What gives Facebook. Why do I need a social network Facebook

"Facebook" is the most popular social network in the world. At the same time, it is both the biggest. If you do not know what it is - "Facebook" or know, but you wish to know more different "chips" network, then this article is specifically for you. We will consider basic questions that arise from users when using this network.

"Facebook" - what is it?

Facebook is included in the top 5 of the most visited sites in the world and is the greatest social network. Now we know what it is - "Facebook" (social network), but what is the social network?

In Wikipedia, a clear definition of this concept is given. It says that the purpose of the social network is to build the interaction of people via the Internet. That is, it is a tool for communicating, sharing photos, pictures, audio and video files. It is also possible to assess and discuss the content, the creation of groups and publics, which will join people united by common interests.

Interesting facts about the social network "Facebook"

Quite interesting are facts about this network:

  1. During the day, the site visits about 720 billion users.
  2. Every month more than one billion users enter the site or make any actions using mobile application Facebook.
  3. Every day, on Facebook network, people leave more than six billion comments and likes.
  4. The network audience for April 2017 is 2 billion people.
  5. The number of views of the site pages per day is more than 1 trillion.

All these are statistics and dry numbers, although quite interesting. However, this is not all. Something else interesting Facts About the network "Facebook":

  1. Facebook Inc bought several successful startups. Now it is the owner of Instagram and WhatsApp networks.
  2. In 2016. this company Earned 10 billion dollars. And this net profit, revenue is $ 27.638 billion. This means that in a minute, the social network earns $ 52,583.
  3. Top 3 of the most popular users in this network: Player of Madrid "Real" Cristiano Ronaldo, actor Vin Diesel, Colombian singer Shakira. All of them have more than one hundred million likes on the pages.
  4. To the social network "Facebook" itself popular Network There was myspace. The company tried twice to buy Facebook, but twice the transaction was broken, because Mark Zuckerberg (the founder of the network) requested the largest money according to the buyer: 75 and 750 million dollars. Unfortunately for MySpace, after 2 years, Microsoft bought 1.5% of the social network shares for 250 million dollars. This means that the entire price of the company was 15 billion dollars. The cost of the network today is more than 400 billion dollars. As for MYSPACE, now few people are remembered at all.
  5. Facebook application is the third in the world in popularity. It is inferior only to e-mail and browser applications.
  6. There is an interesting theory that each user of this social network is familiar with any other registered user after 4 friend.
  7. Mark Zuckerberg (network creator) also tried to create a similar network called Facemash, however, the Harvard administration, where Zuckerberg studied, closed the project and accused him that he violates the inviolability and safety of private life.

Foundation history

The company was founded on February 4, 2004 by guys from Harvard University. These were Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Savorin, Dustin Moskovitz, Chris Hughes. Then the network was called TheFacebook, and at the initial stage of her work, registration was available only for Harvard students via email. Some time, the social network was opened for students of other universities of Boston, and later all students and teachers of the United States could register Facebook. Since 2006, all residents of the Earth, over 16 years old, could get their page on Facebook. That is, as many as two years, the site functioned as a niche network inside the university.

How does Facebook differ from other networks?

In the world of social networks Facebook has been a monopolist for a long time than you can explain the speedy growth of its popularity. Even today in many countries of the world he has no competitors. Someone can lead in an example of MySpace, but this Facebook network bypassed at the initial stage of its growth.

Over time, networks began to appear, which were very similar to Facebook. If we talk about world analogues, which would be distributed to all countries of the world, then it can only be Google Plus and Twitter. In some countries there are national analogues. In Russia, this is all the well-known social network "VKontakte", as well as "Odnoklassniki". In Brazil, there is ORKUT, in Japan - Mixi and so on.

Given the fact that we live in Russia, here the main competitors are the networks "Classmates" and "Vkontakte". The main differences from Facebook are as follows:

  1. In "Facebook" there are no audio recordings familiar to users.
  2. In Facebook, you can not see who visited your page. This function is in "Odnoklassniki".

There are also other differences in design, but cosmetic differences can not be considered.

Facebook - Registration

There is nothing complicated in registration. Each person can easily pass it. First you need to go to the start page of the network. If the user is not registered, then it will immediately be registered. You need to specify the name, surname, email address or number mobile phone, Select the floor and date of birth.

After filling in these fields, you need to click on the "Create" account and confirm your E-mail log. After that, the profile on Facebook will be finally created. Then you can enter the "Facebook" automatically if the browser remembers your password. Otherwise, you will have to enter a password manually. Next, you need to fill your profile, indicating interests by installing the avatar (photo), etc.

How to listen to music?

After you have logged in to the Facebook page, you can hardly listen to music right away. But the fact is that many users of Vkontakte are accustomed to the fact that they always have their favorite audio recordings at hand. Although the functionality of the Facebook network does not provide such an opportunity, there are special applications that allow listening to music.

Some of them:

  1. Deezer.
  2. Spotify.
  3. Zvooq.
  4. Myspace Music.
  5. Soundcloud.

By installing them, you will get access to audio recordings.

Creating a page or group

  • the default page is public, and everything has access to it.
  • the band collects participants in interests and to access its information, first need to apply for accession.

Also, groups and pages have differences in design and interface, and if the first are created for thematic communication between the participants, the second is the tool presentation services, goods for all network users.

To create a page or group, you must in the upper right corner in the drop-down menu select "Create a page" or "Create a group" (Community). There you will need to fill all the fields, after which the page or group will be created. Note that the network interface is thought out and everything is extremely intuitive for users, so we usually do not have any problems. After creating a group, you can proceed to design and configuration.

How to remove Facebook (Profile)?

There are several ways to delete your page from the network. The first is the deactivation of the page, but not fully removing it. After deactivation, the page can be activated anew and continue to use it. In an inactive state, the page will not be visible in the search, however, all photos, video and records will be saved. After logging into the "Facebook" network and the profile activation, all this content will be resumed.

The second way is the irrevocable removal of the profile.


To deactivate the page for a while, you need to go to the settings (they are at the top right and have a triangle type), go to the "Security" section and select the "Deactivate Account" item. When you click on the "Deactivate" link, you will need to briefly enter the reason for deactivation, and to confirm this action you need to check and password to the account. This is done so that none of the extraneous people can deactivate your account if you suddenly leave your laptop with an active profile.

After all these actions, an email will be sent to the mail with reference to activate the profile. It is possible to use it when the account needs to be restored.

Delete profile

Delete profile is quite problematic. To do this, in the "Help" section (Located in Privacy Settings), you must enter the "Delete Account" request. The resulting results will be a link to the profile deletion page. Go to this page and click "Delete My Page." Of course, this will need to confirm this action using the password and check code. But even then you can restore your page, though, only for 14 days. After two weeks, the account will be removed permanently. Now you know how to remove your profile in Facebook.

Access and password restore

Often users forget the password to their page on Facebook. There is nothing terrible in it, as access can be restored. For this, on start page You need to click on "Forgot your password." A window will open where you need to specify your e-mail. A special code will be sent to it to restore account. This password is entered in the window on the network site (where you previously requested recovery). Click "Continue" and go to the page of creating a new password.

Search for friends

Finding friends and acquaintances are also simple, for this is provided by the functionality. There are different ways:

  1. In the search field, enter the name and surname of a friend and find it in the list of results.
  2. Specify other possible Filter Search Parameters: City of Accommodation, Institute, mobile number etc.
  3. Find in the list of friends already from added contacts.

There are many search opportunities in this network.


Now you know what it is - "Facebook". Active Internet users know that there is such a network, and that it is. This is really one of the most successful Internet projects.

Facebook is one of the modernity. Despite this, there are people who failed to fully understand all its features.

Facebook: What is it?

Facebook is a social network developed in early 2004 and implemented at the end of the same year at the beginning of the site called TheFacebook and only students of Harvard University had access to it. A little later, the network expanded the range of participants to all students of the United States of America, and two years after the launch, all who reached the Thirteen Years and has a personal product with an expansion of the audience a little changed its name on just Facebook under which continues develop to this day.

Today, Facebook is a social network that is the largest and one of the most sought-after online. It is noteworthy that the Russian-language version of the site was launched four years after the network is created, and at the moment the counter of registered participants from different countries The planets have already exceeded the figure at six hundred million people. But despite such an impressive number, people are divided into two camps: these are the adherents of this site and those who, to put it mildly, are not very pleased with the functions that meet the Facebook.

Registration procedure on the site

In order to get an account on the Facebook network, you need to go through standard registration on Facebook.com. There you are invited to fill in the registration form, all fields of which are mandatory:

  1. surname;
  2. personal electronic address (will be used to enter the site);
  3. password (should include Latin letters and numbers);
  4. date of Birth.

By the way, the date of birth after registration can be hidden for viewing.

After filling out the form, click "Register", after that you will be sent a letter to the specified email address with the registration confirmation. Further, the site will offer to make a few more steps before starting to fully use the service:

  1. Search for friends: the site offers to find already registered on the network of your friends with whom you communicated by e-mail (Mail.Ru, Gmail.com or other service), as well as on Skype.
  2. Profile Information: Specify school, university and place of work, as well as your name in English and Russian.
  3. Profile photo: You can upload photos from a computer or make it webcam.

How to use Facebook?

Facebook is a social network in classic form. You are pleased to specify personal information (country, the city in which we live and where we were, age, education, place of work, and so on), add photos and videos, create lists of your preferences (viewed movies, favorite music and performers, teams and athletes , restaurants, clubs, events, and the like). You can rewrite with friends, place interesting posts, as well as enjoy additional programs Inside the network (games, polls and other entertainment).

But you can use the service not only as a standard social network. It is also possible to promote your business on the Internet with it and attract new customers.

The relationship between users "Facebook".

Network users have the opportunity to add other participants to friends, subscribe to their pages and even wink each other.

1. Adding to friends and subscription to their updates. Developers, in order to secure your account, provided for restrictions on adding friends as a limit of 5,000 people. Also, if you do not have common data with a potential friend (for example, a school, university, etc.), you will be asked if you are familiar with the user. If not, you will be rendered a warning. With a large accumulation of such warnings, your account can be blocked.

When adding a friend, you can subscribe to its updates. To do this, there is a special button in its profile. While the user does not confirm friendship, you are automatically signed on its updates. In the future, you can unsubscribe from them, while retaining friendship.

By the way, your friends are divided into groups that depend on the data you specified. For example, friends in school, university, city, relatives and loved ones. If you want, you can create groups yourself, as you comfortably.

2. Function "Wink" to Facebook. What it is? Why this application needs, remains a mystery. After all, except that this is a kind of "greeting" to another user, it does not bear any functionality. You can wink to each other an infinite number of times.

Correspondence in Facebook.

Messages in Facebook are divided into two types: incoming and others. In the second group, they will automatically be sent from those who are not a friend on the site. This is done in order to reduce the amount of spam.

To communicate between users, a special email "Facebook" is used. What it is? This is your personal email address on the Facebook network, which consists of your name and ends at @ Facebook.com. For example, [Email Protected]

To see the archive of your correspondence, just go to the "messages". Then the window opens full list Your interlocutors. Also on the site you can exchange messages on the chat principle. Then each of your correspondence will be open in a small window at the bottom of the browser, and you can continue to study, for example, your news feed.

Facebook and your site

Today you can not have your site, but the group or community in the social network exists in almost all entrepreneurs. Many pay accounts, and in addition they also create a page with their business. It can be like a profile of firms and a group for your personal affair, for example, if you order sew clothes or write pictures.

If you have a page on the social network, and your site, then to achieve your goal (the dissemination of information about your business and attract a larger number of clients), it is necessary that these two resources echoed with each other. To do this, the site hosts the widget of your community to Facebook. What it is?

The group widget is a small block that contains information about your social network page, for example, the number of subscribers and the last posted post. With it, the site visitor can also join the group and be always aware of your latest news.

How to add Facebook -Vidget to the site? To place it, you must insert a special HTML code to your site page that can be found on Facebook in the section for developers.

There you click "Lixe Box" and create your widget, just filling out the form:

  1. Facebook Page URL - insert the copied address of your group on Facebook.
  2. Width - indicate the width of the future widget.
  3. Height - indicate the height of the widget.
  4. Show Friends's Faces - mark the checkmark if you want the faces of the subscribers in the widget.
  5. Show Posts - Mark the checkmark if you want the last records of the group to be displayed in the widget.

After filling out all the rows, click "Get Code" and copy the result on the pages of your site.

Mobile version Facebook.

Today, many sites exist in two versions: the usual and mobile. Not exception and Facebook.

Mobile version of the service has a more simplified interface. Excellent pictures and videos are removed here, only text remains, which significantly increases the number of page processing. How to use Facebook in such a simplified version? Yes, everything is just as simple! You, as before, can enjoy all Facebook functions: view pages, photos and videos, write messages, change status, comment, and so on.

It is worth noting that more than a third of the participants are mostly the mobile version of the social network.

Facebook difference from other social networks

The main difference of Facebook is not an interface at all how to assume. Its feature is a number of features inaccessible to other social networks. The most valuable of them - confidentiality settings.

What is Facebook?

The Facebook social network was developed in early 2004. In the same year, she was introduced to Mark Zuckerberg. First, the site had the name "TheFacebook" and was access to only students of Harvard University. Later, the social network has spread to all universities of the United States. And two years later, to get an account in this social network could anyone who reached the thirteen age age.

All that was required to pass registration is the current email address. After the audience of the social network was significantly expanded, it changed its name to Facebook. It is under this title that he exists today. This is the largest social network on the Internet. The number of registered participants from different countries of the world has already exceeded six hundred million. The Russian-language version of the social network appeared only 4 years after creation.

Despite the huge number of participants in the social network, they can be divided into two categories. The first includes adherents of this social network, and to the second - users, not satisfied with the functionality of the resource.

Registration in Facebook.

To get an account on the social network Facebook, you will have to go through the registration procedure on the official website. Here you will be asked to fill out a standard registration form. It will be asked to specify your name, surname, email address and password, as well as date of birth and floor. After registration, you can hide the date of birth so that it is not available for viewing to other social network users.

After all the registration form fields are filled, you must click on the "Registration" button. The system will automatically send to your electronic drawer The letter in which your Facebook social network will be confirmed. To fully use all the possibilities of the social network, you need to perform a few more steps.

1. Search for friends: After passing the Facebook registration procedure, will offer you to find on the network of your friends and acquaintances with whom you communicated through Skype or email.
2. Profile information: In addition to basic information about yourself, you can also add place of work or study.
3. Photo: You can download ready-made photo from a computer, or take a picture using a webcam.

Facebook is a classic social network. Here, if desired, you can specify personal information about yourself, for example, the country and the city in which you live, education, age, etc. You can also download your video and photos, create a list of preferences (music and films, clubs and restaurants, athletes and favorite groups). You can conduct correspondence with friends, post posts and enjoy the built-in programs and applications of the social network (polls, games and other entertainment). Service can be used not only as a simple social network. Facebook can be used to promote your own business and attract new customers.

Relationship between users

Adding other users to "Friends"

For the safety of your account, the developers have provided restrictions when adding new friends in the form of a limit of 5 thousand users. In addition, if you have a potential friend general Information, for example, schools or higher educational institutions, then when adding a person, you will ask you, whether you are familiar with him. If the answer is negative, you will earn a warning. Because of the large number of warnings, the social network administration can block the account.

After adding a new user friend, you can subscribe to its page. To do this, press a special button in the profile. While the potential friend does not confirm that you are familiar with him, you will be automatically signed on its updates. You can later unsubscribe from them, and the user will remain on your list of friends. By default, all friends are divided into groups, in accordance with the information you specified. So, for example, in the list of your friends you can find such categories as close, relatives, friends by university, friends in school, etc. If you are convenient, you can create your own groups.

Using the "Wink" function on Facebook

For many, the purpose of this function still remains a mystery. It is just a peculiar greeting of another user. There is no longer any functional loading of "winking" in itself. And you can wink to other users. You can an endless number of times.

All messages on the social network Facebook can be divided into just two types: incoming and other. The second group includes the messages you receive from users who do not consist in your list of friends. Such a division of messages is used to reduce the amount of spam on the social network.

For correspondence in the social network "Facebook" uses special email. What does she represent themselves? Your personal email address is as follows: "Your name on social network" @ Facebook.com. To view the correspondence archive, it is enough to go to the "Messages" tab. This opens the window with the display of the list of interlocutors. The site also has the opportunity fast exchange messages like chat. In this case, each of your correspondence will be displayed in a small window located at the bottom of the browser window. It is very convenient because you can rewrite with friends at the same time and explore the news feed.

Your own website and Facebook

Today, almost any entrepreneur has a community on social network. Many use the social network to create a page with their business. To promote your case, you can even create a whole group. If you already have your own website and the page in the social network Facebook, then to attract new customers and disseminate information about your business, it is necessary to make these two Internet resources with each other.

For this purpose, there is an opportunity to accommodate the widget of your group on Facebook. The group's widget is a small block in which it contains important information About your page on the social network Facebook. This may be information about the latest posted post or on the number of subscribers. With the help of the widget, any visitor of your site can join the community on the social network and receive the latest news about your business.

To add a Facebook widget to your site, you must insert the HTML code on the site page. You can get it in the Developer Developers on Facebook. It is necessary to click on the Live Box and create your widget. To do this, you need to fill the following fields:

- Facebook page URL - address of your group in the social network Facebook;
- Height - Widget height;
- width - widget width;
- Show Friends's faces - when installing a tick opposite this item, the widget will be displayed by the faces of your subscribers;
- Show Posts - when installing a tick opposite this item, the last posts located in the group will appear on the widget.

After all fields are filled, click on the "Get Code" button. That's all! It remains only to copy the result on the page of your site.

Facebook: Mobile version

Today, a huge amount of Internet resources exist in two different versions: Ordinary and mobile. Facebook is no exception to this rule. Mobile version has several simplified interface. There is no extra videos and pictures, which allows you to significantly speed up the processing process. Mobile use facebook version should not cause special difficulties. Just as in the usual version, here you can view user pages, exchange messages, comment and change status. About 30% of all social network users have already switched to a mobile version.

Recently, the Internet was used mainly to search useful information and messaging via email. Today, more and more time Internet users spend on the pages of social networks. Thanks to the brand Zuckerberg, founded Facebook, people's communication came out on new levelThe existence of which could only guess. Social Sketch has become an integral part of the life of billions of the inhabitants of our planet, and from time to time they have a question - what is Facebook?

Extensive opportunities for communication

Initially, Facebook thought as a network analogue of a university album with names and photographs of students, but at this Zuckerberg decided not to stop. He turned it into a huge social network, where users can communicate through messages sent in lichku or left on the wall. Today, Facebook has expanded significantly, but the main goal is still communication.

Why do you get an account in Facebook, if you can contact traditional tools of internet communication? Yes, for the simple reason that this is a more perfect level. For a long time The main method of virtual communication was the correspondence by email. If there is permanent Internet access, users passed to ICQ, while representatives of the American and European Internet Community communicated to MSN Messenger.

Facebook is an international social network, which includes residents of hundreds of countries, and makes it possible not to limitate communication with compatriots. In addition, it creates a sense of real communication, because Users are not hidden under mysterious nicknames, but have a profile that allows you to make a more or less real picture. Thus, by registering in Facebook, you can parallel to keep a dialogue with a colleague at work sitting in a neighboring office, a friend in the other end of the city, and a correspondence companion living in the United States. Quickly, convenient and, most importantly, completely free.

Entertainment and integration opportunity

In order to expand the user audience, Facebook's management decided not to limit the capabilities of the social network by simply exchange messaging and photographs. The developers received "Green Light" to create applications for the site, among which there were many interactive and multiplayer games. With their help, Facebook users are happy to drive time, coming with friends and put personal records. A nice bonus is an opportunity to play the same game both in the computer version of the social networks and in the applications designed for smartphones. At the same time, the results will be summed up for which it is only necessary to log in to the application using account Facebook..

By the way, another weighty reason to start a personal page on the social network of Facebook - the ability to integrate with applications and other Internet resources. You can share with your friends interesting items outside Facebook by pressing one button. Or evaluate the information found with the same Facebook "Like". In addition, one profile will solve the problem of registration on thousands of Russian and foreign sites. Instead of following each time you drive your data during registration, you can simply click on the "Login using the Facebook account". It can be said that the Facebook profile is, a kind, universal "key", which gives access to a huge number of Internet resources.

SMM - Expanding Marketing Borders

Naturally, Facebook is interesting not only to ordinary users, but also to representatives of the business sphere. Marketers have long realized that social networks are a great place to promote the brand, and even created a separate marketing direction, called Social Media Marketing (SMM). As it turned out, the return from advertising in traditional media types is significantly lower than from the competent SMM.

Facebook is one of the most sought-after and efficient SMM platforms. In the ranking of attendance of Internet resources, compiled by the famous ALEXA.com statistical site, social facebook network It takes the second line, yielding only Google. Monthly activity on the social network website is shown about a billion users. This means that by creating a company page on Facebook, you launch a mechanism for self-proliferation of information. The main thing is to attract and interest users. Everything else will make for you.

So, Facebook is a social network with really wide opportunities. For ordinary users, he, first of all, is needed for easy communication with friends, not limited to a time or space. For business representatives, Facebook is a powerful SMM platform that allows you to expand the audience. And yet the question "Why do I need a Facebook?" Everyone must give his answer, because, by and large, it is just a website that has become an online giant precisely thanks to the interest of users.
