Basic parameters for choosing a Wi-Fi router. Wireless distance calculation WiFi power in different countries

A router, also known as a router, is a network device that allows you to choose the optimal direction of data transfer from the provider to computers, laptops and smartphones of users without wires.

The absence of wired communication means the transmission of information through electromagnetic radiation. Since routers operate at microwave frequencies, the question is completely legitimate - is radiation from radiation harmful? The results of some studies refute these fears, while others confirm them. Let's look at the arguments on both sides.

Why radiation from a wifi router can be dangerous

Descriptive reasoning is not as weighty as the exact specifications of the device in question. So let's look at the numbers. Wifi router operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency range, and the power of ordinary routers is ~ 100 μW. When exposed to this frequency on the cells of the human body, there is a convergence and friction of the molecules of water, fat and glucose, accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Such frequencies are provided by nature for the exchange of intracellular information between organs and systems of the body. Long-term, external influence on this range from wireless local networks can introduce dysfunction in the process of cell growth and division.

The harm of wifi radiation is exacerbated by the radius and data transfer rate. An excellent illustration of this fact is the enormous speed of transferring a large amount of information when downloading videos, photos and other data. In this case, the transmitting medium is air, and the carrier frequency is this very medium-wave frequency range. And, since our cells are able to transmit and receive energy at different frequencies, the negative impact of the frequency range of the router is quite acceptable.

Residents of apartment buildings may be affected by multiple routers installed in neighboring apartments. Brick walls and metal structures only partially reduce the range of the router, but do not completely delay its radiation. Add to this wireless Internet access points in offices, shopping centers, cafes. It becomes clear that a person is under the influence of radiation from a wifi router almost around the clock.

Moreover, many users do not turn off the wifi router even at night. Summarizing this information, we can conclude that our body is in constant struggle with this aggressive factor. Perhaps that is why even a night's sleep does not bring many full recovery of strength, and the immune system does not protect us well from many infections and viruses.

Is a wifi router really that bad?

Of course, you have to pay for the convenience of wireless Internet use. But health is too high a price. Is radiation from a Wi-Fi router so dangerous?

To assess the effect of this radiation on the human body, a special parameter was introduced, called the absolute optical power of the radiation. Its unit of measure is 1 decibel milliwatt (dBm). The average power of a mobile phone is 27 dBm, while the same value for a router is 20 dBm.

Further, the router is never located at such a close distance as a mobile phone. Usually it is 1-2 meters. Do not forget that the radiation power decreases in direct proportion to the increase in the square of the distance to the "culprit" of the radiation.

If, somewhere in the subconscious, anxiety still lingers because of this radiation, you can try to reduce the radiation of the router. Each of the devices for this purpose provides for signal strength adjustment. Few people pay attention to this function, and almost all users' routers, keeping the factory settings, are turned on at full power. By setting the transmitter power to 50%, 25% or even 10%, you can significantly reduce the radiation dose and coverage area.

And, following this operation with neighbors, you can reduce the level of exposure by tens and hundreds of times. Moreover, manufacturers often unreasonably overestimate the power of these devices to increase the number of sales.

Is it possible to protect yourself from the radiation of the router? Of course, the radiation of the router affects a person. But how great is the harm of Wi-Fi radiation, there is no definite answer yet.

But there are these numbers:

  • the signal intensity of a Wi-Fi router is 100,000 times weaker than that of a microwave;
  • radiation from two routers and twenty laptops is equivalent to exposure from one mobile phone.

If these impressive comparisons do not reassure the most inveterate skeptic, the following simple rules will tell you how to protect yourself from wifi radiation:

  • install routers at a distance of at least 40 cm from your workplace, and even more so do not sleep next to the included router;
  • turn off your access point if you do not intend to use the Internet;
  • Don't keep your laptop on your lap.

Technologies to protect against electromagnetic smog

The background created by electromagnetic radiation is called electromagnetic smog. Naturally, attempts are being made to protect oneself from all these pathological influences at once.

  1. Enterprising manufacturers have launched the production of wallpapers that can shield Wi-Fi radiation coming from neighboring apartments. You can buy them through foreign online stores. However, this particular product will interfere with the transmission of the Internet to other rooms within the apartment.
  2. Appeared on the health market New Product- corrector of the functional state of the organism (FSC). Among the wide range of products for this purpose, we offer a fabric blanket with carbon thread. The material for creating such bedspreads is a special bipolar fabric that can reflect electromagnetic radiation from computers, wifi routers, phones and other household appliances.

To summarize - the above information is based on 4 parameters that allow you to give an objective assessment of whether it is harmful wifi router for good health:

  • frequency;
  • power;
  • distance;
  • time.

Each of them works in favor of the theory about its negative influence.

And, although today there are no real facts that can confirm what exactly caused this or that disease, compliance with safety measures will not be superfluous. In addition, while humanity has no data on the impact of microwave radiation on future generations.

As it became known, the wireless Internet router uses the same radio frequency as the microwave oven. Thus, one can doubt the safety of this device, without which the modern life of people is impossible, equipped with information technology, gadgets and other things.

Basic information

A router or router used at home or in an apartment is a special network device that allows you to use the appropriate path regarding data transfer from a specific provider to a PC, smartphone, tablet or laptop.

Wi fi provides a wireless way to send information through certain electromagnetic emissions. So, how bad is Wi-Fi for human health, especially for young children? Given the fact that the wi fi router operates at a very high frequency, a certain portion of harm to human health is guaranteed. Similar conclusions can be drawn from some studies that confirm or refute this information. It is for this reason that you need to figure out what harm a Wi-Fi router has on the human body.

Danger of Internet Router Emissions

To establish what harm a wi fi router does, it is advisable to refer to the technical characteristics of this equipment. Wi-Fi router can function in a certain frequency range, namely at 2.4 GHz. As for the power of a standard home router, it is 100 microwatts. In the process of influence of the specified frequency on the human body, friction of molecules and glucose, as well as fat, is observed, which is accompanied by an increased temperature.

This frequency was created by nature in order to exchange certain information between the systems and organs of the human body. That is why a Wi-Fi router is harmful to human health, since prolonged exposure to a local network contributes to disruption of functions in cell growth and division.

The harm of the impact of a wi fi router is amplified by the speed, as well as the radius of the transfer of specific data. An excellent illustration of this fact is the huge transfer rate of massive information that occurs during the download of photos, music, movies, and various data. In this situation, air acts as the transmission medium. The harm of a Wi-Fi router can be significant, since the cells of the human body are able to receive and transmit energy at different frequencies.

If a person lives in an apartment, then many routers that are installed throughout the apartment building can affect him. Metal structures, brick walls - this is just a small barrier that reduces the radius of influence of a wi-fi router, but it is unable to completely contain the entire portion of radiation that is harmful to health. Do not forget that all offices, cafes and restaurants, clubs, institutions have wireless Internet access. That is why we can safely say that the harm of Wi-Fi radiation on the health of an adult child is carried out around the clock.

Basically, users do not turn off the wi-fi router even at night, so the body constantly experiences the negative impact of aggressive environmental factors. If we summarize this information, we can conclude that a night's sleep cannot bring complete recuperation, immunity weakens, so people often get sick. That is why Wi-Fi is especially harmful for young children.

How bad is wifi

Of course, you have to pay for wireless wi-fi in your own home. However, the health of young children and adults is too high a price! Is Wi-Fi so harmful to health or is it just another myth?

To correctly assess the amount of harm from a wi fi router installed at home, you can use special parameters, namely, the optical power of radiation. The unit of this parameter is 1 dBm. As for the power of phones, it is at least 27 dBm, the value of the Wi-Fi router is 20 dBm.

In addition, wi-fi cannot be as close to a person as a mobile phone. Most often, the distance is about one or two meters, which does not cause such severe harm to human health as from telephones. As for the power of wi-fi radiation, it noticeably decreases in accordance with the proportional increase in the square of the distance to the wi-fi router. In simple words, is wifi as harmful to health as a mobile phone.

Ways to reduce the negative impact

If you are worried about wi fi emissions, then there is a possibility in reducing the emissions from the wireless router itself. Every wi-fi device has a certain level of power, but this is practically ignored. Most Internet users do not interfere with the factory settings of the wi-fi device, leaving the highest power. If you set a different power on the sensor, namely ten, twenty-five percent or fifty, then the wifi router will not be so harmful.

Interesting information regarding wi fi devices:

  • 2 wi-fi routers and 20 laptops have the same impact as one mobile phone;
  • the signal intensity of such a device is one hundred thousand times weaker than that of microwave oven.

Ways to protect against such radiation:

  • if you do not use the Internet, you can turn off the access point;
  • fix the devices from the workplace at a distance of forty centimeters;
  • do not sleep with the router turned on.

Observing simple rules and recommendations, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from the negative impact of modern technologies that make human life much easier and more convenient. It is advisable to limit a small child from such influence at home, following these recommendations.

Whether Wi-Fi harms human health is of interest to many. Indeed, in the modern world, people cannot imagine their existence without the Internet.

In order to be able to use the worldwide network anywhere, it was invented wireless way data transmission, called Wi-Fi.

Now you can connect to the Internet wherever it is more convenient. But is it really that useful?

About wifi router

In order to distribute a communication signal, a special network device was created. It is called a router or a router.

Wireless data transmission and computer connection occurs with the help of radio waves. The principle of operation is similar to the operation of cell phones, radio stations.

The difference is that the Wi-Fi router operates at a higher frequency, which allows you to transmit and receive a large amount of information.

To use wireless communication, you need a router that has a built-in signal reception and transmission module. The same device must be present in the computer.

The router is connected to the Internet via a wire. When information is received, the device converts it into radio waves, which it transmits to the receiving device (computer or laptop). The PC module takes the signal and makes it digital. The same thing happens in reverse. It is worth noting that the router can distribute a signal to several devices.

However, when a signal is generated, a certain magnetic field is formed, which means that there is a certain radiation on a person. Therefore, sooner or later, any person has a question about whether there is any harm from Wi-Fi?

Why wifi radiation is bad for health

Any radiation in large quantities is harmful to human health. As for Wi-Fi, then the opinions of many scientists are divided. Someone argues that the constant exposure to such a signal disrupts the functionality of the body. And others say that he is rather weak, so there is very little harm from him. And who is right in this dispute, and which one actually harms wi fi?

The frequency of the router is 2.4 GHz. During its action on the human body, the molecules of water, fat and glucose begin to interact more closely, which leads to an increase in temperature. If this effect lasts for a long time, then irreversible processes are launched in the body.

Moreover, it is worth noting that electromagnetic radiation the stronger, the greater the area of ​​its influence and the speed of information transfer. So, for example, it happens at the moment of downloading some "heavy" file. In this case, the harm from the propagation of an electromagnetic field is much greater.

Wi-Fi waves act on urban residents almost constantly. After all, routers are now in almost every home, in various institutions, shopping centers. Many users do not turn off the device even at night, so the effect of radiation continues around the clock.

According to the results of some studies, doctors concluded that the wireless signal affects some body systems.

Organ systems:

  • Vessels of the brain. After the study, it was found that with prolonged exposure to such a signal, vasospasm occurs, problems with memory and concentration appear. However, it should be noted that the experiment was conducted with school-age children, and their skull bones are thinner than those of an adult.
  • Many doctors talk about the dangers of Wi-Fi for a child. However, there are no scientifically proven facts. But parents should pay attention to their child if he spends a long time near the computer, replacing them with live communication. In this case, to a greater extent, we can talk about the dangers of radiation not so much from the router as from the PC.
  • Another study was conducted using male sperm. It was noted that in a test tube that stood for some time near the computer while downloading files, twenty-five percent of the spermatozoa were dead. However, with repeated experience, when the Internet was connected via wire, the result was the same. Therefore, to say that wi fi is to blame is wrong. Rather, it is the general electromagnetic radiation that is to blame.

As you can see, there is no exact data that Wi-Fi harms the body. However, it should be remembered that the radiation, although small, is still there. Therefore, certain precautions must be taken.

How to reduce radiation from a wifi router

What can be done to ensure that the rays of the wireless Internet are safe for health? To do this, you must follow certain rules.


  • For home use, it is better to use wired Internet.
  • Wi-Fi router must be located at least forty centimeters from the workplace. By the way, if the device is located near neighbors, then the radiation from it is minimal.
  • Do not place your laptop on your lap during work, and do not turn off the wireless Internet function on your phone if it is not in use.
  • At home, the router should be turned off at night and at times when the Internet is not in use.
  • It is better to install the router in a non-residential area, so you can reduce the harm from radiation.

Most importantly, don't panic. After all, smart people are making a great profit on this, creating foil wallpapers and a cover with carbon threads that minimize the harm of wi fi. If you use wireless Internet correctly, it will not occur.

Wi-Fi Harm: Is It Dangerous?

At present, a person is surrounded by radio waves from any side. And people don't even think about it. The apartments have a TV, or even more than one, a computer and a microwave.

And this is the minimum. But there are also radios and cell phones. But at the same time, no one refuses these devices.

You should know that the power of a Wi-Fi router is 63 milliwatts, and that of a cell phone is one watt.

In addition, the mobile phone is located much closer to the human body than the router.

Certain harm from the radiation of Wi-Fi, of course, does, despite the lack of precise evidence. However, you just need to be careful. This is especially true for parents of small children, you should not allow them to be in a room with a router for a long time. Yes, and an adult needs to monitor the time of use of such devices.

Video: how harm is from fi fi

Wireless Internet routers or Wi-Fi modems use the same radio frequency as microwave ovens. Does this mean that Wi-Fi is dangerous to health?

There is a huge amount of information about this on the net. There are various reasons for this, the main one being that demand creates supply. And the demand, in turn, arises from the deterioration in the well-being of people, to which they are trying in every possible way to find explanations. The harm of Wi-Fi in some articles is confirmed by references to a bunch of studies, while in others it is argued and refuted with facts.

Of course, Wi-Fi clearly has some effect on health, because even the radiation from the monitor affects us. But the question is, how significant is this effect on the body, and is it worth paying attention to it at all? Therefore, it is necessary to consider this issue from two sides, and not immediately put forward a separate self-confident opinion.

Arguments that Wi-Fi is unlikely to be harmful to health

  1. Wi-Fi signal strength is about 100,000 times less than that of a microwave oven.
  2. The intensity of a radio wave, according to the inverse square law, like light, sound and the force of gravity, at a distance of two times from the source, drops by a factor of four. In other words, the signal level drops very quickly. Under normal conditions, the intensity of Wi-Fi is so low that it is not worth worrying about - it's just a part of "", which is also generated by radio and television signals, electrical cables, electric motors in household appliances, and the universe as a whole.
  3. Often, the wavelength of Wi-Fi signals (12 cm) is approximately the same as the cosmic background radiation (0.001 - 0.5 m) that affects us when we go outside. And this cosmic radiation also influenced our ancestors in stone caves, so we are partially ready for it.
  4. The electromagnetic spectrum includes waves from very long waves - radio frequencies, to very short waves - gamma radiation. In this case, the light visible to us is somewhere in the middle. We know that types of ionizing radiation with wavelengths shorter than light are generally dangerous. Examples include ultraviolet (UV) rays, x-rays and gamma rays. The ultraviolet portion of sunlight is, of course, also dangerous, which is why sunscreens were invented.

Waves of non-ionizing wavelengths, frequencies greater than those of light, are generally harmless. These include infrared rays, radio waves. With a frequency of 2.45GHz, Wi-Fi operates in the microwave range, which is also used by baby monitors and mobile phones.

Of course, it is possible to do dangerous things with radiation. The sun's rays with the help of curved mirrors can set fire to objects, the waves in the microwave oven, thanks to the magnetron and high power, boil water. It is even possible to use a high-pressure jet of water to pierce steel, but that does not mean that a person will die from taking a bath or standing under a fountain.

  1. The mobile phone is near the brain during a conversation, while the Wi-Fi router may well be in another room. And according to some estimates, a person receives a greater dose of microwaves from one 20-minute phone call than from a year of Wi-Fi exposure, the source of which is not right next to him.
  2. Twenty laptops and two routers are roughly equivalent to one mobile phone under standard usage.
  3. The World Health Organization, which has studied this topic in depth, says: “In the field of biological effects and medical applications of non-ionizing radiation, approximately 25,000 articles have been published over the past 30 years. Despite some opinions that there is still some research to be done, the scientific knowledge in this area is currently more extensive than for most chemicals. Based on a recent in-depth review of the scientific literature, the WHO concluded that data do not currently support the existence of any health effects from exposure to low-level electromagnetic fields. However, some gaps in knowledge about biological effects exist and need further research.”

Arguments that Wi-Fi can be a potential health hazard

  1. In the summer of 2011, the World Health Organization identified electromagnetic fields that come from Wi-Fi, a network mobile phones, radio signals, microwave ovens, and cordless home phones as "possibly carcinogenic" agents along with other things (eg coffee) for which evidence of harm is not yet definitively confirmed.
  2. There was a case where a female doctor noticed that her family members were experiencing sleep disturbances, heart palpitations, migraines, as well as general poor health, and it all started from the same week. These painful sensations continued. After eliminating all other possible causes, she turned off the router and they felt better. Luckily, they didn't live in an area littered with electromagnetic fields from wireless technology from nearby homes. Now, of course, the family uses a wired Internet connection and the health problems have not returned.
  3. There are a number of studies (2009-2014) on the effects of 2.4 or 5 GHz microwaves (Wi-Fi) on animals and humans, which confirm the negative impact on many bodily functions. According to their results:
  • the detrimental effect of radio frequency waves emitted from conventional Wi-Fi devices on the testes of growing rats was observed;
  • when using portable computers connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi, the mobility of human spermatozoa decreases and fragmentation of sperm DNA increases;
  • wireless network modulation (2.45 GHz) caused toxic oxidation of melatonin in rat mucosa;
  • as well as a huge number of other results, including effects on the autonomic nervous system, heart rate, brain and spinal cord, effects on the kidneys during pregnancy in rats, etc. All this can be seen in more detail.
  1. Being far from the source of Wi-Fi waves during its use is impossible in most cases. After all, even if the router is in a distant room, the device with which you use the Internet (laptop, tablet, smartphone) itself plays the role of not only a receiver, but also a transmitter of electromagnetic waves. Therefore, for example, even a smartphone in your pants pocket with always-on Wi-Fi creates an electromagnetic field near your genitals. And on them, the influence of Wi-Fi, as expected, affects one of the first queues.
  2. Children can have the strongest impact of Wi-Fi on the body. For example, a radio-controlled toy can bring no less harm, but its duration is negligible compared to a Wi-Fi source working in the house. It is believed that these adverse effects of wireless Internet may be manifested many years later.
  3. Installing Wi-Fi in schools began in Israel, several years have passed since then. In 2011, a commission in Europe issued recommendations to ban Wi-Fi and WLAN in schools, as they believe it could harm the health of students. Some countries have done just that. In Israel, there are lawsuits in which parents demand that this be done. And France generally introduced a ban on any kind of wireless connections in schools, incl. and mobile communications.
  4. There are the results of studies carried out on plants, for example, on watercress by schoolgirls from Denmark. Seeds affected by Wi-Fi did not germinate. By the way, Denmark generally holds the record for such evidence of the harm of electrosmog.
  5. No longer schoolchildren, but scientists from the same Denmark in the course of experiments proved the negative impact of Wi-Fi on the human brain and indoor plants. Although this is a dubious source. During their experiments, schoolchildren had to put a smartphone with Wi-Fi on under their pillow at night, after which the next day they experienced vasospasm and impaired concentration. But this sounds very subjective and not very convincing. In the second case, they noticed a clear disappearance of indoor flowers in the room where there was a router for wireless Internet.


Directly officially harming Wi-Fi, like any other similar sources of radio waves (mobile network, radio-controlled devices, Bluetooth headsets, home radio telephones, etc.) on a person has not yet been proven. Although a lot of research has been done on this subject, as a result of which, it seems, the harm of Wi-Fi was observed, but also often its absence.

The main problem is the willfully subjective results, in which, in the case of the presence of various negative consequences, the specific process of their manifestation was not substantiated. But also, everyone understands that usually there is no smoke without fire. Many people claim that they have experienced a general malaise, which is possibly caused by an electromagnetic field emanating from a wireless Internet source. Although there were many more cases when health problems manifested themselves in those living near antennas that provide mobile communications.

Children should be especially careful, as the impact of Wi-Fi on their health is most likely. After all, children are more susceptible to radiation than adults. Also, some tips can help to minimize the possible harm from this modern technology.

Wi-Fi Mitigation Tips

  1. Use a remote Wi-Fi antenna as a signal receiver and transmitter, and not the device itself. This is suitable primarily for users of stationary PCs that are not initially equipped with a Wi-Fi module. But it is unlikely that laptop owners will connect such an antenna, if almost all of these gadgets are equipped with an internal module for such a thing. And for tablet PCs and smartphones, this method is not rational at all.
  2. Try to make the most of cable internet without Wi-Fi. But tablets and smartphones are also left behind.
  3. If the Wi-Fi source is not yours, then in most cases it is located either at the neighbors or just in another room, and at the same time, Wi-Fi harm is minimal until you use it. For even more effective protection against its field, foil or other reflective material can be used. This is how the Faraday cage works. For the experiment, you can wrap a mobile phone in foil and if you can’t call it, then the experiment was successful. But there are also building insulation materials that include aluminum to retain moisture and heat. They too can help achieve the Faraday cage effect.
  4. Turn off the Wi-Fi source in the house when not in use, rather than leaving it overnight, as most do. Also disable the function responsible for its operation in their phones, especially when carried in a pocket. And it is highly undesirable to put a mobile phone under the pillow or very close to you during sleep, because even with the wireless Internet reception turned off, this has an adverse effect.

Of course, few people will be ready to sacrifice comfort for themselves in order to protect themselves from the possible harm of Wi-Fi. But it is worth taking measures to protect children from this. Especially do not allow a small child to stay in the room where the Wi-Fi router is located all day.

In any case, there are more serious health threats than Wi-Fi that we can influence. Poor quality food, bad habits, a passive lifestyle - they can have a much more negative impact.

Finally, you can watch a video where you can see the presence of radio emission near the router.

Of course, no one is usually closer than 30 cm to this device, but many people carry a phone with Wi-Fi turned on in their pocket or even sleep near it.

And is Wi-Fi harmful at all?

Doctors have been arguing about this for many years. And only schoolgirls from Denmark were able to clearly and quickly prove the harm of radiation.

They tested the effect of Wi-Fi on plant seeds. To do this, they first took containers with earth. And two of them were sown with ordinary watercress. After 12 days, sprouts sprouted in one of the bowls, which was out of Wi-Fi access zone. In the other, which fell into the zone, they never ascended.

The girls' work is approved by experts. They intend to continue their research in order to prove or, on the contrary, refute the conclusions drawn.

Wireless Internet is not as safe for health as it seems

We all know about the dangers of mobile phones, laptops, microwave ovens in terms of radiation. But they forgot about wireless Internet. It turns out that this type of Internet also has harm that affects our health.

It is very convenient to use WiFi wireless Internet in cafes, shopping centers, and even soon this function will be available in the subway. But few people know that wired (modem with wires).

Of course, the harm from the wireless Internet has not been completely proven, but it is known and proven that being in an apartment, a WiFi router has an impact on a person’s health. It may not appear right away, but over time it can make itself felt in the form of headaches, increased pressure for no reason, in some cases, the heartbeat quickens.

Also, wireless Internet affects memory, it can deteriorate over time. Radiation from WiFi routers can lead to the development of various tumors, gene changes (DNA damage) and of course, this type of Internet can contribute to premature aging.

A router, also known as a router, is a network device that allows you to choose the optimal direction of data transfer from the provider to computers, laptops and smartphones of users without wires....

I decided to prepare an article with tips on strengthening the signal of a Wi-Fi network. On the Internet, there are many different articles on this topic, but in almost every article, there are a lot of unnecessary information. More precisely, a lot of recommendations for some settings that have nothing to do with increasing the radius of the Wi-Fi signal and cannot in any way affect the range of the network itself.

If we are talking about strengthening the Wi-Fi signal, then of course we have to enter exactly the coverage radius of the network itself, that is, the range of Wi-Fi. For example: we bought a router, installed it, configured it, but in the most distant rooms Wi-Fi does not catch at all, or the signal level is too weak. Or, the router is installed on the ground floor (where there is a signal), and on the second floor, the signal is already very weak, or even absent. A common situation faced by many, but I myself have come across this.

What determines the range of a Wi-Fi network? A lot of different factors: from the router itself (number and strength of antennas), from the walls in your house, from the number of neighboring Wi-Fi networks, from the location of the router, some other interference, etc. Many people ask for advice on a router that, for example, will provide a stable Wi-Fi signal for a three-room apartment, a private house, and etc. In such cases, it is impossible to advise anything specific. Everyone has different conditions, different walls, etc. The only thing I can advise is to approximately focus on the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour house. If you have, for example, a one-room apartment, then even an inexpensive router with one antenna with a power of 3 dBi will cope with its task without any problems. Well, if you have a house, or a bigger apartment, then take the device more expensive. Although, the price is not always an argument. I have - dear, three antennas, some kind of Asus proprietary function, which increases the network coverage radius. So, under the same conditions, at the same distance, it shows the result not much better than that of the same. Which has internal antennas, and it is several times cheaper.

How to increase the Wi-Fi signal in the router settings?

If you have already bought and installed a router at your home or office, and Wi-Fi does not catch everywhere you need, then you can try to strengthen wireless network. How to do this, we will now consider. You can amplify the signal both using the settings in the router, and using separate devices and devices.

1 Search and change the channel on the router. If your devices see many networks of your neighbors available for connection, then all these networks can load the channel on which your network operates, and thereby reduce the range of the network.

You can try to set some kind of static channel in the router settings, or set it to Auto. Here you need to experiment. If you are not too lazy, then using the inSSIDer program you can find a freer channel and set it in your router settings.

I will not describe in detail, I just give you a link to the article. In it, I talked in detail about the channels, and how to find an unloaded channel. Also, there is an instruction for changing the channel on routers from different manufacturers.

2 We transfer our network to 802.11N mode of operation. As a rule, by default, on all routers, the wireless network operates in mixed mode b / g / n (11bgn mixed) . If you force the router to broadcast Wi-Fi in 802.11N mode, then this can increase not only the speed, but also the radius of Wi-Fi coverage (if your router has more than one antenna).

The only problem is that if you have older devices that do not support 802.11N mode, then they simply will not see your network. If you do not have old devices, then without hesitation switch your network to n mode. It is very easy to do this. We go into the settings of the router, usually at, or (for detailed instructions on entering the settings, see).

In the settings, open the tab where the wireless network is configured. They are usually called like this: Wi-Fi, Wireless mode, Wireless network, Wireless, etc. Find the item there Wireless network mode(Mode) and set in it N only. That is, the network only works in N mode.

For example: changing the wireless network mode on an Asus router

Save your settings and reboot your router. If you have problems connecting devices, then return the mixed mode back.

3 We check the transmission power in the router settings. On some routers, it is possible to set the power level wireless wifi networks. As far as I know, the default is maximum power. But, you can check.

IN Asus routers, these settings are changed on the tab Wireless network - Professionally. At the very bottom, there is an item " Tx power control". There is a scale that can be adjusted as a percentage. It looks like this:

On Tp-Link routers, open the tab Wireless - Wireless Advanced. Paragraph Transmit Power allows you to adjust the signal strength. High value means maximum power.

These settings are more useful if you want to, on the contrary, reduce the signal strength of your Wi-Fi router.

How to increase the range of a Wi-Fi network using additional devices?

1 Installing a repeater, or setting up a second router in amplifier mode. Of all the recommendations that you will see here, or even find on the Internet, this method is the most effective and reliable. True, you will have to spend money on a repeater.

Ordinary routers can act as a repeater. Here are instructions for setting up ZyXEL and Asus routers in repeater mode:

If your Wi-Fi does not "finish off" in some rooms, then installing a repeater will solve this problem. And if you have a house with several floors, then you can install a router on the first floor, and a repeater on the second. Excellent and working design.

2 Changing the antennas of the router to more powerful ones. If your router has removable antennas, then you can buy more powerful ones, and thereby slightly increase the coverage of your network. Why a little? Yes, because replacing antennas usually does not give a very good result. It is, but not such as to increase the radius by several rooms. In any case, you will have to spend money on antennas. And it seems to me that it is much better to spend this money on a repeater. Yes, it will cost more, but the benefits of it are much greater.

If you decide to change antennas, then take powerful ones with a gain of 8 dBi. But, they are expensive, and several of these antennas will cost as a repeater.

I already wrote, you can see the results.

3 Buying a new router, switching to 5 GHz. You can buy a more powerful, expensive router. And better, a router with support for the 5 GHz band. What is the advantage of the 5 GHz band? It is practically free, now most of all networks and other devices operate in the 2.4 GHz band. Less interference - more speed and more stable network operation.

There are places where the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network practically does not work. All the time buggy, the connection is lost, low speed etc. And all because there are a lot of different networks. In such cases, switching to 5 GHz solves all problems.

But network coverage in the 5 GHz band will be less compared to the 2.4 GHz band. This is a feature of the 5 GHz frequency.

1 Choose the correct location for your router. Actually, this is very good and effective advice. As a rule, everyone sets up routers at the entrance, or in some distant rooms. The correct location of the router will allow you to correctly distribute the signal, thereby increasing the range of Wi-Fi.

Simply put, you need to install the router as close to the center of the house as possible. Yes, this does not always work out, since you need to lay a cable to the router, and pulling it to the middle of the house is not very convenient. But, even minor movements of the router can increase the network level in the rooms you need. And also, you need to remember that walls are the enemy of Wi-Fi networks.

2 Homemade amplifiers for Wi-Fi antennas. You can find many instructions that show the manufacture of amplifiers for the router. As a rule, this is ordinary foil, and cans. It turns out that if you put a sheet of foil on one side of the antenna, then the signal will bounce off it and go in the direction we need.

I think it's all nonsense. Firstly, a cut can of beer, or a piece of foil behind the router does not look very nice, and secondly, there is practically no effect from this. You can check.

Here are some tips. I think you have found a suitable way for yourself to increase the range of your Wi-Fi network. Share your tips in the comments!

For many potential buyers the choice of a router for home conditions comes down only to affordable price and the number of gain antennas. After all, many users want the WiFi signal to be present in all rooms and work without failures. I wonder what IT experts think about this. From this article, the reader will learn how to choose in the market network equipment powerful wifi router. Recommendations, reviews and Feedback from the owners will help the buyer decide on the acquisition.

Drive, hold, watch and see

In the global and domestic markets, in 99% of cases, buyers have led to the fact that buyers purchase equipment that, in fact, does not meet the tasks set. This fact is discovered after the purchase, so most people just put up with it. Network equipment experts offer to look at buying a router from a different angle.

Many users unreasonably believe that main criterion, which has a powerful WiFi router for the home - range. Naturally, devices with antennas attract the attention of buyers. But few people pay attention to the packaging of the router, where it is written in black and white that the device works according to the international standard ISO IEEE 802.11. It turns out that for all routers the range is the same: 150 meters in direct line of sight and 50 meters indoors.

Violation of consumer rights

It is logical to assume that it is a router with a powerful WiFi transmitter that is responsible for high-quality signal transmission over a long distance. Naturally, in expensive devices Is there a “correct” controller, and in the rest a fake? There is something in this. Indeed, on the market, especially in the budget class, there are few routers that can boast of a signal strength that can provide a high-quality signal through several brick walls. Explanations are no longer required, cheap routers with great functionality and poor coverage do not comply with international ISO standards, which means that they violate the legislation of the country in which the implementation takes place.

Accordingly, the most powerful WiFi router that can be found on the market in the budget or corporate segment meets all the requirements. That's just the cost of such devices is too high and beyond the reach of many potential buyers.

Budget class resources

Devices presented in the inexpensive segment (up to 1000 rubles) are designed to organize wireless and wired local network within the premises with a total area of ​​​​not more than 100 m 2. High-quality signal transmission is guaranteed by the manufacturer only if there is only one barrier wall (similar to bearing brickwork). The representative of the inexpensive segment, a powerful WiFi router, is guaranteed to provide high-quality communication to all wireless devices within a radius of 25 meters for the 802.11n standard, or within a range of 50 meters for other technologies (a\b\c).

Experts recommend mounting a network device not near a computer, but placing it in the middle of a room (for example, in a corridor) for better coverage all rooms or offices. Do not install the router on the floor or attach it to the ceiling. The signal must have a field for reflection from surfaces, which means that the router must be placed at a height of about 1.6-2.2 meters.

Representatives of the inexpensive segment

In the budget class, there are not many devices that can really satisfy all the requirements of buyers. In addition to signal strength, users are also interested in functionality, so IT professionals recommend avoiding inexpensive Chinese solutions with hard-to-pronounce names (LioSan, Tenda, Netis) and trusting their choice with routers that have been proven over the years: TP-Link, D-Link, Belkin .

Any powerful WiFi router for the home from the budget class will provide the owner with the whole range functionality including excellent room coverage. Inexpensive devices are equipped with cheap wireless modules, so the signal quality directly depends on the placement of the router in the room. Experts recommend paying attention to the following devices when choosing: TP-Link TL-WR720N, Belkin Wireless N150 Router, D-Link DIR-615/A.

Business class segment

It is in the middle price category there are devices that do not require any additional measures from the user and provide the owner with a full range of functions at the same time with a guaranteed signal quality. Professionals recommend choosing the most powerful WiFi router for home among the brands ASUS, Zuxel, Linksys, TP-Link and D-Link, which are in the price range of 1500-4000 rubles.

None of the listed manufacturers will allow the user to doubt the quality of signal transmission through obstacles. Many owners in their reviews note that in apartment buildings business class representatives create a wireless network within several apartments in the coverage area. By the way, a powerful WiFi router of this class should also have a decent data encryption system, because it is primarily focused on small and medium-sized businesses. All products of the company under the Zyxel brand in the Keenetic, TP-Link Archer, D-Link DIR-8xx series and ASUS RT series have proven themselves well in this category.

Representatives of the corporate segment

Do not forget about expensive equipment, which experts used to call professional. A powerful WiFi router for the office, following the corporate ideology, is chosen among specialized equipment. Brands such as Cisco, D-Link and Zyxel are known more among IT professionals. Many users believe that Apple's wireless solutions also belong to the corporate segment, but this is an erroneous opinion, because the American manufacturer has included the brand value in 50% of the cost of equipment.

A powerful WiFi router for a cottage, a multi-storey building or an entire enterprise, from an expensive segment, has not only a huge range, but also a broadband coverage system. In most cases, the directional antennas that the router is equipped with are responsible for high-quality signal transmission. Also, all wireless devices are not single solutions, but are controlled by the host server computer.

Amplify the signal on your own on any budget network device subject to any user. To do this, it is enough to register the state “USA” in the settings of the router in the “Location” field using the control panel. The fact is that this state has its own laws, including requirements for signal strength (250 m line of sight and 75 meters indoors). By changing the settings and rebooting the device, you can see firsthand the improvement in signal strength.

A powerful WiFi router for the home that exceeds the established range and affects the performance of other wireless networks general purpose, may be seized from the owner by the state for violation of the law. After all, in every country there is a service of radio frequency surveillance. In the CIS countries, this is practically not controlled, but in European countries, administrative punishment cannot be avoided.

Very skillful hands

To improve the signal within a large room, it is not at all necessary to buy a WiFi router with strong signal from the high-end segment. Large costs can be avoided by creating a directional broadcast system at home. Behind the proud-sounding name are two half-liters from some kind of drink. Having cut off the bottom from the tin container, the user must put the can with a drinking neck on the antenna of the router.

Then it’s a matter of technology, the antennas need to be turned towards the receiver and adjusted to the correct angle. When using the WiFi wireless module in personal computer, a reinforced concrete container is also put on it and sent by the cut part to the router.


As can be seen from the review, the concept of "powerful WiFi router" does not actually exist on the world market. The definition of “products of unscrupulous manufacturers” is more suitable here. You need a decent router - welcome to the corporate segment, the rest will have to use consumer goods, eliminating all the shortcomings of network equipment with my own hands. Alternatively, you can just put up with and enjoy an inexpensive purchase. In any case, the user will not be able to achieve a balance between quality and affordable cost, since these two criteria are directly proportional to each other.

Finding information about what the range of a WiFi router is equal to is actually not so simple. Usually information is given about the power of the transmitter, you can also find out how the intensity of the radio waves will change when one or another antenna is installed. The problem is that you can use a more advanced antenna, or even an amplifier, only on the side of the router, but not on the subscriber device. A device such as a smartphone has an internal wifi antenna and cannot be replaced. Therefore, by the way, it makes no sense to increase the power of the router's transmitter - the latter will still "not hear" the signal coming from the smartphone's low-power emitter. Let's try to determine what the range is wireless communication for devices of different classes.

Scheme for building a Wi-Fi network

According to the current law of the Russian Federation, the transmitter power in the subscriber device cannot exceed 100 milliwatts. It is also provided that for access points, including those built into the router, this value should not exceed 250 mW. On the dBm scale (decibel per 1 microvolt), these values ​​are expressed in other numbers: 20 and 24 dBm. Officially, Russia has never imported and never imports equipment whose transmitter power does not correspond to these figures. We will be interested in how the speed depends wireless connection from the distance between the router and the standard subscriber device, provided that the requirements of the law are met. We also proceed from the condition that the subscriber antenna is a single-link whip (as in most smartphones).

Effective Distance Calculation Method

Let's say wireless communication works when the distance between the access point and the smartphone is N meters in the absence of obstacles in the signal path. A table from which you can find out how many times the intensity decreases when passing one or another obstacle is available on several sites (for example, ZyXEL). At the same time, it is known that a decrease in intensity by a factor of 2 (by 3 decibels) is equivalent to a decrease in the effective distance N by the root of two times. It's simple - the square of the distance is inversely proportional to the intensity.

What does the number N mean?

When the signal passes through the glass window, the intensity decreases by exactly 3 dB, which means that the effective distance decreases by the root of the two. Using this technique, you can calculate at what distance the Wi-Fi connection will still work in a given situation:

  • Glass window - reduces intensity by 3 dB (2 times)
  • Tinted window - 6 dB (4 times)
  • Wooden wall - 9 dB (8 times)
  • The interior wall is panel, concrete floor - 15-20 dB (32 times or more).

The factor by which you divide the distance value is equal to the square root of the intensity reduction factor. Consider an example.

Concrete walls make adjustments

Let's say N is 400 m. Now we “place” one panel wall and one wooden wall between the router and the smartphone. Adding the decibels (15 + 9 dB), we get 24 decibels. On a logarithmic scale - 24, and on a linear scale, this is equivalent to a decrease in intensity by a factor of 251. Now, we calculate what the root of 251 is (this is 15.84). We divide 400 meters by 16, we get 25 meters. As you can see, everything is simple and similar to the truth.

Effective distance without obstacles

Probably, the reader is interested in what is the value of N in the absence of obstacles, depending on the choice of the Wi-Fi range. If the router's transmitter power is 40 mW, and its antenna "amplifies" the signal in the horizontal plane by 3 dB (it is multi-link), then, according to ZyXEL, the value of N is 400 meters. Look: the router has a less powerful transmitter than a smartphone, but it uses a multi-link antenna. In total, we get: the relationship between the two WiFi devices with a transmitter power of 100 mW and a conventional whip antenna, it is confidently supported at a distance of up to 400 m. Here we were talking about the 2.4 GHz band.

You now have a methodology that allows you to calculate the effective wireless communication distance theoretically.

Here in question about the 2.4 GHz band, but for higher-frequency waves, there is simply no information about the level of influence of certain obstacles. It is clear that for the 5 GHz band, the value of N will be less, and the degree of influence of obstacles will be greater. If it is known that the transmitter power of a smartphone is noticeably less than 100 mW, you need to do this: you need to divide 100 by the actual power in milliwatts, and calculate the square root of the resulting number. You will have a correction factor by which you want to divide the distance, the value of which was obtained using the considered method.

Results of practical observations

Let's evaluate the "penetrating ability" of Wi-Fi in practice. To do this, let's take a set of access points that support communication in the 2.4 GHz band: these are TEW-411BRP + from TRENDnet, DWL-2100AP from D-Link, and USR 805450 from US Robotics. We will use a smartphone as a subscriber device, the transmitter power of which is 100 mW. We will install regular antennas on the access points, and they themselves will be located on the fifth floor of the panel house.

Maximum distance, confident reception

Already on the third floor of the building where our equipment is installed, there is no Wi-Fi network. The wave overcame 2 reinforced concrete floors, that is, we lost 30 dB - and that's it, there is no connection. In fact, consider that 35 decibels are lost when passing through two overlaps. We must add here the attenuation, which depends on the length of the distance, then we will get approximately 36-38 dB. This means that it is precisely this attenuation for 100 milliwatts that is critical.

Radiator line of sight

Trying to pick up a signal outside. At a distance of 150-180 meters, the presence of a network can be seen, but this is true if you are opposite the window of the room where the equipment is installed. A stable connection remains at a distance of 100 meters. As you can see, the theory corresponds to practice with a sufficient level of reliability. For reliability, it is better to divide the theoretically obtained result (one window –> 200 meters) by 2.

What not to do

Everyone understands that it is hardly worth increasing the power of one of the transmitters, when the second, that is, the “subscriber”, remains unchanged. The same can be said about the use of antennas that make it possible to increase the intensity of the wave, but narrow the diagram. However, the use of sectorial and multi-link antennas will still be effective, and here's why. Routers and other emitters of radio waves can be not only in your apartment, but also in your neighbors, etc. And by narrowing the capture sector, you can save your router from extraneous radio frequency noise.

When setting up a wireless network in a router, you need to choose not the maximum, but optimal value power. In the interface of many devices, there is such an adjustment. Start at the maximum, and step by step lower the value:

Setting ZyXEL router Keenetic

It’s worth stopping when, at the farthest point, the smartphone stops “seeing” the network. By increasing the power by one division, you can use Wi-Fi network to your pleasure.

Sectoral antenna - from the usual

A weak WiFi signal is an actual problem for residents of apartments, country houses and office workers. Dead zones in the WiFi network are typical of both large rooms and small apartments, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is theoretically capable of covering even a budget access point.

The range of a WiFi router is a characteristic that manufacturers cannot unequivocally indicate on the box: many factors affect the WiFi range, which depend not only on technical specifications devices.

This article presents 10 practical tips to help eliminate the physical causes of poor coverage and optimize the range of a WiFi router, it's easy to do it yourself.

The radiation of an access point in space is not a sphere, but a toroidal field resembling a donut in shape. In order for WiFi coverage within one floor to be optimal, radio waves must propagate in a horizontal plane - parallel to the floor. For this, the possibility of tilting the antennas is provided.

Antenna - the axis of the "donut". The angle of signal propagation depends on its slope.

When the antenna is tilted relative to the horizon, part of the radiation is directed outdoors: dead zones form under the “donut” plane.

Vertical installed antenna radiates in a horizontal plane: indoors, maximum coverage is achieved.

On practice: Install the antenna vertically — simplest way optimize indoor WiFi coverage.

Place the router closer to the center of the room

Another reason for the appearance of dead zones is the poor location of the access point. An antenna radiates radio waves in all directions. In this case, the radiation intensity is maximum near the router and decreases as you approach the edge of the coverage area. If you install an access point in the center of the house, then the signal will be distributed across the rooms more efficiently.

The router, installed in the corner, gives some of the power outside the house, and the far rooms are on the edge of the coverage area.

Installation in the center of the house allows you to achieve a uniform distribution of the signal in all rooms and minimize dead zones.

In practice: Installing an access point in the “center” of the house is far from always feasible due to the complex layout, the lack of outlets in the right place, or the need to lay a cable.

Provide line of sight between router and clients

WiFi signal frequency - 2.4 GHz. These are decimeter radio waves that do not go around obstacles well and have low penetrating power. Therefore, the range and stability of the signal directly depend on the number and structure of obstacles between the access point and clients.

Passing through a wall or ceiling, an electromagnetic wave loses some of its energy.

The amount of signal attenuation depends on the material that the radio waves pass through.

* Effective distance is a value that determines how the radius of a wireless network changes in comparison with open space when a wave passes through an obstacle.

Calculation example : WiFi 802.11n signal extends in line of sight to 400 meters. After overcoming a non-permanent wall between rooms, the signal strength decreases to a value of 400 m * 15% = 60 m. The second same wall will make the signal even weaker: 60 m * 15% = 9 m. The third wall makes signal reception almost impossible: 9 m * 15 % = 1.35 m.

Such calculations will help to calculate the dead zones that occur due to the absorption of radio waves by walls.

The next problem in the path of radio waves: mirrors and metal structures. Unlike walls, they do not weaken, but reflect the signal, scattering it in arbitrary directions.

Mirrors and metal structures reflect and scatter the signal, forming dead zones behind them.

If you move interior elements that reflect the signal, you can eliminate dead zones.

In practice: It is extremely rare to achieve ideal conditions when all gadgets are in direct line of sight with the router. Therefore, in a real home, each dead zone will have to be eliminated separately:

  • find out what interferes with the signal (absorption or reflection);
  • think about where to move the router (or piece of furniture).

Place the router away from sources of interference

The 2.4 GHz band does not require a license and is therefore used for the operation of household radio standards: WiFi and Bluetooth. Despite the low bandwidth, Bluetooth is still able to interfere with the router.

Green areas - stream from WiFi router. Red dots are Bluetooth data. The proximity of two radio standards in the same range causes interference that reduces the range of the wireless network.

The microwave oven magnetron emits in the same frequency range. The intensity of the radiation of this device is so great that even through the protective screen of the furnace, the radiation of the magnetron is able to “illuminate” the radio beam of the WiFi router.

The radiation of the magnetron of the microwave oven causes interference interference on almost all WiFi channels.

On practice :

  • When using Bluetooth accessories near the router, enable the AFH parameter in the latest settings.
  • The microwave is a powerful source of interference, but it is not used as often. Therefore, if it is not possible to move the router, then just while preparing breakfast, you will not be able to make a Skype call.

Disable support for 802.11 b/g modes

In the 2.4 GHz band, WiFi devices of three specifications work: 802.11 b / g / n. N is latest standard and provides greater speed and range compared to B and G.

The 802.11n (2.4 GHz) specification provides longer range than the legacy B and G standards.

802.11n routers support previous WiFi standards, but the mechanics of backward compatibility is such that when a B / G device appears in the coverage area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe N-router, for example, old phone or a neighbor's router - the entire network is switched to B / G mode. Physically, there is a change in the modulation algorithm, which leads to a drop in the speed and range of the router.

In practice: Switching the router to “pure 802.11n” mode will definitely have a positive effect on the quality of coverage and bandwidth wireless network.

However, B/G devices will not be able to connect via WiFi. If it is a laptop or TV, they can be easily connected to a router via Ethernet.

Choose the optimal WiFi channel in the settings

Almost every apartment today has a WiFi router, so the density of networks in the city is very high. The signals of neighboring access points overlap each other, taking energy from the radio path and greatly reducing its efficiency.

Neighboring networks operating on the same frequency create mutual interference interference, like circles on the water.

Wireless networks operate within range on different channels. There are 13 such channels (in Russia) and the router switches between them automatically.

To minimize interference, you need to understand which channels neighboring networks operate on and switch to a less loaded one.
Detailed instructions for setting up the channel are presented.

In practice: Choosing the least loaded channel is an effective way to expand the coverage area that is relevant for residents of an apartment building.

But in some cases, there are so many networks on the air that not a single channel gives a tangible increase in WiFi speed and range. Then it makes sense to turn to method number 2 and place the router away from the walls bordering neighboring apartments. If this does not bring results, then you should think about switching to the 5 GHz band (method No. 10).

Adjust the transmitter power of the router

The transmitter power determines the energy of the radio path and directly affects the range of the access point: the more powerful the beam, the farther it hits. But this principle is useless in the case of omnidirectional antennas of household routers: in wireless transmission there is a two-way data exchange and not only clients must “hear” the router, but vice versa.

Asymmetry: the router “reaches out” to the mobile device in the back room, but does not receive a response from it due to the low power of the smartphone’s WiFi module. The connection is not established.

In practice: The recommended transmitter power is 75%. It should be increased only in extreme cases: the power turned out by 100% not only does not improve the signal quality in distant rooms, but even worsens the reception stability near the router, because its powerful radio stream "clogs" the weak response signal from the smartphone.

Replace the standard antenna with a more powerful one

Most routers are equipped with standard antennas with a gain of 2 - 3 dBi. The antenna is a passive element of the radio system and is not capable of increasing the power of the stream. However, increasing the gain allows you to refocus the radio signal by changing the radiation pattern.

The higher the antenna gain, the farther the radio signal travels. At the same time, a narrower flow becomes not like a “donut”, but like a flat disk.

There is a large selection of antennas for routers with a universal SMA connector on the market.

In practice: Using a high-gain antenna is an effective way to expand the coverage area, because along with signal amplification, the antenna sensitivity increases, which means that the router begins to “hear” remote devices. But due to the narrowing of the radio beam from the antenna, dead zones appear near the floor and ceiling.

Use signal repeaters

In rooms with a complex layout and multi-storey buildings, it is effective to use repeaters - devices that repeat the signal of the main router.

The simplest solution is to use an old router as a repeater. The downside of this scheme is that the throughput of the child network is halved, because along with client data, the WDS access point aggregates the upstream from the upstream router.

Detailed instructions for setting up a WDS bridge are presented.

Dedicated repeaters are free from the problem of bandwidth cuts and are equipped with additional functionality. For example, some Asus repeater models support roaming.

In practice: No matter how complex the layout is, repeaters will help deploy WiFi network. But any repeater is a source of interference interference. With free air, repeaters do their job well, but with a high density of neighboring networks, the use of relay equipment in the 2.4 GHz band is impractical.

Use the 5 GHz band

Budget WiFi devices operate at 2.4 GHz, so the 5 GHz band is relatively free and has little interference.

5 GHz is a promising range. Works with gigabit streams and has an increased capacity compared to 2.4 GHz.

In practice: “Moving” to a new frequency is a radical option that requires the purchase of an expensive dual-band router and imposes restrictions on client devices: only the latest gadget models work in the 5 GHz band.

Quality problem wifi signal is not always related to the actual range of the access point, and its solution generally comes down to two scenarios:

  • In a country house, it is most often required, under free air conditions, to cover an area that exceeds the effective range of the router.
  • For a city apartment, the range of a router is usually sufficient, and the main difficulty is to eliminate dead zones and interference.

The methods presented in this material will help to identify the causes of poor reception and optimize the wireless network without resorting to replacing the router or the services of paid specialists.

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