What does a YouTube channel give? Is the game worth the candle? Why create a channel on YouTube and why am I writing on this topic? What is needed for a YouTube channel.

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is the most popular video hosting site that has many features. But most Internet users use the site only as an open storage for videos and films, without thinking about the fact that you can earn money on a YouTube channel - we’ll tell you how to do this in this article.

Advantages of the web service

  • You can upload a file in any format: OGG, avi, mpeg, DV, DivX, Xvid. The built-in converter converts the video to mp4 during video processing.
  • It is possible not only to import HTML code into the required site, but also to download the video. To do this, you can use third-party resources, since since 2011 YouTube itself has limited this right for users.
  • There is a rating system. While watching, you can leave a like under the post and give your rating, if the copyright holder has not prohibited this function.
  • You can leave a comment and also mark the video as favorites.

Video hosting has collected more than one billion users, which equates to a third of all people who have access to the Internet. At the same time, half of the audience prefers a mobile application.

What is the essence of YouTube channels?

Every person can create an account in Google mail, after which he automatically becomes a potential participant in the video exchange. From this moment on, it becomes possible to upload your video, give it a title and place it on separate page- channel. Why is this needed:

A channel created and filled with quality materials can become a support for business.

Instructions: how to make money on YouTube

The entire turnover process cash based on advertising. These are those annoying 10-15 seconds that precede the start of each video. Without such a resource, it would be unprofitable for the company to maintain the project.

To receive your first fee, you must:

  1. Registration and creation of your channel. Come up with a name for your page, develop a concept for all entries and update them regularly.
  2. Internal and external optimization rollers. These are necessary processes, without which your new products will not be included in the top search engine results.
  3. Collection of likes, reposts and comments. If in the first 12 hours you see a return, then you should not worry about the fate of the post, since behavioral factors begin to take effect - the desire to watch the video appears when someone has already appreciated it.
  4. You need to upload no more than 10 videos. This restriction is put in place in order to exclude attempts to dishonestly make money on other people's files. More on this below.

Gray channels on YouTube - what is it?

These are pages without author's content. The owners of such accounts go through the same stages, only instead of creating their own unique videos, they use others’ ones, slightly modifying them. Most often these are cuts of someone else's material. The main task of such projects is to decide on a topic, collect semantic core for relevant queries, and then optimize the page better than the source material in order to rank ahead of it in the results.

There are a number of disadvantages:

  • lack of your own brand, name;
  • possibility of getting a ban;
  • refusal of many companies to cooperate with such projects.

YouTube from a user's perspective

For a person, this video hosting is an opportunity free access to a lot of information. There are two ways to use the site:

  • Without any specific reference to the source. Free search can be effective, but not when the topic you are interested in has a narrow specialization.
  • Subscribe to paid channel in YouTube, which means a certain monetary contribution for the period of using the data - a subscription gives open access to information, and also notifies about a new video. This is true in cases where the page is filled with 100% unique and useful content.

Create your own channels and take advantage of all the features of YouTube.

Hello to all aspiring YouTubers and video bloggers.

Vasily Blinov is in touch and today I am starting a new large section on the blog dedicated to the development of the channel and making money on YouTube.

We will analyze YouTube from A to Z in an understandable language, so that everyone can figure out where to start and how to act.

A little background

For 2 years I have been working remotely, studying and creating various sources of income via the Internet, which I talk about in this blog. YouTube used to not be a priority for me until I uploaded several videos to it and saw that they began to bring me passive income.

You filmed and uploaded a video to your channel, users watch it, and you simply make a profit from it for the rest of your life. But it’s not enough to just shoot and upload a video; for the channel to start making money, you need to know at least the basics of video editing, channel optimization and marketing.

The development of the channel can be compared to the development of a regular blog, which I have been doing for 2 years now. If you look at the steps, then this is choosing a niche, drawing up a content structure, design, setup, etc. Today I will break it all down so that you understand a rough plan for working on your channel.

A good friend of mine, whom we met on the island of Bali in Indonesia in the winter of 2015, will help me write this free YouTube tutorial. Now he works as a YouTube specialist mainly on the foreign Internet and promotes channels with millions of subscribers.

I think his experience will be useful not only for beginners, but also for those who, as they say, have been living with YouTube for many years.

You can call these articles free training in the Internet profession “YouTube Channel Manager”. In remote work today, this is one of the most popular specialties.

Where do I start?

We will organize a small reality show “How to become a video blogger” with a full report in the form of educational content on this blog.

I won't start completely from scratch. As I said, I have a channel ( Video blog of Vasily Blinov), on which at the moment 35 videos were uploaded, most of which were “gray”, that is, I downloaded other people’s videos and uploaded them to my channel, some with copyright violations. I plan to get rid of them soon and leave only my original content.

Over the entire existence of the channel, he has accumulated:

  1. 35 videos.
  2. 56,206 views.
  3. 684 subscribers.

I monetized it, so it’s difficult to calculate income. Recently, due to my inexperience, I connected, which shows ads when watching videos, and I want to say that this is complete nonsense. In this way, you can earn something only with millions of views.

In general, displaying such advertising, which many consider the only way to monetize, costs almost last place. Why? I will tell you about this in a separate article about how to make money on YouTube and monetize videos.

I’ll start with such a mess on my YouTube channel.

The biggest problem that stops

The biggest problem in starting to shoot videos on a channel is not the technical ability to set everything up, but the psychological one. Many people, including me, are afraid of the camera. You seem to know everything what to say, but when you turn on the recording, an emptiness forms in your head.

I had approximately the same situation when I started writing this blog, only in terms of writing articles. It was not possible to write even 2 lines, but then, with daily actions, it began to get better and better. At least that's what I think.

Now I calmly write 3-4 articles a week and publish them. With video, I have no doubt it will be the same. The more you try, the more you will succeed. Thoughts will be formed correctly, speech will be structured, etc., maybe you will have to take some courses or trainings on this topic.

If anyone has the same problem, be sure to write a comment on this article.

Step-by-step YouTube channel development plan

Lack of a plan is the reason why 99% of newbies fail. There is no idea where to start, how and what to do correctly, etc. Like a ship at sea that does not know where to sail. As a result, you seem to be doing something, floating somewhere, but there are no results. Therefore, we will work on it.

The whole process can be roughly divided into 9 stages:

  1. Selection and analysis of the channel topic.
  2. Finding ways to monetize videos.
  3. Drawing up a content plan.
  4. Creating and setting up a channel.
  5. Decoration.
  6. Video recording and editing.
  7. Track results.
  8. Promotion and advertising.

The main thing, I think, when fulfilling all these points is to find your style and develop your strategy. Of course, everything you do at first will be similar to someone else. But this is not scary, this is the law of nature, since childhood we copy everything we see and hear. He took it there, took it there, and eventually gave birth to something unique.

Let's now look at each stage separately and what it consists of.

Stage 1. Choosing a niche and analyzing the channel topic

  • Exploring channel themes.
  • Selecting several topics on which you will shoot a video.
  • Analysis of the topic you have chosen, whether it is interesting and relevant to YouTube viewers.
  • Determining your target audience.
  • Studying your competitors.
  • Drawing up an approximate structure of your niche.

Stage 2. Monetization

Some will say that you don’t need to think about making money at all at first, but I don’t think so. The success of any project depends on how much money it brings in. The more it brings, the more desire the authors have to make high-quality and useful content for your viewers.

  • Learn all the ways to make money on YouTube.
  • Finding something to monetize your niche with.
  • View ways to earn money from competitive channels.
  • Compiling a list of affiliate programs on your topic.

Stage 3. Content plan

  • Learn how to create a content plan.
  • Compiling a list of at least 100 ideas for videos.

Stage 4. Creating and setting up a channel

  • Creating a channel on YouTube.
  • Setting it up correctly.
  • Channel optimization.

Stage 5. Registration

  • Order a YouTube header design or design it yourself.
  • Learning the methods and secrets of designing video intros.
  • Order video design templates from designers or create them yourself.

Stage 6. Video recording and editing

This is generally a separate topic that requires constant development and improvement.

  • Learn to shoot live video.
  • Learn to make screencasts (video from the screen).
  • Learn how to do at least a simple editing of captured videos.
  • Selection and purchase of good equipment.

Stage 7. Video upload and optimization

  • Learn to upload videos to the channel.
  • Study video optimization (collecting requests, creating catchy titles, tags, descriptions, etc.).

We definitely won’t be able to get by with two articles on this section.

Step 8: Track Results

  • Learn how to do monthly digitization.
  • Understand YouTube analytics.

Stage 9. Promotion and advertising

  • Explore free and paid methods promoting your YouTube channel.
  • Allocate a monthly budget for advertising.


Here, friends, is a rough work plan, which I will discuss in detail in separate articles on this blog. To make sure you don't miss anything, you can subscribe just below the article or at the top right of the side column.

I want to say that in order to check whether this is your business or not, you need to shoot and post at least 100 videos on the channel. Many guys will shoot 1-2 videos, see what doesn’t work, and give up on it. So, of course, nothing will be achieved. You need to try, try and try again.

I will continue to add to the list of points for each stage; at the moment, I think I haven’t been able to write down everything, what needs to be done and where to start.

The next article will be like, in which I will collect everything possible questions and answers.

Thank you for your attention. Leave comments and ask questions of interest that need to be discussed as part of the section about YouTube.

Why create a channel on YouTube?

For many, the answer to this question is obvious and they are only looking for answers to the questions - "HOW?"

“How to create a channel?”, “How to set it up correctly?”, “What type of channel to choose?”, “How to upload videos and make descriptions correctly?”, how, how, how...

I will definitely share my experience on the “how” of a variety of issues.

In the meantime, let's decide on an important question "FOR WHAT?".

WHY do you need a YouTube channel and how can it be useful for you?

There may be many reasons for this, but I will highlight FIVE main areas:

  • earn money on the videos themselves (there is different options and we'll look at them later)
  • use video to attract clients or visitors to your site
  • use video to promote your brand
  • YouTube channel like storage for your videos that you post on other resources (for example, on your blog)
  • use video channel for personal purposes(for example, upload a video with the ability to view it only via a link and use it as a video album for friends and family)

The list goes on.

If you are interested in at least one item from the “WHY” list and you don’t yet have a video channel on YouTube, then maybe it’s time to create one

And now I will answer another question.

WHY I write on the topic of creating a video channel and promoting videos on YouTube

It seems that a lot of articles have been written on this topic and video lessons have been recorded. Why another post and another video lesson on this topic.

Hmm, my answers are incredibly simple.

  • Despite the fact that there is a lot of information on this topic, my video editing Clients and my friends from time to time ask different questions on YouTube and I often have to tell the same thing. Therefore, for me this is a great opportunity to record once and provide a link to the post and video lesson.
  • With the creation of this site, I created a new video channel and I will have the opportunity to tell and show on a fresh channel what and how to do, given personal experience and your mistakes.

HOW to create, set up and promote a video channel on YouTube

On the blog and video channel I will share my experience in creating, setting up and promoting videos.

All materials on this issue will be collected on a separate page

And those who do not want to spend their precious time studying, reading and setting up themselves can order a paid one (consultation on setting up or setting up your channel)

Why do you need a video channel on YouTube?

Share your experience and ask questions in the comments.

Hello guys. Outside, summer is in full swing, without stopping from work (it’s great when you can take it with you), we are planning a new trip and 2 rafting trips with friends in our native Perm region.

In the previous article, we looked at you step by step, and today we will start directly creating our own YouTube channel and then setting it up.

Let me clarify right away that without a Google account, you will not be able to create a YouTube channel. If you previously registered and created a single Google account, then in order to create your channel, you need to log in to it. In this case, you can skip the instructions for creating a new account and go to the “How to create a YouTube channel” section of the article.

Well, for those who are completely new, let’s start one by one.

How to create a new Google account

Step 1

Let's go to www.youtube.com and in the right corner click the blue “Login” button.

Step 2

In the login window that opens, click “Create an account.”

Step 3

We fill out the standard form, all the necessary data to create a new profile.

In the questionnaire you can use your email address, it is not necessary to create a new one in the Gmail.com system. For example, my account was created using my email address.

You also don’t have to fill in the phone number, but in the future, so that all functions are available ( official affiliate programs, etc.), YouTube will still ask you to enter and confirm the number. So it’s better to use your number right away.

I also recommend that after creating an account, you do double authentication via SMS, then no one will be able to access your profile with all Google services, including YouTube.

Watch the video instructions.

How to create a YouTube channel

Creating a channel is even easier.

Step 1

Return to www.youtube.com, in the left column, click on the “My Channel” tab and you will see a window for creating a new channel or go to “YouTube Settings”.

And in the very first settings tab, click “Create channel”, there are two buttons there.

Step 2

A window appears in which you need to write what your channel will be called.

There are 3 options for naming the channel:

  1. If it’s a personal channel, then leave your first and last name.
  2. You can name the channel after your project.
  3. Sharpen under target search query. I talked about this in an article about how to choose a theme for your channel (link will come later).

In any case, you can change the name of your channel in the future.

All! Congratulations! You have created a completely empty new channel on YouTube. Now I’ll look at how you can create a second channel and basic account settings, and in subsequent articles we’ll look at setting up the channel itself ( appearance, optimization, design, etc.).

How to create a second channel

You can create multiple channels on one Google account. To do this, you need to go to “YouTube Settings” again.

You will see instead of a button where it was simply written “Create a channel”, a button “Show all channels or create a new one” appears.

Let's look at the necessary account settings

For those who have created a new Google account, let's look at the account settings, do not confuse them with setting up all the functions of the channel itself. We will set up the channel itself, as I already said, later, everything in order so that you don’t get confused.

So, let's go again here, where we clicked the "Create channel" button.

On the left are the settings tabs.

General information

In this section, you can later change the channel name, password, view all your channels and create a new one.

By clicking on the “Advanced” button, functions will open with which you can:

  1. Set channel URLs. (For example: https://www.youtube.com/c/Vasily BlinovBlog).
  2. Link the channel to your Google Plus page.
  3. See sites that have access to your account.
  4. Delete your channel.

Linked accounts

In the second settings tab, you can link your channel to a Twitter page, and when you upload new videos on the Twitter microblog, news about the added video will be automatically posted. Since I publish it manually in social media news about the video release, I have this function disabled.


Here you can configure which of your preferences will be shown to users and subscribers. You can hide which videos you liked, who you followed, and which videos you downloaded.

Hello, dear friends!

Currently, YouTube is the most popular video hosting site.

Its audience numbers several billion users from almost all countries of the world.

Such amazing success of YouTube was ensured by its accessibility, simplicity, and convenience. Here you can watch various videos, and also share links to your favorite videos on social networks.

If you also have your own channel on this hosting, you can upload your own videos and comment on other users' videos.

In this article I will tell you how to create your own channel on YouTube, and completely free of charge.

What is the channel for?

A YouTube channel is not only a means of communicating and exchanging data with other people, but also an excellent tool for promoting your business or attracting new visitors to your website or blog.

In addition, this is an opportunity to earn money, and quite well. You will be paid money for advertising. Your earnings directly depend on the number and time of views.

Selecting a topic

Before creating your own channel on video hosting, you first need to decide what its topic will be. Think about how you can interest users. This should be what you know best, what you, as they say, ate the dog.

It is quite possible that this is one of the most popular directions today:

  • Music videos;
  • Humorous sketches, shows, stand-ups;
  • Reviews mobile devices, video games, viral videos, movies and more;
  • Walkthrough of video games, video instructions;
  • Information, news videos and video blogs.

If you can bring your unique idea to life, then this will be your added advantage. By doing something that no one has thought of doing before, you can become famous!

Creation process

To add a channel:

You can also create a channel from your phone or tablet, following approximately the same instructions.

Setup and design

Click on the pencil icon at the top of the screen and select “Add Design” from the menu. The background for your channel can be a picture offered by YouTube, a photo from your Google Plus album, or a beautiful image downloaded from your computer.

Once uploaded you will see what your image will look like on different devices. Select “Auto Correction” at the bottom of the screen and adjust the settings.

Read more about channel design

Creating a second channel

You may ask: “Is it possible to create a second channel with a different name?” It is possible and very simple. This is done as follows:

The channel (or channels) have been created, now we can move on to setting them up and designing them.
