is noteworthy that it does not matter at all from which page this action will be performed, the location will remain even if it is blocked. But for aesthetics, it’s better to take a normal page. Immediately on the main screen, click on the “Where are you” button; if it is not visible, then first on “What are you doing?”, and only then “Where are you”.

After this, a list of places near you will appear (if it does not appear, scroll down to see the solution). Enter the name you need and at the very bottom click on “Add “…”.

That's all, the geopoint has been added, and it can be actively used on both Facebook and Instagram.

Why is location not detected on Instagram?

If the location is not determined, then the problem is either in the geosensor or in the smartphone settings. Try restarting your smartphone, check your Internet connection. But this is all clear for the squirrel. The main problem with adding a point is incorrect setting smartphone. Usually everyone has location detection turned off to save energy and Internet traffic, and just so that no one knows where I am. But in this case, the right to determine the location for Instagram and Facebook is mandatory! Let's figure out how to allow this to be done on Android and IOS.

How to enable location on Android?

To allow Facebook and Instagram to find out your location on Android, you need to go to the device settings. Go to the bottom of the settings to the “Personal Data” section and open “Location”. In this window, activate the slider at the top right. The data is now enabled. You can see a list of applications that collect this same data. Be sure to allow Facebook and Instagram to read it.

How to enable location on iOS?

On iPhones, iPods and other mobile devices Apple devices Enabling location is enabled in settings. Having opened them, look for the “Privacy” item and open “Geolocation Services” in it. Turn them on by clicking on the slider. That's it. Before you start adding a point, make sure that the permission is activated in parallel with the Instagram and Facebook applications. If not, then activate it.

Adding a point to Instagram

After creating a geopoint on Facebook, you can easily add it to a post on Instagram. This can be done to all users and an infinite number of times. Before publishing a post, add a point by clicking on the corresponding button. Among the list of establishments, type in yours and choose. Write exactly as you wrote when creating it, because the slightest mistake will not show up through the search. By the way, a point on the map can be added to the profile itself, and not the post. This is done in the settings. Especially useful for accounts of enterprises and various establishments.

Location on Instagram

Latest news: your own geolocation in blue is now available on Instagram from July. Pick up a lesson:

Today, no one everyone wants to make points of their lives. Mark the places where you have traveled, these are new countries or restaurants. Unusual picturesque nature or street art urban of your city. And you may have to come back again, but you need to understand where. Or simply mark your home. And call it your own.

Let's look at geolocation and the main questions that are asked online about location on Instagram. But first I would like to especially mention a service called SocLike.ru. Using this site http://soclike.ru you can quickly promote your Instagram account, gain live, active followers according to specified criteria (country, city, interests, hobbies), and also attract thousands of likes to your photos. Use it!

How to set location on Instagram

If location tagging does not work on your Instagram, the first thing you need to do is double-check that everything is configured correctly. Let's go to settings-privacy-location services.

Of course the slider should be green and turned on.

And in the list (in the same place) of all applications we look for Instagram, and also set the green slider to enable it.

If everything is correct here, let's go to Instagram. We set everything up as usual: filters, comments and posting to other social networks. And tap on the Add a map to photo slider.

How to create a geolocation location on Instagram yourself

Or people are also looking for something like: how to create a place on Instagram, a location on Instagram yourself.

In most cases, location service navigation is simply not enabled.

And it happens that on Instagram the location is named or selected from the list, and is not determined on the map. This is normal, here again you need to check in and first enable the geolocation in the settings.

So. We name the place. This could be a list of nearby places - Find places nearby that were given by geolocation or your own name. I will name, for example, my house with a smiley face. It should be taken into account that if I place this point, it will be visible to everyone who will see it in the future (not only on your Instagram) when they also create a place somewhere nearby.

How to name your house in a cool way on Instagram

Isn't it surprising frequently asked question from Russian Instagram users. What a cool name to give your house. Of all the subscriptions that I have, I have only met a couple of people who named and fired their houses. Of those that come to mind, they called their houses, ‘visiting a fairy tale’, Lizard Bloom and the Queen of Spades’ Rookery. Most of them simply wrote the address and house number, just the word home or ‘home sweet home’. One of the people called his work - home. It looked cool, knowing how much time people spend at work. Options from the ceiling:

You can use your imagination and figure out what associations the word Home evokes. In general, calling the house unusual is more for young people as entertainment. Older adults usually do not put it at all, but indicate places they have visited outside the home.

How to make geolocation blue

This is perhaps the most frequently asked question. And they ask and ask) To make life easier for both myself and you, I made a video tutorial. But it’s closed, because there are still secrets that should be “only for our own people,” so I decided to make a VIP lesson. There is a solution for both iPhone and Android. You can add a point in any country in the world. Except for places where Instagram is not usually used, like Antarctica and some African countries. This is especially useful when you come back from a trip and need to indicate points in the countries and cities you visited. The problem will be solved. Take the video lesson for yourself.

How to add a place on Instagram and why this process is not always simple. We will talk about this and much more today, but first, let's understand a little terminology.

What is what

Geolocation, geoposition, geodata, location, geotags, geotags - and how not to get confused in all this? In fact, everything is simple, as they say, let's learn the materiel)

Geolocation (geolocation) on Instagram is a process determining the specific location of a person, the accuracy of which depends on the technology used. For example, determining geodata based on network data (towers cellular communications) is not very accurate, but GPS allows you to determine a specific point with an accuracy of up to a meter.

Geodata is precisely the information about the location of a person or device.

Geotag (geotag) on Instagram - this is geodata, but in encrypted form. An inscription or hashtag with the name of a place can be considered a geotag.

Where can I enter geodata?

Before spending time reading the article and searching for what you need in it, let's figure out what exactly you need to do. If you are looking for:

  1. How to add a place on Instagram to a photo when publishing a post, then read on, this is exactly what we will talk about - it’s actually very simple!
  2. If you have already tried to add a location, but did not find it in the list, then you are in for a not very simple process. We wrote very detailed instructions about how to add a place to Instagram yourself. We warn you right away A Facebook account is required in this case!
  3. If you want, you can find an article about it here.

Add a place to a photo

When a photo is uploaded to Instagram, you can apply filters, add a description or hashtags, and add a geolocation. In most cases, it is enough to enter the first three letters of the name of the place and options for selection will appear.

Try typing the name of the place in Russian and English(relevant for the names of some cafes and restaurants). If you still can’t find a place, you will need to create it yourself via Facebook. In this case, the name can be anything at all, even non-existent.

Please note that location detection must be active on your mobile device. You can check this in the settings or in the quick access panel.

Geolocation on Instagram is available not only for new photos or videos. You can attach a place to any previously published content.

May also be useful:

  • How to disable geolocation?
  • How to search by geolocation?

To do this you need:

  • Select the post for which you would like to add a geolocation on Instagram. Click on the three dots and then “edit”;
  • Next, select the desired location from the drop-down list and click on the “checkmark”.

I didn't find the right place on the list

After Facebook bought Instagram, the process became much more complicated. Previously, this could be done in just a couple of clicks. And now...

To create a geolocation on Instagram, you will have to carry out some procedures with Facebook account. If you are not registered on a social network, you need to do this. Creating a profile is possible through the official website or application for mobile devices running on Android platform and iOS.

Before adding a geolocation to Instagram, log in to Facebook and create your own location there, after which you can add it to Insta. The name of the location can be anything: from a link to a website to a non-existent address.

So, to create and add a location to Instagram, do the following:

Go to Instagram, click “What’s new with you” and then “Mark a visit”

That's all!

After that, you can add a new place on Instagram. When adding a photo, click on the button to determine the location and enter the name of the place you created in the search bar.

Can't add a place

Sometimes Instagram does not detect location on mobile devices. The most common mistake is turning off the geolocation function on a smartphone or tablet.

If you see such a message, it means you definitely need to allow the application to access your location.

If such a notification does not appear, you need to do it manually.


To do this, go to “Settings” - “Applications”, look for Instagram, then go to the “Application Permissions” item and in the “Location” item move the slider.

Who doesn’t know, this is an application that is gaining wild popularity among all segments of the population in all countries.

People share their news or simply beautiful publications with the whole world.

  • You can select your location from the list provided under the “specify location” button. Places located near your geolocation will be listed here: city, region, specific establishments.

  • You can click on the inscription “specify a place” and enter the desired data, any place, not necessarily located near you, and click on it.

  • At the top of the post, under your Instagram handle, will be the location you specified.

If you've already posted your post, adding space to it won't be a problem. Just click on the button in the form of three consecutive dots at the top right of the publication and select “Edit” in the menu that appears.

In the field where the location should be located there will be the inscription “Add location”. Then all you have to do is click there and select one location from those listed or enter your own data.

You can attach your geolocation to History (story) as follows:

  1. Take a photo, shoot a video, or add something from the gallery.
  2. On the top toolbar, click on “Stickers”, which are a smiley face in a square.
  3. Select the place you are interested in from the list of “geodata” and click on it, then place it in history.

How to create a new place on Instagram

Adding geolocation via Facebook

Unfortunately, creating your own tag on a social network is not possible. But this can be done using .

First you need to synchronize the accounts of these social networks. This can be done by going to settings in personal profile Instagram.

Click on “Account”, then “Linked Accounts”. You will see a small list of social networks. networks, where you need to select Facebook and enter personal data.

After this, you need to go to Facebook and create a new entry indicating your geolocation, tap “Mark a visit.” The “Add a new place” item will appear, where you need to enter your coordinates (city, street, possibly house) and give your name to the place.

Now, by logging into Instagram, you can add a place created by you personally to your post.

Enable location on Android and iOS

You can enable GPS in your phone's settings.

GPS is a satellite navigation system that allows you to find the location of the smartphone owner.

On an iPhone, you need to go to “Privacy”, then select “Location Services”. Here you should enable or disable location detection, as for public access, and for individual applications.

The operating system has a similar algorithm. Android system. In the settings, you need to click on “Connections”, and then on “Geodata”, located at the very bottom of the list.

Here you can also monitor access to GPS in various programs.

Why the location may not be determined

Your smartphone cannot accurately determine your location or does not determine it at all?

There may be a number of reasons for this:

  1. Perhaps you forgot to turn on location services on your phone, then you just need to check the settings.
  2. If the location is not detected in any specific application, you should go to the geolocation settings or settings of the program itself and allow access.
  3. GPS services work primarily through the Internet. If you have it turned off or you are in some place with a poor connection: in a village, in nature, etc., it is not surprising that the location is determined inaccurately or not at all.
  4. You may have a power saving mode turned on, which disables the location feature on most gadgets.
  5. To more accurately indicate your geolocation, it is recommended to turn on the Wi-Fi network.

If the problem persists, try turning location data on and off and repeat the same with Wi-Fi and Airplane mode. And of course, don’t forget to restart the smartphone itself.

Geolocation on Instagram does not work - a problem that many users of the social network face. Permission to put your own address is an opportunity to tell the audience about the place where the publication was made. This way you can quickly attract clients for your business or let your friends know about your location. For this reason, the lack of an option to identify an address raises many questions. The article explains why the problem occurs and how to fix it.

There are many reasons for this failure. To resolve the issue, you should perform the following manipulations:

  1. Go to insta settings. Here you need to connect the social network with the Foursquare geolocation service. It collects data from numerous sensors on phones with GPS.
  2. The fact of connection to the network is checked.
  3. Application error. You can fix it by standard restarting the application.

If the device does not have GPS and LTE options, the exact location may be determined with an error of 100 km. The address shown is inaccurate if the resource fails. In this situation, you need to reboot. If there is no positive result, reinstallation will help.

Why isn't searching determined?

It is necessary to ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • Installing social networks on a smartphone;
  • Profiles on resources are active;
  • The procedure for linking accounts has been completed.

The creation of a geoposition must be carried out in FB. If Instagram does not search for a location, you need to follow the instructions:

  1. On home page portal, select the Where are you tab.
  2. The line contains the name of the place that will be added to the publication.
  3. For the name, you need to select a category from the proposed list.
  4. The address of the new location is written in the city input column.

After automatic detection, you need to click on the line I’m here. If the location does not appear, you should check the location detection activity in the settings.

I can't add a place on Instagram

If the location service is disabled on the phone, it is logical that the resource does not work and does not find the desired address and writes about it. Activating the location detection feature is easy. Instructions on how to proceed depend on the OS and brand of phone.

On iPhone

If Instagram does not see the geolocation, you can activate it using this method:

  1. The Privacy section on the iPhone opens.
  2. Click the Location Service item.
  3. The position of the sliders next to the list of FB and Instagram applications is checked.
  4. Next to the Insta social network, the lever should be placed opposite the Add to photo card item.

Additionally, you can create a GPS activity. This is special satellite navigation. It allows you to find the location of the owner of the phone and the owner of the social network account. Using the same scheme, you need to disable the ability to determine the address. A ban can be placed on access resources and on individual utilities.

On Android

Android users who are unable to assign a location will need to follow this procedure:

  1. Goes to settings.
  2. The checkbox is placed in the active position next to the item that shows the GPS address detection tool or network.
  3. After performing such actions, the location is activated in FB and shows this. You can go to Instagram.
  4. In this network, a video or photo is selected.
  5. In the publication details, you need to click on the address identification button.
  6. Next, the name indicated on Facebook is noted. It is displayed in the list of available locations.

After carrying out the manipulations, it is necessary to ensure that the location is confirmed. You can follow the same scheme if you want to provide GPS access to various services and utilities.

Why doesn't Instagram search for geolocation?

Reasons to indicate exact address There can be a lot under the publication in the application. The reasons for the failure must be found. The sequence of actions depends on this. Among the most popular problems and solutions to them are:

  1. Turn off and on determining the geolocation point under the photo. In half of the situations, this action solves the problem.
  2. Checking for inclusion mobile internet. This has a direct impact on the accuracy of the determined address.
  3. You can try to end processes on the social network. You should not minimize, but close Insta, and then start it again.
  4. Rebooting the phone helps. This action will be relevant if there is a failure in the operation of the resource. You can use a more radical solution - restarting the application itself.

If none of the above actions brings a positive result, you will need to reinstall the social network resource.

When solving problems associated with the inability to establish your own location, you need to check the quality of the Internet. If it is disabled or the user is in an area with low-speed traffic, you should not count on high quality connections. This is typical for cases when a person takes a photo in the countryside or in nature.

The failure occurs when the energy saving mode is activated. As soon as the owner of the phone activates it, the option that detects geolocation is disabled automatically. If the tips listed above did not bring a positive result, if Instagram does not find the geolocation or searches for a long time, you should reboot your phone.

How to add a geolocation to Instagram if this location is not found?

Automatic location detection is a standard option of the social network. Despite its popularity, users note the lack of the ability to add a place to the social network.

Often the problem manifests itself in the fact that the program does not find the required address. You shouldn’t immediately contact support and say, “I can’t set up the address.” In this case, you can add a geolocation manually. A person, when deciding how to indicate an address, performs the following manipulations:

  1. On the main Facebook page, select the What are you doing option.
  2. On this tab, Where are you is activated.
  3. The location in which the photograph was taken is indicated.
  4. Select the desired category from the list.
  5. The location is indicated.

Instagram may not see address tags for various reasons. After entering a new address manually, it will be saved in memory. The next time you post, the location will appear automatically.

Another fairly common reason is the lack of communication with FB. In this case, you need to check your profile activity on this social network. If available, you need to check the quality of traffic. Having set the required settings, you should restart the phone or reinstall the application.

Summing up

There are many reasons for the inability to add an exact or approximate address for posting a new photo or video. If you follow the recommendations presented in the article, enabling geotagging on the Instagram social network will not be difficult.
